#holds mia. im sorry bb youll find love someday
quirkthieves Β· 7 months
Lacramioara & Love
some headcanons while i put together mioara's playlist since ... cw for discussion of abusive relationships & talk of ableism, homophobia, 18+ topics, immolation...etc
Lacramioara's "first love" was the woman he adoringly refers to as "My Lady"; a noblewoman of the same age who saved her life after he fell, suffering severe head trauma in the process.
As a result, both feeling indebted and no longer able to make the long pastoral journeys alone that being a shepherd required due to his injuries, Mioara would dedicate herself to being the Lady's handmaid. (16)
In Mia's eyes, they were inseparable, and there was nobody else he'd rather stand beside. The long term psychological and physical symptoms of her TBI resulted in being either implicitly or explicitly rejected by others, which was only compounded by matters of class.
They engaged in both physical and romantic intimate acts; to Lacramioara, they were in a relationship, although her Lady did not view it the same way. Regardless, Lacramioara was willing to tolerate any and all sorts of treatment for the sake of remaining at his Lady's side. One particular demonstration of "fondness" was to make Lacramioara cry, because of her name and emotional volatility.
After nine years of being strung along, Lacramioara would watch her Lady become engaged, and then pregnant. Needless to say, there was a lot at stake when the two were caught together.
With her fiancee incensed at the infidelity and strange relationship the Lady threw Mioara under the bus for diabolic seduction-- but Mioara agreed to go along with her story. A life for a life, right?
Although given multiple times to recant and serve penance, Lacramioara refused. He would not apologize for love, nor would she deny it, so strong was her love for her Lady. Strong enough to be beatified and offered angelhood. Even after being burned at the stake, Lacramioara doesn't appear to realize she was used, but her heartbreak at her Lady not even being present for his execution left a deep curse on those involved that not even Mia is cognizant of.
But what about now?
-Lacramioara, naturally, still yearns for love. He'll chase the slightest indication of affection, regardless of if she would have felt that way for the other person in the first place. He'll tolerate the intolerable, even when he becomes aware she's being played with.
-She'll fall in love with even the oddest traits of an individual. As a partner, Lacramioara's genuinely supportive, and means what he says. He'll learn to make your favorite foods or listen to you talk about your favorite things, although this can sometimes turn into enabling in the wrong conditions.
-He can be viciously possessive and jealous. While not the type to think of her partner as a cheater, and believing of proclaimed friendships at face value, the situation can escalate intensely when she believes someone is hitting on his partner. Or attempting courtship in any manner. This has only been made worse by the centuries of doing a job where physical punishment in the most brutal ways possible is considered a proper avenue. Come get your boyfriend bro she's beating the shit out of people.
-Abandonment avoidance is high. Lacramioara has spikes of fear (irrational or not) that he's somehow messed up terribly, and will desperately try to right the wrong, regardless of if the wrong actually exists or not
-he's incorrigibly horny. im sorry theres no way not to be crass about it. and known for being promiscuous as far as fwb and one night stands go, although once in a relationship, he becomes entirely monogamous. she's also into some weird shit, but typically will adapt to the preferences of her partner.
-you will probably get your blood sucked though. not in a horny way. unless you want it in a horny way. but you are getting Drank.
-he excels in domesticity and will always make sure you have food to eat and somewhere to sleep.
-she likes to be matchies :) wearing matching accessories or outfits makes her happy
-something she values deeply is a partner who takes her disability as part of the package without seeing her as a burden. days spent crying in the dark from pain and nausea, spells of confusion, erratic moods, tremors and weakness... he already feels pressure and guilt about these things because of how they impede her work and the incredibly conditional nature of their payout. And when what you get paid in directly correlates to your ability to feel happiness...
-naturally, anyone dating Lacramioara will have to deal with Leopold in some fashion, and Leopold's inevitable shovel talk. He worries deeply about Lacramioara (and doesn't have much confidence in her taste), and has a vested interest in ensuring there's no more heartbreak.
(especially if it can lead to curses)
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