adiellistech · 3 years
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Introducing Jeremiah Bracken:
Name: Jeremiah James ‘JJ’ Bracken
Age: 29
Gender: Cis Man
Pronouns: He/him
Species: Human
Face claim: Joe Keery
Affiliation: Bloodline of hunters (doesn’t know)
Length of stay in Holloway: Since high school.
Full Name: Jeremiah James Bracken Nickname: JJ, J, Jer  Age: 29 Species: Human Occupation: Streamer/gamer, writer, musician Pronouns/Gender: He/him, Cis Man Two Positive traits: Outgoing, friendly Two Negative Traits: Reckless, easily distracted Length of time in Holloway: 15 years Face Claim: Joe Keery
JJ has always been a confident and outgoing guy. He’s talkative, friendly, adventurous, and doesn’t like to sit still for long. He’s playful, a little dorky and is known to be reckless, especially after a drink. But he is a loyal friend, he genuinely cares about the people in his life and he always tries his best to please people.
Jeremiah’s childhood was in New York, though his father came from Holloway. Growing up, he was always full of life. From a young age, he was climbing things, playing baseball which he enjoyed doing with his dad, messing around with instruments and building things with his hands. He liked to be on the go and he liked to be busy, he had so much energy but his parents did their best to keep him entertained and busy during his childhood. If he wanted guitar lessons he got them, if he wanted to play drums, he got them too. Despite being a little hyper, he was a loveable child who loved being around people. He was close to his dad, and enjoyed working on cars with him and playing sports together. Though he had a soft side to him, that his mom really understood.
Though his life took a turn for the worst at just thirteen years old when his parents were killed by what he was told, a drunk driver late at night. The teenager was waiting at home but his parents never came back. The loss of his parents hit him hard and with no other remaining family in New York, he had to return to his father’s hometown of Holloway. He was sent to live with his grandparents in Holloway and he started high school there. His grandfather was a retired army sergeant and had worked as a police officer in town for most of his life. He was firm but kind to JJ and was the father figure he needed as a teenager. His grandmother’s family came from money and she spoilt JJ, he got a car at sixteen and she supported his music and love for performing arts.
His slightly reckless and outgoing personality only grew throughout high school, and his love for music was good for the teen. He played in a band, he could play guitar, piano and drums and he found his passion for writing. He soon found his confidence and began auditioning for the school performances and his natural charm often got him the lead. Although the loss of his parents and the new environment did influence the young man. He worked hard in school, securing a place at university when he was eighteen. He became closer to his grandparents and he enjoyed building that relationship with them, they managed to keep him on track and ensured he had a future. He was doing okay despite all the changes in his life, he wasn’t getting into as much trouble at his new school, he made a group of friends and had a childhood girlfriend.
He was a normal teenager, despite the moments alone where the loss of his parents still hurt him more than he would ever tell anyone. JJ doesn’t like to show weakness, he doesn’t want people to fuss, not even when he needs it. He likes to be the person taking care of other people and he never wants to let people down. He moved back to New York for college and studied music and performing arts. He did some extra work in some shows and started writing more and more, finding his love for playwriting. As a student he worked part time at a bar and even played in his band with his best friend and he tried his best to stay out of trouble most of the time.
When he received a large sum of money his parents had left for his 21st birthday, JJ decided to put the money into his writing. He’s talkative, friendly, charming and he also found a love for streaming games. He’s got quite a following and enjoys the social side of it. He’s playful, a little dorky and is known to be reckless, especially after a drink. But he is a loyal friend, he cares about his friends and family and he has a gentle and chill side to his personality which often gets him far. 
He is now twenty nine years old and after making his big break selling a play, he decided to move back home to Holloway to continue his writing four years ago. He’s in a settled place and is generally happy with his life. It’s the place he calls home now and he likes being where his father grew up. His grandfather recently passed away and he bought a place near his grandmother. He looks after her as much as he can and he’s angry his uncles are not always there for her. He’s in a settled place and is generally happy with his life in town. He is still a little reckless, he enjoys going out and being around people. He goes camping with his friends quite often fishing like he used to with his grandfather. He still likes to be on the go, always playing music, gaming, being outside or messing around with a football. He’s a dog lover and when he’s not writing, gaming or playing with his band, he’ll be out walking his dog. He is unaware of the supernatural world around him, though he definitely knows the town is full of secrets. Though he is unaware of his family history and the secrets his dad kept from him.
CONNECTIONS (open to more)
Best Friend since high school.
