#honestly i think the casting was pretty good in terms of getting the sibs to look relatively similar to their parents
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gaylittlebillionaires · 2 years ago
thinking about how shiv looks like a person logan’s lost (rose) while kendall and roman look like a person he’s discarded (caroline)
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archer3-13 · 2 years ago
There enough of a gloat of asks here that im just gonna bundle a bunch of ya'll anons into a single post. sorry in advance.
Anonymous asked:
God, save me. seriously ? we are talking about dragons. while intys could still justify that since the dragons are deities they can fuck their sibs, we don't know how dragons makes babies in Engage. maybe they can stay in a platonic relationship all their lives. Veyle and Alear did it.
technically dragons arent actual gods, just very powerful beings that get worshipped as if they were gods. especially in modern fe.
Anonymous asked:
"though the anons as of late have also weaned me onto a sombron x mirror sombron crack ship. so. thats a plus. i guess."
which raises the question of how their respective kids would react to that ?
probably with absolute horror and utter confusion, which is honestly an aspect of the hypothetical ship i really enjoy. the utter bafflement from the kids.
Anonymous asked:
It probably is better if it discourages people. asides from the fake incest kink the game placed him into, could you imagine what would happen to regular Elyos if Alear married Rafal and then hurts their finger ? this would be the end of the world.
see, the issue doesnt lay on whether the eng translation is discourging it or not as both versions come to the same conclusion: its not incest because the two sombrons are different. Rather, the issue in terms of translation as i understand is that the eng version in its eagerness to over clarify the matter accidentally made it more confusing, thereby doing the opposite of what they intended.
Anonymous asked:
I would dare to ask : even if banging the counterpart of your potentially dead half siblings was incest, who cares when Sombron can bang his other self ?
hence why i ship the two sombrons anon! see you understaaaaand.
Anonymous asked:
Reject Sombron x alt sombron, embrace Sombron x Lumera.
No i dont think I will.
Anonymous asked:
"I suppose it would anon yeah, though i believe others have also pointed that out in this endless parade of asks." doesn't surprise me, when you try to expand their reasoning you obviously comes to this conclusion. and also to the conclusion that the 4 winds are just as guilty as the 4 hounds since they "are the same person". and using the "it would just not be the dad they knew" argument is the same thing as saying they have different dad. that aside, why is everyone obssesed with Sombroncest ?
thats the joke anon as to why i and a handful of anons are obsessed with it, its hilariously fucked up and more interesting then twinlear incest discourse.
Anonymous asked:
Alright, how would the engage cast reacts if : 1) they were given a chance to bang with their mirror self 2) given the chance to bones their sibling's mirror self 3) the reaction of Celine seeing her brother hooking up with her evil twin 4) the fell twins and fell siblings reaction in seeing the Sombron orgy
the only definitive i can give you is that goldmary is the most pro clone fucker of the main playable cast, and everyone would look upon the great sombron orgy with horror and probably a little bit of shameful hidden lust.
Anonymous asked:
I honestly would give an arm for a fanfic about a family dinner between the fell siblings, the fell twins and the two Sombron... just level of cringe exploded. (bonus point if Alear demands daddy to pass the salt, and that 3 hands try to grab it : Sombron, alt Sombron and Rafal)
Honestly that sounds like a pretty good fic anon. id keep that on the backburner of possible writing prompts to go for.
Anonymous asked:
"Its an inherently nonsensical and difficult to defend position if were actually looking at it from a textual angle."
well that's what happen in normal times when you decide to not listen to what the canon says. i am actually surprised they even tried when Alear and fell Alear are a thing.
I suspect its because twinlear is low hanging fruit well fell alear requires familiarity and ya know. playing the game.
