#honestly it’s aplicable to a lot of things
livelaughliushen · 11 months
Quick PSA:
Do not undermine the potential content warnings of a book to make the book more palatable.
This is, again, specifically for my fellow SVSSS fans. I see a lot of y’all out here posting that people are exaggerating the levels of fucked up Scum Villain is.
Hate to brake it to you but SVSSS hits most of AO3s major content warnings and, quite frankly, some people don’t wanna read that. And that’s ok.
You don’t have to justify what you read or what you enjoy, and other people don’t have to justify not reading or enjoying it. But don’t mislead people for what they’re getting themselves into.
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sea-salted-wolverine · 6 months
I have a very funny opportunity. I am currently in the proccess of tanning a dozen snowshoe hare hides. The intent is to make things out of the furs, but honestly a dozen is a lot and the hides aren't super aplicable to many designs. I also am going to Hawaii in a week or so to visit family. My sister inlaw already thinks I'm a freak. Everyone else would think it was hilarious. I have more than enough resources to make it happen.
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supupdog · 2 years
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MY FUCKING BRAIN BROOOOOO ok so here is H’zashi in my alien MHA story: Into the dark
my spell check is still not working im sorry
 so zashi is bird man, of course. My brain refused me working on this man with my laptop/drawing aplications, sooooo I used paper after how fucking long. The plant they come from as a little bit divers but mostly lands on the hot side. Zashi comes from a place with a lot of sand and has feathers that will help blend him in with sand. They got retractiple teeth, kinda like toothless. Two sets of arms for this motherfucker, first set are the ones you can see that are basiclly just wings with two fingers.
The other par of arms are under all that fluff, they look like bird feet exept that they have hands and only 4 bulky fingers. I am only now relizing that I forgot to add his tail feathers in, they are only used to help balance. The arms that are hiden are used to carry as their wings arnt good at that but as their bone are like normal bird bones, they can’t carry much. 
the spaces in their spongy like rib cage is so that their longs can suck up more air so they can scream longer. They can reach frequences higher then any other race but Aizawa’s race can compet with how long they can hold the note. They chest puff out when they get that much air in their lungs. I’m not good at drawing skeletons but I tried my best because if I didn’t you would honestly just see fluff.
they have two sets of eyes because in evolution they needed to see everything and everyone. They where not at the top of the food chain and having more eyes let they see more thing, specially sence they cant move they eyes. They can only look around my moving their heads. I how this was more sparce than Aizawa’s stuff but I’m tired. 
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thorraborinn · 3 years
Hi, I've seen that you criticize the concept of Innangard/Utangard and other Heathenry related things. I was wondering what are your opinions on frith, oaths, and kinship? I read an essay/article on Scribd called The Problems of Heathenry: The Differences between Pagan and Modern Society this is partly why I'm asking because I'm looking for more information/criticism on these concepts and why they aren't historical or are historical but not necessarily aplicable to today's society and living.
For full transparency. i am a, albeit infrequent, Loki worshiper. These concepts are used by nokeans to justify treating Loki worshipers like dirt. I wrote a post calling out a group on FB for this. They call Loki an oath/frith breaker and a kinslayer. I'm not sure on either of these because I'm not really sure on what counted as kinslaying in Norse society. Also, I'm not sure if Odin killing Ymir is a kinslaying because according to them it's not, and I can't find anything talking about it.
Sorry this was long.
Peace, oaths, and kinship are all fine. I'm skeptical of heathens' culture of oath-swearing these days, but there's potential there for something useful. But I don't really see what they have to do with anything here.
It's certainly true that people in old times did not approve of people killing their own family members, though contrary to popular belief they weren't really big fans of people killing others who they aren't related to either, except in certain circumstances, which is also true today.
These folks sound so intolerably boring that I honestly don't get the appeal of wanting to coexist with them anyway. Sure, they are entitled to their careless, boring re-slotting of mythic components into the moral categories provided to them by basic western moral dualism inherited from Christianity, but I don't know what anyone gains from it. If heathenry is just another cosmic game of picking the right side, I want out.
Don't get me wrong, that's an easy way to read the myth, probably the easiest way. It just takes a little lack of critical inquiry into the sources for Norse mythology and a straightforward, surface-level reading of the myth to say that Loki is the "bad guy" in it and Baldr is the "good guy." It's just as easy to get around that by deferring to Saxo, who doesn't implicate Loki in the death of Baldr at all, or to modern scholars like Anatoly Liberman who have made arguments that Loki's implication in the myth was a later innovation in a much older myth. Personally, I think that's cheating -- we can hold all these ideas at the same time, including the myth as Snorri (a guy who, I'll remind you, did literally go to war with his own family) tells it to us. After all, we get bits of it in Vǫluspá as well, and I'm not prepared to throw out Vǫluspá as an important text.
