#honestly impressed it didnt take 8 years min again
dy3rs3v3 · 2 years
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New Metallica era incoming !! The old men still have it and it's great to see them holding true to wanting to put out new material and remain a current and active band and not just a bygone legends act.
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hanaasbananas · 1 year
saw a post earlier about how well behaved you were in school/how often you got in trouble and I can't find it again BUT it made me think of a couple of times I got completely REAMED by my teachers.
One time when I was in year 6 so..11? I think? it was 2008/9, I'd just discovered Fruits Basket and was practically in love with Kyo Sohma. That's fine, right? Perfectly normal experience
UNTIL we got set a homework task to write a short 1000 word essay on any subject and what did I choose?
Well. I chose to copy and paste the ENTIRE Wikipedia article about Fruits Basket. The whole thing. And then I painstakingly went through my entire document, removing every single hyperlink so that "Mrs M won't know that I didn't write this and will be so impressed by how much i wrote". ARE YOU SURE. ARE YOU SURE HANAA
she did notice. Almost immediately when I rocked up with a STACK of paper and everyone else had like, one page and I still had the GALL to show off "how much work I did" to everyone else on my table. where is this confidence NOW??? when I NEED IT.
anyway turns out my friend ALSO plagiarised her paper about tigers but she didn't take out the hyperlinks so we both got yelled at for 10 minutes during break, absolutely sobbed our little hearts out and then were told to wash our faces and calm down in the last 5 mins lmaoo
I think the funniest part of this story is that Mrs M ended up being one of my favourite primary school teachers, though I never plagiarised a Wikipedia article again.
The second instance I got absolutely WRECKED by a teacher was in year 8 dance. Yes, dance. I absolutely LOATHED dance. Despised it. Was absolutely HORRIFIED when I started secondary school in year 7 and found out it was MANDATORY for two years.
(Essentially all subjects are mandatory until u choose ur gcse options, at which point you only do the core subjects aka maths english science and then 4 other subjects of ur choice. most schools have u choose options in year 9 bc year 10 is when you sit your gcse exams but THANK GOD my school made u choose in year 8 so you could have a practise run with the subjects you chose in year 9 and change them if u wanted to)
I didn't mind doing drama, (though i HATEd having to take ur shoes and socks off in the classroom), didn't mind ICT or food tech or graphic design or DT or geography. I HATED dance.
And also, unfortunately when I started my secondary school the lessons were LONG. The day was from 8.45-2.45 (unless you were an older student and had later lessons. Having a maths lesson at 2.45 and watching everyone going home SUCKED.) and for the first 3 years while I was there each lesson was AN HOUR AND A HALF. NINETY MINUTES. So you only had 3 lessons a day if you finished at 2.45 but they were really painfully long.
(They did switch to 1 hour lessons eventually and and sometimes you'd have a double period of a subject but that was fine.)
ANYWAY back to the story- despised dance, had to do it anyway. I surilvived one year, but then I had a stricter teacher in year 8 and one time we had an end of year assessment where we'd been practising dance lifts all term and she gave us 45 mins to pair up and come up with a dance sequence that had lifts in it and then perform it to the whole class at the end.
and the thing is, I was (am) a little heavy. So I knew I'd be the one doing the lifting. No problem. Until it came to pairing up because I was shy and quiet I only hung out w two other girls.
do you see where this is going?
those two friends of mine (TRAITORS) paired up so I was left with another shy muslim girl who I vaguely knew as a friend of a friend. She was lovely, honestly but things Didnt Go Well.
and by that I mean she couldn't lift me and wouldn't let ME lift HER so we could come up with something, anything. and I was CHRONICALLY shy. so I wasn't about to go tell the teacher, then my partner would hate me!!
time comes to perform. all of us sit on the floor against the mirror as the teacher goes down the line and sees everyone's performance.
we were last
we had nothing
"what were you doing for the last 45 minutes then girls? everyone else managed to do it, why didn't you?"
i tried to explain as articulately as I could, which is v impossible when you are a 12 year old trying not to start crying as you are BEING YELLED AT IN FRONT OF THE ENTIRE (SILENT) CLASS. my partner didn't cry but she also didn't tell the teacher why she didn't let me lift her.
naturally, we were given detention. and this was in the time when detention was the same amount of time as a lesson. AN HOUR AND A HALF DETENTION. I was distraught. What would my mum say when I had to stay late after school? I'd NEVER gotten a detention before I couldn't believe it!!
the ultra humiliating part was this was at the end of the day and we all got changed in the dance studio, they had like, open lockers at the back to put your stuff in so I couldn't even leg it out of class at the end I had to get changed next to my classmates all while they're sneaking glances at me and I'm just. Sobbing.
