#hollywood superstar korekiyo shinguuji
ryouverua · 5 years
Korekiyo Shinguuji FTE - (Kaede #1)
You’re walking in the school
There’s no one around and your monopad is dead
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Out of the corner of your eye, you spot him
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cue orchestra
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This is a terrible idea
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..... oh, that’s actually coming off as really sweet.
God I wish I could scrub my brain of that. I’m really enjoying all of these ‘soft science kids hanging together and talking about where their talents overlap’ FTEs.
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Would this be up his alley? I feel like he’d be down for this and can’t think of anyone else who would like it as much? Well, I suppose I can think of someone who would outright hate it -
actually then again the opportunity to make innuendos related to and mocking truth might be worth it for Kokichi
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.... Or I could go for the easy one.
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Normally I would consider this a compliment for Kaede but as it is this is probably VERY not good
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anything that distracts you from murder, yes
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!!! Are we getting a totally anthropological-based FTE? I’m so totally down for this! It’s been a long time, but he was actually the first character I finished with Shuichi during the main game because I kind of fell in love with their discussions. I’m down to revisit pre-reveal Korekiyo! please give me back that blissful time when I only knew about pre-reveal Korekiyo -
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weeps because I miss Professor Shinguuji
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That would have been my answer, too.
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Oh, yeah, I get it.
Korekiyo in general seems to focus his studies on oral histories and traditions in general, which makes sense given his backstory. Putting aside that his sister basically instilled his love of folklore (and let’s uh... not go into that farther), most of what she taught him seems to have not been written down or recorded in any way. His own daily life - his traditions, his makeup, his clothing - was passed down from ‘a human who no longer exists in the physical world’. So of course it makes sense that he, in turn, would be fascinated by and incredibly involved in keeping alive the memories of generations’ past to the point of obsession through rigorous research and study.
grumble grumble damn you Chapter 3 reveal grumble grumble
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I think I’ve heard of this one, actually! It’s a kid’s song, with a similar vibe as Ring around the Rosie in that it has an eerie undertone tied to what it originally was about way back when?
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See, it’s tidbits of knowledge like this that lured me into loving you so much. Damn you Korekiyo -
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It’s interesting to note that the idea of there being multiple interpretations of what the truth could be is something popping up here. Thematically relevant, even ~
“No one knows for sure what the truth is, but the idea that there is a certain truth is in itself intriguing enough to chase after it”, huh? Cheers bro, I’ll drink to that -
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Normally I’d agree with you here because it could hint at you having an appearance that doesn’t match what you’re actually right, but Kaede actually did have you pegged correctly the entire time so..........
And the last one!
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Soft science nerds need more time to hang out, damn it! If only the implications of what would happen if you grew fond of Kaede weren’t so terrible...
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Aaaaand we’ve reached the shared path again.
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Except I can because for Korekiyo especially, his childhood and influences on him made such a huge impact on how he turned out and all of his motivations here, and man I don’t want to get into my thoughts on Her too much because it’s not really relevant but again, what he studies in anthropology really say a lot about him...
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Hint hint nudge nudge you should look past the surface level text of my dialogue or you’re going to be blindsided when that happens hint hint hint hint
... but also like mentioned before sometimes a rose really just is a rose and a creep seems creepy because they are
So, you know. Guess we can have it both ways.
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I’m  not salty about how things turned out I’m not salty about how things turned out I’m not salty about how things turned out I’m not salty about how things turned out -
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