#honestly she could've been the soldier but i like this better
floriphobic · 2 years
Hello Bylers, sibling WillEls, and platonic ElMike enjoyers. I made my first ever edit with the Soldier Poet King trend on TikTok! Enjoy if you'd like. Some of my thought process in the tags.
I need Stranger Things and Byler mutuals please 🙏🙏🙏
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sssusuki · 11 months
Completely unrelated to anything I have ever said or reblogged but I genuinely love the way they handled Fontaine. While some things could've been made even better, the way they handled this was so good. The fact Arlecchino was a genuine threat and Furina actually fooled EVERYBODY (including me) about her true nature is fantastic. While I know Genshin is a game that makes good looking characters for the specific factor of revenue, this fits in Furina so well and also her struggles. 500 years of fooling everybody and the only thing separating her from the common folk was she was unable to die of old age or age at all. Like, that implies she has had to work to look like a god. To act like one and fool everybody is already hard, but taking into account that Furina has to upkeep her appearance while not only stressing over the prophecy and helping her people? She had it rough. She was a genius through and through to the very end that even now people are downplaying her smarts. Not only did she have to do all of this, but also the fact she had to regularly participate in trials and oversaw all of them? This means even more research and studying into her already packed schedule and the fact she can perfect her appearance so flawlessly despite all this stress is absolutely impressive. Truly shows her hard work. It really payed off. Anyways, Fontaine in general was such a good patch and definitely a refresher from what was previous.
When Genshin first came out and they released the trailer for all the nations and Masquerade of the Guilty showed up, I was so excited for that one because it made me imagine something similar to Piltover and Zaun with Rococo fashion inspirations. Ruffles and roses alongside gears and machinations and overall a very dark premise with oil and golden lights and very much French revolution viva la revolution kinda pizzazz. Of course it's not what we got but I still love both ideas. Also, I remember seeing an idea where Furina wasn't suppose to be the Hydro Archon and she was the youngest of three and the middle became what was the giant god killing machine we see at the end. Anyways, I had a lot of ideas and honestly? Both are great and I loved how they handled Fontaine, and especially their women in the cast because we haven't seen such good handling previously.
I love how they made Clorinde a very head strong person that can keep up with Wriothesley of all people and of course Arlecchino who does bad things for the sake of her nation (and also has questionable morality because of her while child soldier business but yeah). I could go on a whole talk about Clorinde because I really like how they handled her character and also the fact she is genuinely serious about the ongoings of her nation and not someone who just cares because it makes them look good morally.
Navia I was expecting to be a bit more noble in etiquette and kind of somebody who bit off more they could chew with trying to find out who murdered her father and it's kind of her coming to a realization and growing as a person but I like how they took her character as well. How I imagined her character was someone who was sheltered and had that bubble break when their father was murdered and despite her people's wishes decided to try and figure it out. It would make sense then why she would need help figuring it out because she doesn't have experience. Sure, she has good etiquette and knows her way around society but she has never dealt with this. This would lead to scenarios where the MC/Clorinde would help her with the case and getting closer while she helps them work around high society so they can achieve their goal. It'd end with Navia coming to a realization how naive she has been while talking with Clorinde because she blames her for his death. Anyways, Navia is super cool and I'd love to see them use Navia's upperclassmen status more because that can be so funny and also sosososo stressful. Especially in a place based off of France where the fashion changed every month or so and you had to play hot potato with your words.
Also, Lyney and Lynette were such good starts with the Fontaine story. They were introductions. Bright and beautifully talented people with a very dark heart beneath. I would've liked them to be more morally ambiguous because that would've been so cool and also bad moral intrigue to the story instead of definite evil vs good but I understand why they went that route. Anyways, I would've loved to see them develop Lynette and Freminet more as children part of the House of the Hearth as well as more lore on House of the Hearth in general because Arlecchino is very suspicious with her morality right now with it and I am loving it.
Neuvillette is probably among my favorite characters because Hoyoverse actually made a strong male character who is allowed to be vulnerable and emotional?? Woah. Anyways, Neuvillette is such a good character and the way they handled him is phenomenal. I would not change anything. Actually, I'd like to see him cry more in the story it's great.
Wriothesley is certainly interesting! I was totally expecting him to take a more antagonistic role in the prison but he didn't. I would've loved to see him be more against the traveller and people above (Like Navia or Neuvillette for instance) to show that class gap because France and Fontaine both have those, do not @ me. Anyways, I would've loved to see Wriothesley go more in depth on the class divide in Fontaine as well as how prisoners are treated down there as well. However, he was definitely a good character and I enjoyed how he bounced off of Clorinde like colleagues.
I could go on on on and on but I will NOT and save it for ANOTHER DAY
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dootznbootz · 1 month
Can I be for real? I hate when people hate on Circe/Kirke for being morally gray >:( Because all the gods are to an extent. Also I think the saying "You can like her as long as you acknowledge she's a bad person" doesn't really work because you could say that for all the gods. I think it's better to say "You can like her as long as you don't try to justify her actions" because that's what most Circe/Female god fans do. And it's so double standard-y I hate it >:( NORMALIZE LIKING CHARACTERS WHO ARE BAD PEOPLE WITHOUT TRYING TO JUSTIFY THEIR ACTIONS BY MAKING THEM VICTIMS. Especially when there are ACTUAL victims in the myth. Circe wasn't trying to protect herself. She's a goddamn goddess and a daughter of a titan. If she truly felt threatened she would've done something more permanent/serious to them. And if she was a male no one would he saying she was just trying to protect herself or something! I get there's a lot of misogyny in Greek Mythology but Circe is a GODDESS, she's above mortals. If Odysseus had to eat a MAGIC DRUG to defeat her that what could've the other soldiers done???
That's one of the reasons I really hated the Circe Book. It just feels so icky when people try to justify the shit she did. Like boo don't. We don't try to justify Zeus' actions. We don't try to justify Apollo's actions. We don't justify Calypso's actions (Or at least we shouldn't). We don't justify Theseus' actions. Because we shouldn't! So don't justify Circe's either >:((((((
Lmao sorry this kind of turned into my own little rant- Anyways do you have any Circe headcanons/shenanigans? I love my old ass mean witch wife 👉👈
And have a great day too, Mad! :D
All of this!!! Yes! Great points!!!
And that's the thing! You can be a fan of two different characters even if they're at odds or one has hurt the other! I do NOT hate Circe at all! Did she traumatize my special lil freak, Odysseus? Yeah. He's in therapy (AKA Penelope's arms). I still don't hate her!
And I absolutely agree with the whole "I just wanna protect my nymphs!" being kind of silly. It's fine, but I prefer her just being selfish in that moment (at least in my writing. There's more to it but I HAVE A PLAN!)
For headcanons/shenanigans, I'm...trying to be a bit more "stingy" with them, as for 1.) I really love my Circe and she's very special, and 2.) I've...honestly been doing too much into headcanons and not as much into actually WRITING. ;~; Which is what I really WANT to do. So I'll give a few basic silly ones that I'm okay with sharing. :D
1.) Circe has a habit of saying words twice. Like "Oh, oh", "My, my", "Yes, yes," etc. She has that habit from her papa :3 (I really love Helios lol. I wanna have him visit Aeaea during the year Odysseus is there just because I can lol) Once, though, Hermes pointed it out and teased her about it so she's a bit embarrassed and tries to not do that. (it slips out)
2.) She is basically her own lil sun. (not as much as Helios ofc, but yeah. enough) You can't look her in the eyes too long as it's basically like looking at 2 mini suns. If you're a mortal and sit close to her, you may get a sunburn. (she has mostly dryad nymphs working for her because it's a bonus to get extra sunlight.) It's kind of nice when making potions to be very warm so then she can hold it for a while and it'll warm up.
3.) She's kind of a behavioral psychologist/researcher in a way?? (putting my own field of interest into my shit lol) She much prefers the company of animals and immortals. She thinks humans are neat but she sees them more as something to "study". She does not see them as equal in a way. She also finds humans to be a lil gross. Being as warm as she is, mortals tend to sweat if they share the same room as her for a while and...Ew :') (Fun fact: Odysseus is a very sweaty dude, so... yeah. "I'm putting up with this because you're handsome and I want to study you.") It's part of the reason WHY she turns them into "cuter furred creatures". Also cats like laying in sunbeams!!! :D She's so warm! (Odysseus' men were to feed her pets eventually)
4.) She tends to laugh at her own jokes.
5.) Her and Artemis have beef because her having her pets run amock on Aeaea is fucking with it's balance in nature xD basically a bunch of big cat/wolf predators being introduced and what's naturally there can't keep up.
Some other stuff would give spoilers and some are not safe for wormlings so yeah! :D I hope this is good!
You have a great day too, Dear anon! Thank you! :D
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tvckerwash · 9 months
I'm thinking about price again my dudes. like I honestly don't think he was a bad guy or that he had bad intentions. he—like everyone else involved in project freelancer—choose to wholeheartedly believe in the director, and he genuinely thought that an out of the box/unconventional solution like project freelancer could've been the key to winning the war.
I also think that he did genuinely want the best for the freelancers, and that his psychological experiments were not intended to result in the outcomes that they did. I don't think price wanted to see /his/ freelancer agents that he personally hand-picked fail—or continually be put into positions that would result in failure, but, unfortunately, he was at the mercy of the director's whims and a fundamentally broken system as much as the agent's themselves were.
when I look at the way he interacts with wash in recovery one and s6, I don't see someone who is doing what he is solely due to underlying ulterior motives. like don't get me wrong, price didn't trust wash, and the extensive therapy sessions did have hidden agendas, but I think he really did want to see wash up and running again, and he does express some level of remorse over the whole epsilon incident along with south betraying wash and shooting him in the back. but again, unfortunately for price, he's dealing with a man who already had an inherent dislike of people poking around inside his head, who also doesn't want to beat around the bush and deal with all of price's bullshit therapy jargon because he's fine, so just give him a gun and tell him where to shoot.
at the end of s6, price wanted to negotiate with wash and meta, but unfortunately (for the umpteenth time), he was dealing with 3 people who were far past the point of negotiating and already had their minds made up. wash was prepared to die if it meant the destruction of freelancer and the meta, the meta was prepared to do anything he was asked if it would lead him to the alpha, and the director was prepared to continue using his agent's to carry out his personal agenda and eliminate those who got in his way.
then price gets sent to jail, left to rot by the man who he trusted. some years pass and he hears about how a group of colorful soldiers brought the director to justice, and then the prison transport ship he's called home gets hijacked by some mercenaries, and finding himself free (relatively speaking) for the first time in a very long time, he decides he's not taking any chances.
sharkface was doomed to die—price made sure to direct his single focused rage and desire for revenge towards agent carolina, for she had always been an empathetic and deeply caring woman even if she wasn't the best at showing it, and her competitive nature was an easy and obvious exploit. unfortunately for sharkface though, with all of his attention on carolina, that meant that agent washington would fall off his radar, and he would have no problem delivering the finishing blow that carolina herself couldn't—wash is a pragmatic man first and foremost, and he has no qualms about killing people if they pose a danger to himself and those close to him, and unlike carolina he only let's his emotions get the better of him in the field when he can logically justify his actions to himself as being unrelated to his feelings.
locus is a man who has been irreparably scarred by the great war along with so many others, and he has no sense of identity outside of being a soldier. his interest (and subsequent disappointment and anger) over agent washington not accepting him as a fellow soldier is very telling. price wonders what locus would think if he told him that agent washington had been court-martialed and demoted prior to being recruited for freelancer for disobeying orders and attacking his CO.
when locus has a sudden interest in the meta, he decides to take the opportunity to sow the seeds of doubt and open locus' eyes to the truth of his partnership with felix, and how the other man wants locus to stay a broken, mindless soldier when he does not need to be one. after all, price is and always will be a counselor, and while he thoroughly failed at his job in the past due to things that were both in and out of his control, here he sees a chance to do some good and make amends on his own terms.
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unknownpisces002 · 2 years
Bleed me dry, Make me blue ( Part 2.)
" There was a woman, born from a lotus. Her heart was golden, deep as the ocean. And then this one man, he came and broke it. Until it was open, just like a lotus. Oh yes, there were explosions. She found her focus, the beast awoken."
Shuri Udaku x Reader.
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A weeks time has passed, since you met with the Princess. And had been told of your new upcoming task from K'uk'ulkan. Which consisted of you convincing Shuri into joining him, so that the Talokanil's and Wakandan's? Could go to war together with the surface world.
But of course? Things take a turn. And as you lurk underneath the Wakandan waters, alongside Namora, Attuma, K'uk'ulkan, and other soldiers who are prepared to fight? You can't help but feel a bit frantic and guilty? For being present in a place where you hadn't been formally invited to.
And as the soldiers emerge from the waters and begin to attack? You occupy yourself by doing what you were sent here to do. Despite the fact that you were against it? You allowed your feet to lead you into the direction of the palace. Where eventually? You're captured after being spotted by a Dora Milaje soldier, who was guarding the entrance way.
Which causes you to be imprisoned in a cell, that honestly? You saw coming sooner or later. Being that K'uk'ulkan, had mentioned that this would probably happen to you. After he had disposed of the Queen, along with Riri the scientist. And as you sat feeling cold and a bit anxious about what would come next? Nothing could've prepared you more, once you were met with the presence of Shuri.
Who like K'uk'ulkan said? Wasn't all too elated or pleased? To witness you and your now blue-ish appearance? Being present inside of her home.
Word count:12.1K
Themes: friends, to lovers, to enemies, and then lovers again, angst, lots of tension, lots of fluff, reader is Talokanil but we can pretend that she's black ( when her skin isn't blue ofc) because i wasn't 100% sure if they had any black Talokanil people during the movie? shuri is bad at feelings, and has a hard time controlling her emotions because of it, shuri misses her mom a lot too, reader is also slightly bad with feelings, due to her history of being rejected and pushed away by namora & other Talokanil people her age, forbidden romance, eventual sexual content later in the series, okoye is a supportive queen and we stan her, reader is also very sensitive and easily triggered, but with time and the proper care and loving? she will get much better, slight mention and attempt of S/A, lots of tears, lots and lots of tension, flirting, and lastly lots of arguing, but in the end? things will lighten up.
