#holy crapface
theverakeller · 2 months
logging in for the first time in a minute to just let you all know that i'm over here listening (crying) to billie eilish's 'birds of a feather' and on my like 345th listen i was IMMEDIATELY struck with andy/eddie feelings when hearing"i knew you in another life, you had that same look in your eyes"
like i know someone has written a reincarnation/soulmate au for those two bc why the hell wouldn't someone
WAIT this song is just them bc what do you mean that billie didn't write "it might not be long but baby i'll love you TIL THE DAY THAT I DIE !!!! TIL THE LIGHT LEAVES MY EYES!!!!!!' SPEFICIALLY for andy and eddie??? bc i think she did.
holy crapface am i in my andyeddie feelings rn i'm NOT OKAY???
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lothirielswan · 6 years
“Angry at Life, Smitten with You.” [8] [FINAL CHAPTER]
~The Veiled Stairs, Pandaria~
After handing over the evidence to Baine, Dezco returned me to Pandaria. I knew I shouldn't stay–now that Baine had reason to suspect Garrosh, the orc would be on the hunt for me soon. I needed to find a solution to that...but there was someone I needed to see first.
As I arrived at the top of the steps in the Veiled Stairs inn, I knocked on the side of the wall. “Hi.”
Anduin’s gaze was fixed on the pages in a book, and I caught a glimpse of his expression as he read with an eyebrow arched before looking up. When he saw me, his face brightened.
“Hello,” Andy struggled to sit up as I approached the table. The deep grimace on his face deeply bothered me as he did so, but he concealed it with another smile. “Did everything go alright? How’s Baine?”
I plopped myself down next to him and scooted the stool closer. I didn't want to tell him about returning to Orgrimmar. Anduin would never let me hear the end of it, and he was in enough pain without news of my reconnaissance. I regretted keeping another secret from him, so I would tell him...when it was no longer relevant and he forgot who Garrosh was.
“It went well. Baine believed my story, he’s alerting the troll resistance first because they’re closer...soon the entire Horde will know, and they’ll inform the Alliance.” I said. When Baine did receive the evidence, it did wonders to my image. My intervention with Theramore was forgotten and people saluted me as I passed. It was a little grandstanding for my taste, but I hopefully helped save the Horde from disaster.
“I'm glad, you did the right thing.” Andy’s hands vanished on the other side of his chair. “And I got you something to celebrate.”
Anduin set a golden box on the table in front of me. I politely held a hand over my gaping mouth to hide my shock at the intricate grooves in the design. Rubies and emeralds sparkled across the top.
“Anduin, you didn't have to do this,” I said, still awed by what I was in the presence of. “I won't let you spoil me.”
“You deserve it,” Andy replied, taking hold of my hand and bringing it to his lips. How did the son of Varian Wrynn become such a gentleman?
I smiled as I turned back to the gift. “What is this?”
“You told me earlier that you used to use crystals to record music when you were younger. It's not much, but I wanted to get you something you liked,” Anduin said.
“You’ve succeeded,” I murmured as my fingers traced the fine grooves of the box. I opened the golden chest and a soft tune played as a pink rose twisted in the center. I recognized the song as the exact one we danced to weeks ago.
This is beyond beautiful–it’s so thoughtful and sweet. And talk about expensive! Look at the jewels on this thing, did Andy sell half of Stormwind just to make this?
The gesture made me adore Anduin more (which I didn't think was possible), but it also reminded me of music on Outland. I had stayed away from instruments and singing since I arrived on Azeroth...perhaps I shouldn’t have turned my back on the musical arts.
“Is everything alright?” Anduin’s hand gently fell on my shoulder. “Do you like it?”
I swallowed a lump in my throat and moistened my lips. “I love it. It's perfect...just like you.”
I leaned forward on the edge of my stool and cupped Anduin’s face in my hands as I kissed him. The soft pressure of his lips against mine left me breathless. He leaned into my touch and I felt him shiver beneath my fingers. I paused and gently pulled away.
“Thank you,” Anduin replied with another fake cough to hide his burning cheeks. It was his new habit to thank me after every kiss we shared and it always left me in a giddy mood.
“That's my line, your majesty,” I mused as I straightened the collar of his diplomatic robes. When my thumb grazed his neck, I frowned at the icy temperature.
“Are you cold?” I asked as I studied Anduin’s pale features.
Andy shrugged, and I noticed another tremor run through his body. “A little. I'm alright.”
I keep secrets and he tells lies. We’re the perfect couple.