Anonymous asked:
This whole thing is just another "this ships makes me uncomfortable I need to explain why but my arguments are crapp because they don't align with the canon" like we had with Robin x 2nd gen or studenleth. not liking a ship because it feels weird is fine but when you try to fight the canon, you already lose as you are not the writer of the story and only can rely on AU (and yes, there is already people who don't like the whole deal so they rewrite the twins's backstory to get rid of sombronian shenanigans). I can understand why : shipping Alear with Clanne feels more disturbing to me than seeing them shipped with the twins. I cannot explain why though
i certainly dont blame people if they dislike the ship, but your right that it looks silly and is real Sisyphean task at that point when one tries to stumble ass backwards into an argument as to why one is superior for disliking a ship.
Anonymous asked:
I wonder who is bored enough to try to prouve that the dating options in a game that is rated pg 13 is actually incestuous. I mean they tried with Awakening and Fates and then brough up grooming with Three Houses but geeez. the only way to back this up are dna nonsense the game never mentionned and clearly doesn't care about. I honesly think this would never have happened if Female Alear was allowed to bone Male Alear.
anon your last sentence there threw me for a loop, but to answer your question i dont think its necessarily an indication of some lacking aspect of character to get hype fixated on things. i get hyper fixated on things all the time, and fandom wouldn't exist without peoples hyper fixations. i would say in cases like these though its less 'people are bored enough to argue' about these things and more 'people are trying to control fandom space like a school pecking order'. in fandom.
Anonymous asked:
It's maybe not so bad, after all. I mean Nel is cute and sunshine, but rafal, even though he is not the kid of or Sombron, still looks like and reeks yandere vibes as much as main game Sombron... i don't want to imagine what would happen to Alear if they went "i can fix him" other than the "you're the most jealous men I ever knew" meme. oh, and if Alear died, Rafal would destroy the world... twice.
hey, the yandere thing has its appeals in fictional ships and some people like the obsessive angle in their fictional characters makin out. a lot of people like that angle really. ship what ya wanna ship at the end of the day though.
sides i can't talk considering half of the things i do ship are insane obsessive weirdos being insane about each other.
Anonymous asked:
Sombron x Sombron is really crack because you don't know if it would happen with them in human form or dragon form. speaking of dragon form, how do ya find the dragon design in Engage ?
I actually always rather like sombrons cobra design, it helps distinguish him among the villainous dragon designs and i think it suits his character in the manner that he's less about raw powering his way to victory and more prone to subtlety, manipulation and playing it smart [even if he is a powerhouse at the end of the day, and the writing of his plan doesnt always make sense]. in that manner hes a solid combo of medeus and gharnef which makes sense and works in his favour.
as for the other designs, nel and rafal are sombron lite designs that work for what their going for, and well i really wish we got to see more of lumineras dragon design what we do get to see is fairly standard but work well.
tikis is pretty obviously based on her warriors dragon form design but more fa'ish in the sense it looks more chickenish this time. which, i dont mind cause the chicken destroyers of worlds are adorable.
the generic enemy dragons ya come across are fine for what their suppose to be, though it does make me wish we had a manakete unit to play with in the base game. that woulda been cool.
Anonymous asked:
The choose to make fell dragon looks like king cobra and made quite a choice because those are the species that are monogamous and protective of their kids when Sombron is far from that... the only thing they have in common is that female cobra lay between 20 and 40 eggs but we don't even know if fell dragons are born from eggs... are they ??
joking aside, i imagine they went with the design less because of the biological nature of a king cobra and more so because of its cultural and symbolic significance. namely hypnotism which sombron uses rather prominently in the plot and which cobras are often connected with due to portrayals of snake charming. aside from that its also a very distinctive snake with its frill thing and a poisonous one.
Anonymous asked:
people saying that this is "just as kaga intended" are wrong. Lord kaga would never take such roundabouts way with incest, never offering a "techincally it ain't incest" and thus denying all canon relationship with the characters. by the way, do you think FE 4 remake will be M rated ?
idk anon, kaga if anything set the precedents for skirting around incest implications but in a very obvious way in fe that the series has dutifully followed to this day. deirdre and arvis are if anything more of an outlier being a very direct case of incest.
but speaking of fe4, i seriously doubt it'd get slapped with an m rating. putting aside the incest, well its a dark game its not any more explicit then any other fe in terms of content, and taking the incest into consideration even thats not particularly explicit in its depiction. it undeniably happens, but even then its a while into the game before its clarified that it did indeed occur and its treated with a tragic gravitas as opposed to being hyper sexualized.
