#holy moley furniture
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soullessseraphim · 8 months ago
they're spying in town 👀👀👀
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cherrythepuppet · 5 months ago
TW: Killing, General violence, heights
Karma and Dante: ZeddyZi
Gram: Me
Dante looks at downtown ramshackle and its skyscrapers in the distance, now in ruins, as Karma leads the way “This way. If we cut through downtown, we can hit the capitol building by sunrise” Karma said
“We hope…” Dante added as The three climb up to the road above them “Holy moley. I guess this is what these buildings look like up close. They're so damn tall. So, what happened here?” Gram asked
“They bombed the hell out of the surrounding areas to the quarantine zones, hoping to kill as much of the infected as possible. It worked- for a little while” Karma explained, They continue walking down the street until they hear a weird screech in the distance
“Ahhh, what the hell was that?” Gram mumbled inching closer to Dante upon hearing that but Dante only walked away from Gram “Karma, you hear that?” He asked “Yeah. Sounded pretty far away, though”
“Shit” Dante groaned “A-are we safe?” Gram quesotnied looking around, Karma noticed and pulled him closer to her “For now. Come on” She replied.The road comes to an end at a giant crater left by the bombing
Karma kneels at the edge “Damn. That's quite a drop…” Gram mumbled as Dante looks out into the distance to see the capitol building as Karma stands up “Well, there's the capitol building…” Dante sighed
“Yeah, we need to get around this mess” Karma said “This is the downtown area?” Gram looked up “It was. Now it's a giant wasteland” Karma told him before They climb past some debris and Dante leads them in front of the Goldstone Building, a giant skyscraper
They start searching the area in front “You find anything over there?” “No” “Keep looking”
“Should I do anything?” Gram spoke up “You just stay close to her for now” Dante muttered “Okay…” Dante enters an opening onto the fourth floor of the collapsed skyscraper. He approaches an open door
“Hey, Karma” He called out “Comin'.” Karma replied as They go through the door and enter the Goldstone Building, immediately finding the corpse of a mangled soldier “He's been ripped apart” Karma commented
“Yeah…” Dante winced “Body's pretty fresh” Karma added “I-is that bad?” Gram asked “Yeah, might be… Let's not stick around” Karma said, They go through the nearby door and ascend the stairwell, only to find another corpse on it
“Another one. Shit” Dante crouches down to pick up the field ops log that was beside the coprse “Looks like these guys died waiting for backup” He told them
They continue to ascend the stairs and enter the fifth floor. In front of them is a door with a clicker corpse and its fungal growth spreading over it “Goddammit. Clicker” Dante groaned “Geez… What's wrong with its face?” Gram gagged
“That's what years of infection'll do to you” Karma shrugged “So what? Are they… blind?” Gram asked “Sort of. They see using sound” Karma explained “Like bats?” “Like bats. If you hear one clicking, you gotta hide. That's how they spot you”
Dante pulls the corpse off the door and they enter the next room. The building groans amidst the storm “Whole building feels like it's about to fall apart” He crouches under some furniture “Watch your head”
They vault into the next room and the building shakes again, shifting some of the furniture “Totally cool. Everything is totally cool…” Gram muttered nervously holding onto the walls while Dante attempts to open a door but it is blocked from the other side
He calls Karma over “Gimme a hand with this” Together, they push the door open, alerting a nearby clicker of their presence “Dante!” Karma shouted as Dante turns around as the clicker pounces on him
Dante holds it back until Karma kicks it off and shoots it twice in the head, killing it “You all right?” Gram exlcimaed while Dante got up “It's nothin'…” Dante grumbled brushing Gram off, They continue down the hallway as Dante hears infected stomping around on the floor above them
They enter the room on the left. Hanging on the ledge in front of them is another corpse of a soldier “Oh, boy…” “Up there. Look” “Yeesh…” Dante goes to boost Karma up onto the ledge “Just see if there's a way through…” He boosts Karma up
Karma Climbs to her feet and looks around “It's clear. Come on, Gram” “All right, kid, you're up” Gram jumps up and grabs Karma' hand as she pulls her up “You got it. There you go. Okay…” Karma Kneels down and reaches hand out to Dante
“C'mon, big guy. Gimme your hand” Dante jumps up and Karma pulls him up onto the ledge Suddenly, they hear a particular clicking sound in the distance “Clickers?” Gram asked “Oh, shit. Go, go, go” Dante said
They quickly run into an office and hide behind a counter as a clicker follows their trail. It approaches the counter as the trio remains as quiet as possible. It walks away and Karma throws a bottle in its direction, distracting it. They quietly make their way forward
“That's our way out, over the scaffolding” Karma whispered as Dante grabbed a brick and tosses it in the opposite direction allowing Karma and Gram to sneak past to the scaffolding then Dante sneaks up and climbs up onto the scaffolding with the two
All three climb over and drop to the other side “I think that's it. Gram, you okay?” Karma asked “Other than shitting my pants… I'm fine” Gram told her causing Karma to make a small snort but Dante rolls his eyes
Dante drops onto the staircase in front of them, He pulls away a desk obstructing the stairs and They vault onto the staircase. They crouch through the opening and drop to the fifth floor “The stairwell's blocked. Should we go back up?”
