#holds soren in my hands. you are so fucking silly
deerlisteners · 11 months
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‘oh ok well if IKE says so’
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tippedarrows · 2 days
Warning; a lot of jazz
I mentioned this last time, but I feel like Soren would be a jazz freako. But I also feel like he's into classical as well!,!!*!**##**![
[♪] IVOR
I feel like Ivor would also be into jazz! Like listening to it faintly as he reads or work!!!!!!!^!^!^!^!^&#*@*@
ALSO JAZZ, but I'm not so sure of it. He'd probably like a few, but Gabriel would stick with country music!!
I don't really have an explanation for 6 pop music screams Ellegaard to me.
You can not tell me that from one of the soundtracks in Boomtown, he wouldn't be a country guy. But also, with the intensity of it, I feel like he'd like rock as well!!
Side note; This is the only main music types my gummy brain knows of, so there could be much more!!
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I remember making Soren a tap dancer with Jesse, and that makes me believe that he WOULD listen to jazz - however, I also think soren would like.... 💖 electro swing 💖
IVOR SALSAS LIKE A CRAZY ASS OLD MAN. Hes the kind of guy to put that crap on and salsa dance his way across the library. yes, I do believe he could spin Harper.
GABRIEL DOES STRAIGHT STREET PERFORMANCE, it's a mix of natural streets, but for some reason that idiot looks like he would jitterbug. which is a type of silly old swing up the same line as jazz hands.
he uses his strength to throw around soren when they would dance
ellegaard is very practical so I believe she would very much so enjoy orchestra, classical, and by the extent of that the story ballet could tell. silent dances that require planning and grace.
magnus? hes fucking going in there like boom shakalaka or whatever. It's along the same vibes as a listener to uptempo hardcore, maybe ?? idk. that guy freestyles
thank you Erin, for this!!!!!!
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questionable-chnt-hc · 8 months
helloo hands u lotsa silly thingz :3
-sydney has explained warrior cats lore to jeddie and jeddie has explained skyrim lore to syd but syd was paying more attention; syd makes warrior cats references sometimes to see if jeddie gets them, he doesnt :( syd also makes skyrim references and it just embarrasses jeddie (idk shit abt skyrim theres lore right)
-sydney wears kitty stockings but the kitty ears & faces are often covered up by long skirts and such
-adam LOVES those really sweet lil frozen strawberry cups from school lunches (no idea if those are just a The Little Florida Skools Ive Gone To thing or not but uh yummm :9) who knows where he gets them matthew perhaps
-adam will immediately bite anything you put in front of him on instinct like a fucking animal
-rowan hums often :) his humming is really nice and calming
-joshua cried when syd told him to take care in the last announcement
-soren chews on pencils or pretty much anything he holds. rocks and bones included
-eli likes possibly in michigan idk where he wouldve gotten the chance to watch it but he did and it greatly affected him
-yvonne gave sydney a tamagotchi she got from wherever she gets her games!!! he named it a warrior cat name and during the summer it goes thru a cycle of sydney cherishing it for a little while and eventually he gets too busy or too distraught and it dies and he resets it when he feels like he can take care of it again. when camps over he takes especially vigorous care of it cuz he doesnt have much else to do. once or twice when rlly going thru it he may have let it die so he could blame his sad mood on "my tamagotchi died :(" im kinda projecting here
-juniper wears a shit ton of lanyards ok bye 😀
Love these!!!!!
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thorne-antics · 1 year
So... my thoughts on season 5!!
Episode 1: Domina Profundis
- so I'm assuming Callum and Rayla talked after the events of Escape From Umber Tor because I expected them to be still a little awkward but they're not, it looks like they're friends again and that makes me so happy!!
- why does Rayla need to take off the nails on the painting in front of the secret passageway? Can't Stella just make a portal to the other side of it?
- okay I hate Karim but did the sunfire elf guard really have to take his ring? I think Janai would've let him keep it. And the guard was like "it belongs to Queen Janai now" and then proceeded to drop it on the ground. Wtf bro
- Opeli telling Callum why Rayla was arrested and Callum being like "okay, so what?" will never not be funny to me
- Callum really said "it's okay she just got too silly"
Episode 2: Old Wounds
- their little conversation about trust... they're healing their relationship YIPPEE
- domina profundis looks so fucking cool I wish we saw more of her
- I now expect to see Barius invent a new pastry every season from here on out.
