#honestly i'm mostly relieved that now she can find someone who can give her what she wants in a relationship
nocturnalsleuth · 2 years
that time of year again *changes number across multiple bios*
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Good Girl, Bad Boy (Pt. 07 of 15)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 1.6 K
Summary: You're the extreme opposite of Billy Hargrove. The good girl, with perfect grades, the child every mother wants to have. And you don't want to have nothing to do with his kind. Ignoring Billy – and his constant, lingering stare – became an habit. But after you're put together for a special school program, you'll have no choice but to get along with him. And soon enough you'll find out that Billy is so much more than just Hawkins' bad boy.
<-Previous part (06)
Next part (08) ->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
Don't Go
Billy did threw the keychain away when he got home. It was on the trash can he has in his bedroom, beside the desk. It remained there, among a few school papers for half an hour before he took it again.
It went right back to it's previous place at the nightstand.
Billy is deliberately skipping class. It's the fourth day now, and he doesn't feel like he'll be returning tomorrow.
He leaves everyday at the same time he would for school, and returns after. But he drives to lonely places where he thinks he can run away from his own mind. But it is everywhere he goes.
She is everywhere he goes.
Billy Hargrove did considered going back to his old ways. He even managed to make his way to the phone, ready to call Stacy again. But when he picked up the phone, he caught himself halfway through her number. The number that belongs to the girl he can't stop thinking about. To the girl he can't ruin. Whose life he can't destroy.
She's too good for him, and he knows that. An angel, as stupid as it may sound coming from a asshole like him. Because that's what Billy thinks he is. He'd live a thousand lifetimes and never deserve (Y/N). Her smile, her laughter, her blushing cheeks. Her amazing, sweet scent, that shine in her eyes when she looks at him.
What does that even mean?
Billy is looking at Hawkins, parked on this cliff. (Y/N) would like it, and he wonders if she ever came here. Probably not, since the only people who know this place are those who come here for a hook up. There are a lot of places Billy would like to show her, some of them would take an hour drive through the woods, but it's worth it. He found them soon after getting into town, because he couldn't handle to stay still, so he drove. Pretty much as he's doing now, constantly running away from something that's inside of him.
Sighing, he pushes the car door close. At this time, he should be leaving school, going to her place as always. Today they'd go over the Biology class, if he's not mistaken. (Y/N) loves it, mostly when it's about animals. She loves birds. She didn't had to tell him that, he got it from the way she smiled as the teacher spoke.
These little things, the small details, as silly as they may be, are making him fall harder.
But he can't.
Well, he can.
But not her. Billy knows who he was. Or who he still is. So he knows what people will say about her. They'll call (Y/N) mean names, say she's just another of his sluts. And that's something he can't do, not to her.
But despite knowing this is the right thing to do, it hurts. It hurts that he has to step away from her, for good this time. Billy doesn't know how he'll live from now on without their daily meetings. Without her soft voice, her sweet scent inebriating him every damn time.
He has it bad.
It's only worse because he remembers it clearly, that day at that stupid parlor, how she said they could try. They could wait and see what happens.
That was a chance. A small one, that probably would lead to nothing, but still, a chance. Something he never thought he'd get. Not with (Y/N). But now, he won't even try anymore.
This might be love, he thinks. Putting someone else's well being before his own.
It's a hard thing to acknowledge, but when it's real, there's no way to run from it.
Sighing, Billy starts the car, putting the daisy keychain on the passenger seat. For a moment he sees her image, looking at him and smiling. On the next second, it's gone.
With a weight on his chest, he maneuvers the car, heading back to the hell on Earth he calls home.
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“I don't know, Nan. He just... He disappeared. Like smoke in the air and I don't know why.” Sitting shotgun in Nancy's car, you let your heart out. Billy didn't show up at school last week, and not today either. It's been five days already, and he doesn't even answer your calls.
“You know Billy Hargrove, (Y/N). I'm not impressed with this sudden change and neither should you.”
“No, Nan...” Running a hand through your hair, you sigh. “Trust me, Billy... He's not like that. Not with me at least and I know what you'll say. That he lies to get girls but... I've seen how he treats them and so have you. He... He never yelled at me, or called me bad names, he...” You're defending him. The idiot fled with no explanation and still, you're defending him.
“(Y/N), I trust your judgment.” She stops by your place, turning her body towards you. “If what you're saying it true, go after him.”
“Look, I get that you don't want to talk about it because you're scared of having feelings for the bad boy, and I'll wait until you're ready, but honestly, I think you know what you feel.”
Looking down at your hands, you blush. “I really like to be around him, Nancy.” Your voice is low and weak, as you admit it to her and to yourself at the same time. “And I miss him.”
“Don't call him, then. Go after him.” She touches your shoulder, smiling. “...Just don't let Steve know Billy is making you sad because you know he'll freak out.”
“God, no!” Giggling, you reach for your bag on the backseat. Steve looks out for you, even now, and it's good to know he has your back. But you definitely don't need the two guys having a fight over some misunderstanding. “Tell him I'm fine. Because I am. I'll... I'll fix things. And if Billy does want to stay away from me for whatever reason... I'll be alright.”
“Good luck and call me if you need anything.”
“I will. Thank you, Nan.” Giving her a hug, you step out of the car, heading inside. “Mom! I'm home!”
“Hi, darling!” She shouts from upstairs. Taking the chance, you run to the phone, quickly dialing Billy's number. It's not the first time you call, and whenever he picks up, you say ‘hello’ and the call is cut. It breaks your heart every time.
“Who's this?” A female voice answers, slightly pissed.
Relieved, you breathe out. “Hi, Max. It's (Y/N).”
“AKA the reason why the shitface has been locked in his bedroom like a jerk.” She speaks fast, and you furrow your eyebrows and giggle. “I think Billy is in love with you or something.”
“What?” Max says as if it's no big deal, as if she didn't made your heart start beating insanely fast, neck and cheeks heating up. “I-I don't think–”
“Billy never gets upset over a girl so...” Her voice fades, and you hear something in the back, wondering if it's Billy. “He has your keychain, by the way. A daisy flower.”
“Keychain?” You don't remember any keychains, so you just sigh, pacing around. “Max, can you do me a favor? I'm going there so don't let Billy go anywhere. And when I ring the door bell, let him answer it, please.”
“Alright. But don't take too long. Neil will be back around eight.”
“I'm going now. Thanks.” And you hang up, heading to the front door. “Mom, I'm going to get Billy!”
“Alright!” Good thing she doens't ask much questions, God bless her for that.
You try not to drive too fast, and you try to tell yourself this is no big deal. But you don't know what will happen. Preparing yourself for a heartbreak sounds good, so you decide to expect the worse.
So when you're parking on the sidewalk in front of Bill'y house, you know what you'll do. You'll put a finger on his face and ask what the hell he's thinking skipping class like that.
When you reach the front door, you realize you've never been here. Well, Billy did dropped his sister a few times before driving back to your place. And then, you're whole act drops. “Damn it.” Pressing the door bell, you wonder if you'd have enough time to just run back to the car and leave. There's a discussion inside the house, with Billy telling Max to get the door, and she refusing. You would have time to run, but you decide to be brave. So you stand your ground, pressing the bell again.
“Damn you, Maxine.” Billy groans, and on the next second the door is violently pulled open.
You freeze, watching as Billy's face drops. “Hi.” You mutter, looking down at your hands, blushing. You shouldn't be here. This is stupid. Whatever Billy said at Scoops Ahoy, it's over. But still, you want to try. To break through him, even if it means you'll be pushed further away. “C-can we talk?”
There's silence, several seconds of silence. And you curse yourself. Billy would never like you. He's the bad boy Nancy warns you about, that girls like you should avoid. Biting your lip, you feel your throat burning, tears wanting to make their way to your eyes.
“Nevermind, I shouldn't have come.” Pushing the words out, you turn on your heels to leave. But Billy grabs your arm, forcing you to stop. “Let go.” You beg, looking back at him. Your heart is breaking and you don't even know why. You just need to be away from Billy right now, and from all these feelings boiling inside you.
“No, please, just... Don't go.” His grip gets loose, and his hand slides from your forearm to your hand, and he holds it, pulling you inside. “Come in.”
Taking a deep breath, you weakly nod, letting him pull you into the house.
@multific @clockworkballerina @tina1938 @graciehams @moatsnow @all-the-stars-on-your-skin @captain039 @rebelemilu @vivian-likes-frogs @prettyinpunk85
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thetrap · 4 years
why i think deancas just might go canon
i’ve been wanting to write this for a bit, but i haven’t really had the time until now. basically this is just a super unorganized collection of thoughts i have on why i think that dean and castiel actually have a fairly decent shot of becoming canon (and by decent shot i mean like.....a solid 5% chance. and that’s being generous). this is based off of the show itself (obviously), quotes from andrew dabb, and other things.