Tag list: @inmyheadimobsessed @vixentheplanet @shurismainbxtch @pinkwright @ziayamikaelson @shuriszn @vampzxi @shurisvibranium @shurisconcubine @ririsbeloved @cyberdior @importantsongcloud @abenomeiiii @noidontthinkyougetit2 @saintwrld @nooshytushie @thewifeoflevi @shuriislut and as always? if anyone would like to be added to the tag list? just comment down below and i'll be more than happy to add you ❤️
Divider by: @firefly-graphics
Author's Note
hi you guy's!! 🥹 i know i've been saying tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow? and i never posted anything? but typing this out? took me way longer than i intended it to. and also with how good that all of you said part 1 was? i had to buckle down and really think hard on how i wanted part 2 to be, and originally? i had 8.7k words typed out, but last night i added onto what i had, and now there's 12.1k words.
so it's a very long chapter, and i really, really hope you all like it and that it's up to par lol. there's also a lot of ups and downs in this part of the series as well. so please buckle up and be prepared. because our sweet, emotional, and love deprived reader? is gonna go through a turmoil of emotions, right along with shuri.
and as i mentioned in the beginning of part one? all the inspiration i've been getting for this story? comes from one of my favorite artist, who's music is so angelic, and feels like a spiritual cleanse whenever you get to hear her voice. & this specific song in general? really just tied everything together.
but i think i've done enough rambling 😭 so let me just get on with finishing up the last of what i have to say.
before we jump into the story? lastly i'd like to say a special thank you to everyone who gave me feedback on part 1. 🥹❤️
and who left me kind words, and have all in all? just been super, super supportive. and welcoming to me, being that i'm still a newbie here, and i'm learning how to work the app and do things and make cool edits, like most of the readers i follow and love up here? have. but as we all continue to grow together and embark on this journey with shuri and the reader?
i hope it brings all of us closer and that possibly in the future? if i find inspiration to write another story, once this one is complete? that i'll hopefully get blessed with the chance to see each and every one of you there as well, whenever that day comes forth. 🥹
but now with further ado? let's get onto the story!
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The fight against the Wakandan's was unplanned, unfair, and unforeseen. As the people here knew nothing about the battle coming, that was currently occurring outside. While you tried your hardest to ignore the screams, erupting from the mouths of children, their mother's, along with their father's. As you crept stealthily, up the walls on the side of the palace. 
Feeling a bit anxious, seeing as you were so high up from off the ground? And far away from water. Which caused you to begin overthinking and lose focus of your task. As you imagined yourself falling against the ground, and dying from not having any oxygen. If your mask that was settled over your face? Was to break. Once you had hit the concrete, that from where you were standing currently? 
Looked as if it were nothing but a small line, as the people who lived in the capital? Ran against it. With their arms outstretched, down below.
But despite your current anxiety? You continued on with climbing. 
Letting out a deep breath, that you weren't aware you were holding onto. At the feel of your feet, being returned to the ground. Once you had made it to the top of the building successfully, without being spotted. By any of the soldiers, who were seen running in the opposite direction during the moment.
Before suddenly? Their focused had shifted. And they stopped in their tracks, due to the hypnotizing sound emitting from the mouths of the sirens. Who swam below in the water from which you had just came? And called out to them. Raising their voices in higher octaves, that soon? Had caused all ten of the soldiers who were just seen running towards some kind of high tech jet? To halt in their footsteps.
And go walking slowly towards the edge of the building, before they jumped off of the ledge. Plummeting down fairly quickly, until their bodies had made contact with the surface of the water, and they sunk down underneath. Disappearing into the depths of what lurked down below. Which made your breathing begin to grow unsteady, as you now came to the clear realization. That instead of Namor simply just disposing of the Queen, along with Riri the scientists?
That he was going to dispose of many other innocent people, as well as children. 
As he made his way up to the palace, flying in the air–with the small wings that were attached against the sides of his ankles. Where he'd been stopped a few times on his way up, by other Dora Milaje soldiers. Who flew in jets, shooting at him the best they could–trying to strike him.
 But unfortunately for them? Namor was far too agile to be struck down. Regardless of how many bullets had came flying out of the missiles, that were underneath the bottom of their jets? It was impossible for them to catch him. 
And from where you were standing right now? You had a clear view of the Queen. Who stood watching everything that was happening on the ground unfold. With Riri standing not too far behind her.
As the two of them both held looks of shock, and if you weren't mistaken? A bit of fear. 
When Namor had made his way near the window, where the two of them had stood behind. And the spear that he held in his right hand? Came crashing down against the surface of it. Which you were assuming that he had intentions of it breaking through successfully? But to no avail? The glass had never shattered.
And with that? Namor flew away. Shocking you and a few other Talokan soldiers, at the fact that it seemed he had given up? And that he was retreating? Which was nothing at all like him. Because in all your years of living and being under his supervision? Namor had never retreated from anything, or anyone before. Nor did he ever lie, whenever he said that he'd handle a situation.
So seeing him fly away, and dive back into the water? Had left you feeling confused on what to do next. As you stood facing towards the edge of the building, where you'd been from the very moment. That the Dora Milaje soldiers who walked towards it, due to being under the hypnosis from the sirens? Had jumped off.
Plummeting right into their death.
" Lahla isikhali sakho!" A deep voice shouted from behind you, shifting your focus away from Namor. Who had recently just re-submerged from out of the water, throwing a handful of bombs at the window. That the Queen, as well as Riri had stood behind. Before it shattered after a few seconds, and a shit load of water went rushing directly inside.
Translation: Drop your weapon.
Knocking the both of their bodies completely out of view, from being seen anymore. As you felt your wrist begin to get grabbed on from behind you, fairly rough. Just as the spear you once held? Was sent clattering against the ground. When you were yanked backwards and spun around, so you'd be facing away from the edge–in the way that you had been before being put into cuffs.
That had felt a bit tight, and as if they were starting to constrict your blood flow? But despite your attempt to ask the guard who was leading you, to loosen them up? You were already being shoved into the entrance of the palace, as she eyed you closely. Keeping her spear pointed at the middle part of your back.
As the two of you began walking down a set of stairs, which eventually led you into what looked like a cave, that was similar to the one back in Talokan. Except that the one here? Didn't have as many lights, in the way that the one back home did. 
" Sit." Getting nudged in your back once more with the guards spear, you followed her orders and did as told. Feeling a sigh of relief escape from your lips, after she removed the tight cuffs from being against your wrist. Which had allowed your circulation to return back to normal, as you sat with your hands inside your lap.
Beginning to slowly start to observe the cell in which you were in now. With your head turning towards the right, as you squinted your eyes just a bit. Trying to make out what the writing that was engraved into the walls had read. Seeing that now, as your vision had focused fully and adjusted to the darkness?
That there was writing written all around you, in some sort of foreign language. Which after a while? You assumed was most likely Wakandan. Once it began glowing a light shade of blue, like the bracelet that Shuri had worn back in Talokan? Had done.
" Excuse me?" You spoke aloud, returning your gaze back to the guard. Who stood with her shoulders upright, while eyeing you closely with a stern expression present. " Is there any chance, that I could speak with the Prince–"
Mid way through speaking, you were cut off by another deep, yet somewhat light voice. As another Dora Milaje soldier approached the guard who was watching you. With a face full of terror, along with having tear stained cheeks. As she took a quick glance at you, while you sat criss crossed against the floor.
Before she shifted her focus back towards the other soldier.
Muttering out a few words that you weren't really able to make out. Being that she was currently speaking in Wakandan. Which made it hard for you to try and decipher what you assumed, that she might've been saying? But when the guard who had cuffed you, dropped her spear. And a choked out sob had escaped from the back part of her throat?
You knew right away, that they were discussing the Queen. And the explosion that had just occurred? From Namor. And him throwing the bombs he threw at the window. That had caused loads of water to break through it, and go flowing inside of the room that Riri, and the Queen had been inside of.
" Ukumkanikazi ufile." The guard who approached the cell, mumbled incoherently. Placing her hand against the other woman's shoulder, as a way to comfort her, and get her cries to come to a stop. 
Translation: The Queen is dead.
" Ukumkanikazi ufile, yaye inkokeli yayo yiyo ebangele ukumbulala!" Her finger came pointing over in your direction, as you furrowed your brows out of confusion. 
" I'm sorry?" You spoke lowly, but loud enough for the two of them to hear you.
Translation: The Queen is dead, and her leader is the one responsible for killing her.
" Sorry!?" The guard who'd brung you down to the cell, let out a bitter chuckle. Snapping her head around quickly, as she began to glare at you. With both her hands holding onto the bars of the cell, so tightly? That the veins in her knuckles were beginning to protrude.
" Our Queen? Is dead!" She shouted at you so loudly, that the sound of her voice continued to echo throughout the hallway. After she had closed her mouth, and faced away from you.
As you sat feeling all of the guilt, that had been building throughout your body during the last seven days? Come bubbling up to the surface. Just as you let out a sob yourself, and placed your hands over your mouth, to cover it afterwards. So that another one wouldn't be able to escape from out of it.
While you sat beginning to cry, with a quivering bottom lip. Trying your hardest to come to terms with what you were being told. " S-she's what?" You questioned her, once more. Barely speaking above a whisper, with your eyes widening in shock. After she'd repeated herself, a third time.
" Our Queen, is dead." She muttered lowly, after rising back up from off the ground. Holding onto her spear tightly, inside the palm of her left hand. " She's dead."
" And your leader, with the wings upon his feet? Is the person who's responsible for killing her!"
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If you had known that your presence would cause so much confusion? Then you would have tried to reason with Namor, and beg him to allow you to remain in Tolakan. 
Where you'd probably be roaming around somewhere right now? While trying hardly not to make anymore mistakes. Or like any other day? You'd be following Namora around, as if you were her shadow? Along with studying everything she did, or said? So you could be as gifted and treasured as she was.
Had you remained there? Instead of coming up to the surface.
And following orders from a leader, who could honestly care less if you had felt pity for the people around you or not? Nor did he care if you cried, or pleaded with him to spare the lives of Riri and the Queen. So that they could live their lives freely and happily? Instead of being nothing but a distinct memory.
That in one point of time? Used to be a walking, living, talking, breathing soul. Who had hopes and dreams, of being whatever it was that they wanted to be in life. So as you sat feeling guilty, as if you were the one who'd killed the Queen, instead of Namor? You prayed up above to the God's.
Asking them to rid you of the ongoing pain, in which you currently felt. As well as also asking, if they could allow you to be gifted. And more like Namora, like Namor had asked you to be. Because being unable to do anything correctly? Was beginning to grow a bit tiring. 
And you felt as if sooner or later? That you'd be pushed to the breaking point, that you had promised yourself, as well as the God's? That you wouldn't get to.
" Y/N?" The sound of Riri's voice, had knocked you from out of your thoughts. As you found yourself rising up to your feet fairly quick, with glossy eyes, and hands that wouldn't quit shaking. Seeing that the smaller girl, was alive. And not dead, as you presumed that she'd be? After Namor, had went through all of this trouble, just to get rid of her?
Due to her building a machine, that in her mind? Was just a simple school project, for her Metallurgy class. " R-riri?" You reached your hands out of the cell, cupping both her cheeks as soon as she was close enough for you to do so. Which had taken her by surprise, and caused her eyes to widen.
But after a while? Her facial expression returned back to normal. Making you feel so much more at ease, when she held onto your hands. And smiled warmly at you, before in an instant? The expression had shifted. And nothing else but sadness, was evident inside of her dark brown, slightly slanted shaped eyes.
" T-the Queen, is umm.." She trailed off, after releasing your hands. " The Queen is dead."
" And N-namo–"
" And the fish man killed her!" A large man who stood behind her, cut her sentence short. Making his presence be known, as he stepped forward. Emerging from out of the darkness of the hall, with the same expression present on his features. That both the guards who stood outside your cell earlier? Had present on theirs.
" And I believe that, you!?" He pointed his finger in your direction. " I believe that you might've had something to do with it!"
" Me!?" You jerked your head back, at his ridiculously stupid statement. Feeling offended and if you were being honest? Quite a bit hurt. That he would think that someone like you, who was almost as tiny as Riri, and clearly incapable of completing a task? Could've done something of the sort.
" Yes, I believe you helped him." He carried on with talking, and stating his preposterous beliefs. " Because if you didn't have anything to do with it? Then enlighten me on why you are here?" His brows raised, as he awaited your response.
" Surely, it can't be because you had good intentions? Because you and your kind? Have made it completely clear? That we are not equals. Despite the fact that we each own vibranium? Which, way before we ever knew of sea people ever existing? We were certain, that we were the only ones who owned it."
" So please?" His eyes bored directly into your black ones. " Tell us why you're really here."
" And what is that you want, with the Princess?"
" To see her." You spit out quickly, feeling your heart rate begin to accelerate, at the mention of Shuri. " I'd like to see her. And speak with her alone, please."
" What for?" Riri questioned, mirroring the man's current expression. " And why now? After her mother was just murdered, right in front of her."
" What?" You felt a lump start to form inside of your throat, as you stood trying to even out your breathing. Along with your wobbling knees, that felt as if they were on the verge of giving out on you. " H-he wouldn't." You laughed bitterly, blinking back the tears that were threatening to spill over.
" Namor, would never do that."
" Oh yeah? And why wouldn't he, Y/N!?" Riri shouting at you unexpectedly? Had caught you completely off guard. Seeing the way that she did it a second time, when you had ignored her previous question, and just stood completely still.
Allowing the tears you fought to keep back? To fall freely. As the breaking point that you tried so hardly to run away from? Had finally caught up to you. And slithered around your neck as if it were a snake? As it blocked off your ability to speak, like you so desperately wanted to.
So that you could try to prove your innocence, and voice your reasoning for saying what you said about Namor. But all the attempts you made to speak? Had failed. And nothing except soft cries escaping from out of your mouth? Could be heard, by the two individuals who stood before you.
Looking as if they were unfazed, and more angry than they had been prior. Which in all honesty? You expected. Being that their Queen had just been murdered, and taken away from them. While Riri on the other hand? Had almost been drowned to death, as you were now able to make out the wet clothes she wore, that were almost dry? Being stuck against her small frame.
" It seems to me? That you don't have an answer for me, Y/N." Riri continued speaking, ignoring your sobs as if they were inaudible to her. " And I see now?" Stepping back from the cell, near the area where the tall man who'd been talking previously, stood? Riri let out a bitter chuckle, shaking her head side to side.
With both her hands balled into fist. " I see now, that you and I? Could never be friends, in the way that I expected us to be."
" And also?" Pausing in her footsteps as she walked away, Riri took a final glance at you. Allowing you to be met with with the sight of her crying, which had shocked you completely.
Being that you'd never taken her for the type of person, who'd allow herself to be vulnerable around others. " Shuri, really believed that you were different."
" And she was so excited, after you left from introducing yourself to the two us. Back when we were in Talokan, last week? Because she figured that she had made a friend. And you know with her being a Princess and all? She doesn't really get to have a lot of those. Other than her being kind of close with some of the soldiers here? She has, no one."
" I-i am different!" You interjected, shouting just a bit. " Nah." Riri chuckled once more, waving her finger around in the air. " You aren't different at all, Y/N."
" And you wanna know why that is?" She raised her eyebrow questioningly, while you stood frowning at her angrily, with ragged breathing, and bloodshot eyes. " ..Why?.." You found yourself asking, despite the fact you told yourself you wouldn't.