“Ahh, this is crazy…” Karma hesitated before She climbs out the broken window onto a rusted window-washing rig “Just don't look down” She said “Wha-? Are you serious?!” Gram exlciamed
Dante paused then grabbed Gram’s hand and helped him out of the window and held onto him as they start shimmying across a ledge “Don't look down. Just don't look down” Dante reassured him
“You're okay. We got a way through” Karma added “Oh, boy…” Gram muttered
They pass through a window and enter the opposite side of the blocked stairwell. They re-enter the fourth floor and Dante finds a revolver on another dead soldier, Dante swaps to the revolver. Dante drops down and checks that the coast is clear before Karma and Gram drop down
They proceed through the floor and come to a door blocked by a desk. Dante clears the blockage and holds it “All right, Karma, go “Hold on” She enters the room and looks around “Here- this'll work” She approaches some furniture “All right. Gimme a hand, Gram”
They push it and prop the door open for Dante who lets go of the desk, Dante climbs over the prop and enters the room with Karma and Gram “See? Doin' all right…” “Uh-huh” They come to a part of the building where the floors have caved in. Karma kneels down at the edge as Gram looks down over it
“Whoa…” The three drop down a collapsed floor to their left and They crouch under the floor, They continue to descend the floors navigating the debris and continue to descend. [They reach an opening that drops into a subway
The three enter the State Street Subway Station where Karma approaches a nearby corpse “Look at their sleeve. Firefly” She said “Yup. These guys aren't doin' well in or out of the city. Now let's hope there's someone alive to meet us at the drop-off” Dante sighed
Dante finds another Firefly corpse nearby and picks up a map “They're from the quarantine zone” He told them “See? They're not our guys” Karma replied, They advance through the subway only to find more clickers ahead
They take cover behind a ticket kiosk “God, we're almost out. Okay, Dante, you take point. I'll watch the rear” Karma groaned “Gram, no matter what, you stay right on his heels” She added and Gram nodded
They sneak their way through the subway station full of infected, making their way towards the exit but A clicker stands near the exit “Shit…” Dante paused then snuck up behind the clicker while taking a shiv out of his pocket and stabbing the clicker in the neck before lowering its body to the ground
Karma boosts Gram up who jumps up using Karma’s hands and Gram pulls the ladder down, They all climb the ladder and exit the abandoned subway station, dropping into the railway. The road above it has caved in
“Holy shit. We actually made it” “Everyone okay?” “Yes. Let's move”
“You guys are pretty good at this stuff” Gram said “It's called luck, and it is gonna run out” Dante told him…
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dogsagainstthehatman · 2 years ago
Why I hate Argentina is Victoria 3
There is a meme about a monkey who learns about Argentinas economic system and kills itself and Paradox takes that to heart.
I thought Argentina would be a nice easy campaign slowly growing an economy out of the way in the nice resource rich Latin America. Mexico and Brazil have been some of my most relaxing campaigns.
And holy moley was I wrong.
Here is what I discovered.