1. andrew dabb is deancas positive
i made a post a while back that never made it out of the drafts, but it was basically a summation of all the good deancas shit dabb has given us as a writer. here are the bullet points:
- the hug/"i'm not leaving here without you!" moment in purgatory (8x02) 
- "don't lose it over one man"
- "he's in love.....with humanity"
- cas/colette parallel ("dean. stop.") in 10x22
- just the fight scene from the prisoner in general like......wow
- sam/jess and dean/cas parallel in 12x23
- "we've lost everything......and now, you're gonna bring him back" + dean's just generally overwhelming grief in 13x01
- "and how is it that you lost dean? i thought the two of you were joined at the.....you know, everything"
and these are just the big moments.
also notable is the fact that an activist sent dabb (and some of the other producers of spn i think) a book about dean and cas and why the fans want it/why it would be a good thing for the show. a few years later, meghan fitzmartin (who wrote the most recent episode!) was hired as dabb’s assistant, went into his office and posted a tweet a with pictures of the book, saying something along the lines of “doing some reading for work!”
the fact that dabb actually kept a fanmade deancas book for years.....the fact that he’s consistently written episodes with really strong subtext for years.....the fact that the dean and castiel romantic tension has only picked up since he took over as showrunner (mixtape, lily sunder, cas’s death, dean’s grief arc, the entirety of season fifteen, etc.)......idk i just think it’s really interesting that there has been such a marked shift since he was put in charge.
2. the mixtape
i know this was a few seasons ago, but it’s still relevant because like. a mixtape is not platonic. this scene was not platonic. full-stop.
and it’s not even the act by itself; it’s also the dialogue!! “it was a gift. you keep those.” this is more than likely a direct callback to aragorn and arwen in lord of the rings (that’s the first thing i thought of, at least).
the fact that dabb let this slide, like......he knows what this looks like. berens and glynn, who wrote this episode, know what it looks like. they knew precisely how this would be perceived, and then wrote and aired the scene anyways.
and that’s not even getting into the camerawork. like what?? was this shot???
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yeah so. definitely not platonic.
3. the trap
honestly i thought about just posting this part of this overlong essay thing, because to me, this is the episode where i went okay, so this might actually happen.
there are SO many things in this episode that made me go insane the first time i watched it (”i left, but you didn’t stop me”) but the thing that stuck out to me the most was dean’s reaction to castiel saying, “you don’t have to say it. i heard your prayer,” when dean tries to tell him something.
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like?????? he does not look relieved!! nor does he look particularly happy!!
hell, if you go back and watch the video you can literally see him swallow his words down like....jensen ackles is the master of micro expressions and that shit is Not Accidental. this moment 100% gives the vibe that there is something that is not being said. the camera following dean as he gives cas a lingering look is really interesting too.
3. dabb’s comments about dean and cas in season 15
this part is actually sort of related to the point above, since a lot of dabb’s comments are in reference to “the trap.” here are some interesting ones that i want to point out:
But the Leviathan won’t be the focal point of the purgatory story. Rather, it’s about what Dean and Castiel are going through. “They’re not going to resolve the emotional stuff, but it allows them to redefine their friendship a little bit in light of what’s happened especially earlier this season,” Dabb says. (x)
the key thing here is that dabb said that, in 15x09, dean and cas are “not going to resolve the emotional stuff.”
now. i don’t know about you, but dean falling to his knees, praying to cas and weeping feels a lot like emotional resolution to me. like, sure, things will probably be awkward between them for a while, but surely this is the peak moment of their emotional vulnerability with each other, right? surely this is the moment where they’ve resolved the issue between them? like how the fuck does it get more intensely emotional than this??
yet dabb seems to be implying that it will, which leaves us with the million dollar question: what is left about dean and cas’ relationship to resolve?
keep in mind that as of 15x16, there hasn’t been much forward movement on that front; that is, we’ve had some cute moments between them, but in terms of serious conversation about their relationship, there’s been basically nothing. so we can assume that this development, whatever it is, will occur in 15x18, since dean and cas will be separated for most of 15x17, as cas will be off with sam.
aka the episode where cas will likely get yanked away by the empty. aka the episode with the teary (!!!) conversation we saw in the promo between dean and cas.
also notable from the above quote is dabb saying that dean and cas are redefining their friendship. like....redefining how? to what?? that wording is just really interesting to me.
another quote from dabb re “the trap”:
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it forces them to “start that process.” indicating yet again that the prayer scene between dean and cas is not the moment where whatever is between them is resolved. yet, from where we are right now, dean and cas seem mostly fine. which means that whatever they have yet to work out doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with their fight.
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a really significant chunk of what happens to dean in 15x09 is him confronting his issues with cas. don’t get me wrong - there are other important things that happen in the episode - but the fact that an episode where so much time/emotional energy is given to dean and cas’ dynamic is considered a turning point for dean is very notable and, to me, speaks to the importance of their relationship for the rest of the season.
4. dean/cas and sam/eileen being set up as units
i’m of the opinion that sam and dean will (by choice) go their separate ways at the end of the show. i think this for a variety of reasons that i wrote about here, and to add onto this, i think that dean/cas and sam/eileen are, in a way, being set up as two units.
this theory comes from two points:
1. the fact that eileen got brought back at all
this isn’t to say that eileen isn’t an interesting character all on her own/outside of her romance with sam, but the fact that they brought her back and then proceeded to set her up in this romance feels really significant to me. what’s especially interesting is how, even after she leaves in 15x09, we get a continuation of their romance in 15x14. i don’t necessarily think that she’s sam’s endgame in the sense that the final episode will show sam going to her or whatever, but i do think that part of the reason she was brought back was so that sam would have someone who he loves/someone he could potentially build a life with after he and dean defeat chuck.
2. the way the two couples were portrayed in “the trap”
like....just watch the future scenes in the bunker. there’s very much a sense that these are two couples living together. and “ever since the mark made cas go crazy, ever since i had to bury him in a ma’lak box.” note the use of i, not we. and then dean/cas and sam/eileen are directly paralleled when dean tells sam he needs to give it up after eileen’s death, comparing it to how dean has given it up after having to bury cas in the ma’lak box.
5. dean does not do Well without cas
this is probably an understatement. there have been a couple of notable instances in this season where the viewer is given a glimpse of what happens to dean when cas dies/is in danger of death/is separated from dean (in case the whole ass widower arc in s13 wasn’t enough).
two of these are from “the trap”:
1. dean freaking out/crying/praying when he’s separated from cas in purgatory
2. dean giving up on life/hunting after burying cas in the ma’lak box in the future world
3. dean’s reaction to cas temporarily going to the empty in 15x13
the one i want to spend the most time on is number two, in large part because sam was witness to it and i think that this might get brought up in 15x17.
part of my spec for that episode is that cas will tell sam about his deal/sam will find out somehow, and in reaction sam might tell cas about how dean reacted to his death in s13 - a conversation that was notably absent from the show when cas finally returned in 13x05. i also think that he might mention no. 2 above, basically telling cas that if he dies, dean is done. that he won’t be able to handle it/move past it. the show has been telling us this over and over for a while now, and it’s only been emphasized more in season 15. i think that 15x17 is the episode where this will finally be verbally expressed.
to me, all of this emphasis on dean giving up when cas is gone isn’t for nothing. in my opinion, it’s being done very purposefully to set up an endgame where dean and cas are together in some sense of the word. and a lot of what i’ve said above is what makes me think it’ll be a Romantic together.
5. bobo berens’ three part deancas saga
so we all know that berens is pretty much spn’s foremost deancas warrior, and what i want to point out here is how this season has been utilizing him as a writer.
this season, berens has three solo episodes (he wrote “galaxy brain” with meredith glynn):
1. the rupture
2. the trap
3. despair (formerly known as “the truth”)
so far, these first two episodes have had major deancas moments. you could even label them as:
1. the rupture (the breakup)
2. the trap (the reconciliation)
3. depair (???)
keep in mind also that berens wrote 14x18, where the dean and cas sort of had a preliminary breakup. he’s been in charge of this arc for a while, and the fact that so much of his writing this season has been deancas focused.......i don’t know, i just think it’s significant in part because, while berens has always been deancas positive, he also writes plenty of episodes that aren’t focused on dean and cas. but now, in the final season, the dean and cas emotional arc has been handed to him, and it’s been the primary focus on his writing.
(sidenote: berens was promoted to executive producer for this final season)
to me, this is all leading to a big moment between dean and cas in 15x18 - and the fact that it was at one point called “the truth,” only to be switched back to despair - makes me think that there will be some sort of confession involved. my money is on cas being the one to say it (especially since this would line up with the leak), especially given the glimpse we saw of (what might be) this moment in the promo. which leads me to...
6. cas does not cry
i saved this for last because the promo where we see teary-eyed cas is actually what pulled me back into this shitshow.
cas does not cry. like. ever. he got a little teary in 15x15, when jack told him of his plan to sacrifice himself, but we have never - never - seen him shed actual tears. and in the promo, particularly that shot where cas says “you have fought for this whole world,” it 100% looks like cas is about to cry cry.
cas has seen his son die. he has seen dean die. he died himself, over and over and over. and we have never seen him cry.
yet for some reason, in this moment of vulnerability with dean, he’s crying. i find it highly unlikely that cas would cry because of his impending death, for a number of reasons (for one, he wouldn’t want to upset dean more than he has to). so, assuming he’s not crying because of his own death, then what is making cas so emotional that he is genuinely crying for the first time in the twelve seasons he has been on the show?
my guys.....i can only think of one thing.