Uncles - His uncles know about the supernatural world and are hunters. JJ does not know. His father took him away from that world when he was a child. 
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esmeexrivera · 3 years
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The Wolfgirl - Esmée Rivera
Age: 33 Gender: cis-female Pronouns: she/her Species: werewolf Face claim: Aimee Carrero Affiliation: Reid Pack Length of stay in Holloway: she moved to Holloway 9 months ago Occupation: Archivar at the Museum of Holloway
Esmée was born in Puerto Rico, but her family moved to New York when she was just two years old, so she grew up there for the majority of her life. Esmée worked as an archivist in a small museum in the Mid-west for the last couple of years until a position in the museum of Holloway was free and she, per chance, read about it. Her mother had once told her of a werewolf she met that originated from this city, and always claimed how safe and beautiful it was. The one thing that stayed with her mother, and later with Esmée were the stories of the purle night sky. And so she simply decided to see for herself, packing her bags and moving to Holloway nine months ago.  Having someone from the outside in the archives was not a happy occassion for some of the staff there, they had grown used to their ways and a breath of fresh air appeared to be the last thing they wanted. Esmée has found her footing now but one of her assistants, Adrienne is far from being her friend. They work together well, they even tried to connect through their French heritage, but at the end of the day these two simply do not get along.  Esmée's french roots are dearly hidden, her family leaving the country more than 250 years ago. It was her mother's dearest wish though, that her daughter may have a French name, as it has been tradition for centuries. There is one thing, after all, that they took with them on that perilious journey over the big ocean, one thing they protected all those years.  For with that first member of their family that came to Puerto Rico, also came a young girl, and a gift that sang in her blood.  Since 1767 they have been hunted, since 1767 they hear the moon call to them at night, wolves by heart, and proud of that. Esmée is the middle child of four, and like all her siblings, she is a born werewolf. Their bloodline originates from Gevaudan, and some even say the famous Beast was one of them. But there is no proof of that and Esmée does not care about such things. She cares about the feeling of freedom and power that the gift grants her, of knowing that there is a pack out there, some place where she belongs. (so maybe she is not so different from Adrienne after all)  Upon arriving in Holloway she joined the Reid Pack and has given her loyalty to her new comrades without question. She is looking for peace, in this city, and freedom under purple skies. 
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callmexkai · 3 years
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Introducing Kai Shri:
Name: Kai Shri
Age: 29
Gender: Cis Man
Pronouns: He/Him
Species: Werewolf
Face claim: Avan Jogia
Affiliation: Holloway Pack
Length of stay in Holloway: Most of his life
Character information:
Gender: Cis Man
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 29
Face-claim: Avan Jogia
Occupation: Chef 
Species: Werewolf
Kai grew up in a close and loving family. Although he had relatives in Holloway, the UK and India, he felt secure and happy and he enjoyed travelling to see his family during holidays. His father is British Indian and his mother is from Holloway from a long wolf bloodline spanning back centuries. His father also a wolf, met his mother while travelling after hearing stories of Holloway being the home of supernatural. Though he was born in the UK, he didn’t spend long there, his parents moved back to Holloway when it was clear Kai also had the wolf gene and he has spent his life in the Holloway pack. His parents took over his grandparents’ restaurant which has now been owned and ran by his family for decades.
He spent a lot of his childhood in his family’s restaurant. When he wasn’t at school, he was there doing his homework on a table and helping out as he got older. He knew a lot of faces in Holloway and he enjoyed growing up in the close community. He was outgoing and talkative and he has always found it easy being around people.
In his free time, he’d entertain himself with video games and TV like any other teen but he also had a love for animals and spent time helping out at the local animal shelter or walking dogs for neighbours. He had a fascination and passion for science from a young age and he found himself looking up and reading anything he could. He soon realised he wanted to be a vet, though his dream was something he felt he couldn’t tell to anyone. His parents never encouraged university. His dad wanted him to stay and work at the restaurant and Kai never wanted to let him down.
Kai is now 29 and he’s convinced himself that he’s happy where he is. He’s never been in a place to settle down with anyone and he knows at times he’s not what many consider a traditional wolf. He’s stuck in his routine, it’s safe and familiar and he’s nervous about making the jump back into education now he’d be an older student. He also feels a pull and a loyalty to the pack. He works hard, he’s friendly and always happy to help those around him. Though he can be a little sarcastic at times, he has a good heart and he’s loyal to those he cares about. He just hoping that one day he’ll be brave enough to tell his parents what he really wants and he’ll finally click send on his university application. 
