#honestly such an ideal adventure dog
tea-time-terrier · 1 year
The growth of this little creature even just compared to last year (but especially her first months home) is wild!
Her confidence is ever growing and this weekend she participated in multiple swim times, walking over her first suspension bridge, and jumping off her first dock!
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fieldsofwriting · 1 month
With Hayden having Henrietta and Juniper having Dozy, what do you think is every love interest's ideal pet? I feel like a good amount of them would wind up being cat people to be honest lol
You are very right, I think everyone would be very ride or die with thier pets tbh. Like there is friendly debates at the Tavern over who is the best. They'd have a best in show every year. Head cannons below the cut!
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This man is a Cat lover through and through. There is no convincing me otherwise.
I could see him having the sweetest little black cat- ya know to add to they mystery vibees.
He would love to have the cat run around with him, and when he's out and about I can see it curling up around his shoulders.
So much, this cat wants for absolutely nothing.
If he gets it after his D&D sessions- it have a silly name like Snickelfritz. For the vibes.
She strikes me as a dog girlie honestly.
I think she'd like using her dog as an excuse to get out of the kitchen every now and again and just go on walks with them.
I think she'd have a chocolate lab- yes because of the name but I also can't see her having a little dog.
She would spoil the shit out of the dog too- this dog gets so many homemade treats.
Not to mention Hemlock would feed him table scraps. And Luc would love to take them out too for bug adventures.
I could also see her being the kinda dog owner to give them cute little bandana's and everything to wear.
They'd also probably have a food name tbh.
I think she could go either way. I can definitely see her having both cats and dogs growing up.
But once she's moved out? I think she's got a bunny.
She'd LOVE taking them out to her garden and letting them roam.
She'd also love being able to give the bunny farm fresh foods!
I mean look at her and tell me that she doesn't look like she'd hold a bunny in her arms and walk around town.
She'd make it a little flower crown and everything too.
She'd get Ryis to help her make the best most lavish bunny cage there is too.
I think she'd give the bunny a cute name like Petal.
Okay- hear me out. As a kid? I think he had a bearded dragon. He would have thought they were SO COOL. Alright?
But now, as like an adult? I think he wouldn't hate any animal. Mans a big softy under that hard exterior.
I think though- he'd prefer Dogs over cats.
MOSTLY because the dog would remind him of Olric
Also you've seen those arms. I think be a crime to not get him a dog so you can throw a stick to them.
He'd pretend not to care at all about the dog- but then he'd fight so hard to make it have a cool name. (He'd probably try for Copper.)
You know those dads that are like "Don't bring home any damn animals!" And then bonds with the said animal. That's him.
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A/N: I hope you enjoyed!! Let me know if you want me to do some of the other characters too!! And thank you for your request! :3 Requests are open!!
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fluffyglass · 4 months
Which grumpuses does yolka like best, and who does shelda trust to babysit her? P.s. I love her sm, the babything.
The Complete Yolka Babysitting List, with stats and extra details (might edit later)
Babysitting Comfort: 3/5
Fun Level: 4/5
Shelda's trust in them: 1/5
Filbo likes watching over Yolka, but he's very nervous about messing something up. Shelda shares this sentiment and is never too keen to let him babysit, given his. Filbo-ness. Yolka, on the other hand, likes hanging out with Filbo a lot. I mean hey, he loses track of her so fast she can go on a little adventure! Somebody please teach this man basic responsibility.
Babysitting Comfort: 2/5, later 5/5
Fun Level: 4/5
Shelda's trust in them: 3/5
Wambus was a little freaked out around Yolka at first, to be completely honest. Him and Triffany had always discussed having children of their own, but never got around to it, and suddenly he's being asked to look over this mystery infant?? However, he's kind of like your dad who doesn't want to get a dog. After a single afternoon, he's hooked. Just imagine them taking an afternoon nap in a rocking chair with Wambus's hat covering Yolka's entire head. I could hear that "Aww" all the way from here.
Babysitting Comfort: 1/5
Fun Level: 2/5
Shelda's trust in them: 2/5
Honestly, if Beff can get out of babysitting, she always will. She's got snooping to do, she can't sit around with some weirdo baby. What's she supposed to say to her? I found out that your weird uncle is a karaoke singer? She is not lasting a second. Yolka does like her camera though, once again to Beff's dismay.
Babysitting Comfort: 2/5
Fun Level: 5/5
Shelda's trust in them: 4/5
Probably one of the most ideal babysitters, at least if he wasn't so freaked out by the prospect of looking after a baby. As long as he's not alone (say hi to Auntie Wiggle!) he's pretty much golden. Yolka loves to play with his snax, and he basically has a built in playpen to keep her in one place. Eight out of Ten, wish he wasn't scared of kids.
Babysitting Comfort: 3/5
Fun Level: 4/5
Shelda's trust in them: 3/5
An audience that won't criticize her? Count Wiggle in! As long as she isn't in the middle of writing her magnum opus, Wiggle's always open to play with Yolka, even letting her play with some of her less fragile instruments. Yolka is going to be a famous triangle player one day, she swears by it.
Babysitting Comfort: 5/5
Fun Level: 3/5
Shelda's trust in them: 5/5
Probably Shelda's safest bet if she needs to leave Yolka with someone. Wow! A decent, responsible adult on Snaktooth Island! Who can believe it? Yolka might not be crazy about bones but by Mother Naturae is Triffany trying to teach her. Sometimes if she's good she's allowed to put one in her mouth for a minute.
Babysitting Comfort: 4/5
Fun Level: 4/5
Shelda's trust in them: 1/5
Hello, opposite of Triffany! Cromdo is never allowed to babysit Yolka, because he- without fail- will attempt to convince this infant to join his business. Yolka is the lead manager of Cromdo Mart, and has also been taught plenty of words that a child her age really shouldn't know. Yolka loves him, Shelda hates him.
Babysitting Comfort: 3/5
Fun Level: 5/5
Shelda's trust in them: 4/5
If Chandlo's in charge of Yolka, then one thing's for certain; that infant is getting some GAAAAINZ! Usually he'll play games with her, sometimes picking her up and helping her dunk a ball into one of those kiddie basketball hoops. He witnessed Yolka's first steps but he refuses to tell anyone, lest he ruin the magic for Shelda.
Babysitting Comfort: 1/5
Fun Level: 1/5
Shelda's trust in them: 2/5
And now, categorically the worst possible choice, yet still more likely to be chosen over Cromdo. Snorpy is absolutely convinced that Yolka is secretly a Grumpinati spy robot, and would rather be as far away from her as possible. If he's in charge of her, he'll just set her down somewhere and watch her intently to make sure she doesn't start shooting lasers out of her eyes or something. Yolka doesn't like him.
Babysitting Comfort: 2/5
Fun Level: 5/5
Shelda's trust in them: 1/5
If anyone is asked to babysit Yolka less than Cromdo, it's Floofty. For a long time, Floofty was only interested in Yolka due to the curious circumstances of her birth, but after studies determined that she was just a normal grumpling, it was already too late. Floofty is Yolka's favorite babysitter. She absolutely loves them, and the feeling... isn't exactly mutual, but Floofty does get a thrill out of "babysitting" Yolka when they know Shelda doesn't want them to. They're both menaces.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk
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plasmasimagination · 9 months
Heyy girl hows it goingg! Congrats on ur amazinggg milestone. Totally deserved 🪼🪼 I was wondering if i cld get a matchup for genshin and hsr ! I totally loved the others u did.
I go by the she series and id love to be matched up w a hot man 🤤 my mbti is enfp and im a gemini! Im around 5’3 with tan skin and hv super grown out long dyed brown hair. I have 8 piercings total on my ears and i know im gna cop more next summer bless up. I wld say i def have a more summer oriented aesthetic i loveee me a tank top n shorts and bikini.
Im not surr what kind of personality i have .. but i think im a freak. I love to party nd go out w my friends obviii but i absolutely love spending time by myself bc im chill like dat. I think im pretty funny but i also follow my heart a lil too much and do whatever i want when i want, so i cant set boundaries w myself.. im def tryna work on that and have a healthy grindset and balance. Im down to do anything w my friends BUT im also a lil bit of bitch ngl… a lil bit of a hater if i see some weird activity in front if me
I love the beach and summer and drives with loud music playinggg. My ideal day is a warm summer day on the beach with some Js and scrolling thru the x reader tag on tumblr on my ipad.
My interests are surfing and paddleboardinf!! Im super into gymming and looking up wikipedia horror movie summaries. Im pursuing health rn too 😜 and i try to write in my free time but it never works out LOL. I also love thrifting and flea markets and im down to rage if u are 🤙
If i had a short life id probably honestly spend it at home w the fam and w my dog and w all my friends. Id love to do some epic in state road trips or have bonfires by the beach. i think itd be sick to be surrounded by all the simple things i love.