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90 Days, part 7
Thomas Hewitt x reader
* Updates on Thursdays *
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Day 40
Over a third of your allotted time here had passed, and you were just now getting the hang of folding fitted sheets.
"There, I said you could do it," Luda Mae encourages, patting your small pile of folded sheets with pride.
"Well, given enough time I suppose anything is possible," you laugh, "not to mention I had a good teacher. I appreciate it."
She smiles, and might even look a little misty-eyed.
"You know, dear, when I asked you to stay with us I wasn't sure what to expect. I saw some potential, and I had some hopes... but I believe it's safe to say you've already exceeded them. And that scare with Thomas... I'm just glad you're here, that's all. I know it was rough, given the circumstances, but I hope you're glad too."
You give that some thought. 'Rough' was putting it mildly, but it's true that things had mellowed significantly since then. Yes, Hoyt was a piece of trash and you didn't care one way or the other for Monty (who mostly avoided you; potentially having seen the bloody results of your various clashes with Hoyt), but you liked Luda Mae, and Thomas...
Well, that was a bit more complicated, and honestly you've been avoiding thinking about that too much.
"I think so. The circumstances are... odd, sure, but I'm glad I got to know you... and Thomas," you add, dreading the look she was going to give you when you said it. You're right - that quasi-smug expression crosses her features, mixed with genuine joy.
Then the screen door slams as someone enters, cutting off your conversation. Speak of the devil - it's Thomas, and he seems to be in a hurry. He also seems to be holding something, you notice. He rushes straight over to you and holds out his cupped hands urgently.
There's a kitten, already very small but dwarfed further by the large man holding it. It looks young; its eyes aren't even open yet.
You gasp, reaching out to take it from him. He transfers it to your smaller hands, looking relieved, as if he was worried he might accidentally hurt it.
"Where did you find this? Was it alone?" You ask, petting the little thing. It wiggles and starts mewing. Thomas nods. "Hmm. This is tricky, Thomas," you start, not wanting to worry him, "It's really young; they can't be without their mother at this age. You're sure you didn't see any other kittens? A cat?"
He shakes his head, concern crossing his features. You pat his arm soothingly - the kitten starts crying loud now that you're not petting it anymore. You laugh.
"It's lively, that's good," Luda Mae chimes in, "must not've been alone for long. Do you think..." she trails off, looking to you, "he'd better put it back where he found it for now?"
Thomas looks like he can't believe the suggestion. He looks from his mother to you. You bite your lip in indecision.
"She's right, actually, Thomas," you start, and the betrayal on his face would be comical if it wasn't so heartrending. "In case the mother was in the process of moving her litter and just hasn't gotten back for this one yet. We want to give her time to find it," you explain gently, so that he understands you're not just being heartless.
The shock leaves his expression, but the concern doesn't - he starts fidgeting with his hands, clearly ill at ease with returning such a little thing to the wild without any protection.
"We'll keep checking on it, and in the meantime we can get some things prepared in case we need to take care of it," you offer, and then look to Luda Mae, "if it's okay that I take a break with the sheets."
"Of course," she says, waving away your concern. "Go put it back now, Tommy. You trust our guest, don't you?"
He nods immediately, and your heart warms.
It isn't easy to keep Thomas from checking on the kitten every five minutes. You explain that the mother will be too afraid to come get the kitten if people are hanging around, and he needs to give it time. You promise to go back before dusk, when the more dangerous animals come out.
In the meantime, he helps you find things you would need to care for such a small kitten. A box, a heating pad, even some bottles you might be able use for feeding. It's not perfect, and it certainly would have been nice if there were a pet store around, but you figure you can make due with what you've gathered.
You hope the mother comes back. You know a kitten that small is a big commitment, and that they don't always make it despite all the work you put in. You don't even want to bring it up to him; you certainly don't want him to experience it.
However, when you go back to check just before nightfall, the kitten is still there, mewing in discontent. You sigh. This will mean a difficult discussion, and possibly a difficult couple of weeks, but you can't help but smile at how excited Thomas seems, and how cute the little thing is.
You take it back to the house and set up its makeshift bed. Luda Mae has managed to find some goat's milk and some more suitable bottles, so at least you seem to have everything you need.
You sit across from him on the floor and show him how to warm up the milk and feed the kitten, and then how to keep it clean and help it eliminate. When it's all cared for, you lay it in his hands and let him hold it. He strokes down its back gently with the backs of his fingers.
Watching him, you start smiling. You still need to warn him that this could end badly, but you decide to cross that bridge tomorrow.
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love-amihan · 3 years
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amihan's note: this is just self-indulge i can't get enough of them 😭 i got this random idea wherein i showed my mom + friends the following pictures of my faves and what are their first impressions. i may also include some first meeting w/ my mom scenarios and more of what i think they will interpret them as. modern au of course, happy reading!
lil side note: my friend questioned me after sending all these pics, she was like "mimi u do realize these r lines" but ma'am u don't understand they r attractive lines!
info; aunt is what u call ur close friend's mother. mano is a sign of respect/greeting to elderly wherein you take their hand and bring it to your forehead i honestly don't know how to explain it
✨ jjk masterlist ✨
self insert, it's mimi x her faves!
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-gojo satoru
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mom said he reminds her of someone from slam dunk because of the art style, kinda brings back memories for her
most likely to be part of a cult
++ will invite u to join (i swear my friends r something)
yandere vibes
as i quote from my friend "cross my fingers, hope to die"
he will get along with my group of friends i swear
ngl, i'm 100% sure that gojo flirted with one of my friend before
gojo and mimi are gonna meet her group of friends for the first time, "shit" he curses under his breath, mimi turns her head to him and slightly tilted her head to the side "what?" gojo takes a deep breath before saying it in one breath "i may or may not have flirted with one of your friends before"
mimi was about to ask him to repeat again when she heard her friend "satoru?!" gojo gave a sheepish smile "heyyyy" he slowly distances himself with mimi afraid of her "oh let me guess, you're one of the victims?" mimi excitedly pipes in while laughing, her friend laughs along with her while shrugging "you think im surprised anymore you hoe?" mimi teased patting gojo's arm
he's the type to join in on our pamper night, i just see it clearly. also my mom tolerating his childishness
mimi and her mom are having one of their pamper night after having a long week, mimi was applying the mask on her face carefully while humming a tune. gojo who just got in their house saw the bond between the two "auntieee~ i want one too!" he whined while pointing at the masks.
"come here sato" mimi's mom coos at him, clearly babying the man. mimi crosses her arms finished with her mask looking at her so-called man with a smile adoring her lips "you know i wonder sometimes if i got myself a man or a child" gojo let out a dramatic gasp "auntie she's bullying me" mimi's mom played along and playfully glare at her, mimi giggles at this "also shut up you love me~" gojo added.
-okkotsu yuta
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that guy who laughs at uncertain situations (if u only know what he's really like ✋)
class clown
softboi (yes he is ma'am!)
happy go lucky
lowkey yandere vibes
i feel like my friends already loves him because they were the one who introduced him
mimi and her friends are hanging out at their usual bench chatting away until one of them noticed the small group of guys passing by. "hey!" one of her friend shouted waving her hand before gesturing for them to come over.
they soon arrived where mimi and her friends are, a young boy with a sweet smile caught mimi's eyes. she gulps looking back to her friend who's introducing the group, "and he's yuta" she finishes with her arm around yuta her other hand giving his chest little pats. mimi nod to herself trying not to forget his name.
definitely met my mom before, helping her with her grocery or something. mom took a liking of him because he's kind and polite
yuta knocks on the door nervously chewing his bottom lip, mimi opened the door and smiles at him, the raven head returning it with shaky breath "come in" yuta politely comes in and to his surprise saw a familiar face "oh you're that sweet boy" mimi's mom exclaimed softly smiling as yuta gave his greeting taking her hand bringing it towards his forehead.
"you met before?" mimi chimes in looking at the two "i helped her carry her things since she's having some trouble" yuta explained his nervousness slowly fading away, mimi's mother turns to her daughter "i love him already! you're definitely marrying him" mimi's mother then welcomes yuta to their home with open arms "mom!" mimi shouted in embarrassment. yuta lets out a chuckle, relieved that he was welcomed right away.
