#hold on hes showing pics of him in the gear for it. wait he looks hot in it excuse me
etoilesbienne · 1 year
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Thats it youre going to the obelisk.
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fanficimagery · 10 days
Joining the Biz.
When the hotels are all booked up, your cousin asks if a few friends can crash at your place. You accept, not knowing you'll be meeting some people who will become lifelong friends and get a shot at doing what you once loved. [Part Two of Three]
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Words: 7.4K Author's Note: There's only a very brief Jey/Reader interaction in this. Oops. Just trying to set up Reader for part three, but at least there's some fluff that will make you smile. Hopefully..?
Over the next few days, your house becomes hang-out central. You even meet Liv, Finn, JD, and Carlito, but you don't click with them as you did the others.
It becomes obvious right away to everyone visiting your home that there's a connection between you and Jey, though the two of you dance around it. When he's not training at the arena or at the gym, he's snuggling you on the couch in the living room or just affectionately teasing you. Damian had volunteered to swap rooms with him, but you assured Damian that nothing overly intimate would be happening with Jey and explain your reasoning to him like you had explained to Jey's family. He understood and then dropped it, but you occasionally caught him smiling in sympathy at you when he saw you tucked into Jey's side.
Friday morning, your main three houseguests find you printing out a large picture of Roman. When asked why, you explained how Solo wanted you to crack Roman's serious facade, so you were going to sit ringside holding up a sign for him. And when they saw what you had written, they laughed, and Rhea took it upon herself to add red hearts around Roman's picture.
You drove to the arena early, flashing your backstage pass to be let in right away rather than wait in line. You had found your seat, which just so happened to be near the steel stairs leading up to the ring and took a moment to snap a few pics of the filling arena and post them. After posting them, you then had to clear out your friend requests yet again because the fans were interested in seeing who the woman that Jey, Roman, Jimmy, Dominik, Damian, and Rhea were posting about. Jey had posted about your workouts together, plus a few pics of your ass in your gear, but Dominik, Jimmy, and Rhea had posted your drunken dancing and Rhea's entrance stomp. Roman and Damian, however, posted group photos of all of you together or candids taken around your home and thanked you for opening up your home to their craziness.
And that, apparently, got their fans hella interested in you.
When the show starts, you keep your sign down by your feet until the perfect moment. Instead, you sit there cheering and booing as wrestlers come and go, snapping pics and video here and there. And when it's time for The Bloodline to come out, you boo Solo along with everyone else. However, when Solo notices you are booing him, his eyes squint as if he's trying to keep his mean mug in place and you're quick to form a heart with your hands and blow him a kiss. His lips purse as if to fight back a smile and you mentally cheer.
As The Bloodline talks, you grip your sign with one hand and prepare your phone with the other to take video. You boo as they talk and then scream when Roman's entrance song starts to play. Immediately you start to record on your phone.
Roman walks down the ramp, looking pissed off and intimidating as hell. You scream along with the fans, holding your sign out in front of you. As Roman nears, you cheer even louder and manage to garner his attention. He notices you first, keeping his expression neutral, but when his gaze darts to your sign and then back to your face, the wiggle of your eyebrows is his downfall. He barks out a laugh, realizes his mistake, and mouths I hate you while stomping up the steps. Half of your sign is a shirtless picture of him, but the other half reads Daddy's Home along with all the hearts Rhea had added.
As you watch The Bloodline and Roman argue back and forth, your phone vibrates with a text message.
From JeyBae: DID YOU JUST CRACK ROMAN ON LIVE TV?! To JeyBae: Yes. Yes, I did. Tell your baby brother I expect all my WWE shirts within the month. He'll know what I'm talking about.
Jey sends back laughing emojis and you send him the video of Roman when he reads your sign and cracks.
And when you get home later that night, you have a text from Roman promising to get you back for that.
You don't believe Roman until that same weekend, everyone's winding down at your house again after hours of shooting promos and having their pictures taken to refresh the web page. This time the guys are cooking, so you're free to lounge around and sunbathe with Rhea off to the side. However, just as you get comfortable, Solo and Roman take it upon themselves to grab you by the wrists and ankles. You scream as you hang between them, eyeing the pool with trepidation. Both men are laughing, bringing up how you made them crack on live tv, and no matter how much you say that it was all Solo's idea, the two Samoans swing you and then launch you into the pool.
Monday night has you attending Raw, ringside yet again, this time reppin' Jey with a Yeet sign and wearing his merch. You cheer and boo along with the crowd, surprising those around you when Dominik and Rey both break character when they spot you at different times. Dominik fist bumps you as he passes by, but your tio Rey takes a moment to pause and hug you before getting back into character. A few people around you ask why the Mysterio's are friendly with you, so you throw them a bone and admit that Rey's your uncle and Dominik your cousin. After that, they decide to leave you alone when they realize you're invested in the story telling going on in front of you.
When you get home, you're in high spirits. But then you realize that when Damian, Jey, and Rhea get back to your place, they'll have to pack and get some sleep before they have to wake up at four in the morning so you can drive them to the airport, and your mood plummets. And since you had eaten after leaving the arena, and the others had eaten at the arena, you decide to take a shower and crawl into bed.
Close to midnight, you feel yourself being moved and your eyes flutter open. You're curled on your side, and you see Damian and Rhea crawling into bed in front of you.
Rhea smiles, voice quiet. "One last sleepover."
A hand slides over your stomach, and you slide your own hand over it, sliding your fingers between Jey's. He's held you like this a few times, but you never touched his hand. Tonight, however, you'll allow yourself this moment. "I'm gonna really miss you guys."
"We're gonna miss you too," Damian says.
"Get some sleep, baby girl." A kiss is pressed to the back of your shoulder. "We still have a few hours before we gotta be on the road."
Though you're sad, you still manage to fall asleep while being cuddled by Jey.
Later, when their alarms go off, everyone's dragging their feet downstairs. You take the Range Rover, letting Damian drive. Rhea sits up front with him, and you sit in the back with Jey who refuses to let you sit far from him.
Damian parks at the airport so you can get off with them, and you help Rhea carry her bags inside.
When everyone gets to the point where you'll have to stay behind, they each take a moment to thank you.
Rhea goes first, dropping her bags and pulling you into a hug. "Thank you for this week. I didn't expect to find another family member when Dom suggested we stay at your house."
"You will always be welcomed here. Always." As you pull out of the hug, you wrinkle your nose when you feel your eyes stinging with tears already. Rhea laughs, her own eyes glassy as she steps back.
Damian steps up next, and you wetly laugh when your head barely meets the middle of his chest. "See you around, hermana."
"Don't be a stranger, Priest. You guys all have my number. Use it."
"I will." He squeezes you one last time before stepping back, he and Rhea starting to walk off. "We'll give you guys a moment."
As you turn, you're immediately engulfed by Jey. This hug is different than every one he's bestowed upon you since meeting you and you can't help but melt into him.
As your arms wrap tightly around his waist, you hide your face against the side of his neck and the two of you just stay there like that, not speaking. Then after a moment passes, you say, "This isn't fair."
"Right guy, wrong time, right?"
You huff a laugh. "Your brothers and cousin gossip too much."
"Nah. They just want to see us happy. You make me happy."
His words make your heart ache and your throat swell with emotion. "You make me happy too, but-"
"I know, baby girl. I know. It's like you said, this isn't fair." When you and Jey finally pull free from the hug, you can't meet his gaze. Not until he gently cups your face and makes you look up, pressing his forehead against yours. "We'll figure it out, yeah? It's only been a week, but already I know that whatever this is, it's different."
You sigh. "I can't do long distance."
"You will." Jey presses a kiss to your forehead and then steps back, smirking. "I'm not letting you go, baby. We're gonna text and Facetime so much that you're gonna be sick of me."
"You're ridiculous."
"And you're mine. Remember that."
You gulp, his possessive words stirring something within you, but you manage to squash it less he notices. Jey continues to walk backwards with his bag, smirking, and then turns to head to his gate.
As you walk out of the airport, you're filled with sadness and loneliness, but also hope for the future.
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You've never had an issue sleeping alone, in fact you preferred it, but you have trouble getting used to an empty bed this time around. You manage to cope though, especially when your new friends keep their promise to check in with you every other day. And not to mention that you get to see their alter egos appear on Monday Night Raw and Friday Night Smackdown which gives you a reason to text them, making fun of their storylines.
In between of keeping in touch with Jey, you manage to focus on yourself and grow your business of IT work, having enough resources to hire a few individuals and purchase a few work vehicles so no one had to drive their personal vehicles to any locations. And though you hadn't realized it at the time, spreading out the work actually lifted the weight that had been on your shoulders.
On Raw, you can say your favorite storylines are the Terror Twins beating the shit out of Judgement Day any chance they get, and Jey stepping up to protect Damian and Rhea when they need it. You don't really have a favorite storyline on Smackdown, but you do watch for Roman and Solo, and their ongoing battle for Tribal Chief. You get annoyed with the Bloodline when they accept Nia Jax into their ranks, making their faction even stronger. And then during one brutal beatdown on Roman, Jimmy finally makes his grand return to the ring. Roman and Jimmy aren't enough to take on the Bloodline, so Jey surprises everyone by rushing to their rescue. It's a mini reunion of the old Bloodline, and the new Bloodline seems to think twice about attacking them before retreating.
It's when you're Facetiming with Jey, teasing him about when the Creative team is finally going to give every fan what they want- his date with Rhea to Waffle House- that you get a call from your Tio Rey. You make up an excuse to hang up with Jey, not wanting to clue him in about Rey randomly calling you, and then call your Tio back.
"Hey, Tio," you greet when Rey picks up. "What's going on?"
"Mija, how are you?"
"I'm good. Work is keeping me busy."
"That's good, that's good." Rey falls quiet for a moment before saying, "Listen, I know I spoke about you possibly joining the business, but I need to know how serious you are about it."
"I mean, I wouldn't mind," you say. "I miss it. Miss the training and everything, but let's be serious for a second, Tio. I'm in no shape to suddenly get into a ring."
"You're in great shape, mija. It wouldn't take much to get you fit for the ring."
You chuckle. "If only, huh." Rey says nothing. "Tio?"
"What if I told you I got you a zoom meeting with Paul? Would you listen to what he has to say?"
"Shit. Are you serious?" Your heart starts to beat double.
"Yes." He chuckles. "I remember how much you loved wrestling and since you've made so many new friends within the business…"
"I'll do it." The words are out before you can second guess yourself. "But I have conditions of my own, Tio. The storyline has to be pretty decent if I'm to agree."
"I'd expect nothing less. I'll text you the details."
"Alright, Tio. Thank you. I love you."
"Love you too, mija. I hope your meeting goes well."
You're a ball of nerves and anxiety when Rey texts you the information about your video call meeting with Paul "Triple H" Levesque, the meeting only being in a few days.
You keep the meeting a secret from your friends and tell your Tio not to tell Dominik because your cousin wouldn't be able to keep it from Rhea. And to distract yourself, you keep busy with work.
The video call with Paul comes and goes, and you end the call feeling like you're on cloud nine. The storyline they're looking to drop a newcomer into is that of a female presence alongside Roman Reigns, of all people. They want someone who can be serious, but also a little goofy since they're looking to tone down Roman's alter ego since he's become very likable once again.
You had explained to Paul that you would love to work with Roman as a female ready to kick any other female's ass who dares to lay a hand on him, but you're not looking for a romantic storyline. Against your better judgment, you admit to having a very personal relationship with Jey Uso, and you rather not make things weird by your alter ego getting it on with Roman's alter ego. Paul chuckled away your worry, especially when you went on to playfully ask when Jey and Rhea were going to get that Waffle House date because you were waiting for it just like every other fan.
Paul talks a bit more about how Roman will be treating this newcomer like a little sister and be protective of her as she will be of him, and you're liking the idea more and more. And when he sees your very obvious interest in wanting to be that person, he slyly admits that Raw and Smackdown wrestlers will be making appearances on each other's shows, so it'll be likely that you see Jey Uso more frequently.
When you finally admit you're seriously interested, Paul tells you that there will be more phone calls and a meeting in person to be had in the near future. Since this isn't the normal way to bring in a new wrestler, the higher ups will want to see you in action.
"Noted, sir. If I'm to wrestle in person so you can see my skills, there's only one female I want to go against, but she needs to swear to secrecy about not letting it slip that it's me she's meeting with."
"Who do you got in mind, kid?" He had asked.
"Ripley," you mused. "Her technique is right up my alley. Plus, she's a friend."
"Jesus. Don't tell me I'm gonna have two brutal forces on my hand."
You smirked at him through the camera. "Can you imagine a team-up with us? We'd tear your female roster up."
Paul had chuckled. "How are your mic skills?"
You shrugged. "Not sure, but I don't have stage fright. I'm good at talking shit, but I will have to remember to censor myself. I have a potty mouth when I'm pissed off."
"That's what the production team is for. They'll bleep if necessary."
"That's going to be a lot of bleeping."
"I'm sure it can be handled." There was a moment of silence as Paul looked at something off screen. "Well, so far I like what I see. You seem like you have a good head on your shoulders," he'd admitted. "Why don't we exchange numbers, so we don't have to go through the hassle of emailing. Then when I get everything set up for our face to face, we'll fly you out so we can see you in action."
"Yes, sir. Thank you so much for this opportunity."
And after a quick exchange of numbers, the video call was ended, and you texted your Tio the good news.
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Over the next few weeks, you change up your routine to make more time to work out and even change your eating habits. You even call a mandatory meeting with your employees, telling them that you're taking on a second job that's unrelated to what you're currently doing. If they wish to walk away, they're more than welcome to do it with no bad blood between you, but if they wish to stick around then they'll be getting a pay raise since they'll also be taking on a fair bit more of the work. Your new hires have no problem with a pay raise and decide to stick around, learning their new schedule for when you'll be out of town.
When you finally fly out to meet with Paul, your Tio Rey, Rhea, and the higher ups, you're driven to a random gym to keep your presence a secret. You walk in with the hood of your hoodie pulled up and you watch Rhea warm up in the ring. For a moment you just watch her and then you head in.
As you approach the ring, Rhea takes notice of you. Smirking, you pull down your hood and her eyes widen in delight.
"Shut the fuck up!" She practically yells in elation. "You?! You're the new blood?"
Laughing, you hop onto the side of the ring and step through the ropes. "Hopefully."
Rhea embraces you with more laughter, squeezing you tight.
"Good. You've met already," Paul suddenly says. Stepping up to the side of the ring and looking up at the two of you. "So, here's how this is going to go.."
As Paul tells you what he and the other higher ups expect to see, you strip out of your hoodie and toss it aside. You pull your shirt off, leaving you in a sports bra and your leggings that are more than acceptable to fight in. You take the time to stretch, asking questions here and there to make sure you're on the same page of what they want to see. And when you begin, you and Rhea take the time to warm-up by running back and forth across the ring, bouncing off the ropes and dropping to the mat so the other could hop over whoever was down on the mat at the time.
Then when Paul tells you to fight, to feed off one another's energy and read each other's body language, you and Rhea lock in the middle. Each of you takes hits and kicks from the other, acting as if it were a real match and you were seriously injuring one another. You take turns climbing onto the ropes, but never properly get a moonsault in. You surprise everyone when you 6-1-9 Rhea, but Rhea ends your little session when she gives you the Riptide and pins you with her provocative pin.
Panting and heaving, you lay there on the mat as Rhea falls onto her own back, catching her breath as well.
There's a silence that follows before several rounds of applause break out.
"Atta girl, mija!" Rey cheers.
"That.. was impressive work for being rusty," Paul says. "How do you feel?"
"Honest answer?" You ask, breathing heavily.
"Rhea's pin kinda turned me on a little bit." Rhea and Paul bark out a laugh, and your Tio shakes his head in amusement at you. "But in all seriousness, I feel great. I haven't done that since I was a teenager and it.. it felt like coming home."
"I'm glad to hear that," Paul says. "We're all impressed, especially since you kept up with Rhea so well. You weren't joking that your technique was right up alley. I think with a few months of training, you'll be good enough to be introduced."
"Really?" You slowly smile, eyes turning misty.
"Yes. In the meantime, you need to make your presence known on social media. You have the option of keeping your private life private while making a new profile that's just for your public life as a wrestler, or you can start integrating your wrestling life into the profiles you currently have."
"Uh, I think I'll make some new profiles. I'll post some private life moments for the fans so they can get a peek behind the curtain in my life, but nothing too personal that they can track down where I live."
Paul nods, knocking his knuckles onto the mat. "Sounds good. And good work in the ring. I'm glad your uncle just wasn't all talk."