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herdarkredsouls · 3 years
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Name: Emma Beaumont
Age: 31
Gender: Cis Woman
Pronouns: She/Her
Species: Witch
Face claim: Meghann Fahy
Affiliation: Holloway Coven
Length of stay in Holloway: Her whole life. (Short break for college) 
Emma is fun loving, witty and goofy. She enjoys the outdoors and loves camping, fishing and anything she can do to be outside. However Emma does tend to overthink things. She looks back and reflects on the past and can’t help but wish she could change things.As a child, Emma was loud and would always be out playing in the street. She loved being outdoors. She loved fishing, hiking, anything that meant she could be outside and not in her old dusty house. It’s not that Emma didn’t have the perfect childhood. She did. She had a father that doted on her, a mother who wanted her to be the perfect daughter. She had three sisters that she adored and spent a lot of her time with.
Although the Beaumont’s practise with the Holloway coven , they do their best to remain at arms length. Emma’s grandparents are heavily involved in the coven and are considered elders. Because of this the Beaumont girl’s always show their face at coven events, even if they don’t always agree with the coven. Emma personally feels the coven is a little outdated. Emma’s parents run a restaurant in the centre of town and Emma worked there as a teenager.
Emma left Holloway to find some sense of self. She found this at the University of Michigan where she studied Psychology . Emma was a sociable young woman and her very active social media is just proof of that. On completing her degree she returned home and took a teaching job - which was thankfully arranged by the coven. Emma’s grandparents would never see their granddaughter unemployed. Emma has been living home for five years and most of her old friends are still in town. Sometimes it feels like time stops in Holloway.
Despite all of this, Emma can’t help but feel like she’s still searching for something.
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lipxholloway · 3 years
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Introducing Joey Fairfield:
Name: Josephine ‘Joey’ Fairfield 
Age: 25
Gender: Cis Woman
Pronouns: She/Her
Species: Witch
Face claim: Brittany O’Grady
Affiliation: Holloway Coven
Length of stay in Holloway: All her life
FULL NAME: Josephine Jane Fairfield NICKNAME(S): Joey, Jo, JJ AGE: 25 years old SPECIES: Witch OCCUPATION: Hospital receptionist and nursing student  HOBBIES: Very into astrology and star signs, playing guitar and piano, hiking, photography. EDUCATION: Graduated Holloway High at 18, Management course at community college. FACE CLAIM: Brittany O’Grady
HOMETOWN: Born and raised in Holloway PRONOUNS and GENDER: She/her and cis female POSITIVE TRAITS: Gentle, hardworking NEGATIVE TRAITS: Reserved, competitive
Joey was born and raised Holloway and has always been a part of the Coven in her hometown. She’s a small town girl and she’s never had any desire to live anywhere else or be anything else. She was gentle and reserved from a young age. She wasn’t a child who enjoyed riding a bike or climbing trees, she could always be found reading, writing, doodling and using an old camera to take pictures. That nature continued into her adult life.
Her parents raised her to be proud of her family bloodline, to be proud of their magic. Though she was always taught to take precautions to protect herself, her family believe the old stories that have been told for generations. The Fairfield witches believe the magic inside of them is beautiful and makes them special. Joey bought into this from a young age. She has always been proud of who she is and she has always loved magic. It has always been a defining part of her personality and how she sees herself.
Joey has always been pretty content with her life. She has close relationships in the small community she grew up in. She enjoyed her life in the coven and her every day life in town. Her parents supported her unconditionally and the choices she made as a teenager. She enjoyed school, she was creative, smart and had a tight-knit group of friends. She never had any interest in leaving town after high school, she didn’t want to leave the coven or her family and friends. She settled on going to community college and eventually got a job as a receptionist at the local hospital, where she has been for the last three years.
Though as smart as Joey is, she often holds herself back. Her often reserved personality means she doesn’t always fight for what she really wants. She has recently started a nursing course at a nearby university and she is already doubting herself. Her gentle nature often holds her back in the coven too. Joey has a strong bloodline and a natural affinity for magic. She knows she has precise spells and a natural talent and yet, she doesn’t fight for a higher spot in the coven. However, deep down she wants it. She knows she’s a good witch with natural abilities and wished more people saw that too. That they would see she can be more. 
Joey is slightly nervous about training to be a nurse but she wants it and it is the first step to showing who she really is. That she can fight for what she wants. That she can be more and she hopes that one day she’ll have the courage and confidence to show the elders in the coven what she is really made of with her magic too. She’s got magic bubbling inside of her and she can feel it.