When it comes to my love life…. Erm… i definitely can be attracted SO easily but im quick to find icks tbh. I dont think i fall in love easily but i definitely get high on the possibility of it. Lets just say im hard to get and hard to want 😈 My ideal type is someone whos athletic and good at math and is FINE AF. My lovr language is quality time (i LOVE ft) so someone whos willing to do stuff w me is a plus. I think i also like someone who can match my speed and humor bc i hate miscommunication and awkwardness
Thanku sm if u decide 2 do my req! ⭐️⭐️
Hello there fellow darling >:)
As for your request, I would say I found just the right manz for you, but i didn't, so work with them a bit and they'll be vibing with u in no time(ㅠ﹏ㅠ)
So let's go
Smart collected calm and rational, just to balance you out
introvert x extrovert
He's definitely impressed by your carefree attitude, and often gets dragged into your small adventures, he might complain around a bit but he doesn't mind as much as he says he does
Hes confused as to how you have the energy to go out to parties and surfing and everything, he's just way too tired to even think about such things, so he'll prefer to watch you from the distance, in the comfort of a chair and a good book
Listen listen, I know I know, he's pissy and awkward, but I like to think he wouldn't be like that in a relationship, and is actually very good at communication and explaining his struggles and emotions
It might take him a bit to trust you but when he does, he's a good partner
He might not be able to match your humour, but he can match your speed, he's very efficient.
And if that relationship doesn't work out, do try with kaveh, because that could work out more (and yes i did just recommend to get with with your matchups roommate)
Nerd x his cool partner
This one is more to match your vibe kind off
He's a sassy and confident dude
He'll definitely be a fan of your bitchy attitude , he likes dealing with bests
Can match your energy, occasionally, sometimes not sometimes yes, but most of the time he'll just follow you around and watch you do your hobbies and interests while reading something
Cold colour dressed boyfriend x summer dressed partner, just perfection
He's an ambivert after all, so he can keep up with your trips and enjoyments, but sometimes will distance himself off to a corner to recharge his energy
Generally he's the first that came to mind when I saw your request so consider it fate
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ran-orimoto · 5 months
[ Look, you have to thank @ teclajellymon if today I have remembered to post this here, because, like always, I forgot to do it yesterday at the same Ao3 publishing time and I would have probably forgotten about it forever.
Ehm, *cough*. Today I’m offering you another future Junzumi headcanon of mine in the shape of a very stupid, silly story. The essence of the matter is that I have given them a saluki hound, ok, or better, I have given Izumi a saluki hound who will eventually becomes Junpei’s as well, to his utter joy, I guess ahahah.
Why a saluki hound? Simply because they look like Izumi, I wanted an active, sportive dog for her and, most of all, they are called the singing hounds of the wind. Honestly, my first choice had been an afghan, because her appearance would have clashed even more with Junpei’s and they are the most stylish dogs I have ever seen, no lie about this ahahha. I’ve eventually found a good compromise, though, indeed, the perfect Junzumi dog because of that definition of theirs 🤣💕.
Context: We can place this story after the seamstress one, in spring. Izumi has moved in, has started her life in Venice along with Junpei, but she left a little… Furry problem behind in Japan. ]
• Liù •
People rarely claimed a man and their beloved partner were supposed to look similar, if not identical, -hell, it would have been such a scary world, if that had been true-, whereas when it came to men and their dogs, well, it was just a different story. He had heard and, recently, he had also started seeing all sorts of things, everywhere, and they wouldn’t disappear like mirages in the mist after obstinate rubs given to the lens of his sunglasses.
Therefore, he had started doing the opposite, embracing that irreparably odd reality with open arms and…And quickly regretting his choice.
Staring for too long, with too much intensity, too much curiosity . It wasn’t that ideal when it came to middle-aged women minding passers by’s business, drawn by the beauty of their dog, which, though, -better to highlight it not twice but three times!-, would never be as charming as their own.
That was objectively a bit of a stretch , in his opinion, because that Swiffer broom obediently sitting by her side wasn’t minimally comparable to his principessa . His …No, she was Izumi’s, what was he saying? It had just been a present from him and he hadn’t even been that fully convinced about her peculiar pick back then.
Whatever, in Piazza San Marco the reciprocal introduction of two furry friends, the proud echoes of refined names soon got replaced by very sharp noises. He should have glued his orbs onto the regal four-legged figure next to him, instead of focusing on the stranger’s long silhouette, on how it extraordinarily matched her pet’s.
The pigeons peacefully pecking at crumbs of bread thrown by some tourist immediately took flight at the sound of wood colliding with resistant coconut husk. He couldn’t really blame her, but he wished she hadn’t decided to use the handle of her umbrella to punish his naive irreverence. And then , icing on the cake, a chorus of annoying yapping and more powerful, -modestly speaking-, barks predictably joined the commotion, offering a musical base to a vivacious and incomprehensible ritual of curses.
This is so lovely, He had shaken his head in pain, This is so, so, so, lovely, And it really was, taken in account he hadn’t told Izumi about what he had been up to during that week off yet.
He was aware she had been too busy with her new restaurant adventure to be interested in discovering about that, about his new favourite game in which he was no one but a gentleman strolling through the streets of Venice, along with his elegant dog he didn’t share any resemblance with.
Now that he thought about it, though, every respectable detective owned a loyal companion scampering after them. Perhaps, she would look like him if he made her wear a baggy yellow raincoat.
“I swear, you should have seen her. She had this enormous bob hardly covering her ears and it was so bloated, like a cloud. I don’t know why, but I think she might be a high school professor, even if she was speaking in a heavy dialect. I mean, a high school professor wouldn’t speak dialect like that. Especially in that way. But ok, this isn’t the point. She-“
He unwillingly arrested that blabbing of his only when Izumi placed a hand on his forehead.
“This is where it hurts?” She asked with a worried frown, her green eyes squeezed as the tips of her fingers touched the reddened spot.
“Yeah. And it hurts so much I could pass out, eh eh,” He had never been that skilled at hiding the pleasant and soothing effect any physical contact with her would provoke in every fiber of his being. Thus, his impetuous voice calmed down completely, the waves of chocolate in his eyes turned into a quiet swinging tide, his entire body abandoned itself to the miracle of her beauty…Until the gentle, impalpable wind started throwing sharp knives against him.
“Ouch!” He whined, taking some steps backwards and opening his mouth at that sudden change of mood. It had been so unpredictable and now seemed to be mirroring the shifting sky darkening outside. Her nails were so long and neatly-trimmed, so sleek, utterly perfect from the perspective of a lucky man who could hold those soft hands and observe them in bliss. However, they could also transform into the claws of an angry feline, a feral lynx and hurt without needing her to put that much effort. “What was that for?”
“ Ma io dico,” She hissed at him, her index and its minuscule weapon still raised in the air, near to the scratch they had just teased. They both were there, resting on the thumb that had helped them gain momentum. “What were you thinking…?! I have left you alone for a week, just a single week…!”
His lips protruded in a startled perplexity, he blinked twice before her scolding expression, not sure if he would find a point in coming up with a lie. Actually, there would never be one in her presence. Any attempt to hide something from her through the art of deception would get a vain result, would be an occasion to turn into a clown. It was fine to him, though, because he didn’t like the idea of telling her a fib.
“I was looking at her dachsund,” He explained with a pure externalization of sincerity and now her turn to goggle like he had before, but with even more confusion, arrived.
“At her…Dachsund?”
“Yes, her fur was all black just like her hair and she also had a very long mouth like her face. So, I was actually looking at both the dog and the woman, but I lingered on the latter for too long because, oh boy, I couldn’t believe it,” The more he talked the more it sounded like he was chatting with himself in a comical monologue, occasionally gluing his pupils to the wall of the kitchen or, -more fitting for the core of his spirit-, to a dish full of biscuits awaiting him on a drawer. He was so certain they were doing so, at least.
“Oh,” Izumi would have liked to fade at the sight of him approaching the furniture.
“And I’m still holding onto my theory it is nothing else but some weird urban legend that got way too much attention through centuries,” Only the contours of those patient delicacies finally took him to Earth and reminded him of his interlocutor. Still, Izumi understood she would be the one having to push him even more downwards, to the firm ground.
“It’s not still clear what we are exactly talking about, but what I am sure about is that I would rather have a boyfriend singing,” She managed to pull the dish away from his reach in time. “Than one barking,” And then she put it on the floor, to his puzzlement, bewilderment, utter bafflement.
“I have risked eating dog biscuits…” The realization hit home in a jiffy like a boulder fallen on him. His gaze got lost in a world where the kitchen had melted in a general nothingness. “Izumi, I have risked eating dog biscuits!” After an instant of shock, he brought himself to repeat that by adding his usual bizarre emphasis.
“Yes, you have,” She bursted in a breeze of giggles washing over his concerned expression but surpassing it, ignored. Their gusts failed at stealing his voice and chuckles through that powerful tenor register of his. “You wouldn’t have died, don’t worry. I’ve cooked them.”
“Eh…?” Joining her on the floor, he allowed his exaggerated worry to get replaced by a mixture of skepticism and soft surprise. “You can cook dog food too? You’re-“
“Don’t say that, please!” She promptly raised a palm in front of his nose, haughtily averting her gaze on purpose to make him roast on the grill. When she was sure her steak was ready, she winked at his slightly disappointed grimace. “Or better, don’t say it yet . This is my first attempt and I don’t know if she will like it. I’ve added some slices of strawberries here and there in the mixture because she adores them. Hm…” He instantly shrieked when Izumi reached out to put one of those biscuits in her mouth. Got so close to passing out when she picked another one and offered it to him, seriously proposing him to jump into her absurd sommelier experience. “Here. Taste it and tell me what you think. Is it wet or dry, in your opinion?”
