#homelander drink my milk
thornheartless · 14 days
whos worse for each other. butchlander or ozycom
That is the question of the century I think, I'm inclined to say butchlander because in an alternative universe I could actually see ozycom making it work in a way that's at least a little better for each other
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crethida · 1 month
Oedipal in the streets, Oedipalized in the sheets
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flaggermuser · 4 months
When You Loved Me
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1,209 words || Fluff, Spoilers for Season 4 Episode 4, Hurt/Comfort, GN Reader, Doctor Reader, Happy Ending, Childhood Trauma ||
Inspired by the idea that at least one doctor would have formed an attachment.
Thank you to @bisexualhomelander for being my beta
They're nearly all dead, there's just one loose end that Homelander needs to tie up.
So he stands outside the unassuming house, ready to cross the final name off his list, which he found in an old abandoned file documenting his ‘development’.
It was a stroke of luck that he found you - it seemed as if Vogelbaum scrubbed you from all official records.
Determined to finish what he's started, he knocks on your door and waits impatiently, ready to strike you down where you stand.
“I’m coming!”
He freezes, his entire body tensing up as your voice unlocks memories from his time in the lab, ones buried deep somewhere at the back of his mind.
A frightened and hurt little boy being held, being comforted after the incinerator and the other horrible forms of torture he was subjected to.
“Shhh, it's okay, you're okay. I'm here. Shall we read another story?”
The door slowly opens and there you are. 
Now that he's seen your face, the memories are more vivid. There’s still that kindness in your eyes, the one he saw every night before he went to sleep. 
At least, for a few months before you disappeared.
“Hello, John.” Your smile is still as warm as he remembers. “My, how you’ve grown. Come in, come in!”
With trepidation, he slowly enters, unsure of what he’ll find. It’s homely, filled with curiosities and everything he’s ever associated with a true American home. As he follows you into your living room, he notices some of the pictures on the wall with you and your former colleagues at Vought, some of whom he’s already killed.
“Would you like something to drink?”
“A glass of milk would be nice,” he replies, trying his best to smile while conflicting thoughts swirl in his mind.
He was so convinced that you were like the others that had you not spoken, he would have killed you the moment you opened the door.
“Well take a seat, I’ll be right back.”
He takes a seat on your couch, hands in his lap, looking around the room again. That’s when he notices the mantelpiece, covered in photos and newspaper clippings, all in ornate frames.
Not of your family - of him. They’re all of him.
Taking pride of place in the middle of the mantelpiece is a picture from several years ago.
“Don't worry John, it's just a camera. All I'm going to do is take a picture of just the two of us. I promise it won't hurt.”
He's sat on your lap, your arms around him, holding him tightly, protectively, a smile on your face.
He’s smiling too. He’s happy. He’s with you.
They took you from me.
“Here we go,” your return snaps him back to reality, his eyes softening as he notices the glass of milk in your hand and a plate of cookies in your other, settling it down on the coffee table in front of him.
It’s such a sweet gesture.
You take a seat in a nearby armchair, “It’s so wonderful to see you again.”
After all these years, you’re still this beacon of absolute kindness.
“Do I call you John or Homelander?”
How did I forget how lovingly you said my name? How did I forget you?
“I’m so proud of you, you’ve done so well. And look at you, you’re The Homelander! Leader of the Seven!”
His lower lip quivers, trying to keep himself together but it’s proving harder. Your praise comes from a place of pure love, something he’s never experienced or at least, he can’t remember experiencing.
“I see you’ve noticed the mantel. I know I must seem mad but I’ve been following your progress.”
You cared about me, you care about me, it’s all genuine.
“You were so young when I last saw you, with that lovely little smile.”
You reach out to take his hand but he pulls away, only so he can take off his glove. It looks so small in his, he knows if he squeezes just a little, all your bones would be crushed to dust.
But he won't.
“The things we did. Oh John, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry that I didn’t do anything to save you. I should've stood up to Vogelbaum, I should've protected you."
Saved him, protected him - the regret is written all over your face.
They regretted their actions too, only after he reminded them. Then they apologised but it was too late for them, maybe it’s still too late for you. 
He squeezes your hand, trying to comfort you. 
“You know, I think about you every day. I wanted to reach out but I figured Vogelbaum would have any attempt at contact blocked, especially from me. All because I chose to be human.”
Human. They were human too and they tortured me.
It’s clear that is a sore subject for you, nowhere near as painful for him but the fact it makes you sad somehow makes him feel better. It shows that you cared.
“They fired me for ‘interfering with the experiment’ but how could I not?! You were scared, you were crying and they left you all alone in that horrid room.”
The bad room.
“I couldn’t just leave you there to cry yourself to sleep. So I volunteered to take the night shift. Do you remember… remember the first time?”
His jaw tightens, desperately searching his mind for even the tiniest hint of a recollection yet all of the torment he was subjected to has buried everything deeper. 
“You were terrified that I was going to hurt you, your eyes glowed red and you trembled. I knew you didn’t want to hurt me but you would if you had to.”
You understood.
“It took you a few minutes to realise I wouldn’t hurt you - I think it was the books under my arm that convinced you I wasn’t a threat.”
A single flash - “Would you like me to read you a story?”
“I sat down on your bed, you sat on my lap and we read story, after story, after story. Until you didn’t want me to read anymore, you just wanted me to hold you. So I did exactly that.”
He desperately wants to remember, he needs to remember. 
“Then Vogelbaum found out, I must have forgotten to turn the cameras off and I was removed from the project. I should’ve fought for you, I should’ve marched right back in there and demanded to take you. But I didn’t.”
But you’re here now. They’re all dead but you’re still here.
“I forgive you,” it slips out of his mouth, however, this time it’s heartfelt. He means this without malice.
You’re the parent he’d always wanted, living in a house he always dreamed of, serving him milk and cookies like he’s still that young boy you cared about.
Maybe it wasn’t too late, maybe there could be something here, born from the ashes of your past sin and his trauma.
Sniffling, you wipe away your tears, tightening your grip on his hand. When the smile returns, it’s affectionate and all for him.
“I want you to know, John. I need you to know, that you’ll always have a place here and in my heart."
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mrsmiseryxo · 1 month
Behind Closed Doors
homelander x assistant! reader
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🎧 Behind Closed Doors- Lana Del Rey
Disclaimer: This is finally done after two months, i first started this when the season came out. I don't know anything about the corporate world. I made up things as I went along :3 im sorry :( Also my first time writing fanfic and first time creative writing in a while, so I am a bit rusty be nice please :3 I wrote this as a challenge to myself , so i hope its not too bad. Constructive criticism welcome :)
around 3-4k words i lost count
this is so secretary ( 2002) coded
Tags: dom!Homelander Fem! Girly! Reader. praise kink, body worship, p in v, fingering, cmnf, homelander is soft for reader. creampie, breeding kink, daddy nickname used. homelander and reader are horny weirdos. I'm bad at tagging hopefully i'll be better :(
Set between seasons 3-4 but i didn't watch gen v oops
You transcribe the meetings for Vought, and you feel like you don’t get the recognition that you deserve. That is until Homelander calls for a private meeting. 
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You were quiet and meek, like a little mouse. He viewed you exactly like that. A rodent to be exterminated. Squashed. He’ll have a word with whoever was in charge of hiring you. Even more of a word if it was Ashley. In your eyes, he could never hide the utter disdain on his face whenever he got a waft of your sweet, vanilla rose scent as you . He thought you represented everything wrong with humans. Your head was always hung low, you always stared at your shoes as you brought Ashley the notes for this week’s meeting. How dare you not look in his eyes? How can someone as stupid as you ever be trusted with confidential information about the company?
He absolutely hated everything about you. Your prissy nature, the way you only drank matcha lattes with soy milk. He turned his nose at that poor excuse of a milk option. He smelled that bullshit from a mile away. He hated the gloss on your lips. He hated the sparkle in your eyes, like you still had a lot of life to look forward to. He hated that hopeful mentality you held, following the philosophy that life was going to get better. He simultaneously hated and loved the way you cowered in his presence, the way your hands get sweaty and clutch at your skirt. He loved and hated the fact that you couldn’t hold eye contact with him. On top of all that, Homelander hated the way you made his dick twitch.
Even as you stumble around with a slight hunchback, he couldn’t keep thoughts of peeling off your tights and bending you over the table where meetings were held. How breathless and cute your pathetic moans would be. How he would make you speak up and ask for what you truly want. He wondered what your lip gloss would taste like. How soft your plush ass would feel as he caresses it. Even considering your horrible posture, something as small as your scent is enough to turn him on.
When homelander would retire to his apartment, he would drink a pint of milk and jerk off. That was his nightly routine for the last couple of years. He would think about Madelyn Stillwell, Stormfront, and if he was feeling especially normal, he would think about Queen Maeve. After a week of you working at Vought, his jerk off material had changed. He began thinking about you. A lot. You had dominated his brain, and this irritated the hell out of Homelander. He had never given this much thought to another person before. Mundane and ordinary things had popped into his brain. What did you eat for breakfast? What side of the bed do you sleep on? As much as he tried thoughts of you out of his head, they always came back with a vengeance. Just your entire existence bugged Homelander, but he got used to seeing you in the conference room, even looked forward to the weekly meetings if it meant he got to see you. He’d notice that his presence would have an embarrassing effect on you. Of course, he would have a certain effect on just about everyone that he encountered, but he relished in the fact that you would get so flustered when in the same vicinity of each other. He would then think of ways to get you worked out, he wanted to tease you just enough to coax you. He’d knew the type of girl you were, you thrived under words of praise. Homelander also knew that you’d be obedient enough to never say anything. He’d make you fear him, more than you already do. He wanted to make the desire to please stronger.
After the first month of your newfound employment at Vought, you wondered why anyone would put up with Homelander and the Seven’s antics. You pride yourself on your obedience and dedication. Why could nobody acknowledge the sea of tears shed over copious hours of overtime, and the perfection you put into shooting out emails everyday, keeping people on track. You even schedule the time the emails are to be put out. You know deep down you will never say anything, or even hint at the maltreatment and neglect that you recieve. You want to remain hopeful that this is just a rough patch, and as you get more acclimated to the company you won’t feel this way, they won’t treat you this way.
You wake up at 5:30 to face the day. 30 minute shower, a five step skin routine, and light makeup routine. You were told to always look your best when first hired. Vought has an image to maintain, and their employees should reflect that ( which only really applies to female employees).
While in the shower, you contemplate your life. You’re proud of yourself and what you have accomplished so far, but sticking to the Vought job is insane. It’s insane because you have a crush on your boss. Arguably the most famous and powerful man in America, or even the entire world. You know he's not a good person, but you wouldn’t mind being at his beck and call. God, it was pathetic how you imagine him grunting in your ear for you to take it. You try to move past these thoughts for the betterment of your life.
You are the first to arrive to the meeting room. You set up your space, placing your laptop, a notebook with strawberry pattern on it, and your matcha latte with soymilk.
As the supes settle in, you get ready to write. This week’s meeting was about searching for another member of the seven, or to speak truthfully, find a new black noir. You are clueless to how The Seven found itself without a Black Noir, but you know it is in your best interest to never ask questions. Of course, like the queen of England, Homelander is the last to arrive. Homelander strides in greeting everyone.
“ Mmm can’t wait for the bullshit we talk about today,” He rolls his eyes. You notice his tone even more irritated today. Homelander walks over to the front of the table and sits. Everyone waits for him to speak, for him to start the meeting. As you write the date on the top of your paper, you hear him clear his throat.
As you look up, he says your name. How does he even know your name? He couldn’t give less of a shit at anyone at this table, especially you.
“Can I speak to you at the end of the meeting? Alone of course. We wouldn’t want any of these morons listening in”
“ Oh. Yeah, of course!” You stutter a bit. You give him a small smile. He gives you his signature fake smile back. You know that look all too well. You recognize that that look is basically the middle finger. That highly calculated smile hides the disgust he feels for everyone around him at any given time. All the while, you are caught off guard by his words. Being alone in a room with any man would make you anxious, but being the only woman in the room with Homelander makes you nauseous. To say you are absolutely mortified would be an understatement.
Everyone in the room gives you a side eye. Ashley looks like she might pull out a gun and shoot you. She knows she’ll never hear the end of it. After all, she did hire you.
The rest of the meeting goes as smoothly as it could. Some dumb remarks were made by The Deep, but it could have been worse. You didn’t pay much attention during this meeting, as you were in your head about what this private session with Homelander would entail. Homelander senses your heartrate going up. He can practically hear the blood rushing through your veins. His hand quietly goes to grab and rub his bulge. He thinks of you on your knees, him grabbing your hair as you rub your face against his crotch with your hands on his thighs, looking up at him with adoration in your eyes. He brings his hands up and bangs the table.
“ Ok, I think we’re all done here,’’ He gives instructions to the Deep and Ashley to scout for the new Black Noir while A-Train shoots his movie. You write the details of the meeting in your notebook.
Everyone gets out of their chair and leaves, Ashley gives you a death stare. You feel faint, and your legs try to gather courage to walk toward Homelander.
“ Shut the door behind you, will you buddy” Deep closes the door, and you two are left alone at last.
Homelander slowly strides toward you with his hands behind his back. Like a deer in headlights , you were paraylzed with fear, you could not move. He softly grabs your chin. He sees the fear in your eyes.
“ Hey, you’re not in trouble. I can see the hairs on your arm standing up. It’s fine. You’re not in trouble.” He reassures you, eliminating the worst case scenario your brain. You breath a breathe of relief. You look at Homelander’s boots, still afraid to look him in the eye.
He gives a slight chuckle. “ I’m not going to laser you, ya know. Um, actually I asked you to stay because I realized something.” He places his hands on your shoulders, you finally look up. He is towering over you. You can see the absence of his pores on his face. He truly is perfect, which makes his presence even more intoxicating. Your head feels dizzy from both the fear and his course fingertips on your shoulders.
“ You’ve been here for a good while. I know that you think that you’ve gone unnoticed. But trust that that could not be further from the case.” He sighed. “ To be quite honest with you sweetheart, you’ve been too much of a distraction around here. Your short little skirts are killing me.” Homelander laughs. He imagined his hands hiking up your skirt all of the time. He toys with your hair as you cannot believe that this is happening. His hands travel to your neck as you can smell the mintiness of his breath. He places soft sweet kisses on the tip of your ear as you let out a whimper.
“ I know you wanted me like this.  Ya think I don’t know why you try so hard? You want to get my attention. Think of this as a reward, yeah?” Your knees buck. The pit of desire in your stomach is getting bigger, and you're aching for more of his touch.