You grin. "Thank you for taking a chance on me, sir."
"Thank you for being an asskicker. Now, I'll be in contact. I'll get you a contract soon and we'll talk some more."
"Yes, sir. Thank you again."
Paul and the others take their leave, leaving Rey and Rhea with you. As they disappear, you can't help but burst into tears. Rhea laughs, rolling over on top of you and straddling your hips as she grabs your wrists and squeals. Rey joins the two of you in the ring, and you end up laughing as Rhea can't stop cursing and just being excited about you possibly working with her.
"So, what's this about a faction I've been hearing about? Do you already know where you're going?"
As you wipe away your tears, you sniffle. "Yeah. There's a storyline that requires a female companion and Tio Rey told them I could possibly be a good fit."
"And I was right. You were magnificent, mija."
"But it's all still a secret, so Rhea, you can't say anything!"
"Got it, got it. My lips are sealed." She crawls off of you and you sit up, laughing at her smile. "This is awesome. I hope you come to Raw. You can be our tiny terror triplet."
You huff a laugh, shoulder checking her. "I thought Uso was the triplet?" She snorts. "Seriously, I'm banking on you and Jey finally getting to go to a Waffle House, only for Damian to obliviously be third wheeling. You should become a throuple. I'd ship it if no one else does."
Rhea laughs. "Shut up. Don't give them any ideas."
Rey finally helps you to your feet, making sure you're alright and that there are no injuries that need to be looked over. You want to spend more time with Rhea, but she's got to get back to the arena before anyone becomes suspicious. But before she leaves, she tells you to keep her in the loop about what you can and when you'll possibly be making your debut. You assure her you will and to keep a lookout for your new public social pages where you'll start off as inconspicuous as you can by posting about how you want to get back into shape and what not.
When it's just you and your Tio Rey left, you hang out in the ring to listen to all the pointers he has to offer. He works with you for a couple of hours before he buys you dinner and sends you back to your hotel.
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For your contract signing, your Tio Rey sits in on the meeting with you to explain a few things here and there. You're aware that your public socials will mostly need to be posts as if your alter ego was posting or anything related to fan interactions/charities/upcoming shows, but that you can also have personal pics/videos so long as you explain you're posting as your real self and not your wrestling self. However, since your impending appearance on the show is being kept on the down low, you're only to post work out videos or get ready with me videos and show no inkling of you getting into the business.
The topic of body art comes up because when you're under contract, any tattoos need to be approved beforehand. You assure Paul that there's not really anything you plan to get at the moment and understand you need to run any future ideas by the higher ups.
When Paul and some of the Creative team spitball ideas about how to start showing your face associated with the business, you have an idea. They hear you out, and though the dynamic between Dom and Rey is overused, you ask them to bring it up again. You can start flying out to shows to watch your family do work, but then get upset one night when Judgement Day starts beating down on Rey. It'll give you the opportunity to jump the barricade and shield your Tio, only to get into an argument with Dominik in the ring, tearing down those he now calls his family. You suggest Liv and JD attacking you, and Finn and Carlito attacking Rey while Dom stands back, unsure of what to do.
As you were talking, you hadn't seen the team taking notes. Only when Paul chuckled and joked that you should take up a part time job as a writer, did you finally sign the contract. Rey was ecstatic and Paul welcomed you aboard, telling you to go home and continue doing what you were doing. They'd bring you in soon.
. . . .
When you get back home, you don't change anything in your routine. The only thing that changes is that you start posting videos on your breaks, videos that Rhea immediately starts following and hyping you up for.
It takes a few days, but eventually you notice an uptick of followers from those you made friends with within the WWE community. Your comment section is full of encouragement and playful flirtation, but it isn't long until the trolls find your page. Some shower you with compliments because of your affiliation with certain wrestlers while others troll you. But since you're under contract, you can't lash out at their pathetic criticism less you want to be reprimanded by the higher ups at WWE.
One day, you're really feeling yourself and decide to do a pole workout. You wear a pair of cheeky workout shorts and a very pretty workout bralette, and get to work. There are no provocative dance moves, instead you decide to show off the strength of your arms and legs by climbing, twirling, and going upside down on the pole. You even show off your flexibility, and when it's all over you post the video with the song Play Hard by David Guetta, Ne-Yo and Akon. Immediately, the likes and comments roll in. And ten minutes later, Jey has you on Facetime.
"Yessss," you drawl as you answer the video call with a grin.
"You really gonna do me like that, baby?" As you stare at Jey, you see he's in a locker room, towel draped over his shoulder. You chuckle at his pout. "I know you danced in the past, but I didn't know you were still able to do all that."
"Of course I can still do it. Pole dancing is quite the workout. And it's fun when the person you want to see sees it." You wink and Jey squints his eyes at you.
"You still in them little ass shorts?"
"What is it with you and my ass?" You laugh, heading towards the body length mirror you have in the hallway of your home. Standing in front of the mirror, you angle your body so your ass can be seen as you twist, aiming the camera over your shoulder. When you see the screen white out for a second, you freeze. "Did you- did you just take a screenshot?"
Jey smirks. "Yes, and? I miss my girl. I need this."
You blush, heading shaking in amusement before heading to your living room and falling onto your couch to relax. "You're ridiculous."
"You know it! But as much as I've missed seeing your face and booty, there's actually a reason I called. Big Uce needs a favor."
You roll your eyes. "How many times have I told you and everyone else that my house is your house? If someone needs a place to crash, my house is open."
"See! Told you, man. You could have just showed up and she'd let you right in." Jey is talking to someone off camera and then he's scooting over, making room for another person. Roman enters half the screen. "Hey YN, how are you?"
"I'm good, Rome," you say. "How are things with you?"
He shrugs. "Could be better. My shoulder's been acting up, so the boss wants me to take a month off to heal and prepare myself for some storyline they wanna start me in."
"And you wanna spend that month here?"
You chuckle as Roman turns sheepish. "If you don't mind? It's just at your place, I know I won't be bothered if I go for a swim or soak in the hot tub."
"Come on down, Rome. It'll be nice to have some noise back in this house."
"Thank you. Do you think you can pick me up from the airport or should I get a rental?"
"Send me the details of when you'll be landing, and I'll be there."
"Alright. I'll go book the flight right now and text you right after." Jey takes over the call once more, grinning.
"What's got you cheesin'?"
"You. It makes me happy to see you treat my family like your family."
"Yeah, well they make it easy."
Jey continues to smile before it turns rather wistful. "The next time I ain't booked for anythin', I'm coming down. We have a lot of time to make up for."
"I'll probably see you before you see me," you muse. At his arched eyebrow, you say, "Dom and Tio Rey want me to start coming to shows. I'll probably wait until Roman leaves so I don't leave him alone here, but I should be coming to a Raw show at least once a month from now on."
"When you do, don't book a hotel room. You can bunk with me."
"Sure thing, Uso. Now get back to work. I wanna see you yeet that lame ass Judgement Day soon."
He laughs. "Your cuz is in that lame ass Judgement Day."
"I said what I said."
He shakes his head in amusement. "I'll see what I can do. Talk to you later, baby girl."
"Bye, Jey."
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When Roman gets to your house, you help him get situated in the room that he'll be taking over for the month. You hand him the keys to your Range Rover to use while he stays and tell him you have a friend that works at the local gym who can get him some private hours should he want it. He agrees to the private hours so long as you join him which ends up being the perfect excuse to work out alongside Roman and post those pictures and videos. After all, you'll be part of his faction when you start at WWE, so it'll be nice to have those pictures on standby after your affiliation is known.
You and Roman post serious pics of working out side by side, encouraging one another. Some videos are silly, though, especially the one Roman posts where he mentions that having a workout partner is actually fun. But when he pans to you, you're laid out on the floor, panting for breath, and giving him a shaky thumbs up that he laughs at. While you had a decent routine, Roman's was intense, and you cursed him the entire time he pushed you to your limit.
Monday and Friday nights are reserved for watching wrestling on your flatscreen, and Roman can't help but tease you when you get into it, especially where it concerns his cousins.
"When are you going to make it official?" Roman asks as he watches you watch Jey's match on screen.
"When I can travel along with you guys for a couple months at a time," you answer without missing a beat.
"What about your job?"
You wince as Jey is tossed from the top rope. "I can work from the road," you admit. "I have employees now that can do the house calls and I'll be available Monday through Friday, nine to five over the phone. The only thing keeping me from flying out is that I've yet to find a trustworthy house sitter for when I'm away."
The only sound that can be heard is the commentators announcing Jey's win before, "You really love him, don't you?"
You freeze and turn towards Roman. "Love is a.. strong word."
He rolls his eyes. "If you didn't love him, you wouldn't be finding a way to travel on the road with us. It's okay to have strong feelings for him. You can't help who you love, when or how it happens."
You turn sheepish, not wanting to talk about it anymore with Jey's cousin. Your feelings for Jey were strong and they had caught you off guard. You figured they'd diminish when he left, but you only missed him more, and those feelings grew every time you spoke on the phone. It also didn't help that all your mutual friends were rooting for the two of you to work things out.
Roman lets the conversation drop and the two of you continue cohabitating like normal, treating one another like the world's most annoying brother/sister.
When it's time for Roman to get back to work, you fly out with him to attend a showing of Smackdown. You wear his merch, even carrying a sign that proclaims Roman as THE tribal chief. Unknowingly, Solo and Nia add beef to your future interactions with them when Nia rips the sign from your hands and tears it in half. You merely smirk at her, however, earning a nod of approval from Roman and a few secret texts from Paul who's giddy that his wrestlers are unknowingly setting themselves up for your explosive introduction.
But before you can get to your introduction on Smackdown, you need to make appearances on Raw as the distraught family member who's tired of your Tio and cousin beating each other down.
. . . .
Paul gives you a total of three appearances on Raw, sitting ringside and shouting at your cousin when he takes things too far with his dad. Some fans start to suspect that you might join WWE, however briefly, since WWE usually pulls in a non-wrestling family members every now and then to spice things up. Unfortunately for those who don't know, you're very much into wrestling and know how to hold your own.
On the night of your so-called debut, you're sitting ringside yet again.
(Live on Raw)
Rey Mysterio walks out to an amped up crowd and when he spots you, he takes a moment to hug you and greet you with a kiss to your temple. As he slides into the ring to start warming up, the Judgement Day theme goes off. Dominik swaggers out with Liv hanging off his arm and your nose wrinkles as Liv openly laughs at you, mockingly wiggling her fingers in a wave when you try calling out to Dominik to stop this feud already.
He doesn't, and father and son go toe to toe.
Rey and Dominik trade blows back and forth, and even with the help of Liv… Dominik still loses the match. This enrages Judgement Day, and it isn't long until Finn, JD, and Carlito are running down the ramp to beat up on Rey.
From your side of the barrier, you're screaming at Dom to stop it. You ignore the camera crew when they film your reaction and when you see Finn pull out a chair to wrap around Rey's neck, you hop the barrier. The crowd cheers as you slide into the ring like it's something you've done all your life and you cover Rey's body, holding your arms out as you stare up at your cousin who's standing on the top rope, ready to jump on the chair around his dad's neck.
A microphone is slid to you, and you pick it up, pleading with Dom as you stand up. "Stop! Stop it, Dom. That's enough." Your voice cracks and you sniffle. "It's enough."
As Dom stares at you in shock, he slowly climbs down the rope and requests a mic as you remove the chair from Rey's neck and slide it behind you, glaring at Judgement Day surrounding you. "Prima, what the hell are you doin' in here?"
"What am I doing? What are you doing?" You ask in return. "This is your dad, Dom. Your blood! Cut the crap already and come home."
He's stunned silent before huffs, a cruel smile taking over. "Home? What home? And blood doesn't define family, cuz. You should know that. When was the last time you spoke to your old man, huh?"
Oof. Low blow, but part of the script. Paul did tell you to ad-lib the fight to get under each other's skin. Slowly, you stand, turning around in a circle and putting your back to the ropes rather than having someone stand behind you.
"Of course, I know blood doesn't define family, pendejo. But I seriously hope you don't mean to call this rag-tag team of cowards your family." The crowd laughs as those of the Judgement Day take offense to that. "You really think Judgement Day 2.0 cares about you?" You huff out a laugh. "You're delusional. The only one who cared about you in their own weird way was Rhea. She brought you in. She gave you a family. She kept you safe," you seethe at him as the crowd agrees with you. "Believe it or not, Rhea and Damian were the only loyal ones of Judgement Day, and you ruined a good thing when you betrayed them all for a Harley Quinn reject that has eyes for Finn when you're not paying attention."
The crowd ooh's.
"No! No that's not true," Liv screams when she rips the mic from Dom, shouldering her women's title as if it proves that she's the best. "I love my daddy Dom and he loves me. Rhea was toxic!"
"Toxic or not, she's clearly the better choice." The crowd cheers as you look Liv up and down, disgust evident in your features. "Have fun with Rhea's sloppy seconds."
You drop the mic, turning to help Rey up. However, Liv's scream of rage makes you pause, and you feel the weight of her championship belt connect with the back of your head. You fall forward and the crowd goes into an uproar. When kicks start connecting with your back, you curl up on your side and curl your arms around your head.
Liv gets in a few kicks before you take charge. Between one kick and the next, you roll onto your back and sweep Liv's legs out from beneath her. When she falls, you scramble onto your hands and knees and straddle the women's champion before grasping her hair in one hand and delivering blow after blow with the other.
The arena fills with screams and cheers, and then you're dragged off of Liv. As your arms are held behind you by JD, Finn and Carlito help Liv up. She attacks you with hits and kicks while Dominik watches from the corner, hands in his hair as he's torn between stopping the attack or not.
Rhea's theme song goes off, purple lights flashing, and the crowd is deafening as Rhea and Damian rush the ring. Judgement Day quickly abandons ship, and the Terror Twins stalk the ring back and forth, pointing and threatening the cowards as they run away.
You stand back, glancing warily between the Terror Twins and your Tio who's still laid out on the mat.
When they turn towards you, Rhea and Damian watch you with unsurety in their gazes. You're holding onto your stomach where Liv landed kick after kick, and when your Tio groans, you rush to help him to his feet. Damian beats you to it, however, and offers Rey a hand up much to the crowd's surprise.
There's another stare off before you say, "Thank you."
Damian's expression is kept neutral, but Rhea slowly smirks, licking her bottom lip in a rather seductive manner. You can feel your cheeks heating against your will, and she laughs before her and Damian are rolling out of the ring with a mock salute towards you and Rey.
After a moment, Rey heads for the stairs and you follow after him, the two of you leaning on one another as you make your way backstage.
(End of broadcast segment.)
The moment you make it behind the curtains and filming is cut, you're engulfed in a hug by Dominik.
"Prima, that was so good!"
Liv walks up beside you, squealing. "That was awesome. I hope I didn't hurt you. I felt a few of those kicks connect."
"Nah, girl, you're good." As you pull out of the hug with Dominik, you high five the blonde. "The more believable it is, the more people will wanna watch you."
She laughs, calls you crazy, and then steps aside. The rest of Judgement Day congratulate you on a great intro, and then Rhea and Damian are there putting you in the middle of their group hug.
"Mate, that was awesome. I'm so glad I don't have to keep this secret anymore!"
"What? You knew?!" Damian demands. Both you and Rhea laugh.
"Where do you think I was sneaking off to?" Rhea muses. "Paul wanted to see what YN was capable of, so I was her opponent for the trial matches. Needless to say, everyone was impressed."
"Damn. I wish I could have been there," he says.
"And ruin the surprise? Never."
After your friends release you, your Tio hugs you. "I'm proud of you, mija. You were meant for this life and I'm glad to be a part of it."
Rey's words make you a little emotional and you have to laugh less you start ugly crying. "Thank you, Tio. I'm looking forward to what's to come."
As soon as your Tio releases you, you're spun around and yanked into yet another hug. "Damn, baby girl. No head's up?" You laugh as you hug Jey, this hug being long overdue. "Does this mean you're going to be on Raw?"
You shrug as you step back, but Jey keeps you close by tucking you under his arm. "A contract is still in the works," you say, reluctantly lying to your friends. Your contract was already locked in, but they didn't know that. "At first I didn't want to fight, I just wanted to be what essentially is a hype man on the sidelines, but Paul thinks I'm destined for more. I was scared to step on the toes of the females still waiting to be called up to the main roster, but Paul says he saw something in me worth taking the risk."
"Damn right he did," Jey says. "You're ballsy."