I glanced over my shoulder and found his guards out of sight; drunken laughter came from the bar downstairs. I stood from my stool and rolled my coat off my shoulders.
“Eona? What are you–oh,” Anduin sighed as I curled up on top of him and set my coat on top of us like a blanket. Being half dragon had its perks: I could eat all the spicy food I wanted, I could hoard a collection of things without shame, and I hardly ever got cold. Jaina took advantage of the latter and sat next to me whenever she was freezing at one of our meetings.
With my head on his chest, I asked, “Better?”
“Much. Thank you,” Andy replied, holding me close and setting his chin on the crown of my head.
I loved that single perfect moment, listening to Andy’s heartbeat as it throbbed in tune with the music box. The soft hymn mixed with the sound of his slow breaths. And then my mind had to ruin it.
No matter how much I want to stay, I can't. Garrosh will catch up with me, and I might even doom Andy if I remain here. But I feel like Anduin’s condition is getting worse...and I probably worsened it somehow by kissing him so much. Where could I remain safe from Garrosh, meanwhile helping Andy?
My eyes flew open. Wrathion’s going to kill me. And I might just let him.
~Wyrmrest Temple, Northrend~
“It makes sense, right?” I asked Kalec nervously as we ascended the many marble steps of Wyrmrest Temple. Even through the thick gray walls, the flapping of powerful wings and roaring flames could be heard.
Kalec nodded beside me. Kalecgos was one of the first to greet me when I arrived on Azeroth, so I had felt closer to him than others. His half elf, half human form squeezed in beside me on the stairs as we walked side by side. Sometimes he smelled like smoke (no big surprise there), other times like the ivory trees of Crystalsong Forest.
“An orc won't go near you with Alexstrasza upstairs,” Kalec agreed, his blue hair waving with his effortless climb up the stairs. “But last I checked, you two didn't have a...peaceful history.”
I bit my lip as we reached as high as the stairs would go. The temple extended into a sitting room overlooking the constant chaos outside. Three dragons turned to us in their humanoid forms, all frowning at my presence.
While I respected Alexstrasza for her former hardships, we had disagreements over the past–especially over Wrathion. But Alexstrasza was the perfect safety net I needed against Garrosh...and other reasons.
“I don't have a choice this time,” I muttered, keeping my voice low from the onlookers.
Kalec and I left the parlor behind as we came to a teleportation device to the upper levels. I shot him an apologetic glance–he didn't have to go through the stairs and cursed glares. But Kalec insisted on my behalf, like the big brother figure he portrayed.
“How is Jaina?” Kalec asked as his hands hovered over the gold teleportation mechanism.
“Angry at life, smitten with you.” I replied.
Kalec smiled, “Most sisters would hate the brother that is dating their best friend.”
“Well, you guys are still cute. Give it a month,” I teased.
Kalec chuckled and finally activated the teleporter. I was blinded by a white flash and then greeted by new surroundings.
The air was cooler at the top of Wyrmrest Temple. An oasis of snow could be seen at all sides at the top of the massive structure. Looming silhouettes awaited us.
“By the way, about your house…” Kalec trailed off.
My eyes widened. No. No–don’t tell me I'm that stupid.
“It smells like smoke–” Kalec said.
“I turned off the stove, but I was too late to save your cookies.” Kalec said, amused at the look of fear in my eyes.
I heaved a sigh of relief that I’d been holding as long as I had traveled across Pandaria. I hugged Kalec and said with my voice muffled by his chest, “I love you.”
“I know.” I knew Kalec was smiling with his tone of voice, “You have many talents, Eona, but cooking is not one of them.”
“I always end up burning everything–don’t laugh at me!”
We broke apart, and I squared my shoulders as I approached my impending doom. Kalec placed a warm hand on my shoulder, and walked close behind me as I approached the tall figures at the end of the platform.
From the astounding view to the golden-trimmed pillars, it was obvious someone of high importance was here. And I greeted one of them in the strongest voice I could muster, “Grandma.”
Alexstrasza turned, and two fiery suns for eyes stared wide at me. “Eona? You returned.”
As I stepped closer, I saw others of great importance. I shared a smile with the bronze dragon Chromie in her gnome form. Ysera was dozing off where she stood, but her eyes focused on me during it and managed a nod.
“I have, with a proposition,” I said, willing my fingers to stay still as I stood straight. Alexstrasza would probably give me anything if I asked, but I knew better than to be in debt with a dragon–especially the Life Binder.