Open suggestions- -Coven members/friends -Cousins -Colleagues from the hospital -Childhood friends/friends from school -Ex boyfriend
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hollowayhazel · 3 years
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Name: Hazel Kingston
Age: 29
Gender: Cis Woman
Pronouns: She/Her
Species: Werewolf
Face claim: Aisha Dee 
Affiliation: Has a birthright to join the Holloway pack. But is currently packless. 
Length of stay in Holloway: 2 weeks.(New to town in october 2021). 
Born in a nearby town, Hazel was the daughter of a pack leader. Growing up, she had no idea about the origins of her birth. She believed that she would grow up and one day lead the pack like her father. She was a natural in wolf form and although they had to hide what they were, she was proud of being a wolf but as she got older, she saw the reality of that. Frictions in her hometown grew between the pack and hunters. As the hunters got closer to pack territory, her father began to react. It began with a few casualties, but eventually it became a war.
It was a dark time for the pack and before long their numbers began to dwindle. Hazel was only a child at the time and was sent away with her childhood friend to safety. When she returned, the pack was nearly non-existent.
The witches of her town took her in and kept her hidden, before sharing a secret with her. She was not a Kingston at all. But when her mother was a young woman, she had an affair with another werewolf who had visited the pack. The man had been from Holloway. 
This took some adjusting and after realising there was nothing for her in the place she called home, she decided to go Holloway and see if there were wolves there that could help her rebuild a life. Hazel has never established a career for herself, although it was clear her plan was to eventually train as a kindergarten teacher and help teach the children in the pack. Who were taught on their own land, rather than going to a public school.Now that she’s out there, living her own life she has some time to really think about what she wants to do.
Landlord/lady: Hazel is currently renting a room in Holloway and has no permanent address. 
Family: Hazel knows none of her birth family, these will be werewolves in town. They can be as close as father and siblings. Or as distant as cousins. 
Hazel is played by Trina, 26, she/her 
triggers: self harm. 
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cflcve · 5 years
( josefine frida pettersen. twenty-two. cisfemale. she/her. ) ❛ maja love olsen, a gemini from trondheim, moved into holloway three months ago. they are a student that lives in apartment 4a here and their neighbors don’t particularly mind them. some say they can be -erratic and -flippant but others say they’re +maverick and +scintillating. anyways, one thing is for sure: you hear generation why by conan gray, it’s love blasting it. ( penned by barb, twenty-one, gmt+1. )
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uhHHh hey demons ,, its ya girl , back with a second muse ! same deal ,, pls like 4 plots or hmu here / discord !! ill disappear in a bit so ,, ill probably see y’all tomorrow :-) maja’s pinterest board , if you’re into that kinda stuff !
UH the vibe im trying with love here ? ?? ? super out of my comfort zone ,, so pls bare with me if i fuq her up lmao yikes
shes like . the duck holding a plastic knife meme ?? yes
so love is a dumb hoe . i love her , but ,, bc she’s like a kid / pet / plant to me , i feel like i have to rip
problematic family affairs ; cheater dad , alcoholic mother , a disappearing brother . 
for a long ass time , love did her absolute best to be the glue to hold this mess of a family together but nah . they were too far gone . 
small changes here and there , , she grew numb , ya know ?? whenever mommy & daddy would start arguing , she would just get the fuck out to a friends house  & she would actually stay there for weeks sjkjdak her friends moms’ wanted to hate love , but the ho she is , always nice & loveable , they could never kick her ass out lmao
serious issues ?? * insert the chicken running away meme *
love ??  ? nei
but shes the type of dumb ho to get super drunk & get married at vegas , yikes . a wc . hmu
unapologetic . to the rate  ,, , it probably bothers ppl around her yikes
she cant tell the difference between being bold & being idiot , so theres that .
says she can handle anything . big fat lie
sleeps with a teddy bear
uhh i rly cant with english tongiht im so sorry
also addition to the tragic shit happening above
shes one art hoe
like . keeps her art hidden bc shes too damn scared to get a negative or even ???? positive feedback ?? like . 
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fashionglowup · 5 years
wassup peeps ! issa me mario kat ! i’m really excied to be here & i’m just going to apologize now for the plot spamming i’m going to be doing later via chat or discord ( omgimdead#4285 ). anyway, i hope you guys like my baby nate as much as i do & i can’t wait to start writing with you guys.