You smile up at him, letting him press a kiss to your forehead. "But anyway, for now I'll be stuck in the middle of my cousin and Tio, playing the distraught family member. They wanna gauge everyone's reaction to me and if I'm liked enough, they'll plant me into a storyline either on Raw or Smackdown."
"Yeet," Jey says, clearly excited. "Everything's coming together, baby. Now let's go check that phone of yours. I'm sure Jimmy and Roman are blowing it up as we speak."
Author's Note: Reader is a little ass kicker. This is very self-indulgent, so don't just me haha. Let me have this.
Spanish translations: Hermana - Sister. Mija - Darling (term of endearment family mostly uses for younger girl). Prima/Primo - Cousin. Pendenja/Pendejo - Stupid girl/stupid boy.
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alitheamateur · 1 year
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Field Day
Two in a row?! Look at me go 💁🏻‍♀️
You thought the division championship would be the highlight of your night? Not if Joe B has anything to say about it…
*filth filth filth. run, little babies.*
@balanceingrace in grace, the KWEEN she is, saved the day with this pic porn ^ AND title ♥️
Another division championship under his belt, and your man was flying high. Joe was a conquerer. He fed on being the defeater in any & every situation, and when he was lucky enough to do so, you reaped the benefits.
Some Family had filtered out, media was finalizing all their comments, & a few of the closest teammates that had lingered around in an easy celebration had started to pack their duffles for home. With a home win like this one, stadium celebrations were a golden luxury. No rush off to the tarmac & having to celebrate over FaceTimes with wives or parents. All the loved ones were at arms length for hugs & champagne spritzes.
You loved to see Joe on top of the world. Exasperated redness in his cheeks, half form a chilly wind blowing into his helmet, the other half a flush from the thrill & liquor.
“Always my lucky charm,” he glided across the room to compliment you with a kiss.
He’d removed his game gear, clad now in his newest ‘champs’ tee and a pair of loose black shorts. A white hat was shifted backwards on his head, sandy curls flipping from beneath it. He was a sight in every positive meaning of the word.
“And always happy to be”, you grinned, receiving his sneaky tongue excitedly into your mouth. He wasn’t one to display such affectionate exchanges in public usually, but these wins made him bold. That masculine boldness that swelled you with the nastiest kind of arousal, the mystery of what he’d do next taunting the gape of your legs.
His parents approached with their goodbyes & congratulatory hugs, yet, you wondered why Joe showed no evidence of packing his belongings to leave.
With only a few cleaning staff members still buried in the mess of a massive celebration had by all, there were some stray coaches left headed to their cars.
“You ready to head out, babe? I’m sure a lot of the traffic has cleared out by now.”
He dropped his head, trying to hide a bitten back smile & wild eyes.
“C’mon. There’s something I’ve gotta do before we get out of here.”
Eerily aware of the cunning cadence behind his words, you took his offered hand & obliged to head back towards the now hauntingly empty stadium.
All the lights had been killed, only the backlight of a scoreboard cast shadows upon you. He slowed at the tunnels exit, appearing to bask momentarily. Rightfully so.
“You trust me?” He grinned with a squeeze to your hand, waiting response behind hooded, buzzed eyes.
“I did before you asked me that…” you chuckled harmlessly.
He steered you farther in the center of the echoing emptiness, the grip around your hand noticeably tightening. There was a faint sound of a humming light lingering, but otherwise it seemed Joey’s heartbeat was thumping over the loud speaker.
He planted his feet, coming to a wobbly stop, and you noticed him fidgeting with the chain of his necklace hidden inside his shirt.
“All of this,” he gestured, “means absolutely nothing without you in the picture. I’d walk away from every fucking bit of it right this moment if you asked me to, as long as you’re holding my hand.”
A quiver fell upon your lip as you noticed a mist fall over his icy eyes. Joe was a sure man, in everything he did. Decisive & steady always. Almost arrogantly outgoing in all his decisions. This Joe, was different.
“You’re the only thing I want to see when my eyes open, and the only thing that makes all this bullshit worth while at the end of the day. All I want, is you.”
You stifled an audible gasp when he fell to a knee, pulling his chain loose into his hand & carefully dropping a ring into his palm. A delicate band held the hearty weight of an oval diamond.
“The only thing to make this day end perfectly, is for you to say yes.” He waited, as if you’d even have to give one minuscule thought to an answer. “Will you marry me?”
With a whooping, resounding ‘yes’, you drug Joe to his feet, pouncing him with smothering kisses and the tightest hugs you could muster.
“I love you, so, so much. SO much!” If a squeal could rupture an eardrum, you were certain poor Joe would be a victim in that moment. Although fully satisfied with the relationship you had with him, truthfully, had this moment never arrived, you weren’t sure it would be much bother.
As you returned his elated kisses, you could almost feel a palatable energy shift in the atmosphere around the two of you. His hands began to roam wildly over your worthy curves, barely breaking your mouths to gasp for fresh air. No question he could feel the impassioned heat igniting inside your jeans, grinding up against his belly where he held you tight.
“Damn it, baby,” he graveled as you sucked a tender spot just below his ear.
“Take me home, fiancé.” You dared, securing a handful of his hardness in the palm of your hand.
“Oh, fuck that. I’m having you right this fucking second.” Joe slung you over his shoulder as if you’d been weightless, & carried you easily to the bench still sprinkled with the leftovers of confetti, massaging you behind unzipped black jeans.
“Wet & ready, just how I like it.” He pointed, pulling your pants loose to lay your bare ass on the cool metal bench.
“So I get a reward now?” You playfully encouraged him, knowing just how to stir him up.
“You better fucking believe it. But first, daddy gets his.” His glorious face slinked to your center, Joe feasting his eyes upon the one thing better than any trophy football had to offer.
The man simply chowed. Engulfed his greedy tongue with your every ounce of flavor, lapping away until you became almost tender to his touch.
Arising from the blissful wreckage he’d left your mound, his lips pink with rash and slick, a sheen of your honey left in the small patch of beard he was trying out these days.
“As much as I’d love to drink you fucking dry, I need to be inside you.”
Agreeing with his wishes, you guided him to sit beneath you before he protested.
“Uh-uh. I’ve got to plow the absolute fuck out of you, beautiful. Lie down.”
Ever the eager beaver, you flattened your back to the rough turf, but changed your mind in a brief instance, and positioned on all fours, peeking over your shoulder with a welcomed glint in your eye.
“Plow away, champ.” The cool air introduced itself to the dampness trickling down your thighs before Joe caught one last treat on his thumb.
“Don’t have to fucking ask me twice.”
With no need to ready himself, Joey worked his thick cock inside of you. Inch by inch by inch. By inch…
You could feel the burn of abrasive turf burning the flesh of your knees as Joe bucked & rutted you ruthlessly back in forth. He tattooed the flesh of your bare bottom with his substantial, callused hand before leaning to find the shell of your ear.
“Wanna bet I can make you say it?”
Your mind, fuck-dazed & foggy delayed a moment in comprehending his proposition.
“Bring. It… Burrow,” you dared between broken moans.
He snaked to find your swollen, soft flower, very well acquainted as every inch of your flesh belonged to him. He tickled your clit, fingers calculated, indulging himself with a pert bit to your ribs, not daring leave a blemish on your milky skin. Your vision turned black but you blinked back the eruption, drawing blood from your tongue to stifle back the very words he was holding you ransom for. But, oh, how the mighty fall, and you burst with admonitions only Joe would ever hear.
“King. Of the fucking. North.” Your orgasm blasted through every cell of your body salaciously.
Knowing there was no willpower left for Joe to muster after finally hearing those damn words fall from your near drooling lips, you pushed your hips back into him, matching his every thrust, insatiable for the friction of his bulge.
“King of the fucking North, baby.” He consented as he emptied himself inside your gripping lips.
He eased you over, assisting in wrapping your hips back into your bottoms, a hellish, sexy smile relentless on display.
“Try not to look so satisfied, you little shit.”
“Oh, come on. I’m sorry. Now, let’s get your fine ass home to celebrate.” Joe cradled you in his broad arms.
“Wait. I thought we just did that?”
“Oh; we did. But, that was for the game. This’ll be a celebration for you agreeing to be my hot shit wife.”
The appetite on this one…
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gretavanlace · 2 years
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Silent Night
Jake Kiszka x Reader
18+ only! Minors do not interact!
Warnings: graphic sexual content, unprotected sex, toys, language, dirty talk, slight exhibitionism, masturbation, etc
First, I don’t know who edited this pic of Jake, but I am forever in your debt. Let me know if you need a kidney or something. Second, I realize this is late and Christmas is over, but I trust you’ll forgive me. Xoxo
UPDATE: @dancingtopurplerain created this lovely edit of Christmas Jake! Please show her some love for sharing her talents with us!
Your finger is pressed flat against the gift box, holding a fold of wrapping paper in place - Where the hell is the tape? - when you feel the electric spark of his gaze clocking you.
Eyes lifting in exasperation, you find him leaned against the archway, eyeing you as you wrap a gift for his brother. Why do you alway get stuck with the holiday heavy lifting? If things were left up to him, everyone would get a gift card and a shot of single malt whiskey for Christmas.
“Whatcha doin’?” He asks, with a strange smile playing at the corners of his plush lips.
“Wrapping a sweater for Sam.” Your tone is snarky, but you can't seem to lose the edge. “You know, the sweater that I shopped for? The one I picked out and am now wrapping. Why do I always get stuck playing Santa?”
He shrugs, arms crossed casually. “I guess you just give more of a shit.”
“Why are you so smug?” You abandon the present and lean back in your chair at the dining room table. “I know you haven’t found your gifts, I hid them extra well this year.”
He’s spoiled, and slightly bratty at times. Every year, just like a child, he’ll scour the house top to bottom in search of his Christmas treasure…far too impatient to wait until December 25th.
Josh, on the other hand, loved the exhilaration in his youth. He lived for the early morning rush of flying ribbons and bows. So, true to brotherly form, Jake would hunt for his twin’s loot as well, and threaten to spoil the surprise if Josh didn’t do his chores in exchange for silence.
“No,” his smirk widens. “Haven’t found my gifts. I searched though. I think someone has gotten very good at hiding things from me.”
You nod dismissively, “Okay then, if you’re all finished up with being a failure of a snoop, why don’t you help me wrap some of these?”
His stare lingers on your face “Seems to me like you have everything under control. In fact, it seems to me like you’re very well-versed in taking care of things yourself.”
At last, you locate the tape and fasten the cheerful paper in place, paying him little attention in your annoyance. “Yes, yes. I’m very self-sufficient, Jacob. Thank you for noticing. However, it would be nice if you…”
You fall silent and unsure, noting his curious expression. He looks like he’s hoarding a very salacious secret. His eyes carry the air of indecency you’ve come to know so well.
He looks arrogant and victorious. Almost hauntingly so. His gears are turning deviously, that much is clear. He’s engaged in a constant game that no one else seems to be in on, and something has played well into his hand.
“You look pleased with yourself.” You offer quietly, treading lightly.
He simply carries on watching you as if he can read your thoughts; like he’s figuring you out. A puzzle he’s fitting together piece by piece.
He’s enjoying your unease, while fighting a tiny smirk.
You tuck a lock of hair behind your ear, inexplicably nervous. “What?”
“These can wait.” He gestures at the gifts scattered about and holds a hand out to you.
Unsure, you eye him. Watchful, as though he’s a breathtaking snake that could strike out and sink its teeth into your flesh without warning, poisoning you with the sweetest of venom.
“Why so shy, Christmas elf?” He rasps, leaning forward to meet your line of sight. “Afraid you’ve landed yourself on the naughty list?”
His tone, cashmere soft and gentle, sends a tickling shiver up the nape of your neck. “Maybe.”
He tilts his head in contemplation. “Maybe? What have you done?”
Silently, you watch him watch you. A heated stand-off choked with something you’re unable to place…though you like it all the same.
He breaks the tension by snapping his fingers. “I’ve waited long enough. Up you go.”
Rising to your feet without question - how does he do that? - you allow him to take your hand in his, following blindly as he leads you towards the stairs.
“I really did look for my presents, you know…” he explains as if making mundane conversation, climbing the stairs slowly with you in tow. “Didn’t find them.”
“Perhaps I got tired of your impatience and didn’t shop for you this year.” You suggest.
“Perhaps.” He squeezes your hand, leading the way up to the landing. “You’re very mysterious, aren’t you? My pretty little dark horse.”
He nudges the bedroom door open with the tip of his boot, “I said I didn’t find my gifts, but I never said I came up completely empty handed.”
Your eyes land on the tiny bag waiting at the foot of the bed. It looks innocuous; just a simple oversized makeup bag. Powder blue. Innocent. But you know better, and you can guarantee he does too.
He’s taking in your reaction with barely contained glee. With you, quite obviously, giving him the show he’d so hoped for.
“It looks like you recognize this…” he ambles over and hooks a finger through the handle, dangling it on display. “But that can’t be right because…” he sighs and drops it back down against the duvet, “I know what’s in this bag. And my angel would never…”
His eyes are burning into yours as your face flushes with the pounding heat of shame. Your fingers caught in the cookie jar.
“Isn’t that what you said?” He grasps the zipper pull, easing it open at an excruciatingly slow clip. “You told me that you don’t touch yourself when I’m away. No matter how long I’m gone. No matter how many times I’ve asked, begged, to listen to you with my cock in my hand.”
He silences you by upturning the bag, spilling toys out like evidence in a courtroom. “I wonder where these came from, then?” He asks conversationally. “Do you think someone might have broken in and left them? Seems like a strange thing to do, but you never know these days.”
“Jake.” You repeat, at a loss for much else.
“What?” He feigns concern. “Maybe we should call someone…safety first. Unless…” he shakes his head as if an idea has just occurred to him, but he thinks it’s outlandish.
You wait quietly. If you’ve learned anything over the years it's to let Jacob have his fun, because he’s going to have it regardless. He won’t be denied.
“Unless…” he steps forward and tilts your face up by your chin. “Do you know something about this? Have you been lying to me? That’s not very nice at all, now is it, pretty girl?”
“I…” you stammer unsteadily. This is ridiculous. You’re a grown woman, confident and in love with the devil of a man standing before you, who is clearly very into this…but there’s that unwelcome voice in the back of your mind. A wretched-shrew version of yourself barking about how good girls don’t indulge, and if they do, they certainly don’t talk about it.
“Oh, poor little love…” he mocks teasingly. “I think you do know something about this, don’t you? Your cheeks are as pink as your sweet cunt. Are these yours, baby? C’mon,” he snatches up a cutesy purple vibrator and taps the tip of your nose with it. “You can tell me.”
A bashful nod is all you can manage, but he’s off and running with the small concession.
He begins sifting through the bounty, eyes alight like a kid in a candy store. “Even this one?” He is brandishing a dildo, wobbling it around obscenely. “Do you slide this inside when you're all alone? When there’s no one around to hear all those dirty little sounds you make?”
You nod, swallowing thickly. He is absolutely vulgar, and you’re embarrassed beyond description, but that somehow makes this even hotter.
“Yeah?” He traces your tightened nipples through your shirt with the head of the silicone cock his fist is closed around. “You lie in our bed and make yourself cum and leave me out when all I want to do is listen? I’d call you cruel if I didn’t know better.”
“I just...” Your voice is small, but breathy with want. Invisible fingers of desire are reaching out for him, but still, you long to turn back the hands of time. To hide them wisely. Or better still, to not have been so damn squeamish about it and showed him yourself. You picture the shock that would have flickered to life in his eyes.
“You just what?” He coaxes with gentle authority.
“I just can’t. Not with you watching, or even listening.” The confession tumbles forth, melting into one rushed word.
Clicking his tongue as though it’s a shame, he creeps the toy up to glide over your throat. “Angel’s just as pure as the driven snow until no one’s around to enjoy the show, is that it?”
He has clouded your brain right up, every thought blurred and faded around the edges like you’re stumbling through a lucid dream.
“Since you’ve grown so quiet, I suppose I’ll do the talking for you.” Smooth silicone is now sweeping across your lips. “You like that anyway, don’t you pretty girl? When I talk to you? Lick.”
You nod, curl your tongue pensively, and wonder if he’s rendered you speechless for good this time.
“Yeah,” he leans in close and pecks a chaste kiss upon your cheek. “I know you do. Now be a good girl and go get comfy on the bed.”
There is hesitation on your part, and he isn’t a fan. “I’d behave myself if I were you, little girl. Santa’s watching.”
“I could say the same to you.” There, you’ve found your voice after all.
“It’s hurtful that you seem to know so little of me,” he shakes his head in mock disappointment. “I don’t have to do anything to get my way. On your knees.”