“Of course?” As Alexstrasza’s head dipped to the side, the gold embroidery on her horns jingled.
Kalec stood beside me now and we exchanged a look. He gave me a reassuring nod.
“I’ll return to you–to Wyrmrest Temple–on one condition.” I said. “To heal the Prince of Stormwind from his recent injuries.”
Kalec gaped at me from the sidelines. I caught his staring and squinted, “What? I'm allowed to date blond mortals too.”
“Dating?” Alexstrasza’s pinkish face lit up. “I'm getting great grandchildren…! You’re not pregnant now–”
“No! Of course not.” Chromie chuckled at my reddening face. “Just fix his condition and I’ll stay as long as you want.”
The hopeful grin on her face made me rethink my words. “–Or a year. A year is good.”
“Wonderful!” Alexstrasza closed the short distance between us and embraced me tight. Kalec gazed at the awkward hug with an arched eyebrow as I lightly patted her arm.
“Um…” I still had one last request. “Can I say goodbye first before my jail time starts?”
“Of course,” Alexstrasza broke away as Kalec conjured a portal to the Veiled Stairs. Chromie, Kalec, and Alexstrasza leaned in eagerly to catch a blurry image of Anduin. Ysera would’ve joined in if not for her soft snores.
“We never speak of this,” Kalec said, his eyes widening at the familiar blond hair and blue eyes. “Never again.”
“He looks like a good influence,” Alexstrasza cooed over my shoulder.
“He looks like your father,” Chromie’s comment was the most terrifying of all three.
I huffed as I stepped through the portal and the icy atmosphere melted away. My expression grew more grave as I thought of what I had to do. As I stared at Anduin reading at the table, his golden head bowed, my chest tightened.
I already told Wrath and he had a temper tantrum. This can't be any worse than that...but it feels like it.
“Andy?” Where I could muster strength to display to Alexstrasza, I cracked in the presence of the boy that traveled an entire continent with me. Anduin looked up at my pale expression.
I don't want to do this...I feel like I'm going to throw up. I pushed my feelings down, and sat down next to him. Anduin naturally took hold of my hands like it was a habit, “Are you alright, Eona?”
“No. Not really,” I admitted as his fingers traced calming circles over my hands. “I'm afraid...I have to leave Pandaria. The old people in my family are eating hearts again.”
Anduin froze. “That’s common among dragons?”
“No! No,” I said, silently cursing myself for using that metaphor.
“Oh.” Anduin’s shoulders sagged. “But you are leaving?”
“I am.” I studied at our intertwined fingers. “I wanted to help you because I owed you for traveling across the continent and putting up with me...and now I want to stay, because I really like you.”
I finally looked up when Anduin reached over to tuck my bangs behind my ear. I swallowed when I admitted, “I don't know when I'm going to see you again.”
“Neither do I.” Andy said. His hand remained behind to caress my cheek, “But when we do, we’ll pick up right where we left off.”
I stepped out on the other side of the portal and scowled. “Really?”
While Kalec and Chromie dotted their cheeks with tissues, Alexstrasza sobbed into a handful of them. “We’ve only known you two as a couple for like five minutes, but that was really heartbreaking to watch.”
Ysera finally jolted herself awake. “What did I miss?”
Want to relive the journey? Check the Caverns of Time for previous chapters!
Have a different reading preference? Check Archive of Our Own for quicker updates here!
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eeveecat12 · 3 years
Maybe Hat kid or Bow kid
Hat Kid:
Favorite thing about them: EVERYTHING! They’re my everything!
Least favorite thing about them: None!
Favorite line: Her blowing raspberries
BrOTP: Her and Bow Kid! Sibling moment!
OTP: None really. Hatstache is alright I guess, but I’m not crazy over it.
NOTP: Her with Bow Kid. Also any of the adults obviously
Random Headcanon: She likes to chew on random things as a stim
Song I associate with them: Holy PVRIS
Favorite picture of them: Can’t choose
Bow Kid:
Favorite thing about them: Her design is the cutest thing ever.
Least favorite thing about them: How she’s sometimes shipped with Hat Kid? Sorry people who like that ship it just makes me really uncomfy.
Favorite line: None.
BrOTP: again, Her and Hattie! Sisters!
OTP: none.
NOTP: Her and Hat Kid. Again, I’m sorry.
Random Headcanon: She uses She/Kit/Mew/Bun/Purr/Paw pronouns
Song I associate with them: Purrfect by Crapface
Favorite picture of them: All of them
Just the two of them, they can make it if they try, just the two of them, just the two of them.
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