sebfrombuckystan · 7 years
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Man, this place is practically a walking superhero movie, isn’t it? Did I walk back into the Infinity War set? Or a Marvel and DC crossover film??? Is this reality?
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papa-bomer · 7 years
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Light reading before bed always makes me think... how nice sleep is. Really, though, are you retaining anything you read before going to bed? Cause I’ve gone through a few books but scant little of that stays in my brain. 
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superflash-grant · 7 years
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Ever get those moments where you hear the snippet of something and it’s stuck in your head the rest of the day. I’ve been jamming to the Bee Gee’s ‘Staying Alive’ all morning because of this. Help me, someone play something else to get it out of my head... or don’t... I do like to strut... ‘whether you’re a brother or whether you’re a mother, you’re staying alive...’
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caffeinated-chris-e · 7 years
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Valentine’s Day was a bust... hopefully moving forward things will get better. Though with all this press starting up I may need to invest in stock for Starbucks. I have issues. 
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I had just bought a new house and it’s already a mess with two boys they decided to draw on the wall. Ugh kids!!
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daddy-cap-evans · 7 years
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Has everyone recovered sufficiently from their holiday meal now? I’ve got to get back in the gym and start working out again. Otherwise the burgers come to rest on my butt, and I don’t need that getting any bigger.
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galgadot123-blog · 7 years
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“So, I’ve just found and met up my baby daddy aka former one-night-stand and broke the news. Let’s just say he did not take it very well and what I’ve partly been fearing has come true. He doesn’t want anything to do with his child at all, can you believe it? I even told him that he doesn’t even need to pay for child support or even do anything major. All I wish is that he  be a presence in her life, like see her once a week or something. At least it’ll show my baby girl that her dad wants her, loves her and will be there for her even if we’re not together. All he has to do is just spend like a few hours of his time with her, at the very least ,once a week. She doesn’t need to know anything else. but he..”here, her voice broke a little. “Now, my baby girl will never know her dad. She’ll grow up thinking her dad doesn’t love her and doesn’t want her, and it’s all my fault,”she stopped her long speech then, unable to continue any longer, as she then buried her face into the palm of her hands, not wanting the other to see the tears she was desperately trying to keep at bay, but could now feel a slight misty liquid forming at the corners of her eyes.
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smellsofamell · 7 years
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Okay, best thing to do for the weekend if you’re bored out of your mind. Go!
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I need some slick catchphrase for my Tinder profile. Something more than ‘British talking bloke’. Any help is appreciated!
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papa-bomer · 7 years
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I tell you, having kids can wear you down! I really need a nap, but when do you get that? Career, family and home life keeps you busier than all get out, and when the third child arrives, I know it’ll just get crazier! Now I understand why people hire nannies. 
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superflash-grant · 7 years
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Is it possible to literally overflow your phone with pictures? Between babies and my wife and holidays, I think my phone is about to explode. But I’m always ugh about switching phones to go to a larger one. Someone help me be strong!
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