#homura uses a gun and a “love” grenade
tomatosareinmyhead · 8 days
Madohomu + Cupid AU
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Girls who die without experiencing true love are reincarnated as cupids. In this universe, a cupid's goal is not to make someone fall in love, but rather to make that person never lose hope in love. This work becomes difficult when there are creatures that feed on broken hearts and despair. And this job ends up becoming MORE difficult when the cupid in question is Homura Akemi, who is madly in love with her human: Madoka Kaname
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dramatic-dolphin · 2 years
i love how in puella magi madoka magica homura's actual time stopping/traveling powers aren't useful as a weapon so her actual weapons are Just A Shitload Of Actual Firearms And Grenades. she just has a bunch of actual, genuine, non-magical guns. also rocket launchers. she stole them from the yakuza.
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themonotonysyndrome · 4 years
The Holy Quintet in Twisted Wonderland!
While I was having a writer’s block for ‘A Modern Fairytale’, I complained to my friend and we chatted on Discord. I told her about TW and she asked me if TW ever gonna have an anime adaptation since Magia Record:PMMM had an anime after the game is released. We love the Madoka Magica series and since they’re some similarities between the two, I thought why not have the main girls (I haven’t watch Magia Record yet though I’m aware of the existence of Doppels) react to the world of TW? 
For those who don’t know about Puella Magi Madoka Magica, here’s a brief summary: It’s basically an anime about cute magical girls fighting evils where absolutely nothing bad ever happened. Like, ever. 
Anyway, hopefully by the time I’m done with this, I can get my flow back for my previous writings...  
*Since the First-Years are 16, I aged up the Holy Quintet just to match. 
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Homura could’ve unleashed a thousand bombs and grenades onto the wretched white rat the moment she realise that they were no longer in Mitakihara City or even on Earth! 
Her day has been going on so well, too.
Morning arrives with the same monotonous routine. It’s a new day and a new timeline which means a whole new planning she needed to do before the fated day. But that can wait after school.
The teachers and students followed their scripts perfectly. Homura deftly ignore the hallway where the History teacher would request her help carrying the journals for the woman’s next class, spin around before the clumsy girl from the class next door would spill her water bottle onto her and even freezing time to whisper into Hitomi Shizuki’s ear who is lingering outside their shared class; how she had been neglecting her dear friend Sayaka lately in favour of Kyousuke Kamijou, how unfair her treatment of Sayaka has been lately. 
By the time recess roll by, Madoka is alone just like Homura planned. Sayaka is pulled away by Hitomi. It wasn’t hard to wait quietly in her seat before the other girl spotted her and asked if they could have lunch together. 
Homura accepts without hesitation. 
She let the hours went by at their own pace until the moon is high in the sky. There’s a Witch that has been causing quite a ruckus near the shopping district. One that Homura would have no problem killing on her own, but Kyouko found it first and not even a day later, Mami caught wind of it as well. 
As the clock is about to strike midnight, the Holy Quintet are standing in front of the Witch’s Labyrinth; the back door of a luxurious shoe shop. Homura ponder on what was the connection of the shop and the Witch, before Kyouko suddenly declare to kill the Witch herself. 
“Hey, I was the one who found it first! This kill is my right!” The redhead Magical Girl announced with a Pocky stick pointing sternly at them to back off.
“Shouldn’t we work together to stop the Witch? Tomoe-san mentioned that it’s strong...” Madoka softly countered. Kyouko’s loud voice didn’t scare her but since the prize is a Grief Seed, everyone wanted it. Madoka wouldn’t dream of rebuking her friends of it. Not when they dearly need it for their magic. 
“I don’t want to add more to the fire, but if we work together, who’s going to claim the grief Seed?” Sayaka interjects, her hand up in the air as if they were in class. They haven’t transform for battle yet; it’d be a waste of magic to transform only to have half of them returning home later or search out for another Witch all night long if Kyouko won’t budge from this one. 
