#honelle tag
tinogiehd · 5 months
I just realised that tumblr didn't send the link with my last anon lmao
Hope this works now? But that is why I mentioned Dream meeting his litter, it wasn't completely random 😂
oh my god. Dream meeting his litter for the first time.
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honelle56 · 6 months
Mpreg hc: dream is on a mission to buy every single pregnancy and parenting book available but he gets way too overwhelmed to actually sit down and read them so george helps him make an excel sheet with the important parts of each book and then they read for 20 min together every night
Let's jump on the mpreg train, shall we? Small drabble:
“Dream, you know I love you a whole lot, but this is getting ridiculous.” George stared at the dozens of books stockpiled on their coffee table. He could’ve sworn that there was already a visible dent in the table from where the books have been amassing over the past few weeks, ever since he took that pregnancy test.
“Huh?” Dream asked when he came back from answering the door. Presumably to accept another order of books if the big box in his hands was anything to go by.
“When do you even want to read all of these? You are aware that the baby is going to be here in six months, and I sincerely hope that you did not plan on spending every single second until then reading every book there is about pregnancy and babies.”
Dream visibly paled at that, letting go of the box and starting to pace through the living room. “You are right, fuck. Six months is not enough time to figure out everything I need to know. Maybe I can learn to read faster? Or- or I could start listening to audiobooks while reading, you know, multi-tasking. And maybe the baby will arrive later, giving us some more time, do you think you can hold them in for a bit longer? I am sure-“
“Dream.” George interrupted, getting up from his perch on the couch to stop his spiraling husband. “Sit down with me?”
Dream still seemed restless but after taking a deep breath he followed George to the couch and sat down next to the smaller who was cupping his small baby bump.
“What is this about, honey?”
Tears filled Dream’s eyes at George’s soft voice. “I-” he tried, willing himself to not freak out. This was George, his husband, soulmate, he wouldn’t run away over some insecurities.
“I guess I am scared to mess this up. I feel like I am flying a plane without a license and blindfolded and I am terrified of being a bad Dad, so I guess I just want to know everything there is to know before the baby gets here. But there is so much to learn, and I don’t think I will ever be fully ready for this.”
Gentle hands cupped his cheeks, willing him to look at George who looked at him with eyes so soft they could only be described as lovestruck. A soft kiss was pressed onto the tip of his nose.
“Thank you for telling me. For what it is worth I think you will be the best Dad, simply because you have a heart so big that I know this kid will be the most loved baby to have ever been born. And yes, we will probably mess up but then we will learn and improve. These books can only teach us so much, I fear the rest will just be learning by doing.”
Dream chuckled, softly caressing George’s belly. He couldn’t wait until he could finally feel them.
“If it makes you feel better, let’s make a deal. Let’s math this out.” George proposed. “No more books. Today we look through the ones we already have and find the important parts. We plan for 20 minutes every evening where we read something about pregnancy and babies. Then we can make an Excel sheet and plan what to read in which order and when.”
Dream didn’t think he could love this man any more than he already did if he tried but every day, he proved him wrong. He would never understand how George just got his brain better than he did himself, but it was in situations like this that he would be forever thankful that they had found each other in this world.
“Let’s do it.” He smiled, pressing a kiss to George's forehead and grabbing two books for them to skip through.
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rcnhide · 3 months
Don't think about how ever since Dream said that he thinks George might wanna move to LA they literally have not been separated 😵‍💫 for all we know they have been holed up in the same room, ring on George's finger and giggling about the wedding happening on June 15th
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bluishfrog · 4 months
thank u blu for keep european dash alive 🫡
I am trying my best. I need more european people to be active with me (or non-european people with fucked up sleep schedules). I know there has to be more of us, where aaaare youuuu?
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tinogiehd · 5 months
Dream meeting his litter for the first time :(((((
dream meeting his litter :((((
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honelle56 · 27 days
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OH MY GOD DNF BIRTHDAY FROGS!!!! This is so cute 🥰🥰 thank you so much 💚💙
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honelle56 · 2 months
speaking of rose quartz:D here's some info/facts (come out of hiding to share this)
"The unique properties of rose quartz extend to emotional healing, encouraging the development of empathy, facilitating reconciliation, and promoting the forgiveness of others. Importantly, it supports self-forgiveness and acceptance, enhancing self-trust and self-worth."
i copied this ^
extra, but also rose quartz helps to get rid/wear off negativity if you wear/place it close to the heart (pretty cool) :]
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Man, I hope these elephants get rid of all the negativity in their lifes, they deserve it 🥲
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bluishfrog · 3 months
favorite dnf twitchcon moment?
Dnf breaking math.
When they weighted the popcorn buckets after that weird microwave fight and then dnf advanced to the finale of the cooking competition event DESPITE the numbers being very much not supporting that.
Everyone wanted dnf together so badly that they forgot how basic math worked.
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honelle56 · 1 month
Tumblr never shows me your posts. I CAN'T FOLLOW YOU MORE THAN I ALREADY AM 😭😭
Hit that subscribe button and turn on notifications so you will never miss an upload again! It's free and you can always change your mind later 🙂
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honelle56 · 3 months
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Best friend 100% off merch discount code
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honelle56 · 3 months
I think they would get a shock of their lives if they came here they never enjoy anything...
yeah but this is also why I enjoy the tumblr community so much, there might be miserable people somewhere but they are not on my dash and it is not forcing me to see it like twitter does with some accounts
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honelle56 · 4 months
I have such a stupid Minecraft mod idea but is it really worth learning to Minecraft-code just because I think I could make a funny dnf joke that is probably only funny cause I am running on like 3 hours of sleep?
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honelle56 · 3 days
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I leave you and you immediately start drawing explicit cuddling????? I have questions
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honelle56 · 3 days
ask game thingy
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Definitely all kinds of pregnancy stuff for my double mpreg fic lmao
🧸 ⇢ what's the fastest way to become your mutual?
Writing me a sickfic heheheh
But also just being nice I guess? And dnfing also goes a long way
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
Omg it's a Beeee!!!!
@bluishfrog you are quite literally the best person I know, forever glad to have you in my life 💚 also cutest art in town
@rcnhide I don't even remember how we started talking but I love seeing you on my dash and you are always so supportive 🥰 also the dream spotify account makes me so happy!
@tiniinbookland same goes here, I loved writing the fic for you, also you are such a good writer, I adore your fics!!!
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honelle56 · 9 days
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I don't even remember the context of this but thank you Blu
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honelle56 · 22 days
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤
Thank you so much for asking this! Also thank you to @rebelwithoutabroom and @promise-me-moon for asking the same thing :D
Echoes of Pain: I just love this fic so much. I think this is the first fic where I was super excited to post it because I was really happy with how it turned how. So obviously I was equally devastated when the exchange I was participating in with this fic got cancelled due to ✨ March ✨ but I am really happy things calmed down again after so I could post this baby :')
sometimes silence guides a mind: Another fic with horrible timing because of ✨ November ✨ but it was a collab with my loveliest @bluishfrog which was super exciting even though the time after sucked
Lightning's Tender Touch: My newest baby and even though I absolutely hated it halfway through I am still happy with how it turned out and it is also a concept I love to read hehe :D It was also my first time writing for somebody else in a fic exchange which was super fun! 🫶🏻
you and me, religiously: I just personally think this is the funniest thing I have ever written (with the honorable mention here of Echoes of Parenthood) and it combines my two favourite things: dnf and Taylor Swift :))
through this and long after: Not my proudest fic but I still like the concept and I am obviously a sucker for sickfics / injury fics so I enjoyed writing it!
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