I think the teacher did feel bad about how much I was crying though because she told us that she'd email us to let us know when the detention would be and never did. I skipped class the week after just in case she remembered but I escaped unscathed.
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sapphichalo · 4 years
okay artists: one dee, hayley kiyoko, halsey, wallows, olivia o’brien (i went to high school with her), and king princess; albums: golden hour, fine line, folklore, and calm if u listen to 5sos (i cant rmbr fjcjcj); songs: the less i know the better by tame impala, heaven falls/fall on me by surfaces, pink + white by frank ocean, crzy by kehlani, and dang! by mac miller
This is literally gonna take me like 20 min but thank you darling!
One Direction
Favourite song: Top 3 are IICF, Home, and What A Feeling
Least favourite song: Gotta Be You, Na Na Na, Love You Goodbye, according to that sorting thing
Favourite album: MITAM or Four i cant decide
Least favourite album: Up All Night in terms of actually being good, but I think my actual least favourite is Midnight Memories cause UAN is full of bops
Song that got me into them: WMYB babey, ive been around from the start
Seen Live?: Yes Ma’am, the Take Me Home tour in Auckland
Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Im gonna put everything else under the break cause this bitch is gonna be long
Hayley Kiyoko
Favourite song: Cliffs Edge currently, its so gooood
Least favourite song: honestly dont listen to alllll of her stuff so i dont have one
Favourite album: Expectations
Least Favourite album: I also havent listened to Im too sensitive for this shit yet, so thats on the to do list
Song that got me into them?: uhhhh I think it was girls like girls
Seen live?: Sadly no :((
Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Halsey (I like her stuff but i dont know much of it yet)
Favourite song: Finally // Beautiful Stranger or You Should Be Sad
Least favourite song: I dont really have one!
Favourite album: Maniac I think
Least favourite album: dont have one
Song that got me into them: New Americana or Colors
Seen Live?: Not yet!
Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Hadnt heard of them!
First song youtube took me to: OK
First impression: surprised that dude is in a band, long song intro, like their sound
Do I like it?: Yeah!
Would I listen to them more?: Definitely!!
Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Olivia O’Brian 
Hadnt heard of her either but shes hot
First song youtube took me to: Just A Boy
First impression: Hot, Dua Lipa vibes, into it
Do I like it?: very much so
Would I listen to them more? absolutely
Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
King Princess (Would die for her)
Favourite song: has to be Talia, but also her Happy Together cover is so fucking good, and also Holy
Least favourite song: dont have oneeee
Favourite album: Cheap Queen
Least favourite album: dont have oneeee again
Song that got me into them: Pussy Is God, such a good song
Seen live?: No, but I deserve to
Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Golden Hour (I fuck hard with this album)
Opinion on cover design: Stunning, she looks amazing, couldve had more yellow, 9/10
Favourite song: Slow Burn or Space Cowboy
Least Favourite song: Lonely Weekend, I dont love how it starts which makes it hard for me to listen to 
Underrated track: Happy & Sad
Overrated track: I dont think there is one, theyre all such lovely songs
Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Fine Line (I think this might be my all time favourite album)
Opinion on cover design: Love, wish harry was a lil closer, and also I kinda wish it wasnt black around the outside, idk why 8/10
Favourite song: Fine Line, then She, then Golden
Least Favourite: TPWK, Cherry, and Falling, but I love all three of them, thats just how theyve been ranked
Underrated Track: Canyon Moon - hes so happy and it makes me cryyyyy
Overrated Track: I would say Falling, its still so good but the hets really got hold of it 
Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Folklore (wasnt planning on listening to it but I did for you)
ok first thots, i like the 1, I also like that shes swearing, thats fun. looks like this album is pretty gay, idk
Opinion on cover design: artsy, simple, into it, 8/10
Favourite song: i have only listened to two so far but im enjoying both of them
