#honestly i wish the skin was more 3D but i still love it anyway im a sucker for doll themes
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shiningleekki · 5 days ago
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I saw some people wishing infinity nikki had a doll joints skin, then I remembered that shining nikki has a bjd skin, and I have that, so I recreated the doll from the 1.3 preview in shining nikki 👻
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tumblunni · 6 years ago
does anyone else miss pokemon battle revolution i miss pokemon battle revolution
it was the first stepping stone towards full character customization! we had to wait so many years for it to come back! it was the “pokemon following behind you” before hgss!! nintendo why do you do this thing of introducing cool concepts and then making us wait 5-10 years for it to return ever
And i mean it was just basically stadium 3 yet nobody seems to talk about it in the same sort of reverence as the original stadiums. i can understand it kinda, since it was JUST stadium without all the extra features? like i feel people remember stadium more for the stuff like the minigames and the sticker machines and the early pre shiny pokemon shiny pokemon thing. but underneath that it was just “see everyone in 3d and do some boring AI tournements”, same as the “reason” everyone seems to hate battle revolution. i mean people loved stadium for that same reason!! its just that that kind of appeal doenst age well once technology progresses and now the regular games are in 3D already and have way better multiplayer features. So peoplemore fondly remember the goofy parts and judge battle revolution harder cos it didnt have any, despite being the best at the whole.. yknow.. premise of the stadium games.
Speaking of which!! Multiplayer!! Battle revolution fucking STARTED THE ONLINE COMPETITIVE SCENE! Well gold and silver started stuff like iv breeding and ruby and sapphire refined the multiplayer combat system with abilities and bugfixes. But sinnoh did the MOST IMPORTANT CHANGE with the physical/special split and introduced many pokemon and moves that are still competitive staples nowadays! and battle revolution was initially the necessary add-on that you had to use to play online for THE FIRST TIME EVER! before the wifi and gts were fully operational and honestly not many people were really able to use those in diamond and pearl anyway because this was back before wifi was super common and back when nintendo really badly handled the whole thing. Like remember those one month only wifi events that could only be downloaded in certain stores? in the UK it was even worse cos straight up they only supported it in england. ONLY ENGLAND. WHY. England is physically speaking not very far away but the borders and taxes mean that trips between britain’s individual countries are still really fucking long, tedious and expensive. When youre a kid its not very likely your parents are gonna support you dragging the family on a trip like that just to visit The One Store In Bristol That Does Pokemon Events. And man, i remember everybody just had a landline internet and broadband was considered fancy, lol. So the wii was the only console we could get to go online and it was kinda “wow technology” to use the bluetooth thing on the ds to connect to it, but it always glitched out if you werent standing super close. And besides even when wifi became easier to use and platinum and HGSS had more advanced online features it was still more fun to play The Same Thing But Big And 3D. I think it was only around BW era that battle revolution really died? And it played a pivotal role in shaping what the competitive scene would become in the future!
also the music was REAL FUCKIN RAD and even though they didnt have any real story to them i still loved the designs for the original characters modelled in full 3d with their own themed gyms, rather than just canned stock art of kanto gym leaders again. They had such a nice sinnoh aesthetic that i kept forgetting they werent in dppt before i replayed platinum a few years ago and started my whole charon obsession, lol! just let it be known that i cherish Mysterial too and if he had any sort of plot whatsoever then he’d probably be my second fave pokegramp. ALSO HIS SONG KICKS ASS
also also also im still sad that a lot of BR’s customization features were more advanced than what we have nowadays?? like it was SO limited in a lot of stuff, if i recall correctly you could only select entire outfits not mix and match pieces? and the amount of outfits and colour options was really low. and no different hairstyles. BUT i really miss the fact you could actually pick different base models! a younger or older kid, and even a buff teen! (tho it annoyed me that there was no equivelant to that one for the girl) I kinda feel like if we kept that it would make multiplayer more exciting nowadays. when you actually get to see everyone’s character models walking around festival plaza it becomes so much more noticeable that everyone is the same dude recoloured. even just having different facial expression options would help!
anyway in summary YES i agree that the stadium minigames were the best thing ever and i wish they kept them in the sequels and also YES collosseum was the best of all the stadiums because it had that robust singleplayer campaign with actual story BUT that doesnt mean battle revolution is bad :(
also also i have an additional soft spot for it cos i thought it was just very nice of the dub team to go out of their way to reprogram in new options for the international audience. BR was the first time we had dark skinned characters and the option for them to be playable! that straight up wasnt an option in the original version and the dubbers requested the change for the west. i wonder if this conversation between the different nintendo divisions might have led to influencing america as the setting for the next generation?
anyway mysterial stans forever and that is why i am trying to download a wii emulator at midnight
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