“I-Izumi…! Don’t eat that stuff, c’mon,” He slipped on his backside far from her, near to biting his nails. If he had been a cat, his fur would have been rippled from his head to the tip of his tail. Observing that scene through a more entertained filter, he had to admit their interactions were really reminding him of the ones of a cat and a dog: weirdly, he was being the most reluctant, if not the most repulsed between them, whereas Izumi was the joyful dog…Doing certain kind of stuff without a care in the world.
“Aren’t you the one always telling people, My girlfriend is the most brilliant cook in the world. I would eat anything prepared by her: even, - guess,what-, dog food ?”
“I-I,” He didn’t know if he was stuttering because of her impeccable imitation of his gestures and tone or because it wasn’t her spinning fantasy that was speaking. Yes, he had, he seriously had: naively believing they would never turn up against him, he had pronounced those exact words in his confessions of endless love for her cooking. He had so many times, thousand and more. “Okay…I guess you won. There’s nothing I can do,” He sighed in defeat and extended his arm to her complacent smirk and the snack she was swinging back and forth. Next time he would have to be more careful about his hyperbolic compliments in her regards, -hyperbolic ones to the rest of the world but absolutely realistic to him-. “And after this”, He gave an uncertain glance at her before grabbing it. “Can I be the one calling her after this?”
“Hm, why not ? You two need to bond and I need to bond more with her too, after having…Abandoned her at Mamma’s and Papà’s for months…”
He knew she was still coping with persuading herself that had been the best choice she could ever do for her sake. He had tried reassuring her Liù would have suffered from a more drastic detachment from her usual life, if she had moved in at the same time Izumi had. She would have had lot of trouble adjusting without them around, spending her days alone in an unknown apartment while Izumi was too absorbed in finding her own place in the world of Venice, and he was drowning in rehearsals. It would have been kinda egoistical from their part, so Izumi’s parents had convinced her to leave Liù with them for a while, until they were ready to give her the house and family she really deserved. Now Izumi might be busy with the first weeks of her newborn restaurant, but she wasn’t fretting and rushing any more and could count on Junpei’s support, on the fact he was just at the beginning of another of his adventures at la Fenice theatre.
“Hey,” He chirped a bit too abruptly but with the sweetest intention to cheer her mood up, unnoticed. “Can I do it, now? Like, now, now, now?”
“What are you talking about?” She giggled as he got so close she risked to fall backwards.
“Can I call her now?”
“Oh, that ,” Her precarious pose propped up on an elbow, she pretended to be wanting to slither away from his grip. “Okay, but you need to follow my instructions,” She sneezed at some locks falling on her forehead as he brought her closer with an effortless pulling of his biceps.
“I don’t need those, Izumi. I have got my own method,” Once ensured she was safely sitting upright, he grinned at her sending a shivering hunch down her spine. “Look. No, listen, listen.”
“Junpei, I’m not…” She petrified with her hand opening and closing in the tense silence he created. She was blatantly aware about what was about to happen, but she found herself stuck before the view of a familiar routine of actions, with the exception of that scary ending phase in which he sent his hands next to the corners of his mouth, well splayed.
Oh no…
“Liù? Liù?” Junpei improvised a silly melody she thanked Heavens it wasn’t being chanted in his usual rumbling projection.
“Liù, don’t you want your pappa? Liù ? Where is the bimba? The sweetest bimba ? Liù-Chan?”
His grin didn’t vanish under the might of her irritation. He only hopped on the spot, all of a sudden, having got startled by the glasses of the window being shaken by the howling mistral. To think it was almost spring!
“Liù hates noises and, most of all, hates noisy people,” Not stunned due to his loud song in the slightest, he could easily tell she wanted to slap him. Yet, some unknown force he thanked from the depths of his heart kept her from doing that. “She’s a lady and she needs to be treated as such. Are you listening to me? This is a serious matter.”
“I know it is, but I don’t think she hates noisy people that much,” He dared to shrug and the naughty shimmer challenging her anger gradually tiptoed to his right, accelerating when it felt it was being chased by her glare.
Izumi emitted a gasp, “But…Liù…!”
Silently, on her slender legs, Liù had stepped into the kitchen and closer to the dish. Scompering in that skinny body of hers, structured like a sleek curve culminating in the slope of a luscious tail, she had approached them ,unnoticed, and had sat down in front of the two humans like a well-mannered medieval damsel. Now she was obediently staring at them from her statuesque pose, blatantly trying holding her excitement in her bony bosom but being betrayed by her dashing heartbeat, which was making her ribs expand and contract; by her blonde ears; by her humid nose unstoppably sniffing in the relatively new environment.
In Junpei’s opinion, Liù was the most perfect specimen of female saluki existing in the world, -and also the first one he had ever seen-.
“Maybe she hates people not singing well, I guess?” He sniggered with too much confidence and Izumi gave him a harsh nudge right under his sternum.
“Have you already done this in the past?”
“Of course, I have,” He took a while to recover from the pain she had provoked him, but managed to reply her sooner than both had expected. “I know you had said I needed to learn one thing or two before starting feeding her. And I also remember you had told me she has got her own schedule, but, I mean, Izumi, I was sitting at the table, eating my pasta ai piselli and she was there, looking at me with those deer eyes… What kind of cold-hearted man would do something similar?”
“You fed her with pasta ai piselli ?! “His pupils almost got out of his orbits, noticing the futher point her more vicious elbow was going to take off from.
“No, of course, I haven’t! I searched for her food bags and I poured some food in her bowl. My pasta ai piselli was so full of water, my peas were soaking in a puddle. How could I give her that without making a mess?”
“Do you realize you are implying you would have given my dog pasta ai piselli if you had been a decent cook? !”
He would have started fiddling with his thumbs like a scolded kid, if Liù hadn’t tried catching their attention with a bark, as timid as a polite woman forcing a cough to make someone turn to her.
“You’re right, bimba,” He cracked a large smile at her. Then, he unfolded his stiff legs and clumsily crouched up to talk to the animal at her same height level. “You can eat. Buon appetito .”
“No, she can’t eat yet!” She gave a slap on his broad shoulder, but she eventually gave one onto her forehead as well, a bit disconsolate. At his jovial command, the saluki had gladly plunged her muzzle in her biscuits and she hadn’t been able to do anything about it. “She was supposed to stay. That is useful to teach her how to control impulses.”
“If you ask me, it’s so cruel,” He put his tongue on display, standing up to let the dog have her own meal in peace. She got back on her feet too after having thrown the snack she had been holding into the dish. “Wouldn’t you feel tortured if I told you to sit still in front of a dish of spaghetti alla San Giovanna ? My poor bimba !”
“I-“ What kind of conversation was even that?
“Imagine,” He insisted, dropping a whole jar of theatricality on his tongue, each finger of his flying up and down in an undulating choreography. “The smell of olives and tomato sauce spreading in your nostrils…”
“Oh, let me imagine…” She closed her orbs, mocking his silly game by making him believe she was actually thinking over it. By the time she opened them, he had already disappeared behind her, fumbling with her skein of spikes. “That’s what I already do as a cook. I can’t eat what I prepare. You know that, don’t you?”
“Yeah, I do…” He mumbled, pensive, caressing her strands in awe, as if he was contemplating some prestigious manufacture sewn by a God. “You know, I think I will get used to this dog owner life, after all. Maybe a maltese dog would have been boring.”
“Oh please…” Her eyelid twitched at the mere memory from the year before, from back when he had announced he wanted to give her a candid ball of fur as birthday gift. She had acted promptly, had taken the reins of the situation by herself by dragging him into an adventure on her motorbike, without revealing him where they were going. From Naples to Pisa, Junpei had let her take him to that mysterious destination up through the peninsula, though he had just come from an exhausting train journey. “Don’t remind me of that ,” She playfully begged and pinched his puffy cheeks peeping out from her golden curtain.
“I know, I know. Besides, a maltese wouldn’t have looked like me, either. So it would have been the same thing. At least, though, when I take Liù out for a stroll,” He gently let some precious threads slip on the back of hs hand and pushed them forward, at the sides of her smooth neck, down her shoulders. “It’s a bit like if I’m going out with another beautiful blonde lady,” At the beginning, he had just intended to play with her, tenderly highlight about how keeping her hair like that, like a frame of gilded waves, would really make her look like a long-eared dog. Afterwards, however, after some seconds spent holding that silky fabric, he had fallen in love with its enchantment and , now hypnotized, he couldn’t just help indulging in his joke. He kept on going on and on, even in a more affectionate way when a cloud passed by her relaxed contentment. She should have been smiling , in his opinion: Liù had greatly appreciated her hand-made biscuits, hadn’t showed any sign of resentment towards her once more. What was she still tormenting herself over? It seemed like if she was fighting against so many forces coming to attack her in unison and he felt the urge to shine over her again.
“Hey, Izumi, do you want to hear a funny thing?”
“It’s not an offence, but you always say funny things. Otherwise you wouldn’t be Junpei, wouldn’t you?”
“But this is truly funny. Funnier than usual, if you prefer putting it like that!”
He tossed her tresses off his head and marched back to Liù, his lumbering steps sounding lighter despite the clumsy landing of his hops.
The dog had just finished eating her breakfast and was calmly cleaning her coat with her tongue. She didn’t seem bothered by the two humans barging into her quiet morning for a second time. Indeed, judging by the shy hints of a swishing tail, she was actually happy to see them again on a full belly.