- watching Soren, Ezran and Corvus laughing about shit jokes did give me slight secondhand embarrassment but surprisingly it was kind of funny. Definitely an upgrade from the god-awful fart jokes in season 4
- THIS IS ONLY EPISODE 2 AND ALREADY THEY'RE GOING HAM WITH THE RAYLLUM CONTENT. THEY SPENT THE NIGHT AT A COZY INN TOGETHER. AND THE BANTER BETWEEN THEM AFTERWARDS IS SO CUTE. ugh yes s5ep2 "Old Wounds" my beloved (Actually I love the whole first 4 episodes but we'll get to that later)
- "I know dark magic created this place, but it's a bridge between our two worlds, and now here we are, crossing it together" I'm screaming.
- the banther chase was so cool! I love the battle duo dynamic Rayla and Callum have going on, and the way the banther was animated looked awesome. (Also I find it hilarious how when Rayla's arrow hit the Banther, it literally got right back up but it was like "actually, fuck this" and just dipped)
- Viren's dream sequence with baby Soren ripped my heart out
Episode 3: Nightmares And Revelations
- Ezran literally befriended the entire dragon population except Sol Regem, Rex Igneous, and the archdragon of stars (if there is one) (no moon archdragon I'm pretty sure? Because the last one was Luna Tenebris and she died) and I love that for him
- Callum's reaction to finding out Amaya and Janai are engaged was priceless. I was so excitedly waiting to see that and it was everything I'd hoped for.
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They really said "Wanna do something foolish?" "Do you even have to ask?"
Episode 4: The Great Bookery
- Kazi you nerd I love you
- Amaya being the best aunt!!
- "I would do anything for you" oh. my. god.
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"Rayla, I was wrong. I waited too long. I hope you know--" "I know." UHM, I DON'T? WHAT ARE YOU GUYS TALKING ABOUT? (I'm guessing this is them saying "I love you" without saying it but I NEED TO KNOW FOR CERTAIN)
- The only reason Amaya and Corvus survived is because they hid in the book drop and Amaya thought to do that because Kazi pointed it out earlier so basically Kazi saved their lives. Good job Kazi.
- question: how the fuck did a fall from that height NOT kill Corvus? I'm glad he's not dead but HOW?
Episode 5: Archmage Akiyu
- "Oh no... You're making me the deciding vote, aren't you" Imao 😭
- Terry is such a good boyfriend.
- everyone's faces when the giant birds swoop down at them
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- Callum fistbumping Rayla... I will cherish this forever.
- Rayla asking Callum to push her into the water because she doesn't have the courage to jump in herself, Callum holding her hand as they dive in together instead... oh I'm sick. He's so patient and sweet and gentle with her I'm gonna cry
- the sheer amount of rayllum hand touches we're getting this season is incredibly satisfying
- Tidebound Tina/Archmage Akiyu is so silly. I like her a normal amount
Episode 6: Bait And Switch
- let Soren have the best lavender essential oils in all of Scumport he deserves it
- when Ezran goes to see Finnegrin and Callum stays outside and he says "it's fine I'll just get to know my new friend here" and Elmer says they aren't friends, Callum lets out this little giggle and it's the cutest thing. FOR WHAT? LITERALLY FOR WHAT
- I'm conflicted about Claudia fighting the dragon. I mean, slay, but also... I'm scared 😃
Episode 7: Sea Legs
- I need to know what Bait said when he grunted and Ezran said "that's not very nice, Bait"
- "baby mage" Nyx I'm gonna have to stop you right there because I will not tolerate this falsehood and this slander towards my boy Callum
- I love how when the baby glow toad fell overboard, Nyx was like "I'll get it" and Callum was like "no I'll get it" and then there's Soren, who hollers "SORENBALL!" and just yeets himself in.
- Callum carrying the episode with his sky magic ugh yes (partially Soren too, for saving the baby glow toad, and Villads bc of course he's a great captain and the squad couldn't do this without him, but Callum is slaying I'm so proud of him)
- Amaya finding out Kim'Dael took Janai may have broken my heart just a little
Episode 8: Finnegrin's Wake
- please excuse my excessive use of "fuck"
- they hurt my boy ☹️
- "I'm not gonna help you murder the archdragon of the ocean" "Murder? When you put it like that you make me sound like a bloodthirsty fiend" YOU LITERALLY ARE 💀
- Rayla screaming at Finnegrin to let Callum go when she sees that Callum got beat up... the pre-s5 speculation fanfic writers are probably losing their shit rn
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I have never seen anyone more angry at any point in the entirety of this show than Callum is in this scene. He's been angry before, but rarely, and when he does, he remains level-headed. But then Finnegrin starts torturing Rayla, and that's what sets him off. And seeing a character like him, who's always been so sweet and gentle and kind, going absolutely fucking feral because someone hurt his loved one, is so satisfying to me. He loves her so much, the worst thing to him is seeing her suffering. I'm going insane over this.