“ I need you to look at me” He says in his stern voice. “ And I need you to respond when I’m talking to you, kay? Sit on the table for me.”
You nod your head. A light tap of his hand kisses your left cheek.
“ Use your words, doll.” Homelander whispers and looks at you tentatively.
“oh okay” you stutter and stammer.
He impatiently unbuttons your shirt, practically tearing it open, and quickly undoing the claps of your pretty pink bra ( which you wore everyday, holding onto hope he would one day see it) clumsily breaking a clasp in the process.
“ I’ll get you a new one, its fine” Your mouth opens in a slight gasp.
His tender, soft, touch full of need finds the softness of your breasts, as he bends down to delicately pinch your nipples, hard, from the building's chill and the unfamiliar feel of his leather gloves. He bites his lips, resisting the urge to come right then and there. He lightly sets you on your back, legs dangling off the table. He looms over your view. The blonde man begins to suckle on your breast, massaging the other. His lips leave soft marks all over your tits as he rotates his hands and his lips.
“ Oh god, you feel so fucking good, sweetheart, your tits feel amazing” You let out a mewl as your pussy clenches. Filthy sounds of Homelander lapping at your tits and soft cries escaping your mouth fill the room. He lightly nibbles your nipple. In a fleeting moment of bravery, you give Homelander a request.
"Mmm want you inside"
“Not yet honey. Needa prep you first, know you can’t handle it right now. ” He unzips your skirt and throws it across the room. Your tights were thigh high, so he didn’t have to take them off like he would have liked. He looks almost animalistic as he crouches down to level with your cunt. He rubs his gloved hands up and down your bare thighs, as he inhaled the scent of your clothed pussy. You run your hands through his soft, blonde hair, thinking about how how heaven feels.
He murmurs into your pussy, “ you’re fucking soaked and i barely touched you”
His nose brushes with your clit. Catching wind of your squirming and quiet mumbles, Homelander purposely moves his nose in a circle while he maintains eye contact with you. A strong hold of his hands is on your hips, trying to contain the buildup of your pleasure. His rhythmic movement works your way toward an orgasm, and as you get higher and higher, almost reaching your peak, he moves away, toward your mouth, embracing your tongue, biting your lip softly, as your lips sloppily crashed into each other. He sat you back up as his arms moved up and down your back. Anger quickly left your body as quickly it came, you couldn’t be mad at his denial when you inhaled his fresh linen and sandalwood scent.
He breaks away from your lips .“I want you to cum on my cock, so im just gonna make you nice and wet for now, sound good?” You look into his of course that sounded good, but something felt off.
“ mmkay homelander” you mumble, feeling a bit odd and disconnected suddenly. You don’t want to call him that, his nose was in your pussy, his tongue all over your chest, it felt wrong to call him homelander. Sensing this, he does the unthinkable.
“ call me john” he mutters under his breath, almost inaudible. you grin at him.
“ mmkay john!” God. your squeal and positive attitude made his cock even harder, which he didn’t think possible. You relax a bit more, as this was a sign of him opening up.
He slowly wiggles you out of your panties, as you giggle. Leaving you fully naked, Homelander basks in the sight of you, ready and pliant for him. 
“ Yeah, what’s so funny” Homelander smiles at you. 
“ hmm. Dunno. You’re just so…” you trail off at the end of your sentence.
As you’re responding to his question, Homelander slips a finger inside you. You let out a cry, slightly rolling your head back.
“ Im so what sweetheart, finish your sentence” He grabs you by your neck, demanding a deep sloppy kiss, whilst adding another finger in your pussy, plunging deep in and out of your slick folds. He curls two fingers up,
‘So..mmph..good, feels good, john” 
“ Mmm yeah I know honey, I know ”  He coos, mockingly in between kisses. He worked his fingers until your breaths became ragged, squirming and quivering under his touch. 
“ You’re so fucking wet, baby” He grunts while you moan as John scissors his fingers in and out of your slick pussy. He moves his fingers, moving them into circles on your clit.
“Im gonna cum, please!” You plea for him to keep going, faster.
“ Ah ah ah, no i don’t think so. going do it on my dick remember?” He pulls his fingers out of your wet warmth, drags his tongue up and down his fingers.
He moans as he sucks on his own fingers, you look up at john with utter adoration.
“you taste so good mmph” Your tongues intertwine, lapping filthy at one another. He bits your earlobes while his hands lazily fidget with your nipples.
He then brings the bottom of his suit to his knees, cock swinging out. It’s egregiously thick. His length swollen and aching, leaking out precum from his pretty tip.
“ I’m going put my cock in now, ok sweetheart?” He seems to take it easy on you, as he doesn’t mention your mouth salivating at the sight of his dick.
“need it bad, been waiting for it”
“ Oh I know, i’ve seen the way you look at me” he laughs sinisterly.
He uses one of his arms to spread your thighs wider apart as his other hands supports you up, grasping the whole of your back. You smile up at him
He positions himself nearer to you, his cock at your entrance.
“ it’s gonna be a big stretch ok, need you to breath, if you need support, hold onto my shoulder.” he senses your lack of experience, or at least your naivety. you had never experienced anything like this, and you never would again, he would make sure of it.
you nod your head and look up. You’re already cock drunk, you trust him with your life. He reassures you with a kiss to your forehead.
Homelander bullies his length through your warm walls, gently and slowly. you let out a cry, both of pleasure and pain. you feel so good full, He groans into your mouth, as you moan into his.
“ ok honey, it’s going in”
“mmmphh John, so big..”
“does it hurt?” he stops in his tracks.
“a little, but not a lot” you say almost in a whisper.
“ok, ill keep going really slow, sweetheart”
He thrusts real slow, as he caresses your face. you lose feeling in your legs as he pounds softly into you. He finds him rhythm quickly as he maintains his pace. You hold onto his back as he moves his hands all over you.
“ God, your tight pussy clenching my cock feels so good sweet girl”
You smile and giggle.
“ My dick needs to be in your sweet cunt forever, sweet cunt, sweet girl” He growls into your ear.
“mm Keep going daddy!” you squeal, not knowing the damage you have done but uttering those words. Homelander feels like could come right then and there. A primal switch flipped in his brain.
Tears begin to swell in your eyes. “ I’m so so so sorry i didn’t mean to say that” Homelander sees your eyebrows furrow and your eyes widen.
His thrusts begin to pick up the pace, the perfect rhythm becomes sloppy, as your juices spill out of your thigh. His fat cock ever so slightly touches your cervix as you let out a soft sob.
“you don’t know what you do to me don’t you? Jesus, this pussy was molded for my cock” He grabs you by your knees and throws your legs over his shoulders. His dick twitches inside of you, signaling he’s about to cum, and you’re about to follow him.
“Say it again. Call me what you just called me” He annunciatesin a low voice.
“ Fuck, daddy feels good, want your cum” You feel free of all embarrassment and shame in that moment as you bask in euphoria.
“ That’s a good girl. Good girls get to cum. Good girls get filled up with daddy’s cum” Homelander never knew that this nickname did it for him. Hell, he was more of a mommy kind of guy, but he would do anything for you. Any word that came out of your mouth would make him hard, because it was you. But submitting yourself to him in this way, it did more than getting his dick up. He was disgusted by this feeling. What was it? Why did it feel so weird?
“ Oh god I’m gonna cum, gonna cum in you, give you babies oh god” He sloppily kisses your face, as fat blobs of sticky cum drip out of your cunt. He keeps his cock in your pussy, as he holds you with your face pressed to his chest.
“i need to come daddy” you stutter and shake under him.
He allows you to come and you swear you see stars. John smears his cum across your pussy, then he bends down to kiss in between your lips highs.
He helps you into your skirt and what’s left of the rest of your clothes. You smile at him, and he smiles back. A genuine smile.
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that got a little more emotional then i thought it was? idk should i make more of homelander x reader in mind? if you want to give feedback feel free to :) i’m doing this to be a better writer !
divider creds: @cafekitsune @bunnysrph @anitalenia
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lonniemachin · 6 months
I was asked to help share Maram's fundraiser. She is a young displaced Palestinian mother urgently raising money to evacuate she and her family from Gaza. She has only raised €225 out of her €30,000 goal so far! Please share and donate, and if you can't donate, please still share!
From Maram's GFM:
‏Hi, my name is Maram. I am 28 years old. I am a Palestinian from Gaza City.A mother for 3 kids. This is my husband, Ahmed, and my children are Habiba, four years old, kareem, two years old, and Mohammad, nine months old. ‏My family and I went through very difficult circumstances in Gaza after October 7th ‏
It’s painful to say that we lost everything. But yes
we did! We lost our beautiful homeland with all its memories, we lost our job, we lost our lives and our dreams. We evacuated our house with only a small bag of clothes before it was bombed and destroyed. So technically YES we have lost EVERYTHING, from the biggest to the smallest little detail.
We have been displaced 6 times. My children left our home for the first time and moved to another home, and then we moved with the family to another, less safe home. Then the army ordered us to flee to southern Gaza, so we fled to the ground, then we ended up fleeing to a small tent and sleeping on the sand. ‏
My family suffers from a lack of food, especially ‏the children. My child, Mohammed, who is 9 months old, ran out of breast milk due to malnutrition, and the price of infant formula has doubled. Kareem and Habiba saw the simplest thing that could be available to children, which is apples, so they screamed and cried, wanting an apple, but the price of one apple reached 10 dollars or more!! ‏In addition, there was also a lack of healthy drinking water, which caused them severe stomach pain and diseases such as hepatitis A.
‏Due to the conditions imposed by the occupation, the siege, and the lack of resources, it has become difficult for my family to provide the children with basic and simple needs, such as diapers. It is difficult to provide all the needs, and due to the poor quality of the types of diapers available, my children suffered from a skin problem ‏ My family also suffers from not having a bathroom or even a shower. We can only shower once a month using a bucket due to lack of water. There is no electricity or gas either. ‏Every morning, I wash my children's clothes in cold water and spread the clothes out in the open air. If there is food, it is cooked on firewood, which is completely unhealthy and tastes bad. Me and my husband shared a beautiful life together. Our home was always filled with love and laughter. My children are the most precious thing I have in my life. ‏ Our lives were once full of dreams and hopes, but the never-ending cycle of conflict in Gaza shattered those dreams. Now our only goal is to survive. ‏ While others dream of the future, we long for the past, remembering the life we once lived before the horrors of war tore it apart.
‏I have hesitated to ask for financial assistance for several months, but the reality is that life in Gaza has become impossible in the near future. With schools destroyed and opportunities disappearing, our only chance for a better life lies beyond these borders. ‏ My only hope is to save my little family and we need €30,000 to make it out of Gaza, to start a new life from scratch. It is very difficult to leave homeland, but we are forced To get out of Gaza. Your kindness can make a big difference to us. Your donation, no matter how small, will help us escape the constant fear and uncertainty that has plagued our lives for so long. If you're not able to donate, simply sharing our campaign with your friends, family and social networks can also have a huge impact. ‏Together, we can give my children the opportunity to grow up in a world free of the horrors of war. Your kindness will help us build a brighter future and restore hope to a family that has endured so much suffering. ‏ Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your sympathy and support! Your contributions will not only change our lives, but will also provide hope to countless people affected by similar circumstances.
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gallavichsreddie1128 · 6 months
Breastfeeding (Homelander)
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Homelander has an lactation kink so he obviously wants to suck the milk out of his wife’s breasts
-He watched as his wife breastfed their new baby. He watched in awe and anger as the baby sucked on her tit. That should be me, he thinks. His wife had no idea that he was obsessed with milk and had a lactation kink. So when she looked up to find him staring at her chest as their baby drank the milk she was confused. “You okay?” she asked. He shook his head and smiled. “Yeah, of course.” He lied and walked out of the room, no longer being able to hide his hard on. He constantly wore his suit, never taking it off and when he was hard it was the most obvious thing in the world.
-Y/N was very confused on why he would always stare at her chest while she was breastfeeding their baby. He wouldn’t ever say anything just stare at her. She couldn’t place the look in his eyes but if she had to guess he almost looked turned on? She shook her head think that was a crazy thought but then it happened again. 
-It was like every time she was breastfeeding he was in the room staring so she had to bring it up. “Hey John.” She said, walking in their shared bedroom. He looked over at her. “Yes?” She sighed and sat on the bed. He looked at her and waited for her to speak. “Every time I’m feeding Y/K/N you always stare at me, why?” She asked. Fuck, he thought. She was probably going to think he was a weirdo. “I uh-” “Are you turned on by my boobs being full of milk?” She asked before he could speak. “Would that be a problem if I was?” He asked. She shook her head. “No, but it would make sense.” She said to him. “Do you have any left?” He asked her, staring at her chest. “Tomorrow, I will let you suck on my tits.” She tells him. He nodded and she kissed him. “But tonight I can suck on something.” She said against his lips, making him smirk.
- The next night she sat on the bed as he came into the bedroom. He almost gasped at the sight. She was topless and her breasts were leaking. He was almost drooling. She patted the spot next to her and he almost ran to sit. He looked down at her chest and she smirked. “Have you ever sucked milk out of boobs before?” She asked, her hands reaching up and playing with his hair. He never did suck it out of breasts before. “No.” He shook his head, but he has had it before. “Have you had breast milk at all?” She asked. “Yeah.” He said. She nodded and thought of who he could have had it from. But that didn’t matter, not now. “Well now you can.” She told him and he licked his lips. He leaned in and latched on to a nipple. Her hands are still playing with his hair. She gasped feeling him softly suck on her tit. The milk leaked into his mouth as he drank it up. She let out a little moan at the sensitivity. His eyes almost rolled back as he tasted how good she was. He was harder than ever, this was the best thing that’s ever happened to him. He moved his body in between hers. “Is that good, baby?” She asked as he sucked. He hummed and nodded lazily against her. She closed her eyes and let him enjoy it. His hips started humping the bed making her open her eyes. She watched his clothed ass move up and down as he switched to her other boob. “Baby, you’re humping the bed.” She tells him. He didn’t care, not when he was drinking his wife’s milk. He was soon whining against her boob as she cooed at him. He came in his pants so hard and let out a whimper of her name. He stopped sucking on her boobs as she ran her hand through his hair. He calmed down and looked up at her. He looked fucked out and had a blissful smile. “That was awesome.” He said, causing her to giggle. “Yeah I bet.” She said. He got up and saw the wet spot on the bed and his pants. “Guess we need to change the sheets.” He said. 
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fizzyxcustard · 11 months
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Requested by anon and @skeleton-on-wheels0
Taken from: "Imagine that you find out Thorin is in love with you. But you accuse him of only wanting you because you’re the only woman in the Company and he’s desperate. You deeply offend him."