1. Argentina has NO PEOPLE.
Normally the early game is pretty easy as you employ peasants who working anywhere offers a better life than subsistence farms. Since Argentina has no population it makes it hard to get demand for good.
However, everything is expensive in the country. The price of goods is based on a ratio of supply and demand (no duh.)
So that means normally a deficit of 30 furniture is wonderful. However in 1836 Argentina a 30 deficit of furniture means your standard of living plummets and people get mad.
Well what's the big deal? You've a degree in economics, a high price is an indicator to build more furniture manufacturing right?
Well if you build more furniture manufacturing it gives you 45 more furniture. Now the price of furniture plummets.
Not to mention almost every building employs around 5000 people per level.
So you put half your available workforce to work building furniture, the price plummets, and now people are getting fired.
Oh also the price of wood just skyrocketed which makes the furniture manufacturing EVEN LESS PROFITABLE
Now of course the obvious solution is as their president said is for Argentinians to come on boats from Europe.
Right? Well Argentinains happen to be very racist. So the only people who can move there are Europeans. You can't not be racist due to the legacy slavery in the country.
Now okay, so let's employ the slaves Ibhear you say.
Well the slaves are a very small part of the population. Legacy slavery means we can't import slaves (which honestly may make some sense but it's not worth it in the game meta in my opinion.)
So you have all of the downsides of slavery and none of the good.
So, what does Argentina have going for it?
Well....you have a lot of natural infustructure. Which if you could build anything would be nice.
Also the literacy rate is actually kind of high. Literacy is important because it qualifies people for most lower strata jobs, which is good because you will be automating A LOT.
Anyway thank you for getting this far. This country is an absolute son of a bitch but it has become my pet project so I will give some updates.
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xraytheredx · 3 years ago
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A fully pixelated version of the Archives from Chapter 4.
Holy Moley, this room was difficult. From the floors to the furniture, I had to figure out a whole way of making everything rounded out; lots of pixel-pushing and math, but man it was worth the effort in the end. 
Also, our first instance of Lost Ones! Don’t worry, they’ll become a bit more... lively the further we go. >u>
“Bendy and the Ink Machine” is owned by TheMeatly
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assortedvillainvault · 3 years ago
I don't have any specific prompts but I'm sure you have some Imhotep F/O stories you'd like to share
Ok so so like, for some ~context~, Imhotep is probably the first contender for an F/O I've ever had. I latched on Hard when I first saw the Mummy Animated series on TV, I would probably be about 7? I wanted SO BADLY to be a henchman for him. But like the best henchman, the special henchman who he preffered way more than the guy he was carting around for most of the show. Of course myself as the epic special henchman self insert had magic powers as well, duh. I was 7 and having an amazing time.
Anyway fast forward like a decade and a half later I'm 22 and suddenly remembered this cartoon for some reason. Idk why but I started reminiscing hard and my Mum's boyfriend found me a dvd of the show for Christmas, so of course I settle down and rewatch it to fondly remember my 7 year old shenanigans and how badly I also wanted to be a Medjai becuase Ardeth Bay is the coolest character to ever exist and I wanted to be a desert ninja.
So, I settle down and let it play. The title screen goes hard as ever, I'm old enough to realise the voice acting and script is def kinda wooden in places but w/e, it's an old show, I'll live.
I'm watching the main character be an idiot while messing about with ancient artifacts and stupid bitchy henchman who's name I never remember is snooping about with 150% more homosexual energy than I recall, and then.
Imhotep is ressurected - and I'm suddenly punched in the womb because HOLY MOLEY THAT VOICE the accent the PRESENCE the magic powers and proclivity for bondage (old cartoons ily so much you didn't have to go that hard but you did), just WOW.
So I'm sat there watching my old obsession be badass on screen once again, and internally I'm like, 'Ok, so that was a shock, but I'm sure it'll wear off the more I watch bc Imhotep is in basically every episode until like season three when they introduce more baddies, so y'know. Still wanna be henchperson but still. Control thyself.'