Sinking to the floor instantly, you watch him through the fan of your lashes, trying to map out his next move. What you don’t anticipate, is the warm laugh that shakes his shoulders.
“Look at my sweetheart, so pretty at my feet, proving my point.”
You’d hate him if you didn’t love him so fucking much.
“Come on,” he helps you up with a wink as you scowl at him. “Off you go. On the bed. And get rid of all that,” he waves a hand at your cozy pjs. “You won’t be needing those for what I have planned.”
“And what exactly do you have planned?” You question, feeling warm under the spotlight of his carnal scrutiny.
He watches you unbutton your pajama top with a nod of silent praise when it falls to the floor- a puddle of red flannel at your feet.
“What do I have planned?” He kicks your question back conversationally “Oh, a little of this, a little of that.”
Your pajama bottoms are next to go, and with small triumph, you note the quiet growl that rumbles in the back of his throat. “Where are your panties, pretty girl?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” You tease. It’s unwise, he unmistakably has a firm grip on the upper hand here, but you can’t help yourself.
“No, truth be told, I wouldn’t like to know.” He shrugs. “I’d like to burn them all. It ought to be a crime to hide that beautiful cunt away. Lie down on the bed.”
You make a move to tug your socks off first, they’re of green stripes and rosy-cheeked elves smiling warmly…but he stops you with a sound of disapproval. “Let’s leave them on. A bit of wholesomeness is always nice. Makes me feel like I’m corrupting the innocent.”
Stretching out across the bed, fully on display for him, you preen prettily. “That’s exactly what you’re doing, Jake.”
“Innocent?” His brow frowns and tilts up in feigned confusion…it reminds you of the pained, slightly submissive expression he wears just before he’s about to cum. “You’re far from chaste, pretty girl…and your secret bag of tricks only proves what I’ve always known.”
“And what’s that?” You let your knees fall apart and his hungry stare hones in as if you're a beacon in the night.
“That you’re fucking filthy. A dirty little plaything all for me. You’re my whore, aren’t you baby?” His words are slow, and thick, famished with need. “Say it. Tell me what you are.”
“I’m your whore, Jake.” Your voice quivers with a level of desire that rivals his own.
He saunters over and begins sifting through your toys. “Do you have a favorite, baby?”
You shake your head. That technically isn’t lying, right? You haven’t actually spoken the untruths aloud.
He sees straight through you as easily as he would were you made of glass. “That’s not true…” he sing-songs mockingly. “Is it this one?” He holds up a shiny, chrome-finish bullet, but only for a second; he knows that isn’t the prize in which he seeks.
“Maybe this is our winner…” he inspects a party of a tiny toy…undeniably fun, but far from a favorite, and then tosses it aside as well.
He observes you, lingering on your face, calling forth everything he’s ever known about you as though preparing for a not safe for work pop quiz. “You know, my girl is a classic. Traditional. Reminds me of old money. I think…” he scans the toys, running thoughtful fingers over them as smoothly as he caresses the neck of his Gibson. “Yes, back to basics.”
He wraps his finger around an understated dildo, complete with raised veins and ridges. Absorbing your reaction, he nods cockily. “I know my girl, don’t I?”
The heat has risen to your cheeks again, your very body a betrayal to your inner thoughts. Desperate to play the game, you work hard to maintain eye contact, but find yourself staring over his shoulder anyway.
“I love it best when you stare directly at me,” he soothes like a spoken lullaby. “But, I’ll let you hide just a bit longer, my shy little girl.”
Your chin tilts upward in defiance you can’t help. “I’m not shy, just private…and you just have to be included in everything or you get fussy.”
“Fussy?” He asks with a humorless huff. “I’m not sure I’m in love with that description.”
“I doubt you are.” You challenge, scrambling to find your footing before he’s got you helpless and pleading.
“I’m bored with this.” He sighs, brandishing the toy that, without saying a word, you’ve told him was teacher’s pet. “Here you go sweetheart, you get to love on my competition tonight.”
Competition? It’s laughable. Nothing could ever compare to Jake. He’s in an elevated class all alone. It’s also laughable that he’s deemed you confident enough to do this in front of him. Not with him, which would have been an immeasurable task itself, but for him. In front of him. While he sits on the sidelines and sips at the IPA he’s grabbed off the dresser and is now casually nursing from the chair off-set the bed.
Legs still spread in invitation, you clutch the pliable plastic as if it’s a lifeline rather than the very source of your inhibition.
“So, this is what you’ve been denying me?” He stretches his legs out before him and settles in, eagle-eyeing you as one might a starlet on a stage bathed in beautifully flattering lights. “C’mon, pretty girl…show me.”
“Come lie down with me.” You pout softly, playing into his affinity for coddling you. If he’s beside you, you can touch him as well, leaving you less ‘under the microscope’.
“And give up this view?” His grin is slow and sly. “No, thank you. You look gorgeous from here. So wet. You’re glistening, you know…twinkling like lights on a tree.”
“Yeah?” You’re practically purring…he makes you feel pretty everywhere.
“Yeah.” He leans forward, eyes locked between your legs. “Next year, you’re the holiday theme. I’m going to hang ornaments from every branch of the fullest, tallest tree I can find. Each one pink, to match your lovely velvet cunt. An angel on top instead of a star, because that’s what you are. You’re my angel. Aren’t you, baby?”
Your grip, still ironclad, tightens further around the toy. Your legs, long to squeeze together…the pressure would be such a welcomed relief, you writhe subtly, “Yes, I’m your angel, and you’re mine. You’re the most beautiful angel of all.”
“The most beautiful of all?” His query is teasingly unsure as he pretends to think this one through. “No, pretty girl, I refuse to rob you of your title. Now do as you’re told and slip it inside that snug little pussy for me. Make yourself feel good.”
Timidly, you reach down, easing it in slowly. You get as far as the tip before your nerves break out the big guns to win the battle.
“None of that, baby.” He gently scolds. “Show me how you fix it when I’m not around to make that needy cunt cry.”
He watches on as you draw a centering breath and plunge the cock inside so deeply there’s nothing left to take. How you wish it was his. Warmer, thicker, those blissful throbs and twitches that set your heart beating as rapidly as a flitting hummingbird’s.
“That’s it,” he groans, a barely there tremor in his voice betraying his calm facade. “That’s my good girl. How often, pretty girl? Do you snuggle in every night while I’m away and treat yourself real sweet while you picture all the things I do to you in the dark?”
You nod with a soft whine as you begin moving the toy in and out delicately. It isn’t every night, but for the sake of the moment, a teensy exaggeration is more than warranted.
“I wish you’d told me sooner.” He’s palming his cock absently through his jeans. “Because I’ve thought about it so many times. Do you fill this lonely house with all of those beautiful noises you make? Those pouty uh uh uh’s that float out of you every time I push in deep and grind against your clit?”
You shake your head, losing yourself little by little as the tension begins winding up low in your belly, growing white hot as you listen to him mimic the way you sound when you’re lost in it.
“No?” He sounds inquisitive, and incredibly turned on.
It spurs you on, and you begin fucking yourself a little faster, the balls of your feet sinking down into the bed for the leverage you need to properly rock your hips.
“Why not?” You catch the hum of his zipper splitting open, and then the sight of his perfect cock being tugged free, hard and slick at the tip.
“The neighbors.” You pant through quivering whimpers and shaky hitches of breath. “They know when you’re gone. So if they heard me, they’d know that…”
He cuts you off, “They’d know you were in our bedroom with your little bag of tricks fucking yourself to sleep without me?”
A cry, anguished and fevered, claws its way out of your chest, and he’s on his feet in a blink, crawling over you on the bed, neglected cock in hand. “Ah ah ah,” he hushes into your ear, hovering just out of reach. “I want the real deal, baby. Exactly the way it is when it’s only you and these four walls. So be quiet as a whisper…what if they hear you?”
Muffled gasps choke out of you, strangled and ragged in your taught windpipe. “Yeah, listen to you…” he mocks, the equivalent of pulling your pigtail on the playground.
“Why do you worry about them anyway? They already know. They hear you in here begging for awful, unspeakable things. Desperate and pleading for my cock deeper, and faster, and harder until our headboard rattles the pictures on their walls.”
“Fuck, Jake…” your back arches away from the sheets, you need to be closer to him the closer you get. And you’re so close. So fucking close.
“Yeah?” The word lilts up at the end tauntingly. “You like that? I just know they fuck to us. I just know they listen to you with all your candy sweet moans until they can’t take it anymore.”
The very idea…Jake’s belief that you sound sexy enough that even strangers get off on it, and the rhythmic rise and fall of his fist as he strokes his aching cock, sends you toppling over the razor's edge you’ve been skating along.
A sob of finality bursts from you, shattering the peace, but his palm is quick to silence you. “Quiet, pretty girl. Remember? Not a sound.”
You’re cumming so hard, fucking yourself frantically through it as you spill, hot and wet, all over your hand and down your wrist, soaking your thighs and the sheets.
It’s your eyes that finally do him in. The way they burn into his own just before rolling back in your head blissfully…he releases against your stomach, warm and delicious, like something you might lick greedily from the spoon while baking Christmas cookies.
You did so well, hardly made a sound at all…but the rules don’t seem to apply to him, and the room fills up, thick and heady, with his shuddering groans and obscene curses as he works himself through it.
Soon, you’re both working to chase down your breath, having cleaned up with the threadbare shirt he yanked over his head afterward.
It’s calm and dreamlike, with your head on his chest, counting the beats of his heart, until he twists his body around to grab his phone from its resting place on the nightstand.
“What’re you doing?” You sigh at the unwelcome, momentary parting.
“I think I’ll order some party favors.” The lazy excitement is more than evident in his tone. “You’re gonna need a bigger bag.”
Taglist: @gretasintrees @greta-van-chaos @gardenofgreta @celestialfauna @s0livagant @groggyvanfleet @kiszkathecook @brokenbellz @llightmyllovee @doodle417 @seventieswhore @jake-kiszkas-smirk @weightofdreams-gvf @imdepressedaf1996 @greta-flanveet-admin @joshkiszkas @alisonwonderland29 @gretavanfleas @gretavangroove @sparrowofthedawn @xserenax-13 @tbagggvf @obetrolncocktails @tripthelight-fanfic @tripthelightjaketastic @jakeslovehandles @poofyloofy @70sgroupielovr @heatmyfleet @age-of-nyahh @sammiboo162 @spicedandicedtea @jakekiszkasleftnutsack @saoirsemaeve @mywickeddivinity @dvrkblooms @paintmyhouse @tripthelightfandomtastic @mckenna4 @sarakay-gvf @theweightofjake @joshsmama @sammysvanfeet @rhythm-of-space @highladyofasgard @jordierama @calumspretty
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alittlextrathatway · 10 months
Line: "I could show you incredible things." Location: ambo
Hm, let’s try an AU this time.
Matt’s never seen the back of this ambo before.
He’s been parked on the back bumper of 61 many times. For a forced rest or to let Mills, Shay, or occasionally Dawson tend to him. But he’s never spared 36 more than a passing glance.
Until today when he stepped out of that apartment fire and struggled to breathe. The PIC on 36 had all but blackmailed him into taking a break.
She hands him a water, her blond hair french braided and pulled to one shoulder. “Better?”
“Getting there,” he admits sheepishly. He knows he snapped at her, at first. But his people are still fighting the fire and evacuating residents. They need his help.
She pats his shoulder with a gloved hand and nods. “Good. Wouldn’t want the captain in charge of the most infamous crew in the CFD to pass out. If what I’ve heard is to be believed, without you things would be pretty chaotic on 81.”
“Funny, you’ve heard of me but I don’t know you.”
“That’s intentional,” she says with a quiet chuckle. “Contrary to your ambo, mine doesn’t enjoy butting heads with Hatcher.” She removes her dirty gloves, covered in blood and soot from other victims, and then holds her bare hand out for a shake. “Sylvie Brett, Firehouse 40. Nice to meet you.”
Why did her chuckle cause a tightness in his chest and how is it possible that her eyes are so naturally bright? “Matt Casey,” he replies accepting her hand.
“I know. Everyone does.” The upward quirk of her lips, the small dimple on her cheek, and the teasing in her gaze has him entranced. He can’t look away.
“Right,” he says, blowing out a nervous breath. “Our reputation precedes us, I guess. How have I never seen you around before?”
“I lay low, do my job, and make very few waves,” she answers. He can respect that. He wishes his house would make one or two less waves.
“Casey!” Severide yells from the Squad rig. “You good?”
“Yeah! I’ll be right there,” he calls back. He looks back at Sylvie and points over his shoulder. “I should —“
“Go,” she urges him with a nod. “We both have work to do.”
They go their separate ways and Matt gets so caught up in the fire that he forgets all about the blonde medic who managed to save his ass and put him in his place all at once. At least until they get back to 51, and then he can’t stop thinking about her. While cleaning his gear, doing inventory, checking the compartments — through it all he keeps seeing her face.
“Dammit,” Kidd says as she closes the last compartment.
“What’s up?” Casey asks.
“Our K-12 is gone.”
“The saw?”
“Yeah, I think the Lieutenant from 40 borrowed it.”
Normally, this would piss Matt off, but at the mention of 40 he can’t help but perk up a little. “Then let’s go get it. We can’t work without our saw.”
“Right now?” Mouch asks.
“No, tomorrow,” Matt snarks. “Come on, load up. Let’s go for a ride.”
And that’s how he ends up waiting on 40’s apparatus floor while Grainger searches his rig for 81’s K-12. He spots 36, off in the corner. Leaving Kidd in charge of the search, he wanders toward it.
Sylvie turns at the sound of his footfalls, braid whipping around her head. “Oh! Captain, hi.”
“Hi,” he greets, nervously clearing his throat.
She sits and resumes folding towels, but nods to the empty spot on 36’s bench seat. “Come on up. What brings you by?”
“Your Lieutenant borrowed one of my tools and forgot to give it back.”
She winces. “That’s not good. I know how protective firefighters are of their equipment.”
“As long as they find it and get it back to me, it’ll be fine.”
“You’ll have to cut Grainger a break. He’s a bit of a mess right now,” Sylvie tells him, a flash of guilt in her eyes. “He’s, um, going through a break up.”
Based on the way Grainger has stopped searching his compartment’s and is now blatantly glaring at Casey, he thinks he knows who with. “Ah. I’ll keep that in mind.” He glances around 36 to distract himself from Grainger’s jealous staring. He notices this ambo is immaculate and every space is organized to fit maximum equipment and inventory. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen an ambo this easy to navigate. I know where everything is in one glance.”
“Good, then my system works,” she says, grinning boastfully at him. “I’m the queen of organization around here.”
“You’re that good, huh? You should give me some tips and tricks. I’m hopeless at it.”
“Oh, Captain Casey, you just said the magic words. I could show you incredible things.” Her eyes light up, sparking an even brighter shade of blue. “If you’re serious, that is.”
“Please, call me Matt,” he requests, trying and failing to hide his amusement at her enthusiasm to help him. “And I’m completely serious.”
She bites her bottom lip, cheeks flushing pink very slightly. “Okay, Matt.”
“Why don’t I buy you a drink sometime and you can tell me all about it?” He asks, hoping she doesn’t notice how sweaty he’s gotten since deciding to ask her out.
“Um, sure,” she answers, the wattage of her smile intensifies until it matches her eyes. She’s so gorgeous she’s practically blinding him. “I would love that.” She takes her phone out of her jacket pocket and hands it to him. “Here. Put your number in there and we’ll work out details.”
He didn’t have getting a date on his to-do list today, but he’s not complaining. When an opportunity like this falls into your lap, you don’t waste it.
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stevethehairington · 2 years
If someone did a modern or "old" steddie, who would have the goofy/sleeping phone background and who would have a joint selfie/cropped version of one where the other looks particularly good? Or do you think neither would do that and they'd just have a special interest for it instead?