Again, I’m going to post this as a drabble as it’s fairly short, and I won’t tag anyone. 
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“I am in love with you,” Thorin said softly as he stood next to you in Beorn’s barn. The midnight moon shone upon his face, highlighting his silver blue eyes, making them sparkle like aquamarine stones. 
A shiver of anticipation raced down your spine at his revelation. Why on earth would Thorin ever feel something for you? Immediately your mind began rationalising his feelings, churning it all over in your mind. For a few seconds and you were silent. 
“And you do not feel the same?” Thorin asked sadly. “I knew it was best I keep my thoughts to myself.” 
“Thorin,” you whispered, placing your hand on his arm. “I…I know I’m the only woman in the Company and no doubt as a male, you’re going to have urges…”
“That is what you think?” he hissed. “You think this is all about me wanting to seduce you?” 
“Please, I didn’t mean it that way.” 
“Then how did you mean it? 
Something snapped within you, a sore pressure point that had been prodded many times over the years. A place where a deeply buried scar lay untouched, waiting for someone to inadvertently uncover it with their words. A flash of anger hit you full force in your head and chest. “You’re just desperate!” you shouted. 
With that, you turned around stormed away towards the back of the barn and slumped down on a bale of hay. Tears were falling down your cheeks now in quick procession which you rubbed away in frustration, only making your cheeks turn redder. 
Thorin sighed and grit his teeth, sensing that your words came from a place of pain. However, those words had also deeply pained him in return. Did you think so little of him? Trust so little? 
The next morning and the tension was still thick between you and Thorin. The whole of the Company, including Gandalf, all sat around a large table, drinking milk and eating honeycakes, specially made by the host himself.  However, Beorn announced gruffly that he had no more honeycakes for that morning’s meal, and you were the last person he was intending to serve. 
All the Dwarves, Bilbo and Gandalf looked on, their mouths full of food. Except Thorin. He was sat opposite you and immediately reached across to you and handed his cake to you. “Please, eat,” he said, offering you the cake and a sad smile. 
“I can’t take your breakfast,” you replied. 
“You can and you will,” Thorin said again, placing the cake on your plate. 
“Maybe we could split it?” 
Thorin didn’t respond, but instead kept his gaze locked on you as you broke the cake in half and then gave a portion back to him. 
After breakfast, you and Bilbo began filling the saddlebags of the ponies which Beorn was lending you. He had since made more honeycakes, enough to see all of you with food for a good couple of weeks. 
“May we have a moment, Master Baggins?” Thorin asked, suddenly appearing before you both. His eyes then moved to you, telling Bilbo that he wished to talk to you. 
“Oh, yes, sorry,” Bilbo said, flashing a nervous smile. 
“I wish to talk to you about last night. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable in any way. That was never my intention to do so. But what I told you is the truth, and it has nothing at all to do with you being the only female in this Company. I am quite appalled that you think I would pursue you without any real feelings being involved.” 
Your gaze locked with his and you began to speak. “It was unfair of me to say what I did, and I’m sorry. Very few men have ever shown any interest in me in such a way, and then I become a member of your Company and find that you, the rightful king of your homeland, somehow has fallen in love with me. It reads like a pathetic joke. Maybe once we get to Erebor and you see more women again you may…”
“No,” Thorin insisted. “Why do you think so low of yourself? Who has broken you to the point that you cannot accept a declaration of love? I’d hoped you had begun to trust me by now. It is clear you don’t.” 
“I do trust you. Implicitly.”
“Obviously not. You cannot trust that my words are true, and that they come from my heart. I love you for everything that you are, for the woman you are. Not because of some lack of choice.” 
The sadness in his eyes was so clear to see and it made a lump rise in your throat. To keep doubting his love and pushing him away would be wrong of you. It was obvious that Thorin was speaking truth. 
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sehtoast · 11 months
Forget Me Not (Homelander x Reader)
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1.4k words | gender neutral reader
Ask Prompt: HL x gn reader. Where hl loses his memory and runs away to another state where he meets the reader 🙏
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You were totally prepared to swing first and ask questions later. Of course, that was before you saw him. Standing there drinking from your milk carton at three in the morning, fridge light illuminating him against the darkness of your kitchen, was The Homelander himself
You hide the baseball bat before he turns to you, a droplet of milk dribbling down his chin. 
“You should really invest in whole milk,” he says, sloshing what little was left inside the carton. “Tastes way better.”
You could hardly believe the night had been real when you woke up the next morning.  But, sure enough, he was still there.
“So, how did I end up with The Homelander of all people in my house,” you’d asked nervously. Reality had finally set in and you both sat at the table to talk.
He looked at you like you had seven heads.
“What’s a ‘Homelander?’”
Yeah… That really did happen. If not for the fact he looked entirely serious with such a genuine curiosity in his tone, you’d have thought he was bullshitting you.
Somehow, some way, he’d lost his memory.  Ran away from wherever he was, showed up at your house out of all possible others.  He said it seemed more inviting, but he couldn’t quite explain why.  
You’d tried to explain to him how to find his way back to New York, how to find Vought Tower so that he could go home and get some help, but he seemed too afraid to leave.
“What if I get lost?”  He’d asked, eyes twinkling with nervous energy.  “You said it’s north-east, but aren't there a lot of things north-east? What if I get the wrong place?”
You don’t know what possessed you, but you decided to let him stay.  Let him borrow some spare clothes that made him look much less… well, like a superhero.  You’re sure Vought would come looking for him eventually, so you might as well keep him safe and sound, right?
After helping him out of that suit, you can’t help but wonder if all super suits are total death traps.  If most heroes are padded up to look larger than life, but are really just plain as can be underneath.
Before he falls asleep in your spare room, he tells you the one thing he can remember.
“My name’s John…”
The next day, he follows you around everywhere.  You work remotely from home, and he sits next to you on the couch while you do.  The TV plays in the background while you cycle through tasks and emails, but his attention seems fixed on you entirely.  The clickety-clack of your keyboard fascinates him and he ends up curious as to how you type so fast, what you’re doing, what your code inputs mean.
He’s an interesting fella, curious by nature to the point he’s a total snoop.  You catch him in your bedroom on the third day, fingers trailing over your blankets as his gaze pans around the whole room.  It seems innocent enough, and he’s given you no reason to feel he’s out to hurt you.
When you ask him what he’s up to, he just shrugs, saying something… interesting.
“I wish I would've had a nice room when I was little…”
It conflicts with what you know to be true about him, but also makes you wonder if he’s starting to remember things.  You ask him to elaborate, but he can’t.  He presses his palm to his forehead as if he’s in pain and just shakes his head.  
“I don’t know. I just know I didn’t…”  He trails off, and you’re there to press a soothing touch to his shoulder.
You tell him not to worry too much.
You take him out grocery shopping one day.  He’s like a fish out of water.
He doesn’t know the first thing about navigating a store and doesn’t do much more than follow you like a lost puppy.  Hell, at the end, he doesn’t even know how to help the cashier with bagging.
He is, however, incredibly helpful when it comes to bringing everything in.  He is quite literally the one trip wonder, dangling every single bag from his arms and walking in as though they weigh nothing.
You could get used to that.
You cook a proper dinner that night and he helps.  Well, ‘help’ is a strong word.  More like he watches and hands you the occasional ingredient.
You’re fascinated by him.  He seems oblivious to normal living skills, but a part of him seems to genuinely want to learn them.  More than that, he seems so… peaceful.  You recall his recent erratic behaviors in the public eye, his meltdown on his birthday, his snippiness with interviewers…
But he seems so much less tense now.  Maybe it was the memory loss.  Maybe he just likes the quiet.  Who knows?
What you do know is, by the second week, you hope he never leaves.  You’re almost praying that his memory never returns despite knowing that's selfish.
It’s nice to share your space with someone.  It’s nice to have him around.
He’s sweet despite his dramatics.  Helpful and eager.  He’s company, and it’s been… a very long time since you’ve felt like you weren’t alone.  You didn’t quite live in bumfuck nowhere, but it was close enough that he was a blessing.
Your heart sinks on the day he comes downstairs wearing his suit.
He looks at you with those big blue eyes, but within them is a sadness. 
There is recognition floating around in there, swirling with that determined fire that you’ve seen on so many screens before. Yet he still looks so melancholy.
You offer him his morning coffee, a shared routine between you both for the past two months, and he sips at it quietly.
He used to hate it, but now..?
“Are you going back?” You ask after some time, not daring to meet his eyes.
Your heart sinks when he tells you he is.
“I’ll miss you…”
He struggles to reciprocate the words properly, but… he leaves you with a tight hug before his departure.
You don’t know why you cry so hard when he goes.  No, no…
That’s a lie.  You do know.
You miss him terribly.  
You miss him for days, for weeks.  
You watch the celebrations for his return.  You touch the screen of your laptop, wishing he was still at your side, still peering over your shoulder, still riding alongside you in your car.
But he isn’t.
And you don’t think he ever will be again.
You learn to breathe again after some time.  You feel good enough to crawl out of bed, collected enough to clean up the house a little.  You fall into your hobbies again, but nothing feels right.
It’s all just… dull.
And you hate that you know why.
You hate that you pray every night to hear your fridge door shutting, to hear the clinking of glass in your cabinets, to hear him step on that creaky floorboard on the steps.
But you don’t.
You don’t hear any of it.
Eventually you just stop listening.
Which means you don’t hear what slips through your window.  There are no footsteps, no creaks or cracks.  You don’t hear his nervous breaths.
You only feel when he lowers himself onto the other side of your bed.  You about jump out of your skin, ready to reach for the bat by your nightstand until you realize just who has come to see you.
You throw yourself at him entirely, hugging him tight, arms and legs wrapping around him to squeeze and squeeze and never let go.  He holds you close, nuzzling into your neck.
He tells you how much he’s missed you.  That he misses the quiet of your life together, that it was the nicest thing to happen to him in… well, his whole life, really.  He thanks you for taking care of him, tells you he wants to do the same for you.
Over the next few days, you have a visitor every night.
Within a few weeks, he kisses you for the first time.
After six months, you are a resident of Vought Tower, living with him in his penthouse.
He is different in this environment.  More demanding, more intense, but not to you. 
When he comes back, when he comes home, he falls into your arms much like you did the night he came back to you.  He leaves his burdens at the door, safe and sound with you.
The peace didn’t necessarily come from losing his memory. It didn’t come from the solitude of your old home, nor the routine of domesticity.
It came from you.
He found his peace with you.
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nztsume · 1 month
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• waiting for the big twenty-five •
homelander x you
{“Only one more year till the big 25. Aren’t you excited?”
This piqued at his curiosity. “What’s the big 25?”
“It’s when your brain finishes developing.”, you replied, remembering the information from back in the day, when you were still trying to get your Psychology’s degree. “Your frontal cortex- the one in charge of your personality and all- it stops growing at around 25 years old.}
Even if you’re just kind of a glorified baby-sitter, you just want to see him happy - instead, you accidentally make him worse.
read on ao3
Hi yall!!! The voices won and I finally ended up starting to write the young homelander fic of my dreams where we find out how he ended up being the deranged insecure insane man we know and love!!
In this one, you're Madelyn Stilwell's niece who works at Vought- and have striken an unexpected soft spot for the company’s latest investment- this insecure, shy but sweet young hero called Homelander.
• 1 •
July, 2005
Every single day, at exactly 5.30 a.m., Homelander was to be awoken by the smell of coffee on his kitchen table. The coffee had to be fresh, beans grinded that same morning, no sugar, no milk, no exceptions. To accompany it, he was to have his pills: two of creatin– for muscle growth, three of protein- to feed them, a weight gainer– so he would stop being so lanky, and an extra dose of vitamin D, to fight those pesky pimples guys his age still got sometimes. All of them should be in a small container, so he could swallow them at once with his first gulp.
Next to his coffee and his pills, he was to have a folder with any relevant document for the day- interviewer’s questions and the answers he was to give, profiles of important people he would meet, scripts for any ad he was to film. All of that, including his schedule for the day- except that was to be read to him by you. This is how Maddie had told you it had to be done, and how you’d done it since day one.
You looked at your wrist watch, holding his coffee on your hand- piping hot, just how you knew he liked it-  and you yawned, watching the thinnest clock hand go round it, as the last minute before you could walk into his apartment went by. 
Finally, it was 5.25, and you could already walk in- so you did. 
You weren’t exactly his maid- he had several of those, but none of them were to do anything to his apartment whenever he was around. He wasn’t to have much contact with the normal civilians, the normies- as Maddie called them. You preferred to reserve your opinions at that- your aunt had changed a lot since she had started working here. 
What you were was Maddie’s secretary- and Maddie was Mr. Edgar’s secretary- or something. There was a fancier title for that, but you couldn’t recall it. All you knew was that she was aiming for vice-CEO or something, as it was the only thing she talked about whenever she dragged you to a bar after office hours, and insisted on drinking glass after glass of whisky.
As you finished setting things up, you appreciated the result- his cup of coffee, his pills, his documents and ah, a special surprise. One big, obscene chocolate cupcake, the kind where the chocolate topping is so rich that it spills and drips all over, with one beautiful strawberry on top, and next to it, one single candle. You weren’t sure if chocolate was his favorite, but you knew he had a bit of a sweet tooth- so he’d appreciate it, at least some. 
Finally, you took out your red lighter and lit the candle- and less than twenty seconds later, you looked up- and there he was. 
"Good morning, John.”, you put the lighter back on your blazer’s pocket, smiling at him. 
He blinked- eyes still not fully alert, as he scratched them. They were boring holes into the chocolate cupcake, and you couldn’t help to smirk a little- you knew he’d be interested in it. 
“Is that for me?”, he asked, surprised, almost like a child- and you laughed. Ever since you’d met him, about five or six months ago now, you’d felt like he was younger than his actual age- there was something about the way he stood in the middle of his own massive penthouse, like a kid lost in a big, elegant furniture showroom. Alone, quiet and shy, even when wearing his own super suit. It didn’t help that it was actually way too big for one person, with its tall, tall roofs, marble everything and sleek furniture- much less for an overworked twenty-something with no time for a social life.  
“Of course.”, you assured him. “It’s your birthday after all, right? Happy 24th!”
He pressed his lips awkwardly, trying to contain a smile- but that didn’t work, as he let out a laugh, and finally came to the kitchen island, almost a skip on his step. You couldn’t help to be glad- finally this kid was getting some happiness in him.
“Yeah, yeah, you’re welcome.”, you said, sarcastically, as he went to town on the cupcake, taking big bites out of it. He stopped for a second mid-bite, mouth full of chocolate, to look at you with a smile- and there was a gleeful glint in his eyes. Actually, that was enough of a thank for you. Anything that made that perpetual sadness that he always seemed to hold go away, even for just a few minutes, was worth it. You laughed at him. “Okay- just go for it. But don’t forget your pills!” 