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( dacre montgomery. twenty-two. cismale. he/him. ) ❛ nathan parkes, a pisces from san francisco, california moved into holloway one year ago. they are an accountant that lives in apartment 6a and their neighbors don’t particularly mind them. some say they can be tactless and impatient but others say they’re ambitious and truthful. anyways, one thing is for sure: you hear way down we go by kaleo, it’s nate blasting it.
so nathan is a lot to handle.
his friends call him nate, or shady nate ( shady or just overly truthful ?? the world may never know )
to his knowledge, he’s an only child of two hardworking parents.
doesn’t have the cleanest rep back home in san fran. sadly, he got mixed up in the wrong crowd & slept around a lot ( probably has a little him running around somewhere - the fucking horror )
due to his past mistakes, this pendejo wasn’t accepted into any colleges  & had to have mommy and daddy pay his way in ( omg lori loughlin tease )
wanted to pursue a career in acting but was forced by his parents to work for their company as an accountant manager.
relationship issues ? last relationship ended because of his infidelity.
very insecure.
all about family & friends so game night is a must.
likes random adventures & exploring the world
sorry for the shortness but i’m really tired and just wanted to get this up as soon as possible. i’m going to stay up for a little while to talk game with you guys so let’s plot it up pls!  
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theameliabones · 5 years
( minka kelly. 26. female. she/her. ) ❛ beatrice simmons, a libra from napa valley, usa, moved into holloway five years ago. they are a nurse that lives in apartment 7d and their neighbors don’t particularly mind them. some say they can be -dramatic and -insecure but others say they’re +friendly and +caring. anyways, one thing is for sure: you hear craZy for you by madonna, it’s B blasting it. 
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well hello there guys, i’m tye and this my muse that is based off my best friend, i hope you guys love her as much as I do ! I can’t wait to write with all of you!! <3
i think of her upbringing similar to hallie’s in the parent trap; very close with her parents, grew up on a vineyard, well-off and well taken care of. 
she was a bit of an ugly duckling growing up in her opinion, but she had to live in her older sister’s shadow, who was always prettier, even to this day, people point out how beautiful her sister is. 
when she was sixteen, she lost her best friend in a really bad car accident, decided to dedicate her life to saving lives, so into medicine she went. 
beatrice was top of her class, excelled in sports, and upon graduating high school at 17, she had numerous offers from a number of ivy leagues including scholarships and grants, she truly didn’t need, but ultimately choosing columbia as pre-med. 
her fourth year of college, beatrice got the second worst news of her life, her father was diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer, unable to do anything but worry, she dropped out of columbia and went home. 
she finished her degree, and soon earned a degree in nursing, having been impacted by all the kind nurses throughout her father’s stay.
upon her father’s passing when she was 21, her mother sent her back to the city, to finish her dream, and that was five years ago, and she’s still a nurse.
so what happened? let’s see, she met a guy, well actually she fell in head over heels in love with the bartender, for he was older man and paid her no mind, she had to work for his attention, something she craved deeply, and so for three years, she was with a guy who took her for granted, and ended up leaving her for her roommate. 
two years later, she lives alone currently, her and her two cats, sirius && apple, spends her days sleeping, nights drinking or working, mostly in bed with a glass of wine, she’s in the process of going back to medical school to complete her dream. 
beatrice is a people person, she loves to be out, often found sitting alone at the bar, chatting with the bartenders, making friends with just about anyone, let’s be real it’s mostly guys.
you’ll often find her complaining about not having friends, or a love life, or a life for that matter, but she is constantly socializing with people, yes she’s one of these girls. 
but she’s a really sweet down to earth girl, she is in love with all things love, including marriage and kids, wanting nothing more than kids, but accepting her faith of dying alone as a cat lady. 
so basically this is Bea, she’s based off my best friend who i love very much, she’s a fun loving girl who has the worst luck in love, idk what else to say lol love us down!
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ofprima · 5 years
( lucy boynton. twenty-six. cisfemale. she/her. ) ❛ clover prima davis, a virgo from san francisco moved into holloway seven months ago. they are a professional figure skater that lives in apartment 6d here and their neighbors don’t particularly mind them. some say they can be -skeptical and -competitive but others say they’re +scrupulous and +fervid. anyways, one thing is for sure: you hear hero by family of the year, it’s prima blasting it. ( penned by barb, twenty-one, gmt +1. )
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hello everybody ! i’m bar / barb / barbie ,, and im late lmfao . anyway ! i just got home from a long ass trip so this intro is gonna be .. hashtag le tragic . anyway ! i’m in the discord chat & i check there often , so if ya wanna plot , don’t hesitate to hmu from there or here ! 