This is absolutely inspired by the fact that my datemate has a cropped version of a selfie they say I look really handsome in as her background and I have a (consensually taken) pic of them sleeping in one of my band tees as mine
omg but this is such a fun question!! it also has made me really think bc h o n e s t l y i could see them BOTH doing BOTH options here lol.
like, i absolutely could see steve having a photo of eddie like totally pretzeled up in the most uncomfortable looking position on some armchair, with his neck bent awkwardly and his legs splayed out and arms tucked under his armpits because somehow that man can fall asleep anywhere in any position at any time if he's tired enough, and in this particular photo maybe he's just gotten back from a show at the hideout (or if you subscribe to the corroded coffin makes it big and eddie becomes a hotshot rockstar hc then in their tourbus/hotel after a show or he's just gotten home from tour). his hair's a mess and his mouth hangs open and he's drooling a little maybe and he's definitely snoring (because the older they've gotten, the more common snoring has gotten in their bedroom lol).
and then eddie absolutely has a photo of him and steve as his phone background. maybe it's taken when they went on vacation to the beach and the waves are crashing in the distance behind them, a couple of palm trees too; or maybe it's the two of them decked out in their hiking gear (because steve loves to hike, and eddie loves steve) from that time they climbed to the top of the mountain so they could catch the sunrise at the peak; or maybe it's the two of them tucked up in bed, wrapped in each other's arms and basking in the afterglow, hair messy and cheeks pink but eyes sparkling and smiles so big and so genuine. whatever it is, wherever it is, the photo is one where the camera's probably a little bit too close to their faces, and their heads are bent together, cheeks smushed against one another's so they both fit into the frame. maybe they're both wearing matching grins, the happiest they've ever been. maybe steve is kissing eddie's cheek oh so sweetly. maybe eddie's licking steve's cheek like the menace he is, while steve scrunches his nose in shocked faux disgust. maybe they're looking into each other's eyes, tips of their noses pressed together, so in love. maybe they're kissing. no matter the pose, it's definitely a little blurry because whoever was taking the photo (eddie) was too eager to catch the photo to worry about making sure it was perfect, but that adds to the charm.
that being said, i could also TOTALLY see it the other way around too!! steve with the adorably sappy photo of the two of them together - maybe a photo robin took of them at the pool, eddie up on steve's shoulders flashing a thumbs up and steve holding onto his ankles smiling wide, dustin and lucas in the background waiting for their game of chicken to begin. maybe it's the two of them sitting around a campfire with smores ingredients strewn around them and marshmallows on sticks in hand, eddie's got chocolate staining his mouth and steve's got a streak of gooey marshmallow on his cheek. maybe it's the two of them sitting on the porch of their home, the one they made together, wrapped around one another on their cozy little swing while the sun sets in the distance.
and if that's steve's backgound, then that means eddie has the photo of steve looking totally silly. maybe one of him with some of his hair pulled back into one of those teeny tiny little ponytails at the top of his head, the rest curling around his neck, a terrycloth headband pulling it away from his face that's covered in some green goop (one of robin's famous homemade facemasks that she (and steve) swears by), his cheeks are puffed up and he's pulling at his ears like a monkey and there's mirth in his eyes and eddie was laughing as he took the photo so it's a little shaky, but steve looks so funny and so cute that eddie had to make it his lockscreen. or maybe it's a photo eddie caught of steve right before he was about to sneeze. his face was all screwed up, eyes wide and mouth hanging open, with that silly mustache he'd been soooo gung ho about growing right there on his top lip that just added to how ridiculous the photo looks. steve had begged eddie to delete the photo, but eddie refused, going so far as to set it as his lockscreen so that he, and the rest of the world, could be reminded that underneath it all, steve harrington was just as funny looking as the rest of them.
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cannibalmariku · 2 years
( Im just gonna do sort of an update post, because I was gearing up to try and be more active here again. Working on drabbles and trying to get new rp’s started as well as get more in character again. Buuut, some shit happened, lol. I still would like to, I’ve just been putting my focus elsewhere for the past couple weeks. 
I’m gonna put more details under the cut because this might be triggering to some people and its a little graphic. Long story short though, my kitten was attacked by a dog but he’s had surgery and he’s fine now, happy and healing. Put some pics of him under the cut as well.
Me and my boyfriend had been panning a weekend trip to Seattle for a while now, we were going at the end of September and had everything booked and taken care of. I entrusted my new roommate and their girlfriend to watch Possum for me while we were away. 
We spent almost the first two days in Seattle, got to d a bunch of things and were having a good time. Everything was going great until we pulled up just outside this restaurant I’d made a reservation for like a month prior. 
All of a sudden I get several text messages from my roommate and some image files and when I open our conversation I see three pictures immediately -Still kinda upset about this, and don’t understand why they needed to send the extra two pics of just blood and one of his Canines on the floor- of my baby bleeding from his mouth and one of his eyes. :’ )
I Immediately panicked, It looked really fucking bad. And the messages were just telling me the dog attacked him while they left the room for 30 seconds, but their girlfriend was still present. I showed my boyfriend and we immediately left, canceled the reservation, went back to our hotel and got all our shit and started driving the three hours back. 
I told my roommate I wanted them to take him to the Vet immediately and we would meet them there. It was pretty late in the evening so the only place that was open was an hour from our house but I told them I didn’t care and to take him there.
It was 3 hours of stress and anxiety, the nurse called me once to basically tell me he was stable at that moment and of course asking for my card info. Other than that I didn’t hear anything else until we got to the vet 3 hours later. So I was just assuming the worst based on the pictures the whole time. There was a lot of waiting even after we got there, and I was holding it together until this other girl came in sobbing and frantic with her dog that had to be put down. I felt so bad for her and kept thinking there was a very real possibility I might have to put my baby down. 
When we finally did get into a room, I wasn't sure if id even be able to see him because I didn’t know what state he was in, I didn’t know if they would need to keep him overnight or not either if he was gonna survive. 
They brought him in to me to my surprise and relief. He looked pretty bad... but it could have also been so much worse. He was alert and present, cuddled with me once he realized it was me. They did a bunch of x rays and tests and basically told us his eye was fine, it was very swollen but there was no real damage to it and it would heal and he would still be able to see out of it and everything. 
His mouth was the worst part, based on how she had grabbed him, it was both very unlucky and extremally lucky at the same time?? They couldn’t really see all the damage exactly but they just told us that we’d need to get him into a dental specialist to see what exactly he’d need done. I Knew one of his canines had been ripped out, and that when she was looking in his mouth another tooth came out. 
We got him meds from the ER and finally got him home at like 2am. We were tired, confused an angry but also just so very grateful he was alive and till with us. We’ve made up with my roommate, it was just a very tense situation but it wasn’t their fault. 
My boyfriend managed to get him an appointment just two days later, which turned out to be a damn miracle. A lot of surgeons were out of town at the same time for some convention apparently -horrible idea in my opinion for them to all be gone at once, but you know...- There was one place that still had their surgeon. It was a pricier place but they had amazing reviews and and I wasn’t gonna let my baby suffer any longer than he needed to. 
I’m so fucking glad that we brought him in, they had said they would determine how quickly they needed to make an appointment for surgery after looking at him. Thankfully they had extra time that day because the vet said they wanted to do surgery right then. 
Basically when she grabbed him, it was in such a way that she crushed the bone right under his eye and part of the jaw. It’s hard to describe but they said the upper side of his jaw and that row of teeth just needed to go. It was full of dead tissue and bone. They told me it would be a very delicate surgery and they weren’t sure what the range of motion in his eye would be after, but that it wouldn’t effect his vision. The vet was a little bit confused as to why the ER didn't do more or try to patch it up a little because it was essentially a hole. I was a bit upset about that, but just happy it was being fixed. 
We kinda just hung around town while he had surgery and hoped for the best. 
When they were done, we took him home and he was immediately acting 10 times better. Before he had been lethargic and very obviously painful. Sure, he was high out of his mind after the surgery but he was so happy, purring and rubbing against us and wanting constant pets and affection. ;w; Even after the medicine had worn off he was already trying to play.
Its been a few weeks and he’s doing amazing he just had his checkup for his mouth and they said everything is healing perfectly. He can have his toys again and hard food and run around and be a kitten. 
His third eyelid on the one eye is staying partially out, and they said it may always be that way, but I’m just so glad he can still see. I’m so glad he’s still here and he’s acting like himself. He’s even more cuddly now than he was before and very needy, and I don’t mind at all. He seems very happy to be alive too.
I will say, I don’t blame the dog at all for any of this, she’s an animal. My roommate did tell me in their messages that the dog was no longer welcome and my friend would be coming to pick her up the next day. Its kind of confusing but the dog actually belongs to a friend but she couldn’t take the dog with her when she moved, so she was staying with us. She is a wonderful, sweet, older dog and we’ve since found out she had a pretty bad ear infection that could have led to this. There’s a lot of extra drama with my roommate and my friend about them not taking proper care of her, but she’s gotten the treatment she needs and is better now. They are just trying to find her a new home and I hope they can, because she deserves it. 
I’m adding a couple pics of him I took like two days ago. He’s such a sweet, loving boy. he looks like a little bull dog now and I think it’s adorable. ;w; I can’t even express how grateful I am that he’s okay. <3 )
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mitsamu · 3 years
miya osamu, gn.reader
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› smut ; MINORS DNI
› words : 2K
– notes : repost from my old blog! usernames used on this piece suck but yeah.
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the notification shines bright in the darkness of your room, the pink camera icon of the familiar site staring at you invitingly. your eyes drift from the essay you’re supposed to be writing to your phone on the desk and its dimming screen. back and forth, back and forth as the gears in your brain begin turning furiously.
the clock at the bottom right of the screen tells you it’s 10:49 p.m. you have an hour and eleven minutes left to finish the essay and hand it in, or else you’ll inevitably fail the class. it's the last chance you have, your only hope, and you should definitely be focusing on that… but the notification is just too tempting.
glancing at the word count, you check that you have about five hundred more words to write. surely a nice, short 20-minute break wouldn’t be a bad idea, would it? you could always go back and change a few things if you end up with less words than you need, right? an “in addition to” for an “also” here, a “due to the fact that” instead of plain old “because” there and done! a 3000 word essay ready to be handed in.
with that thought in mind, you take your phone and lean back in the chair. unsure as to why, you hold your breath as you click the notification. “...een a while, hasn’t it?” are the words that greet you when the livestream finally loads. you’re immediately faced with a shirtless, broad-shouldered man sitting comfortably on a desk chair. one of his big hands rises to swipe through his hair as he reads the comments that are already beginning to flood the chat.
“ ‘what did you eat to grow up so hot?’ ” he reads, and smiles directly at the camera like he’s the hottest man to ever walk the earth. and, truly, he is ― you’re reminded of it when he chuckles, face contorting in the prettiest expression you’ve ever seen, and simply answers, “onigiri. lots and lots of onigiri.”
you can’t help but laugh quietly at the ridiculous answer; but then he’s leaning back, looking at the camera ― directly at you, it feels ― with heavy eyes and letting out a satisfied groan as he cracks his neck, and the chuckle gets caught in your throat.
bunny, as he insists on getting called, rubs the back of his neck and licks his lips in preparation. briefly, he says he doesn’t have much time to play today (too tired, he says), but he still wanted to put on a little show for everyone.
“but i have to be honest… i’ve been bad today,” his voice is barely above a whisper, you have to turn the volume up so you can drink in his sultry, low voice. his hands begin to roam his chest as he speaks. fingers graze over his nipples. palm traces his abs. fingertips roam his collarbones and the curve of his neck. “touched myself without permission…”
and just like that, as if he’s just flipped a switch, comments start flowing rapidly.
bratamer: such a bad little bunny… what should we do about you?
rin0125: we should punish you for being such a disobeying slut
trading-pics-dm: we shouldn’t let him come today
reading the neverending comments, the man whines. “‘m sorry. i just couldn’t wait– needed you so bad.” his fingers slide dangerously down the faded trail of hair on his navel, to the waistband of his sweatpants. his bulge strains against the slightly loose fabric and he makes a show out of giving it a firm squeeze, eyelids fluttering closed and a deep, low moan bubbling in the back of his throat.
promises of punishment fill the chat. his only response is a wicked smile that you just know is meant to rile the viewers up.
his eyes skim over the flow of comments, until they set on one in particular and he reads aloud:
madamek: stop teasing us and take those pants off, bunny
madamek: slowly
“your wish is my command, madame.”
with a grin that could make even the most libidinous of demons shiver, he stands up and kicks the chair back just a little. his fingers hook on the waistband, pulling it down an inch or two just to pull it back up. the frustrated comments, asking to see more, bring a smug look of satisfaction to his face.
bunny enjoys messing with the viewers. gets a rush out of their frustrated and hungry words. lives for the punishments that are sure to come if he teases a little too much. today, however, he must really be tired, because he cuts short his teasing in favor of stripping out of the only piece of clothing he’s wearing. expertly, he sways his hips as he pulls down the sweatpants, all the way down this time. his cock, achingly hard and already leaking precum, springs up against his abdomen.
you want to laugh at how obviously he craves for this, for his viewers to tell him what to do and see him play with himself. it’s cute, how needy he already seems, or it would be if he didn’t look so utterly lewd.
pants discarded somewhere in the room, he sits back on the chair and angles the camera just right so that all of him is on display. the man winks at the camera and starts running his pretty hands through his body. long, delicate fingers wrap around the pink, leaking head of his cock, thumb swiping up and down the slit. his other hand moves up, quickly taking over one of his nippes; he tweaks and rolls the little nub between his fingertips with an expertise that’s telling. of course, having watched all of his streams you don’t need any clue to know what parts of his body are the most sensitive. at this point, it’s like you’ve got them memorized.
he allows himself to bask in the feeling for a moment before reaching for something out of camera. when his hand returns, it’s holding a little bullet vibrator. turning it to the highest setting, he presses it firmly against the head. the little toy circles around his slit, slides all the way down his shaft, rises up until it’s positioned against the frenulum of his head.
a moan rises in the back of his throat, and bunny has the audacity to act shy and flustered about how much he’s enjoying having an audience. and it looks so real, how he shies away, hiding his mouth behind the palm of his hand when his moans begin to get loud, closing his eyes in ecstasy as his head falls back; the blush that dusts his cheeks and ears, the way he looks into the camera like he’s an angel fallen to earth.
he surely knows how to play the part of the pure and innocent man, even as he fucks himself in front of a camera for hundreds of strangers.
drinking in the pretty sounds coming out of his mouth, you watch, with rapt attention, almost like in a trance, as his hand begins to slide down his length, toy discarded and forgotten, and picks up a steady rhythm. almost instinctively, the hand that’s not holding the phone starts sliding down your own body. your fingers sneak past the waistband and into your underwear, tips immediately grazing your arousal. you hold your breath as you try to match the pace at which he’s touching himself.
“oh, dear viewers… i’ve mi―issed you this week… so, so much.”
there’s an addicting ring to his voice, the way he all but purrs the words with such delight. it makes you want to hear more of it, crave for the breathy and broken sound of his moans and whines and whimpers. makes you want to make him beg, have him panting underneath you until he’s crying.
fingers moving on their own accord, you’re soon typing a command of your own.
royaldom: be a good slut and choke yourself, baby
royaldom: wanna see those pretty fingers around your neck
the man chuckles at the words flashing on the screen, breathy and low and cut short by a moan.
“oh, your highness… i was beginning to think you wouldn't grace me with your presence today.” a crooked, sly grin takes over his lips. he stares right into the camera as he speaks, eyes sparkling with desire, and once more you’re left feeling like this is nothing but a private show, something meant for your eyes only.
bunny’s smile grows as his fingers leave his abused nipples alone, and slowly find purchase in the soft, delicate skin of his neck. your eyes follow the movement eagerly, greedily. he throws his head back, and you’re holding your breath; he tightens his grip ever so slightly, and you’re leaning closer to the screen; he lets out a choked out moan, and you're picking up the pace of your hand feverishly.
“is this what you want?” there’s a slight taunt tinting his voice, you can hear it as clear as day, but can’t bring yourself to comment anything about his behaviour. instead you surrender to his beauty, fall prey to his sinful charms. “i bet you’re imagining it’s your hand the one around my neck,” come his strained, breathy words. “ it’s okay, i’m imagining that too.”
he squeezes his neck even more and starts panting and gasping like it’s all he can do. the harder he squeezes, the faster he strokes his cock. his hips buck up and soon he’s fucking into his fist, rough and uncoordinated, clearly chasing for a release he’s not sure he’s gonna be allowed to indulge in.
a soft curse leaves your own lips. the scene developing in front of your eyes feels like something out of a wet dream.