" Because you're just like everyone else, who uses innocent people. And makes them believe that the intentions you have are good, when really?" Her head tilted slightly towards the side.
" Really? You're just as fucked up as Namor. And to top that off? You're exactly like him too."
" I am nothing like, Namor!" Raising your voice so loudly, that your throat began to hurt directly after doing it? You banged your fist against the walls. Not caring about how the stinging sensation that began lingering had felt? Once the barrier of your skin had broken.
And your knuckles had started to bleed. " I'm nothing like him!" You protested once more, attesting your innocence. " Oh? But you are." The man who stood beside Riri, spoke aloud.
" And the Princess, will not be speaking with you, or seeing you. For she is planning, so she can prepare to bury her Mother. Who your leader, who is the fish man? Killed."
" So, please? Do enjoy your stay here–in this..dark and cold cell." He trailed off, pointing his finger over at the small circular shaped window. That was high above the small cot, located over in the left side of the room.
" And if you find yourself growing weary, and in need of entertainment? Then look out into that window over there? And imagine yourself being free. Like you could have been now? Had you not assisted your fish man leader? With murdering our Queen!"
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After the heated discussion you had with Riri, and the tall man, who for some odd reason? Made sounds as if he were a dog, after every sentence he finished? You were left alone again. With a mindful of thoughts, as well as having a heart that felt heavy. When you imagined how Shuri might've been feeling right now? While also wondering what she might've been doing at the moment?
As you sat picking with the mask that was over your mouth. Feeling conflicted, and of course? Tremendously guilty. Knowing that Riri, the man who'd been present with her, and possibly Shuri? Were all convinced that you had assisted Namor, with his plans of killing the Queen.
Which had hurt you, and made you start to question if those assumptions might've been true? Due to your tendency of being blamed for so many mistakes in your life, by Namora, and other Talokanil people. Who spoke down on your capability, of ever being great so much? That at a time like this? Your intrusive thoughts were beginning to get the upper hand.
As you found yourself ripping off the headgear you wore, and launching it at the bars of the cell. Which made a loud banging sound, begin bouncing off the walls of the room. Following muffled sobs and loud sniffles, along with the sound of you beginning to choke on air.
When you removed the mask that was once over your face? And allowed it to drop on the ground. As you kicked it away from being near you, after removing it successfully. Before your body had fell backwards against the cool, cement floor. And your light blue skin? Had began darkening instantly. Upon you not having on your mask, or being close by water, like you'd normally be?
When you'd remove it to give your face a break? Back when you were home, in Talokan.
So as you laid with your hands against your throat, with wide eyes, and a rapidly beating heart? You prayed to the God's, for what felt like the millionth time. As you asked them to guide you peacefully to your ancestors, who had perished away–far before you were born.
But unfortunately for you? The moment of death you'd been awaiting? Had never came.
And before you knew it? Your shoulders were being lifted, as the feel of soft, warm hands? Had begun shaking your body lightly, while the voice of whoever the hands belonged to? Murmured lots of incoherent words, that you couldn't really make out. Once your mask had been placed back over your face, and your eyes shot open on instinct.
When you were finally able to breathe regularly again. " Breathe." The sound of Shuri's voice had made you pause your movements, and shoot your eyes up in her direction. When her hands had remained on your face, and she didn't move them away–like you expected she'd do?
After everything that had recently occurred, today.
" S-shuri?" You whispered quietly, staring at her as if she were a ghost. Because your mind wouldn't allow you to believe, that she was standing here in front of you right now. And let alone? Touching you.
When the tall man from earlier, had made it one hundred percent clear? That she wouldn't be speaking with you, or seeing you. Due to her being busy, with planning for her Mother's funeral. 
" You tried killing yourself? Why?" Her brows raised in confusion.
" I-i don't know what you're talking about." You stammered over your words, playing dumb. Scooting yourself farther away from her, once she rose to her feet. And had begun pacing around your body. While watching you intently, as if she were trying to read you? As she did so.
" You are lying." She responded after a while. " In the same way that you had done? When we were in Talokan."
" Lying?" You repeated her, with a voice full of confusion. " I've lied to you about nothing before, Shuri."
" Oh, ingelosi? But you have." Stopping in her tracks after she was behind you, Shuri motioned for you to stand. Which caused you to scramble up to your feet with quickness, and approach her slowly. As you found yourself growing eager, for some unknown reason? To be close to her.
Translation: Angel.
" Y-yes, Shuri?" Staring up at her tall frame, you then placed your hands behind your back nervously. As her eyes began to linger from your face, down to the gills. That were located against the area underneath your shoulders, near the center of your chest.
" Why have you come here?" Her voice had dropped. " And what is it that you want?" Moving once more, after standing completely still? Shuri began to approach you, which made your stomach go into knots, out of being afraid.
As you inched backwards, the more she stepped forward coming towards you. Until eventually? You'd been cornered, in between the area where the cot-like bed, and window were located. Feeling your body slightly flinch, just as you squeezed your eyes shut tightly. When Shuri's fist, had came crashing down against the wall behind you.
That wasn't so far away from where your head had been. Which made you begin questioning yourself, instantly. As you wondered had she wanted to hit you instead? And not the wall, that began glowing in the same way, it had done earlier? Due to her touch.
" Ndiphendule!" The sound of Shuri's voice cracking, after she hollered at you? Left you feeling a bit unsteady, along with being emotional. When the urge to cry, had suddenly come over you, again. For what felt like the hundredth time today.
Translation: Answer me.
At the sight of tears, that had begun rushing down the sides of Shuri's sepia, reddish-brown skin, nonstop. 
" I wanted to see yo–"
" Bullshit!" Shuri punched her fist against the wall, a second time. Making you move away from being so close to where she was. Or at least? You tried to. But the feel of her hands holding you in place, and restraining you from going anywhere?
Had shaken you to the core, due to the unexpected contact. 
" It's the truth, Shuri." You tried getting her to believe you, as you reached out your hands. To try and wipe her face free of the tears, that had continued to spew down her slightly puffed out cheeks.
" I wanted to see you." You said again, speaking way softer this time. As Shuri stood saying nothing, with her eyes being locked onto the floor. " And I'm sorry about your Moth–"
" Sorry?" Her eyes were back on you now, allowing you to see that her face was completely frowned up. " Y-yes." You nodded hesitantly, once she let go of the previous grip she had on you.
And she took a step back, running her hands throughout her short curled hair. Just as a loud laugh had escaped her lips, following a choked out sob. That honestly? Made you want to begin crying yourself. At the sight of her being so upset, and in rage. In a way? That you would have never expected her to be in, if it were still last week?
When the two of you were just meeting for the first time. And she was surprisingly happy and quite friendly? For someone who'd been brought to a completely different world, from the one that she was used to.
" My Mother is dead, Y/N." Shuri spoke slowly, after her breathing had returned to normal.
" She is, dead! And Namor, Is the one who's responsible? For taking her away from me!"
" So, please? Please keep your pity and half apologies? To yourself." She pushed her finger into the center of your chest, causing you to stumble backwards a bit, from how hardly she had done it. " S-shur–"
" No!" Her hand raised up, cutting your sentence short. As you struggled to blink back your tears, and keep your feelings at bay. So that you wouldn't get offended by how mean she was currently being. But in a way? You felt that you deserved this.
Because had you tried being useful for once in your life? And you stood your ground? Instead of being afraid, to call others out on their wrongdoings? Then maybe Shuri's Mother would be alive right now. And she'd be happy, rather than being in distraught, as well as angry?
As she stood before you, with her finger remaining against your chest. Looking as if she was disgusted with your presence, in the same way that Namora would look? Whenever the realization of you being her sister? Had settled inside of her brain.
" ..Please.." Feeling your bottom lip begin to quiver, you tucked it behind your teeth with quickness. " Please don't be angry with me, Shuri." You pleaded with her.
" In puksi'ik'al ma' ma' táan manejar tu." You reached for her hands, leaning your head towards the side, so she'd be able to see you. Being that she was avoiding your gaze, as well as your touch. Once she snatched her hands from out of your grasp, and her head shook side to side reluctantly.
Translation: My heart won't be able to handle it.
" I have nothing for you." Her statement had made your shoulders slump down in defeat. And caused you to draw out a deep sigh, when the tears you were trying to keep away? Had begun to fall. When Shuri turned around, putting her back towards you. And she began walking back near the entrance of the cell.
" Nothing!" She added onto her previous statement, raising her voice.
" So, please? Save your tears and lies? For someone who'll believe them."
" Because I have nothing for you! Or nothing to say or give to you? Of that matter." She made herself completely clear, as she talked with a voice, that was laced with anger.
" And I've had enough of you staring at me! With that look inside of your eyes." Pausing from opening up the cell, Shuri glanced over her shoulder at you. With furrowed up eyebrows, and lips that were twisted upwards, showcasing her evident distaste. From whatever look in your eyes? That she was referring to.
" What look?" You questioned, blinking your eyes once, and then twice.
" That look." She pointed at you, as she swallowed hardly. Looking as if she were trying to contain herself, from losing the last bit of self control she had. " ..S-stop looking at me.."
" I have to look at you? In order to talk to you, Shur–"
" STOP!" Being yelled at by Shuri, for what felt like the thousandth time? Made you break. And caused you to begin boiling over with your own anger, as you found yourself shouting back at her, way louder than she had done to you.
Which had taken her by surprise, and made her breathing still for a few moments? At the sight of you being so enraged. And yet? So beautiful, at the same time. But of course? She'd never admit to that. Because the ongoing feelings she'd felt right about now? Had confused her.
And made her feel as if she were a traitor? For finding a person who's ruler, was responsible for her Mother's death? Intriguing. And worst of all? Attractive.
" Are you finished?" Shuri broke the awkward silence that had settled over the two of you, once your shouting had come to a cease. "Because if you are? Then listen to me closely."
" Because I've never been a woman? Who liked repeating herself."
" You don't say?" You responded sarcastically, after sitting down against the edge of the cot, with your arms folded tightly over your chest. "Stop it." She warned you, but you continued on with your sarcastic remarks anyway, not caring about if they had bothered her or not.
Seeing as she didn't care, that her yelling she had done earlier? Had hurt you. When she did it continuously, without having any ounce of remorse.
" I take it that, blue must not be one of your favorite colors either, Princess?" 
" Or is it just me, that you hate so much? Since you didn't shout at Namor, today? In the way that you've been shouting at m–"
" Y/N, I'm warning yo–" Shuri tried to speak, but you continued to speak over her.
" Maybe I should've just did what I was told? And used my siren abilities to manipulate you? Like Namor, told me to do. And maybe if I had done that? Then you probably would have been a bit more nicer towards me? Instead of being angry. Which just to clarify? You should consider other people's feelings? Before blaming them for thing's th–"
Due to you being so caught up in your rant? You hadn't noticed that Shuri had started to approach you. And as you were mid way through finishing up? You had been pinned down to the cot below you. As the front of your top, had been grabbed up and twisted.
When Shuri's tall frame had begun towering over you. And nothing except disbelief, anger, and if you weren't mistaken? Hurt, were evident inside of her dark brown eyes.
" N-namor sent you here, to try and manipulate me?" The grip Shuri had on your top tightened. When it took you a while to respond back to her. Due to you currently being occupied with staring at her face, that was only just a few centimeters away from where your's was.
Which allowed you to make out how sharp her jawline actually was? And how when she was angry, like she was currently? And she clenched her teeth together tightly? That it popped out even more. Making you part your lips, to speak, before you stopped yourself. 
Once the realization of the position the two of you were in? Came crashing into your mind. Causing you to push yourself into Shuri's hands, involuntarily. And grab hold of both her wrist, as you rubbed your thumbs in small circles, caressing the surface of her skin there. 
Feeling your body begin to heat up shortly after, and a small smile start to tug at the corners of your lips. When the sound of Shuri inhaling and exhaling deeply, upon having you touch her? Had filled your ears.
" I would never manipulate you, Shuri." You answered her, continuing to rub your thumbs across her wrist. " I-i don't care what Namor say's, or what he'll do to me? If he ever happens to find out either." 
"  But I-i'd never put you through th–"
" ..Stop.." Speaking barely above a whisper, Shuri pulled her arms away from you gently, after releasing the hold she had on your top. " You should go." Her next words made you widen your eyes in confusion, as you rose your body up from it's previous position.
And opened up your mouth to object, until she stopped you. " Mamela kum, Y/N." 
Translation: Listen to me.
" My Mother is dead, Y/N." 
" First it was my Father, when I was younger. And then? It was T'Challa. And when T'Challa first died? I thought that I lost everything. Because you see, T'Challa? Saw me for who I was. And he accepted me for what I truly loved, without ever judging me. Or forcing me into a life that I didn't really want or care for. But now? I've lost my Mother." 
Shuri let out a dry laugh, using the back part of her hand to wipe away her tears. 
" And I've been forced to be in charge of a nation? That I'm not even sure I can lead. Because who would take orders from the Princess, who's always been far more interested with being inside of her lab and building things? Rather than following the orders my Mother would give to me? So I could be prepared for this day, once it came..."
" ..A-and she died, and left me in charge to take her place."
The sight of Shuri pulling at her hair, as she sobbed uncontrollably? Made the guilt you'd felt earlier, when you first emerged from out of the Wakandan waters, alongside Namor and the other Talokanil soldiers? Return with quickness.
As you sat trying to think of something to say, that would make Shuri feel better, and put a stop to her constant crying. But what do you say to a person, who's lost everything and everyone that they once loved? And how do you get their pain to diminish, so that they could be happy again?
Instead of feeling a surge of different emotions? All at once.
" I should've tried harder to stop him.." You mumbled incoherently, pulling your knees into your chest. " R-riri was right." 
" All of this? Is my faul–"
" No." The sound of Shuri's laughter, had caused you to pause in the middle of speaking. As you sat with a puzzled expression present, while wondering what she found so funny about what you had recently said.
" You don't get to feel bad, or expect to receive pity from me? When everything that has happened? Is just as much as your fault? As it is Namor's."
" Y-you take that back." Standing to your feet with quickness, you stomped towards Shuri angrily. With clenched fist, glossy eyes, and a face, that wouldn't mask away how hurt her statement had made you? Even if you were to try your hardest not to react.
And pretend that it didn't bother you, when in reality? The brutal honesty of it all? Had tore what little bit of hope you had, of the two of you overcoming this obstacle that Namor placed in between you? Right into shreds.
" T-take it back, Shuri!" By now the two of you were standing chest to chest, while breathing rather heavily, as you held eye contact with one another. " ..No.." Shuri whispered lowly, catching you completely off guard, when she pressed her forehead against yours.
And brung her hands to the sides of your face, beginning to cradle it. Which made you hold your breath, and begin leaning into her touch hesitantly. With your eyes closed, as your heart rate slowly began returning to normal. Due to the feel of Shuri's cool fingertips, wiping away the tears that continued to spew down your now puffed out cheeks.