-fushiguro megumi
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cold type
major daddy vibes (all i can say is megumi's their type-)
cool aura
doesn't give a fuck type of guy
my friends probably heard of him because of me
mimi was walking around the campus together with a friend of hers, they were talking about usual school stuffs. sharing all the stress and pressure they're feeling having to be the leader of their own respective group.
mimi came to a stop when she noticed the quiet preserve guy who's walking towards the elevator hands on his pocket. after pushing the button, he cracks his neck side to side his hand soothing the crook of his neck. "let's go use the elevator" was all she said before dragging her friend.
the three walks inside the elevator without a word, mimi and her friend stayed behind as megumi stands in front of them pushing the button of his classroom's floor. mimi's friend can't help but snicker, mimi pinches her side telling her to stop.
megumi turns and gesture at the floor buttons "which floor?" his low voice making mimi's knees weak in the knees, mimi's friend was having fun seeing her friend malfunction in front of a hot guy. she giggles not wanting to embarrass her more than she did "oh we're in the same floor, it's all good"
mom likes him when i showed his pic! *cough* one of her fave *cough*
got nervous with meeting mom for the first time but soon relaxed with mom's calming and friendly nature, all in all mom still likes him
-inumaki toge
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crazy type of guy
gives off the always sleeping guy
playful type
"oh wow its hot in here" seductively lowers his collars
daddy- (i- ma'am-)
bad boy!!
mom said rock 'n roll but let's forget that
i'm gonna be honest, i feel like he's gonna be part of my friends, my "kapag tropa lang tropa lang rule" (basically translates to: if u're friend just stay as friends rule) will be broken just for him;
toge and mimi was known to be touchy with each other in their group of friends. toge trusts mimi more than the others, he shows this by doing simple things such as leaving his id with her if ever he goes somewhere or do something.
their friends mostly find them leaning in each other's shoulder whenever they are given a break or during their little talks. "you know i saw this new.." their friend started explaining, all of them listening. toge gets into a more comfortable spot leaning his head on mimi's shoulder busy with scrolling on his phone. once in a while showing mimi something funny or interesting.
mom will likely take time to warm up to him. toge will do his best to get on her good side, shows his charms. once he gets mom's approval there's no turning back. he gets treated like he was her own son.
toge smiles at mimi's mother sweetly, "what's your name?" as toge took her hand making mano with her (stop i dunno how to phrase it) "inumaki toge, auntie" mimi's mother let out a soft gasp, "the inumaki toge?" toge looks at the direction where mimi disappeared, a little confused by what's happening. he looks back at mimi's mother about to ask why she knows him.
"mimi won't stop talking about you!" mimi's mother informed as toge's mouth left agape, mimi who happen to get back at the right moment grumble "mom why did you tell him?!" she said through gritted teeth. mimi's mom have a sweet smile on her face faking a surprise.
"oh i wasn't suppose to? oops?" mimi grumbles more standing beside toge who now have a smug look on his face, "you talk about me huh?" he began, mimi gave him a playful shove "shut up."
-ryomen sukuna
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most likely to kill me
unique looking
mom really likes him!
thinks his tattoos and aura is cool
if my friends saw a picture of him they will immediately question me
he's a snitch, i hate his snitch ass ugh
mimi's mom did not like sukuna from the picture at all, she doesn't have any problem with people who have tattoo but he got it all over him. we can say that mimi's mom is kinda looking out for the both of them because their relatives are just too traditional and doesn't like the looks of tattoos.
however, sukuna soon got her approval! how you ask? well the mf snitched without knowing. sukuna nudges mimi's side lightly, trying to start conversation "how's the piercing?" mimi's eyes widen looking at sukuna hissing, "kuna no!" mimi whisper yell at him. mimi then felt her mother's glare, "is that why you've been wearing your hair down often?"
sukuna got confused then looks at mimi's mom "care to explain?" he took this as a chance to get on her good side "yeah mimi, care to explain?" mimi looks at her significant other not believing what's happening, mimi looks back and forth between the two 'this mf a snitch' mimi thought.
mimi then explained herself blaming sukuna since he's the one who pushed to get her cartilage piercing "don't blame sukuna, you should have told me" mom defended him, mimi gasp as she looks at sukuna who's smirking at her with the 'i won' face that mimi wanna punch off his face.
a lil bg; i already told my mom b4 that i want cartilage piercing but then she got wary with the news of someone got in a coma after getting it so in the end sadly, she only allowed me to get the lobe piercings.
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cover: one piece's baby 5
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Hey! I'm so happy that you write for Arthur! Do you think you could make a reader who is 10 years younger than him and Arthur is insecure, especially since people tease him about it, saying the reader is a kid compared to him. But she saves him and shows impressive skills and how much they love each other? Love you work, dear!
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Unlikely Pair - Arthur Shelby x Reader
TW: Graphic depictions of violence and death
Thank you for the request!!! Enjoy!
Taglist: @hxnky-cat @imagine-richards
"You're sort of an unlikely pair, aren't you?" Ada joked, nudging your arm.
"What do you mean?" you questioned, trying to get her to admit what you already knew she would say.
"Well, it's just.. you know? You're a bit young for him." she shrugged helplessly.
You sighed, "Arthur loves me, and I love him. He's only 10 years older than me. It's not that large of a gap. I'm getting tired of repeating myself here."
"Alright, alright, I'm sorry. We just get defensive of him ever since Linda was around." she said, giving you an apologetic smile.
"I get it. I'm just tired of being compared to her. I'm not going to hurt him, Ada." you promised. You could understand her being protective of her brother. It was just the merciless teasing from Tommy and Michael that got on your nerves.
"Come on, Arthur, it's just one family dinner. How bad can it be?" you told your boyfriend, trying to console him. He was the hothead of the Peaky Blinders, but with you he was as docile as a sleepy cat.
"Nah, I don't wanna go. They'll just make fun of us. I don't care if it's a family meeting." he whined, burying his face into your shoulder as he hugged you. His much larger frame was so comforting to be held against.
"I know, love, but without you there, they'll just go behind your back on decisions that you should be a part of." you told him, running your fingers through his hair. It was getting long lately.
"You're right." he straightened up, and took your hand. He looked smug, and it made your heart clench. This strong and confident side of your boyfriend never ceased to amaze you.
You joked and gave his hand a kiss, "I know."
"You're coming with me." he decided.
You gasped, "Arthur! I don't think I'm allowed to."
He pressed his forehead to yours, "I don't care. You're my family, which means you're coming with."
"I love you, Arthur Shelby." was all you managed to reply, overwhelmed with how strongly he cared for you.
A short while later, you and Arthur had arrived at Tommy's house. Thomas and Lizzie were the hosts, and you were trying desperately to stay optimistic. They all thought of you as a child, despite you being just slightly younger than Michael. Their endless taunting was infuriating. If you got annoyed, they used it against you. If you acted un-bothered, they didn't let up. There was seemingly no winning. You'd only been together with all of them twice, and both times had ended quite badly. The only one of the Shelby's who liked you at all (besides Arthur) was Ada, and she wasn't going tonight.
"Good evening, brother!" Arthur announced joyfully when the pair of you happened upon Tommy and Lizzie in the den.
Lizzie's gaze caught yours like a snare, "Oh, good, we're on babysitting duty again."
'Fuck you!' you thought bitterly, her words immediately ruining what hope you had for tonight.
"Oh, not this again!" Arthur huffed, hand tightening in yours. You held back twice as hard, knowing that he was about to flee.
"Why? Are Charlie and Ruby joining us?" you bit back.
"No, they're at Ada's." Tommy responded coolly, standing. You could never tell what he was feeling, but you hoped you were right in thinking he seemed annoyed with Lizzie's comment.
"Good." you snapped, before letting Arthur pull you from the room like a rabid dog on a lead.
"I knew we shouldn't have come." Arthur grumbled once out of earshot.
"No! We're staying. We're going to prove them wrong, even if we have to shove it down their throats." you argued, stopping him in the hall.
"Alright, fine. I'm going to go find the cook. I want this dinner over as soon as possible." he sighed, before leaning down to give you a quick kiss.
"Good luck. This place is a damn maze." you tried to lighten the mood. You gave him another, deeper kiss before letting him go.
Alone now, you went to find someone else to talk to. Michael hopefully would be kinder to you, seeing as he was closest to your age. However, his mother Polly was just like the Shelbys. If he wasn't with her, you'd have a chance for normal conversation. If she was there, you'd go find Arthur.
As you wandered down halls and through doorways, you had a vague feeling that someone was watching you. You kept reminding yourself that it was just because you were on edge, but you couldn't get that feeling to dissipate. It was starting to feel quite alarming. So much so, that you turned around and began walking swiftly towards where you thought the kitchen to be.
Arthur didn't want you to be defenseless, and so he had bought you a small pistol. Ever so slowly, you dipped your fingers into your purse to touch it. The cool metal was a relief to your fingers, especially as you saw the closet door across from you open slightly.
"Who's there? This isn't fucking funny." you called, realizing it must be someone playing with you. You knew they didn't like you, but damn!
"I'm going to shoot if you don't come out this instant!" you called out once more. You pulled the pistol from your purse and primed it. You were through with being teased.
You heard a muffled groan, and instantly all thoughts of a prank flew out of your head. That sounded like Michael, and it was definitely a noise of pain. Oh god.
Dashing forward, you flung open the door. As you suspected, Michael was sitting on the floor with his wrists and ankles bound. He had cloth shoved in his mouth and his head was bleeding quite badly, but he was awake. Polly was next to him and looked mostly unharmed, but was unconscious. Then, there was a man you'd never seen before. He was definitely dead, and had what looked like a long needle sticking out of his eye. You diverted your gaze quickly before you could really focus on it. It seemed as if though they were attacked, and then shoved into here.
"Michael, what happened?" you got out, dropping to the ground. You pulled off your shawl and pressed it to his head before taking the cloth out of his mouth. Then, your fingers flew to the knots in the rope. Within seconds, you had him free.
Shakily, he took your shawl from your hand to hold it on himself. In the exchange, you were relieved to see that the head wound was superficial. It was just bleeding profusely. He explained, "Four men. Now three. I don't know if there's more. They kept asking where Arthur was, but heard you coming and ran toward the kitchen."