It's worth noting this is still the pilot episode and Imhotep looks fully human right now. Shenanigans ensue, plot things happen, and we get to the climax where due to a spell fuckup Imhotep becomes the half decomposed purple mummy seen in my icon with enough feral rage to fell a small nation - and as he lets out the feral face distorting scream I remembered SO WELL from over a decade ago my body and soul fucking Ascend and then hit me in the brain with a steel chair and I am definitely. 100%. Still. Interested.
Sat like a buffoon as the credits roll with a beaming smile and a blush realising I have tens of wonderful, beautiful self indulgent episodes to go.
So yeah. Less F/O stories because my brain is very much in neon lights Blorbo mode rather than anything coherent regarding Imhotep, but I'm probably going to remake that self insert to suit myself as an adult.
And yeah they'll probably still have magic powers and be his henchperson. Can't improve on greatness.
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decor10 · 8 years ago
Home Design and Decorating Ideas and Interior Design
New Post has been published on http://decor10blog.com/design-decorate/decorating-ideas/how-to-paint-furniture-in-one-afternoon.html
How to Paint Furniture in One Afternoon
A sponsored post created in partnership with Ace Hardware & the brand of chalk paint I’ve been using for years anyway:  Amy Howard at Home® One Step Paint™
You know those TV shows where they count down the best inventions of all time?
Well, if I were in charge of that show, chalk paint would be in the top ten. I remember the dark, olden days before I knew such a thing as chalk paint existed. In those hard times, we didn’t have much choice but to use glossy enamel paint because it cured to a hard finish–sadly, that curing took a month.
Listen, I’m not talking about chalkBOARD paint, no, this is chalk paint–a one coat paint that requires no sanding or stripping– I’m pretty sure I’ve even painted right over dust and spiders. Chalk paint is a DIYer’s BFF.
And Amy Howard should win the award for the prettiest paint labels and branding.
I decided to repaint this hutch that I’ve had for years and years. I wanted him to be a warm, light pink but I wasn’t exactly sure the shade I was looking for. I use the top part of the hutch in another part of the barn where it sits on a big old table and I love where it is. The top and bottom half of the hutch have been divorced since we moved out here, so it was time for the bottom half to move on and go his own color with an afternoon makeover.
Chalk paint loves being mixed together to get the right color. Also, mixing paint colors is SO FUN! So I decided to grab a few colors and experiment until the color felt right.
I started with using mostly the colors Palmer Pink and Shaw Red with a little Linen. But the color was waaaay to strawberry and bright for what I wanted. So I kept adding in more Linen and Palmer Pink to lighten and even a little dash of Holy Moley (yellow) for warmth up to the perfect shade of light pink.
If you don’t want to mix your own colors and can’t find the color you love out of the 52 Amy Howard suggestions, just make sure you get the tintable base, and the Ace Hardware folks can mix it to any color you want.
You can see the darker color on the top of the hutch, then I added more Linen painted that on the drawer on the right then again, more Linen, painted that on the middle drawer, and it’s hard to tell in the photo, but the drawer on the left if even a lighter color.
I thought I had the color right until I painted the entire piece. Nope, still too strawberry and intense. It is One Step Paint, so if I would have loved this color, I could have been done in one coat!
No worries, I just added in more Linen colored paint to my batch and waited about an hour for everything to dry and quickly painted over the hutch again. Seriously, I do paint really fast like a possessed woman, but even a slow painter should be able to paint a piece like this in less than an hour. This paint goes on so easy.
The best thing about chalk paint is how forgiving it is. I could “practice” my colors all over the piece, and once it was dry I did one last coat in my final color and all traces of the first coat were gone.
Ta-Da! This might be the most productive and rewarding two hours I’ve had all week!
Never painted furniture before?
Here’s my best advice for painting with chalk paint:
Be sure to have the paint people at Ace shake your paint in the machine, even if it’s premixed
Give yourself an afternoon (seriously, don’t put it off because you think a paint project will take all weekend, this entire project took about 2 hours including time for the first coat to dry!) Chalk paint looks better when it’s imperfect, you aren’t painting the Sistine Chapel, most people paint too slow, that’s fine except when you let that hold you back from starting a project. Consider the choice to paint quicker but less perfect and have a finished piece instead of a piece you have to take a vacation to complete to perfection and therefore it’s never started. AMEN.