And cause your eyes as well as your face, to now be puffy. And slightly sensitive to touch, as you found yourself jerking back your head. With clenched teeth, and furrowed up eyebrows. At the feel of Shuri adding pressure, when the pad of her thumb went brushing underneath your left eye.
" Ma jach ts'u'uyaj tin yéetel, Ya'ab frágil, ts'o'ok a wojel?" Holding onto Shuri's wrist, after returning your head to it's previous position? You then averted your focus back towards her, feeling a small, hearty like laugh fly out of your mouth. At the sight of her looking genuinely confused. And as if she were trying hardly to decipher, what you recently just finished saying.
Translation. Don't be so rough with me, I'm fragile you know?
While she tapped the beads to the bracelet, that was wrapped securely around her left wrist. Causing a light blue light to appear, like it had done when the two of you were in Talokan. Just as a robotic like voice began speaking from it. Which made you widen your eyes in curiosity, and mostly amusement? Seeing that Shuri was currently having an entire conversation, with her bracelet.
And the male voice, that was programmed inside of it.
" Griot?" 
" Yes, Princess?" The robotic voice responded to Shuri's voice. Making you twist your lips sideways, and begin fondling with one of the curls that had fallen from out of your bun. As you began thinking to yourself, about how weirdly this interaction that you were witnessing? Had looked.
" Please translate everything Y/N, just said to me ." Holding the bracelet near the front part of her mouth, Shuri's face had contorted into a look of concentration. As she placed the beads near the opening of her ear, trying hardly to understand what the male voice had responded back to her.
Which caused you to laugh once more, while also considering repeating what you'd just said. As a way to help her relax, and get the sharpness of her jaw she'd get whenever she was upset or frustrated? To go away, and return to it's normal state.
" How about you just ask me what I said, yourself? Instead of asking your bracelet?" You broke your current silence, picking with your hands out of being nervous, once Shuri's eyes had shifted back towards you.
" How will I know that you aren't lying, and just making something up to manipulate me?" She questioned suspiciously, giving you her undivided attention. Regardless of the fact she stated that she didn't trust you enough, to where she'd think you'd be honest with her.
" I've never lied to you before, Shuri." You rolled your eyes hardly, folding your arms across your chest. " So I'd appreciate it? If you'd quit assuming that I have."
" And I'd also never lie about something I've said? When using my native tongue either." You added onto your previous statement, fighting hardly not to showcase any of the ongoing frustrations you felt.
But it seemed that no matter how hard you tried, to act unaffected by the things that Shuri would say or do? That you'd fail. And become vulnerable to the point, that you allowed her to realize your new found weakness?
Which was her.
And you didn't know why or how it was her? Nor did you understand why the God's would allow your heart to grow fond of someone, who lived in a completely different world than the one you were used to. Instead of letting you grow close to someone, who was from Talokan. And not an enemy of Namor, which now that you were thinking about him?
You could only imagine how infuriated he'd be with you? Along with Namora, and Attuma? If they were to find out about these new feelings? As well as the infatuation that you were starting to grow and feel, towards Princess Shuri.
" I'm waiting." The sound of Shuri's voice had snapped you back into reality. As you stood before her, feeling yourself begin to grow slightly flustered. With the way her eyes were boring into your dark black ones, with a look you couldn't really explain or understand.
" D-don't be so rough with me, I'm fragile you know? Is what I had said to you." You muttered out lowly, catching yourself stumbling over your words. When Shuri's lips began to curve into what looked like a smirk? Before she smiled widely at you.
Allowing you to be blessed with the sight, of her pearly white teeth. And how breathtaking she looked while engaging in the action. " You are...." Shuri paused, trailing over her words as she approached you for what felt like the billionth time.
With eyes that were full of something you couldn't interpret. And a mouth that was parted open slightly, allowing her breath to make contact with the right side of your face. As she closed the space that was in between the two of you previously? And her warm, soft hands came in contact with the bottom of your chin.
Before she lifted it gently, causing your head to be tilted backwards. As your hands squeezed at the sides of your thighs, for support. And mostly out of being nervous? Meanwhile your breathing had begun to grow out of control. Along with your ability to keep whatever sound that had just escaped your lips? From repeating itself.
When Shuri's face had inched lower, and lower, until finally? Both your foreheads were pressed firmly up against one another's. As she continued eyeing your face, like you were a piece of art. That was very rare, and unable to be seen or touched by her again, had she let you go? And walked away? Like her conscious was screaming at her to do so.
But of course? She ignored it. 
And she continued on with her intensifying gaze, that left you feeling so small and exposed. With how she raked her eyes over every inch of your face, to the point that you shut your eyes with quickness. And dropped your head from it's tilted position, when another high pitched noise had left from out your parted lips.
At the feel of Shuri's thumb, brushing against the gills that were on the left side of your chest. Which if you were being honest? Had left you wondering when she had the time to move her hands, from their last position? To touch them.
But you didn't dare complain, as you basked in the new feelings you were being introduced to. While you hoped and prayed up above to the God's, and asked if they'd allow you to be at ease for once in your life? Instead of feeling so clammed up. And as if you weren't meant to be present on earth? With how often others had made you feel as if you were nothing but a failure.
Who'd never be as great and honored, as your dear loving big sister. Who had the world as well as the people of Talokan? In the palm of her hand. Seeing how badly everyone there had admired her, or wished to be as close to Namor as she was?
Which you honest to God? found very stupid, as well as foolish at times. When you saw the lengths that people would go, just to be blessed with Namora or Namor's presence. When you on the other hand? Got to be in their presence for free. 
And as exciting as your fellow Talokanil colleagues, believed that meeting the King and his second in command would be? You were quick to burst their bubble of excitement. While informing them that it wasn't all that great? To be in the eyes of royalty all the time. As well as being criticized and critiqued on everything you said or did.
Which of course? Led you to be less liked by the individuals you had spoken to. 
Along with you being called a numerous amount of names, that honestly hurt you down to the core. At the mention of you being labeled as an unsupportive sister? As well as you also getting accused of being immensely jealous, of Namora? And her position she held, as Namor's second in command.
But at a time like this? All of the bad thoughts you'd usually feel, when thinking about your sister or Namor? Were nonexistent. As Shuri had somehow, shifted your focus completely. And caused you to feel as if you were floating, and one of the prettiest beings on earth. With how mesmerized she looked? While observing your face. And it's new found blush, that had begun appearing onto the area against your cheeks.
" ..I am?.." You asked quietly, urging her to finish her sentence. 
" Beautiful." She admitted without holding back. " Bast..Y/N? You truly are, breathtaking."
The pure honesty of Shuri's words? Had left you a smiling, giggling mess. As you covered your face with your hands, and proceeded to place some distance in between the two of you. Only to be stopped, once more of course? As Shuri tugged your hand, causing you to spin back around and be facing her.
While also being met with the fact, that her previous expression she'd recently had? Was now gone. And nothing but the blank, neutral like look she had earlier, after crying? Had made it's way back against her face. As you stood feeling confused, on what to say or do next?
" S-shuri?" Your voice trembled shakily, once your eyes had caught the sight of another Dora Milaje soldier, who stood outside of the cell. With a greenish, almost brown looking type of shirt? That had a hood attached, in which she wore over her head. As she stood with her eyes boring into yours, before the sound of her knuckles making contact with the cell bars? 
Had filled both you and Shuri's ears. " Wenza ntoni ngaphakathi esiseleni nebanjwa?" The sound of her voice, had caused Shuri's body to stiffen up instantly, and make her release the current hold she had on your hands, soon after.
Translation: What are you doing inside the cell with the prisoner?
" O-okoye?" Shuri stuttered out nervously, inching towards the opening of the cell near the other woman. " Ndicela ungandiphoxi." Clasping her hands together, and glancing back at you briefly after making her second statement? Shuri turned her focus back towards the woman, who you learned was named Okoye.
Translation: Please do not embarrass me.
" And why shouldn't I?" The older woman questioned, as you stood in your previous position. Trying hardly to act as if you weren't listening in on their conversation? Despite the fact that you couldn't understand anything that either one of them were saying anyway.
" Five minutes." Shuri pleaded with her. " Five minutes, and I swear to you that when I'm finished? I'll go and talk with the elders, about what's next for Wakanda."
" Hmm." Okoye hummed, shifting her focus back to you. Which made you wave at her shyly and mumble a quiet ' hello'. Before a rush of embarrassment hit you like a freight truck, when she frowned at you? And continued speaking in Wakandan to Shuri.
Well, it was worth a shot. You thought to yourself.
" Kwaye yintoni ebaluleke kakhulu ngale ntombazana yentlanzi? Ngaba ukhe wacela eminye imizuzu emihlanu ukuba ube wedwa naye?" Okoye bombarded Shuri with more questions, as she folded her arms, and began pacing around in front of the cell doors.
Translation: And what is it that's so special about this fish girl? That has you requesting for five more minutes to be alone with her? 
" I-i don't know." Shuri answered her, sounding as if she were on the verge of growing upset again. " But I'll figure it out? If you allow me to have five more minutes with her."
Aha! So they are talking about me! A burst of excitement filled your body, when Okoye glanced back over at you, and stared a bit longer than she had done previously. Before she nodded her head at Shuri, and disappeared into the darkness of the hallway, after she left from being in the doorway part of the cell.
" She seems nice." You spoke aloud, as a way to make conversation. Once Shuri had returned back to where she'd been standing earlier, before Okoye had let her intimidating presence be known. 
" Don't be fooled? By Okoye's very rare act of gratitude." Shuri chuckled lightly, as she intertwined your hand, with her tattooed one.
" I'm guessing she must hate me, if you're telling me that?" You asked hesitantly, feeling your bottom lip poke out, as you began to pout playfully–as if you were so hurt by that statement? When Shuri's head had nodded, directly after you'd ask the question.
And she let out another laugh, that was way more lengthy and infectious. As you found yourself laughing right along with her, and smiling so hardly? That your jaws had begun growing a bit sore.
" So.." You trailed off, once your laughter had come to a stop. " Why did you ask Okoye for five more minutes alone, so you could talk with me?"
" I've never liked people, who eavesdropped." Shuri's head shook side to side, upon knowing that you had in fact? Been listening in on her and Okoye's conversation. Instead of focusing on other things, like she assumed you would? But then again, there weren't that many interesting things for you to look at inside of the cell.
So the portion of her, that felt annoyed that you'd been eavesdropping? Had let go of the matter quite faster than she'd normally do. Which had shocked her, but nonetheless? Didn't really surprise her as much, being that it was you? Who'd done it.
The fish girl, who's presence and smile? Left her feeling as if she were so perfect, and incapable of having any kind of flaws. With the way you'd look at her, with eyes full of admiration, obeisance, fondness, and if she wasn't mistaken? Pure want.
And that there? Had frightened Shuri, and caused her mind go into a frenzy. Whenever you'd push her to continue having a conversation with you? Or when you'd force the two of you to hold one another's hands, while calling her by her name in such a way, that had never really affected her? Until you'd begun doing it.
Which honestly? Had terrified Shuri, way more than she'd been prior. Knowing that she had only been blessed with the sight of you, and your presence? Only twice now. And during those two encounters? Including right now, since the two of you had only spoken for such a short period of time, during last week. Before her and Riri had been rescued by Nakia?
Caused Shuri to begin feeling things, as well as imagine things? That she knew deep down wasn't appropriate, or normal for her. Being that before you? Shuri had never had any issues with containing herself or shielding away her feelings. Due to the fact, that she'd never been liked, or looked at romantically? In the way that you'd look at her.
Like you were doing currently, with your eyebrows slightly raised. And twisted lips, that were beginning to turn upwards, to match the rest of your confused facial expression. Which made Shuri sigh lowly, as she continued eyeing you intently. All while staring hungrily at your lips, which she was honestly thankful to Bast? That you hadn't noticed.
Because had you realized where she was looking? She felt that she'd probably end up dying from embarrassment, and be sent to the ancestral plane. Where she'd be reunited with her entire family, who she had missed dearly.
" Shuri?" You continued frowning, with your finger tapping against the taller girl's shoulder lightly. " Shuri, are you alrig–"
" You need to leave." She muttered lowly, speaking so quietly that it was almost impossible for you to hear her. " L-leave?" You repeated what she said, feeling your heart begin to sink automatically, once she nodded her head and said yes.
" B-but I thought tha–I thought we wer–" You struggled to form words, as you stepped away from Shuri with glossy eyes. That were close to spilling over, and cause you begin crying again. With the longer you stared up at her.
And awaited for her to give you some sort of explanation, as to why she was asking you to leave. When just moments before right now? The two of you were laughing, and holding onto one another's hands, in a way that you believed deep down in your gut? Had meant so much more, than what Shuri was currently trying to make it out to be.
As she began speaking again, with both her hands clasped together fairly tight.
" .. You can't stay here, Y/N. A-and as much as I would like for you to? You have to go, ingelosi."  
Translation: Angel.
" W-why?" Pushing Shuri's hands away from being near you? You felt the warm feel of tears come trickling down the sides of your face. When you blinked your eyes once–following a second time shortly after. Which made the look of despair, that was on Shuri's face? Deepen instantly.
Upon having you shove her away, as if she were nothing and unimportant to you? When the two of you knew, that whatever it was beginning to blossom in between the two of you? Was far from just simply being platonic.
" Y/N–"
" Why!?" You shouted loudly, unexpectedly. Feeling a wave of regret start to rush over you, almost instantly. Seeing how hurt Shuri had looked, once you had shoved her away a second time? And caused her body to stumble backwards, before it collided against the bars of the cell, so hardly?
That a painful yelp had escaped from out of her mouth, shortly after it happened.
" S-shuri, I'm–" A panic state began to rush over you, as you tried stopping the taller woman from exiting out of the cell. But despite your current efforts? She had left you standing alone.
As she kept her back facing towards you, with her head hanging low. To the point that you were able to make out her tears, that had begun dropping against the concrete floor of the hall, and leave a water droplet appearance present.
" ..You are a distraction.." Shuri broke her silence after being quiet for a while. As she spoke with a voice that was full of nothing, except anger and possibly? Hurt.
" And I have no room for distractions, with the duties that I'm responsible for taking care of now. So you must to leave here, and you are to never come bac–"
" Shur–"
" Do not speak over me or interrupt me? When I am in the middle of talking." Shuri warned, lowering her tone way lower than it had been previously. Which caused a tremor of fear to shoot throughout your body, at how easily it was for her demeanor to simply just falter into something else.
" In two hours from now? Okoye's going to come and release you. And once you are free and you return back to Talokan successfully, and Namor questions you about if you used your siren abilities to manipulate me or not? You're going to tell him you have. And that in two day's time? He's expected to meet me out at sea, so that we can talk and discuss my rules."
