#honestly this might turn into lamp bc lamp is my sh I t
apologieslogan · 6 years
Overwhelming- Chapter 1
Hey, guys! Here’s the first chapter to a new fic I've been working on. To sum it up, its insecure and anxious!logan and protective!patton. I do have more of it done, so if you guys like it, please let me know!! 
Words: 800
Pairing: Romantic Logicality, Romantic Prinxiety (on the side)
Warnings: nothing for this chapter!
The early morning sun shone through the slits between the blinds, gently pulling Patton from his sleep. He lifted himself up to his elbow to look at the man, his boyfriend, in his arms. He loved the way Logan looked when he slept. None of his walls are up while he’s asleep, and for a few minutes after he wakes up while he builds those walls again. When Logan was asleep like this, Patton was free to count the faint freckles spattered across Logan’s nose and cheeks without his glasses covering the majority of them. Patton brings a hand up to caress Logan’s face, slowly waking him.
“Good morning, sweetheart.” Patton sing-songs as Logan begins to shift awake.
“Good morning, Pat.” Logan grumbles, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as he blinks up at Patton, giving him a small smile.
The two looked into each other’s eyes for way longer than necessary, slowly leaning in for a good morning kiss.
“I love you.” Logan blushes.
“I love you more.” Replies Patton, kissing Logan again on the nose.
The two go down to the kitchen for breakfast, taking their time. They have the place to themselves today since Roman managed to convince Virgil to accompany him on one of his outings, and they wouldn’t be back until late the next day.
“What plans do you have for today?” Patton asked, taking a sip of coffee.
“I’ve decided to take advantage of this day and try to get some work done.” Logan replied, scanning Patton’s face for any disappointment. Upon finding discontent on his lover’s face he continued.
“However, since we have no true obligations today, I have decided that you are my top priority, and I wish to spend the majority of the day with you, though I would appreciate at least a few hours to get some work completed, if that is fine with you.” He finished, a small smile on his face as he saw Patton’s face light up upon Logan’s words.
“Aww Logy, that sounds wonderful!” Patton gushed, a light blush spreading across his cheeks. “And don’t worry, I won’t keep you away from your work for too long. I was just thinking maybe we could watch a couple movies and cuddle for a few hours.” Patton suggested, his eyebrows furrowing as he activated his puppy eyes.
Logan stared into those eyes and felt his willpower diminish until it was nonexistent.
“That sounds more than satisfactory, dear.” Logan said, fighting back a full-on smile at his adorable boyfriend’s face.
Patton strolled up the stairs, on his way to check on Logan. After their movie marathon, Patton finally let Logan get some work done, albeit reluctantly. He just loved holding Logan in his arms so much. He knew Logan would never admit it, but he was actually a big softie and loved the feeling of being tucked inside of Patton’s arms. As Patton neared Logan’s room, he heard something that made him stop in his tracks.
Logan tore another page out of his notebook, crumbling it up and tossing it over his shoulder. He was way past being frustrated, and he was on the verge of having his emotions get the better of him. He had been working on various activities for quite some time now, and he was beginning to feel frantic. Although he did love his day spent with Patton, he had lost copious amounts of time that he could have been using to tend to his responsibilities. Logan groaned and pulled his hair, trying to force himself out of his mind and back to the matter at hand.
As the time passed Logan began to feel more and more helpless, his thought process slowing as he got more and more frustrated at himself. On what felt like his hundredth attempt, put his head in his hands, his breathing loud and uneven; he was trying to back himself off the edge of the cliff, for fear that he would fall off and descend into full meltdown. Logan had only hit that type of emotional one other time before, and nobody had seen it. Just thinking about it causes his heartrate to quicken. As he sits there, breathing heavily, he hears footsteps.
Logan tries desperately to regulate his breathing, but the prospect of being caught like this, by Patton of all people does the opposite effect. Tears spring to his eyes, and he wills them not to fall, trying his best not to blink and looking upwards.
Patton bursts through the door, never really getting the whole knocking thing down.
“Hey, Logy, what are you up… to…” Patton drifts off, looking at his boyfriend, hair mussed, cheeks flushed red, and eyes watery.
“Logan?” Patton says gently, trying not to startle him, “are you okay?”
Thats the first chapter! I know not much happens in it, and its short as heck, so let me know if you want more! 
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