Madoka, Sayaka and Kyouko all turn to Mami when she remains silent for too long. 
“It can’t be help then.” Mami shrugs. “If Kyouko is adamant to kill this Witch, then we should leave it to her. She was the one to discover it after all.” 
When Kyouko whoop and cheer, Sayaka went ahead to scold her. But their relationship had progress to a stage where they could banter easily with no hard feelings involve, so Madoka is at ease. 
Homura, however, is not as it slightly deter from the script but she wisely keeps it to herself. 
Homura’s day went wrong when Madoka sweetly offer, “I still have some Grief Seeds on me, so I’m more than happy to help Sakura-san out!” 
“Madoka - ” Homura automatically begin, she would rather have Madoka reserve her magic but luckily Kyouko beats her to it. 
“Aww, it’s fine Kaname-san. I’m a big girl, ya know? I can’t handle one Witch.” Kyouko assured her with a bright smile that’s enough to dissipate Madoka’s worries. “Beside, you guys have been working hard these past few nights hunting Witches. You guys deserve a break for once.” 
“I can’t argue with that...” Mami ruefully reply. The girls all decide to leave this Witch to Kyouko’s capable hands and was about to make their way home (with Mami escorting them back even if she didn’t have to) when the door to the Witch’s Labyrinth suddenly flings open. Light, colours, myriad of voices and music flood out from the shop. 
“D-Did the Witch realised we’re here already!?” Sayaka said through gritted teeth. The corrupted Magic that’s spilling from the door is overwhelming, trying to pull the girls inside. 
“That can’t be!” Kyouko retort with her spear already in hand and stab to the ground to anchor her. Her other hand is gripping Sayaka’s to hold her steady in place. “A Witch only have absolute reign in its Labyrinth. Not in the real world!”
The Magic then began to slowly drag their feet towards the door. Madoka, who is the closest to Homura, touch her Soul Gem. Homura didn’t want her to fight, she’d rather deal with the Witch herself. 
“Madoka, wait!” Homura shouted and lunge to grab her. Her Shield is already on her arm despite that she’s still in her school uniform. She just needed to freeze time and then  - 
“Now this is interesting. This doesn’t feel like a Witch’s magic at all.” Perch on top of the many lamp post and unbothered by the overwhelming magic is Kyuubey. The Incubator blink its pink, beady eyes before jumping down and landed beside Homura. 
“You - You’re not needed here!” Homura hissed viciously.
“Look carefully through the door there, Akemi Homura. Doesn’t that look like a mirror?” Kyuubey instruct in a pleasant tone that irked the girl. 
“What are you - ”
“Akemi-san, look! There’s a mirror!” Mami’s urgent voice snapped Homura to attention. 
Indeed. There’s a black mirror inside the shop, floating in air. 
“Is that how the Witch noticed us!?” Kyouko is already brandishing her spear to throw it straight through the mirror.
Before any of the Magical Girls could do anything, the mirror forcefully yank them towards it and swallow them whole. Silence descend on the streets. 
Homura fought to stay awake but the magic lull her to close her eyes and sleep. 
“Did.. did a mirror just appear from the ceiling and spat out... girls?” An unfamiliar, incredulous voice was what stirred Homura up. Something feels off.  
When Homura open her eyes and realise that she and her friends are surrounded by people in strange robes staring at them as if they were aliens, a man wearing a mask and a mirror with a green face floating in it, she immediately went for the offence. 
She withdraws a gun from her Shield and aim straight at the masked man standing beside the mirror, her eyes never waver away from the crowd in robes in front of her. With a quick glance underneath her, Madoka and the rest are still unconscious before focusing on the enigma of this world and something in her whisper that she should hold the masked man accountable. 
“Where are we?” Homura demanded in the calmest voice she could muster, her finger is light as a feather against the trigger. The scripts has gone completely off the rail. “Who are you people?”