“Liù, Liù, Liù, la bambina mia che sei tu ,” Junpei’s unique call made her stand on alert with excitement. Rhythmic claps and tappings against the tiles of the floor contributed to elicit even more trepidation in her active muscles. She didn’t take too long before beginning doing the same with her paws, the butterfly-shaped metallic medal of her collar dangling and jingling in the flow of her dance.
Once the right mood had been set, once he was certain Liù would follow him wherever he would go, he beckoned to the saluki to head for the living room. In the contagious heat of the fragment, he bumped into an agape Izumi who was witnessing the exchange between the man and the dog with incredulity.
“No, don’t tell me it is what I think it is,” Stuck in a frozen loop at the door of the kitchen, Junpei took advantage of that absent state of hers to involve her in a fleeting, improvised dance, her limp arms obeying to his eccentric desire, her hands falling in his without resistance and her hips spinning along with his like if they were a couple pirouetting in a carillon.
“No, like I said, it’s much, much better than whatever you think it might be.”
“I don’t think so. At all,” She told him straight into his sunny eyes in a firm whisper. “Your neighbors know well who she belongs to. They won’t come yelling at you if they hear her doing that .”
“Oh, so you know she can do that,” He wasn’t surprised in the least, but it was nice to make her blush in embarrassment once in a while, turn the tables for the life-span of an afternoon nap. “All those stories about her being a proper lady…About her not liking loud people!”
“H-Hey,” She wiggled, oscillated, opened and closed her legs, raised her fists: whatever it took to escape from his tickling trap. “ Being a lady and loving singing are two interconnected qualities. They are not enemies. As far as concerns about those loud people, instead…”
“Instead…?” He prompted, his fingers flitting around her, ready for another round.
“Your opera singing is loud, but it’s a nice loud. I’ll give you that, ok ? And a dog named after the main character of Puccini’s Madama Butterfly can’t be immune to it, I guess,” He saw her nervously cracking a grin at Liù who had hopped on the sofa and was resting on a pillow. Waiting .
“Hey!” Without prior warning, he let her go to her displeasure, no matter if his tickling was more than unbearable. That would be, -to use his own words-, much better than whatever he wanted to do, sitting at his piano and lifting the fallboard with a thud. “You don’t really want to play piano right now, at eight in the morning?!”
“Of course, I want to. I’m not supposed to make a proper lady wait, am I not?” Liù had apparently got used to that term, to the many occasions she had acknowledged humans would look at her while pronouncing it. Therefore, feeling like Junpei had just called her into question, she abandoned the comforts of her pillow and reached him. She licked his hand and gladly accepted the caresses coming in response. Then, on her haunches, she put her paws on black wood and stared at him in fibrillating expectation. “Eh eh, may I introduce you to my new soprano partner? She’s also the Great Detective Shibayama’s assistant, though, mind you! Let’s say this is just the lamest side of our life as ordinary citizens.”
”Ah…Don’t use my instructions howsoever you please, Junpei Shibayama. Honestly…” At the first row of notes propagating in the hall, she sat on the sofa and aimed the bud of a glad smile at the window.
In her soul, she was just so happy he had come to quickly find out it had never been a matter of superficial likeness.
Italian notes:
Principessa: princess
Ma io dico: literally, it means “But I say…”. Still it is just some form of interaction to express disbelief (in a negative way).
Pappa: It’s a terms we use while speaking to babies and animals. It means food, technically.
Bimba and bambina: synonym for “little girl” but we use them in affectionate contexts as well. It’s a bit like “baby” I guess. I became affectionate to bimba thanks to italian dub of Lady and the Tramp. It did stick with me in the sweetest way as possible.
Pasta ai piselli: It’s pasta and peas ahaha
Spaghetti alla San Giovanna: In my family it has always been spaghetti, tomato sauce and olives. Such has to remain to them, please.
Liù, Liù, la bambina mia che sei tu: Liù, Liù, the baby you are to me. Our structures are really not that easy to translate in english sometimes? We can be free in the order of our words, in our dispositio verborum, so we it’s not always easy to translate everything. Yet, it’s just supposed to be one of those silly tunes you sing to your dog.
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pico-digital-studios · 4 months
👋 ^_^
So, since I can ask you any questions, here’s mine! ^^
Who is your favourite & least favourite character from:
Video Game
And why? ^^
OMT!Mina: Looks like we got our first question! Considering how obscure our stories seem to be compared to most, I'm honestly quite surprised.
CU!Sonic: Okay, let's see... @btnfstudios asks "Who is your favourite & least favourite character from cartoons, anime, video games, comics, etc., and why?"
OMT!Tails: Since there weren't any tags, I thought we'd take the question first to start things off. Sorry in advance that Antho, Brian and Devy couldn't be here for the question. They had some errands to attend to.
Nitro: That's fine. At least Smol Devy managed to get here!
Smol Devy: Hewwo! ^v^
OMT!Tails: Well, as it happens, aside from me idolising Benjamin, my favourite video game character's gotta be Alex Kidd. I really admire the effort he goes to to ensure his dad's safe from harm.
Nitro: Man, I really admire him for being able to do that, even when I couldn't...
OMT!Tails: (comfortingly) Solidarity, buddy.
Nitro: Anyway, if I was to pick between cartoon characters, I'd say I really admire Fluttershy's gentle and all-loving nature, even in the midst of danger. Trust me, you don't wanna be on the wrong end of her bad temper if she gets into one.
D-Sides Mighty: You know, I really dig Spider-Punk and his refusal to abide by society's perceptions and ideals. Reminds me of how my dimension's refusing to stick to a consistent "canon".
BK!Amy: If it's from my favourite anime, I've gotta go with Tohru Honda. I really enjoyed seeing her know that all bad things have to come to an end someday as well.
CR!Sonia: I don't really see much appeal in the cartoon characters that are solely girly and not much else.
CU!Sonia: Ditto. It's why I admire tomboy female characters from cartoons like Lana Loud, who's less enamoured with dresses and prefers activities the guys get up to like skateboarding.
Nitro: Heh, I remember she looks up to Ronnie-Anne a lot back home.
CU!Sonia: Wait, you used to live in the same town she did?
Nitro: Long story. I'll tell you later, if you'd like.
CU!Sonia: Of course!
CU!Sonic: You know, if a character in any of those media is in a healthy relationship with their loved ones, that's all I need to like for them. That, and good character development, of course.
Mr. Needlemouse: Favourite cartoon character? I am a cartoon character! (smug) What more needs to be said about me?
CR!Sonic: To be fair, you did end up on the list of "Top Worst-Behaved Cartoon Characters" recently.
Mr. NM: That again?! Remind me what I did again?
CR!Sonic: Well, blowing stuff up for the heck of it, you and Beeman being as bad as each other, hello?
EX!Alice: You know, I've really found an admiration for Blue Beetle, in a way. Seeing Batman go out of his way to see if he has what it takes to be a hero is such an honour not a lot of people get to experience.
OMT!Mina: I'd say Sam Sharp's my favourite. Rock and roll!
CR!Sonic: My personal favourite game character to this day? It's gotta be Mario! Dude's just saving the day just outta the goodness of his heart, you know?
Mini Sonic: Hmm, let's see... I'll opt for Green Lantern. I mean, come on! He can build anything just with that ring of his!
Wacky: You know, I've found Tintin to be quite the intrepid adventurer in his comics and film, especially when alongside his dog, Snowy.
Hog: What about Cuphead? Does he count?
Wacky: Well, he started as a video game, not a cartoon, though the similarities are there. Plus, he got his own TV show!
Hog: Cool! Where can I see it?
Wacky: Let's see... Ah, bummer. It's behind a Netflix subscription.
Hog: Hmph! If only there was a way to pirate that so I could watch it.
Nitro: I'm sure Lucia will figure out a way later.
Nine: My favourite in anime's definitely that guy from Fist of the North Star. I mean, he's almost unstoppable with those rapid-fire punches and hitting weak points. Omae wa mou shindeiru!
CR!Manik: I'm... gonna pretend I don't know what that means. Dad has really been getting me and Sonia into Wind in the Willows, one of those older British stop-motion cartoons. I particularly find Mr. Toad really hilarious to watch, haha! Poop-poop! The poetry of motion! What about you, Smol Devy?
Smol Devy: Me really likes Ana and Kat! They awesome ninja fwiends!
Trip: Hehe! Glad you're getting on well with them, little guy. I haven't seen a lot of that media before meeting my Team Sonic, but there's something I found appealing about Gromit, Wallace's dog; he's often the one to save the day when all those inventions Wallace makes either go awry or are vandalised by villains.
OMT!Tails: He really is an admirable character, even if he doesn't talk. And there you have it! Thanks for the question, Brendan!
Nitro: Pst! I just wanted to throw in my part for the second half of that question for you, Brendan. For the "least favourite character" concerning cartoons for me, under the Looney Tunes lot, that title's absolutely going to Pepé Le Pew. His whole schtick is absolutely inappropriate by today's standards, and I'm glad I haven't seen him around Toontopia. As Vincent Alexander once put it, "If there's any moral to the cartoons, it's that if you act like Pepé, you stink." Well, thanks for the question, dude!
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strawberryjamsara · 9 months
Uh I guess I’ll put my final thoughts on tactica here.
Main Story
This had a lot of potential that I feel was missed. I liked Toshiro as a character, and seeing how the game was setting itself up to be his palace, and the consistent chiding from other characters about his crimes, I was really excited about the idea of the phantom thieves getting to know, relate to, and sympathize with someone they would have to steal the heart of and trying to figure out how with him. The game sort of took the opposite direction of that by having Toshiro do nothing wrong in his life though.