so ! clover prima is the only daughter of british mom & american dad . they separated @ the early beginning of her teenage years , dad coming out of the closet . it was a dead marriage anyway , but prima had hard time coming in terms with it : /
dad remarried his high school bae . they moved to sf , where they proceeded to adopt four kids into their blended family , which is a wc !!
so um . prima is a professional figure skater ; her passion for the sports began with the push from her dad , and the pretty costumes they wore lmao .
she never exactly made it to the olympics , always falling just a tiny bit short .
the thing with prima is that , being a virgo to the bone , she never settles for enough , always strives for more , knowing damn well she can’t have it yikes
the problem : abt twenty-one months ago , fed up with all of her hard work not paying off , not being good enough , not living her life enough , she decided to have a girls out . missing subject : the girls . 
she grew up extremely isolated & struggled maintaining friendships , afraid of losing : /
anyway . she took the matters to her own hand , got super wasted & just like those moronic insta at drunkpeopledothings ( or something like that ) , she decided to jump off a second floor , on a table .
u can figure out how it went - she broke her leg . adios professional skating , adios olympics : )))
ever since the incident , she lost all of sponsor deals & had to get herself a new place. 
yikes this is getting super sad
im not feeling like writing anymore
connection ideas ?? the first person she met . someone that recognised her , somehow ?? ıHHH im so tired rip
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ofmagia-blog · 5 years
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( benedetta porcaroli. twenty-one. cis female. she/her. ) ❛ vitalia canegallo, a gemini from los angeles, california moved into holloway one week ago. they are an actress that lives in apartment 7e and their neighbors don’t particularly mind them. some say they can be -hedonistic and -sensitive but others say they’re +gregarious and +charismatic. anyways, one thing is for sure: you hear glamorous by fergie, it’s vivi blasting it. ( sabrina, 18, est. )
i got most of her personality inspo from the esfp mbti, she’s basically the embodiment
vivi canegello is twenty-one years old and was nominated for an oscar last year
so what on earth is she doing in holloway apartments? 
born the youngest child of italian acting superstars nicola and giovanni canegello it was written in destiny that at least one of their children would follow in their steps to stardom
her demonstrative personality and tendency for dramatization made her a perfect fit for a child star, at first a few feature roles alongside her parents and then starring roles on her own projects
by the time she was twelve she’d become a star in her own right
but as any good child star does she spent the majority of her teenage years acting out and having her face splattered over the cover of every tabloid 
fame had gotten the better of her so vivi took a hiatus and went to college to rediscover her passion for acting 
when she returned a serious and seasoned actress she booked a role that pushed her past ex-child star fame and put her right at the top with an oscar nomination 
now in new york she’s staying in holloway to prepare for the role of a low income character (and to be closer to her brother, but she would never admit it) 
personality: vivi is a people person, she’s got charm down to her toes and can wrap anyone up in a story or a conversation. she might come off as vain and shallow but she truly does care about other people. she’s easily bored and will leave someone as easily as an activity. she still has an element of naivete and childishness about her, refusing to accept that some people truly want to use her for her money or fame. she also doesn’t take criticism well and has a small tendency to be (incredibly) over dramatic
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theofcrrest-blog · 5 years
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❛ theo forrest, a pisces from augusta, maine, moved into holloway two years ago. they are a firefighter that lives in apartment 1a and their neighbors don’t particularly mind them. some say they can be -idealistic and -lazy but others say they’re +kind and +imaginative. anyways, one thing is for sure: you hear 2nd thots by jay park, it’s theo blasting it.
so he’s really rough still ‘cause i gotta go to work like right now BUT 
a pisces so like he a sensitive little bi, be gentle with his hopeless romantic heart
moved to new york about four years ago, following his partner at the time- they broke up two years into it and that’s when he moved into holloway. 
has been a firefighter for about two years as well now which means he works long ass shifts a lot but then will be off & around for like 2 days in a row 
isn’t lazy as in doesn’t clean and stuff, but more emotionally lazy? would rather day dream then go for things 
but yeah this is so rough but i will flesh it out more later and i would love plots
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kcirs · 5 years
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these gifs took ... roughly seventeen and a half years to load but ... i am here finally !! i’m nine, not to be confused with the number who’s stealing all my spotlight :( i’m from cst & i use she/her but you can also just call me ... idk ... dumb if u want ! my muse is named keir and u can learn a little bit about him under the cut !! (tw: death, abandonment ?? idk if that’s a potential trigger but just to be safe!)
