#honestly i'm so greedy i IMMEDIATELY want the next musical like ... /now/
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madefate-a · 5 years ago
mcnsieur replied to your post “mcnsieur replied to your post: underrated...”
HE IS SO TALENTED!!! Same i want him to stick around too. He fits in so well. I have hopes for the third hatchetfield installment for him
SO talented, and works great w/ all the old & new cast - i’m p confident he’ll stick around for the last hatchetfield saga at the very least so there’s that!! 
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redscharms · 3 years ago
Hey! Could you read about jungkook's personality?
BTS Jungkook's personality reading
The energy channeling started even before I drew the first card
I went on Pinterest to find an image of Jungkook and the first one was of him and his dog
I remember the last time I did a reading I asked if he had a dog and some of you told me that indeed he had one
But this was the first time I've seen his picture on Pinterest together with his pet
And right after that last reading too
And what's interesting immediately after I drew two cards
Two of Swords and Four of Cups
It said Doubt on the Two of Swords card but I interpret this card slightly different that usual
I see impartiality and candour
The ability to be honest with people he's close to
He seems to value honestly and won't shy away from telling his honest, unbiased opinion to the person who needs to hear it even if it's a bitter truth they don't want to hear
He wants to stay true to his morals and will try to deliver the truth as softly and gently as possible but he won't sugarcoat it too much
A loyal friend who believes that honest communication is the key to a healthy, long lasting friendship
Funny enough the next card is The World which is also translated as "peace" in this deck's language
I think Jungkook often takes the role of the peacemaker in the group, trying to make people understand each other's point of view
The Eight of Cups seems to indicate that he won't insist on "talking about the problem" if he sees that the people he tries to help are not interested in helping themselves
Looks like it's easier for him to retreat instead of being in the middle of the conflict, trying to resolve it
As much as he hates stressful situations and wants everyone to get along, he prefers to stay away from heated discussions and arguments
He seems to be very sensitive to other's bad moods and toxic energies
With the Hanged Man in reverse it feels that Jungkook loves to be constantly occupied with something
It could be listening to music, dancing, working out, enjoying his favourite hobby, going on a walk...
Like a mild case of ADHD (not diagnosing anyone obviously, just the energy I'm getting and trying to describe how it feels like)
The thing that caught my eye is the halo around the Hanged Man's head
I feel like Jungkook is a very good person
Humble, kind, has a big heart
But... I don't know how to describe this
It's like people took advantage of his kindness before and now he's very careful with his immediate instincts to help people
He chooses how much empathy to give each person he interacts with
It's a good thing because he practices healthy boundaries and doesn't let himself get involved without being asked to do so
Perhaps people he helped before were either extremely ungrateful and greedy for more, selfishly expecting him to constantly go out of his way to satisfy their needs
So far it seems that despite all the fame and recognition Jungkook remained very humble and didn't let the popularity get to his head
The Moon and the Page of Wands
The duality of passionate, outgoing, free spirited nature and a mysterious, secretive personality
It looks like there are very few people he actually trusts and some of his secrets are known only to the Moon itself
It's like he can be the soul of the party, the one who suggests trying everything and anything new, that member of the group who initiates a lot of new and exciting activities but who also remains a mystery to everyone despite his bright and outgoing personality
It maybe also that he doesn't like to talk about his goals and dreams with others and much rather accomplish them first before saying anything about his intentions out loud
He's creative, romantic, had a quick wit and catches small details others could easily miss or ignore
Nine of Wands and the Knight of Wands
A lot of fiery energy to match his drive and interest for life
He loves to experience new things, create new memories, live in the moment
With all this Wands energy it feels like although he's very trustworthy himself, he finds it difficult to trust people, hence all those secrets he keeps to himself
It doesn't mean that he doesn't want to bond with someone on a deeper level
This is the first time I noticed the lizard pattern of the Knight's clothes
Feels like despite his sensitive nature, Jungkook is very capable and good at "regrowing his lost limbs" as in taking care of his mental health
He is capable of letting go of past negative feelings for his own sake
The Knight wearing the armour also makes me think of the inner strength that helps him overcome difficulties and move forward
He cares about living his life to the fullest and doesn't see any value in mulling over the same thing over and over
If the relationship is not working out and the other person isn't interested or capable of moving on and letting go of the past, Jungkook won't stay in that toxic circle of destructive behaviour
While shuffling I was thinking "what else could I tell about him in this reading" and if I'll get any more information
I wanted to type "maybe he won't say anything else because of the Moon card and his mysterious side"
And it's funny that the card that jumped out was The Judgment in reverse
In one of my previous readings I said that Jungkook is working on himself and how he's not completely honest with himself let alone the people around me
"Judgement Reversed calls for a period of reflection and self-evaluation. Through meditation or quiet contemplation, you may arrive at a deep understanding of the universal themes weaving throughout your life and what you can do or change to avoid these situations. You may have kept them secret or hidden because you fear how others may judge you. To clear these past mistakes and regrets, and any associated guilt or shame, work on your self-forgiveness, self-acceptance, self-love, and release and freedom."
Once again I see that this man is keeping many things to himself
"Maybe you’re afraid of the sacrifice you will need to make to heed the call, or you’re worried you are not ready to step into a more prominent role and just want to play it safe."
I feel like this is the right time to end the reading
Oh, the bottom deck card....
The Chariot
Another Major arcana card
Ambition, determination, willpower...
Jungkook is a very strong individual with a very interesting inner world and a beautiful sensitive side to him
He's all about hard work and self-discipline
His energy is very warm and he was destined for fame, success and recognition
It seems that he'll probably use his free time to travel and find new ways to enjoy this life in a healthy way
This was a very nice reading, the energies were very strong
I promised I'll do Jungkook's reading heh
I hope you enjoyed it ♥️
Feel free to tell me if I got it right
P.s. it's not often I get a "they were destined for..." message in a reading. That was interesting
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