Anonymous asked:
what you say about tree houses is true though. now when people stumble on the og support and ending for Veyle and Alear they think the og had implied romance in it because "partner " in japanese doesn't necessarily means romantic but if you cut that word that has a certain conotation in english, it becomes suspicious. same with the dragon child mentionned in their ending : the fact that the localization emphasized it was an orphan make it souns like they censored it because the jpn dub was being less clear about it, hence they believe that Alear and Veyle made a baby. in short : you can't win with the fe fandom, everthing backfires
You certainly can't win if ya go about things the way treehouse does. I dont doubt there would be discourse over these things mind, but ever since treehouse got involved in fe translations these matters have been particularly egregious. so i dont largely blame the fandom outside the bad actors.
i blame treehouse for making things worse.
Anonymous asked:
when recycling the future past dlc but with mirror dimension instead of alternate timeline backfires into fandom fight. Real question since Engage has a manga adaptation, do you think they will put the twins (I hope not because how is it gonna make sense ?)
i suppose it depends what happens with the manga adaptation, where it goes and what it might alter to fit its format. its possible we'll see them, but in a completely different context for instance.
Anonymous asked:
wait a second.. if the parents of your alternate self are also your parent does this means you are your alternate self's brother/sister ? and if their siblings are also your siblings does this means you are your own siblings ?
i dont know about that last little bit, but according to anti/puritan logic i suppose you would be your own sibling anon. thereby making it both selfcest and incest if ya fucked your mirror alternate self.
Anonymous asked:
people be fighting over a dlc that is not even well written. like if Alear is Lumera child in mirror verse than it means they must have had a different name since Past Alear says it's main game Sombron who gives the kids name according to their dead biological mama that sadly aint Lumera. (and I think that the 3winds had different parents to explain why they don't have the same name, but it's just me being clever, i doubt the dev though of this)
I agree the internal story logic is confused anon, but i would note that a story need not necessarily be logical to work if the emotional appeal is there.
and in that regard fell xenologue is a mixed bag, admittedly in part because its internal consistency is kinda muddled. fighting the mirror royals, seeing and engaging with their personalities, the atmosphere, even the intellectual implications of the twist all work i would say [atleast for me they do]
but how we get to this points is underwritten, the twist doesnt quite work in implication because of the questions it rises, and the actual heart of the story going on there with nel and nil and rafal feels somewhat disconnected from its world and sloppily handled.
i would have been fine with a delay on the dlc if it gave em time to hammer out the finer details of the xenologue, but as it is... mixed bag.
Anonymous asked:
it's always the funniest ship that get "moral outrage" like sure dating someone who looks like and is possibly genetically composed like your dead half sibling is super awakard irl but in a fe game it opens the door to gold comedy scenario. And Sombron x Sombron would just add comedy because if the twins end up dating Alear secretly when their dad are busy "doing stuff"
some people just dont appreciate fine comedy, as one can point to many historical and contemporary examples to prove.
though i dont begrudge people who seriously do ship the twinlear stuff, as its pretty harmless overall at the end of the day.
Anonymous asked:
if their only argument is dna, then screw. there is no evidence at all within the game that Sombron and Sombron have the exact same dna information. One could make the argument that Alear is still Alear yet they both are very different genitically, same thing for Zephia and Zelestia since Zephia is more OP than her mirror self. One coul perfectly make the argument that Sombron and Nel are different than their mirror counterpart when it comes to biological info using whatever argument precisely because the game never mentions DNA and no one could prove it wrong, all the more so as we don't see miror sombron's face and have no idea of how regular nel looked like if she did existed but I find it weird that Nel knew there was a other version of herself in the regular world since she never came here. just to say : anyone can play this little game. and since the canon text never mentions dna, no one can prouve that Sombron is genetically the same as his mirror self other than using the design but even that can easily be swayed by the other informations that the game gave us.
its Schrodinger's incest at the end of the day, which is in part why its silly for people to try and logic their way through it. except ya know, the fact that textually they dont even have the room to begin with.