“oh god… can i come? please, i promise i’ll be good next time,” he pleads, whiny and breathy.
rin125: tsk… such a desperate toy
rin125: do you really think you’ve earned it?
upon reading rin125’s comments, the man whimpers, high-pitched and drawn out. you can see little tears pooling around his eyes, threatening to spill over his rose-tinted cheeks and into the corners of his spit-slicked lips. the sight forces a curse out of your lips.
the rhythm of your hand grows faster and messier. so desperate to cum you are, that you completely ignore the burn in your wrist at the exertion. you can only think of him, him and nothing but him. the glassy look in his eyes. the round shape of his lips. the obscene moans he lets out. the way his body glistens under the light. the shape of his cock, the thought of how it’d taste...
his name, or rather the pet name he gave himself, tumbles out of your lips as your orgasm comes crashing down. the knot in your guts unravels and your sight blurs. trembles run through your body. eyes flutter shut. voice rises and breaks in pleasure. and you keep fucking yourself through it, happily riding the wave of the aftermath.
when your body calms down and you’re finally able to focus your gaze once more, you sit up and look at the screen again just in time to see bunny tumbling over the edge of pleasure.
his head falls backwards and you can see the faint print of his fingers already beginning to show on his skin. the whole chair is shaking as he thrusts up into his tight fist with undeniable, desperate need. he mumbles high-pitched and stuttering “thank you”s as white, pearly cum shoots out of his tip, staining his chest and neck and dripping down his hand.
the dazed and blissful look that takes over his face punches the air right out of your lungs. it’s an expression that should be painted and exhibited for the whole world to see, a piece of art meant to be admired and worshiped. 
and oh, how would you love to be allowed to worship him, all of him.
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mango-bango-bby · 4 years
♡ Not a Big Deal ♡
(A/N: No one requested this but I was really inspired by a thirst post I made on my spam soooooo I whipped up this little thing!! Hope you enjoy <3)
Summary: Dabi is horny while away on a trip for the league. So he asks his cute little darling for nudes however you aren’t into it right away (Yan!Dabi x Fem!Reader
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(⚠️Warning: Nudes, NSFW, dubious-consenting of sharing nudes, manipulation, and Dabi being a perv⚠️)
Dabi hates leaving you. He’s always hated leaving to help the league. Yes, he did really want to destroy Endeavor but if Dabi had it his way Endeavor would already be gone and he could spend all day and night with you. So, when hand-man said the league’s next mission was to kill Endeavor, Dabi was over the moon. Except he had to spend about two days away from you.
Dabi’s really bored. He moves his head back to lean against the grimy wall of the motel room, that he threatened the desk lady to give him. Dabi, knowing that he was going to be gone for at least two days, made sure to put out all the things he knew you needed. Dabi loves taking care of you and doing everything for you, so he left your clothes folded out on the dresser and your food in containers in the fridge for you.
Dabi lets out a bored sigh before pulling his cracked phone out of his pocket, while taking a long drag of his cigarette. Recently, he had given you a phone. One that he had a hacker villain baby-prof so you couldn’t have internet access or call the police or anyone but him. So he decides to text you.
Dabi scrolls through his phone and messages until he’s met with the contact with the name “Babygirl♡” before going to his phones keyboard to text you,
[Dabi] hey bby. u still up?
Dabi puts his phone down on his chest, waiting for you to respond. Only for his phone to buzz almost immediately.
[Babygirl♡] yes
A short and sweet response on your part. Despite being you Dabi’s hostage for almost three months, you were still pretty shy around him. Much to Dabi’s dismay. But, he loves that you answer him, you’re always such a good girl for him.
[Dabi] what outfit did u decide wear today?
Dabi normally loves picking out your clothes for you, but because he was gone, you got to pick out which outfit out of the three Dabi had laid out for you. He laid out your undergarments as well, he’s curious which ones of those you picked out as well.
[Babygirl♡] the pink dress
Dabi smiles, he loves that dress on you. A beautiful pink dress he had stolen from a random shop he robbed. Lace under the dress, a white collar with a pastel blue bow accenting the rest of the pastel pink, the short dress only barely reaching your thighs. The dress revealing your panties and ass when you bend over the right way. Damn, he loved that stupid dress.
[Dabi] o rly? send me a pic, doll. u better not being lying to me
Dabi has plenty of pictures of you in his camera roll but he always loves receiving cute photos from you. You don’t even mean to be so cute in the photos you send him, you just are. Ever since Dabi gave you that phone, he’s been making you send him photos of whatever you’re doing while he’s gone. Monitoring your daily activity’s and what you’re wearing and eating.
[Babygirl♡] Attachment: 1 Images
Dabi smirks clicking on the image you sent him. The picture is fairly simple, it’s you standing in front of the full body mirror in the bedroom, showing off your outfit. One hand holding your phone while the other lifts up your skirt slightly in a ‘curtsy’ style way.
You look so beautiful, you wear matching white stocking with lace at the top and a cutesy pink collar that Dabi laid out for you. He quickly saves the image to his phone before zooming in on the photo you blessed him with. Zooming in enough and straining his eyes enough, he can see your bra underneath your dress.
[Dabi] take the dress off
Dabi can practically see your face while reading his message. You’re probably hiding your face in your hands in embarrassment. After about two minutes Dabi checks his phone again, only to be met with the ‘read at 9:27pm’ at the bottom of his screen.
[Dabi] i know princess isn’t ignoring me, is she?
Dabi watches his phone, waiting for your response. Normally you’re so good for him, so he’s surprised you left him on read. Watching the three dots appear before your message is sent to him.
[Babygirl♡] but i don’t want to..... you won’t show anyone right??
Dabi lets out a chuckle, blowing some of the smoke from his cigarette out of his mouth when he does so. You’re so cute. Worrying about your friends and family seeing your nudes when you’re probably already dead to them and the world.
[Dabi] aw buttercup. it’s ok, it’s not that big of a deal. it’ll be only for me ok?
Even from this grimy motel room, Dabi can hear the gears in your head turning. It’s not like Dabi hasn’t taken a picture of you nude before, he has plenty of pictures of you in his camera roll where you’re covered in his cum. But, this would be completely different. You’d be sending this willingly, if not with a little bit of encouragement on his part.
[Babygirl♡] ok.... Attachment: 1 Images
Dabi opens the image faster than he can imagine, he thinks his favorite part of the image is your flustered face looking away from the camera in embarrassment. Now, every pair of panties and bras you own are pretty scandalous. Seeing as Dabi always gets them for you.
It’s another mirror selfie, this time the short pink dress disregarded on the floor. Although, you’re still wearing the thigh high stockings. You’re wearing a recently new set of undergarments that Dabi had gotten you. Being a simple panty and bra, pink, sheer, with lace around the edges, and embroidered cherry’s all over. 
Dabi stares at the image, allowing his eyes to run over every curve of your body. Oh, if only he was home with you right now. But for now, he could deal with a cute mirror selfie. He can’t stop his eyes from gazing over the photograph, going from the curve of your neck, down your breasts, down your hips, and to your thighs. You were so fucking sexy.
[Dabi] oh babygirl. u have no idea what u do to me
Dabi takes another drag of his cigarette, looking at the photo again. Allowing his eyes to wander all over the screen, noticing the slick between your thighs when he looks close enough. How naughty of you. Already getting so wet from just him asking to see a picture of your body. Naughty, naughty, naughty. Although, he’d be lying if he wasn’t aroused to right now. The straining of the crotch of his pants proved that.
Dabi doesn’t even think before he hits the green call button completely ready to tease you about how aroused you are. He wants to help you with it, well, kind of.
Dabi will direct you on how to please yourself properly. He’ll make sure you end up feeling like he’s there with you. Although, you’ll have to wait to cum until he gets back home.
(Part Two possibly coming soon 👀👀)
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bestiesenpai · 3 years
skate rat choso
This is just a little drabble for skate rat Choso, I got inspo from a cute ass pic of him holding baby Itadori :) no content warnings for this, although I must say it might get cringe? I tried to be wholesome, so let's see how that worked out. Gender neutral readerrrr and idk if i need to say this but choso and reader are 18+ lol
It was finally the first warm sunny day of the season. Birds were chirping, sparse clouds dotted the sky and there wasn’t any pollen in the air to make Choso sneeze. It was the perfect day to go to the skate park.
“Got your helmet?” And of course he was going to bring his little brother Yuji along with him.
“Mhmm!” The excited six year old nodded, nearly falling over as he held up his little helmet covered in sparkly Kirby stickers. Heading out of the house, Yuji ran down the steps, leaving Choso behind to carry his bike and his own skateboard.
“Your backpack, don’t forget this!” Holding up the tiny bag, Choso shrugged his own bag on. Yuji’s didn’t have much in it besides a few bandaids and a bag of chips. Holding his arms up at the bottom of the steps, Yuji waited for Choso to put it on him.
“This is gonna be great!” As soon as he could, Yuji ran down the street with Choso taking longer strides behind him. The walk to the skate park wasn’t far, and they got there in no time to see a couple other people Choso’s age riding around.
“What do you want to do first, do you want to take off the training wheels right away?” Setting Yuji’s bike down, Choso dug in his back for the screwdriver he brought.
“Yeah!” Hopping on the bike, Yuji bounced up and down impatiently, already dreaming of how he was going to fly through the air on the bike. Tossing the now useless wheels to the side, Choso pressed his hand to Yuji’s back.
“I’m going to hold onto you for a little bit to make sure you don’t fall, okay?”
“I’m not a baby!” Yuji shouted, trying to shake off Choso’s hand.
“You’re my baby and I want you to be safe.” Gripping the back of his shirt, Choso stilled Yuji. “Now try to push off.”
Lifting his feet off the ground, Yuji let out a short yelp as he began to sway side to side. Nearly falling several times, he refused to give up and with an almost angry pout on his face he was able to push the pedals and get the wheels spinning forward.
“I’m doing it!” He gasped, looking down at his feet and the way he wasn’t falling over anymore.
“You’re doing great!” Choso jogged a bit behind him, ultimately letting go and watching Yuji ride around in a wide circle.
“Did you see me? Did you?” Coming to a shaky stop, Yuji leapt off his bike and grabbed onto Choso’s shirt, tugging on it.
“I did, you were awesome.” Scooping the young boy up, Choso gave him a big hug. Squirming out of his hold, Yuji picked up his bike again.
“Ride your skateboard with me!” Yuji didn’t wait for Choso to respond, already stumbling to a start on his bike. Tucking their things underneath a tree with a couple other people's belongings, Choso let his board clatter to the ground and stepped on it, pushing off and meeting up with Yuji in no time.
As they rode around, avoiding any big dips or curves, Choso let his eyes wander across the park. There were a fair few people here, a couple that he recognized doing tricks in the bowl and sitting on the sidelines. Later, when Yuji was tired from riding on his bike and he didn’t have to pay attention to him too much, Choso would do some tricks as well and see if he could do anything new.
“Look Yuji, another kid your age is here.” With a little mop of messy black hair, the scowling child had a tiny little skateboard in hand. His helmet was strapped to his backpack that no doubt carried all his protective gear as well.
“I know him, he’s a new kid! He just joined last month.” Stopping slowly, Yuji stared quite obviously at the other boy. “His name is Megumi.”
“Why don’t you go over and ask if he wants to ride around with you?” Choso pushed Yuji towards the boy, finding himself intrigued with the adult that was following him. Riding over to the Megumi, Yuji leaned forward on his handlebars.
“Megumi?” He called out and the boy turned, his eyes widening upon seeing Yuji and Choso. “D’ya wanna ride together?” Megumi was silent, his lips forming a tight line on his face. Glancing at Choso, Megumi scrambled behind the person with him.
“Sorry, he’s a little shy.” You answered, trying to tug him off your pant leg. Smoothing a hand on his back, you leaned down to Megumi. “Is this a boy from your school?” Megumi nodded silently. “Do you want to ride around with him? I bet he’d let you hold onto his handlebars to balance.”
Megumi mumbled something indistinguishable to Choso, but apparently you heard it and understood. There was a quick back and forth and a rushed promise that you’d stay close by, and then Megumi was slowly tiptoeing out from behind you.
“Okay.” Clutching his board to his chest, Megumi looked at Choso and his own board.
“How long have you been skateboarding?” Choso asked, smiling at him. Megumi held up a five and you giggled.
“He’s been doing it for five months now.” Answering for him, you unclip his helmet and plop it on his head. “Show him your board, baby.” Flexing his little fingers, Megumi turned it around, showcasing the underside of the board.
“Cool!” Yuji gasped, stepping closer and pointing at the large wolf painted across the bottom.
“Thanks.” Megumi whispered, smiling softly despite himself.
“You wanna see mine?” Bending down so both boys could see clearly, Choso flipped his over. The deck was horribly scraped and scratched from grinding on metal and concrete and so were the trucks, but you could still make out the dragon design that was once there.
“That’s really cool.” Running his hand along the bottom, Megumi’s eyes gleamed with wonder.
“I can teach you some skating stuff later if you want.” Standing up straight, Choso flicked his eyes over to you. He really wanted you to accept the offer, he wanted an excuse to try and talk to you.
“Y-yes please!” Bouncing on his toes, Megumi looked over at you. “Can he, (Y/N)?”
“Of course!” Giving him a big thumbs up, you fished out his pads from his little backpack. “You have to put your gear on first though.”
Megumi rushed to put his gear on and in no time he and Yuji were riding around the flat parts of the park, both wobbly and slightly unsteady on their feet. Choso sat next to you on a bench and watched them, letting the sounds of the other park goers fill the silence between you.
“I never introduced myself! I’m (Y/N)!” The abruptness of your voice surprised him, but Choso was glad you broke the silence first because he was too nervous to. Waving and smiling at him, you didn’t seem to notice the blush beginning to coat Choso’s cheeks. “I’m Megumi’s older sibling, we just moved to the area not too long ago.”
“Oh uhm yeah, Yuji said that Megumi was a new student.” Nodding dumbly, Choso smiled nervously.
“Yuji is your brother's name?”
“Mhmm! And I’m Choso.” He quickly tacked on, almost forgetting to tell you his own name.
“It’s nice to meet you, Choso. I hope our brothers get along well.” Taking a look over at the two of them, you smiled. “Well actually, I don’t think I have to worry about that.” Pointing over to them, you and Choso shared a soft laugh at watching Megumi and Yuji chase each other around, their wheels lying forgotten on the grass.
“I’m not surprised, Yuji is really outgoing.” Choso had to bite back the stupid grin he had wanting to bubble to the surface. His little brother's ability to make friends with anyone was unexpectedly starting to pay off. If Yuji could make a good bond with Megumi, Choso had no doubt he’d be seeing the two of you again.
“Have you been skating long, Choso?” Your hand skims the edge of the board resting on his lap.
“I started when I was Yuji’s age.” He could remember clearly the very first time he rode a skateboard and the first time he fell off it too. “Do you skate or anything, (Y/N)?”
“I could never!” Rubbing the back of your neck, you laugh, feeling embarrassment come over you at your next words. “I tried to ride Megumi’s little skateboard one time and fell right on my face!”
“Ouch, really?” Laughing a little as well, Choso fiddled with the wheels. “If you want, I can teach you too. It’s not that hard, you just have to balance a little and-”
“(Y/N)!” A sharp wail cut Choso off and you both looked over to where it came from. Clutching his knee, Megumi had tripped and fallen over a ramp. Walking over swiftly, it was a relief to see only a few drops of blood on Megumi’s knee.
“It’s okay, it’s just a little scrape.” Running your hands through his unruly hair, you pressed a kiss to his forehead. “Do you want a bandaid?”
“I have one!” Yuji shot up, running past Choso and grabbing his backpack. He had a handful of bandaids and laid them in Megumi’s lap. “I have spiderman and hello kitty!” Picking up a sparkly one with strawberries, he held it out to you. “This one’s my favorite!”
“Thanks.” Meguim’s voice wavered slightly and he sniffled a little, but he took the bandaid out of Yuji’s hand and gave it to you to put on him.
“Okay, you’re all better. Go play some more.” A few minutes later Megumi was back on his feet, making sure to stay away from the big structures sticking out of the ground. Sticking around a few seconds longer, you exhaled sharply and turned to Choso.
“So, what was that about teaching me how to skate?”
Choso had never been happier about his decision to come out to the park today. While he loved spending time with his little brother, more than anything else in the world, getting to know you was something that was beginning to rival it.
With his helmet slapped on your head, you looked adorably scared to step on his board. Choosing a corner where no one would skate by, you gripped a concrete column tightly and put a tentative foot on the board.
“I’m scared.” You whined, glancing up at Choso and then back down to your foot.
“Let go of that thing, put more of your weight on the board.” He beckoned you closer, holding out both hands for you to take. Pressing your foot more firmly, you slowly inched your way off the column.
“Oh shit!” Just as you were going to take your other foot off the ground, the board began to slide underneath you. Flailing your arms, you jumped off and a few feet away. “I almost died!”
“It’s okay!” Choso laughed at your dramatics, stopping the board before it could slide too far away. “Take my hand and step on again.”