Don’t start with a bookshelf as your first ever painted piece. Think about all the surfaces and corners and back of the shelf and the underside of every shelf. I’d rather paint two dressers than one bookshelf.
If you are painting something with a main surface that gets used (pretty much everything) be sure to use wax to seal it. Amy Howard has her own line of waxes, I’ll probably end up adding clear wax to this piece in a few days–it won’t really change the color much, but it will protect it.
If you’ve never painted furniture, practice on something small first. Don’t have something small? Take $ 5 to a thrift store and buy a practice piece.
Don’t be afraid to mix colors together. It’s so fun!
Don’t start painting on the top first, start on the back or the bottom of one of the sides, that way you can get your rhythm and brushstrokes going confidently on a “private” part of the piece.
Use a brush, not a roller–chalk paint likes brushes.
Don’t like the color? No problem! You don’t have to wait for the paint to cure for weeks, go ahead and paint another color on top once it’s dry!
Amy Howard at Home® One Step Paint™ paint is available at select neighborhood Ace Hardware Store.
PS. Now through March 20th, buy two get one free on all gallons of Royal®, Clark+Kensington®, Valspar® Aspire and Valspar® Optimus paint at The Paint Studio at Ace. (the white paint I used on the walls and ceiling of our house is: Clark + Kensington’s Designer White)
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xraytheredx · 2 years ago
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I posted 578 times in 2022
That's 188 more posts than 2021!
31 posts created (5%)
547 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 253 of my posts in 2022
#bendy and the ink machine - 63 posts
#raysartwork - 20 posts
#joey drew - 18 posts
#sammy lawrence - 17 posts
#batim step right up au - 16 posts
#bertrum piedmont - 14 posts
#shadichi - 14 posts
#8-bit art - 12 posts
#pixel art - 12 posts
#johan ramirez - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#i know i'm gonna forget the cool stuff later so best to write out what i'm thinking right then and then work the little things out later!
My Top Posts in 2022:
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A fully pixelated version of the Archives from Chapter 4.
Holy Moley, this room was difficult. From the floors to the furniture, I had to figure out a whole way of making everything rounded out; lots of pixel-pushing and math, but man it was worth the effort in the end. 
Also, our first instance of Lost Ones! Don’t worry, they’ll become a bit more... lively the further we go. >u>
“Bendy and the Ink Machine” is owned by TheMeatly
16 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
Runaway Buddy, Chapter 1: July 7th, 1946 (Part 1)
~ After a bit of searching, Buddy Lewek finds his way to the extraordinary circus, Colossal Wonders, and discovers quite a few surprises waiting for him. ~ ---------------- Set in @bertrumstrousers‘ Step Right Up AU; been working on it with him and others from his server for quite a while now, so I hope you all enjoy it. ^u^ A big thank you to @haunted-hijinxer for helping me with editing!
~~~~~ What should have been a simple 20-minute trip from Rosendale to Kingston managed to stretch into over half an hour, the result of the normal route apparently being under reconstruction. Late as it was, the old bus tried to speed up some in a small attempt to bring that early evening's ride to an end sooner. Though its driver had to be mindful of a few pedestrians and one ill-timed stoplight, it was finally able to bring itself to a stop at its designated curbside.
The moment the door slid open, all those aboard were more than prepared to begin filing out and onto the sidewalk, quite a few wearing looks of agitation, some of relief, and others wore no discernable expression at all. No matter the case, they were here now, best to get on with their own respective chores and errands already. All of them were quick to scatter and wander off amongst the rest of the crowd to do just that. Well, almost all of them.
Buddy made sure to square himself away in the nook of the nearest store front right after stepping off the bus, and there took time to stretch a little and fix himself up. In between straightening out his jacket and looping on the other strap of his backpack, he couldn't help but start looking all around the place. Truth be told, there wasn't very much here beyond the usual small-town shops and traffic, the same as a number of other towns scattered all around the outskirts he had seen coming in. Not to sound rude, the area was nice, scenic even but... he still had no idea where it was.