I was pretty excited when his shadow was revealed thinking ‘Wow, maybe they’ll pull a Persona 4 and he’ll have to accept the worst parts of himself to heal!’ But they took the lazy route of having his shadow just be a fake.
Erina also I feel was just reduced to being there to develop Toshiro. Don’t get me wrong, I love her, and Toshieri is extremely cute, but she’s pretty much just there to be a love interest. Both of these characters had so much potential that went wasted.
I think the thieves were mostly just their flanderized selves. They blended into the background but there was nothing too egregious. In particular, I’m glad there was no mention of the police from Makoto, and she gets to be the cool, slightly scary, and passionate senpai she was meant to be. I also like how they had Haru explain some sort of redeeming qualities her dad had, so we can see why she misses him a bit more. I still don’t like how the game lets him off the hook so much though. Let Haru realize her dad was a piece of shit 2023. And they sexualize Ann and have her be harrassed way less which is a god sent. In particular there seems to be an attempt of sorts to sand away some of the #problematic aspects of the original which is always welcome. The Ryuji wedding put a smile on my face.
Also Samael was just Yaldabaoth for a third time. It’s become comedic how many times the phantom thieves have killed/defeated Gods at this point.
One last thing: Toshiro deserved a phantom thief outfit. I’m very dissapointed they did not give that man a fruity little costume to wear.
So I maaaaaay be biased because I love Akechi and Sumire, but I liked this one way more.
Seeing these three actually get to have a full adventure together instead of the pittance we have in Royal, I felt like I was feasting like a king (no pun intended). Sumires idealism clashing with Akechi’s realism, and Akechi willing to go along if she gives him enough puppy dog eyes, her admiring his strength while he admires her kindness, is the perfect dynamic for them.
And it’s also nice seeing some softer moments from Akechi here. It’d be easy to argue that this is part of the mask, but you can really see in this game how despite his reservations, he really does come to feel for Luca and Guernica which makes sense considering his own roots match up with theirs. Honestly he probably sees a lot of himself in Guernica, as a person unable to change anything and filled with rage, driven to do horrible things by a manipulator… yeah that might hit a bit too close to home.
Sumire also feeling internalized guilt about Kasumi with Guernica and Lucas conflict is. Aaaaaugh… she’s so upset about how she and Kasumi grew apart, and she’s upset at Guernica for saying she doesn’t need her sister because she’s mad at HERSELF, but she doesn’t know it’s herself so she’s projecting it onto Guernica. Ooooh that’s so cool.
Also I liked having all the options to mess with Akechi during the story. All his thinly veiled anger moments were such a blessing.
Guernica and Luca were such good characters too. They were definitely a lot more simple in backstory than Toshiro but I think that’s for the best. Guernica has a cool design, a good backstory, and her helping out in the final boss and bonding with the PTs is a good way to endear us to her, and it’s even a little sweet how she counts Sumire and Akechi as the PTs who saved her. They aren’t ‘true’ phantom thieves, but they still helped make a persons life better, and for Akechi who wanted to be a hero, and Sumire who thought she’d never measure up to Kasumi, having them be able to save someone and make their life better is a heartwarming conclusion.
Also Jerri is just Samael again, but she gets points for being camp and slay.
Im a bit upset the trio gained collective amnesia after the story, but it makes sense that this had to happen for the sake of not having inconsistencies with Royals story. But also… CMAAAAAAAHN.
Gameplay and Graphics
I don’t usually like tactical games because I’m dumb as hell. I’m speaking as someone who really loves fire emblem awakening, I often do NOT play these games for the gameplay.
All that said, I had so much fun with the gameplay of this game. The way persona mechanics combine with a tactical rpg is so surprisingly fun. Trying to rack up ‘one more’s to travel across the board is so much fun, landing a big hit is extremely satisfying, it is SO MUCH FUN to walk up to an enemy and smack them out of their cover, and it’s so cool to land an all out attack on as many enemies as possible, it’s so much fun and I went out of my way to get every award and do every quest.
I also liked having every member of the party able to equip any persona. It helps with builds of characters, and from a story perspective it makes Joker less of a ‘special boy who’s the narratives favorite.’
I also LOVED the more steampunk aesthetic of the velvet room. The fusion animations were adorable, and if we’re moving onto art, this is the first time Lavenzas design really clicked for me. In the og artstyle I think Lavenzas design isn’t really memorable compared to Caroline and Justine, but she looks really cute here! The chibi artstyle is very cute and simple, but you can tell how much effort went into it from how the animated cutscenes with the models look just as good as the 2D animated scenes. That’s genuinely impressive and points to a lot of effort in the models!
So all in all, I think the game had a lot of missed potential but I’m glad I played it if just for the DLC.
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trans-rites · 10 months
Tagged by @larky-lark
coke or pepsi? Honestly neither, but I guess I'll take pepsi.
disney or dreamworks? If I must, Disney. A higher percentage of Dreamworks animation gives me the heebie-jeebies.
coffee or tea? Tea. An excessive amount. Every day.
books or movies? Books. Films are for watching with friends.
windows or mac? Windows. Mac is an illusion of the demiurge.
dc or marvel? DC. Marvel has Spiderman (and Gwen, and Gwenpool,) but DC has everything else.
x-box or playstation? Neither.
dragon age or mass effect? Dragon Age. It's not even close.
night owl or early riser? A secret third thing.
cards or chess? (Trading) cards.
chocolate or vanilla? ...like, ice cream? Vanilla.
vans or converse? Is it bad that I don't know the difference?
Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar? Lavellan. Shamelessly.
fluff or angst? The ideal story has both. Like that deadly pink candyfloss they put in walls.
beach or forest? Forest. Sand is hell. Dirt is truth.
dogs or cats? Cats. I respect a little guy who has their needs.
clear skies or rain? Clear skies, baby. I appreciate the whimsy of rain, but I want wind, and I don't want it to soak me.
cooking or eating out? Cooking. Eating out is always uncomfy.
spicy food or mild food? Mild. I have a weak, weak, palette.
halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas? Halloween and Samhain! They aren't the same, but I love them both. The happiest time of year.
would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot? Cold. If I want to be warm, I can put stuff on. If I want to be cold, there's only so much I can take off.
if you could have a superpower, what would it be? Shapeshifting. That's always been my go-to answer to this question, and I can't imagine it changing.
animation or live action? Animation! It's such an underappreciated medium and it deserves more big-budget respect.
paragon or renegade? I like being nice.
baths or showers? Showers, but I'm pretty sure I'd love a bath in a big enough tub.
team cap or team ironman? If we're talking MCU, then Cap. The Sokovia accords are a deranged invasion of freedoms.
fantasy or sci-fi? In my soul, it's fantasy.
do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they? - Tiffany's 'All witches are selfish...' speech from Pratchett's The Wee Free Men - 'There is another shore, you know, upon the other side', from Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - 'Someone will remember us, I say, even in another time,' Sappho - 'This is the new touch,' We Know the Devil
youtube or netflix? Youtube. Anything else is for pirating.
[REDACTED] [expunged]
when do you feel accomplished? Too much of my self-worth is based on feedback for my creative projects, but, uh, then.
star wars or star trek? Trek. Easy.
paperback books or hardcover books? Either, or digital.
to live in a world without literature or without music? I wouldn't, not if I couldn't somehow bring one back.
who was the last person to make you laugh? @larky-lark <3
city or countryside? Anywhere with good internet.
favorite chips? Not a crisps sort-of gal.
pants or dresses? Dresses, baby. Skirt really do go spinny.
libraries or museums? Libraries. God, libraries.
character driven stories or plot driven stories? Character driven!
bookmarks or folding pages? What in the goddamn is a folding page?
Dream job? I do not dream of labour.
What gives you comfort? Gentle companions.
what are some of your favorite song lyrics? Play with matches if you think you need to play with matches Seek out the hidden places where the fire burns hot and bright Find where the heat's unbearable and stay there if you have to Don't hurt anybody on your way up to the light And stay alive Just stay alive
favorite ice cream flavor ever? Vanilla. No, I'm not ashamed.
first fandom? Err... Doctor Who?
Your desert island band? The Mountain Goats. Easy.
tagging @melleonis @kishona
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flamer-gay · 1 year
For the uncommon asks: 5, 14, 15, 23, 43, & F for the oc(s) of your choice?
Thank you literally so much for indulging me!! I have so many OCs so uhhh strap in this is gonna be a doozy
5) How easy is it to earn their mistrust?
Arson's default state is mistrust. It's also usually his only state.
Aster rarely trusts men outright and is quicker to mistrust them, but she'll put aside misgivings about anyone who she thinks she can use to get what she wants.
Rocky trusts people far too easily. She doesn't stay mistrustful for long, and is very generous with second chances. She forgave Benny for shooting her in the head when she freed him at the Fort.
Sasha is very trusting, but as soon as someone gives him a reason not to trust them, he will cut them out and keep it that way. After becoming a ghoul, he's found that he has more reasons more often not to trust people. 14) What animal do they fear the most?
Arson's worst fear are dogs. He's seen enough of the Legion's attack dogs to last a lifetime. It doesn't matter how friendly a dog seems, he's seen people killed by dog bites, and will get as far away as possible.