“You better not let me fall!” Pointing threateningly at him, you took a deep breath and put your foot back on. Bypassing his hand, you gripped his shoulder tightly and shuffled both feet on.
“Bend your knees a little.” Choso’s hand was hovering near your waist. He wasn’t sure if he should grab it or not to help you balance, but you quickly made that decision for him by nearly falling as you leaned too far forward.
“I got you!” Saving you from certain death, Choso hugged you close to him, putting his foot in front of the wheels to stop it from sliding back and forth. Your fingers were clutching his t-shirt tightly, leaving deep wrinkles in the fabric.
“I don’t think I can do this.” Shaking your head, you forced yourself to stand up straight.
“You haven’t even pushed off yet.” Keeping his hand on your back, Choso let you squeeze the life out of his other hand.
“I don’t know if I want to, you saw me almost die just now.”
“Emphasis on almost.” He chuckled when you swatted at his chest. “Just try it once and then you can say you did it.”
“If I break a leg my mom will be pissed.”
“Don’t break a leg then and you’ll be fine.”
“Shut up.” Giggling at his comment, you squared your shoulders and looked forward. “Okay, I’m going.”
Choso talked you through pushing off, telling you where to put your foot and how to balance on the board while you pressed against the ground. He pulled you along as well, trying to help build up enough speed.
“You’re doing it!” He shouted, trying to let go of you as you started to cruise. You laughed loudly and breathlessly, heart pounding in your ears and legs shaking terribly as you fought to control your body.
“I-I am!” Letting go of Choso’s hand, you slid up to grip his arm. The tiny breaks in the cement were nothing, barely making a dent as you rode over them. What did make a dent, however, was when Choso fully stepped away from you right as the wheels met resistance on a big crack in the ground.
Luckily there was grass in front of you that you could fall into, and you did so with a loud shout accompanying it. With your hands outstretched to break your fall, your knees met the dirt hard and the whole ordeal knocked the wind out of you.
“You okay?” Choso was hunched over you, eyes wide as he knelt down beside you. Taking a moment to roll over and catch your breath, you sat up on your elbow only to be knocked down by Megumi tumbling into you.
“(Y/N)!” Wrapping his arms around your neck, he smooshed his cheek against yours. “You fell!” Nodding at the obvious statement, you wheezed as he squeezed you a bit harder. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, baby.” Blinking hard as you tried to reorientate yourself, you saw Yuji with his bandaids out.
“Do you need one?” Holding up a large yellow one, he looked you over with the seriousness of a doctor.
“No Yuji, I’m good, not bleeding anywhere.” Patting Megumi’s back, you sat up straighter and eventually made your way back on your feet. “But I think I’m good for now on learning how to skateboard.” Brushing the dirt off your clothes, you glared at the crack you had tripped over.
“That’s fair.” Choso nodded, taking his helmet back from you.
“Don’t get hurt again.” Megumi chided, patting the parts of your body he could reach.
“Promise I won’t.” Hooking your pinky with his, you shook your hands together.”
“Hey Megumi, do you want to skateboard with me?” The question from Choso made Megumi immediately turn away from you, forgetting all about his fallen sibling and nodding so hard he almost fell over.
“Yes!” Megumi ran to grab his things, rushing to put his gear back on and meet Choso at a small ramp. You and Yuji trailed behind, choosing another ramp close by to play with. Yuji had gotten more familiar with his bike, only needing help stopping and staying balanced at times.
“(Y/N), do you and Megumi live close to the park?” He asked, doing circles around you.
“Mhmm, we do.”
“We live close too!” Yuji gasped, taking a second to look at you before going back to his task. “We come all the time, you should come too. And bring Megumi.”
“I have a feeling we’ll be coming by a lot.” You snorted, looking up to see Megumi going down a tiny ramp with Choso right beside him. Megumi was utterly enamored with the older man, completely focused on what he was saying and doing.
Hours passed of the four of you playing together in the park. Megumi showed off his ability to go down a ramp without falling many times, and he and Yuji raced on their respective wheels from one end of the park to the other. You also ate lunch together, Choso chatting you up when he could and ignoring the tingle of nervousness at the back of his mind.
“Ice cream!” As the sun began to set and the clouds were dyed a pastel orange, the shout from another kid alerted Yuji and Megumi, and the distinctive melody of the ice cream man flowed through the air.
“(Y/N)!” Both boys gasped, looking between you with wide, hopeful eyes.
“I’ll buy.” Choso already had his wallet out and was getting up from the spot in the grass you’d chosen to take up residence in.
“Are you su-”
“Yay!” Jumping up as well, Yuji and Megumi ran to get in line for ice cream.
“Be back in a sec.” Choso didn’t give you the chance to argue about who would pay, already walking over to join them. In just a few minutes time, they were back with big smiles on their faces.
“Look, we got the same one!” Yuji announced to you, holding up the spongebob ice cream he and Megumi both got. “It’s got gum for eyes.”
“Here, we got you one too.” Choso handed you a frozen treat, munching on his own. “Megumi said you liked ice cream sandwiches.”
“You didn’t have to.” Taking a bite, a delightful shiver went up your spine as the treat came in contact with your teeth.
“I wanted to.” He shrugged, eating his ice cream quickly and crumpling up the wrapper. Choso was itching to skate a bit, try some new tricks and potentially show off to you, and now was a good time: there weren’t as many people left at the skatepark, most tired out from a full day and going home.
“I’m gonna skate around a bit.” He announced after gathering up the courage. Picking his board up, Choso made a point to put his helmet on. He wanted to set a good example for Yuji and Megumi and cracking his skull open on the concrete wasn’t the way to achieve that.
“You guys have to watch! Choso is really good at skateboarding!” Yuji was the best wingman Choso could ask for and he didn’t even have to tell him to do anything. Moving closer to the bowl, as you sat down on a bench, both Yuji and Megumi cuddled into your sides.
Choso started off slow, cruising and going over smooth inclines. He’d done many dangerous stunts before in front of a lot of different people, but having you here was making him a bit timid and as he did a kickflip he could only hope you found it exciting.
He refused to look at you as he did a few tricks, grinding down a handrail and popping his board up. A few times he fell or stumbled off and an embarrassed blush overtook his face, contrary to how he would normally brush off any mistakes he made.
“Choso go down there!” Yuji shouted, pointing at the large bowl encompassing the middle of the park.
“Okay!” He yelled back, riding over to it and dropping in with no hesitation. There wasn’t anyone else in with him, so he had full range to do whatever he wanted. Going as fast as he could, his shirt clung to his body from the force of the wind passing by.
“Woah!” Megumi shouted, lurching forward to see Choso carving across a curve and popping up, flipping his board in the air a few times before landing back down and skating away. “(Y/N) did you see that?!”
“I did.” As impressed as you were by the trick, Megumi was ten times that. Every single move, Megumi was inch further and further off the bench until he was right at the edge of the bowl and bouncing up and down in excitement.
“C’mere.” Hopping out, Choso lifted Megumi under his armpits and put him on the board. Setting his feet around Megumi, Choso dropped back in, holding the boy around his waist as they pumped up and over curves. Megumi let out happy squeals as they rode up ramps and along the railing of the bowl.
After both Yuji and Megumi had a chance to ride in the bowl with Choso, they were properly exhausted. Flopping onto you once more, they were almost too tired to watch Choso finish his run.
When it was time to leave, Choso was pleasantly surprised to learn that you lived in the same direction as him, getting the chance to walk you home.
“So uh, what’d you think?” He asked as you headed out of the park, Yuji half asleep in his arms. “Of my skating.”
“It was really cool.” You flashed him a smile, your own little brother walking slowly next to you. “And I know Megumi loved it too.”
“Awesome.” Letting out a quick sigh of relief, Choso rushed out his next words. “I should give you my number so our brothers can hang out again.”
“Totally! Yuji was saying earlier that he wanted me to bring Megumi back to the park.” Choso would seriously have to thank Yuji later. He quickly got your number, already trying to cook up a reason to text you that wasn’t related to his brother.
“You live here?” Coming upon your house, Choso’s brows rose. “We live just down the street, at the end of the block.” It makes sense now why there were moving vans here just a few weeks ago.
“Guess that makes us neighbors, huh?” Ruffling Megumi’s hair, you gestured to Choso. “Say goodbye, baby.”
“Bye Choso, bye Yuji.” Megumi waved, already shuffling toward the front door. Yuji barely waved back, snuggling closer into Choso’s shoulder.
“I’ll text you later, okay? Maybe we can get frozen yogurt or something?” You said, beginning to slide your feet across the pavement after Megumi. Choso was probably just projecting his own emotions but he could have sworn you looked a little nervous asking.
“That’d be awesome.” A light blush dusted his cheeks and he nodded like a fool. “I’m free whenever.”
“See you later.” Giving one last final wave, you closed the door behind you, leaving Choso on the sidewalk. Turning abruptly, he walked down to his house, keeping his head down to avoid anyone seeing the large, uninhibited smile on his cheeks. He was really happy he went to the park today.
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 3 years
Wed 9 June ‘21
Multiple pictures and video of Louis from out by the recording studio a few days ago were posted, HAPPY DAYS! This (the fans gathered getting pics with him) would be the fuss the man saw out his window (that we saw in his out the window pics) before he popped out to get in on the picture-taking action, it’s no wonder he recognized Louis; I’m guessing the fan crew followed the usual strategy of waiting until he wasn’t going to be at whatever location every day anymore to publish and that’s why we got them now rather than when they were taken. Anyway; pictures and video of Louis! He’s cute, he’s Louis, it’s wonderful to see him and even better to hear him! And there were pictures of him in red from a different day as well that win for cutest probably, him and the fan flipping off the camera together is excellent, and she got to tell him her story of how Just Hold On saved her life and show him the JHO tattoo she got to commemorate, also wonderful. LT Tour added a festival show for September 22 in Italy, presale starting today
Niall said if he gets bumped up 185 slots in his spotify ranking he’ll do a dance half naked (haha is the ‘half’ because he’s hedging his bets in case it actually happens?) on tiktok, and he and Anne Marie posted more behind the scenes pics from the music video shoot, but where’s the bts video? I don’t know, but I do know where Niall is-- LA! I mean we already knew that but it was confirmed when a fan took video of him out for a hike today.
Liam’s Lonely Bug promo is really kicking into high gear with all the creators posting talking about it and clearly press releases went out cause there were a bunch of articles- Lonely Bug is of course his semi-autobiographical animated NFT, or to quote the press, “the artwork... is aiming to reflect the childlike state that many people returned to during the pandemic, [and] is multimedia with music from DJ Zedd, animation from Gabe Damast and spoken word from Gary Vee.” Also it is apparently actually a series of NFTs rather than just one, so yeah, that clears it all right up for anyone who’s still confused right?! Haha. Anyway we got a first look at the title character based on Liam’s art today. And there’s more! Steven Bartlett (entrepreneur, guy Liam flirted with for 90 minutes while spilling his guts the other day) says that as part of the NFT launch there will be a dinner in Las Vegas with him and “crypto celebrities” Mike Novogratz (another entrepreneur), Brendan Blumer (this guy’s wikipedia genuinely just says ‘entrepreneur’), 3LAU (DJ! And also entrepreneur), Christian Angermayer (‘entrepreneur investor’), NFT dealers Duncan and Griffin Cockfoster (...can you guess? Yep they are also entrepreneurs), Paris Hilton (she is selling NFTs of her own, so yes indeed; she’s an entrepreneur now too), and Liam, so if Liam is enough to make that actually sound appealing to you rather than like the seventh circle of actual hell, all you have to do is be a winning bidder for one of Liam’s NFTs and you will get to not only “own” the digital artwork but also attend that dinner.
Liam also liked a tweet wondering whether the reason he liked the Ron’s Gone Wrong movie page was that it was the movie he had mentioned last year writing a song for, ALL RIGHT THEN. Confirmed, I guess! And he posted a video (with his newly shaved eyebrow slash and diamond necklaces on) where he said he rolled his knee in jujitsu today, oh nooo. Meanwhile his discord broke out into ugly arguing over new fandom names (the long list of rules forbid mention of so many hot topics, such as shipping of any kind, but you just can’t stop fans from fighting); Liam commenting on the thread being shut down, “too much passion.” Well, he’s not wrong! Paynedora’s Box indeed- I told ya, full of demons.
Today in MP filming, there were cupcakes with the director’s face on them (this shoot is really into little cakes huh, love that for them), plus someone from the set said blurry tiny pics they posted and said were Harry waving weren’t Harry they were just fucking with people. Wow you...really showed us? I guess?? The yellow shorts pics were really him though! Gucci posted some old pics from the fragrance campaign.
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Marriage with a Spin - Loki x Reader - Words: 2,613
A/N: Enemies-ish to Relationship & Fake Relationship trope-ish LOL…Pic below is not mine but simply is for reference about rings...this was the best basis I could find 🤣 I'm using the Spin and Zero rings in this oneshot
Also! A big thanks for @ladylulu143 for helping my come up with a title and for proofreading this for me! 💖💖🤗🤗
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"Alright, this is the latest alien artifact we have found," Steve said. He held up a gold ring with a small blue stone. "When on, the wearer can decelerate time around them, appearing to be at superspeed to those watching."
"So what's the deal now?" You asked. Tony brought a picture of another ring on the screen behind Cap.
"This recently popped up on our radar. By the readings we're getting from it, it seems to be related to this guy here. However, it's being held in this mansion," Tony said, clicking to the next picture. "Owned by billionaire Samuel Thatcher."
"So what am I doing here again?" Loki asked flippantly.
"Mr. Thatcher is holding a gala tomorrow night. You and Miss Y/L/N will be attending and will conveniently slip away at some point during the evening to retrieve the ring from his vault."
"Loki and me?" You exclaimed. "Why? Would you fit in much better at one of those swanky parties?"
"Everyone knows me, Y/N," Tony said, rolling his eyes.
"What about Steve then? He knows how to dance and be all proper! He's from the 40's for goodness sake!"
"Have you ever seen me try to fit in at one of those, how did you say it, swanky parties?" Steve asked with a smirk. "You two have enough class to fit in. Besides, the vault is secured by a fingerprint and retinal scan. The only person here who could pull that off is Loki."
"That is true," Loki replied with a smirk.
"Fine. What time is it?" You groan.
"6pm tomorrow," Steve answered. You nodded and got up to leave. "Oh! And one more thing!" You turned around suspiciously and saw an unnerving smile plastered across the face of America's Golden Boy. "You're going as Mr. & Mrs. Hank and Audrey Williams."
"Mister and Misses?" You both exclaimed. Steve nodded and Tony was smirking.
"Don't forget this!" Tony said, tossing the ring to you.
"Is this supposed to be my wedding ring?" You asked sarcastically.
"Actually no," Steve said. "It would seem that the ring only works on the right middle finger."
"Great. So what am I supposed to do about this?" You asked, wriggling your left fingers.
"No need to worry, darling," Loki replied. He waved his hand and a beautiful gold and emerald wedding band appeared on your finger. "Now, shall we go to my room and prepare for the rest of this delightful mission?" He asked, a touch of sarcasm in his voice.
"Of course, my dear," You replied, rolling your eyes.
The next day, Loki came to your room at about 3 in the afternoon. "What do you want, Loki?" You growled, quite annoyed that he was bothering your 'me-time'.
"Change into your uniform and meet me in my room in 5 minutes. We need to prepare." He turned to walk away but you grabbed his arm.
"Why? We should be resting before our mission tonight! I thought we already did all our planning yesterday!"
"Tactical, yes. But not practical." He once again turned away and started down the hallway. You groaned and ran after him.
"What do you mean practically? We get fancied up, we go, we get the ring, we leave. If we get in any sort of confrontation, we fight and then we leave! Simple!"
"What are you going to wear?"
"Well I can't show up in tactical so I have this old party dress. It's not perfect but it'll do I guess."
"No it will not. Where will you put your weapons? What if you need to run? Or fight?" Loki listed off his objections quickly and tutted at you. "No, no. That simply will not do."
"Well what do you suggest, oh great fashion god," You replied sarcastically. Loki rolled his eyes and waved his hand. "Oh my!" You gasped. He'd transformed your current outfit into a lovely floor length, emerald green dress. He even outfitted you with jewelry!
"And I can do the same with your-what did you call it? Tactical gear?"
"Ok, ok," you chuckled. "Thank you. I really appreciate it." You smiled genuinely and, for a moment, you thought he would return the sentiment. But he kept his disinterested demeanor and whooshed away the dress.