“I can’t believe it- this tastes so good!”, he finally said, after taking another bite- in less than thirty seconds he had eaten half of it. Unbelievable! “Best birthday gift ever!”
“Oh- shush.”, you crossed your arms, leaning back against the counter, watching him take a big gulp of coffee. “Just wait until you see what Maddie has gotten you- it’ll blow your mind.”
“I don’t think it’ll be better than having chocolate as breakfast.”- he set the last bite of the cupcake aside, finally taking the pill container, and eyeing them with disgust. You sighed- perhaps if they let the kid eat his breakfast he wouldn’t need those nasty pills- it wasn’t like he wasn’t going to burn it off in the training center literally thirty minutes later. You didn���t know much about supe genetics, but they couldn’t be too different from normal people’s, right?
You yawned again, this time covering your mouth to the side, as you let him have the rest of the cupcake and his coffee. You liked to give him some minutes of silence so he could enjoy it properly- you knew that that’s how you liked it when you had yours.
This morning in particular, you just wished you had gotten to drink your coffee alone- but your fiance was just arriving from a shift at the E.R., and you had to deal with his graphic description of a dick that had been cut in half by a broken wine glass. You were still trying to forget about it. At least you lived close enough to Vought- just a ten minute subway trip away - so you didn’t have to wake up much earlier than that. It was just lucky you knew how to do your make-up on the move, another time-saving skill you’d learnt in your college years. 
You heard him drinking the last of his coffee- doing that big slurp noise he always did, and you finally decided to take the document with his schedule- ready to tell him about his day. 
He was tired -he always was, but today he seemed particularly so, even behind the hint of a smile the cupcake had left him with. You could tell by his posture under those cheesy button up burgundy silk pajamas, shoulders too slumped, hips rested against the counter. You weren’t surprised- according to Maddie, ever since they’d debuted him close to two years ago to the public, he’d been worked non-stop. It was only time until he broke, you thought- but you could never say it to her. Your aunt had always been too good at pushing people further than they could reach, and too good at seeing only ahead of her; John was just another one of her subjects. 
“Alright”, you finally said, seeing the subtle move of his shoulders straightening at your voice, “Ready to hear about your day, birthday boy?”
He groaned in response, the hint of his smile completely being wiped away, “I guess…”
You pressed a smile for him, but mentally frowned reading over his schedule- he was packed, of course. “What’s that? Not excited about being 24?”, they’d even put an interview right after his birthday celebration- his 1 hour long birthday celebration. They as in Maddie and Mr. Edgar. “Only one more year till the big 25. Aren’t you excited?”
This piqued at his curiosity. “What’s the big 25?”
“It’s when your brain finishes developing.”, you replied, remembering the information from back in the day, when you were still trying to get your Psychology’s degree. “Your frontal cortex- the one in charge of your personality and all- it stops growing at around 25 years old. So you get only one more year of acting like a dumbass without people holding it against you.”, you added that last one joke to make him laugh- it worked. He wasn’t used to people throwing curse words around him. “Congrats!” 
“Just one more year, huh?”, he said, more seriously than you expected. “That’s kind of sad.”
“No way- it’s great.” you shook your head, “After 25… it’s like your brain rewires. You’re not embarrassed anymore, you get some self-esteem back from when you were a kid.”, you couldn’t help but smile to yourself, remembering how stupidly shy you were back when you were his age. It wasn’t that long ago, really, just four years- but it felt like another lifetime, somehow. “10 out of 10, if you ask me. Anyway–”, you gave one more sigh, before turning your attention back to him, “Let me tell you about your day. So- it officially starts at 9.10 where you- oh. I didn’t know this. You’re getting a new suit!”
His eyebrows rose, “I thought that wasn’t until September.” 
“Hmm, maybe they wanted to launch it at today’s park inauguration for your birthday- which is at around 11.30, by the way. So you get your suit fitted and all, then it’s an one hour drive, and then the inauguration. After that, lunch, and after…”, she frowned. “You have to have tea with- with Margaret Pataki and her friends ...?” , no way they were making the kid spend his birthday with a bunch of rich old ladies that wanted to get in his pants. You couldn’t believe Maddie. What in the world could have they offered your aunt to get the privilege of The Homelander’ s time on his birthday? Unbelievable.  You huffed. “Well… too bad you have your weekly marketing meeting. You’ll have to miss it.”
“I thought that wasn’t until Thursday.”, he frowned, but there was a hint of relief behind his confusion. 
“It’s not-”, you shot a look at him, “But you should get to rest for a couple hours on your birthday, don’t ya?”, you winked at him- and then moved on, before he could protest any further. Better not to think about it too much, or you’d get extremely mad at your aunt. “And then… your birthday celebration!”
“You’re coming, right?”
You looked up from the paper, surprised at his sudden intensity as he cut you off. You found those crystal blue eyes boring at you- like you were another cupcake, expectating of your reply.
“ ‘Course.”, you simply smiled- surprisingly secretly pleased. You liked him- he was a nice guy, behind all the pizzazz that Vought put him through in front of the cameras. Perhaps too nice, in your opinion- there was some trauma somewhere in there, you could tell. But you didn’t weren’t close enough to him to recommend therapy or something, although you had suggested it to Maddie… who obviously shrieked at the thought of their golden child going to the shrink. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world, Johnny.” 
“Thank god-”, he sighed, rolling his eyes in sass, “If I have to deal with Stan or Madelyn or any of the other old farts there by myself, I’ll laser my own foot.” 
This made you laugh. It always surprised you whenever he showed a bit of bite, as it seemed like whenever he was with Maddie or Edgar, he seemed like the best behaved pupil in the boarding school- and whenever he was in front of the public, he was an absolute boy-scout. “Oh- come on. I’m sure Noir’s gonna be there too. I’m not your only friend here, you know?” She hoped so, at least. John seemed to like Black Noir, although his presence in the Vought building was far and apart, since they hadn’t officially re-debuted him under the company’s name yet.
He shot you one last skeptical look before taking the folder with the rest of the documents- this was your dismissal, and you took it. It was ten to six, and he had to be in the training center soon. 
“Anyway- I’ll take my leave. Maddie’s probably sent me my tasks for the day already.”, you heard a low distracted hum coming from him, already walking to the door. Before you left, you peeked at him one last time, before saying: “Happy birthday.”
He looked up just as you waved, and there was a hint of a smile in his face- good. You smiled back, and finally, slammed the door closed.
When you worked at Vought- more specifically, in their superhero division, every single day felt like standing in the middle of the sea during a storm- wave after wave of issues and tasks coming at you, suffocating you at times. Truth be told, you weren’t supposed to be working there- you were far too unqualified, both emotionally and academically. 
When your aunt Maddie had found out about your mother’s disease, she, of course, had refused to help her. She had always been resentful at how resentful your mom had been of her, at how she had chosen a professional life path while your mom chose to have you at just seventeen, dropping out of school to form a family. Just your average sisters’ feud, splashed with just a bit of new wave feminism and abandonment issues. However, knowing you had dropped out of college, Maddie was kind enough to offer you a job in her workplace- none other than Vought Enterprises. Big shot shit. 
She had told you that she wouldn’t make any promises, she wouldn’t work with you, and she wouldn’t slide you in with the big supes, where she worked. She had hustled her ass off to be where she was- she wouldn’t let your wormy little self run on the path she had so laboriously paved. You were okay with that- any corporation job would pay more than what you were doing in the dingy bar downtown where you’d been working since you dropped off college. Besides, you knew your aunt had never been all there- the love-hate she always showed you wasn’t personal, it was just a thing she did.
It didn’t help that you weren’t even more than seven years younger than her, so a lot of your childhood memories involved playing with her teen self. She was more a cousin than an aunt, to be fair. So there were a lot of things you could easily let slide- her insane mood swings was one of them. You knew she meant well- behind all of her power plays and degradation.
Either way, that didn’t end up happening- you working for a less important division, like pharmacy. As soon as she suggested Mr. Edgar to give you a job he was into the idea- he liked to keep things between family. And in hindsight, it was understandable. The things that happened behind the scenes for supes weren’t half as glamorous or exciting as they seemed to be on camera.
This morning had been particularly busy, the waves of work slowly turning into a tsunami, as Homelander’s birthday was a top priority for the entire department. He was the star, after all- had been for almost three years now. He was Vought’s face and voice, their personality. The bright eyed, all-american, charming, strongest to ever exist superhero. America turned into the shape of a man. Everything they’d ever dreamed, they were training into this twenty-something-year-old. Any excuse to celebrate him was good enough for them- because it was as if they were celebrating Vought itself.
That’s why you’d been running all over New York the entire morning. The tailor had managed to mismeasure John’s shoulders, somehow, and they needed two more of the handmade eagle feather golden shapes that went… well, you didn’t know where they went. You had only gotten the gist of it, along with a brown envelope to take to the goldsmith- any goldsmith that would get them done before 11.30 a.m., when Homelander was supposed to debut his new suit to the world, to mark a new era or something.
Luckily, it was 11 sharp as you ran through Vought’s main hall’s doors, and 11.04 as you knocked the costume division’s door on the 45th floor. You were breathless, knowing that he had to be on the other side of the city, to Fort Lee in less than half an hour- although seeing how tight they were, he was probably going to fly to the inauguration. The city council had granted him his very own children’s park after he’d saved a school bus from sinking into the Hudson a month ago, and they had chosen to inaugurate it the very day of his birthday. As if he had nothing else to do on that day.
Maddie opened the door, blonde waves all over the place, breath ragged. You knew the signs, she had been yelling at someone- and you were lucky it wasn’t you. You saw a flash of dark blue somewhere in the background and you knew it was John- and your curiosity was piqued. Would the new suit be too different? At least it seemed they’d keep his colors. 
“Where are they?”, your aunt demanded.
Wordlessly, you took out a fancy necklace case out of the bag you were holding, “I had to find a different place- our goldsmith was taking too long to decide whether he could do them or in time or not.”, you explained, as she snatched it off your hands and opened to inspect them. While she did that, you subtly went on your tippy-toes, trying to catch the new suit without her knowing. “I think they look just like the mold-so…” 
“Perfect.”, she concluded, slamming it closed, and she took one look at you, with those severe eyes of hers. “Go to the 72th. They need help with the party.” 
After that, she slammed the door on your face. Oh well- you’d see it later, hopefully. 
The 72th was a mess- as it always was, since it was the floor where most Vought only parties were held, the ones no outsiders should know about. Before, you would have thought that that meant something sexual- perhaps some sort of massive over the top superhero and congressmen orgy, the kind conspiracy theorists would talk about- but soon you found out it was not the case. Rather- it was the kind of party where millionaires would get drunk and discuss whether bombing another South Asian country would make them profits or not. You didn’t know which of the two types of parties were worse.
This time, though, at least the purpose of the preparations was much more innocent- just a small party for every person in Homelander’s life to celebrate him and his birthday. It was kind of impressive so many people showed up, in your opinion. It was the 4th of July, after all- most everyone would choose to celebrate it with their families at the park- or even just watch the fireworks from their TV at home. Instead, about twenty or more people were there, running around with you- decorating, inflating balloons, making every cookie in the dish look beautiful and photogenic. All for him- everyone wanted him to be pleased. You were sure that as long as he was allowed to eat enough of them, he’d be just as happy. 
One thing you ended up noticing about the attendees was the variety, or more like, the lack of thereof. Most people there were some of Vought’s scientists, the ones you only knew of by their pictures on the Vought’s Best wall. You wondered what they had to do with Homelander, or if they were there just for protocol. Maybe these were the kind of people Edgar wanted him to surround himself with. Important people- people who did good for humanity. 
And no, no Black Noir to be found.
Interestingly enough, even they were helping with the organization. Perhaps they were close, you wouldn’t know. You didn’t know much about John’s past aside from what you’d figured out by yourself- and what the public knew. 
Either way, he was about to arrive, and you were to get Maddie’s gift ready for him. The box was a bit too big for it- but it needed the space, you guessed. You just wondered if the box was necessary at all. 
Somebody heard the elevator sound starting to ding up- and began shushing everyone, as they started crowding around the room, hiding the big table with the cake and different foods that they had set up in the middle of the room behind them. You, of course, didn’t want to steal any spotlight from someone who could actually be important to him, so you placed yourself to the side, excited for him to arrive. You knew he was going to love this; he loved attention- even affection, as much as he tried to hide it.
The elevator finally dinged on their floor, and the doors opened, and-...
“Happy birthday!”, everyone shouted- only for Maddie to come out, her heels clicking as she saw on her that particular face she made when she scolded someone- her words drowned by their scream. Everyone made a confused noise- wasn’t it supposed to be…?
Then- a massive spot of blue walked in- a young man with wide shoulders, an unhesitant stroll and perfectly coiffed blonde hair- clad in an imposing red and blue suit. Homelander.
You began singing Happy Birthday- loudly, completely drowning everyone’s confusion and whatever Maddie was nagging the young supe about- and everyone was super quick to join. And you had the pleasure to see John’s face go from a slight frown to a bright expression- as everyone sang for him- claps and even stomps to go with it. 
But… there was something off in his smile as he started recognizing the faces around him. You saw his eyes go through every person in the room with a strange restraint- like he was holding back something. Then- they fell on you, and they stayed there, somehow, it seemed that it made that off feeling fade off. You clapped and sang more excitedly.
“Happy birthday, dear… John-Homelan-Johnny !”, everyone laughed, as nobody quite knew how to address him, “Happy birthday to you!” 
You saw him laugh- eyes looking around in surprise at the decorations. Everything was red, white and blue- with lots of golden details, that had been your touch. They were the expensive kind, but anyone could tell they weren’t set by professionals. You thought it added a homey touch that he’d enjoy- and he did, as he quite didn’t know what to do with himself, with his hands, as everyone clapped and whistled for him. 
“Oh-!”, he finally said, “Thank you- thank you, guys!”, he was trying to play it cool, calming them awkwardly. 
After that, the short event officially started. The attendees started mingling amongst each other, coming up in groups at times to talk to John, who seemed more interested on whatever was going on on the food table. You had caught him eyeing it from time to time whenever he was left alone for a second or two, as if he was deciding whether he could have a treat or not .
Meanwhile, you were busy guarding Maddie’s gift- which was secretly the only reason you were here at all. Not by your own volition, of course- you’d obviously come to John’s party if it was up to you. But… somehow, you felt that without your aunt’s express invitation it would have created problems for you. Sometimes it felt like Maddie got insanely possessive of the kid- as if anyone could come and snatch him away from under her management and steal her progress doing that. You didn’t quite know- all you really knew is that whenever you made a small observation, offered a small detail you’d noticed about him, she responded incredibly bad.
