#honestly i think america needs to do what germany did and criminalize nazism
chaoticcosmos666 ยท 1 year
Holy Fuck
TW- NAZIS (so yea... you know theres gonna be hatred and violence)
everyday i feel like i cant be more shocked but here i am... sitting in pure anger and rage, with no outlet to even put it out on. so here we go in writing. it is the year of our lord 2023... almost 2024. im gonna be 24 soon. and the one thing that childhood me never thought id see ever as a small lil history nerd? nazis. i never thought id see them ever. but they rebranded themselves as some bullshit that i wont list here out of sanity for myself and others. you can though read some in the article im linking here
so.... what is it that boils my blood? the fact that in motherfucking america we have asshats like these marching around when we had grandfathers and great grandfathers who fought this same ideology. im not the first to be like "oh trump this... trump that" but look closely at everything since 2016. like very closely. ill critique the previous presidents happily but right now isnt the time for that. we can go on about how obama caged kids first and how he drone striked innocents... but right now im focused on this. a president who has said there are "very fine people on both sides" after Charlottesville "Unite the Right Rally" and during the debate for the presidency recently when asked about these groups for the proud boys to "stand back and stand by".... that isnt really condemnation is it? In the wake of all this, the aftermath of chuds running up in the capitol, and now the rise of christofascism... how long is it gonna take??? when are people gonna stand up? florida is a full on fascist state now. if you are queer or a POC its highly advised to stay out of that hellscape. its like a cult of personality with these people. and now with neonazis... they wont hide their support for their love of trump and now desantis. they stand outside of a theme park for families screaming their shit. how did we get here? how can we stop this? honestly i dont even know... but im disgusted and angry and just... full of vitriol and seething hatred for these fucks. remaining blind to this wont stop it. simply voting blue wont stop it. hell the GOP nazis are trying to impeach do nothing biden for nonsense so whos to say the GOP wont try that for the next guy? we need some sort of action. Police wont do it, they protect these chuds. something has to give. we imprisoned people like enrique tario but theres people always ready to take his place. we let this shit go unchecked for too long.
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