Nodding your head, you decided to keep quiet. And allow Shuri to finish speaking, so that you wouldn't fuck up and say the wrong? Or cause her to grow more angry, than she already was currently. As she stood outside the cell doors, looking honest to God? Quite beautiful and alluring.
As you found yourself slowly growing captivated, with the way she talked about her plans of destroying Namor, along with everyone who was affiliated with him. Which also meant, that she'd make a mess of you as well? But for some odd and unexpected reason? You couldn't help but wonder what she'd do to you, and how she'd do it? Once that day had came forth.
" I-i'm fragile." You pointed your finger at the gills on your chest. " And innocent."
" B-but if you'd allow me to? Then I could learn how to be less of a distrac–"
" I have nothing for you!" Shuri mocked her words from earlier, banging her fist against the bars of the cell. "Nothing!" She shouted once more, with nothing but rage being evident inside of her dark brown eyes.
" S-so quit trying to confuse me, and make me have these unwanted feelings? As well as these t-thoughts? Because I have nothing to give you! And there's nothing for you here in Wakanda, other than the damages that Namor, and the people of your kind? Have left for us to repair!"
" M-my kind?" You choked on a sob, as Shuri's words, along with the tall man who'd been present with Riri earlier? Had begun repeating inside of your head, nonstop.
" Your kind." Shuri repeated bluntly, without caring to wonder how her stating what she'd said? Would cause you to feel. As you cried uncontrollably, hugging yourself with your arms tightly, as a way to comfort yourself. So that hopefully? Your ongoing sobs would come to a stop.
But how could you pretend to be okay, and ignore your body's need to release it's stress? When the person who'd just called you beautiful and breathtaking, not too long ago? Was the one who was responsible for causing your lungs, to feel as if they'd been punctured. 
And left with a hole on the side of them, that made breathing right now? Feel a bit hard for you. As all of the events, and harsh words that had been said to you throughout today? Came piling on top of you, and filling up your mind instantly.
Making the sound of your sobs, grow much louder. As the breaking point you swore you'd already reached earlier, after the dispute you had with Riri? Had returned. And came tearing down every ounce of happiness you thought you felt? Like ocean waves crashing against the shore of the beach.
Breaking you down into pieces, as you sunk to your knees and continued sobbing loudly. Without caring about how Shuri had watched you, with an unreadable expression present across her face, as you did so.
Because this here? Was it.
This? Was your true and final breaking point.
And after everything you had hoped and prayed to the God's up above for, recently? You'd failed and been ignored nevertheless.
Like you always did.
And as Shuri parted open her lips, to speak her final words to you? That would eventually cause the hurt in which you felt, to increase? You nodded your head anyways, after she finished speaking, with your backside now facing towards her.
So that she'd be blocked away from the sight of seeing you be so vulnerable, and upset as you currently were.
" Okoye, will come to release you? In two hours time.."
"...A-and once you are gone? Don't forget that you aren't to come back here.."
" Because there's noth–"
" There's nothing for me here. I heard you loud and clear the first time, Princess." You responded dryly, using the ends of your top? To dry off your now wet face.
" Now are we done here?" Your sudden change of mood, had caused Shuri to grow a bit conflicted, as well as angry. Seeing that you were pushing her away, in the same exact way that she'd done unto you? Due to her incapability of accepting the new found feelings, in which you had caused to ignite like a fire–deep inside the pit of her stomach.
That regardless of her attempts to put them out? They would only grow larger. And cause the want she felt towards you? To continue pulling at the back part of her throat, each time you took her breath away–like you were currently doing now? As you stared at her with nothing except anger present inside your eyes.
Now that all of the hurt you'd felt moments before? Had diminished away completely.
" Do you wish to be finished, isithandwa sam esitsha?" Shuri's hands gripped the bars of the cell, as she awaited your answer. " Speak english." You felt your face ball up, in irritation.
" It isn't fair for you to speak in Wakandan around me? When you don't have any plans to translate your sentences? So that I can fully understand you."
Translation: My newfound lover.
" Do you wish to be finished, isithandwa sam esitsha?" Shuri repeated herself slowly, ignoring your request for her to finish the ending of her sentence, in english. Which did nothing except make the anger you felt? Expand and begin to reignite.
Until suddenly? You found yourself thinking long and hard, about what it was that Shuri might've been asking of you. And as you stood silently, pacing around in a circle. For what felt like forever? You eventually mustered up the courage, to respond to the Princess's question.
" I-i don't understand what you're saying, Shuri." You ran your hands down your face, sighing hardly in frustration. 
" And I'm growing a bit tired, of your constant outbursts and mood swings."
" Because their confusing..and I-i don't want to be left feeling confused. And as if I have to walk on eggshells? Whenever I'm around you. Or if I'm feeling overly happy, from something you did? L-like I had been earlier? Before you mentioned that me and my kind? Had left lots of damages, for you and the other Wakandan's to repa–"
" Shuri?" The sound of Okoye's voice, had caused your sentence to be cut short. As you felt your shoulders drop down in defeat, once Shuri had stood upright. And proceeded to follow the older woman, down the dark narrow hallway.
Which made you let out another deep sigh, and begin walking back towards the small cot. As your mind began wandering off, back to the conversation that you and Shuri were having. Before Okoye had come, and interrupted it. Causing you to be left clueless, and stuck trying to figure out what it was that Shuri had said to you, while speaking in Wakandan.
But luckily for you? The God's had casted their light down upon you. As you snapped your head around, facing it towards the entrance of the cell. Seeing that the Princess herself was standing there, in all her glory. While motioning you to come forward, as she held onto an identical version of the beads that were on her wrist? Inside the palm of her left hand.
" Come." She whispered quietly, meeting you halfway where you stood. Before she grabbed onto your wrist gently, and slipped the bracelet around it afterwards. Causing it to tighten on it's own around you, but not too tight to the point where it had caused discomfort.
" Isn't this yours?" You asked softly, with your eyes currently fixated, on the way the bracelet had glowed. A pretty light blue, almost teal-ish looking color. Like the one against Shuri's wrist would do? Whenever she touched it.
" I don't have a lot of time, so we need to keep this conversation brief." Shuri continued whispering, with her head glancing back behind her, every once and a while as she did so.
" Tomorrow? I will send you a signal. And once you receive it? I want you to return back here, at the exact time that I give to you."
" C-come back?" You found yourself frowning in confusion. " Why should I come back here? After you've made it very clear, that there is nothing in Wakanda for me? And that you have nothing to give or say to me, for that matter as well?"
" Mamela kum, Y/N." Shuri raised her hands, placing them atop your shoulders hesitantly.
Translation: Listen to me.
" Just list–"
"..What about me being a distraction, Shuri?" You interrupted her sentence, beginning to go on another rant. About how unfair it was for her to ask you to return back here, when just earlier? She had made it chrystal clear, that she wanted you to leave? And to never come back.
" If I'm as much as a distraction as you say I am? Then why ask me to come back? While giving me these?" You held up your wrist that had the bracelet on it.
" When you know that if I'm caught wearing this by, Namor? Or even worse, Namora? T-that I'll..that they'll.." Swallowing hardly, you averted your gaze up at Shuri. Feeling your heart rate begin to accelerate, when her hands had came in contact with the surface of your skin again.
" I can not make you return here? If you wish to stay away." The feel of Shuri's breath, lingering against the tip of your earlobe. Caused your mouth to part open slightly, as goosebumps began making their way across the sides of your arms.
" But if you are open to it?" Shuri's hands trailed down your arms slowly. " And if you can find it in your heart, to trust me?" She intertwined both your hands together, rubbing her thumb across the top of your knuckles.
" Then when tomorrow comes? I'll be expecting your arrival.."
" ..At the appointed time, that I have set in mind? To send you the signal. That will alert you to come up to the surface. Because there's so much I'd like to show you, and learn more about you, ingelosi.."
Translation: Angel.
" T-there's nothing for you to get to know about me? That's worth wanting to know." You stammered over your words, growing a bit self conscious. With being trapped under the intensifying gaze, of Shuri's compelling stare.
" A-and how will I know, that this isn't just some kind of sick trick? For you to dispose of me? In the way that you wish to dispose of Namor?" You asked frantically, searching Shuri's eyes for some kind of answer.
As she stood silently, continuing to rub the pad of her thumb across the top of your knuckles. With a tiny smirk being curved near the corner of her lips. " ..I don't know.." She answered you, after what felt like forever.
" But perhaps? This is a trick? And maybe I do want to dispose of you? In the same exact way that I wish to dispose of Namor."
" Or maybe?" Shuri raised her eyebrows, shifting her focus from your face, down to the center of your chest. "..Maybe being in your presence? Has left me feeling enticed.."
" ..And wondering what it is, that's so special about you? That causes me to think about the things I do? Whenever you are near me.."
Hovering her fingers over the top of your chest, where your gills were? Shuri then inched her hand lower, letting out a light chuckle, following a quiet–satisfied hum. At the sight of you closing your eyes, and pushing yourself more into her embrace. Once her fingertips had made contact, with the surface of your gills.
" You think that I'm special?" Your eyes shot open instantly, upon hearing that specific phrase leave Shuri's lips. "Oh, umthandi?" Another sultry like chuckle had escaped from out Shuri's mouth.
Translation: Lover.
Before she removed her hands away from you, and began walking near the entrance of the cell doors. " ..I think about many things, during my free time? And whenever I'm busy with building new technology projects."
" And as much as I'd love to inform you, about all of those specific things?" Her head whipped back around to face you, as you were met with the sight of her smiling again. And so hardly in a way? That it showed off the dimple, that was located on the far right side of her face.
" There's a meeting that I'm required to attend in a moment, with the Elders. But perhaps tomorrow, if you decide to take me up on my offer? And you listen out for my signal?" 
" Then you'll tell me all about it?" You questioned, with eyes full of curiosity and wonder.
Which made Shuri nod her head, and deepen her smile. As she stepped outside of the cell, before closing it. While placing her hands around the bars, with a slightly tight grip.
" Ndingakuxelela nantoni na intliziyo yakho enqwenela ukuyazi." She said sweetly, proceeding to speak in Wakandan. Regardless of the fact, that she knew you couldn't understand her.
Translation: I'd tell you anything your heart desires to know.
" Shuri." You folded your arms, pouting playfully. When the sound of her laughter had filled your ears. " Yes." She answered, after her laughter had come to a stop.
" Yes, I'll tell you of all the things that I think about? If you are present here tomorrow."
" And please do not forget to inform, Namor? Of the things I mentioned to you earlier, ingelosi." 
Translation: Angel.
" I won't." You shook your head side to side. " A-and will Okoye, still be coming to release me later on?" 
Nodding upon hearing your question? Shuri had parted open her lips to speak, until the sound of her name being called, by an unfamiliar voice? Caused her to pause. And begin stepping away from your cell with quickness.
" I have to go." She whispered, rushing back near the cell bars. " But once you return back home to Talokan, successfully? Press the bead that's located in the middle of the bracelet."
" And I will be alerted from up here? That you have made it hom–"
" SHURI!?" Another deep, and unfamiliar voice? Had shouted out Shuri's name, from the ending of the hallway. Which made you shift your focus towards the side, as you caught a glimpse of what looked like the light from a torch? Begin to light up the dark hall.
And allow you to make out more of the foreign writing, that was very similar to the writing written across the walls, inside of your cell. " You should go." You told Shuri, flashing her a warm smile. When the light from the torch, that lit up the hall? Grew closer.
" And perhaps, if I make it out of my talk? With Namor and Namora alive? After returning back to Talokan, whenever Okoye comes to release me? T-then maybe?" You picked with your mask nervously, struggling to maintain eye contact with Shuri.
" Maybe I'll be able to sneak up to the surface? So that the two of us can see one another? Once tomorrow comes."
" Okay." Another smile made it's way onto Shuri's face, as her eyes lit up with excitement. Upon hearing you say that you'd see her tomorrow. "And you promise you'll show?" She questioned, pausing in her footsteps. When she proceeded to begin walking back down the hall.
" I promise." You stared into her eyes, as a way to show her you were being honest. 
" I promise, I'll show up Shuri."
" And I promise that I'll leave Talokan, as soon as possible. So that I can make it here on time? Directly after I receive your signal."
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amyisherenowitsokay · 10 months
Dude, what if for like the soulmate AU Gaz found out first.. like that would rlly crazy
Like idk she got that Irken for babies book like in RE:MHNY2 and was like “EW >:0”
I'm loving the many anon theories on how the Soulmate AU could've gone down differently, it's making me laugh. I'm glad my fic is living in your headspaces.
My initial thought is that if Gaz found out first, it would've been through Dib. Once he realized his soulmate's name was in Irken, he could've theoretically stolen a translator and figured shit out on his own. Gaz probably would've refused to know until curiosity got the better of her one day and then freaked the fuck out.
Of all the names, and all the Irkens, her soulmate is the alien most accessible to her. Somehow, someway, he just so happened to show up on Earth right at the same time and even in the same place she is. Those kind of odds are freaky. Destined/fated/universal alignment levels of freaky. Gaz would've had a constant spiral about 'why' to pretty much everything. Why Zim? Why her? Why them? All kinds of shit.
She definitely wouldn't have told Dib, and obviously would never have told Zim. She'd go from casual indifference to fully hiding from him. Zim would notice eventually, but he'd just assume she was super scared of his amazingness or something. It would never occur to him to dig deeper. Not initially. I don't think Zim would actually register anything until after Dib and Tak's situation got sorted out. Zim would probably not have hung around as staunchly and been so generous with his equipment/time as he would've in the fic, when he was aware Gaz was his soulmate, but he would've still been paranoid about them going back on their deal enough to check in on them frequently in between repairing his base. He'd register Gaz's avoidance as a hinderance to their mission, and start cornering her on it. Especially when he notices Gaz isn't remotely nervous around Tak, but still actively hides from Zim. He's the superior Irken, duh, but still, it wouldn't sit quite right.
At that point, with Dib and Tak occupied, he'd fixate on this new puzzle. Gaz naturally panics and doubles down on avoiding him, sometimes not leaving the house for days, until Dib and Tak's adventures leave her home alone long enough for Zim to barge in and demand some answers. Big ol arguments would ensue, Gaz would deny anything and everything until Zim starts listing all the ways she avoids him, maybe even rambling about the weird way she watches Dib and Tak's human-to-Irken relationship before it clicked.
Gaz fights tooth and nail to keep him away, but Zim in serious-mode is way more of a threat than she could keep off. It would be about as much of a fight as the cafeteria scene was for Dib in the original fic, when Zim reveals Tak's name to Dib as a kid. When he read it, he'd probably just sit for awhile. Shocked, but like Gaz, all the weird pieces and behavior would slot into place. Gaz would leave him and hide in her room while he sat on their couch, and eventually come down maybe the next day to find him still there.