"Fuck! Are you alright here?" you questioned, heart jumping into your throat. Arthur!
"Where's Arthur?" he asked, trying to get Polly out in the open with his free hand.
"The kitchen!" you told him, on the verge of abandoning him.
"Fuck, go! We'll be fine now." Michael assured you.
You took off towards the kitchen, too panicked to cry or be upset. All you could focus on was getting to Arthur. You knew he was more than capable of defending himself, but even he could lose to three men! Possibly more!
When you finally found the kitchen, you nearly collapsed on the spot. There was blood everywhere, with seemingly half of it on Arthur. A mangled body was on the floor with a mess where the man's face was supposed to be. The other two that Michael had warned about were in the process of killing your boyfriend. One had a rope wrapped around his neck, while the other was restraining his arms.
Remembering there was a gun in your hands, you took aim and fired. The kick wrenched your arm back and disoriented you. You hadn't expected it to be so strong!
"Hey!" one of the men shouted as his partner fell to the ground. You'd somehow nailed the man holding Arthur's arms in the back of the head. It had to have been sheer luck, because you'd only ever shot at bottles before. What wasn't lucky however, was watching blood and viscera spray across the once pristine kitchen. You had no time to react because there was still another threat.
"Leave him alone!" you screamed and fired at the second man. More prepared for the kick this time, you nailed him three times in the chest. His body looked wrong as it crumpled to the kitchen floor, spilling more blood across the white tiles.
You then ran to Arthur, and wrenched the noose open enough for him to breathe. A quick examination told you that nearly all the blood on his person belonged to the already dead man on the ground somewhere behind you.
"Are you okay?" you demanded, cupping his face in your hands.
"Yeah, I am now. Damn Italians!" he rasped out, grasping for you.
Tommy burst into the room, gun blazing. He looked around for a few seconds before seeming to realize what happened. He lowered his gun and came to your side.
"Arthur, are you alright?" he questioned, concerned.
"I am, thanks to Y/N. She saved my life." Arthur answered, not once letting you go.
"You did this? These were some of Changretta's men." Tommy asked you, gesturing to one of the bodies. You hadn't been around during the dealings with the Italian mafia, but you'd heard enough to know how serious it was.
"They were strangling Arthur to death." was all you could manage to say. You'd just killed two men. What would your life be like after this?
"I'm impressed. And thankful. I owe you a debt for saving my brother's life, and an apology for doubting your affection for him." Tommy admitted honestly.
You helped Arthur stand, "You don't owe me anything, Tommy. Just don't make fun of us anymore, and we'll call it good."
Tommy stared for a moment before speaking, "Alright. Let's get you both a drink."
"Polly is resting, and Michael is getting his head stitched up by one of the maids." Tommy updated you as he passed around drinks to the rest of the family.
"Who were they?" Lizzie asked, lighting a cigarette.
Tommy explained, "Italians. Changretta's old crew. I believe they were working alone, since as we all know, Luca Changretta is no longer a threat. Y/N here made sure they wouldn't be either. She killed two out of the four men who invaded my home in order to save Arthur's life."
"The kid's got some nerve." Lizzie said, but with no malice in her voice. She raised her glass to you, and the rest of the room followed suit.
"She's shown us that she and Arthur are serious. Anyone who doubts that now can take it up with me. She saved my brother's life today." Thomas explained further, before knocking back the rest of his drink.
"To Y/N." Arthur announced, voice still raspy.
"To Y/N."
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baybee45 · 4 years
A/N: Lieutenant Thire!Reader/"criminal reader"
Anything in italics is your internal dialogue hopefully that is clear but just case it wasn't. Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: PG, unless Star Wars swearing counts, If it does PG-13.
It's pretty fluffy with a a dash of spice.
Our Story
    "Stop right there!" The red and white armored trooper sternly warns. You freeze and slowly turn to face him, his blaster aimed and ready, as you nonchalantly raise your hands. You take the moment to catch your breath and think of a plan.
    "You're very fast sir, ya really must be something under all that armor. Maybe we can settle this with a drink? See where the night takes us?" You coyly ask, edging slowly towards the ledge. The updraft off the building blows strands of your messy hair wildly.
    "Your attempt at flirting isn't going to work with me. I will shoot! Now Stop Moving!"
    You come to a halt partially listening to his warning, but mostly because your heels were already teetering off the ledge of the roof. There was a decent 10 feet between you and jail time. Your mind races through the dwindling option for escape as two other troopers make their way up to the roof. The initial trooper with a pauldron-- that means he is higher rank, a lieutenant or captain maybe, you couldn't remember-- motions to the others and they make their way towards you with binders in hand.
    "I mean I don't even know your name yet sir. And honestly, I've never really been into handcuff but if that's your thing..."
    The troopers blaster waivers slightly and you swear you heard him chuckle as he shakes his helmet nearly imperceptibly. Tilting your own head to the side, you look at him through batting eyelashes and give him a mischievous smile.
    "You know if you shoot me, I'd most likely fall off the side of this building." You sigh. "Not a great ending to our blossoming story."
    "Well, don't move and Our story will continue, uh blossoming on... Lieutenant Thire" He clarifies. You hear a flapping sound, glancing down you see curtains blowing in the funneled wind.
An open window.
"Staying Still? Hmmph, now where's the fun in that Lieutenant!?"
    "Don't you dare! Hurry it along troopers!" He quickly barks. Thire must have seen the the glimmer in your eyes, or maybe the glint of the knife hidden in your sleeve. Giving them all a quick farewell salute, you jump back diving feet first down the side of the apartment.
    "For kriffsake!" You hear Thire yell, as you fly down the side of the building only slowed slightly by your vibroblade slicing into the duracrete. It was truely a beautiful firework display of sparks, flashing this way and that, off the speeding wall. Then with some skill and a lot of luck, you catch the top ledge of the window and swing yourself in.
A slight wobble in the landing, but a solid 9 for the overall execution.
    You try to orient your self in the dark room and then are momentarily blinded when the lights turns on. When your eyes are finally are able to adjust and focus you see a very, very large green Twi'lek. He is blocking you from an easy exit. His tiny human partner cautiously comes up behind him holding a bat.
    "Good evening folks" you greeted them with the ease of second hand speeder sales man.
    "What in the kriffing hell! What are you doing in here!" yelled the foreboding Twi'lek.
    "What do you mean..." You pretended to be shocked looking to the Twi'lek and then his partner who is still nervervously holding on to the bat.
    "You didn't get a written notice from your land lord?" You questioned and suddenly act as if you just now saw the weapon in her hands. The green giant looked down to his partner and his partner back up at him. Both looked equal and extremely confused.
You can work with this.
    Pulling out your datapad from your bag and start angrily taping the keys, pacing slightly with your back turned to them. "Steve! You son of a bantha! I could throttle you, just kill him!" You fumed to your small audience, trying to quickly put together a holonet site to give the story your weaving some actual weight.
    "I try, You known, to tell him," you said sounding exasperated. "I tell him a partnership takes two people... Two people working as a team." Your two suspicious hosts look to each other and back at you. Still unsure of what to make of this intruder and the verbal diarrhea of new information being spewed at them.
A troubled partnership with someone named Steve. That will be the key out of this situation, the legend that will be Steve and his inability to do his job.
    "When he doesn't do his part I get shafted." You practically wept, still avoiding eye contact with your increasing worried audience. You let out a resigned sigh, rubbing your temples trying collect yourself. Buying enough time for your site to become live. With a relieved but tired inhale you continue your one man show.
    "I'm so sorry, My name is Maree Jakorr" you said thinking of a grade school classmates mother. "And I'm part of a start up security company." You turn your datapad over and show them the holonet site you just put together. Its was barebones but got the job done.
It's Steve for kriffsakes, he can't even call up potential clients, and make sure the tenants are informed. There isn't much hope for his holonet site design abilities.
       You take another deep breathe you were getting a little too deep into lore. "As you can see we do mock break-ins to find weakness and then try implement different measures to increase security and safety. Of course this is supposed to be done with the home owners knowledge and consent." You explain. With a partially exaggerated groan you put away your datapad. "Well this is going to be fun to explain to the CG."
    "The gaurd doesn't have to know" squeaked the human. "I mean we don't need to call them." She said more confidently looking up at her partner. The Twi'lek looked lovely down nodding his head and pulling her in close.
You instantly adore these two, and make a mental note to send them something later for their trouble.
    "Oh you're too sweet hun, but as part of the test we call the CG to see how long it take them to respond to a threat. You know, extra data points for the algorithm, if that makes sense."
    "I'm so sorry for the inconvenience." You say truely apologetic. "Well I guess I should leave you two be, so you can get some resemblence of a normal evening back."
    "Feel free to use the front door... or window if you prefer." Joked the Twi'lek. They both chuckle and she stands on her tip toes giving him a kiss on the cheek.
Gosh these two.
    "I'll try my luck with the front door I think." You laughed. As you hand reaches for the handle, you can hear the sounds of troopers knocking on doors as they sweep the hall. Their footsteps and voices getting louder as they near.
    "Do you mind if I use the fresher quickly before I go?"
They both nod their heads and the Twi'lek takes the bat from his partner and puts it away in the closet. "Just that door there at the end of the hallway."