- remember when he told Rayla "I'd do anything for you"? Yeah... (I'm totally writing a fanfic about this)
- if you couldn't tell, I fucking love Callum (this is probably the hundredth time I've said this)
Episode 9: Infantis Sanguine
- Callum looks so pretty here. He always looks pretty but MY GOD
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- I'm gonna cry. The way he looks at Rayla like "Hey it's okay I'm right here with you :)" has me in a chokehold
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- Rayla getting scared about being underwater and swimming back up to the surface and Callum immediately going after her to see if she was okay... no one fucking touch me
- I had no problem with Claudia at the start of the underwater fight but then she threatened Ezran and I was like "sweetie I can't defend you anymore"
- bruh they couldn't talk underwater anyway so what the fuck was the point of threatening Ezran to make him talk?
- I know it's a fantasy cartoon and the logic doesn't matter but RAYLA SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN ABLE TO SHOOT THOSE ARROWS SO PERFECTLY WHILE UNDERWATER.
- Aaravos has been in ONE EPISODE this season and nearly every speaking line he has is so sus
- I always hated Viren because him manipulating and gaslighting his kids reminded me of my dad who I haven't spoken to for 3 years now, and I've had to accept that he's never going to change, but I'm glad Viren has changed and I'm proud of him
- so... Viren dead? Viren not dead? Fuck if I know! Find out in 8 months!
okay, my final ranking of all the seasons so far: this one comes out on top, then below it is season 3, then season 2, and at the bottom, season 1 and 4 are tied. And I'm so excited for season 6. Thank you and goodnight.
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haro-whumps · 4 years
Hi I’m the first ren anon and I was wondering if you could tell me like the specific things ren does that are Not Okay? If you don’t want to that’s totally fine I’m just trying to take ren anon #2’s advice and figure out which behaviors are Bad Ones. I also don’t have insurance , so no therapy for me lol 👌😎
RIP but also I feel that. And sure! I’ll just sorta go through as we see it happen. Under cut cause this is LONG
--Possessive and controlling of Soren’s body. They blow up when he alters his appearance without their permission and against their preferences
--Desires ownership of friends, actual literal ownership.
--” But if you feel like you need to, I won’t mind if you rough him up a little during training. It might make him even more grateful to be owned by me, haha! “ Wishes ill on friend specifically so that they can play the hero, perfectly fine with putting Soren’s well-being at risk in order to emotionally manipulate him into liking them more and seeing them in a better light
--” He could’ve always come crawling back to Ren! They would have forgiven him for acting unreasonable, just because they got mad. “ Victim blaming, claiming that SOREN should be the one apologizing to THEM
-- “ They tugged the instructions off his chest, pulling at the wrong angle so the adhesive would pull at the skin. Just a little tug, just a little poke at their boy, nothing mean, no, they could never be mean to Soren. “ “ Soren cried out sharply with the next slap, backhanded and hard, his body knocked into the rim of the box he was still sitting in. “ Ren is genuinely delighted by causing Soren pain and discomfort, but internally justifies it to themself as nothing “too mean”
--” “Testing responsiveness, mm?” Ren murmured aloud, as though to themself, but entirely for Soren’s sake. “ Saying things specifically because they know it’ll distress Soren
-- “Fragile thing,” Ren murmured, petting his pretty hair, “Delicate little thing, oh, it’s alright now, it’s alright. You’re so delicate, so delicate.” Ren hurts Soren, but then follows it up by providing comfort and affection, which “overrides” the pain that they themself caused. Also, this is more subtle victim blaming, claiming that it’s SOREN’S fault that he’s in pain from the slap because he’s delicate and fragile, instead of, yknow, being in pain because Ren slapped him
--”Master–”They slammed him to the floor, hand gripping hard over his mouth, “ Ren reacts VIOLENTLY to small mistakes. Soren DIDN’T know any better in this situation, but still Ren hurts him for the accident.