They'd probably have a real quiet conversation from there, honestly. Gaz would've at this point spent so long avoiding Zim that she'd be too burnt out to fight, and Zim would be in a state of quiet understanding. A being in the universe needed him, and was destined for him. Zim. Just an Irken soldier. One of schmillions. To go from being a faceless drone to being singularly handpicked by the universe for someone would be a whole crisis for him, understandably. Contrarily, Gaz spent her whole life fighting to maintain her individuality and not simply be another girl chained to a soulmate she didn't get to pick, and didn't want. From there though, I think they'd manage to work something out. Less explosive then Zim knowing first, and less chaotic then everyone knowing, but they'd still find their way. <3
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kitkatopinions · 1 year
Honestly, I feel like people who say Yang can’t notice Ruby’s behavior are also ignoring she’s literally meant to be protective/overprotective. As somebody who has felt responsibility for a family member growing up:
You’re attuned to the little things. You watch for them. I can list specific examples.
When upset, their texting style changes and uses briefer responses. They’re curt. They try to isolate themself when normally they want to talk about issues. They slip into being passive aggressive at times. They don’t try to seek me out for conversations as often.
I could accept Yang not noticing if she hasn’t been billed as a protective/overprotective sister and if Ruby wasn’t visibly behaving differently. I listed SUBTLE changes I’ve caught onto. So it baffles me people say Ruby was hiding it because she wasn’t. And even if she was, being written as overprotective or protective, YANG WOULD HAVE CAUGHT ON SINCE SHED VIEW RUBY AS A RESPONSIBILITY IM SURE.
Even then it’s insane to act like a family member who has no history of violence will turn violent when expressing angry emotions. Then again, based on what they did to Qrow, I guess that is consistent writing.
I've seen people claim that anyone who has a problem with how Yang was written in V9 is "infantilizing" Ruby.
I don't know how to explain to people that saying "a suicidal seventeen year old in wartime who just lost a friend deserves a little more care than the occasional half-hearted 'are you okay,'" isn't actually infantilizing. It's also a wonder, because if I recall, rwde posters got told that expecting a seventeen year old girl to make the choice to help either the people of Mantle or the soldiers fighting Salem was cruel and horrible and we were all being far too hard on Ruby and nobody should expect Ruby to be able to hold it together under those conditions, but the second we say "Ruby needs a stronger support system from her friends and family" suddenly it's infantilizing, and how dare we suggest that Ruby not be able to get one hundred percent better all by herself, and how dare we suggest that maybe a seventeen year old might need to be taken care of a little bit here and there, and how dare we put all that on poor Yang who has her own life and can't spend all her screentime attached to Ruby.
For the record, I don't think that Yang needs to spend all her screentime attached to Ruby and I don't think that she can't have her own life. I don't even think 'she and Blake should have waited to get together' because like, they were basically forced into it by the world around them (which is a fact that this show absolutely won't take seriously or be interested in examining.) I do think that this "Blake and Yang got together while they were all stuck in chaos-central and Ruby had a breakdown after all the heavy stuff from V8 happened including the death of Penny and it feels like a bad time" thing was a bad writing choice, but that's the writers fault and it could've been avoided if Blake and Yang had been dating in volume 7 instead of them putting it off unnecessarily and/or choosing to make it happen mid-Ruby-breakdown (they could've had Blake and Yang kiss during their reunion instead of just hugging.) But that's besides the point, because the point is, I don't blame Yang the character for getting together with Blake. What I do dislike though is the way that the writers wrote Yang to act towards Ruby. Every moment that she has with Blake can stay the same! The almost hand-hold and making jokes? Although I think the jokes are in poor taste, having them flirt is fine. But then when Ruby and Weiss stop walking, Blake and Yang could notice and stop walking, and turn to try to join the conversation. Blake can still throw herself into Yang's arms when she sees her alive! But then when Ruby comes to after literally fainting from how bad her stress and trauma is, Yang can be super worried and be really hesitant to start moving on. Blake and Yang can still cheer each other on in the chess game! Only instead of Yang just accepting clear deflection and seeming to forget about Ruby's problems the second something somewhat distracting happens, we could've had Yang trying harder to get through to Ruby and pushing her to open up, only stopping when Ruby actually shuts her down and tells her she doesn't need it or want it right now. Blake and Yang can still have their moment on the bridge! Only it can also include them starting that scene with Yang taking a moment to call for Ruby and Blake helping to calm her down and get her to focus on the problem at hand (maybe with a cute "we can find her, but first we have to take it one step at a time, so just focus on me for a moment, yeah?" And Yang taking a deep breath and looking at Blake and being like "Yeah," more calm now and with her voice warm because seeing and hearing Blake is grounding to her.) They can still be caught up in their kiss so much that they didn't even notice the change of environment! Only then after Ruby runs off, Yang can be running after her but unable to keep up, with Blake and Weiss right behind her because they care about Ruby just as much, and they can lose track of her trail of petals and Yang can be like "Dammit!" And Blake can be like "I don't like this, Neo is out there," and Yang could be like "You saw her just now, she - she can't fight like this, she can't go wandering off alone!" We can still have Blake holding Yang while Ruby tries to commit suicide! But then we could also have Yang asking frantic questions about "where has Ruby gone? What happens to humans who ascend? She's not dead, is she?! Oh my God, what if she's dead?!" And we could have Yang have a bigger reaction to finding Ruby in the tree, and we could have given Yang focus when she sees the twisted zombie-like Ruby clones that the Cat conjured up instead of having Jaune's trauma so focused on, and we could've had Yang actually worry about Ruby and not just put her right back in the place of "perfect leader" when Ruby just said she didn't want that.
The problem is that the writers aren't writing Yang to act like a caring older sister because they are bad at emotional depth and they're bad at sensitivity, and they really seem to struggle with letting characters feel without taking them away from plot to do so. I'm not asking for Blake to be removed from Yang's story or to get less focus, I'm just asking for the writers to learn how human siblings usually react when their loved ones are having breakdowns, and improve on how they write characters to express emotions.
It's ridiculously over sensitive that fans can't stand to see any criticism of Yang at all without trying to come up with every excuse imaginable, or deflect like "Ruby can take care of herself!" Ruby is seventeen. I'm in my mid-twenties and two years ago I got roaring sick, and my older sister was concerned and helpful and kind and there for me, and I was like "gee isn't it great to have a sister who is here for me and helps me when I need it," and surprise surprise I was never like "She's infantilizing me!" Ruby the seventeen year old with clear PTSD having a breakdown to the point of fainting who was crying while an adult man screamed in her face and then ran away to sob on her own while an evil murderer was out to murder her... Actually did need support! And care! And attention! Honestly, the way that some people in the fndm have been acting towards Ruby ever since they decided she was a threat to their enjoyment of Yang and their ship is really weird.
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windshield91 · 6 months
@cfr749 Hope we get no more drama. But I'm really enjoying this exchange with you.
"Nothing." "This isn't gonna to work if you're gonna lie to me,"
- She is clearly angry and he asks why. She could've told him off and left and had done that before, but she chose to engage.
- Tim choice of words is poor agree. But it’s his way, he could've more gentle and at some point, she'll either adapt or leave. Both need to accept the other different behavior, way of communicating.
- Generally, I don't or believe in someone changing for their partner or trying to change their to some better version. If you're not changing for yourself, you're just spinless, a pleaser.
"Did you undermine me today because you're scared that I'm gonna make detective?"
"Experience showing" that was my comment in the scene during the episode before she said that line, so.(I will bold these comments after)
"No, And I'm upset you'd even think that" -Tim
"May be it was subconscious" - Lucy
- If she thought that, why ask him to ride with her in first place? She clearly gave it some thoughts, not a momentary thing.
- It is called subconscious for a reason. Honestly, this conversation was getting ridiculous by the moment just walk away both of you.
" You have to admit what happened with Isabel was deeply traumatic for you''
1. Seriously, they've talked and examinate Isabel situation lengthy and thourthly last season. And when she guested, it felt like a closure to this arc. Find a different conflict
2. It started to feel its Lucy problem, the way she always brought her up and kept comparing.
3. The situation is different. Him& Isabel started together, figured out their career choices, and been married for long before the fallout, but Him&Lucy relationship still new even if they were friends before, still figuring things out between them habits and so, they don't even live together and both in different stages of their lives. Tim has an established career, been married, and a soldier, but Lucy is still figuring hers out even with her therapy skills. It's not wrong, but that's why they start to clash with each other. Their experience difference is showing, Life isn't a textbook.
"I've never not admitted it. I admitted it the first day we met"-Tim
1. True, But Trauma never goes away Isabel, Mark even Harper, Part of Tim will always have reservations on uc work.
2. Tim knows that, but he is more an action "efficient" than possibilities type of guy. He deals with problems as they come not simulate all different scenarios.
"The only thing I did today was have your back But if you can't see that, then...."
"I'm tired... Let's just take the night off"
1. Like I said, Time to walk away before saying things that can't be taken back.
2. I felt like there was something else beneath that whole scene, "Five player".None of that would've happened if Lucy didn’t do it. So that felt like what Tim really was asking ''Do you blame me or our relationship?" " Will you hate me if you didn't pass?" and Is part of Lucy accusing even subconsciously blaming him for messing with her chances, not really "undermine" thing. Is she now really understanding the seriousness of Haper warning? Maybe part of her was hoping things would blow over after some time, but now she is grasping with the reality they aren't.
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wolvesandfoxes25 · 2 years
You know... I've been back on my Stony kick, rewatching the movies... and can't help but really hate Endgame. Don't get me wrong, I loved my Stony scenes, but damn, most everything else is like... but why? ⬇️
I'm gonna get backlash for this, but I don't care. Morgan Stark seemed really unnecessary, now that I really look at it. Adorable, but kinda unnecessary. If they don't bring her back in the later MCU, she was used for an emotional response following Tony's death. And honestly, I feel they glossed over Tony's sadness for Peter being gone by wedging her in there. And... how is it fair for his daughter that he gets killed off when she's 5? Idk.
Natasha dying. Natasha dying that way, honestly, Natasha dying at all. And how they couldn't bury her. And don't even get me going about the new Guardians of the Galaxy, SPOILER: and how they managed to bring Gamora back? Who died EXACTLY the way Natasha did. The team needed her.
The hulk. Enough said.
Making Thors depression into a big joke. Making his alcohol abuse into a big joke. Glossing over how he legit lost EVERYTHING. Really bothers me. Bothered me then and bothers me more now.
Howard. Stark. Look...idgaf what the movie tries to push, Howard was a bad dad. He neglected Tony, gave him negative attention, always made him feel inferior and never showed him any affection whatsoever. And they want me to believe that what? He held him in this high regard and loved him more than anything? Yeah, no. I don't.
Would have enjoyed seeing more of how the blip affected everyday life.
More scenes with the Avengers rebonding.
Pepper should've gone in the snap. Yep, I said it. And it corresponds mostly with the bullet above here..⬆️ We deserved to see Tony bond more with his team, wish we could've seen him discover time travel with them. Instead it was randomly at home? Ok then.
Tony's death. But I know why it happened :(
Steve's ending. I could write a dissertation about how ooc that was for him, but I won't. Hated it for Steve, hated it for Peggy and found it rather creepy. You kissed that woman once, never dated her, and you go back in time to be with her? Not knowing if it'll even work out? No. That's ridiculous. And you leave Bucky and Sam behind? After all that crap in CW, you leave them behind? Nah. Boo on you, Steve. And man, the Russos reasoning regarding this end is the BIGGEST mindfuck ever.
What exactly HAPPENED to Steve? Did he die in the falcon show? I thought he was a super soldier? How the hell long was he in the past? He looked 75 years old, but Bucky looks 30? I don't get it. It's like the biology of the serum was reworked for this. 🤐 And done badly.
I guess Daniel Sousa is obsolete, huh? The man who actually had time to get to know and love Peggy? 🤷‍♀️ guess so...
That's all I can think about right now... but yeah, Endgame leaves me really depressed because I feel everything after has been subpar regarding the MCU franchise.
It could've been so much better...
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practically-an-x-man · 3 months
character breakdowns for Nikoletta (yours), Eris (yours), Abner (canon), and/or Harley (canon) (optional Bernadette or Tiff [mine] but no pressure lol)
Oooooh thank you!!!
(under the cut for space, this got long lol)
How I feel about this character - I mean... she's my own OC. I'm irrevocably obsessed!! I love her story and it's genuinely so comforting to me to write about her and Abner being soft with each other
All the people I ship romantically with this character - just Abner, and that's not an entirely romantic pairing to begin with
My non-romantic OTP for this character - I do love her friendships with Harley and Cleo, I need to write about them more!
(not answering the last two since they don't really make sense for my own OC lol)
How I feel about this character - LOVE, of course! Again, my own OC. Genuinely one of the most fun characters to write, especially his dynamic with Rick, and arguably my best whumpee.
All the people I ship romantically with this character - Rick, of course, and all the past relationships I've mentioned across their fics. Though given they're drawn to the gruff soldier types, I could also see DuBois or maybe even one of the older Robins.
My non-romantic OTP for this character - Can you imagine the utter chaos that would erupt if Eris, Harley, and Boomer were placed in a room together??
(ditto on the last two)
How I feel about this character - God I just think he's such a great character and I want him so badly to be happy. His death scene pissed me tf off and is the entire reason I created Nikoletta as a character, dude deserves a chance for softness and happiness in his life. I suspect most of the reason I like him is me projecting my own medical shit and shitty mom issues, but we're not gonna unpack that right now.
All the people I ship romantically with this character - In canon... honestly, I don't see him with anyone. And of course my main ship for him is with my OC lol
My non-romantic OTP for this character - HIS FRIENDSHIP WITH CLEO IS THE SWEETEST THING I LOVE IT!!!
My unpopular opinion about this character - Saying he deserved better isn't really unpopular, so... I think the whole "he sees his mom everywhere" thing could've been a really powerful allegory for intrusive thoughts if they hadn't decided to make it painfully literal. He sees his mom everywhere? Easy mommy-issues trope, borders on trite. He hears his mom everywhere in the form of intrusive thoughts critiquing his every move? Realistic and impactful, would really strike home for people who go through similar things (cough cough)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. - They should've kept the deleted scenes, for one, they were so good for his character!! But also I think they should've gone more into the chronic illness implications of his superpowers. The movie dips its toe into it a little, but still mainly treats it like a joke, and I really wished they'd explored Abner's relationship with his powers in more than just a few lines of dialogue here and there.
How I feel about this character - Literally, unironically my bisexual awakening. One of my favorite characters of all time, cannot be beat, I have plans to get a segment of her diamond armband tattoo attached to my existing armband tattoo, I love her to death.
All the people I ship romantically with this character - IVY!! And I could totally see her with Dinah or Helena in Birds of Prey, but really for me Harley/Ivy is endgame.