But I don't trust anyone who reads the myth of the death of Baldr and says "the meaning of this story is that the gods reacted correctly and rationally and this is a model for how we should conduct our affairs."
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Now I don't really have time for a deep exegesis of the myth of Baldr's death and ragnarök but let's let it suffice to say for now that if these people are being a bunch of assholes then there's no amount of interpretation of myth that can make you go "oh no wait actually they weren't assholes after all." They could even be correct and it doesn't matter. That happens a lot with heathens. I'd rather blót with people I disagree with but like than people who are correct but are unkind blowhards.
By the way, whether or not Óðinn has familial obligations to Ýmir is probably to be considered ambiguous. In a culture like medieval Iceland's, people had extensive knowledge of their family trees and often knew exactly how they were related to the people on the other side of a battle. Where exactly the boundaries of different obligations fell was not only often ambiguous but actually could be a driver of conflict itself, if one person acts according to what they consider their obligation to be but someone else feels betrayed by them.
Another thing about these conflicts -- they usually start small. Someone who lives in a feuding society would probably see things like, just to take a completely random example, imprisoning someone's son because of something they might do in the future, as a potential first step in an incrementally-escalating series of acts of aggression that will only end after enough people are dead that it's impossible to continue. Personally, that sounds worse than giving up a discursive moral high ground, but that's just me.
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look, I know I should be working on my book or re making my bed but instead y’all are gunna hear my takes on last airbender cus that show is god teir and I love it
first a disclamer I have seen the hole show but never all in one go so if my time line is fucked or I miss a point sorry, secondly I should mention I have never seen kora so keep that in mind.... I have no idea if that will actully be aplicable but what ever here we go, oh last thing I’m not really spell checking so sorry in advance
lets start with Iroh, he is such an important charicter, one cus he’s like one of two mentally stable people on that show, and two because hes hella powerfull, this man taught our king Zuko everything he knows pretty much was the crown prince growing up is actually leavel headed and you know can BREATH FIRE, honestly hes just like the best and like whenever I need some good advise I just try to think of what Iroh would do, like this man didn’t let the fire nation corupt him, like yes he was a very promanet and powerful general, yet we never see him ecxibit the same type of coruption that his brother does also he is the main reason that Zuko is able to see the coruption of the fire nation himself as well as how Zuko is able to see that his place is as the avatars teacher and not as the exiled prince, Iroh is literaly the only man I will ever love hes like the father I never had, not that I have a bad relationship with my dad, its just that Iroh is the man I look up to he is able to do so much for those around him with out sacrificing his charicter or his own morals and I think we can all learn something from Uncle Iroh even if its just to have a nice cup of jasmin tea
next I’ma talk about Ozi I don’t have much to say other than that he is the reason I have trust issues with my country well him and living in the states
Azula honestly I know shes suposed to be a villan but what can I say shes hot also her flirting skills are honestly about as good as mine I also really love that we get to see more than just one out come of having an abusive parent because of her, now I’m not going to diagnose Ozi but if he were to have narssasistic personality dissorder I would not be suprised I mean its supper clear that he uses Zuko as a scapegoat and that Azula is the “golden” child I will say that even though Azula has her issues they are born of her trama I mean she thought her mother didn’t love her the only prase she gets is from Ozi and only if she acts how he wants her to, I think the best example I can think of is when she Mia, Ty lee and Zuko are at the camp fire sharing trama (which like mood) she acts like everyone is just puting on a show to earn sympathy bc she only got love or attention if she put on a show for Ozi if she made sure that she was exactly who he wanted his child to be, you also see this when she is trying to capture Zuko and Iroh she eassaly is able to act like the loving welcoming baby sister Zuko wants she is extreemly skilled at making people see what/who she wants them too, I think its also important to keep in mind when we talk about/think about Azula to remember she was 14, and who knows how young she was when she started being a part of councel meetings, I mean she saw her father burn half her brothers face off at...12? I think
now to touch on Mia, I personaly wish I had a better grasp of her personality bc she is defenatly someone who has a lot to say, I mean that hole “no you miss calculated I love Zuko more that I fear you” like DAMN that was amazing, she is amazing! yet the thing is I really never saw her love for Zuko other than in that one seen like yeah they dated but it was like how kids date in middle school for the title of boyfriend/girlfriend I also feel like she and Zuko only brought the worst out in each other, all I’m saying is that that relationship was bad for her (also I ship her with Ty lee but thats a diffrent convo) all in all I think that she is a very powerfull woman and I think that she sould have gotten more screen time, also as for why I ship her and Ty lee is i mean I couldn’t have been the only one who saw her reaction to Ty lee being with Azula right?