Aster is terrified of rats and geckoes. They're enough to make her run away screaming.
Rocky likes most animals, but she's developed a healthy fear of cazadores.
Sasha has discovered that he's not a huge fan of deathclaws. He can't really get behind the whole mauling-his-friends-to-pieces thing.
15) How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
Arson is selectively mute, and will rehearse what he plans to say for a very long time before speaking to someone, aside from his closest friends. He'd most talkative when he's able to talk about something he knows a lot about.
Aster is very impulsive with what she says, and is often the sort of person who speaks just to hear the sound of her own voice.
Rocky tends to blurt (she's a kid, she has very poor impulse control) and she doesn't always think before she speaks. Though it is apparent from her speech that she is uneducated, she is always very polite.
Sasha is an on-the-spot type of guy. He often just starts saying something and goes with it, for better or for worse.
23) How does envy manifest itself in them?
Arson gets mean and combative when he's jealous. It's an emotion he struggles to identify in himself, so he often finds himself angry and lashing out when he doesn't mean to.
Aster is the queen of jealousy. When she wants something, she will stop at no ends to have it.
Rocky gets cold with people when she's jealous. She's usually very sweet and talkative, but she'll grow quiet and distant from someone she's jealous of.
Sasha isn't much of a jealous person, and when he does get jealous, he tends to brush it off quickly. The only time he's ever really gotten jealous was when he convinced himself that Ian had feelings for Katja, and the jealousy went away as soon as he found out Ian was distant and awkward around him because of how bad of a crush he had on him.
F) What do you feel when you think of your OC?
Arson is really personal and somewhat nostalgic for me. He's really fucking important to me, even if I know he's kind of mary-sue-y and if I keep messing with his backstory because I created him when I was like 17. He's kind of an ideal version of myself, and I'm so excited to bring him to life for the fnv meetup :)
Aster is honestly my least favorite OC. She's a fascinating character, but playing fnv as her or writing about her just feel kind of icky. She's an embodiment of greed and envy and impulsivity, and at the end of it all she's just tragic and miserable.
Rocky makes me so proud. She's built off this archetype of the gender-bending girl hero (think Pippi Longstocking, Calpurnia Tate) who was so instrumental to my childhood. She's adventurous, she's generous, she cares about her friends and wants to do what's right. She's kind of an adult perspective on that younger hero, my way of looking back at my own childhood self. She symbolizes that pivotal stage when you start becoming your own person, and I hope someday I'll write characters like her that capture kids' imaginations and show them that they can be themselves and be heroes.
Sasha is kind of my favorite OC right now, and I love his intentional absurdity and passion for proving himself. I think he's sort of a manifestation of my anxieties about breaking out into the adult world and trying to stay true to my values and where I come from while also making a difference for the greater good. I think my favorite thing about him is his commitment to being one of those cool old people who has all the best stories.
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mysdrymmumbles · 1 year
Iskaara Tuskarr and Maruuk Centaur for Pelagos, Grand Hunt for a character of your choice?
Iskaara Tuskarr - If your OC had to tell any story about their life to a stranger, what would it be? A tale of heroism, a funny anecdote, maybe a sad story?
For a lighter story, Pelagos (pre- or post-Arbiter) would tell of the time he wanted to write to one of their maw walker friends, but Kleia took the parchment and quill from him and flew out of his reach to do it. The maw walker in question told him that it was a very heartfelt message, but he still has his doubts
(referencing in game stuff with the quill of correspondence)
If he's trying to inspire whoever he's talking to, he would talk about how he and so many more came together to help in Korthia, and how it really made him think of what more could be done to right the wrongs of the Shadowlands.
Maruuk Centaur - What trophy/symbol of their accomplishments is your OC most proud of?
I don't know that he really has any physical trophies, so to speak. There is one thing he's pretty proud of, but I can't really talk about it just yet, because it's a spoiler for the epilogue >.>
I think his biggest trophy would be the sight of souls going to their intended afterlives.
Grand Hunt - What would be the ideal animal companion for your OC? It can be anything, from a dog to a dragon!
Liila has no specific critter she would like with her, and honestly most of the ones she has in her life are a result of happenstance, though it rarely ends well.
Piikii her undead steed, named for the odd noises its joints made as it sauntered along, was eaten by a devilsaur.
Piikiitwo, the venomhide ravasaur she befriended after she lost Piikii, was beheaded while trying to protect her by her tormentor when he led the attack on Orgrimmar pre-Northrend campaign.
Her pet jellyfish from Helheim was stolen by druids and released into the wild--surely nothing bad happened with that.
Nibbles the devourer ended up being far too sentient to be a pet. He is friend-shaped.
She had to leave her vombata in the Zereth Mortis.
Adrestes said, "Absolutely not," to bringing any crawbrats over from Maldraxxus.
Adrestes is currently baffled because she's got a 'pet' goat that keeps showing up in Devotion and chewing on the banners when it can't find her. She insists Pari the Paragon of Goatliness is not a pet, but no one knows what else to call it.
For Ta'lim, a troll hunter I do not talk about enough, it is his phoenix that he got at Magister's Terrace. Every pet he's ever had has died in some way or another (murlocs, friendly fire, etc), until that phoenix. He got it as a hatchling, and it ended up saving his life in Icecrown. Now that it's grown, he keeps it as his hunter pet. The best part is he's retired from adventuring, so now he's just a courier with a phoenix flying around with him in the Echo Isles.
Mitchell had a spider that he loved very much, but it died of old age (and possibly plague exposure) and he has sworn off all other pets. After all, he's gonna live for a very long time and doesn't want to watch all his little critters die. He does still have a soft spot though, for Fluffy, the void-sheep. People keep suggesting he get something that's undead, but he just grumbles about it.
Ty for the ask :D This was fun <3
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ninas-gf · 2 years
Beidou and kazuha for the ask game!
describe their canon relationship/dynamic
uhh honestly i don’t know too much about either of them, but i think they travel together (kazuha being a wanderer and beidou being a captain who just takes in random people like they’re stray dogs)
your ideal/headcanon version of it? how does it differ from how it is in canon & why is this your favorite version? any other alternate versions of it you enjoy?
hmm, from what i’ve seen, beidou is kind of characterized as kazuha’s mom by the fandom? and i don’t really have a problem with that, but i personally see her as an older sister to him (i don’t think the age difference is that big)
what do you like about their relationship, why is it interesting or enjoyable to you?
i think it’s very sweet how beidou just takes in anyone who’s lost their way or going through rough times, since she had a rough past herself. and kazuha is just this guy who lost his friend, his entire clan, etc. and now he just goes around wherever he wants doing whatever the fuck he wants
what about the individual characters involved? what does this relationship mean to them, what makes it unique among their relationships?
while i’m sure there are some people who ship it, i always think it’s great when a relationship becomes popular without being romantic, you know? since i feel like the genshin community (and most fandoms tbh) care a lot about shipping and often disregard platonic and familial relationships
favorite interaction they have in canon
when they join the battle in inazuma, it was so great seeing them fight together
favorite interaction they have in your head/a situation you want to put them in
kazuha telling beidou about his GAA adventures with fischl, mona, and xinyan
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ratsetflummi · 3 months
All of the odd numbered weird asks! (But feel free to skip any that you don’t want to answer of course 😅)
1. who is/are your comfort character(s)?
currently artemis entreri, previously strahd von zarovich
generally there seems to be a theme of mentally ill little bastards with a bunch of trauma who are suffering from The Curse™ and who just kind of want to die but can't
don't read anything into that
3. do you leave the window open at night?
i leave it tilted (because i got the good european windows that you can tilt), so the murderers don't get in, but i also don't suffocate
5. what color are your eyes?
7. hair-ties or scrunchies?
i'm bald
but back when i still had long hair i only ever used hair-ties
9. which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee?
ideally lukewarm, but i'll also take cold. i'm very sensitive to heat, so hot coffee just kills me
11. favorite extracurricular activity?
i haven't been in school in almost a decade. and back when i was still in school i never did any extracurriculars. i always wanted to do theater, but my anxiety was way too bad to actually sign up for it back then
13. when was the last time you ate?
two hours ago. i went to my parents' place to bake a lemon tart with meringue, and i ate a piece of that before i left
the tart in question:
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15. are you a parent? (all answers qualify)
only to a pair of little idiot cats
17. are you farsighted or nearsighted?
nearsighted, but i only have to wear my glasses at university, for everything else my eyes are still good enough
19. imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails?
yes, and they might not even look horrible, i've been getting better at that lately
21. something you’ve kept since childhood?
the only thing that comes to mind is my fear of dogs. had that since i was a child. as far as like objects go i'm pretty sure everything's been replaced at some point
23. how do you feel about chilly weather?
love chilly weather, the chillier the better, bury me in snow and i will be happy (i am currently suffering from summer)
25. perfume/body spray or lotion?
body spray
27. about how many hours of sleep did you get?
more than i usually get recently, which is to say about 7 hours. the cat i'm currently cat sitting keeps screaming me awake way too early in the morning, but last night i finally caved in and put in some earplugs, so i actually slept more than five hours for once
29. how do you like your shower water?
warm. not scalding, but i refuse to step into a cold shower
31. what type of music keeps you grounded?
metal. a strong baseline and drums help me calm down. which sounds like a joke, but it really isn't
33. the last adventure you’ve been on?
