#honestly did u guys BELIEVE that we deserve better than the Japanese fandom??
1ove-jin · 6 years
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Disclaimer: I know not all Armys are like this! I know there are also a lot of ArmyCTzens like myself. I know that there are problematic NCTzens who DO blame Armys. Both sides have those fans that need to be called out. This is not hate directed at any one fandom and I’m not a police, but we should discuss this in a civil manner. Warning is that this is a long ass rant:
So here’s the thing - the western market is opening up, right? We should all thank BTS as a major contributor for this, that’s the actual truth. I’m super proud of all of BTS’ accomplishments, but if we, as a fandom really are proud of this accomplishment then can we all please act like it and stop being self-proclaimed ‘security guards’ slamming opportunities for other artists in the face?
BTS are the biggest act right now, but that doesn’t mean they own the rights to a whole music market. We would be hurt if someone would have told BTS “you can’t go to Japan and promote because Tohoshinki were there first, they opened the way, they’re the top artist in Japan!” - we’d call that unfair. Please don’t be hypocrites and tell other artists they can’t expand into the western market
It’s not a pity party. It’s not a ‘who struggled more’ party. EVERYBODY struggled to get what they have now. Just because NCT is from a big company, doesn’t mean the members didn’t struggle and comparing someone’s struggles to another person’s is the shittiest thing to do honestly. For example
“I just failed a test I studied so hard for, what will my parents do?”
“aww that sucks, but at least you’re rich! I just failed a test, and I’m poor. I have it way worse you shouldn’t be complaining.”
Sounds absolutely terrible doesn’t it? I know BTS came from a small company, and they struggled so much. I was posting about BTS when they were happy they even got 100 people to show up at their fan-meets. When Jungkook was trying to promote a free concert. I’m not denying it, they struggled to get the the top and deserve everything they have.
But why doesn’t NCT deserve it? Why does anybody assume they got everything handed to them on a golden plate? Do some people think they jet skied to debut? Can anyone speak from experience and say that debuting under SM is easy?
Jisung of NCT joined to be an SM trainee when he was just about 10 years old. He promoted through the school year and literally said “I have no friends (because nobody relates to me). I have nobody.”
Ten left Thailand to make something of himself and he cried in front of his teachers who acknowledged his passion for dance. Because he hoped to repay the people who were responsible for his education in his homeland.
Huang Renjun, born in 2000, laughed and put on the “pure boy” image SM shoved down his throat, but deep down he was concerned about worrying his parents.
Wong Yukhei, born in 1999 (also not even 20), left his home country and when he smelled Thai food - immediately said he thinks of his mother. Can you imagine how much he misses his family?
Johnny Seo, Nakamoto Yuta, Qian Kun, Ten, Dong Sicheng, Wong Yukhei, Mark Lee, Huang Renjun, Zhong Chenle - all 9 foreign members who left behind either their families, friends, home countries, favorite foods, and languages so they could go to a basement to train without knowing if they’d debut or not.
Taeyong was accused of being a criminal - a scammer. Turned out to be not true. Suffered a lot of emotional hardships because of that pressure and to this day people still call him fake or hate him saying he trusts his face to employ him. He was told, directly, “you won’t do” when he first tried to dance in SM. He MADE HIMSELF one of the noticeable dancers in NCT by practice - there’s no way to cheat around that.
Moon Taeil passed a really cut-throat audition and had to choose between attending university or pursuing his dream as a singer. He made that hard choice. He gave himself that opportunity.
Na Jaemin suffered a back injury and halted promotions with Dream.
Mark Lee. Left his family when he was 12. Non-stop for two years has never not been busy. NCT U, NCT 127, NCT Dream, High school rapper, snowball project, SM station, SM Town, KCON - how many dances has he memorized? How many nights did he spend recording? He memorized lyrics in 4 different languages (Korean, English, Chinese, Japanese), how many hours of sleep did he give up because SM kept rolling him like a machine? And he never complains. He’s just turned 19.
If you want to talk about mental, physical, emotional suffering pre-debut, post-debut, till now, than NCT have suffered enough and don’t need no bullshit attitude like “but SM hands them everything!!!”
I don’t believe SM paid to have NCT planted / somehow ‘infiltrate’ the US market. From the beginning they were planned as a global group starting with 127 in Seoul. Literally half of their members are foreign members, and 2 are natural born citizens of a predominantly English speaking country. Johnny is from America, Mark is from Canada. What likely happened was that western media became aware of kpop thanks to BTS and wanted to explore / hype this thing as a whole ‘kpop wave’ - and they naturally found one of the biggest companies; SME, who gave them NCT because of the vision, plan, and potential; america bought it up and invited them over.
Yes, SM being a big company helped them stand out to the west, and NCT being in SM helps, but for each member to get into NCT and for NCT’s sound to be as good as it is- that’s their efforts. That’s there sleepless nights, their notebooks filled with lyrics, their 12 hour dance practices, their choreography, that’s their work.
All members of BTS and NCT struggled in their own ways. You can’t say one struggled more than another. All the emotions that ran through them, the worries, the stress, that’s all valid and important and everyone handles it differently.Therefore, NCT deserve everything they get. SM didn’t coddle them because they were foreigners or good looking or only 10 years old - they said ‘work your ass off’ and ‘wait’ or ‘get out’ - so once all that grueling trainee shit was done they said ‘okay we’ll support you with money’ - they earned that support.
ANYBODY wanting them to flop is immature as hell. Like are people really out there saying they hope NCT won’t be successful? So you want a 16 year old who has no friends, nobody to rely on but his hyungs to fail? You’d be happy to see his family flop, really?
You want a guy who was acknowledged for his traditional Chinese dance skills and left behind his rightful place in a highly selective university to flop? The guy who’s coped with the frustration of a ‘cute dumb’ image despite being an intellect trying to master another language, just trying to get his thoughts across to flop?
What about the guy who has ‘debuted’ but doesn’t even have a song yet, but still patiently smiles and genuinely supports others as if it were his own stage while waiting? Or the guy who cries if he even thinks about his parents because all he wants to be is a good and successful son? you want him to end his dreams?
The guy trying to love his dark skin in South Korea, who’s never nearly acknowledged enough about his great vocals and dance skills, only told he’s noisy, but still- STILL smiles at his fans and puts on that bubbly personality every.single.day. The one who debuted at 16, was sexualized by gross fans, and still got up to get behind the camera despite the mental trauma stuff like that could cause.
What kind of person are you to want them to fail? That’s the question. Because I recommend you start being the person to listen to some kings of wisdom- BTS: they’ve been telling us to cultivate love in our hearts. To end verbal, physical, emotional violence.
Don’t be that person. Be better than that. And if you’re that kind of Army, honestly? Shame on you. We HAVE to be better than that if we want to take pride in opening a market, we have to let people in. Nobody will dethrone BTS. But the stage at the top is big enough for everybody. Everybody who managed to climb there deserves a spot.
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mermaidjeune-blog · 10 years
((Kohaku = Amber Kohak Kohaku
Shing = Kor
I hope Galando becomes Galadno))
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