One of the two bundles of paper he had stuffed in his pocket got pulled out then, and unfolded to show the map hidden within. Spreading it wide, the teen scanned over whatever names and lines he could recognize across it while repeatedly glancing back at his surroundings for certain buildings or landmarks. Nearly as soon as this little back and forth had started however, it stopped, after one last over-the-paper's-edge check; another and possibly much easier solution had presented itself. Buddy fumbled but managed to fold up the map again and put it away, "'Scuse me! Excuse me, sir?"
The nearby old man looked up from sweeping off the front steps of his shop, confused, at least until he saw the younger lad making his way over, "Whatcha need, son?" he asked, opting to hold the broom at his side for the moment.
“Evening," Buddy greeted, "Sorry to bother, but I'm looking for Archgate? You happen to know if it's still here or did it already, uuhh...?"
He let the sentence trail off when it was obvious that he was just confusing the elder more. The old man had an eyebrow raised high, "What gate?" he asked. Buddy couldn't help but give a quiet annoyed groan. It was then that he brought out the other bit of paper he had, slimmer and more worn than the first, only needing to unfold it twice before holding it up for the senior to see. It turned out to be an old poster, very likely one that had spent time on the side of some outdoor wall before being peeled off and kept through the years as someone's keepsake. Illustrations of various odd characters decorated most of it, some posing and others performing outlandish or amazing stunts; each of them were captured in once-golden frames, arranged neatly across the page with the words "Archgate Circus" painted at the very top in large yellowed letters.
Both of the old man's eyebrows were raised now, looking at the thing. "The Archgate Circus. I was told it was somewhere here in Kingston, " Buddy clarified.
He waited a few long seconds as the man looked over the poster carefully, adjusting his thickly lensed glasses a little on the bridge of his nose. Even with time to think it over, the senior still sounded unsure with his answer, "... Well, there's a circus going on over that way, but it sure don't look like any of that," he said. One hand let go of the broomstick and waved lazily westward, "Go down this road and turn left at the big break in the trees. You can't miss all them tents."
"Perfect. Thanks so much!" With that, Buddy started walking fast in that direction, all too eager to bring his day of travelling to a close.
Exiting town down the west main road, there wasn't much to see on the surface; a large cluster of trees on the left with only a large ditch separating it from the pavement and on the right a large section of grassy field. Among the wildflowers and weeds, there were several cars parked alongside each other with a number of their owners leaving them behind in the makeshift parking lot, crossing the road, and onto the very wide worn out dirt path that cut right into the tree line. Walking down the length of it only took about a minute at most, but anyone could see what lay ahead at the very end far sooner than that.
The old Kingston fairgrounds, normally deserted minus the odd season's festival or concert, was now filled to the brim with fantastical carnival fare. Booths were set up with games and prizes to win, concession stands were selling all kinds of foods and treats; several tents stood tall and proud among them, holding their own side-show surprises and acts, no doubt, just as a circus should be...almost. Buddy looked around at it all with a healthy amount of excitement, as well as a large dose of shock.
Just about everything was done up in a dark and twisted horror theme, from the sound of distant music being accompanied by shrieks and wails to how no matter where you looked, you would find at least a few demon faces grinning back at you. The handful of performers he could spot walking around in the crowd seemed to be following that concept to the letter; the costumes they wore were elaborate, splattered if not covered head to toe in what looked to be black paint, or possibly tar? From a distance it was hard to tell which, but it scared the daylights out of passersby all the same. ".... Some of those rumors were pretty on point...." Buddy muttered to himself.
The young teen was snapped out of his thoughts and turned; out in front of the black and purple Big Top, there was a man standing at a tall podium shouting out to the patrons. He held his megaphone up high again, "Tickets, folks! Big Show starts in 5 minutes! Buy yourself a ticket and have it ready!"
A line of people had already formed, buying their tickets and heading for the main tent; two employees posted at both sides of the entrance happily took and tore each stub in half before letting anyone enter. Buddy paused, then dug into his back pocket for his wallet, opening it up; empty, save for a few bits of old lint, "Shit...". Out of everything in the fairgrounds, getting in there wasn't just one of the major things he wanted to do; he needed to get in. All thoughts turned to coming up with a plan B.