full name: keir yejoon kwon born: may 9, 1997 birthplace: san francisco, ca traits: boisterous, restless, curious, easily bored, deceitful, gentle, idealistic, determined, persistent, opinionated, strong-willed, charming, stoic, intellectual, indecisive, possessive
keir was born to two pretty young parents.. they were both kinda ... reckless and rebellious so parenting wasn’t like ............ their strong suit you know ajsdkfjs. keir spent a LOT of his time growing up at his grandparents and that always felt like home to him. his dad .. wasn’t really involved much and then just skipped out for good when he was about seven. his mom ... could’ve done better .. we’d give her a gold star for trying but ... did she ?? akdfj. she got remarried when keir was twelve and he never felt MORE distant from his parents until then. he doesn’t really feel ... connected to them, if that makes sense?? obviously his dad is nowhere to be found so keir’s never really had a relationship with him, but his mom has always been there until she got married and they had a kid and he felt like she just .... found something better (ouch). but he had all the love he needed with his grandparents, esp his grandma !!! they were determined to pick up their daughter’s slack and make sure that keir had a home and was loved unconditionally !!
he’s been into the idea of becoming a chef since play-doh was first put into his hands. he would also help his grandparents cook a lot growing up and always felt like a Big Cool Grown up. it was one of their favorite pastimes.
when keir was in his last year of high school, unfortunately his grandfather passed away. it definitely took a toll on him and his grandma obviously, but having to confront his mother (through funeral things, etc) kinda made him bitter... ?? like he felt like ... why are you here now all of the sudden when you never cared for us anyways ??? it was kinda eating him up and his grandma noticed. she wanted him to focus on nice and positive things which is why she convinced him to go to college and achieve his dream.
he was initially VERY hesitant, he didn’t want to leave her, he didn’t want to leave his home, but eventually after taking a year to decide, he agreed to start college for culinary arts.
that’s p much how he landed where he is! he’s been staying at holloway for two years now, studying and bussing tables. 
oof, keir is .. a taurus so obstinate by nature. once he’s made up his mind, that’s usually that ajdlfjd. so it goes, he’s very opinionated about everything. he’s right, you’re wrong, shut up. very positive, almost to a detriment. he likes to see the best in people and situations even when it’s not best for him. he tends to idealize situations to the point of not being able to see it clearly, not until some third party comes along to shake him out of it (which, again, can be difficult because he’s just .. so so stubborn). but it’s not ALL bad he’s always that friend that helps you see the bright side and to comfort you when things seem glum.  
he’s very antsy almost to the point of being flighty. he needs to be occupied at all times because if he’s not, his mind can wander and get him in trouble. his moon is in gemini so i think that’s where his taurus gets shaken up a bit (sjfks sorry geminis!). he’s affable and charming and a caring, but he can get to the point of being argumentative, esp if someone doesn’t see things his way. he’s a bit jealous, a bit possessive in general, but not in an overbearing way. if he was feeling some type of way he’d 100% internalize it and just pout and be short with you and then get more mad when you don’t instantly know why he’s being a crackhead. he’s hardworking, loyal, a somewhat reliable person (he has his moments), and deep down he just wants to get close to other people and find his home away from home.
that’s all i can think of thus far !! i’ll update this if something comes to mind, but otherwise i’d love to plot with everyone !! feel free to hmu or like this, yk the usual !!
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corbinlawrence-blog · 5 years
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( colson baker. 28. cismale. he/him. ) ❛ corbin lawrence, a leo from nashville, tn, moved into holloway seven years ago. they are a bar manager that lives in 5d and their neighbors don’t particularly mind them. some say they can be aggressive and indecisive but others say they’re ambitious and generous. anyways, one thing is for sure: you hear paradise city by guns n roses, it’s corbin blasting it.
tw: arson
okay i’m making this up as i go along AS ALWAYS so here we goooooooo
corbin was born on august 3, 1990 to suuuuuper religious parents
his parents were very active in the church so there was always a (whats that thing that zooms in on people............... microscope???? i’m going with that) there was always a microscope on him bc he was from a small town!!! 
i know i said nashville but i said nashville in the way that like small town people who live an hour from nashville will say nashville to seem cooler
obviously because it’s fucking machine gun kelly he was a REBELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
but he was actually wasn’t that rebellious like he drank beer and had several different girlfriends during high school but in his small town that was AWFUL 
he definitely had pre-marital sex a whole lot
he got sick of people talking shit and saved up money to move the fuck outta tennessee but here comes the teA!!!