It wasn’t too bad, though. At least you were saving yourself from awkward conversations with strangers- plus, sometimes John caught your eyes and smiled at you. He had even tried to make his way to you a couple times, always interrupted by a new group of people who called for his attention.
He looked good in his new suit, you had to admit. A far cry from the leotardish one-piece he had before- that only worked to accentuate his still teensy physique, still too skinny and lanky for what he was supposed to be Edgar’s final vision of him- this new suit was magnificent. It looked like it was a two piece, for once- which he was probably thankful for- held by a strong golden (gold?) belt, and a high collar, covering just enough of his neck to draw attention to the slight v line it formed. He had some padding, she knew that- but it was just enough, not to transform his actual size, but to accentuate it. He looked more mature, more secure in his skin, and it showed - even if just a little bit.
Either way, you could hear her gift getting more and more agitated by the minute- so it was a relief when you heard her voice loud, commanding everyone’s attention.
“Let’s open your gifts, John.” Maddie said, coming up from behind and slapping a hand on his shoulder, making him jump a little. 
The party moved to the gifts table, where a small pile laid. You dutifully took the box you’d been guarding on the corner of the room and started walking it by it with a bit of difficulty, mostly because it kept moving all over the surface- but also because it was making your nose itch.
By the time you had gotten there, John had already started opening some of his gifts. Someone got him an insanely expensive wine you knew he wasn’t even going to try, and someone else a piece of pottery. It was hard to make someone like him a gift- what could you even get someone who could have anything? Not that John ever asked for anything, though. But he could- and everyone was aware of that. Vought made sure they were.
As soon as Maddie saw you with the box, she took it from your hands and walked up to him- and the second he turned to it, his face illuminated. 
“A dog?!”, he took it from her almost immediately, sitting on the floor with it on his lap- hands fighting to open the wrapping as soon as he was settled. 
“Oh John!”, Maddie scoffed, annoyed, “You spoiled it for everyone else!”
He didn’t seem to hear her though- entranced on the unwrapping, and you couldn’t help to hold your hands together on your chest, excited with anticipation. You were sure he was going to love it.
And as soon as the little guy jumped from inside the box- you know he did.
“Oh, lord!”, he exclaimed, as the small dog started barking and twisting in his grasp- as excited to see him as he was, its tiny tail wagging so hard it was moving its entire little body with it. “Oh, my god!”
The dog, a small Jack Russel with a big, brown spot over one of his eyes, barked excitedly, and you were sure you could see John’s eyes shining with tears, sat on the floor while everyone else aww’d at them. You could tell that- for once- he had forgotten about the people around him, as he let the puppy jump on his legs, on his chest, licking his face, sat back on his hands, as if he was stopping himself from squeezing the little thing. He was happy, so happy , and the dog was too.
“I can’t believe it!”, he gasped, again, as he finally decided he needed to pet it, getting rid of the thick gloves that his new suit had, grabbing it with both hands. The puppy barked at him, tongue out, and a laugh escaped from his mouth. “You’re the cutest thing I’ve seen in my life !”
The puppy wriggled its way out of his grasp, and jumped at his face again, licking him- and everyone aww’d once again and clapped. You finally unglued your eyes from the adorable scene to your aunt- and she looked incredibly pleased with herself. You would be too, this was probably the first time you’ve seen him actively elated.
Suddenly, she was startled by something- and you saw her hand going to her blazer’s pocket, picking her cellphone in a second. As she walked away with it, you took a step closer to him- and he turned to you.
“Did you know about this!?”, he asked, incredulous, fighting against the dog’s excited licks, “I can’t believe it!”
You couldn’t help the smile on your lips as you saw him. “Obviously. I went to pick him with her!” you crossed your arms over your chest- still remembering the horrors of the testing lab you’d gone get the poor dog from. It had been a month ago, and the dog had stayed with Maddie until now, “He was not the youngest puppy in the uh- adoption center but…”
“Shush, he’s perfect.”, he interrupted you, holding it to his chest, and turning to you, “What’s his name?”
“I’m not sure actually-”, you turned towards where your aunt had left- and you saw her smiling into the phone, a small skip on her step- and you knew that body language. She was sucking up to someone on the other end of the line. “We could ask Maddie if she named him when she comes back.”
But as you said that, Maddie actually came back- almost running in the short steps her heels allowed.
“Let's get this over with”, she whispered to you, as she walked by you taking over the center of the small round that Had formed around him, “Hey, everyone! Let's cut the cake!”
Everyone agreed happily- but you frowned, running to follow her as she went to the food table, already starting to make space for it. You knew that this was supposed to come at the end of the party, but not even half an hour had gone by yet- what was she doing?
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw John's eyes shoot from you to her to Edgar, as he as well tried to figure out what was going on.
“Seems like his birthday interview got delayed a couple hours”, she whispered to you excitedly, almost like a secret, “Guess who'll get to make up for his fatal mistake of not seeing Mrs. Pataki and her friends!”
A sense of disgust immediately took over your stomach, as you realized why she was so happy. She was making John spend time with those women after all- she was going to get him to butter them up for Vought On his own fucking birthday. 
“Go help with the cake.”
You felt sick.
Behind you, you heard John approach and Madelyn’s arm immediately shoot to get a hold of his forearm and guide him to the center of the table, the dog still in his arms.
Suddenly, a lot of things started happening simultaneously. Edgar was on the scene now, - a cameraman that you’d seen wandering about the event next to him - finally caring about this party at all, as he seemed to be giving him directions about how to encapsulate the happy event. 
Maddie, on the other hand, stood next to Homelander- whose eyes seemed far, as he heard whatever she was telling him, his lips pressing in some sort of emotion you didn’t have time to figure out, eyes looking far away from the scene unfolding. You got closer, as you started fixing the cake decorations, and got to hear some of it.
“And you'll show off your fucking new suit and tell her ‘ You like it, Margie?’ like she's the woman of your dreams, okay? She needs to go home and tell Pataki that Vought's doing great things while she considers divorcing his ass. You need to make up for the time you made her lose, John.” she was instructing right next to his ear, and he seemed more out of it by the second, “You'll be so fucking sorry to her she won't doubt for a second that you made a honest mistake with your schedule.” 
People started gathering as well- their loud chatter surrounding them like a massive beehive, buzzing so close to the table it was even starting to make you dizzy and desperate, as you fought to make one of the star decorations stay up. One of the scientists came up to you with a lighter, offering to turn the single candle on and you nodded, mindlessly as your focus kept shifting to him, and the way his gaze dissociated more and more- and you were actually worried now. You’d never seen him like this, not this badly. 
“Homelander!”, Edgar called, his serious nasal voice adding a new layer to the buzz, just like the scientist's lighter he couldn't get lit on. “Move one step to the left and turn a little, the lighting's bad there!”
“Seriously - apologize like a fucking dog, you hear?”
“Fuck”, you cursed under your breath- snatching the lighter yourself and trying- getting to turn on.
The camera started snapping- and it added another layer. A group laughed loudly in the background. Edgar kept giving needless instruction. The dog started wriggling, running out of his grasp. Madelyn kept barking into his ear.
“You'll lick her feet- and…”
And you could almost hear it before it happened. 
“Madelyn, I fucking GET it !”
The loud high sound- the sound his lasers made.
The crowd gasped, shocked- but more importantly, the dog started fucking screaming in pain.
“Oh- no!”
Someone screamed- and all hell broke loose. John ran from the table to the side- where his laser had left a dark, charred line that ended with… with the poor puppy laying on the floor, bleeding and crying. You ran after him.
“Oh no- no, no, no, no…”, he was on his knees, and you fell next to him as he whispered the words to himself, holding the poor thing as it wriggled, its loud shrieks vibrating in your ears. His hands were starting to get covered in blood, and its fur was so bloody- flesh so mangled you couldn't make sense of any of it. “No- please !”
You were speechless, shocked, and the blood was draining from your face by the second. “It was an accident!”, you were immediate to comfort him, but his eyes were glued to the animal- unable to think, to do anything, “It was an accident, John, and-and…”
You looked around- but nobody thought like you- nobody else was stepping up to comfort him. Instead, everyone stared in… fright , taking fearful steps away from the scene like he was a monster- and that made you so insanely mad.
“I-I killed him!”, he exclaimed in horror. “Oh, God, I fucking killed him!”
“ No, you didn't! ”, your hands went to his shoulders, shaking him a little as his eyes filled up with tears- and your heart was going a mile a minute, “He's crying ! He's still alive!”
“N-no, no, I-”
“John!”, Maddie’s voice shouted- and you looked up to see her walking to you, angry, as she got out of her shock, “What the hell was that?! Are you insane?! Are you retarded ?!”
He turned slightly to her, eyes full of tears and remorse and pain- and you couldn't take it anymore.
You stood up like a spring and took a step between them.
“Madelyn!”, you looked at her in the eyes, heart still drumming, “ Are you fucking serious?!”
You saw her eyes widen and her mouth fall open.
She started sputtering your name, visibly shaken. You'd never ever had spoken like this to her. She was always the one that was right, the one whose decisions just weren't questioned.
“Y-you stay out of this!”, she finally managed, and tried to push you to the side- but you slapped her hand away.
“No, I won't! Not this fucking time, Aunt Maddie.” you stood your ground, stomping a foot.
There was a rage in you burning- and you instantly realized this wasn't just about this, right now. This was a rage that had been slowly burning- building up these last six months as you'd witnessed how they treated this kid, how they exploited every single second of his time. How tight his leash was. How simply sad and alone he looked all the time.
It had been burning since your mother had been diagnosed with that heart condition- and how ironically heartless her sister had been to her. How she'd offered you the job the same way someone offers leftovers to a starving stray dog, and how you had to swallow your dignity and take them.
It had been burning, you'd even say, after the first day Maddie had started this fucking job, and how she blew you off when you went to her apartment with a cake you'd made her to celebrate it- saying she had coworkers over and she couldn't deal with a child like you here, too, as if they were too important for you to even see them.
She growled your name one last time, “You're about to lose your job.”
“Then fucking do it, Maddie.”, you hissed back, feeling venom in your voice, “Fire me. Fire me! Who wants to work in a company that depends on how much they can exploit some twenty-year-old, anyway? Oh, but the second he makes one mistake you all look at him like he's a monster, right?!”
You couldn't help to turn around, including everyone in your rant now- every single person that was important in John’s life, who was looking at him like he was going to laser them next. Him, who was still holding onto the crying puppy, hands drenched in his blood.
“Don't look at him like that! God- look at him ! He didn't do it on purpose! You all pushed him to do it!”
You felt frustration building in you- as your eyes started to burn as well, angry. No, you couldn't let yourself cry, you needed to speak up!
You saw Maddie about to say something else when someone took a step forward- Mr. Edgar.
“Okay, okay everyone…” he had his hands raised up, voice infuriatingly calming and imposing. “Let’s calm down. You-”, he pointed at a random woman, who jumped at his calling, “Take the dog to the fifteenth, there must be a vet somewhere there.”
The woman quickly stepped forward- a middle aged with a messy bun hanging off of her head- arms in front of her, ready to take the still wailing dog from John while putting the most distance from him she could. Your eyes followed the movement as he extended the creature to her- his hands still shaking. For some reason, as this happened, you felt absolutely insane- like you were some schizoid character In a movie, and everyone else was just watching your crazy rants unfold. 
“And you- miss… Stilwell?”, he continued, turning to you- and as you shook your head (you didn't share your aunt’s last name, thank you ), he held a hand up, like he didn't actually care about that, “Why don't you take Homelander here home? He's still a bit shaken.”
And you're the only one here not afraid of his lasers, seemed to be the tacit rest of his request. 
At that, you stood straighter, facing him as a bitter bile pooled in your throat - desperate to keep jawing off about all you've been keeping, seeing these last months, about every single thing that they'd knowingly been doing to him- but you held back for him. Edgar was right, he needed to get away from this,  he needed some peace- and perhaps not to have to spend his birthday with some old lady who would be pawing at him all night. 
You swallowed it and nodded at him, chest still out and shoulders squared, like you were a shield and shot one last look at Maddie.
She was boring holes into you- mouth in a thin line, dark blue eyes unblinking in anger, hands fisted to her sides. You knew that look, your mother had been the end of it one too many times. But unlike her, you did not relent- and Maddie should better get used to it.
Then, you simply turned, falling to a kneel once again, as you grabbed his shoulder. His eyes were on you as well, those clear blue eyes, still watery, still shaking. His hands were drenched in blood, as was the rest of his new suit- he looked so small in that moment, so scared.
“John?”, you let your voice fall into a soft tone. At your call, his eyes tuned into an emotion you couldn't quite decipher- aside from intense gratefulness, “Let’s go home.”
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tylermileslockett · 1 year
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Hellenic Polytheism or Hellenismos is the traditional, polytheistic (multiple gods) religious belief system of Ancient Greece. Modern people who believe in pre-Christian and polytheistic belief systems often refer to themselves as pagans. Let’s look at some of the general practices of typical Hellenic worship.
         Hellenic Polytheists use altars or shrines to worship specific Gods within the Greek Pantheon. For example, an altar for Apollo may contain an image or sculpture bust of the god, as well as a side table, called a trapezōmata, which holds offerings of incense and flowers or food and drink such as wine, honey, milk, or olive oil. Another tripod incense holder was called a Thymiateria.
Before engaging in a ceremony, the practitioner will employ purification methods with lustral water (ritually cleansed). They may recite hymns or prayers in honor of the god, using the Homeric hymns for example. The practitioner may use a divination practice to seek guidance or gain insight from a god through methods like casting lots, reading signs from nature, oracle prophecies, and dream interpretations. In their ceremonies, ancient Greeks would perform rites in respect to their Ta Patria, (ancestral homeland heritage), and they would take pride in their reverence with Hos Kallista, or the highest level of beauty.
         Hellenic Polytheism follows annual calendar festivals commemorating Gods or famous mythological events such as the Panathenaia in Athens (commemorating Athena), the Anthesteria and City Dionysia; (festivals celebrating Dionysus) The Olympics (a physical competition in honor of Zeus) and the Thargelia, (dedicated to Apollo and Artemis), and the Thesmophoria, (a festival exclusive to women in honor of Demeter), among many others. 