--Also just in general Ren has a NASTY, hair-trigger temper that manifests in violent ways, but they self-justify once again
--” “Now you are Soren,” they said affectionately, bestowing the name like a gift, which it was. “ Ren’s ego is MASSIVE. We see throughout the series that Ren has a RIDICULOUS god-complex and believes everything they say and do is a gift bestowed upon the people around them
--as teens they coerced him into skinny dipping, which was a violation of his boundaries but they bulldozed past them because what they wanted took greater importance in Ren’s mind than Soren’s mental/emotional well-being
--Possessive, again, Ren is so possessive, reacting violently to the thought that anyone else would even touch Soren, because they see Soren as their property and their property alone. Like really there’s a reason #possessive behavior is on p much every single post in that story
--They photograph and videotape Soren without his knowledge or consent (not that his consent is particularly meaningful in this situation), which is a violation of boundaries and privacy
A serious violation
Soren is under CONSTANT surveillance and he doesn’t know it (thank god, his anxiety could turn horrific if he did, if he were less the person (doll) that he is now) and that is Not Good
“ knowing that they were seeing him naked while he didn’t know that sent a thrill up their spine “ And of course Ren gets off on that violation, too
--They frequently compare Soren to birds (and later, 02 to dogs) which is dehumanizing as shit
--” tugging at the bottom of it with a sudden spike in anxiety.“Um, Exalted?”“Yes sweetheart?”“Do I, get to wear, maybe underwear, or pants, with this?”Ren laughed, squishing his freckled cheeks. “Of course not you silly goose!” “ Ren has a TOTAL disregard for Soren’s actual comfort, if what makes him uncomfortable is something that Ren wants
--“You will never,” Ren pet the hair back from one side of his face, “ever,” they pet the other side, “belong to anyone but me. You’re mine, Soren, forever, forever and ever. No one else will ever touch you, no one else will ever get you, you’re never leaving this house unless it’s on my leash.”Soren hiccupped as he smiled up at them, pressing into their palms, cheeks tearstained and ruddy.“Never, Soren,” Ren soothed, “You’ll never leave me.” Again we see Ren “comforting” Soren, but like, they’re just taking the opportunity Soren’s nightmare has provided to further manipulate him into loving and being dependent on them while securing their own possessive behaviors
--When Ren thinks Soren’s going to cut his hair, they LOSE it, screaming and hurting him, and then make him clean up the mess claiming that he was the one to make it. Super duper victim blaming galore.
--Selecting Soren’s hobbies for him. Soren may like dancing and playing the harp, but he sure as hell didn’t get to choose to do so
--Conditioning Soren to treat his collar like a lifeline and as physical proof that he is owned, which Ren manipulates into being Soren’s primary comfort.
--Drugging Soren without his knowledge or consent
--Fucking Soren, who has no actual ability to tell them no or tell them to stop if they do something he doesn’t like
--letting other people photograph him without him having any say in it, and profiting off of Soren’s physical appearance and actions.
--” pulled Soren in by the hair so hard that he yelped. But it was just because Ren was excited, so it didn’t count as actually hurting him. “ Ren has conditioned Soren to think that nothing they do “counts” as hurting him, and Soren is willing to bend over backwards to make excuses for Ren’s actions 
--” “Is that what they told you?” Ren said derisively, snorting a little. Soren blinked, and then melted. “ GASLIGHTING. Anything that doesn’t fits Ren’s narrative, they’ll manipulate. They make Soren think he’s gullible for believing other peoples “lies,” make him think he’s got a shitty memory (which, admittedly, given the universe this takes place in it’s true, but it’s still gaslighting behavior), will do anything to make Soren question his own sanity or intelligence or understanding as long as Ren gets off scott-free
--” Ren needed to reward Soren. So brave, so useful. “ Places value on their friends’ “usefulness”
--” they glanced in their rear view mirror and saw a particularly delicious sight.Soren’s mother “ They delight in the emotional distress of others, ESPECIALLY when the other people in question aren’t anybody Ren has mentally labeled as “theirs”
--They twist chaining Soren to the bed into a “reward”
--They’re willing to discard their friends at whim, as soon as it stops being convenient or entertaining for them. Also, they’re perfectly willing to get their friends arrested if it’ll suit their own ends. ALSO they isolate Lydia from her social circle and compound on her depression, making her see them as a shining light in a darkness that they, once again, caused, gaslight the fuck out of her, and have every intention of holding “sparing her” over her head
-- They punish Soren for shit that isn’t even his fault and use it as an opportunity to psychologically manipulate him further
--All of the physical abuse Ren subjects 02 to, all of the emotional manipulation, the dehumanization and degredation, plus forcing 02 to be a vouyer to Soren and Ren’s sexual acts while neither of them had any real way to consent
And that about does it! I tried not to double up on too many points, so if you go through you’ll find an instance of something in just about every paragraph, but yeah, Ren’s a nasty, nasty enby.
I love to write them but man! They are bad...
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