“Well now, I think that would be my question!” The masked man rebuked. Homura’s ears picked up the dumbstruck and lividness in his tone. “Really... a mirror suddenly summoned in the middle of the dorm sorting ceremony and you girls interrupted it!” 
A bullet wheeze past by the masked man’s head, only grazing a lock of his hair. Just like that, the crowd is silent. Finally realise the strange and uneasy atmosphere that curtains them, courtesy of one Magical Girl.
“I won’t ask again.” She threatens. Her eyes narrowed when a few of the people in front of her shifted. A short boy with red hair and a bespectacled boy with a beauty mark on his lower lip. She studied them warily and they did the same towards her. The fingers twitch to a small... pen? The red and grey gems will become her targets if they so much as move. 
“Geez... the situation suddenly turn dangerous.” A voice said through a floating tablet. He sounds meek and scared. 
Murmurs follow soon after. She's losing control on the situation. 
“Well?” Homura pressed and this time, she aims the gun right between the masked man’s eyes. Adults in strange coloured clothings that stood behind the mirror with the green face slowly tried to separate Homura from the crowd. Their expressions severe and cautious. 
They don’t feel like familiars. This strange room doesn’t feel like a product of a Witch’s magic. What’s worse, Kyuubey is nowhere in sight. 
“Young Miss, I don’t know what you’re trying to pull here but you’re in the prestigious Night Raven College. Did you and your friends forcefully unlock your coffins?” The masked man asked, with his hands on his hips like a scolding parent yet tentative when addressing Homura after her warning shot. 
“Night Raven... College? Coffins?” Homura repeated, growing confused by the minute. She’s never heard such institution before! 
Her gun lowered slightly when she caught pieces of conversations floating from the crowd. 
“... a mistake? Night Raven College is an all-boys school after all.” 
“We woken up every first year students before coming here. There’s no way we could missed them!”
“So they somehow broke out from the coffins on their own earlier?” 
“...that in her hand? It looks some kind of weapon but I’ve never seen anything like it...” That came from the floating tablet. 
“It happened so fast that headmaster couldn’t even react! Whatever that thing is, it’s dangerous.” The short redhead boy added, his fingers nearly brushing his red gem now. 
“Where is Mitakihara City?” Homura asked instead.
The masked man titled his head at her question. “Mita... what? There’s no such city with a name like that. Did the mirror where you came from malfuction? And what’s with your clothing, Young Lady? Is that supposed to be a school uniform?” 
This is bad. Nothing makes sense. “Students of this college would already be wearing their ceremonial robes the moment they step out of their coffins.” The masked man continued, oblivious to Homura’s concern. The other Magical Girls remain sleeping. It’s up to her to get them out safely or try to figure out what’s going on. 
This couldn’t be the incubator’s game. 
Homura pulls her gun back and relax her shoulders just a little. Enough to show that she’s calm and not going to attack any time soon. “A college you say? My friends and I were forcefully pulled in through a mirror and then I woke up here. Tell me, are we even on Earth?” 
Now the masked man is perplexed. “Earth? I’ve never heard such a word before! Why, this is Twisted Wonderland!”
Homura bit her lower lip to prevent herself from calling the masked man out as a liar. She doesn’t have any prove or any information that the man is joking after all. 
Homura comfort herself by tugging on her magic and grip her gun. Good. She still has her full arsenals and useful items as well as her magic is in its peak form. 
Her mind is racing now. If one wants information, one must offer their piece first, yes? 
“I believe there’s been a... mishap. My friends and I aren’t from here. We came from a place call Mitakihara City. Twisted Wonderland doesn’t exist for us.” Homura begins. That should suffice for now. 
The floating tablet floated near Homura although there is still some distance between them. “A-Are you serious!? A bunch of girls literally isekai’ed into Night Raven College!? I can’t believe this is actually happening! My manga is a reality!” 