Want to own my Illustrated Greek myth book jam packed with over 130 illustrations like this? Support my kickstarter for my book "lockett Illustrated: Greek Gods and Heroes" coming in October.You can also sign up for my free email newsletter. please check my LINKTREE:
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bunnibaby-love · 6 months
🐇 Wriothesley x Reader 🐇
♡ bunny reader + bimbo reader + manipulation + yandere + sfw
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Warden's Bunny part 1
It's rare for Wriothesley to leave the fortress of meropide to enjoy his holiday at the city of fontaine. Specifically, enjoying his time at the small teahouse with you his friend
"Pretty fireworks! i love watching fireworks and drinking dango milk! i can last all night watching those!!" Wriothesley chuckled while listening to you ramble again about your homeland inazuma. You move out of your homeland because you wanted to explore more and find Fontaine culture the prettiest
The way you are full of emotions, sparkling eyes and pouty lips warms his heart. You're too soft for him and that is what he loves the most. The little bunny that he wanted to own
"I'm thinking of coming back in Inazuma..." his face darkened at your sudden announcement. "The...the people are being mean to me.." you sniff as you began to tear up that he quickly wipe "They say my shop is stupid...and i got accused of tax envasion....and they say im dummy becausw i don't know what that is...i am going...jail?"
"I'll help you 'kay? trust me bun" you cried on his arms without knowing it was his plan. To make you helpless with only him to depend
All of your friends turn their back against you after a strange multiple rumors. Your dream business is falling apart and you're even getting sued! only the lord of fortress of meropide is with you that you can lean till you got dump in his fortress
"I'll be here i won't leave, just always stay with me bun" you agree as an obedient bunny as you are
He gives you special treatment! instead of staying where prisoners are supposed to, he insist you can sleep on his room! with him of course. No heavy works for you and you don't even need coupons as Wriothesley is willing to provide
Everyone in the fortress scares you, bad mouthing you behind Wrio's back and calling you dirty. But who else can you cling on your darkest time? only Wriothesley
"I'll deal with them yeah? no one can hurt you here" he sat you on his lap while playing with your ears "Just stay here at my place...don't leave hm?" your cheeks blush when he poke your nose and then kiss it
He lulled you to sleep and let you sleep on his lap while he is working on some stuffs....to ruin you more for everyone "So pretty when you cry bunny...forever mine"
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kisses4lao · 11 months
Now I've got kung lao obsessed over breast feeding stuck on my mind😭😭😭😭😭
Oh noooooo... Whatever shall I do.... Damn a guess I have to write about it......
Tw/cw: self explanatory, Kung Lao being a horny shit you guys know the drill, AFAB reader
Not proofread
No because this man would be OBSESSED with breast milk. He'd be the type of guys to latch himself onto a titty and suck on that shit like his life depends on it
I don't think he'd be the type of guy to get jealous of your kid tho. Like if he saw your newborn child also drinking your breast milk he wouldn't see that as competition for your attention. He'd see that as, "oh yeah I forgot that's the entire reason you're lactating carry on"
Homelander was onto something. Breast milk has so much protein in it, the man would FEED off of it. Kung Lao is the type of guy to ask if he could suck on your breasts mid convo.
Like you'd be talking about something completely different, like an upcoming movie you want to see, or a random pregnancy craving and he'd just look at you and be like "oh yeah btw can I suck on your tits?"
Not breast feeding obviously, he asks you about it in public. I saw someone say Bi Han is a tits guy and he asks about sucking on your tits in public and Kung Lao is the same way
He absolutely prefers it over regular milk, if you'd let him, he'd make lil ice cubes out of it and put them in his protein shakes.
He tries his hardest to not be weird about it, he genuinely doesn't find it sexual, he just likes the taste and consistency.
He'd be over the moon if you let him suck on your breasts during sex, though. While you're pregnant, sex with him is extremely soft. A slow pace with drawn out orgasms. He'd cum so much quicker if you could taste your milk in his mouth, though.
Overall, he's not turned on by it, contrary to popular belief. He likes to see it as a way to be closer to you.
A/n: it's 4 am over here and I have to be up at 6:30 so forgive me if this is shitty
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layce2015 · 6 months
The Boys (Soldier Boy x Female!Supe!Reader)
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Chapter 8: The Intense White-Hot Wild
First Chapter / Previous Chapter
*3rd Person POV*
Hughie sat in the living room of Legend’s cabin, cleaning his ear with a rag as he stares at a plate of pizza rolls. He removes the rag and sees black ooze on it, which had been coming out of his ears after taking Temp V same goes for Butcher. Hughie sighs as he sets the rag down while Butcher walks in.
“Where's Soldier Boy and Mystic Shade?” He asked Hughie. “You mean, ever since Soldier Boy told us he was supposed to kill his own son? He locked himself and Mystic in the bedroom with a bottle of Old Granddad.” Hughie said as he cleans his ears again. “Well, Homelander ain't really his son, and he knows it.” Butcher said, firmly, just as Soldier Boy and Mystic Shade come in the room.
Soldier Boy had a glass of milk in one hand and in the other hand he had a can of Coke-Cola. Butcher turns to them as Soldier Boy pours the can of soda into the milk. “All right, let's be off then, eh? We'll swing by the office and grab some more V. And then Hughie will jump us to where the cսոts are.” Butcher said as he puts on his jacket and Soldier Boy takes a drink of his concoction while Mystic Shade stood by the doorway, leaning against the frame.
”We do Noir and Homelander. And we're finished. Right?” Butcher asked the two Supes. Soldier Boy looked between the two men with a look of confliction before he walks and turns away, walking out of the room. Mystic looks over at him then to Butcher and Hughie. 
“So, once this is all done, you’ll leave us alone?” Mystic Shade asked Butcher. “Of course, love. Once those two are out of the way, you and Soldier Boy can go on your merry way.” Butcher said and Mystic smirks alittle. “Good…” she said as she walks up to them and gives them a serious look, Hughie jerks back alittle at this. “Because if either of you do any funny business, it will be the last fuck up you two will ever do. Am I clear?” She asked, her voice stern and serious.
“As a bell.” Butcher said, in a steady voice, while Hughie looked a scared beyond belief. “Good.” Mystic Shade said before she turns away from them and leaves.
Later, they stopped at a gas station to get some fuel. Mystic Shade was sitting up in the backseat of Butcher’s car, her head leaning against the window as she was resting. Ben was lying down in the backseat, his head on her lap. The two of them were still kinda dealing with a hangover as last night all they did was drink, talk and reminisce….and maybe gone a couple rounds of drunk sex.
Meanwhile, Hughie and Butcher were inside the gas station. Hughie was in the bathroom while Butcher stood outside, making a decision. Starlight called him last night and told him that she found out that after taking over five doses of Temp V, it will kill them. Her words had circled his head and he decided he didn’t want Hughie a part of this anymore. Hughie was too good for this, he doesn’t deserve to have his life thrown away over something that wasn’t really his fight.
This was Butcher’s fight and his alone.
The toilet flushes and the sound of the sink sounds out as Butcher looks around himself, making sure nobody is watching. A second later, Hughie opens the door and stops when he sees Butcher in front of him. “Hey, uh...” Hughie said and he holds up the bathroom keys, which was attached to a car rim. 
“You really are the spitting image of my little brother.” Butcher said to Hughie, who furrows his brow in confusion. “What?” he asked and Butcher punches him across the face, knocking him out. Hughie falls back then Butcher pushes him back into the bathroom and shuts the door before leaving him behind.
Minutes later, Soldier Boy and Mystic Shade wake up to see that the car was moving, Butcher driving along. Soldier Boy sits up, groaning, as Mystic rubs the sleep out of her eyes. “Oh, there they are.” Butcher said and the Supes noticed Hughie was gone. “Where's the cսm guzzler?” Soldier Boy asked and Mystic elbows his side. “Ben.” She mutters, exasperated.
”You were spot-on about him. There I was, filling up the motor, I turn around, the little git had done a runner.” Butcher said. “We needed him to get near Noir.” Soldier Boy said. “Ah, don't you worry about that, guv. I got it all worked out.” Butcher assures them as he looks at them through the rear view mirror. Soldier Boy and Mystic Shade share a look before Soldier Boy shrugs.
”Wake me when we get to New York.” He said and he lays back down and places his head on Mystic’s lap again. She looks down at him and runs her fingers through his hair, soothingly, as Butcher keeps on driving down the highway.
*(y/n)’s POV*
That night, we made it to Butcher’s office and he was digging around his desk for maps and I guess more of that Temp V. Ben had found a bottle of alcohol and opens it then the scent of the drink hit him. “Whoa...that brings me back. Used to sneak my dad's Manhattans when I was a kid.” Ben said as he pours a couple of glasses. “I didn't have to nick nothin' from my old man. He used to get me and me little brother lagered just for the hell of it.” Butcher said as he continued to dig in his desk.
”Well, I got to admit, that does sound funny.” Ben chuckles and I shoot a glare at him then he looks away before handing me a glass. “The old man still around?” I asked Butcher as I take the glass and sip on it. “Arse cancer. Shitting his guts out as we speak, one hopes.” Butcher said as his phone buzzes and he looks at it then rejects whoever was calling him.
”You ever see The Soldier Boy Story?” Ben asked him. “Must've missed it.” Butcher said as he takes his phone apart. “It's a classic. We lost Best Picture to An American in Paris that year. At least I got to ass-fuck Jane Wyman in the coat check.” Ben said and I rolled my eyes. “About a poor kid from the streets of South Philly. Discovers he's got incredible powers to match his...heart of gold. It's all bullshit.” Ben said as Butcher grabs himself a glass.
”Blimey, you don't say?” He said, sarcastically, and I did chuckle a bit at this. “Actually my father owned half the steel mills in the state. I went to boarding school. Got kicked out of boarding school. Because I was a fuck-up. But he made sure I knew it.” Ben explains as he sits down in a chair across from Butcher’s desk. “Use the belt, did he?” Butcher asked. “Never laid a hand on me. He couldn't be bothered. Said I was a disappointment. Not good enough to carry his name.” Ben said and he smirks, sarcastically, alittle before he scoffs, softly.
”So I went to his golf buddies in the War Department, and they get me into Dr. Vought's Compound V trials. I became a superhero. Strongest man alive. Fսcking ticker tape parades when I came home.” Ben said. “And what did the old man say then?” Butcher asked him as he takes a drink from his glass. “Ah.” Ben said as he smiles and points at him. “He said I took a shortcut. That a real man wouldn't have cheated.” Ben said as his smile disappears then he looks down.
I remember when he told me what his father said, I felt sorry for Ben. His father sounded like a cruel man. I never met him, Ben basically cut ties with his father at the same time I cut ties with Adam.
”What about you, love? Got a true story to tell us?” Butcher asked me as I look up at him. “Honestly, I think between the three of us, I’m the most normal when it comes to issues with fathers or mothers. My father and mother had normal jobs, my father a banker and my mother a nurse.” I explained and I take a sip of my drink again. “But then things went wrong when I turned seventeen. My father was gunned down by some robbers and my mother died from a broken heart sometime after that. I was left alone.” I said and I bite my lips as the image of my mother’s frail body appeared in my mind.
”And then it seemed my life turned around when I met Adam. He showered me with love and affection, told me everything I wanted to hear at that time. We got married after about a year. Then a few years later, he tricked me.” I said and Butcher gives me a curious look. “Tricked you?” He asked and I nodded. “Basically, he set up a fake doctor’s appointment for me when really it was to stick Compound V into me. To get rich and famous.” I said. “And why didn’t he take it himself?” Butcher asked and I shrugged. “I guess since they had Philly boy here….” I said as I walk behind Ben and pat his shoulder. “They wanted a female counterpart. Vought, I guess, saw potential in me and wanted me to fill that role. We didn’t know about Liberty, or Stormfront as you knew her as.”
”And what happened to Adam? Clearly you’re not with him anymore.” Butcher said and Ben looks up at me with a smirk. “Few months after I got powers, he divorced me. He thought I was cheating on him with Ben. I don’t know if you’ve seen the picture of us getting off the plane after the war was over.” I said and Butcher thinks for a moment then nods. “Well, when that picture of me and Ben kissing got to the papers, Adam was none too happy. And for the record, I wasn’t cheating on Adam. Ben initiated the kiss first.” I said. “Hey, you complained about him and I hated seeing you look miserable, you needed out of that. Plus, you didn't reject me.” Ben said and I roll my eyes at this but I smiled.
”But yeah, that’s my story.” I said as I take a huge gulp of the drink, quenching my thirst. “Whatever happened to him?” Butcher asked me. “Last I heard, he remarried sometime after we divorced, had kids and then um….I believe he died in the sixties.” I said and I bite my lips and shake my head.
“What about you, you got kids?” Ben asked Butcher. “It's complicated.” Butcher replied. “I always assumed I had a few out there. Somewhere. I always wanted 'em. 'Cause I thought I could do it better than my father did.” Ben said then he looks over at me. “Homelander ain't yours. Not really.” Butcher tells him. “He's the only blood I've got left.” Ben pointed out.
”It don't matter. You didn't name him, didn't raise him. Vought grew him in a fսcking test tube to take your place. He's the fսcking reason they left you to rot with the Ivans.” Butcher said as Ben looks down. “Look, mate. We had a deal.” Butcher said, in a firm tone, and Ben takes a the last gulp of his drink then clucks tongue. “I'm gonna get some air.” He said as he stands up. He walks over to a table, sets his glass down and walks out of the room.
After a few moments, I sigh and walk out of the room to look for Ben, then I found him in an empty room, looking out the window. I cautiously walk into the room before going up to him. “Ben?” I said, softly, as he continues to look out the window. “Hey, talk to me. What are you thinking about?” I asked him, trying to sound comforting. He continues to glare out the window, into the many lite buildings below us and the many headlights rushing by on the streets.
”He’s asking me to kill my son. I know I didn’t raise him but…” Ben stops then sighs as he shakes his head. “What do you think?” Ben asked me and I raise an eyebrow at this. “What do you mean?” I asked him. “You know more about him than I do…what’s he like?” He asked me and I sigh at this.
”He’s an egotistical asshole, that much I could tell by watching him on the TV.” I said then I bite my lips. “But Maeve, who’s in the Seven with him, she’s told me a lot of shit he’s done. And from what I can tell, he’s the worst of all.” I said. Ben looks way, contemplating what I said before I speak again. “I know this is hard. But no one is safe as long as Homelander is still alive. If we don’t take him down tonight, then more innocent people are gonna die.” I tell him and Ben sighs.
He stands there and looks out the window, I raise a hand and place it on his shoulder. Ben looks down at me and was about to speak until we heard shouting down the hall. We make our way and follow the noise to hear people talking then someone shouts at someone, I then realized the noise was coming from Butcher’s office.