    "Thank you so much, I promise I'll be out of here in no time." You say closing the door behind you, making sure not to lock it. You search the cozy room, looking for an alternative way out. Not to thrilled with the prospect of using window again for escaping. Hopefully it wouldn't be needed, only a options, the last resort, hopefully.
    Depsite the nerf burger, extra fries and large shake you devoured for dinner, you manage to squeeze yourself from the air vent of the apartment and into the slightly larger main vent of the building.
    Without a second to spare you see the troopers through silted grate, knock on the door of the apartment you once occupied. Your tempted to eavsedrop on the conversation, knowing you had given that beautiful couple enough information to give the undoubtedly handsome Lieutenant a headache. You think better of it, and make your long overdue escape.
    Once out of the building you causal walk the back alleyways making your journey home. You send Lieutenant Thire a link and a small message;
"Dear Lieutenant Thire,
I hope this holonet link clears up any misunderstanding between you and the lovely and completely unsuspecting couple in apartment 459.
Sincerely, 'Our story lives on for another day.'
P.S. Please excuse the poorly designed website, Steve did his best. Best regards xox 💋. "
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silverloreley · 4 years
In your quirky moon/“Days of Moonlight (and) Heroes universe I'm so curious in the future of Usagi giving birth to chibiusa which characters from hero academia was their during the delivery and get to hold her as a baby?
What a cute idea to think about. Just what I needed to distract myself a few minutes from studying, thanks! I ended up making a whole scenery, lol. It’s long, sorry not sorry.
We know Usagi and Chibiusa share the birthday, so there would be some kind of preparations ongoing, even if the main SM cast knows Chibiusa will be born that very day, so they are on the edge and thought about having a party that started the night before so Usagi can blow on the candles at midnight and not have her birthday party in a hospital room.
So, everybody is pretty much there already when Chibiusa, being her precious primadonna-self as ever, decides she’s ready right when her mom is about to start opening the presents.
Mamoru blows up all the expectations about him going to be calm as ever and panics a bit before they manage to get Usagi to the delivery room. Minako would want in, but she’s too excited and Dr Ami kicks her out after about a minute, Rei would be welcome but she’s secretly too on the edge so stays out on her own accord and so do the Outers, even if everybody can see Setsuna would die to go in, but she explains calmly to Eri and Hotaru that they can’t crowd the princess in such a delicate moment in a way that sounds a lot like she’s trying to convince herself at the same time. Makoto ends up going in Minako’s place because someone needs to be there to catch Mamoru if he collapses (it’s only half a joke, the official excuse is to protect Usagi in case any teleporting Villain should have the bright idea to attack then and there).
So, in front of the delivery room, there’s a crowd.
Izuku is two steps from crying - he’s a pro Hero now, he can’t be seen crying like a fountain all the time - but he’ll definitely cry when he’ll see the baby later on, and they have to take Chibiusa from him because they’re worried he could drown the newborn. Ochako is very tempted to laugh, but the way he deals with it all is actually cute so she’s conflicted. She sticks by his side while they wait, along with Iida and Tsuyu.
Kirishima starts all hyped out, but Iida keeps telling him – loudly - he should be more quiet, until the wait gets longer and longer and he has the best idea, runs out and comes back with his arms full of balloons and plushies, accompanied by Kaminari, Jirou, Momo and a few others. Eri and Hotaru decide to name all the plushies so Chibiusa-chan will know how to call them since there are so many. Minako and Aoyama - who arrived fashionably late, but it’s because he was on duty this time - help, or try to before their names are rejected one by one.
Todoroki is mostly curious, not used to that kind of chaos and honestly, he’s better on the edge of it all, along with Shinsou – who totally naps with one eye open the whole time -, Rei, Haruka, Michiru and a very brooding Bakugou. If all of them keep stealing glances towards the door, they won’t tell a living soul.
And, of course, there is a Very Concerned Toshinori who is in equal parts happy, excited and scared, way more than he remembers being when Usagi was born because this is his baby having a baby! What if something goes wrong? But he has the All Might smile put on to hide it all, at least until Inko decides to sit quietly by his side and hold his hand without letting go the whole night and he squeezes back with a less plastic smile.
Aizawa, who was on patrol, arrives half an hour later, with enough coffee for a small army. He knows his former students well enough to know no one will go home until the baby is there. He also brought a blanket for Eri who is “I’m a teenager, not a child, dad”, but ends up using it anyway around two in the morning.
The wait is long, and the only reason everyone isn’t asleep by that time is because all of them are pro Heroes and are used to long hours. When Mamoru gets out with a blinding smile with the news there is a huge collective cheer, including an “about fucking time” from Bakugou – but he has such a soft tone for once. Good thing nobody caught that.
Technically speaking, Ami is the first to hold Chibiusa since she’s the doctor, but Mamoru doesn’t have to wait much and almost refuses to let her go, and even when they give the newborn to Usagi, he keeps his hand on her head or holding the tiny fists the whole time.
Of course, Toshinori should be the next but he’s too scared at first, so Izuku hold his shaking arms, worried sick that his hands are going to fail him at such an important moment, but “hey, it’s okay, Chibiusa is smiling, you’re doing fine, she’s the least crybaby of this family, took that from Mamo” before he burst out crying like mentioned above and Inko takes the baby to handle her to Toshi. And he feels lucky the doctors didn’t allow too many people in the room because he ends up crying almost as much as Izuku at how small and precious his granddaughter is. Inko needs to help him at first - his hands are huge, the baby is tiny, he can hold her in one hand, omg - and he cooes all the time he has her, but is also relieved when he handles her back to Mamoru.
The visits go on the whole day, Midnight finds out only during day, she, Mic and a few other teachers show up to visit and so does almost everyone Usagi knows. The room gets so stuffed with toys, balloons and so on. Not everybody gets to hold Chibiusa, but Setsuna’s eyes are moist when she does and they know she gives her back only out of duty. Hotaru shows a lot less restraint and looks ready to steal her best friend away.
Bakugou left after the announcement - "I have work, you dim-wits” - and comes back only in the evening, alone, when most people have left and Usagi is sleeping. He brought yet another toy that would be lost in the pile if not for the fact Mamoru catches him, standing at the door and invites him in quietly. The pink bunny is hypoallergenic, it won’t be a problem if she chews on it, he explains but can’t quite look that way. It’s too weird. At least until Mamoru gently pushes the newborn, blanket and all, in his arms and Chibiusa opens her eyes, sort-of-smiles and Katsuki grins back.
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thewritingcaptain · 5 years
Bloody Things and Broken Wings (Chapter 4)
Tony tenses, then visibly forces himself to relax. Peter internally curses at himself. That's not the reaction of someone who's not guilty of something or the other. And just when he was starting to think it might be worth it to trust him…
Notes: Hey guys! Nothing important to say here really; I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who has been reading and supporting me! I love you all 3000! Also, be prepared for some feels the next two or three chapters! Nothing big is going down here yet, but it’s coming! :)
As soon as he closes the bathroom door behind him, Tony stops, taking a deep breath to steel himself again and forcing himself to relieve some of the tension in his shoulders.
He'd been tense since Jarvis had alerted him that Morgan had been granted entrance to the kid's room. He isn't entirely sure why he was so on edge about it, if he's being honest; neither of them were in positions to hurt the other, unless Morgan tried to climb up on the bed with him for some reason - not that he really thought either of them would try. Still, finding them both intact and chatting amicably had been a relief. It was actually nice to see Peter so relaxed; in comparison with how he had acted around Morgan, it was clear how tense (and afraid, even if he doubts Peter would admit that) he was around Tony.
Of course both of those reappeared as soon as he entered the room, but that wasn't the point.
Not that he'd actually entertained the thought that he was desperate enough to do anything, but Tony was glad Peter hadn't tried to say or do anything stupid with Morgan. He'd tried testing the waters and immediately backed off when he saw that wasn't going to get him anywhere, rather than start something with her in the room. And to an extent, he was glad she hadn't seen the cuff he'd put on the younger male's ankle, either; he wouldn't have taken it off if she had, but he knew she would have been upset by it.
In truth, Tony was upset by having to do it. But deciding that it was a necessary evil was one of the decisions he'd made this morning; he isn't going to have him try to take off when he's still injured. Tony has every intent of nursing the kid back to full health, whether he likes it or not. And of course it doesn't have anything to do with his guilt or his need to know what Peter has gone through on behalf of the Avengers, or anything he knows about the people looking for him; but if he manages to make some of that up to him, well, that's just an added bonus.
He hasn't told Peter who he is yet, and clearly, Peter hasn't figured it out on his own, despite seeing him use the gauntlets and his nanotech. He can't say he's too surprised; it's been almost six years since he himself made a public appearance. He's gone into hiding, in a way. He would daresay he's still a recognizable figure, but he doesn't go out to where he could be recognized very often anymore. He thought long and hard about it this morning, but he's decided he's not going to tell him - at least, not right away. Mainly because of what Peter has apparently already gone through on their behalves, and the adverse reaction he'd probably have to realizing. The kid is clearly already terrified of him now; the last thing he needs to add to that mix is him knowing who he is and thinking that he has some alternative purpose for helping him. Which he probably already thinks, Tony knows, but with this new information, the kid would probably think he's found a legitimate reason to worry. No, he wants to try to gain at least a tiny bit of trust between them first.
