#holy fuck nuggets aesthetic af??!!
Thought Dump: The Crow
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Up to this point, I've been more familiar with the soundtrack, which FUCKING SLAPS, so write that down. I've seen bits and pieces over the years and always meant to watch the whole thing, and I'm extra annoyed it took me so long because HOLY SHIT WHERE DO I BEGIN??? The vibes! The aesthetic! The cinematography! The story! It's all stuff that makes my brain go WHEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
Vibes: angsty, noir-ish, Batman-as-a-broke-musician. The climax of the movie takes place on the roof of a cathedral during a rainstorm, ffs, and if that doesn't tell you all you need to know, I have no more words for you.
Aesthetic: grunge yet goth yet Gothic. It's always dark. It's always raining. The fact that it's always raining has thematic relevance. But everything is also on fire and it's tragic except for when it's awesome. Everyone looks either from Seattle in the 90's or just plain Extra AF™.
Cinematography: duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude. Aerial POVs, tracking shots, lighting, shadows, colors, it looks so fucking cool. I lost track of what was actually going on a few times because I was too busy just LOOKING at stuff.
Story: very basic and straightforward, but I dig all the bits and pieces. Moody crime drama, tragic love story, vigilante mission, revenge arc, even a nugget of found family for good measure, all with a sprinkle of the supernatural on top. I'm assuming the comic this is based on gets more in depth, as my only beef is that some points feel slightly undercooked. Don't get me wrong, the weakest elements still get the job done, and as of now it's still a minor complaint. First-viewing me is more than happy. (Though Tony Todd is underutilized and that's a damn shame.)
Full disclosure, watching this with the knowledge of the real-life tragedy of its making did something to the experience. I can't quite put it into words at the moment, but the movie's theme of living on after death landed quite a bit differently than it might have otherwise.
Final thoughts: 9/10, will probably rewatch in the very near future if I know me, and definitely will not be shutting up about it anytime soon.
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911 lone star 3014
Thoughts throughout the episode
Why are they all known actors?since when do they bring known actors? Or maybe they are not known and I just randomly thought they are familiar
What a male Karan
Yea that kid is a dick
That is a very will smith move
I want nuggets
I love jokes on Owen
Lol again😂😂???
Lol that gross
Lol that kid
That party is so aesthetically pleasing
He is hot
Tommy is a badass
What is a sunshine child?
Lol I love Marjan
He really dose need help
Where is tk and Carlos I miss them
 wrestling is very 💅💅✨✨
Wtf dude he is a kid
Her daughters are just like her
He is very hot
If anything will happen with them I will puke
Please don’t
Gross 🤮
Weird af
Owen again 😕
Because you are terrible
Nooo why you are way too good for him
You have so many more
Or don’t call at all
Good for her
Lol Brian
Holy fuck
That’s insane
Oh no
No Al don’t be stupid
Nooo I’m sad for his family
Brian 🥺
I miss grace and Carlos
Then don’t say anything let Tommy talk
Mateo and Nancy🥺🥺
Aww Mateo is sweet
I will be for them being a thing
They will be cute together
Aww cute scene I’m still not over Charles dying
Like good for him but I don’t care
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