What he came up with wasn't something he was particularly proud of; a bit of walking around the perimeter and minding anybody who could be watching had led Buddy to slipping underneath a loose enough piece of the tent's tarp. Regardless, inside was inside and that was all that mattered. Other patrons were still busily moving about and filling the stands or chatting away loudly to one another while waiting to get their dose of thrills in just a few minutes. All of this gave the boy plenty of cover to sneak his way over to where he considered to be a good spot, crouched behind a few spare barrels and other equipment left between two stands. Not only would he have a good view of all three rings, but the action would be up close and personal.
It didn't take long for the audience to settle into their seats, nor for their chattering to quiet down into excited whispers once the lights began to dim. In its place, a drumroll from somewhere in the circus' band stirred to life. Spotlights from up above turned on one by one, lighting up a path across the stage and up to the large pair of black curtains at the far end.
The anticipation was left to grow for a few moments...
Suddenly the curtains were flung open with a crescendo of drums  and in marched the show's ringmaster, being immediately greeted by applause and cheers from all sides and all too happy to wave to them all in return. Buddy however just stared in astonishment. The gentleman's attire alone demanded attention, every bit from his polished boots to his decorated top hat shimmering in gold or a deep purple hue. That was to be expected, but the sheer size of him was not. The man was huge, a giant compared to any other adult. From the hushed comments and murmurs Buddy could hear around him remarking the same, he wasn’t the only one shocked. Here was somebody that could not be easily ignored.
A microphone was lowered down and hung right above a small circular platform placed in the middle ring. Stepping up, the ringmaster took hold of the device and began to speak in a loud confident voice that cut through any other sound, "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages! Welcome! I am your ringmaster, the Great Bertrum Piedmont!”
This time every bit of the crowd broke out into cheers in response.
Bertrum gave a delighted chuckle, "Before we get things started, I have one question for you all… are you prepared to be thrilled, to witness the wondrous and exciting?"
As he spoke, his free hand moved to his belt and unclipped the looped-up whip there; a flick of his wrist and the length of it flung out and rested on the dirt floor. A hasty strike of a small hidden flint and the entirety of it up to the very tip was coated in flames.
"Are you ready for these Colossal Wonders~!”
There was one swift motion and a loud CRACK! echoed throughout the tent; the burning light of the whip quickly began to spread from where it had struck, just on the edge of the ring until it had managed to surround the entirety of it. Surprisingly, it didn't stop there; through some unseen means, the fire was able to branch itself off in opposite directions and repeat its route with the sister rings as well.
Any apprehension the audience had about the flamboyant introduction were promptly diverted by the whole band striking up into their first score. It was jarring in its beginning, but melted into a dark, bouncy melody, perfectly suited for what followed. In that same moment, the curtains opened again as wide as they could go; a twisted parade came out of the darkness and began its course around the whole stage. Large beasts of all kinds walked alongside demons and tamers, other performers riding atop or in the carriages they pulled along behind, all of them waving at the once again ecstatic crowd.
Even if he had to duck down from a few getting a little too close, Buddy took it all in with the biggest grin on his face; colossal wonders was right, this was amazing! He watched one very ornate black and gold carriage roll by with only one passenger, from what he could tell a tall and thin woman dressed all in black, save for the angel wings she had on... or did he see bat wings? It came and went too fast to really tell; ---
See the full post
18 notes - Posted January 22, 2022
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A fully pixelated version of the Inkwell Room from Chapter 4. “Bendy and the Ink Machine” is owned by TheMeatly
21 notes - Posted August 19, 2022
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Fully pixelated versions of the Level S Elevator and Management Rooms from Chapter 4. >u<
Finally reaching the lower levels of the Studios; the further I go, the crazier things get, the more little details I notice, and the more dirt and ink I need to draw on the walls XD We’re starting off with small spaces here, so decided to pair these areas together for you all, along with another lil’ Meatly doll tossed in. (Collect him, add him with the others in your inventory✨)
“Bendy and the Ink Machine” is owned by TheMeatly
57 notes - Posted July 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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60 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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