i'm currently living at a friend's place out in the middle of nowhere, because she's on vacation right now and i agreed to take care of her cat, and going back and forth from my place to hers takes for fucking ever. and honestly just figuring out how to live out here is an adventure of its own
35. what’s your timezone?
i would have sworn that it's gmt+1, but apparently it's gmt+2? or cest. my friends in the uk keep calling me a bloody future person because i'm one hour ahead of them
37. someone in your life, other than a relative, you’ve known for 10+ years?
only person who i still talk to is thisfairytalegonebad on here. we weren't technically actively talking until we did our finals at the same time, which was only 7 years ago, but fairy is the reason why i'm even on tumblr in the first place, and that was 11 years ago
39. do you use lip balm?
nope, my lips always feel worse when i try
41. how do you take your coffee?
with ridiculous amounts of milk and sugar
43. what’s your take on spicy foods?
i can handle a bit of spice, but too much will kill me
45. can you remember what happened yesterday?
i had to think long and hard about it, but i think i reconstructed most of it
the highlights are going to university, doing a horrible job drawing my friend's old dnd character during a lecture, visiting a friend at work on the way home, failing to kill a boss on elden ring for like two hours, talking to friends on vc, and doing a way better job redoing the drawing
the drawings in question (from 2021, yesterday morning, and yesterday night, in that order):
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(yes, that is jarlaxle's hat. well, technically jack axel's hat, who was my pc in dragonheist, and who totally wasn't just the jarlaxle we have at home when mom says that we have jarlaxle at home)
47. what was the last message you sent?
asking my mom whether she has finally applied for the new job she was looking at and whether her coworker has actually quit yet. that was five days ago, she hasn't answered yet
unless we're talking discord messages, in which case it was me talking about what i'm gonna cook for my friends when i go visit them a month from now
49. can you skip rocks?
absolutely not. i've tried a couple times, but i never actually got anywhere
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boundlss · 5 months
hc + 🐈, hc + 😃, hc + 🎵 for Shiroe!
hc + 🐈 for a pet/animal-themed headcanon
shiroe's ideal pet would be a cat, because compared to dogs they're usually generally low-maintenance, but they also have high enough needs that they'd force him to take occasional breaks from his computer, which he's aware enough to know he needs but not aware enough to remember to take them.
that said, he's actually a little allergic to them in real life, and doesn't have the room in his apartment for one (nor the extra money in his monthly allowance his parents send him to support himself). also, he'd never admit this to anyone because he'd never hear the end of it from nyanta, who already gets his kicks from sending shiroe cat-related items and fake-roleplaying as a housecat around shiroe anyway.
hc + 😃 for a happiness-themed headcanon
shiroe was actually largely not a consistently happy person before the catastrophe. he was definitely content with his situation and did a lot of things he enjoyed doing, but i think a very big part of his brain considered what he was doing to be a waste of his life. even taking classes was secondary to him, which he internally thought was something pretty pathetic.
as such, he actually became a lot happier as a person when the catastrophe happened. not immediately, but when the round table had sort of settled into being an established governing force for the adventurers, he started realizing that despite the higher stakes on his life now, he actually felt like there was something he was really, honestly doing.
i don't think there's objectively anything wrong with the way shiroe was living his life, but the general culture of working hard in japan had sort of ingrained itself into him in a way that sort of took the form of "my parents worked so hard they barely even saw me, and they still send me enough money to pay for my expenses even now, but i can't even get out of my apartment most days" and really made him feel bad about himself even though he LIKED playing elder tale and making the content he did for that.
anyway, it was just really good for him, the catastrophe. i think he sort of dreads the possibility that he may have to go back to not being where he is.
hc + 🎵 for a music-themed headcanon
actually, shiroe was never really a huge music person. that's not to say he didn't like music at all or anything but there weren't ever a lot of artists he kept up with in the old world and there are more important things to focus on now than the production of new music---though he sometimes listens to isuzu play when she does so at the base.
he'd only occasionally put music on when he was doing raids in elder tale---a lot of them had auditory cues but the game's built-in captions were actually a better, more accurate substitute for those cues anyway so he could get away with some quiet, lyric-less music for things he'd already run to hell and back before. it was all just soundtrack-esque music though. without lyrics.
headcanons. / accepting.
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grouppestcontrol · 9 months
Six Strategies For Deciding On Greatest Oviedo Pest Control Companies
Deciding on the appropriate pest control company is actually crucial for successfully dealing with parasite issues at home or organization. Along with various alternatives offered, it is actually important to make an educated decision to make certain the safety of your family members, pet dogs, as well as home. Here are six ideas to assist you choose the most effective pest control solutions:
Analysis as well as Reviews:
Begin your search by conducting detailed study on parasite control companies in your location. Try to find customer reviews and also reviews from previous consumers to evaluate the contentment level of their solutions. Online evaluation systems, social networking sites, and the business's web site may be valuable sources of customer responses. Focus on reoccuring motifs in testimonials, such as stability, effectiveness, and customer support.
Licensing as well as Certification:
Ensure that the pest control Oviedo firm you are taking into consideration is licensed and accredited. A valid certificate signifies that the company complies with the required regulatory requirements and uses qualified professionals. Certification coming from trustworthy institutions, such as the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), is actually an added sign of the firm's devotion to top quality and also reliability. Constantly confirm the qualifications of the technicians that are going to be taking care of the bug control on your residential or commercial property.
Adventure and also Expertise:
Choose a pest control solution with a keep track of history of experience in handling the details insects triggering problems in your house. Different bugs need different treatment strategies, so it is necessary to decide on a company that possesses competence in taking care of those kind of attack you're managing. An experienced parasite control carrier is most likely to precisely determine the trouble, find out one of the most helpful remedy, and also administer it successfully.
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Security and Environmentally Friendly Practices:
Ask about the precaution as well as the forms of products the Oviedo pest control firm utilizes. Ideally, the firm should focus on the safety of your loved ones, family pets, as well as the atmosphere. Ask if they utilize integrated pest management (IPM) techniques, which pay attention to lessening making use of pesticides and considering substitute techniques. A responsible parasite control solution are going to correspond honestly regarding the prospective risks and also safety measures linked with their treatment procedures.
Insurance policy Coverage:
Parasite control treatments include using chemicals as well as can easily sometimes trigger unanticipated issues. Guarantee that the firm you choose is actually sufficiently insured. This consists of responsibility insurance to deal with any sort of problems that might develop during the course of the insect control process. Seek evidence of insurance policy and also understand the extent of insurance coverage supplied. This safety measure incorporates an added level of protection for you and your property.
Personalized Treatment Plans and Guarantees:
A professional parasite control service are going to examine your certain situation as well as tailor a treatment plan correctly. Stay away from firms that give one-size-fits-all solutions, as efficient Oviedo pest control demands a customized method. In addition, ask about any sort of promises or even manufacturer's warranties the firm supplies. A trustworthy insect control solution need to back up its own work and also give a guarantee of total satisfaction or a guarantee to send back if the bug problem lingers after treatment.
Lastly, investing time and also attempt right into exploring and also choosing the appropriate parasite control service is actually vital for efficient as well as safe parasite management. Through adhering to these suggestions, you can produce an enlightened selection that lines up along with your necessities as well as makes certain a pest-free living setting.
All American Pest Control
Oviedo, FL 32765
(321) 296-8999
Pest Control Oviedo
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the-cat-chat · 1 year
September 30, 2023
Coraline (2009)
An adventurous 11-year-old girl finds another world that is a strangely idealized version of her frustrating home, but it has sinister secrets.
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JayBell: I saw this in theaters when it first came out and haven't seen it since. So I was definitely ready for a rewatch, and besides the basic plot, I didn't really remember the details.
The highlight of this movie is definitely how beautiful and cool the stop motion looks. I specifically remember the part when the world starts to unravel near the end of the movie, and I just love how visually interesting it is. Also the stop motion lends itself to the creepy vibe so much.
I think this plot is definitely interesting in a sinister Alice in Wonderland kind of way. The buttons for eyes is a nice touch that makes you feel real disturbed in a visceral way. Honestly, it is kind of crazy that this is technically a story for kids. Either way, it shows you how a perfect world can be very misleading and appearances aren't always what they seem.
Coraline as a character is interesting. She can be kind of mean and bratty at times, but honestly that made her feel more like a true kid character. She's also brave and capable of kindness. So it's pretty easy to want to see her succeed. Plus, you feel sympathy for her character when you see how her parents treat her. This leads into one aspect of the movie I think could use a bit more context--the parents.
I get that we are seeing the situation through Coraline's eyes, and her parents are clearly stressed about their work, very tired and on a tight deadline, and even worried about money and finances. So I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, but with that said, they did seem overly short and dismissive of Coraline. I want to feel forgiveness for them, but what does that say? That it's okay to be dismissive of your kids if you're really stressed? I don't know. And then once their work is done, it's like a flip is switched. So then they seem like normal, caring parents again. It is difficult for me to see this switch and not feel like it's abrupt. So maybe the movie could have made them slightly less purposefully dismissive of Coraline in the beginning of the movie and more just accidentally dismissive because of how stressed they are. Or is that part of the message? That some kids just have imperfect parents and that's part of reality?