My non-romantic OTP for this character - Her and Rick!! I know it's a popular ship but I just don't see it as romantic, however I love their dynamic as friends :D
My unpopular opinion about this character - She's! Not! Dumb! She has a fucking PhD!! Just because she's wild and chaotic and goofy sometimes does NOT make her dumb, and I get so tired of seeing her turned into the "silly dumb blonde" trope when that's NOT who she is. The fact that she's intelligent in addition to being a wild card is one of the main reasons I love her as a character!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. - I'd love to see her strike up a romance with a live-action Ivy, I know it's happened in a few of the animated shows but I'd love to see it in the movieverse.
How I feel about this character - LOVE LOVE LOVE!! Dying to read more about her, everything I've seen so far has made me totally hooked on her as a character!!
All the people I ship romantically with this character - I mean... who else but Tiff? Might be because she's your OC, but I really can't see anyone other than Tiff for her
My non-romantic OTP for this character - I don't know who all has interacted with her in your canon, but I think she'd get along really well with Cisco and Iris and the rest of the Flash gang, especially with her scientific mind :D
My unpopular opinion about this character - I neeeeed to read more about her!!! I love her so much already and she deserves her own longfic with Tiff!! (no pressure ofc, I'm just excited <3333)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. - This is more of an AU than a suggestion for canon, but I'd love some sort of campy 70s-style sci-fi antics for her :D
How I feel about this character - Gonna be repeating myself here, but.... LOVE LOVE LOVE!! She and Bernadette are a package set, do not separate, and she's such a clean genderbend-OC (as in, she really fits both as her own character and as a genderbend of Tim). Also a GREAT source of whump imo
All the people I ship romantically with this character - Same as above, her and Bernadette are absolutely endgame for me and I love them <3333
My non-romantic OTP for this character - Not sure how the other Robins interact with her in your canon, but in my head there could be some absolutely to-die-for family teasing between them <3
My unpopular opinion about this character - Arguably cooler than the original Tim Drake. There, I said it :D
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. - Whump that girl into oblivion and then send her back to Bernadette to take care of her <3333 I'm sure this has already happened but I want MORE!!! /lh
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REVIEW: The Hurricane Wars by Thea Guanzon
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Summary (Provided by Goodreads)
The heart is a battlefield.
All Talasyn has ever known is the Hurricane Wars. Growing up an orphan in a nation under siege by the ruthless Night Emperor, Talasyn has found her family among the soldiers who fight for freedom. But she is hiding a deadly secret: light magic courses through her veins, a blazing power believed to have been wiped out years ago that can cut through the Night Empire's shadows. 
Prince Alaric, the emperor's only son and heir, has been forged into a weapon by his father. Tasked with obliterating any threats to the Night Empire's rule with the strength of his armies and mighty Shadow magic, Alaric has never been bested. That is until he sees Talasyn burning brightly on the battlefield with the magic that killed his grandfather, turned his father into a monster, and ignited the Hurricane Wars. In a clash of light and dark, their powers merge and create a force the likes of which has never been seen. 
Talasyn and Alaric both know this war can only end with them. But a greater threat is coming, and the strange new magic they can create together could be the only way to overcome it. Thrust into an uneasy alliance, they will confront the secrets at the heart of the war and find, in each other, a searing passion--one that could save their world...or destroy it. 
An exquisite fantasy brimming with unforgettable characters, sizzling enemies-to-lovers romance, and richly drawn worlds, The Hurricane Wars marks the breathtaking debut of an extraordinary new writer.
My Review: 3/5 Stars
I really enjoyed reading this book, and going into it knowing it was romantasy (romance first, then fantasy) really helped me enjoy it more. I loved the relationship between Talasyn and Alaric, and how their relationship grows. I also love the whole enemies to lovers vibe, and the writing was overall wonderful! The world building was also great.
However, this book definitely could've been 4 stars for me, but there are three reasons why it wasn't.
First, the entire first third of the book was kind of boring. If it weren't for my best friend telling me that it gets really good, I probably would've stopped reading it.
Second, I did not care AT ALL about the Sardovians. The main character struggles with her feelings for Alaric, the Night Emperor, because of her loyalties to the Sardovians, and I felt like I was SUPPOSED to care about them, but I didn't one bit. The Night Empire could've killed them all and I wouldn't have minded, in fact I would've honestly preferred that. The author built up no emotional connection to these people even though she focused on Talasyn's time with them for the first 3rd of the book.
Finally, some of the dialogue felt off. Like Talasyn and Alaric would be having some kind of petty banter, and I LOVE petty banter, but then Talasyn would cut it off with a "shut up" or something and it came off as rude and sort of out of character for the specific scenario. I think some of the dialogue was stilted, and also some of the interactions between Talasyn and Alaric could've been written better.
It did make it harder for me knowing that originally, this book was a Star Wars fanfic of enemies to lovers between Rey and Kylo Ren, and if you don’t know me then I’ll tell you right now that I am not a fan of Rey as a character at all. So I think I may have been biased toward the main character Talasyn, knowing she was originally “supposed” to be Rey.
Overall, I really enjoyed this book and I can't wait to read the next one! I hope the author improves the things I mentioned, but even if she doesn't, I'm still excited for book 2 of the Hurricane Wars.
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chidoroki · 1 year
182 Days of TPN - Day 174
Chapter 174: "A New World, Part 1"
A little too late for Peter to realize that his clan's duties had him trapped. He couldn't really change his destiny like the children worked so hard to change theirs since the Ratri were bound to keep the thousand year promise in check. The most he could've done was probably assist James and the supporters in their plans, but he was too loyal for his own good.
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Zack being such a good medic by jumping in to try and save him. Doesn't matter that Peter was their enemy up til a couple seconds ago, he's still human. Can't say I would've been so kind.
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I bet demon god got a good kick outta all the drama that happened ever since the GF kids escaped. The past few years certainly had to be more entertaining to watch than the many centuries before.
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Because I love see the entire family interact with one another, I wish we got to see the raid team finally release everyone else who was originally captured so we could see them all be happy with one another and relieved that everyone's unharmed.
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Honestly, what else did Emma & the others have planned? We never find out due to everything that happens in the demon capital next chapter (which greatly benefits everyone), so unless my memory is failing right now, I remain curious about this "other stuff" since the new promise has already been made. All that aside though, I'm beyond happy that Emma makes the offer for Isabella & the other ladies to join them in the human world. It's such a powerful moment to see our leading lady wish for her biggest and most threatening challenge to accompany her to a new world where they can all live a better life and I love Emma so much for it.
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I'm also so thankful that Emma phrased the new promise this way. The fact she made sure to include everyone who suffered under the farm systems way before she even learned Isabella was alive or that she & the other ladies would've joined them and betray Peter is wonderful. When our girl says she's gonna save everyone, she quite literally means it, not just her family.
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Don't fret. I skipped several pages for a reason. Next chapter really takes away many wishes of mine huh. I would've loved to see Isabella & the other women run GF in secret, if only for a little while. Hell, I need more Grandma Isabella action in general. Her extra chapter was fantastic and all, but more please.
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Hayato freaking out over all the soldiers outside is so precious.
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Favorite panel/moment:
Duh, of course Ray addressing Isabella and convincing her to join all the kids in the human world is my favorite moment out of this whole chapter. I've anticipated this mother-son interaction for so long and it was well worth the wait! Starting off with the ladies being so surprised to even hear Emma offer them forgiveness, it's understandable why they're so hesitant, as they firmly believe they don't deserve that chance at a better life after all the harsh things they've done to the kids while acting as caretakers. Thankfully, we got Ray coming through with his blunt statement and you can chalk that up as another reason why I love him.
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The anime added in this line between Ray's previous panel and the next few and it's something I appreciate very much, especially since.. you know, ch177 happens..
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While I absolutely love the idea of Ray calling Isabella out about her true feelings solely because of their mother-son relationship, this moment works so well because if anyone can understand the amount of guilt that Isabella & the other ladies endured, it's Ray. He's able to empathize with all of them since he also had no choice but to watch all those children who were shipped out over the years back at Grace Field, no matter how much they all wished to save them. Ray was ready to throw his life away for those closest to him and as a form of personal punishment, so hearing him express that he's glad to be alive after he believed his life to be cursed for so long.. aahh my heart. I'm so incredibly happy and proud of him! Not to mention how he promises that he (& all the other kids) won't hold grudges towards the ladies, essentially giving all of them forgiveness, is such a big change for him, considering he just called Isabella monster a couple nights prior to the raid during that conversation he had with Ayshe in that ch169(?) extra page. I'm sure Ray's still holding back ever so slightly when it comes to trusting Isabella completely and getting close to her, but this conversation right here is a step in the right direction and I'm so thankful it actually gets to happen between them.
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It's so adorable how the rest of the children don't even question whether or not Isabella deserves another chance. They all forgave her ages ago and realized the love she had for them was real and I'm feeling so soft right now.
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Even Isabella is surprised to see the children accept her so easily. Props to Don & Gilda though for keeping all the young kids under control way back when they first told them about the house's secret and the truth about Isabella.
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It's because of those thoughts (that go unheard in the anime of course) that she openly questions how she could've possible earned their forgiveness. The English dub goes as far to have her say "But why? You should hate me" here instead which I'm more than fine with. Naturally, Emma explains everything and her words are similar to those said in ch177, so while the unspeakable event of that chapter doesn't happen in the anime, I'm glad Isabella was made aware of how Emma & the others truly felt about her since the escape.
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I'm sure it took a whole lot for Ray to actually forgive you, honey. It certainly wasn't an easy thing for the boy to admit after all the trauma he's dealt with throughout his young life, but he understands that forgiving the source of his pain will help him become a better person and feel free. Also, love the idea of having Ayshe in the background of that panel with Ray just because of that late night conversation they had about their parents. I can imagine her giving a small "told ya so" comment about Isabella being a good parent.
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Just like Isabella, I'm also overcome with emotion with how much this family cares for and loves each other. It's such a heartfelt moment and it means so much that this is how she truly feels about all her actions and her precious children without that mask she's so used to wearing to protect herself from showing any weakness.
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I kinda prefer the anime here though since it has Isabella hugging them back. Dub also gives us an "I love you" here as well which absolutely melts my heart because they all definitely needed to hear that!
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north/reader req, where reader has a bad habit of being a little reckless on the field (she's always fiiine tho so its fiiiine) but north is understandably concerned
He's just so caring to Theta he'd be similar to reader now that I think about it... idk I just really love North in RvB 🤭 Been awhile since I've seen the Freelancer Saga so I apologize if North's character feels wrong. I honestly did not mean to make this so sad but that's how the plot was going I guess. I keep having sad streaks for these stories and I'm not sure why?
North Dakota x Female! Reader
Synopsis: North really wishes you'd look after yourself more often, luckily he's here to make sure you're alright.
Content Warnings: Romantic/Platonic pairing, Female Reader/Male Character, Mentions of injuries, Bittersweet story, How North feels about you is dubious due to not being specified, Kiss on the forehead.
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North is used to looking out for others. He's one of the kindest agents out there and always feels like he's looking out for the others. To him, they're like family.
North is concerned when anyone gets injured in the field. After all it's a dangerous world out there, especially if you're meant to be a super soldier who's expendable. Yet North found himself concerned for a certain agent more than the rest and it wasn't his sister, South.
It was you. Compared to everyone else you tended to be reckless. Not like the others who are overconfident and rush into battle rather than being logical though. It just appears you don't plan well? North isn't quite sure.
You seem to act on the fly which can either aid you or... more often than not... lead to mistakes. He sees it all the time when you train and cringes when you're put up against someone like Wyoming, Tex, or Maine. But hey, that's just training, right?
Even just training was often rigorous in Project Freelancer. You always tell your peers you want to do better, to be stronger. North believes you're quite strong already.
A big worry of his is you during proper missions. North has always felt like he should look after you just like the rest. He couldn't tell if he saw you as another sister or something more. All that really mattered to him was overseeing your safety.
He just can't help but worry about you.
Whenever you do get yourself hurt he always tends to blame himself. Theta, his new AI companion, doesn't understand why he does. Despite this North notices the curious AI try to comfort him.
North always asked you to be careful. Especially when the mission for The Sarcophagus was revealed. You said you would and that he didn't need to look out for you.
Yet here you were... in medical bay... recovering from your injuries.
North told himself he could've watched you better. He could've went out of his way to defend you or prevent you from making a risky move. He keeps telling himself he could've done something.
All he could do now was wait for you to wake up, holding your hand to both comfort you and ground himself to reality.
Everyone grew concerned at his behavior. He often passed up training to watch over you. He almost never left the chair that was next to you, fearful that if he leaves you may never recover.
North finds himself talking to your sleepy form at times to comfort himself. If not people often see him talking to Theta even if he shouldn't. Guilt drove North to anxiety induced panics.
North remembers that you'd always tell him you're fine. Minor injuries due to training always made him worried but you'd reassure him. When you were shot...
You told him you'd be fine when you were shot before passing out. It scared him and he was incredibly thankful you got help in time. Despite knowing you'll be fine he didn't leave your side.
When you eventually woke up he had to hold himself back from hugging you.
"North?" You croaked. How long had he been waiting? It had to be at least a night or that and an afternoon. He didn't even sleep because he was thinking of you- "North, y-you're staring,"
"You scared me..." North admits, pulling your hand closer, he had his helmet off. "You always scare me when you make unnecessary sacrifices like that."
"We got what we needed, didn't we?" You answer simply, grinning to to ease the mood. North only frowns.
"Sure but I could care less about that. What if I lost you?" North continues. "I could've protected you with my shield if I pulled you closer, I could-"
"North." You squeeze his hand. "I'm fine. It's okay!"
"It's not okay!" North argues. "We need to work on your recklessness... you have three gun wounds!"
North sighs, massaging the top of your hand as he looks at you with worry. He cares for you more than anything else. If he lost you... he'd never be the same.
"... I'll try for you." You say softly, soon noticing North lean closer.
"I promise I'll do better to watch you as long as you try harder too." North promises, trying to soothe his beating heart. "I'm never allowing this to happen again."
"You're treating me like I'm some little girl." You frown.
"Sometimes you act like one." North snickers and you weakly bat his shoulder with your free hand.
"Am I wrong?"
You both laugh softly and sigh. North softly leans over and kisses your forehead in an affectionate manner. You freeze, flushing softly before glaring at him in a playful way.
"Couldn't help it, sorry, I'm just glad you're okay."
"... I'm glad you care about me." You whisper back. "Speaking of caring... you look tired?"
"I need to rest..." North yawns. "Was thinking of you."
"Please take care of yourself, North...."
"Only if you do the same to yourself." North scolds.
"Okay, fine, I will." You huff, wincing in pain for a moment. "Now rest. For me."
"Alright, I will." North smiles, squeezing your hand before letting go. "See you soon when you're better."
