#honestly I just wanna talk to my bf about this but low-key scaaaaared
just found. a bunch of texts. with my ex. which I forgot to delete cause I forgot they existed. they're from a year ago. so much has changed. im no where near who I was. I am still 99% the same person. what the fuck. I am in distress. dude. wtf.
Mudaram as estações Nada mudou Mas eu sei que alguma coisa aconteceu Tá tudo assim, tão diferente
Se lembra quando a gente Chegou um dia a acreditar Que tudo era pra sempre Sem saber que o pra sempre sempre acaba?
Cássia Eller was so right for this, on god
the seasons have changed
nothing has changed
but I know something happened
everything's just so... different
remember when we
once believed
everything was forever
without knowing that forever always ends
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