Honestly Ty lee deserved better than she got with her friendship with Azula she was just trying her best to be her own person yet insted she was made to be Azula’s play thing esentally she was since childhood made to follow Azula’s wishes without complaint and when she finally gets herself on a path to happyness Azula comes along and rips that from her, and I jusr want her to be happy like actual real happy
ok an honerable mention before I finish my fire nation post, I will be making a post for every one else as well, that one fire sage who helped Aang he is the real mvp of the fire nation, as well as the poor fire nation teacher who had to teach Aang i have no clue what she is being paid but having to put up with Aang as a student she deserves a rase
and last but definetly not least my favoret, Zuko now I’m not gunna say much on him cus everyone have probably already said it and better than I could, but like his charicter development is some of the best writing ive seen also the fact that we get to see a teen just trying his depressed sleep deprived best is the greatest thing on that show, I just really love that even though his allyances changed his character didn’t he was still just a teen tramatized by war and working towrds peace and prosparety and that is something I can relate to, hes a fuck up but hes doing his damn best
@alfredhoe420 heres some avatar content for you
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silversmith-91 · 5 years
Some thing(s) I have learned (?) When it comes to testosterone (FtM specific)
This is approx 12 hours after getting a testosterone shot (with research and such done as well, and talking to doctors who deal with this stuff, and many months of talking through it with those who know more then i)
If you are looking for prices, the shot is cheapest, and fastest acting (though, it can cause the most mood swings as it is hard hitting, so far I havent actually noticed but I'm not far into this)
Generic works just as well as name brand. Dont be afraid to ask, especially if you need to keep cost down. I'm taking generic and 2 to 2.5 months cost me 61$ with no insurance. Dont be afraid to work with a budget.
If you go with the pump or patches, it's a lower dosage, and also transfers from your skin to clothing (or if someone touches you some will transfer too). I specifically talked to the doctor about this while I was there. It isnt a lot, but it is a thing to think about.
Also again, cost. Talk this over with your doctor and the pharmacist filling your prescription. They generally can and will work with you. (Pump bottles can run around 150-300 a month depending if its 1 or 2%; patches around 75-150 ish though I didnt look directly into these)
(The shot) doesnt hurt near what they say it will getting it. I'm terrified of needles, I never felt it, it was in and out no problem, I left after 5 minutes.
If you can, get your pharmacist to give you the shot. It's faster and you dont have to worry about messing up your dose or aplication. Do not be afraid to ask, I was, they actually offered when i said i didnt know what to do and now i go in weekly.
If you decide to do it yourself (or get the pharmacist to do it), keep it at room temp. For the love of god keep it at room temp. Cold will make it so much worse. Keep at room temp.
Even though there is no pain (mild pain), you will ache. 5 kins after the shot I felt it start. 20 mins it really kicked in. 12 ish hours later it's still sore, but honestly not all that bad.
Dont be scared to ask questions. That's what these people are paid to do. They have no issue sitting aside and talking you through it all.
This is from research mostly, but for the love of yourself, if you are dosing at home, do not over do it!!! It can actually cause you to slide backwards and it can have an opposite effect of what you are expecting. Follow your dose, keep records, and talk things over each session with your doctor. They will know best. Be truthful. If need be they can adjust and give you a new prescription, it isnt hard, and they are honestly happy to do it.
Please feel free to add on or message if you have questions. I dont know everything (or even a lot honestly) but I can try to help.
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cosmic-writes · 8 years
The Ultimate Relationship Tag - ElAz
Who is more likely to raise their voice? - Pre MNM, Elliot for sure, post mnm, still El but he'd try to tone it down Who threatens to leave but never actually does? - I don't think either of them really, pre MNM, there's the constant threat of death, but El has issues with abandonment and being left alone, and he wouldn't want to leave Az post mnm Who actually keeps their word and leaves? - If El threatened Sam, Az would leave. Who trashes the house? - Neither of them, maybe the cat, which would cause disagreements Do either of them get physical? - Pre MNM, El definitely gets physical, but post MNM, El wants to solve their problems without physically fighting How often do they argue/disagree? - Post MNM, I'd imagine they talk stuff out more, so not too often Who is the first to apologise? - It depends, I think. Pre MNM, I'm pretty sure Az would apologize about everything, since he's accepted his fate, post MNM, El would apologize as soon as he got past the emotions that had him mad, since he doesn't want to do anything to upset Az.