It doesn't look like it'll be impossible. Difficult, certainly, but not impossible. He's got Morgan on his side, for one thing. He's yet to meet anyone who is immune to her precious charms, and if the bit of interaction he heard before bursting in earlier is any indication, Peter is no exception. That in itself will open up some avenues. Not that he would ask Morgan to do or say anything to Peter on his behalf, but… well, clearly, she's well taken care of, and he's been told it's obvious she adores him. Hopefully some of that will be enough to let Peter rest easier around him.
Besides, he intends to take care of him personally, and he likes to think he's not too scary after the first couple of meetings (unless he's trying to be, of course, but he won't be). Eventually he'll have to realize that Tony really wants nothing more than to help him.
The only problem he's going to run into, Tony muses as he hunts down the supplies to fix the kid up again, is that they were only supposed to be staying here for a day or two, while Pepper has her meetings. Peter is going to take weeks to recover. And while he may have put up with Tony carrying him to the bathroom, if he tries to, say, load him into the car and drag him out to their lakeside home, he knows the young vigilante would absolutely freak. That really would be kidnapping him. And unless he goes separately from Pepper and Morgan, they'll be witness to whatever happens.
Not to mention the fact that Pepper is mostly certainly still highly recognizable, and if he sees her, he'll probably put things together in an instant.
He can deal with that later. Pepper has meetings today and tomorrow. He'll just call Happy to help him keep an eye on Morgan and try to see what kind of progress he can make with Peter. By tomorrow night he'll have to make some kind of decision about who's going where - if they're all staying, if only he stays, or if he's willing to drag a possibly kicking and screaming superhero out of the city with them - but not today.
Today he just goes in search of the first aid kit and heads back to the room where he left the younger hero, intent on helping however he can.
When he re-enters the bathroom, Peter is carefully balanced on the edge of the tub, steadying himself with his unbroken arm and leg - he only has one of each, in the midst of all those injuries - and is checking the temperature of the water. He's somehow managed to get from the toilet to the bathtub across the room, and he's gotten the shirt and sweatpants Tony had dressed him in last night off on his own.
Tony has to admit, he's impressed with the kid's pain tolerance, and his reckless tendency to continue pushing boundaries. What he's not impressed with is how skinny he is - he'd noticed he was small, before, but now that he's not covered in blood and he can get a better look at him, he can see the prominent set of his ribs, the fact that he's not just in-shape skinny, but unhealthy-skinny. And with all the bandages he's swaddled in, he looks even smaller.
He lets out an unhappy hum under his breath without even consciously realizing it. Peter doesn't look up, but he shifts slightly in a way that lets Tony know he definitely heard it and asks, "What?"
"Nothing," he says quickly, irritated at himself for his lack of control. He steps closer. "Do you want anything to put in there? You're not allergic to any type of soap or anything, right?"
"Not that I know of," Peter says after a moment's hesitation, and Tony instinctively knows that it's true, if only because if he actually was allergic to something he probably would have refused to tell him what or just flat out refused to answer. "But I'm good."
"If you insist." Tony steps closer, waiting until he turns to face him to touch him so he doesn't startle him. He gently grabs one of his arms, starting to unwrap the bandages there, and continuing to do so until he's pulled all of the bandages off.
Peter watches silently, and gives no hint of a reaction except for an occasional wince, until he's pulled off the last one and is throwing it in the trash can. Then he says so quietly Tony almost isn't sure he's supposed to hear, "Thanks. You can go now."
Tony blinks, his brow furrowing as he looks down at the slight kid in front of him. "What?"
Peter shrugs, turning and carefully draping his legs over the tub. "I said you can go. I can do this myself."
He has the insane thought of 'you're dismissing me?' and then realizes that Peter would have no idea why that scenario is so backwards even if he says it outloud. He shakes the thoughts away, putting his hand on his shoulder. "Peter… I know it's uncomfortable for you, but I really think-"
"Don't touch me." Peter jerks away almost violently, and Tony dimly realizes after the fact that the younger male had immediately gone from stiff to shaking under his touch. Shit. He's got trauma too, you moron.
"I'm… sorry," Tony manages, trying unsuccessfully to keep the thoughts at bay of exactly what kind of trauma would have made Peter react to his touch like that. "I'll… go, then, but I'll be just outside, okay? Holler for me when you're decent, and we'll get you wrapped back up." Then he practically flees the room, without waiting for a response.
He leaves the door cracked just a tiny bit behind him, then settles down to wait.
Peter watches him go and doesn't say anything. Some part of him feels bad for snapping at Tony, but he just couldn't help it, the same way he could hardly control his body's reaction to it. He's shaking, and he's honestly not sure why, what he even triggered, but it's there and it's not going away.
He sighs, slipping off his boxers and easing himself into the water, slowly, groaning a bit at the pain. He looks about as bad as he feels, which is to say, like absolute shit. There's not a single part of him that doesn't hurt, and all he wants to do is sit and soak in the water for as long as possible. Maybe he'll get lucky, fall asleep with the water running and drown. He's starting to think he'd much prefer that to any of the other inevitable unhappy endings coming to him. Besides, there's no one left who'd care if he's gone anyway. He had one family member and two friends left by the time the Snap had happened. And of course all three of them had disappeared. Right in front of his eyes, to boot. But wasn't that just his luck?
He can't remember the last time he'd actually been able to soak in a bath of water - at least, a time when it wasn't being used as a torture device. This time, between his injuries and his exhaustion and the fact it is not an uncomfortable temperature nor is anyone wrecking havoc on his body or his mind while he lays there, he actually does doze off. Scrubbing himself clean is exhausting, not to mention difficult in his scenario. One moment he's rinsing off his mangled leg with painstaking care, and the next he's out.
He wakes up a bit later to the feeling of weightlessness, and realizes he's being carried. He startles when he realizes it, but the arms around him tighten in response. "Easy Pete. It's just me."
It's probably supposed to be soothing, and coming out of the grips of the memories and fears that paralyze him as he sleeps, it kind of is, even if he doesn't know if he should trust Tony yet. He settles for long enough to be taken the rest of the way to bed, where Tony carefully lays him down.
He's clutching handfuls of Tony's shirt like a little kid, and he doesn't even realize it until the elder man is trying to set him down and meets the resistance. To his utter embarrassment, he's stuck to him again. So not only is he wet and naked, wearing nothing but a towel after he failed to even take a bath on his own, he's now stuck to his… whatever the hell this guy is to him now, and he's not in control enough of himself to be able to make his stickiness go away. And he's so tired that he can't even say or do anything about it.
Tony seems to sense his distress. "Easy, kiddo. It's alright. I'll stay, if that's what you want." He carefully settles beside him on the bed, and before Peter fully realizes what's happening he's tucked snugly into Tony's side, the blankets pulled up around them, and suddenly he's asleep against the elder man's side.
Tony is still there when he startles awake some time later, soothing him before he'd even fully aware of what's going on.
"Easy, it's all right… just lay back down, breathe, Peter… it was just a dream…"
He was dreaming? News to him. He must have been freaking out in his sleep again. "I'm- sorry," he manages to get out.
"Don't be." Tony runs a hand down his arm, and Peter unthinkingly snuggles closer to his side. It's been such a long time since anyone held him like this. Platonically, lovingly, as if his comfort is the only thing that matters. He dimly registers Tony's other hand dragging through his hair and resists the urge to purr like a cat. "You feeling okay now? More awake?"
"Yeah…" Suddenly it returns to him why Tony is still there and he flushes furiously, jerking back as if burned. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" he tries to pull his hands away and realizes they're still stuck, albeit in slightly different places than before.
"Hey hey. It's alright. You can't control it all the time." Tony puts a hand on his shoulder to stop him, and he stills, blinking hard against the sudden burning behind his eyes. As if he needs to be more indebted to this man. But Tony notices even that, and his expression softens even more. "Peter, calm down." He taps his chin up gently. "I'm not mad, and you didn't do anything wrong. You're healing, and those freaky spider powers of yours seem to be making it go quicker at the cost of your energy. You need all the rest you can get." He pauses, smiling a little. "Anyway, you're far from the first person that's ever used me as a pillow, kiddo. I'm used to it."
Peter lowers his eyes when Tony releases his chin, unable to take the earnesty in them when he doesn't know if it's real or fake, and either way no one has given a shit about him in so long that it's honestly painful to see. He takes a breath and mutters a small, "Thanks."
"Of course." Tony ruffles his hair with such care that Peter wants to flinch away from the obvious affection. "Now, let's get you dressed in something besides a towel. You think you can let me up now?"
Peter bits his lip, not answering in favor of concentrating hard. Slowly but surely, his hands come unstuck from where they are resting on Tony's torso.
"Perfect." He gets up carefully, so he doesn't jostle him, then walks over to the dresser and grabs a stack of clothes Peter hadn't noticed earlier. "I took the liberty of getting some clothes brought up for you, since you obviously didn't have anything besides the suit with you and that is not even going to be an option until repairs are done - if they even can be, as unrecognizable as it is. They might not fit just right, but it's better than nothing." He stops at the edge of the bed, setting the clothes down beside him and frowning slightly at the look that must have crossed Peter's face. "What?"