Rating: 6.75/10 cats 🐈
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Anzie: I had seen this when I was younger and it had first came out. And have a relatively good memory, I forgot the entirety of this story. That being said I am really glad we watched it for spooky season- not that it’s terrrrifying but it’s definitely unsettling. I did remember the button eyes and ‘other mother’ so I was prepared for that, plus the weird crawl space thingy but I think that’s bc I’m generally afraid of crawl spaces. But I digress. Like I said it was a really good rewatch- I think I could now appreciate the characters and the dialogue a lot better, whereas before I was taking it at face value. Jaybell mentioned- Coraline is absolutely feral. And I love Wuss Puss (no he’s not The Cat, to me he will forever be Wuss Puss). And guess who entirely forgot there was a cat. Yeah me. That’s who. Don’t worry I’ll punish myself. Annnnyways I loved all the neighbors and how weird they were and it’s very clear even tho ‘other mother’ tries making things ‘better’ and more enticing to Coraline, she belongs in her world. (Too it’s really sweet that her mom gets her the gloves she wanted to kinda show mom isn’t a total jerk maybe she’s just normal and stressed with moving and work and stuff bc I was over mom and dad for a bit).
Alsoooo I have a list of things that really freaked me out:
1. The mini doll with button eyes- no way I’m sleeping in a room with that thing.
2. The neighbor’s dogs. Those teeth. No thank you.
3. Thheeeeeeeeee ghost kids. Just weird I don’t wanna say more. Is there a reason they’re calling her mistress? And miss? ( I know they’re old ghost kids but it’s even creepier)
4. And obvi other mother
The style of the movie is amazing and to even thing how it was accomplished is extremely impressive and exhausting to fathom. But it really feels that the style they used for the movie is the only way this story should be brought to life.
Rating: 6/10 🎃 Pumpkins
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spotlightstudios · 1 year
Jotting some idea for Pierce Rothshire in this post here because I got a ✨️lore update✨️from my DM.
-> Pierce's Main Motivation: Prove the spirits wrong. He *can* survive. He *can* get the girl. He *can* do what they couldn't. He *isn't* the ideal hero yet, but he *can* be. Seriously, "I Can Do It" is his mantra.
->He was born into a family of Spies, Shapeshifters who'd been in the business for countless generations, moved from another planet to this one. However, he didn't really know that. He got lost on the streets one day as a toddler and an elderly Human took him in, convinced he was a human as well.
->His family never really took the time to look for him, honestly. He'd had like, 4 siblings, and he'd been the metaphorical runt of the litter. And the lady, upon realizing he was a Shapeshifter, just started protecting him more.
->In the long and short, he's a self-taught shifter, but in his Ma's line of work he was able to interact with a lot of different travelers, and would practice in the safety of their quaint home.
->Pierce's Ma was a College of Spirits Bard, an Ex-adventurer who now worked to tell the stories of those passed on, and help grieving folks communicate with their loved ones who'd passed on, or remind them of their glories or tender memories.
->He met the Noble this way. She'd recently lost her grandfather, and wanted to listen to tales of his heroics from the local Spirit-Woman.
->Note: The "Noble-Girl" was from a family previously of the council, and was pre-destined to marry into an upcoming council-family to regain that status for her family.
->Pierce remembers their meeting very well, because he'd been sat off to the side of the room, listening into the stories, and couldn't help but speak up, praising her grandfather. She'd looked at him, and said "There's something behind your eyes that reminds me of him." Which had startled him a bit. The noble-girl returned multiple times, but eventually admitted to him that she just could never feel despair with his wonder-struck expression just in her view.
->She asked him to accompany her to the river, then the shop, then the city for an outing. He'd followed her like a lovesick puppy-dog, and she adored it.
->Eventually he began to sneak onto her family land, disguised as one employee or another, the Noble-girl bringing him clothes and disguises. They'd spend all sorts of time together, growing closer and closer. This persisted fir nearly 4 years.
->Pierce's Ma was alright with Pierce doing anything. She was always his biggest supporter, teaching him her magic, how to speak with the spirits and a few adventuring skills like swordsmanship and musical prowess. The only thing she forbade him from doing was getting revealed as a shapeshifter to anyone beyond herself and the noble-girl.
->So, when Pierce learns of the betrothal between his noble-girl and some other young man from another family, he recieves conflicting arguments. The Noble-girl wants to run away with him. His Ma supports whatever he does, but reminds him not to be revealed. And the Spirits that recently clung to him via his magic? They say he's a fool and should return to his simple life.
->He opts for his own plan. Kill the suitor, take his place. Only, he doesn't expect for the families to be prepared for his attack. He attempts to corner this young man, but his attack is in vain, leading to him disguising as a servant he often acted as on the property and narrowly escaping.
->His noble-girl begs him to escape while he still can. She'll find a way out, but they think he's a spy, and they'll kill him on sight. He vows he'll be back for her, and in classic fashion, rushes back to his home.
->The unfortunate thing for him, was that every identity he'd used thus-far weren't well-backed. When the servant wasn't present for headcount after the attack, it became a manhunt for the shifter who'd infiltrated the houses. The spy.
->His Ma knew a day like this would come. She'd been preparing him another identity, sending letters to colleagues and old friends, institutions, anyone she knew.
->Telling of her beloved students. A gaggle of them she was instructing in the arts. A tiefling, a dwarf, a human, a kenku, and the most darling little eladrin she'd ever seen. All but the human had moved out, but sent letters of their daring adventures. (She was very clever, and kept up this ruse for Pierce's sake.)
->So she sent him on his way with a location in mind, and he's been spending the last few months slowly working his way there. Every new town, perfecting one persona at a time. He just arrived to town a week before the party meets up (or whatever shenanigans ensue).
(Most of these species are ones known to Pierce, both through his spirit-communication, as well as frequent visitors to his hometown. It was a hub for incoming and outgoing space transport. A lot of these personalities are influenced by the spirits who guide him as well. They humor him, helping him get into character.)
(All of these identities have enough forged documents and connections to guilds/groups that any one of them wouldn't be immediately suspicious regarding being a real person.)
->Tavhorn Rothshire:
-Eladrin, Aged 207 Years. Usually she appears in the colors of the season that most match her environment, but a blazing green and flowing summer appearance isn't uncommon in her freetime. She's softspoken, and the tales she tells are those of lost love and heartache, nature answering those calls in turn, for better or worse. Her features are delicate, her gaze is usually downturned. Her eyes and hair remain a vibrant yellow, changing only in hue as she shifts seasonal appearance. You only hear it once you get her talking, but she had a deep-seated resentment towards the Dragon-Marked for stripping her people from power in the past. (Favorite Instrument: Panflute)
->Emmek Rothshire:
-Dwarf, Orphaned Son of a local blacksmith, aged 271 years, Ma Rothshire took him in as an apprentice not long after he returned to town, his mining business having fallen under. He decided to take up her trade, very loosely, so he could bring the fire back to the eyes of his comrades. He tells tales of the strongest warriors, standing sturdy in the face of insurmountable tasks. He's popular in taverns and in the mines themselves. His skin is tanned, almost a bronze, with a clay-red beard and head of hair. If he's ever not wearing overalls and a pair of goggles, then something's amiss. He's a fairly stubborn and hearty man, who would give anything for his men, and even more for their livelihood. (Favorite Instrument: Drums)
->Pierce Rothshire:
-Human, aged 17, orphan boy. Since he was young, Pierce has wanted to be a story-teller just like his Ma. She raised him since he was a young boy, and he'd just been figuring out his magic. Pierce is currently on the run, after the authorities suspected his involvement with an attack on one of the council members. He's a stout young man, caramel skin with fuzzy black hair he often keeps pulled back. His most striking characteristics are his green eyes and his adventurous personality. He's been missing. (Favorite Instrument: ???)
->Klik Rothshire:
-Kenku, aged 14, the youngest of her students, but the first to run off. Klik is a young kenku, entirely unremarkable from her brethren, all aside from the scar across her beak. She was raised by Ma, much like Pierce, but ran away when Pierce was only 10. Currently, she works in thieves guilds and Intel rings. Being able to recite stories is a bit difficult for her, curse and everything, so she is well-known for her craft of shadow-puppertry. She can play out a daring battle for an audience given she has a flat surface and a bright light. The stories usually consist of mysteries, tales of intrigue and excitement in which the villain, honestly, often gets away with his sneaky plot. (Favorite Instrument: Lyre)
->Glory Rothshire:
-Teifling, aged 26 years. Glory is a man who seeks to be in the spotlight. Despite not having a home, he found one with Ma Rothshire when he was young. He was raised while Ma Rothshire took in Emmek and Tavhorn, watching what wonders they worked for the world, and listening to all sorts of stories. Upon learning to control his own magic, Glory left town and started up his own traveling show, a one-man parade. Whether it was jeers or cheers he recieved, he didn't care much at all. The attention, that was what he craved. He's a greedy man, lusting and lounging, moving from town to town without warning or purpose. His skin is a dusty red, hair a smooth black. Horns curve around his head and grow back towards the corners of his yellow eyes. His tail? Well, it was cut off in an accident before he met Ma, but he tells the story differently. He, unlike his siblings, adorns himself in false jewelry and riches, never going without. His stories? They're the ones where the hero gets what he wants. The princess, the prince, the castle and the moat, anything they desired. Of course, though, they all end in tragedy. His audience never hears that far along. (Favorite Instrument: Viol)
->Currently, he's disguised as Glory, seeing as the others he can't maintain for very long w/o constant spirit-guidance. Glory is the one who will be introduced to the party and will join the party.
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