"See you soon." You reply softly, watching North leave the room to get some much needed rest.
Maybe you really should look after yourself more.
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reel-fear · 2 years
Saw writing requests open... Little Cyberverse Radio helping Shockwave around the lab..?
Awww! What a cute idea!!! Yess I will gladly write some Father-Daughter bonding between em <3 Great chance to show off Cyberverse Radio some more 2. Note the dialogue might be funky, writing so many characters I haven't written for in forever is hard, who could've guessed. But after watching a lot of clips and episodes, I think I got them decently in character- [also this took so long bc of a family trip, dont worry abt the other writing requestsI am gonna blow through them fairly fast now that the surprises aren't coming so fast. Hopefully. Either way they r still open see #drabblez for more info <3]
The halls of the nemesis were very busy, cons running around trying to get into position for an attack on the autobots, Shockwave as usual would be left in his lab to attend to his work and help anyone who was injured. However, before he could get into position for his job, he had to find a certain bot in the crowd of cons scrambling to prepare for the fight.
Luckily Radio hadn't gotten any less predictable through the thirteen and a half years she had been around, as he looked around the ship he quickly found her trying to blend in with a group of con soldiers. She was doing a rather good job too, that was until Soundwave came over to examine the soldiers and she suddenly shrank in on herself with a nervous smile.
After that, it was all over, despite what Radio seemed to think.
"Dad wait come on please! All I want is to get just the tiniest whiff of battle! That's it! At least let me watch?" Radio pleaded as Soundwave picked her up, honestly she was lucky they caught her every time she attempted such a ridiculous idea. Radio was strong for her age sure there was no denying that, but compared to the other soldiers she was still considerably smaller, weaker and her impulsive nature made it clear to both of her parents she was not ready for battle... Not that either of them really wanted her to see battle at all.
"Forget it kid, you'll be much better off here, in fact if you pay attention to what Shockwave tells you, you might end up learning something." Soundwave purred, amusement clear in his voice as he handed Radio to Shockwave. "Here's your first lesson for the day, don't try to sneak out with a bunch of bots bigger than you. Maybe try to blend in with the smaller soldiers next time."
Radio huffed, the fact Soundwave was poking fun at her was not lost on her as she crossed her arms and narrowed her single optic at him. "I could take those guys... Sides if I tried to sneak out with the seekers Starscream would've caught me even faster than you did!"
Soundwave merely laughed again. "Then maybe you should stop wasting all your energy trying to escape the nemesis and instead look around the nemesis for much better things to occupy yourself with. That is until I get home after kicking autobot aft of course, then you and I are on for some training and if you're good I'll even do some reenactments of my best moves on one of the wimpy seekers, will that keep you outta trouble for now?"
"By all means Soundwave, while I appreciate the help, I am very sure I can keep Radio out of trouble using my own methods. Besides, if you keep feeding into her lust for battle, I doubt this rebellious streak will break anytime soon. Instead of you striking a deal with her every time she does this, I think this time I shall take care of it." Shockwave spoke up, causing both Radio and Soundwave to look at him rather surprised.
"Are you sure? She's a handful, maybe even more of a handful than I am, she makes me proud in that way~" Soundwave purred. "And I don't feed into her battle lust, I just like her being able to defend herself."
"We will discuss that further later. But yes I am sure I can handle her myself, she is not just your sparkling after all, she is mine as well and I think it's about time I step in." Shockwave stated.
Soundwave tilted his helm, seemingly about to add something to the conversation when Starscream entered the room.
"Soundwave, it's time, get your soldiers and get into position, Shockwave be prepared for injured cons, or prisoners depending on how well our battle goes~" She purred before looking to Radio and smiling. "And you little one? Just be good and patient, be a good example okay? You're a born leader after all and everyone follows the leader~" She gave Radio an affectionate nuzzle before her and Soundwave stood up straight, wishing each other good luck on their mission.
Then just like that they were off to fight.
"Now what?" Radio asked, looking over to Shockwave, she half expected for him to just send her off to her room and the other half thought he would force her to clean the nemesis as punishment for her behavior, that was what the seekers did after all...
"Now? You come with me, we have work to do and we cannot waste much time standing around." Shockwave ordered, walking towards his lab. Radio didn't want to admit how suddenly excited she felt at the idea of helping Shockwave in his lab, she just hoped it wasn't the same way she usually helped around the nemesis.
"You're not gonna make me deliver stuff all day are you papa? Like I'm gonna get to help in an actually cool way this time? Cause I hate being the delivery bot, it's boring sitting around and just waiting for orders, and then when someone calls to me they give me an even more boring job to do! How can you make doing something even more boring than doing nothing?!" Radio whined while Shockwave opened the doors to his lab.
"I can promise you right now, what we will be doing will not be boring, I cannot promise it will interest you, but you're not just Soundwave's child, you are also mine and if you are anything like me... Well, then surely it will at least be engaging enough to keep your attention for the day." Shockwave said, a rare tone of excitement in his voice.
Radio was curious but not hooked just yet, she continued to follow Shockwave, a task made somewhat difficult with just how small she was. Shockwave didn't comment on it but it was endearing to him with every step he took Radio would have to quickly take two to stay by his side, he wouldn't slow down though, Radio would've likely complained of being made fun of for her size if he did.
He could also notice her wandering optic, looking at tools, datapads and otherwise with curiosity that made his excitement only grow. Radio came at everything with not only fresh eyes but an excitement to master whatever skills were thrown her way. He still remembers the time Blugeon had been trusted to watch her and by the end of the day Radio was attempting to master sword fighting, despite admitting she would prefer to use her fists.
Shockwave could only hope she would feel similarly about his work.
"Now let me see if I can find something that would be good to assist me in introducing you to my line of work... A beginner class task..." Shockwave spoke, typing on a computer and scrolling by text so fast Radio could hardly read any of it.
Radio simply sat there, looking around the lab and getting excited at the idea of all the things she could do with the gadgets strewn about. Would she get to fire a blaster? Would she learn how to make her own weapons? Or a fighting drone?
"Ah... Here we go, come here Radio, I have a simple task for you." Shockwave purred, gesturing for Radio to take his place in the chair, making sure to stand beside her as she leapt up and viewed the console in front of her.
"Move the claw to your right, up and down, as though it were nodding." He instructed and Radio paused before looking to her dad confused.
"Move the claw up and down, it's as simple as that."
Radio narrowed her optic at her father, but did as he asked, standing on the chair and using her hand to move the claw up and down.
"Did I do it?" She asked.
"You did, I saw the mechanical claw move up and down, now do it again." Shockwave said, keeping a firm expression and stance that locked Radio out of even guessing what he was thinking in that moment. Regardless Radio did it again.
"I don't get it, I think I'm doing it wrong." Radio whined, looking to Shockwave for guidance, this wasn't what he did all day, this was boring! How was this even teaching her anything?
"You're not doing it wrong, you completed the task, but moving the claw horizontally is only step one, now you must move the claw high enough to reach that vial, right up there." Shockwave instructed, pointing up to a shelf that was holding a few vials containing various liquids.
"I can't reach up there!"
"Then I will get you a ladder." Shockwave informed her, before turning around and taking a few steps towards the door.
"But that will take forever! Isn't there another way?" Radio protested causing Shockwave to stop his attempts to leave the room.
He then turned around with an expression Radio was quite familiar with, it was the kind of face he would make to her when he was impressed by her observations. But Radio didn't quite understand what she had said to earn such a reaction.
"Excellent, that is the purpose of science and of being a scientist. It is not just about completing a task, it is about doing it as efficiently as possible."
Shockwave smiled, an honest, amused and proud smile that made Radio relax as he came back to her side. "Any fool can move that claw up and down, and with enough time get it to retrieve what you need, but for a true scientist, efficiency is key, time is precious for us and we cannot afford to waste much of it." Shockwave told her, before pressing a few buttons on the console, causing the claw to grab the vial and hand it to him all within a few seconds. "Do you understand?"
Radio hummed with thought narrowing her optic before reaching over to press the same buttons she had just witnessed her father use, once again Shockwave's optic widened with surprise, but the way he looked at her told Radio he was very happy with her quick learning. Of course the claw didn't bring anything down this time, but that didn't matter to Radio, she now understood what it was about science that got her dad to spend so much time doing it.
"I think I do dad, I really, really think I do." She purred. It was kind of like a race and her competetive nature really liked that.
"Wonderful, now that I have your interest, we can get into the more... 'Fun stuff' I get to do in my lab."
When Soundwave and the others returned from their mission, he was surprised to find that Radio was not merely wandering the nemesis waiting for them. As the cons split up through the various hallways, some going to report on how the mission had went, others going to seek medical attention, Soundwave made his way to Radio's room. Radio was not there either, which was even more surprising, he'd expected her to be taking a nap or practicing moves on a training dummy she'd dragged in there.
Soundwave then realized that Radio most likely fell asleep in the lab, his husband had said he would keep an eye on her after all and Shockwave was very glued to his work, not even a supernova would get him out of his little cave. Besides Soundwave himself could vouch for the fact that despite how much it ticked off Shockwave, the lab did have a few places where if you dedicated enough, you could take a decent nap in.
However as he entered the lab he saw Radio not napping but assisting Shockwave in patching up the wounds of bots in the lab. "Stop squirming, this is Radio's first time with such an intricate operation and if you make it hard on her I will not be pleased." Shockwave said, narrowing his optic at the poor seeker Radio was cleaning the wound of.
"Someone's been very busy huh?" Soundwave purred looking over to Shockwave who nodded to him with a smile.
"I told you I could handle her didn't I? She's found quite an interest in my craft, turns out she really is my daughter." Shockwave purred, the pride obvious in his voice.
"I shouldn't have doubted you." Soundwave admitted before looking to Radio as she finished wielding up the wound she was taking care of. "Looks like you can have fun without seeing battle. Just try not to turn into a big nerd like Shockwave~" He teased, causing Radio to narrow her optic towards him.
"Now I know why daddy says you aren't allowed in the lab." Radio huffed causing both her parents to laugh.
Truly it had been a wonderful day. For Radio and her papa, Soundwave couldn't have been happier to see them so close. Maybe, just maybe, this would distract Radio enough to keep her trouble making low for the next few weeks.
Maybe a month, if they were lucky.
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slashtakemylife · 9 months
I am BACK rambling about Peggy's character because DAMN, even Bucky of all ppl managed to fck over her character and it only took one scene.
I dislike any interpretation of Peggy as evil or even secretly a nazi, that's a no, just NO.
Cap 2 made us well aware on how deep the Hydra infiltration was in SHIELD via Fury, he trusted Pierce, he even said he would've taken a bullet for him and Pierce confidently said he knew.
Fury, while shady sometimes, is irrevocably a hero and a good spy, the same would've naturally applied to other characters such as Howard and Peggy.
That should've been end of discussion, period but of course the What If 1988 Peter Quill episode happened and just in one scene, it got fcked over.
Now I honestly don't take What If to heart but it is technically canon realities and possibilities and technically they are the same core characters but in different circumstances that just happened to make one different choice or react to what that reality throws at them so what we see in there is easy to interpolate to the MCU timeline.
And basically, just for ONE Bucky CAMEO they decided to fuck over both Peggy's and Howard's character by having Peggy not only recognize Bucky with his full mask and eye paint, something not even Steve could do, but to also recognize that they knew or there where rumors that Bucky was alive and was the winter soldier and evidently did nothing.
This all for the quickest representation of the winter soldier saga with Bucky getting out of his programming merely by hearing Steve's name when in the movie and other iterations he needed much more, he fought Steve directly and I believe in the comics Steve had to use a cosmic cube to bring his memories back.
Fck even in the same episode Bucky is shown without his mask, Marvel's writers could've easily deleted the first scene and have Peggy and Howard recognize him when he took it off.
Which also why did he take it off? He's russia's biggest secret and he just showed his face to a bunch of americans, one being their direct enemies (SHIELD).
And furthermore, that episode wasn't even about him! It was about Peter Quill and an '80s rendition of the Avengers, Bucky's Winter Soldier subplot wasn't really necessary, they just wanted a very popular character to be in there..
Did I like seeing him? Absolutely
In fact I just watched that episode because of him, I went crazy when he showed up on the trailer.
What really bothers me is that for some time I've seen criticism of other people towards Peggy's character due to Hydra's infiltration on SHIELD and how they had Bucky under their noses but for me those were easy to swat since they were theories with no substance or any evidence other than implications and even the movie provides better evidence against it but in one line, one scene, they manage to hand over just the slightest hint of it and of course you know haters are going to pull it hard.
And they could've easily solved it if they showed they recognized Bucky when he took off his mask later in the episode.
I enjoyed that episode, I did, but I don't take it seriously, there's a lot of evident inconsistencies and you can tell it's rushed.
Firstly on why Bucky was handed over so easily, again he's the russian's biggest weapon and secret, it would've made more sense for him to be sent secretly and the team crossing paths with Bucky when he inevitably tried to murder Peter and being put to light by Peter himself instead of being neatly handed over to a bunch of americans
And how he was able to neatly and quickly reset to being Bucky or some sort of Bucky just by Steve's name alone, it doesn't make sense so naturally I don't take that episode to heart much but it is technically canon and furthermore it does taint Peggy's image a little, just before she's about to be made one of the biggest stars of What If!
I know Captain Carter and Peggy Carter from that episode are different but for fcks sake they are technically the same person but different realities and they smudged her character just to have a Bucky cameo, like seriously???? REALLY?!?!?
I don't know, maybe I'm just rambling but I do feel that yet again another male character has a say on Peggy's character.
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tanalolo · 2 years
I see many people saying that "obviously, he found comfort in Lizzie cuz Tatiana was crazy af" and honestly it makes quite a sense but...but...
I just feel it was more than that...like it wasn't a competition between lizzie and Tatiana. When he says no one else saved his heart...he really means his family and Tatiana isn't really in the picture. Like there's this discord between his family and him and it's not like they don't try to comfort him...but there's this miscommunication (or something else) where even when they try to help him it just drives him away. Also like John getting angry on him for using him as a soldier rather than family, all of them teasing him for sleeping with Tatiana when it was really just work, him blaming his entire family in the worst way possible...it was just a mess. Compared to that - his family, Lizzie was more able to comfort him.
Also how people keep on saying he would have gone to May, if she were present. First things first we don't know if she could've understood him or would've been able to listen to him. Secondly I feel that she seemed to like him in a very distant, idealized way. She didn't know his problems and neither did she try to (well that's not bad but that's just her character). Like be it his love for Grace, him being unable to move on or her apprehension towards the mafia and saying it would be better if he changed...like I don't think there's a lot of understanding between them except fascination.
Also this is prolly only me but I feel her saving his heart was much more than just sex...like as much as ik he kinda resorts to sex as a coping mechanism but I don't think that only sex was able to 'save his heart from breaking' that too against his whole family.
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