Anonymous asked:
And here I though that Marth was Alear's dad this whole time
marth adopts all manner of divine dragons, so he can be alears foster father. caeda whole heartedly supports this and the two of them spend a lot of their free time supporting and hanging out with the kids. jagen considers it a headache but goes along with it anyways cause he secretly likes being the gruncle of so many divine dragon kids.
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yoolee · 7 years ago
If lee wrote otome | #4 - Royal Pains
FULL AND TOTAL PREFACE that I do not support relationships between employees and employers there is a squicky power imbalance that complicates consent but this is fiction k? K.
OKAY SO. FICTIONAL DEMOCRATIC CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY with all gender lines of inheritance because it’s not a stupid fictional country. Royalty are basically figureheads – they have power but it’s in terms of public eye and influence not actual legislative power. MC is related to the reigning monarchs but like #10 in succession – close enough that she gets a lot of unwanted attention, not close enough that it’s likely she’ll ever sit on the throne. (Duchess? Marchioness? Countess? Just straight up princess?) One of her parents was a non-royal (which was a Big Deal) heir/ess-turned-actor/actress who was tremendously wealthy so she has a lot of independent wealth, but doesn’t like to use it on herself. Works an Actual Real Job in the midst of various royal receptions and appearances and ribbon cuttings.
Heroine is the only one living in the family castle/manor and since it’s just her like, why bother with all the silly trappings and pomp/circumstance? But unbeknownst to her, her fiancé got engaged to her hoping to just live a lavish lifestyle, and when he realizes this isn’t going to happen, he hires a ragtag group of thieves to rob the castle in the middle of a charity gala hosted in the castle gardens BUT MC CATCHES THEM, dumps her fiance’s sorry tush, and berates the thieves like omg do you need jobs THAT badly that you’ve resorted to theft? Fine, why don’t you just live here until you’re back on your feet – as long as you do your fair share of chores it’s not like that wing is being used anyway.
MC: RABID BUNNY. Very proper, elegant, diplomatic, sweet—on the outside. Inside she has just a fantastically vicious mental commentary running 24/7. She IS pretty elegant but mostly out of habit. Actually 100% tough as nails and Determined to Make a Difference. If she is involved in a charity function it isn’t for pics, people. Runs herself ragged between day job and royal obligations but always snaps herself into perfectly poised as soon as someone is so much as breathing in her direction. Independently extremely wealthy thanks to non-royal parent, but incredibly frugal (maybe even tightfisted) about own expenses because it seems wrong to spend it when all those charities need it more and stuff – but she will do her research and make sure they use it appropriately. Veteran like rest of fam. IDK what her ‘day’ job is yet. Large animal emergency Veterinarian (princess prevents pig pandemonium with plague prevention best practices!)? Accountant? Researcher? Honestly just wants to be a mechanic but it doesn’t fit the IMAGE you know? Does Not Have Time For This Nonsense, Please. Will do anything for her country and her family, even if it means not being her authentic self. People depend on her, you know? And there are perks - like cupcake store grand openings.
OLDER BROTHER: Brilliant, charming, beautiful jerk. Except not really, it’s just easier. Has to work very, very hard to not let the pressure of EXPECTATIONS get to him. Very caught up in appearances. THAT SAID - got the non-royal parent’s acting genes, and would love to be an actor, but gets his kick out of acting like someone he’s not. Most likely of the sibs to crack open a beer and eat pizza when it’s just them. (Other bro would rather have some random not readily available dish that’s a specialty of whatever small mountain region he just visited, MC is strict about health food, little sis would join him she just wouldn’t START it) also the first to talk about DUTY and OBLIGATIONS until other sibs throw stuff at him.  Stupidly in love with longterm partner so maybe sibs harass him about getting married when he starts stalking about obligations to them?