Homura is taken aback at the sudden enthusiastic voice. Truly not expecting a 180 from his previous meek tone. 
“Eh? Another world? Did you and your friends came from another world!?” A white haired boy with ruby eyes intervenes. Despite how odd the situation is now that he said it out loud, he’s excited about the notion. 
“It would seem so...” Homura murmus. If this is meant to be a college then the crowd must be students and adults here are their teachers. There’s magic lingering in the air. It’s unfamiliar to Homura but it’s magic nonetheless. 
“The sorting ceremony must continue on.” The mirror with the face boomed. Its voice deep and unsettling. The masked man react accordingly to it. 
“Yes, yes, we musn’t dawdle! Now then Young Miss, if you’d be so kind to help bring your unconscious friends here beside me so that the others students could - ”
“Step forth you who have mastered time and space.” The mirror with the face ordered. 
Another silence descend the room before the white haired boy with red eyes shattered it. 
“So they ARE students! This is so exciting, isn’t it Jamil? We never had students from another world before!” The boy exclaim with a beaming smile. Somehow, his smile reminded Homura of Madoka’s when she’s in a really good mood. 
“We still don’t know what’s really going on, Kalim.” A boy with complex, braided hair chastise him. Though it doesn’t deter his friend’s excitement at all. “After all, she was willing to attack the headmaster.” 
“I’m sure it’s just a misunderstanding! Won’t you be confused and scared too if you’re suddenly teleported to a strange land, Jamil?” The white haired boy countered before shooing Homura to the mirror behind her. “Go see what the Mirror of Darkness has to say! Maybe it could help you.” 
The masked man sigh. “I guess it can’t be help. Young Miss, please address the mirror properly.” 
Homura tucked the gun back into her Shield and slowly turn around. The mirror with the face doesn’t strike fear in her like Kyuubey or Walpurgisnacht do, so she slowly padded towards it. 
And thus begin the Holy Quintet role as students in the world of Twisted Wonderland right after each one of the girls has been sorted. 
The next continuation will be dorm sorting! It was a little tough trying to sort 5 of them when there are 7 dorms but I have a idea how to get around this. Hope I did Homura justice and you guys enjoyed this piece. I adore crossovers! 
A big shoutout to @twsted-caramel​ (I hope it’s ok to tag you here) for giving me the big inspiration. Please check out their crossover of KNY and TW pieces! It’s amazing!)              
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2, 13, 16
2. Who’s your favorite out of the Holy Quintet?
If we’re being completely honest, it’s Homura. I always thought she was cool. I mean, she fights Witches with actual guns and rocket launchers and grenades, that’s wicked. It’s even more jarring in Magia Record when there’s so many girls that use staves and wands and things and Homura’s like “haha gun go bang bang”.
Her backstory hurts me. It hurts me, man. And I know Rebellion had some...things happen, but that doesn’t really change how I feel about her. She’s cool and her fighting style is awesome. She just radiates powerful energy. I mean, just look at that hair flip.
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13. Which character can you most relate to?
Absolutely 100% Tsuruno Yui. Now, contrary to...whatever perception you have of me, I’m actually very shy and quiet in real life. I’d love to have just a quarter of the energy Tsuruno does.
However, Tsuruno’s story hit home in the later game. Trying to keep your friends united and happy, sacrificing your own happiness and self-care to do so, being told it’s okay to not always have the answer and that you can rely on others sometimes...The game called me out big time. I was playing the chapter casually in my school library and I was not prepared.
I of course love Tsuruno for her design, her energetic personality, etc, etc, but really I was pretty indifferent on Tsuruno up until I reached this part of the story. I relate to her in a lot more ways than I realized and it’s made me enjoy her so much more as a character.
16. Do you have any PMMM OCs?
Yes, I do! I’ve worked on them for a few years now. Maybe someday I’ll work up the confidence to share them in a public space, haha. Don’t expect any god-tier writing out of me, though.
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