Who is on top? El, though at least once, he'd ask Az to top Who is on the bottom? Az, except the scenario above Who has the strangest desires? Probably El, he's a weird one Any kinks? oh boy, there's bdsm with bondage and all that, painplay, orgasm delay... the easier thing to ask is what don't they do Who’s dominant in bed? Elliot for sure Is head ever in the equation? of course If so, who is better at performing it? I'm not really sure, maybe El since he has the most experience Ever had sex in public? a lot of teasing, Az teasing El in the hot spring and all, there are probably more times like that too. Who moans the most? Pre MNM, El. Az keeps quiet and all. Post MNM it’s Az since he knows it’s a turn on for El Who leaves the most marks? Ooh this is a complicated one. I'm just going to go post MNM for this one. El heals all the marks from their basement fun, but just loves to mark Az up with hickeys, so those will definitely be there. Who screams the loudest? Also a complicated answer, pre MNM, Az keeps quiet... Post MNM, unless El wants to see how quiet he can be, Az'll scream loudly and play it up to tease El. Who is the more experienced of the two? Elliot, no doubt about it. Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? Depends on how they're feeling I guess, pre MNM it's fucking, post MNM, either or. Rough or soft? See above, pre MNM is rough only, post MNM is a mix of the two. How long do they usually last? I think they can both last a while, unless they're aiming to be quick, they might just edge each other on to see how long they can last Is protection used? probably at first, but El can heal, which I'd assume includes STDs,so he'd be clean, and Az obviously would be clean Does it ever get boring? I highly doubt it Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? their own bedroom, not because it's odd or anything, but because they usually have sex in weird places, rarely in their own bed
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? Neither of them plan on it. El thinks Az with a kid would be adorable, but Az is afraid of ending up like his father, and El thinks that a kid could get in the way of him working, so none of the followups are aplicable
Who likes to cuddle? El loves to cuddle. Who is the little spoon? Az probably, since El likes to hold him. Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? Both of them are guilty of this one. Who struggles to keep their hands to themself? I think it's both of them too. Though El for sure likes to kiss him a lot How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? forever and ever, there's nothing wrong with readjusting so they're both comfortable Who gives the most kisses? El, he likes to kiss Az all the time to make him giggle, plus he loves kissing Az's nose, and all over his face, and everywhere else. What is their favourite non-sexual activity? cuddling, hand holding, and nose kissing, unless the basement fun counts as non-sexual, though it generally leads to sex. Where is their favourite place to cuddle? A pile of blankets, so Az can be an Az-rrito Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? I actually think Az might grope El and El would love it How often do they get time to themselves? Post MNM, when Az is at work, but pre MNM, El doesn't leave him alone
Who snores? only when sick I think Do they share a bed or sleep separately? Together, even pre MNM, El brought Az into his bed. If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? Pre MNM, they'd probably sleep close together but not cuddle, post MNM, they cuddle constantly. Who talks in their sleep? El might mumble a bit, but I honestly doubt it What do they wear to bed? just whatever, sometimes they're just nude, or in comfy clothes, but El doesn't invest in PJ's Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? Pre MNM is side by side, post MNM, they're probably holding onto each other Who wakes up with the best hair? El says Az, but that's just because he loves Az's hair Who wakes up first? Depends on the day Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? Depends too, El likes to do it on occasion just to be nice, though Az likes to cook, so there's that Who hogs the sheets? Az-rrito used to, so El bought a bunch of blankets so they both have enough. Who has nightmares? Az, and at first, he pushed El away, but post MNM, he lets El hold him during the nightmares. Who makes the bed? neither What time is bed time? when it's dark outside and they've finished having fun for the night Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? part of me wants to say Az is a little grump in the mornings, though I may be wrong
Who is the busiest? Az hs the most regular schedule, so I'd assume it's him Who rakes in the highest income? El, he does some illegal shit as a hired killer, and he gets paid a lot for it Who takes the most sick days? Az occasionally gets Sam to cover his shifts, so him. What are their jobs? El is a hired killer, as well as a hobbiest, and Az works at a tea shop Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? Yes, they both love their jobs Are your muses financially stable? For sure
Who does the cooking? They both do, though Az likes cooking, so El lets him Who is messier? They're both pretty clean, though I think Az is cleaner Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? Both of them if they're stripping to have sex Who does the groceries? El if Az is working, he'll go shopping and pick Az up when his shift is over Who takes the longest to shower? They shower together generally, so they take their time
Is money a problem? Nope, not with El's job Do they own their home or do they rent? El owns their house Where do they live? In Castle town, though on the edge Do they enjoy their surroundings? yes, but they travel a lot What’s their song? they don't have a specific song, but El hums and sometimes sings when Az is asleep (or when he thinks Az is asleep) What do they do when they’re away from each other? El continues with work and leaves the house frequently so that he isn't isolated Their favourite place? Any place with each other, though they like the hot springs a lot Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? El Who uses up all of the hot water? both of them Who’s the tallest? El I think Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? I think if either one of them comes home to the other showering, they jump in without warning Who crushed first? Az fell fast for El, even during the murder part
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