"You… think you can repair my suit?" Peter doesn't dare let the hope show on his face. If he's willing to repair it, that means he gets it back, right? Which means he has to be intending to actually let him go when he gets better. Or that he just wants it to be up and running again to get whatever information out of it is possible, a pessimistic side of him adds, but he pushes the thought away in favor of another slightly less pessimistic but equally concerning one. "Wait. What do you know about my suit? You never told me."
Tony tenses, then visibly forces himself to relax. Peter internally curses at himself. That's not the reaction of someone who's not guilty of something or the other. And just when he was starting to think it might be worth it to trust him…
"It's not what you think," Tony says quickly, apparently seeing the expression on Peter's face. "I just… happen to know the person who made your suit. So I know a bit about it, and yeah, we might be able to fix it. But I can't promise anything, Peter. It was really messed up."
That's because he had gotten really messed up, but neither of them wants to say that. Apparently the unspoken words hang heavy in the room, though, because Tony suddenly continues, "Speaking of which, kid, I would really like to get you seen by a professional. I think your leg and your arm need to be reset and casted at least temporarily, and I would really like to see some actual scans being done to make sure there's nothing on the inside I missed. Is that okay with you?"
Peter hesitates. He doesn't like the idea of it. He hasn't been seen by a doctor in years - partially because he can't afford to be, partially because he knows since the bite he's not all human and he doesn't know to what extent that is, and he's not all about being turned into a human science experiment. "I… haven't been seen by a doctor since…" he hesitates. He's honestly not sure of the exact amount of time, but it goes back further than even the Snap, into his early teens, probably.
Tony's eyes widen a bit at the realization. "Oh. Longer than the Snap?" Peter nods. "How long, then, exactly?"
"Um…" He looks down, picking some imaginary fuzz off the blanket. "Seven or so years, at least."
"Sev- Jesus, kid. That's not healthy, even if you weren't getting injured every time you step on the street." Tony looks stricken.
"Yeah, well, excuse me for not wanting to become a human science experiment!" Peter retorts unthinkingly, then blanches.
Tony stares at him, then shakes his head. "That's… reasonable, I suppose. I'm sorry. But you're going to see one this time, kid. I know a guy, and you wouldn't be the first mutant he's dealt with. I promise you, no science experiments, no scary stuff, and he knows how to be discreet. Does that sound fair?"
Peter slumps back against the pillows, closing his eyes. "What does it matter? We both know you're going to make me whether I say no or not."
He hears Tony let out a pained sigh. "It's for your own good, kid. Just… don't make this harder than it needs to be." A pause, then the bed moves as he settles beside him again. "Come on. Let's get you bandaged and dressed, then we'll get some food into you and you can rest again for a while."
Peter says nothing as gentle hands take his arm again, starting the process of bandaging his wounds again. Peter lays still and quiet except for when otherwise instructed as Tony wraps him up and helps him into some fresh clothes. Despite not doing much - or perhaps because he hasn't - Peter is trying not to fall asleep again by the time he's finished.
Tony gets his shirt on and lays him back against the pillows, seeming to realize then that he's battling unconsciousness again. Whatever he was going to say is lost as he just closes his mouth and smiles a little, pulling the blankets over him again. "Get some rest, Peter." He tucks him in and gets up, and Peter's eyes fall closed before he's even out of sight.
His mind is a few minutes behind his body, though, even though that's also fading fast. Still, he's awake for just long enough to hear the faint dial tone of a phone and Tony's whisper of, "Bruce, I need a favor," and then the world is black again.
Taglist: @lyrical-harmony @httydlovena @jewelrnicorn @mentalyokay @sweatpants-romance
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bedeliadumaurier · 8 years
(1) I really hope I'm not overstepping, and of course you don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but I have a question about depression and work. I thought you'd be able to help me. I'm an office manager in a small office and one of my employees has been out sick going on 2 months now. She's too tired to wake up, virtually comatose she said. Her illness was undiagnosed this whole time, and she said she was going to several doctors to try to find out the problem.
(2) Yesterday she called and said she now thinks it’s depression. She tries to come in to work everyday, but by around 10 a.m. she’ll call and say she can’t come in. It’s been like this for 2 months, I want her to know that she doesn’t need to force herself to come in, and I don’t want her to feel pressured or guilty. I want her to allow herself to take the time she needs. How do I do that? What should I say to her? I’ve told her about medical leave and TDI, but I know she still feels guilty.
(3) I’m wondering if she just thinks of me as just an employer, and I want to reach out to her on a more personal level. I know the pressure and the guilt is probably making everything worse for her, but we’re going to hire a temp for the time being. I’m not sure if telling her that will make her feel like she’s unwanted and being replaced? Or will it relieve some of the pressure and guilt? Thank you for listening and sorry for this long message.
Hi, don’t worry you’re definitely not overstepping; I really don’t mind talking about mental health things even as it relates to my own personal experience because I think it helps all of us to be candid about it! Of course I’m not a professional, but I can give you some advice from my own experience.
(going under a cut because this is a long answer!)
First of all I think it’s wonderful that you want to help her. A lot of employers still have very little understanding or sympathy when it comes to depression and other mental illnesses, so this girl is truly lucky to have you. And as far as her seeing you as “just an employer” I wouldn’t worry about that too much; you don’t know what kind of family/friend support she has, and speaking for myself I wish someone at my office had cared about me enough to reach out like you are. 
I think one of the biggest inherent difficulties with depression is that it’s very hard for depressed people to ask for help, even when they know they need it. There’s a lot of guilt, embarrassment, and a whole laundry list of reasons for it as I’m sure you’re beginning to see with this girl already.  To give you an idea of how this played out for me: I tried to continue working for about four months after I was officially diagnosed with depression. I did disclose to a supervisor and our office manager that I had been diagnosed and was on antidepressants, etc., and we did generally talk about the possibility of me going on short-term sick leave, but after those initial discussions neither of them really followed up with me. They left it to me to approach them with any problems or to officially make a decision about that. That might have been fine with any other employee under “normal” circumstances, but since my depression was so severe I sort of just…gave up and let things continue to get worse. 
In hindsight, I wish so badly that someone had kept tabs on me more closely, but even more so I wish that someone had quite frankly just taken the decision out of my hands entirely. I wish someone had come up to me and said, “look, here’s the plan: we’re gonna work together to sort out your workload and figure out who we can pass each file/project off to, and once we wind things down you’re gonna go get yourself healthy again so you can come back and keep working for us for a long time, because we don’t want to lose you.”  But no one did that, or anything close to that. When you’re depressed you need someone to throw you a lifeline because when you’re too depressed to get out of bed most days you’re not going to speak up and tell your boss you need to go on sick leave and could someone please take care of your work while you’re gone. That’s just like, not within most people’s capabilities when they’re depressed?? You mostly just want to curl up into yourself and disappear all the time. Someone coming to me with an action plan to which I could have just said “okay yeah you’re right, sounds good” and gone home would have saved my ass. 
And like, my office manager, who is also very kind and lovely, told me to keep in touch while I was on leave, and I literally told her, “honestly please call me once in a while because I’m probably never going to take initiative and call you because I’m a depressed piece of shit!!” (in so many words lol). And she does! She’ll call or email me every few weeks or so and we’d go for lunch and it gets me out of the house and it’s great! I think having someone else sort of take charge of the situation is so, so helpful when you’re depressed, so I wouldn’t be afraid to sort of err on the side of…gently forcing this girl’s hand a bit? It’s sort of helpful to do what you might think is slightly “overstepping” when it comes to depressed people! At least in my experience. My best friends know when i’m really down they have to be like “okay, I’m coming over and I’m bringing pizza” because “hey are you okay do you need anything?” is just going to be answered with “yeah i’m fine thanks!”  while I stay in bed for another day and don’t eat, you know?? I think most depressed people will tell you they’d welcome a bit of babysitting/hand-holding from people they trust. 
And I think knowing that a temp can easily hold down the fort for her for a few months or whatever while she gets better will be a relief. When I had a huge breakdown and was pretty much forced to go on medical leave, the biggest thing I felt was relief in knowing that my work obligations were taken care of and I didn’t have to think about them anymore. I think as long as you emphasize that you’re bringing in a temp because you want her to be able to focus on her health and get better so you don’t lose her in the long run, any slight feeling that she’s being “replaced” will be FAR outweighed by that sense of relief. 
Like, my line of work is very personal and you get really invested in it (messy child custody cases and stuff like that), and I can say that even then I didn’t even feel guilty or worry about those cases after I went on medical leave and knew they were all being taken care of by other people. All I felt was relief, and that relief allowed me to focus on myself and my health. So if I can feel that way in those circumstances I’d be willing to bet this girl will feel the same way and will appreciate having a way out. 
Anyway sorry for the long rambly response, but I definitely relate to what this girl is going through in trying to work with depression and I hope this helps you understand things! I think the bottom line is don’t be afraid to reach out and to even err on the side of doing what you think might be just a little bit pushy/overstepping, because that sort of relief from responsibility and stress is exactly what you need when you’re depressed. Thank you for messaging me and for your kindness, and I wish you and this girl both all the best :) 
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