Least favourite song: cant say yet, i heard a bit of seven and didnt love it but ill let you know
Cant say for overrated and underrated yet
Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 but this is based off of three songs
CALM (would also die for this album)
Opinion on cover design: Big fan, love the grungy vibes, they all look beautiful, 9/10
Favourite song: No Shame and Lover of Mine
Least favourite song: Best Years
Underrated Track: High
Overrated Track: I think they all deserve the hype
 Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
The Less I Know The Better - Tame Impala
couldn’t finish it | not my thing | it’s fine | could get into this | ooo i like | oh hell yeah | fuck this is some good shit | there aren’t even words, this transcends words
Heaven Falls / Fall on Me - Surfaces (this was a good rec, thanks babe)
couldn’t finish it | not my thing | it’s fine | could get into this | ooo i like | oh hell yeah | fuck this is some good shit | there aren’t even words, this transcends words
Pink + White - Frank Ocean
couldn’t finish it | not my thing | it’s fine | could get into this | ooo i like | oh hell yeah | fuck this is some good shit | there aren’t even words, this transcends words this song is so fucking good oh mmy god
CRZY - Kehlani
couldn’t finish it | not my thing | it’s fine | could get into this | ooo i like | oh hell yeah | fuck this is some good shit | there aren’t even words, this transcends words
Dang! - Mac Miller
 couldn’t finish it | not my thing | it’s fine | could get into this | ooo i like | oh hell yeah | fuck this is some good shit | there aren’t even words, this transcends words
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baek--honey · 7 years
1-50 bitch
well since u asked nicely how could i resist
1. If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time? paint/draw or the like, or knit maybe,
2. What’s your favorite piece of clothing you own/owned? MY HOT MOMS SHIRT THAT I LOST ;n; also the big grey hoodie i have & a pierce the veil shirt i borrowed from my gf that im never giving back :)
4. How often do you play sports? never
5. What fictional place would you most like to go to? The Digital World
6. What job would you be terrible at? probably anything involving extensive memorizing and maintaining information for long periods of time. so basically a lot of things…… or maybe like. working at starbucks cos i cant make coffee OR remember lots of drink recipes omg
7. If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, what would you have a good chance at winning a medal for? playing kingdom hearts 2 on easy mode. i would have a good chance at winning because all the people that are good at playing kingdom hearts are gaming elitists that think playing on easy is for losers and if you dont play on critical mode you arent a real gamer :)
8. What skill would you like to master? making an omelet OR knitting
10. What would be the most amazing adventure to go on? some out of town adventure with my girlfriend where money and time dont matter 
11. If you could change one thing about your life right now, what would you change and why? uh i’d like to be less haunted by my traumatic past maybe! or be a few inches taller that would be cool i feel like both of these are pretty self explanatory 
12. What’s your favorite drink? W A T E R or milk tea 
13. What do you consider to be your best find? my girlfriend 
14. Are you usually early or late? way too early. too mcuh time i dont know what to do with it
15. What pets did you have while growing up? hm lets see i had a couple turtles, some fish, i had a gerbil that i got from a friend, an african grey named solomon, boston terrier named Tiny, two white boxers named Floyd & Lloyd, a mix named Macy, 4 chihuhuas named Dude, Pooty, Flout & Chief, and now we have a cat named Schrödinger :~), oh and an amstaff/dalmation mix named EL
16. When people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with? anything and everything but never really asking for advice i guess? its more of them talking about a problem cos im easy to talk to and then me trying to help them come up to a solution if they need it
17. What takes up too much of your time? S L E E P I N G 
18. What do you wish you knew more about? cats!!!! also dogs cos i know a lot but i want to know more
19. What would be your first question after waking up from being cryogenically frozen for 100 years? why am i still alive?