“Butcher's right. Homelander needs to die. That's it. Whatever it takes.” I hear Maeve’s voice says and this gave me pause. Butcher said told me she was dead, I guess whatever happened, she got out. “I really thought that deep down you were a hero.” A young female voice said. “Well, you were wrong. There's no such thing.” Maeve said as we get closer to the door. “This is not gonna happen.” The female voice said, angrily, and the lights start to flicker. “Annie, I don't want to hurt you.” Maeve said, in a warning tone.
“But we will.” Ben said as we get to the doorway of the office and see Hughie, Maeve, Starlight and Butcher’s friends he told us about all standing in the room. They all look at us, surprised, before Butcher speaks. “All right, you lot. In the safe.” He commands and Hughie looks at him.
”Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey.” He said, worried. “In the safe.” Butcher commands again and everyone looks at him then to me and Ben, who starts to reach for his knife. Then Starlight looks around at the others. “Let's go.” She mutters and Hughie scoffs as the large black man, M.M. I believe Hughie told me was his name, glares at me and Ben. “Hey, not now. Not like this.” Starlight tells him and he and the others go into the safe and Maeve shuts the door on them.
“All right, well...Tinkerbell needs power for her powers.” Butcher said as he goes to the power switch after we got ready. Then he flips the down and the power goes off.
*3rd Person POV*
“The prisoners you liberated here, most of them were nearly dead. They owe you their lives.” The interviewer said as Soldier Boy and Mystic Shade appear on the screen. Homelander was watching an old interview of theirs on a laptop as he waits in the TV station section of Vought Tower.
”We’re not here to take credit. These boys here, they're the real heroes.” Soldier Boy said as he gestures to the men behind him. “What the Jerries did here is unforgivable. But we promise you, we’re gonna serve them up some good old-fashioned American justice.” Mystic Shade said and Homelander smiles at the footage. He always looked up to Soldier Boy and, truth be told, he was envious of the relationship Soldier Boy and Mystic Shade had.
He thought he had that when he and Maeve were together but that didn’t last long. And then with Stormfront…well…that ended in shit as well.
At that moment, Homelander heard footsteps but he didn’t turn as he knew who it was. “Scorched earth, eh, William?” He asked as Butcher, Maeve, Soldier Boy and Mystic Shade enter the room. “Scorched earth.” Butcher confirmed.
”Where's Noir?” Soldier Boy asked. “He's dead. I killed him.” Homelander replied as he turns to them. “Why?” Ben asked him. “Because he didn't tell me about you. I'm alone. I just want to talk.” Homelander said as he spreads his arms out. “I know what it's like to have your team betray you. But with you and I together...they wouldn't stand a chance. Nobody would.” He said and Ben thinks on this and shrugs.
”Unless we kill each other first.” Soldier Boy said as he takes a couple of steps forward. “That's true. But why? What, because he says so? He's nothing. He's human.” Homelander chuckles. “Don't you listen to this fսcking twɑt. He ain't your kid.” Butcher said as he, Maeve and Mystic take a couple of steps forward. “Yes, I am. I am your son. I am your blood. That's all that matters.” Homelander growls. “Maybe.” Soldier Boy mutters and Homelander goes over a door while Mystic takes Soldier Boy’s hand in hers.
Homelander opens the door and Ryan comes out, Butcher looking at him in shock. “Ryan.” Butcher whispers as Homelander brings Ryan up to Soldier Boy. “This is my son. Ryan. Your grandson.” Homelander said to him and Soldier Boy has different emotions flowing through mind as he looks at the young boy.
”Hi, Grandpa.” Ryan greets, softly, and Soldier Boy looks away and towards Mystic Shade, who was just as shocked as him. “You see? You have a family. You have him. And you have me.” Homelander said and Soldier Boy chuckles softly. “It's a shame that I've missed...so much. I wish I could've raised you...and taught you, father to son.” Soldier Boy said as he takes his hand out of Mystic’s and walks up to Homelander. Mystic and Maeve share a worried look.
”Me too. That's okay. We're not alone anymore. We have each other.” Homelander whispers, his voice shaking with tears then Soldier Boy places a hand on his shoulder. “Maybe if I'd raised you...I could've made you better. And not some weak, sniveling pussy, starved for attention. But there's no fixing that now.” Soldier Boy said as Butcher and Maeve smile.
“Weak? I'm you.” Homelander said to him, confused. “I know. You're a fսcking disappointment.” Soldier Boy whispers, shakily, and he grabs Homelander’s neck. “Leave him alone!” Ryan shouts as Butcher and Maeve go to Homelander and grab his arms. “Get out of here, Ryan!” Butcher tells him. “Please, stop!” Ryan pleads as he tries to shove Butcher away. “Get out of the building! Now!” Butcher tells him. “Butcher, stop! Please!” Ryan said and Mystic Shade goes over to Ryan.
”C’mon, kid. Let’s go!” She said as she starts to drag him away but he struggles and fights as Soldier Boy’s chest begins to glow. “You can't do this. Don't do this. Don't do this. Don't.” Homelander pleads to Soldier Boy. “Kid, come on!” Mystic said as she drags Ryan away but Ryan was able to get out of her grasp and his eyes glow red.
Before Mystic could react, Ryan uses his laser eyes on her, making her fly back and crash into a wall. The light diminishes from Soldier Boy’s chest as he looks over and sees Mystic crashing into the wall, his heart dropped at this then he glares at Ryan.
“Ryan, get back upstairs. Right now.” Homelander exclaims as Soldier Boy lets go of him then turns and slams his shield into Ryan, making him fly back and hit a bookshelf. “Ryan!” Homelander exclaimed as he runs to his son, checking on him as he sees a cut on the kid’s forehead. “You little shit.” Soldier Boy growls and his chest begins to glow while Butcher looks over at Soldier Boy then to Maeve, who had a look that said Don’t think about it.
“Ryan. Hey.” Homelander pleads as Ryan was knocked out cold. Butcher then made his decision and used his laser eyes on Soldier Boy, who reacted quickly and brings up his shield to protect himself from the laser. Homelander then turns around and uses his laser eyes and both he and Butcher knock Soldier Boy into the news station. 
The two men share a look before Homelander turns to Ryan and Butcher goes to Soldier Boy. “What the fսck are you doing?” Soldier Boy asked Butcher as he stands up. “Not the kid.” Butcher said. “Oh, I thought you said blood didn't matter. Thought that was the whole fսcking point.” Soldier Boy exclaimed. “He's my wife's son.” Butcher admits and Soldier Boy gets a confused look.
”Wait, Homelander fսckеd your wife? And you want to save the brat? The hell's wrong with you?” Soldier Boy asked him, confused.  “I made a promise.” Butcher said. “So this is it. Everything you wanted...He's right fսcking there...And now you blink?” Soldier Boy asked, angrily. “Stand down.” Butcher commanded. “Fuck you.” Soldier Boy yells as he glares at Butcher. “You're weaker than he is.” He said and the two men begin to fight.
They punch and kick at each other while Maeve and Homelander start fighting in the other room. Butcher punches Soldier Boy in the leg, the chest and then uppercuts him before he grabs his neck and lasers him in the face. 
Suddenly, a rope wraps around Butcher’s neck and pulls him back. Then it flings him over to where he lands on the desk. Soldier Boy looks over to see Mystic Shade standing nearby, her eyes glowing electric blue. Soldier Boy looks over at her and gives her a Are You Okay? look, she nods, assuredly, and he returns the nod as he grabs his shield then walks over to Butcher.
Still a bit dazed, Butcher opens his eyes and looks up to see Soldier Boy looming over him, raising his shield up high and aimed towards his head. “Ben…” Mystic called out and Soldier Boy stops. “Let’s just get out of here, go home.” She said as Soldier Boy looks down at Butcher, who was staring at the shield in fear. “He made his bed, now he can lay in it.” Mystic said as she gestures to Butcher.
Soldier Boy considers what she was saying until there was a couple of loud gunshots sound out. One hits Soldier Boy and the other hits Mystic Shade, didn’t cause any harm just stunned them. They turn around and see M.M. and Starlight had come in and M.M. was firing with a gun while Starlight uses her light powers at the two Supes.
Mystic Shade and Soldier Boy get into a stance as he holds up his shield and Mystic uses her shield powers as Butcher gets up. Starlight was firing balls of light at Mystic and Soldier Boy but Mystic’s shield was able to hold those lights back. Mystic tries to use her telekinetic powers to throw debris at Starlight but she dodges or uses her power to blast the debris while Soldier Boy fights off Butcher.
Starlight was able to get behind Mystic and was about to use her power but Soldier comes up and swings his shield at her, knocking her up into a wall then falls on the ground.
Butcher uses his laser eyes and Soldier Boy uses his shield to block the laser. Butcher walks closer as he keeps using the laser eyes until he got close and punches the shield, causing it to break in pieces. “Yeah! Fuck your shield, bitch.” M.M. exclaims, excitedly. Soldier Boy gives a hard, angry glare at Butcher and tosses the piece of shield he held onto aside then he and Butcher fight. Meanwhile, Mystic waves her hands and M.M. was grabbed by some ropes around his middle and thrown against the wall.
Soldier Boy ended up getting the upper hand as he punches Butcher several times in the face then he grabs him and throws him across the room, knocking him out. Kimiko comes in, carrying a container. It was the gas Frenchie was able to whip up quickly that was gonna knock Soldier Boy out since Maeve threw out the one Frenchie had worked on for awhile.
Kimiko tries to run at Soldier Boy but then a cable wrapped around her neck and it throws her aside, Soldier Boy looks over at Mystic and nods in appreciation. Then Starlight stands up as Soldier Boy and Mystic Shade turn to her. Her eyes glow gold as she gets ready to fight them.
Suddenly, the lights began to glow brighter thanks to Hughie, who was in the control room and cranking the lights up to the highest level they could go. Starlight’s eyes and hands glow as she slowly starts to rise up as the lights were making her more powerful. 
Soldier Boy and Mystic Shade look at each other, as if having a silent conversation, before he nods to Mystic. Starlight then raises her hands and goes to blast at the two but Mystic raises her own hands and shielded them from her blast. But it seemed the light blast was a lot stronger than Mystic anticipated as it stayed blocked for a few seconds before it breaks through the barrier of her force field and knocks Mystic and Soldier Boy back.
Starlight falls down on her side as Soldier Boy starts to sit up. But it seemed the blast took an effect on Mystic as she is knocked out. Soldier Boy stands up and looks down at her then starts to worry about her. But before he could do anything, M.M. jumps on his back as Kimiko and Starlight grab his arms. Then M.M. places the gas mask over Soldier Boy’s mouth and nose and that’s when the Supe starts to panic as he screams, grunts and growls.
“You ain't no hero. You're just another racist piece of shit we can't seem to get rid of. This is for my family.” M.M. sneers as Soldier Boy groans then his chest starts to glow just as Mystic starts to wake up. “I'm not going back in that fսcking box!” Soldier Boy growls, it seemed the gas wasn’t working.
“What the fuck are you guys doing?!” Mystic exclaims as she starts to come to and sits up. Butcher stands up and sees this then sees Ryan walking out. “You'll kill everyone.” Starlight said to Soldier Boy as he begins to power up. Butcher runs over to Ryan and goes to shield him while Mystic waves both of her hands and multiple cables and ropes grab on to Starlight, Kimiko and M.M. and yank them off of Soldier Boy as the light in his chest grows brighter.
Meanwhile, Maeve and Homelander have been duking it out during all of this even to the point where Homelander shoved his thumb into Maeve’s right eye, blinding her. But she was able to grab a steel cylinder and shove it in Homelander’s ear, dazing him, just as she looks over to see Soldier Boy turning to Starlight, M.M. and Kimiko, smoke starts to come out of him and the light gets even brighter.
”Ben!” Mystic shouts as Maeve looks at Starlight then sighs. “Shit.” She grumbles then she punches Homelander in the chest then runs over to Soldier Boy, grabs him and the both of them fly out of the building. Then a few seconds later, there was a loud explosion and then silence before they hear some car horns in the distance.
Starlight and M.M. walk towards the window that they flew out of and look below to see nothing. Then Hughie runs in and embraces Starlight just as Frenchie comes in and Kimiko and M.M. pat his shoulder. Mystic Shade looks down, in sorrow, at the ground as she contemplates what just happened.
Butcher looks down at Ryan, who starts to stand up. “Are you hurt? Ryan, look at me.” Butcher asked him but Ryan wasn’t looking at him as he was looking over his shoulder. Butcher turns to look as does everyone to see Homelander walking towards Butcher, not looking pleased.
“Dad...I want to go.” Ryan said to Homelander as he walks up to him. “Let's leave. Please. I want to leave.” Ryan pleads to his father, who continues to glare at Butcher, but then looks down at his son. “Ryan. Please.” Butcher pleads but Ryan takes Homelander’s hand and the two of them walk out of the station.
Butcher looks down in defeat and the gang all look worried at this until they heard a small humorless laugh then a slow clapping sounds. Everyone looks over to see that it was Mystic Shade as she shakes her head with a fake smile. “Well congratulations on being the world’s biggest fuck ups.” She said and everyone glares at her while Butcher looks defeated and Hughie has a worried look on his face.
”Thanks to you dumbasses, Homelander seems to have gotten what he wants and you’ve lost that kid forever. Now that is gonna make him more dangerous than he ever was before.” Mystic Shade said before she starts to get angry. “I mean, seriously?! Stopping Ben was a higher priority than Homelander? Way to go with the brilliant ideas, you fuckers.”
”He had to be stopped, he was a murderer. He’s killed countless people.” Starlight argued and Mystic Shade scoffs. “And your boss hasn’t?” Mystic asked and Starlight narrows her eyes. “I mean, if I recall, didn’t he let a plane full of people go down?” She asked and Starlight seemed alittle surprised she knows that. “Maeve told me about that little thing you two kept dangling over his head.” Mystic said. “And tell me this, cause I know this is bullshit, but that friend of yours, SonicWave….did Homelander kill him?”
Starlight’s jaw sets and she looks away then Mystic smirks and scoffs again before looking at Butcher. “And you, Butcher, this was all your idea. To take Homelander down cause you believed he needed to be taken down…oh, and apparently, he fucked your wife and had that kid with her. Which now said kid, you were trying to protect is now driven into the arms of your enemy.” Mystic said and Butcher looks up at her before he turns his head away.
”Pathetic. All of you.” She growls and Starlight’s eyes start glowing gold again. “Oh, don’t fucking start, Sparky.” Mystic groans then Hughie grabs Starlight's arm. “Mystic, I like you but you gotta admit…your boyfriend is really fucking crazy in his own right.” Hughie said and Mystic gives a small, sarcastic smile. “On the surface, yes he is. But don’t pretend like you know who Soldier Boy is when all you have to go off of is rumors and stories.” She said.