TWIN BROTHER: LAZY CAT, except when MC really, really needs him then he’s suddenly around. According to the public, he doesn’t have a ‘real’ job, just lays around looking pretty on boats. Does this fairly intentionally so the press focuses more on him than the other sibs – because what does he care? Actually a romance novelist and not at ALL above using his sister’s experiences as plot fodder. This leads to him giving occasionally questionable romantic advice. Travels a lot to random corners of the earth and occasionally. HORRIBLE PHOTOGRAPHER so big brother calls this a waste. ALSO probably a ‘Dear Abby’ advice columnist.
LITTLE SISTER: Circumspect, but dry-witted and prone to sarcasm when it’s just family or people can’t hear her muttering under her breath. Quiet, mostly as a result of being kind of a prop for most of her life and LOUDER older siblings– but she’s always thinking. Patient. Was always kind of a smartass. Taking every day one at a time. Was a combat medic in the country’s armed forces and is living with PTSD. Maybe working in a florist shop? I just like flowers okay. Happiest out of the spotlight and always has been. Trying to relearn things.
“TITLE” representing the chore they do in exchange for room & board and (title) representing their role in the would-be heist
“COOK” (the distraction/lookout): SWORE UP AND DOWN to MC that they were a gourmet chef so that she’d let them stay but can really only manage a basic grilled cheese sandwich – which, luckily for them, MC loves. Plus as long as she doesn’t have to make it, it’s a win. Student? Maybe? Also probably has had a crush on MC forever (maybe she volunteered at a charity event that benefited someone in their family) and all along was going to derail the heist because too much respect for MC to let it happen when they could stop it, even though it could be dangerous. Nurturing? Just wants to take care of people?
“CHAUFFEUR” (the getaway driver): THE GETAWAY DRIVER. Reckless wild child? Can’t stay still to save their life. Shameless Baby Driver rip off don’t you judge me – always drumming fingers and finding rhythms. Doesn’t talk much so you think they’re probably solemn and quiet but they’re definitely mischievous as all get out, just sneaky about it. Sees the world in color and sound and vibration, frequency of their inner pulse’s just a little off from everyone else’s. Slippery, because they have to keep moving, which includes their thoughts. Never stays stuck on anything for long.
“SECURITY” (logistics/the hacker): IT person who hacked into the (admittedly out of date) security in the first place. Rebel without a cause. Terrible diet. Keeps horrible hours. Little wild (not as wild as chauffeur), lives on the edge, also a huge nerd. Gets gleefully excited about technology, will spend actual hours fiddling and building robots and forget to stand up so their legs don’t work right when they do. Loves nature and takes inspiration from the mathematical patterns in it. Talks really fast or not at all.
“HOUSEKEEPER” (undercover paparazzi – hired muscle): Was really in this to get the inside scoop on some royals and make a few bucks. Completely jaded jerk. Wanted to be a global photojournalist but realized people just wanted pretty beaches and sunsets and didn’t actually care about people and their suffering unless it won them awards, and does it matter with social media everywhere. Probably tells MC he/she is a wedding photographer. Doesn’t like things to be ‘picture perfect’ so cleans but there’s always something left undone. Sarcastic grouch. Probably pairs up with lazy bro at end of route to get back to documenting alongside lazy bro’s travels.
“BUTLER/LADY’S MAID” (the mastermind) – was reluctant to take this job because ex-fiance is a dingbat, but did it anyway for IDK personal reasons. Not really all that bummed that it didn’t work out. If they work for MC they get into even more royal events and can learn the ins and outs of places, their habits and patterns. Thinks MC is way too uptight, gets a kick out of teasing her. Laidback, hard to ruffle, confident, all the things you expect a mastermind to be. Really good memory for physical spaces. Totally clueless when it doesn’t interest them though, maybe?
“GROUNDSKEEPER/GARDENER” (hired muscle/fencer) – IDK more to come CHILDHOOD FRIEND MAYBE gotta have that
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