21. Who’s your go-to band or artist when you can’t decide on something to listen to? seventeen or monsta x, exo’s LMR repackaged album
22. What shows are you into? the office, lost, honestly nothing thats still running on tv, i havent watched a show in forever, oh god wait does anime count cos i could write the longest list of anime i love: haikyuu, nge, digimon, noragami ,,,,,,
23. Who has impressed you most with what they’ve accomplished? Seventeen (Hangul: 세븐틴), also stylized as SEVENTEEN or SVT, is a South Korean boy group formed by Pledis Entertainment in 2015. The group consists of thirteen members divided into three sub-units, 
24. What age do you wish you could permanently be? a dog mom & i hope i can make that wish come true
25. What would be your ideal way to spend the weekend? napping on and off in bed with my girlfriend and then going to town for sushi & milk tea and then uhhhhhhhhhhh coming back home to nap some more and then go out for noodles for another date :} oh and a dog would be involved if possible because cuddling dogs is best
26. What’s something you like to do the old-fashioned way? physically writing and sending cards/letters in the mail i guess? i dont know if that really counts as doing something the old fashioned way but i definitely dont get as many cards or anything in the mail anymore. i also like to keep physical hand written to-do lists & schedules and stuff
27. What have you only recently formed an opinion on? how bad exo are at dancing  turtlenecks and scarves. they are good 
28. What’s the single best day on the calendar? october 10th my dogs birthday and also narutos birthday
29. What are you interested in that most people haven’t heard of? asmr??? 
30. What is the most annoying question that people ask you? “did u have a little lamb?” OR when my grandpa asks me anything about his iphone 
31. What could you give a 40-minute presentation on without absolutely no preparation? my dogs or seventeen. OR a half ass presentation about kingdom hearts, trying to explain it while getting around all the plot holes and not nailing down my arguments cos i dont really get it either and theres a lot i dont pay attention to but i could come up with 40 mins of info im sure
32. If you were a dictator of a small island nation, what crazy dictator stuff would you do? no waking until 10am. no crime or anything will be allowed ill figure out some way to make everything perfect so women can go out alone at night and not be afraid. no discrimination !! all the poc, lgbt, disabled, any minority  will be welcome and have safe spaces and any hate will be punished by law. also everyones allowed to have pets in their homes and no home goes without food or power. am i doing this right
33. What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives? travel out of your comfort zone. like physically travel somewhere and make the most of it but do it with someone cos the buddy system is important
34. What’s worth spending more on to get the best? jackets. i will pay up to 100$ for a good jacket and wear it forever cos itll be confirmed long-lasting and also most likely very comfortable!!!
35. What is something that a ton of people are obsessed with but you just don’t get the point of? i just want to point out that its not that i dont get the point of it because everyone has their likes and i have my own that other people dont i like that people are into whatever they want to be its just that i am Not into it. and that thing is yuri on ice
36. What are you most looking forward to in the next 10 years? being able to wake up every morning next to my girlfriend and out pets :~)
37. Where is the most interesting place you’ve been? corning museum of glass was super neat……. , dollywood, gatlinburg, chicago chinatown, idk i havent been to many interesting places 
38. What’s something you’ve been meaning to try but just haven’t gotten around to? i wana get a tattoo !!!!!!!!
39. What’s the best thing that happened to you last week? getting a job interview at barnes & noble because now i have a job there!!!
40. What piece of entertainment do you wish you could erase from your mind so that you could experience it for the first time again? diamond edge chicago
41. If all jobs had the same pay and hours, what job would you like to have? all i really want is that job where im paid to sleep 
42. How different was your life one year ago? tbh not that much different?? other than i was in school and now im not. i didnt have a job and now i do. i was a year further away from moving 
43. What’s the best way to start the day? talking to my girlfriend and also let me just say that first pee in the morning. perfect
44. What quirks do you have? what are quirks exactly i looked up examples to help me think of some but all im thinking of is…i cant have the volume on my tv or radio on an even number it has to be on an odd number??? i have to sleep with a fan on. idk dude
45. What would you rate 10/10? [MV] 몬스타엑스 (MONSTA X) _ 걸어 (ALL IN)
46. What kind of art do you enjoy most? abstract w lots of colors and shapes. geometric stuff 
47. What do you hope never changes? my ability to collect myself (unless it gets better which then i hope it does), my passion for art of any sort
48. What city would you most like to live in? anywhere except charleston and somewhere thats not extremely highly populated
49. What movie title best describes your life? Scooby Doo 2 - Monsters Unleashed
50. What’s the best way a person can spend their time? sleeping or hanging out with their pet
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