Mystic looks down then sighs before she looks back at everyone. “You think all Supes and Vought are bad, you people are no different from them.” Mystic sneers at them and they all look at her, shocked. She then starts to walk out. But once she gets to Butcher, she stops and turns her head to him. “I hope the kid was worth it, Butcher.” She mutters to him then she heads to the door.
But once she gets to the door, she stops then turns to the others as she had one more thing to say. “You all had your chance to stop Homelander and you threw it away. From this day forth, anyone that Homelander kills…it’s on you fuckers.” She proclaims then leaves as everyone looks around at everybody, considering what she said. Butcher felt lightheaded and raised his hand up to his nose to see some black ooze was coming out of his nose and then he passes out and falls to the floor.
Soldier Boy groans as he slowly opens his eyes, his vision blurry and his head was swimming. He moves his head around, slowly, and try to take in his surroundings, which looked like he was in an alleyway. He was then able to see a couple of figures coming towards him. “He’s here. We got him.” He hears a voice say. His vision clears up a little and he sees that the two figures were men in armor. 
He tries to get up but then the men were slammed up against the wall a few times before they pass out. Soldier Boy sits up slowly as another figure walks up to him, but this one being female. “Ben!” A familiar voice calls out and he realized that it was Mystic Shade. “(Y/n)?” He said, hoarsely, as she comes up to him and kneels down next to him.
The first thing he saw of her was her beautiful (e/c) eyes then her smile. “It’s okay, Ben. I got you.” She said, softly, and she helps him up to his feet and his vision finally clears up and noticed that the men were wearing CIA gear. “Are…was that…?” He stammered to ask and Mystic nods. “We need to get out of here, fast.” She said as she takes his hand and they walk down the alleyway.
”You..saved me?” Soldier Boy asked her and she turns her head to him and smiles. “Of course I did. What kind of wife would I be to not save her husband?” She asked, teasingly, and he smiles before they stop and he leans in and gives her a kiss. “I love you.” He whispers once he breaks the kiss. “I love you too.” She said then they look around before they head out.
The next day, Bethany was watching TV, the news about Maeve’s death and how she stopped Soldier Boy. The news calling him a radicalized Russian but she didn’t believe it, she knew that was some shit as Ben acted like his normal self. But she was also worried about (y/n), she hadn’t heard from her best friend in a few days and that wasn't like her.
She sighs, sadly, then runs her hands over her eyes when the front door opens. She looks over and sees Steven walking in, holding an envelope and a look of concern on his face. “What’s wrong, honey?” She asked him. “It’s a letter…from (y/n).” He said and Bethany furrows her brow.
”What?” She said as Steven walks over to her and sits down next to her. “She hasn’t sent letters since cellphones were created.” Bethany said as Steven hands the letter to her. Bethany takes the letter, opens it and begins to read it aloud.
Bethany and Steven,
I know this is old fashion to send a letter but with everything going on, I couldn’t risk sending a text which I actually destroyed my phone. What I can tell you is don’t believe any bullshit that Vought puts out about Ben. He’s also not dead and neither is Queen Maeve. Those men you saw me and Ben with well, they betrayed us. We were supposed to take out Homelander but for some reason those men and their friends turned on me and Ben.
I’ll send another letter later to give a more detail story on that but for now just know Ben and I are safe. We are staying at a different house I had purchased years ago. It’s isolated in a small town that seems to not know who we are or were, should I say.
I’m not sure if we’ll ever reunite again, if not then this letter and the next will be my goodbye. I’ll always hold the time we had very dear to my heart. I love you two and Amelia so much and appreciate everything you guys did for me when Ben was gone. 
I do hope we see each other again but if not then I give my goodbyes to you and good luck to the rest of your life.
Bethany’s eyes tear up as she reads it then sniffles when she was done. Steven goes to hug her and Bethany cries in his shoulder. She understood why her friend had to do this but it still didn’t help the hurt as she really cared for (y/n) and would miss her dearly. But she will always treasure those memories forever.
Few Days Later
*(y/n)’s POV*
I walk out on the porch of the large cabin to see Ben sitting in the chair, looking out at the lake. I bought this cabin years ago to have a place whenever I wanted to get away from the hustle and bustle of the town and city. It had two rooms, a kitchen, living room and a bathroom. There was a small town a few miles away but you wouldn’t have thought that as all you could see were trees, mountains and a nice lake.
Ben turns his head to look up at me as I hand him a beer bottle. He takes it then turns his head, like he heard something. “You hear that?” He asked me and I listen for a moment and start to worry about him. It had been a few days since he had any weed or coke, so I was worried he was suffering some sort’ve withdrawn side effects. 
“Hear what?” I asked him as I take the seat next to him. “Exactly. I think this might be the first time in my life where I’ve heard complete silence.” He said, smiling with content, and I listen again, feeling calm by the silence. All I could hear was the leaves rustling in with the breeze and the sounds of rushing water from the river. “Yeah, it’s nice.” I said, smiling as well.
”I know it’s not as glamorous as the city…” I started to say but Ben shakes his head. “Nah, this is great. You picked a perfect place, sweetheart.” He said and I smiled. “Although, I gotta say, I’m still pissed at Butcher and those other motherfuckers.” Ben growls and I give a sympathetic look. “I’m just…confused and pissed off and…” he stops then sighs with an angry heavy sigh and I place a hand over his that was on his thigh.
“Hey, I’m pissed at them too but…let’s not dwell on that right now. They fucked up and whatever happens afterwards, that’s on them especially Butcher.” I assured him as he looks at me, he still had a bit of that anger in his eyes but he sighs and nods. “I’m just glad I was able to get to you before they took you away from me again.” I said and Ben gives a small smile.
”I’m glad you did too. There’s no way I’m going back in the box. Too many bad memories.” He said then he turns his gaze from me and looks down. I frown then set my beer down on the little table next to my chair and I walk over to him and sit on his lap. I wrap my arms around his shoulder and he leans his head against my chest, sets his beer down then wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer to him as if he was afraid that I’d disappear if he didn’t hold me close to him.
”It’s okay, Ben. I won’t let that happen.” I whispered, comfortingly, then I kiss the top of his head, softly, before I run my fingers through his hair while he buries his face into my chest. “I’m never letting you go. Never again.” I whispered to him. Ben was never really this vulnerable but whatever happened in Russia must’ve really shook him to his core. Yes, he did put up this whole macho man facade to hide it all, it’s how men were raised back then, but I knew something was wrong.
I just can’t imagine what he went through these last forty years at that place and I wasn’t there to save him. But now I was able to save him and I have him here safe and sound and I’m gonna do my best to help him through all of this.
”Good…because I don’t want to be anywhere else but here.” Ben said as he pulls his head back to look at me and I smile then I lean in and kiss him, lovingly.
*3rd Person POV*
Unbeknownst to the couple, out in the distance was Grace Mallory. She had her binoculars up as she looks at the cabin, towards the couple. She had seen the body cam of her two officers that were knocked in the alleyway when they were gonna grab Soldier Boy. In the cam, she was able to see Mystic Shade walking down the alleyway and help carry Soldier Boy out of the alley.
It took her a few days because the home that was under Mystic’s real name was empty and she didn’t know where Mystic went. Eventually, she was able to track down this little cabin which Mystic put it under another name which was her using her old married name from way back in the 40’s.
Mallory lowers her binoculars as she contemplates on what to do next. A strong part of her wanted to head over to them and talk to them and take Soldier Boy into custody as he is a danger. But another part of her wanted to leave them alone, Soldier Boy seemed in a calm state since he is with his girlfriend. Mystic seems to keep him calm and happy. 
Plus Mallory remembered how Mystic Shade saved her life back in Nicaragua. So she feels that her leaving Mystic and Soldier Boy is in a way to return the favor.
Mallory sighs then heads into her car as she decided to leave them alone…for now at least. With how Butcher is and the whole thing with Vought and no telling what’s gonna happen with Homelander now, she keeps this information to herself as she might call upon these two one day.
@winchestergirl1720 @deans-spinster-witch @mimaria420 @wirdbeimaufhebengebunden @kitsun369 @jesllianaquilesrolonsworld @deangirl96 @demodemo909 @cassiecasluciluce @mostlymarvelgirl @onlyangel-444 @mayafatimakhan
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blindmagdalena · 7 months
So I’m a lesbian and I have no idea why Homelander is so appealing to lesbians because if we were actually in the boys universe I can say 100% that I would not be a homelander fan at all
On another note Woman Homelander would have me going feral. A woman that’s mentally unstable and can kill me? Count me in (I’m definitely a Minthara fan in Balder’s Gate😭). Obviously I’m a big supporter of women’s rights but also an even bigger supporter of women’s wrongs.
Imagine Homelander as the mean lesbian trope the possibilities are endless. Sorry, I’m completely rambling on here fem!homelander just has my brain rotting
ah yes, welcome to the "lesbians inexplicably obsessed with Homelander" club. i'm in the same boat of 'i would despise you in any context other than fiction but ur not real so i love u.'
mean lesbian Homelander ABSOLUUUUTELY has my heart (among other throbbing organs) aflutter.
idk if i've ever mentioned it here but i have an extremely specific fic idea where fem!Homelander relentlessly bullies Vought's in house barista (f!reader) every time she comes to order her whole milk latte, which she only started drinking when this barista was hired. teases her, makes fun of her job. it's all flirting but it's so hard to tell with her. one day, when Homelander is being particularly distracting, the barista messes up the order (she makes her nervous okay!!) and Homelander doesn't even need to take a sip to know it's wrong.
so naturally she holds the drink out and says, "Give this a taste for me."
poor barista is so confused, doesn't move to take it, stammers that, "I'll remake it, I'm sorry." doesn't even remember what she put in it, it was such a blur.
Homelander clicks her tongue, looking amused, and then in a flash she's snatching reader by the hair and bringing the drink to her lips. "I didn't tell you to remake it. I told you to taste it."
looks way too pleased with herself as reader takes a trembling sip of the drink. they know as soon as they taste it what they did wrong.
"Vanilla," they choke out. "I'm sorry, I added vanilla."
Homelander smiles all wolfishly. "Yeah. That's alright." She lets go of the barista. "Won't happen again, will it, sweetheart?" Gives a little wink for good measure.
"No, it won't. I promise."
"Atta girl," she says, and wipes the milk foam from the barista's lips with her thumb. Licks it off her gloved digit. "See you tomorrow."
she leaves without a new drink.
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themeraldee · 9 days
I realized something, I jokingly tell my partner sometimes 'this is it, I guess we're through' it gives us both a laugh but Homie would probably HATE jokes like that.
I feel like his SO would make that joke and immediately realize who they said it too and start apologizing and reassuring Homelander that they love him
yeah you're cooked 😂😂
he'd NOT take that lightly. because "you can't joke about that. That's not funny. What's funny to you about that?"
He's hurt, he's pouting and it will take at least a week (or however much time he manages to milk out of this) of consoling, cuddling and reassuring that you love him more than anything to ever exist.
However I see him being such a petty little bitch that once he's over it and thoroughly reassured of your love he throws it back in your face constantly.
He drinks the entire carton of milk you were saving for cooking/baking/cereal and when you mention it to him he goes.
"Welp that's it - we might as well break up!"
Or he's not willing to apologize about some non-significant thing and he says.
"I guess that's the last straw huh?"
Each time he grins with satisfaction and each time you roll your eyes and in a way it ended up being your inside joke after all!
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captainimfangirling · 3 months
The Boys Season 4 Episode 8
I loved this episode! The Homelander I've been waiting for since that bad room episode!
Warning: Major Spoilers
Annie & Hughie
I really wish they had Annie f*cking apologies to Hughie because he was f*cking raped! I don't give a sh*t that she was locked up. Anyway I do get that she's mostly hurt about Hughie realizing it wasn't her and that he might've enjoyed being with the shifter more than her. Hughie omg my poor boy was really about to take a leadership role but Butcher really messed it up. I'm glad Starlight escaped and I have a feeling her, Kimiko, and A-Train are going to work together to save the others. The supes saving the humans they love and care about.
Also I loved Erin's performance was the shifter. I totally saw 2 different characters.
Butcher, Ryan, Victoria
Butcher really did try but he saw the way Ryan didn't react to killing Mallory so he probably lost hope for the kid. I think (like Homelander) Ryan has attachment issues. If he's not careful he will turn into his dad. I never really cared for Victoria to be honest so I didn't care Butcher killed her. I actually thought it was such a cool scene. Lets be honest she did deserve it. She killed many people.
The Deep and Black Noir
I thought I would hate it but I'm actually enjoying their broship. I still think The Deep lied about the original Black Noir having a boner from killing but I do think the new one does only because he thinks the original did. It would be interesting to see him get angry if he finds out about how the real Black Noir was like because his main goal is to become the real Black Noir, not The Deeps version of him. Now that Sage is back I wonder if it's going to ruin their broship.
I knew it! Many of you wanted her to go against Homelander only because you like her but I knew that wouldn't happen. I think she just wants to see if her ideas would work. That's all she cares about. she reminds me of someone but I can't put my finger on it.
Frenchie & Kimiko
Finally they kissed! I know a lot still don't get it. There is a reason Frenchie and Colin. It was to show the evil things Frenchie has done and how messed up he is. It wasn't about representation, it was about Frenchie's story line. Kimiko has done messed up things too but like Kimiko said Hughie is right about forgiveness and realizes that she and Hughie should forgive themselves. OMG Kimiko finally speaking saying "No" when Cate took control of Frenchie! My heart couldn't take it!
Also why didn't they try to take Kimiko? It looked like Cate was just going to leave her and just take Frenchie.
Mother's Milk
Poor guy can't get away from Love Sausage! LMAO I love how he becomes a good and confident leader. I love how they were finally a team and it broke my heart when they tried to leave each other at the end.
Homelander & Solider Boy
This was the f*cking Homelander I was waiting for since the beginning of season 4! The crazy unhinged that acts more like a god than a celebrity who's desperate for love! I hope they don't f*cking ruin it when they bring in Solider Boy and turn Homelander into a needy human being again (he was in tears when he saw Soldier Boy).
Oh Ashley you stupid, stupid girl but I get it. If she tried to run they would be dead anyways. I can't wait to see how she turns out but I am thinking she's going to turn into some sort of swamp thing.
I think he's going to come back and help Kimiko and Starlight. He better because he would be a complete hypocrite when he stopped M.M. from going to his family. Yes A-Train has his family to think of but so did M.M.
I have a feeling Firecracker is sick and the milk Homelander is drinking is contaminated. Would be funny if that's what kills him at the end. Like Milk actually being his weakness like Superdud from All That.
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