his father figured out what he was saving the money for and took all of his money and gave it to the church and then that sunday they were like ‘let’s all give a huge thank you to corbin lawrence for his extremely generous donation’ and he fuckin KNNEEWWW IT WAS HIS MONEY
so he came back to the church at night time and lowkey set it on fire but its fine!!!! bc no one was hurt!!!! the church just burned down and he left down and never came back!!!
he stole a bunch of his parents’ jewelry on his way out of town and sold them when he got to nyc so he could find somewhere to stay
the first place he went when he got to the city was this bar that he owns now and the owner at the time really helped him get on his feet and gave him a job and blah blah blah
he’s usually a decent guy i GUESS but since he manages a bar he knows how to shut shit down and kick people out 
and also since he BURNED DOWN A CHURCH!!! he’s not always a decent guy CLEARLY but it has to be prompted
he also doesn’t do relationships ever but gimme a fwb plot if u love me
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damiendeluca-blog · 5 years
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( dane dehaan. twenty nine. cis male. he/him. ) ❛ damien deluca, a leo from new york city, moved into holloway a month ago. they are a medical intern that lives in 1a here and their neighbors don’t particularly mind them. some say they can be -sleazy and -cocky but others say they’re +thoughtful and +clever. anyways, one thing is for sure: you hear rock you like a hurricane name by scorpions, it’s damien blasting it. ( penned by viv, 21, gmt+8. )
damien grew up in a family of wealthy businessmen in the upper east side 
he had a cushy childhood, got whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted it
was expected to drop his job and join in on the family business but his choice to become a doctor caused a rift between him and his family
the moment he graduated medical school he was cut off from the family fortune and forced to move to holloway for the time being
cocky : growing up he had always been spoiled, he has always had an air of confidence to him and often uses it as a defence mechanism.
sleazy : damien loves to sleep around. he loves beautiful women and loves to chase after them, or have them chase him.
thoughtful : he cares about other people, not that he’d openly admit it. he’s always looking out for his friends, and giving unsolicited medical advice while he’s at it.
clever : really crafty, and can think of solutions to problems on the fly.
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ofellixts-blog · 5 years
( brie larson. 26. Cisfemale. She/her. ) ❛ elliot dempsey, a taurus from redondo beach moved into holloway two weeks ago. they are a photographer that lives in apartment 6a and their neighbors don’t particularly mind them. some say they can be -noncommittal and -self-indulgent but others say they’re +passionate and +understanding. anyways, one thing is for sure: you hear kashmir by led zeppelin, it’s elliott blasting it.
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Hit the like or message me if you’d like to plot!
+ A worn leather jacket, the clicking of photographs being taken, a confident smirk, a passport filled with stamps, the feeling of sunshine on your skin.
Born and raised in Redondo beach, Elliot was the youngest of four and the only girl and so, while some girls would play with their dolls Elliot was roughhousing with her brothers, a disposable camera clutched tightly in small hands as she followed them around the neighborhood and down to the beach, only a couple hundred yards away, so they could surf.
With a sculptor for a mother and a philosophy professor for a father her childhood was filled with daily debates around the dinner table, each member of the Dempsey family discussing their thoughts and being encouraged to explore new ideas, points of view and experiences with reckless abandon.
Elliot found that, while her brothers were more academically inclined she saw the world through an artists light. She was fascinated with the everyday beauty of the city and its people and spend most of her time taking photographs to preserve the thousands of small but significant moments she had each day.
This began her love of photography. She continued to pursue it, even going as far as Italy for a few years to pursue fashion photography.
Even at 26 she’s made a name for herself within the industry and recently finished a spread with Burberry though she’s more known amongst art circles for her urban photography and portraits.
She had originally visited Manhattan on a weekend whim to ‘find herself’ but never seemed to want to leave. She’s inspired here and her work has never been better.
Growing up with boys Elliot has a tendency to be a bit abrasive at times. She’s known for her all consuming passion but also for her easy dismissal of things once she gets bored.
The muse- Could be an unrequited love, a slow-burn, or a FWB situation but this woman has captured the attention of the photographer. Elliot is enamored, a feeling she’s unused to due to her non-committal nature, but completely taken regardless. Her art has never been better and though she won’t admit it she may even be falling in love.
The protege- although she's still young herself she knows talent when she sees it and this person definitely has talent. Elliot has made a point to take them under her wing.
The ex- good terms, bad terms, mixed feelings? who knows, certainly not these two.
the fling- maybe it was a one time thing, maybe it’s continuous, let’s talk about it.
The best friend- A ride or die, basically.
The fan- someone who’s followed Elliot’s work.
Anything else, I’d love to plot with everyone and anyone!
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