#holy shit I forgot how toxic her behaviour was
itscooltoskate · 4 months
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Demente (telenovela 2021)
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Not even one episode of peace until it all went
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No no i forgot to add i wasn't coming after you or anon about the comparing. I mean that a lot of people don't put the thought you put in. So many people put him in those videos "sing if you would let this toxic men do *Insert something* this to you" and it's always bucky with villans who knew what they were doing and who did it on purpose (not even with Loki necessarily). Like bucky never showed "toxic" behaviour and hasn't done a thing. I do agree about grouping them together because the MCU writers don't know how to properly write their characters and they are always sidelined even though they are important to the story (like I'm going to be honest I still haven't seen loki but from what I heard loki low-key became a side character in his own show and Bucky got less screen time than n*zi British girl and Tony even though he's more important to Steve and Steve's story)
Oh it's alright honey, I didn't think you were coming after me or the other anon 😉
They're calling Bucky toxic? That's crazy. Holy shit, not in a million years I would have used that word to describe him, that's absolutely insane. It's so weird to me that they're happy to pair him up with abusers and terrorists and genocidal maniacs but when it comes the time to talk about those abusers and terrorists they somehow defend their actions? Like they will call Bucky a villain but then start justifying Thanos and Stark and it's such a mindfuck.
Especially when the very moment Bucky broke free from Hydra's control he stopped immediately. He didn't even take a while to reconsider or a few days to think it over, he stopped and escaped. Hell, if we have that scene in CW when they're torturing him and fucking with his mind in the 90's that means every single time he had been taken out of cryo he was fighting back, trying to run away, trying to reclaim himself so he could stop them from using him once again - and he did that for +70 freaking years!
He's so far from being a villain or a murderer, he's a victim and he's a hero. TFATWS was a huge mess and as you say he should have gotten more screen time but at least we have that scene where he helps some folks break free from a van and a man tells him "thank you for saving us". His face is priceless. (And they call him Sergeant Barnes at one point. Oh, I loved that).
As for Stark and Peggy... ah don't get me started. Everything those two do has been justified and excused a million times and they're both considered heroes, always making it to the lists of the most righteous MCU characters and it makes me laugh every damn time. Yeah, hiring nazis is something a good person would do, look at Howard, he even had a nickname for Zola. What wouldn't I give for a show where the Howlies find out about this and go feral on Peggy and Howard. If only.
And the Loki show... where to start. He is sidelined in his own series, none of his past is brought up, he's humiliated constantly and has to share the screen time with a variant of himself who's said to be superior to him in every way and a good girl who cares so much about what's right (while at the same time she's shown to kill, torch, kidnap and enchant agents and innocent people at will, but that's fine because she's the one doing it), then post-ep3 Loki has no arc of his own as he spends 3 entire episodes following her and supporting her in everything she wants and needs.
It's like Marvel only has time to be sympathetic to the abusers and terrorists but when it comes to victims they're happy to blame them and put them through hell - or force them to make amends.
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