"I'll return it later when you're ready. You will need to do your own hair and makeup." You nodded and headed back to your room till the evening.
That night, you stood at your mirror adding the finishing touches to your mascara when suddenly there was noise beside you. Jumping in surprise, you accidentally smeared the mascara on your face. "Loki!" You exclaimed, seeing the mischievous prince standing in your room. "You scared me!"
"Well, I am naturally terrifying." You rolled your eyes and turned back to the mirror to fix your face.
"There! All done," You announced. "Well, with the exception of my dress and-" Before you could even finish he had cast his illusion upon your clothing.
"Enough with your blathering. Let's go."
"Hmph. And here I had hope you'd finally removed your head from your-"
Later at the Gala, Loki was being the perfect gentleman. Very suave and debonair. You were impressed. Of course you had to play your part too. You were smiling at his side, holding his arm. You both mingled for a while, trying to get a feel of the room, before he asked if you wished to dance. A bit surprised, you simply nodded. He whisked you out to the dance floor gracefully and pulled you close.
"The vault is downstairs. We need to find an excuse to slip out soon," He whispered to you.
"What if I pretend to be ill?" You offered.
"Someone would undoubtedly take you upstairs to one of the bedrooms to rest. That is the opposite of what we're trying to accomplish."
"But what if I'm afraid of heights?" You countered. He quirked an eyebrow at you and chuckled lowly.
"That is a terrible idea. Only you would think of it."
"I don't know whether to be insulted or flattered. And I think the problem is I have really fantastic bad ideas." He smirked and shook his head in disbelief.
"At least you own up to it," He teased. You grinned, unable to help yourself from staring at him. Though you were on a mission, he seemed so relaxed. This was definitely his element. "You're staring, my dear."
“You are very attractive. Therefore I will stare at you," You admitted. He blushed brightly and looked away but then his eyes lit up.
"I've got it!" He stepped back and led you off the dance floor towards the open bar. "Follow my lead," He hissed. "Would you get me a drink, sweet? You know what I like," He said, somewhat loudly.
"Of course, darling," You replied. When you returned with your drinks you noticed Loki was staring at a group of young women. They had noticed him too and were smiling back at him. "What are you looking at?" You asked innocently, handing him his glass.
"Oh nothing," He replied quickly, turning away. You made a point of following his previous line of sight and made eye-contact with the still giggling females.
"Nothing?" You yelled. "You call that nothing? You were flirting again! Staring at some other woman!"
"I find them very attractive. Therefore I will stare at them," He replied. You held back a laugh, realizing what gave him the idea. "You know how I am," He purred, trying to move closer to you again.
"Get away from me!" You yelled, stepping back and throwing your glass on the floor. This drew everyone's attention. "You disgust me, Hank. This was your last chance and you botched it up! I'm going home!" You turned on your heel and stormed out.
"Audrey! Audrey! Please wait!" He called out. He ran after you into the grand hallway where you were pretending to be searching for your keys. You both noticed the small collection of men, including Mr. Thatcher, who were watching you from the ballroom doors. "Please, darling, can't we discuss this?"
"At home," You finally said. He nodded and held the front door for you. You both stepped outside, out of view, and then you activated the ring. It felt weird, time slowing around you, but you moved past your surprise and got to work. You ran back into the ballroom and very carefully chipped a very important supporting piece of one of the ice sculptures on the table. Giving it a small tap, you then ran back out to the main entrance and positioned yourself just outside the doors where you could still have a view of the main hallway. You deactivated the ring and heard the crash of the ice. Immediately, the men looking into the hallway ran back in, leaving the hallway unwatched. You and Loki were now free to sneak back into the mansion.
"The vault is downstairs but only accessed here," Loki murmured, leading you to a hidden staircase.
"Typical," You chucked, only mildly surprised by the motif. When you got down there, you noticed there were three levels of security. A key, a fingerprint scanner, and a retinal scanner. "Oh great! How are we supposed to get through that?"
"Never fear, my darling," Loki replied with a smirk. "Remember why they chose me?" He then changed, taking on the appearance of the party's host, Mr. Thatcher. He quickly got past the fingerprint and retinal scan but the key was still needed. Changing back to himself, he said, "The guards have keys."
"There are guards down here?" You whisper-yelled. Loki rolled his eyes frustratedly but before he could reply you heard footsteps coming down the hall.
"Follow my lead!" Loki demanded.
"Wha-" Loki interrupted you with a kiss and pushed you against the wall. You gasped in surprise but you had to admit to yourself he was talented.
"What are you doing down here?" The guard exclaimed. Loki slowly pulled away from you with the guiltiest expression on his face. You knew it was fake of course, but the guard was tricked.
"Were we not to be here?" He asked, voice slightly higher than usual. "We were only trying to find a-" He paused, smirking slightly. "A more private location." The guard shook his head and chuckled.
"Whatever floats your boat, man," He replied. "But I would suggest exploring the upstairs bedrooms." He gave them both a little wave and headed back around the corner.
"I’m going to strangle you," You said as soon as the guard was out of earshot.
"Oh please! You can’t even reach my neck," Loki replied. You grabbed his tie and pulled him down, pretending to be moving for another kiss. However, you tapped his neck lightly and smirked.
"Gotcha!" You giggled quietly and then held out your hand. "Oh! And look what I got!" She held up the key ring for the door. "While you were busy embarrassing yourself, I used my telekinesis and got the key!"
"Of course you did! That was my plan all along," Loki replied.
"Pretending to love you is like a walk in the park. Jurassic Park," You grumbled. Loki grabbed your sides and growled in your ear as you opened the vault door. "You're so weird!" You hissed, walking in and trying to find the ring.
"And you’re so weird it’s attractive," He retorted, finding the box immediately and tossing it to you.
"Well, if I’m weird with you, I’m comfortable," You admitted. Loki looked at you in surprise but you just shrugged. "Look, you really piss me off sometimes, but," you paused. "Somehow I still like you."
"And I you, my dear," He replied. "Now as much as I would love to continue this discussion I do suggest you figure out how to use that thing and we get out of here!" You put on the ring, trying it on a few different fingers before you found the correct one.
"Ok, let's see what it does." When you activated it, it shot a cold blast at the shelf in front of you, encasing it in ice. "Cool!" You joked. Loki shook his head and grabbed your arm, trying to hurry out. Just as you got to the top of the stairs, you heard footsteps.
"Well well well," Mr. Thatcher growled, blocking your exit. A few of his goons stood behind him as well. "Mr. & Mrs. Williams was it? I don't think so," he sneered.
"Well, I don't think so either but we're not doing this today!" You shot them all with the ice and Loki shoved them out of the way. You both heard more footsteps down the hallway and looked at each other nervously. "Do you trust me?" You asked. Loki nodded.
"With my life." You gave him a tight smile and activated the Spin ring. You ran down the hallway and found where the other goons were at. You tried to use the Zero ring, with the ice powers, but found yourself unable to control it's aim.
"Well that's fantastic," you grianed. Rethinking your plan, you went back to get Loki. There was no way you'd both be able to get out of there at normal speed so you had one option. Lug Loki out yourself at super-speed.
"What the heck? Do you weigh 500 pounds or something?" You groaned when you couldn't pull or carry him. "Ok, last option. I hope this works," You muttered. You focused almost all your energy on moving Loki using your telekinesis. It was slow going, but at super-speed, you still would beat the bad guys. By the time you got him out the door to safety, you were exhausted. You immediately disengaged the ring and he looked around confused.
"How did I get here?"
"Talk later, run now," You gasped, trying to stop the dizziness that had overtaken you.
"Are you alright?" He asked worriedly. You were about to reply when you collapsed, simply too drained to continue.
When you woke up, you felt a cool cloth on your forehead and soft blankets around you. "Where am I?" You groaned.
"I brought you back to the tower. I told the Captain his debriefing could wait," Loki replied. You sat up slowly and looked around. Raising an eyebrow, you stared at Loki questioningly. "Yes, this is my room. I wanted to keep an eye on you while you recovered. I informed the Captain that those rings are very dangerous and should not be used. They obviously were too much for you to handle and-"
"It wasn't the rings," You interrupted. You looked away, somewhat embarrassed. "Well, I was still in super-speed, but I used my telekinesis to get you out. We probably would have been shot otherwise. It used a lot of my energy but it was worth it."
"Oh darling," Loki sighed, gently pushing a stand of hair off your face. "You-" He leaned forward, giving you a quick kiss on your forehead. "You're amazing. I never expected you or anyone to care so much for me!"
"Of course I care!" You replied. "Look, you still drive me insane with some of your tricks. But you're a good guy," You smiled.
"And you're a wonderful woman," He said. You grinned at him happily, still tired but already feeling much better. "So what do you think, should we give us a try?"
"Why not? It may be the first really fantastic bad idea of mine that works out!" Loki smiled and gave you a kiss. You sighed contentedly and leaned on his shoulder when you pulled away.
"Oh darling? One more thing. It was my idea."
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power-of-plot · 4 years
Iida, Mirio, and Aizawa dating hcs please
Of course! But holy cow apparently this seriously inspired me, i hope this is ok xd
Oh yes robot boi. Iida is someone nerdy in every aspect, his language even with close friends like Midoriya is very formal and polite, the same rule would apply when it comes to his significant other. Unlike what some would think, this doesn’t give your conversations a cold touch, on the contrary, it’d make him look chivalrous.
He’s a classic gentleman, he’d be the kind who opens the door and waits for you to walk in first or gives you his jacket when it’s too cold and you don’t have anything to cover yourself with, the second one would happen often in the classroom if you’re sensitive to cold. We are talking about U.A have you seen the measures of the classrooms and the entire area? It’s impossible they don’t have those huge air conditioners.
He highly respects the rules wich means, no PDA, on a certain level, no kisses to be specific. That doesn’t mean he won’t give you any affection, though every gear of his robotic soul is having a bad time working properly inside, he’d hold your hand or put his over your shoulder pulling you close when you’re sitting together. 
He definitely would do that thing of caressing you with his thumb. As you expected it from Tenya, this is a sort of robotic motion, his finger would move like a metronome but that doesn’t make it any less nicer, he is slow and gentle.
Honestly, he’d be nervous most of the time. ALSO! Tenya is very thoughtful, he’d ask (often verbally) if you’re okay with whatever he’d do, as times goes by the questions turn non verbal, for example he’d hold his hand above yours waiting for you to give green light or grasp it. 
“..Can i hold your hand?” “Sure!” “*DEEP INHALE AND BLUSH*” He couldn’t help to blush the first times. Specially on the firsT kiss but how would it be? A clasic scenenario after classes! And after you both have grown comfortable enough to each other’s touch. Seriously, if you like to go slow he's got you.
You two would be walking around in the campus after classes and he feels the tension grow.. he is analyzing every detail, he wants to ask but what if things get extremely awkward, he’s very tall- he’d have to bend down slightly (unless you’re nearly as tall as him) to do it so what if you flinch because it was unexpected.. he stops walking, he simply manages to say your name. You stared into each other's eye and then it happened, a big smile unexplainably forms in his lips complemented by a scarlet color across his whole face, his haircut made his head look like a strawberry.
There are going to be days you don't see him as much as you'd like, Tenya is very comitted to his hero patrols, he certainly would do extra hours from time to time or if the situation called for it. Let him know you like his hero suit! He’s thankful it has a helmet otherwise his flustered face would be exposed. 
Whatever position you cuddle in Iida would wrap his arms around you, not only that, he’d interlock his fingers so he has a nice grip. His cuddles would be the classic spooning or having your head on his shoulder with your arm over his chest and in case you worry about his arm, this guy doesn’t know limb numbness- he literally tenses and holds his arms up every five minutes.
He sends good morning/good night texts often on the weekends since you're practically living together thanks to the dormitory system, they vary depending on the day, some are a reminder to get a proper amount of sleep or! To get done with homework so you can enjoy your free time and maybe ask if he can go over to study *cough spend time together*
He'd send the classic heart emoji, very detailed but easy to comprehend videos explaining any difficult lesson and history related stuff like paint restorations or facts about iconic sculptures. Please don’t send him those videos of people accidentally breaking things on museums, he’s gonna feel like something breaks inside.
This ray of sunshine fell for you? Your luck is so big you’d get jackpot on a slot machine on the first try-. You’re undeniably going to be good friends with Tamaki and Nejire, specially her, expect to get questions one after another without the chance to reply when she finds out you’re Mirio’s significant other, Tamaki would take it way better.
Mirio’s goofyness and confidence combined with his feelings give a unique result: he literally spoke to the boss of mafia himself twice like he was the manager in a store, but, the case is different when you’re around, he’s saying and actually good joke and suddenly.. it goes away, his mind goes blank. “So what happened after Mirio..?” “Ah.. i had practiced a lot, i don’t know what happened haha my bad!”
You’re going to get tons of his jokes and something more “intense” such as the classic “What’s in your shirt?” to make you look down so he can boop your nose with his finger, you should expect some gentle headpats as well. 
If you’re shy he’s cool about it, he knows what do and adaptates to your pace, you’d start off with hand holding or rather pinky holding, he’d interwine his pinky with yours and show a bright smile. His hugs are the warmest, he doesn’t do it half-assesly, when you hug, YOU HUG, he uses both arms and slightly lifts you up! Height or strength are not a problem he’s actually one cm taller than Iida i just found out
He seems like the kind who loses their pen or eraser despite seeing it on their desk just one minute ago, if you happen to be that kind as well you’re both going to lay down your faith on poor Tamaki’s hands, i’m sure he has all his material complete.
He hardly ever gets nervous or scared by anything, things like the first kiss would go pretty smooth, instead of blushing intensely he’d just chuckle with slight disbelief, his mind is racing like “I just did that? woah!”. The biggest trouble for him would be gifts, he wants it to be perfect but asking Nejire for advice is not a good idea, roses are too formal and they don’t last long, going to the movies seems a little cliche.. his first gift would end up being a plushie of your favorite animal and a bamboo.
He’d sneak a kiss or two, specially before the class is begginning a training session, he’d send you a text telling you to go outside the changing rooms and oop! He phases through the wall poking out his head to give you a kiss kiss. If you don’t mind a prank from time to time he’d give a little scare using his quirk.
This guy is the big spoon during cuddles, no arguing! He could switch but as time goes by he’d slowly shift into the big spoon, that’s just the way he is, the most usual position would be where you’re facing each other with your limbs wrapping around the other’s body. Waking up with him would be adorable and attractive, morning and night are the only times of the day when his hair isn’t gelled into his All Might-like hairstyle, those blonde locks would frame his face, a heavenly sight.
Would send you a pic of stray animals he rescued with a “:D!” and Sir. Nighteye 'torturing' Bubble girl (half of his head visibly on a corner of the image). If you longed for a pet badly he would bring a nice dog/cat he finds around! In his hero suit to make the moment more special. 
He uses the smiling emojis and emoticons! And shares videos of animals he finds adorable, if you sent him fails videos he'd laugh as long as the falls don't seem extreme or too severe, small trips on the beach or slips on the snow are fine. Mirio sends gifs i just know.
Have you taken a look at him? You must be a big The Walking Dead fan to like him lmao. Aizawa gives me an unexplainable gut feeling that he'd prefer a civilian (perhaps quirkless?) significant other over a hero, he wouldn't want his partner to go into the same dangerous situations he does.
His affection is tired, let me explain, he'd hug you and all that physical stuff but it'd kinda feel like his arms fall limply around you, still, even with his minuscule clingyness he loves you with all his might! He doesn't fall for anyone.
Not very fond of PDA, in public he'd preferr temple/forehead kisses and having your hand on the crook of his arm instead of hand holding (thinking about it Iida would do that too), seems more discret and! you don't let go when his hands are busy. He'd initiates it by gently resting your hand on his arm and sinking his hand into his pocket.
Surprise! He does smile, not that maniactic-looking grin he has sometimes during his shifts at U.A when a student impresses him, this one is less wide but somehow more tender and sweet, he tilts his head and for once his eyes seem relaxed, a relationship would make his cheeks hurt.. either for he's not used to smile so much or he smiles more than he thought he would.
If you give him a cat.. that's a strong blow straight to one of his weakest spots, he'd stare both at you and the kitten with a dumbfounded look before picking it up in his arm like a baby, his hand gravitates towards his it's head giving some nice pets before he shows a rare and somewhat bright smile "Thank you very much." Next time have a camera ready damnit! That smile rarely shows up.
He's practical, he wants his gifts to be nice but useful as well. He’d get you those mugs with candies inside, you get the candy and you can use the mug later for your coffee or tea; a power bank with a nice color or design and in case he choses something smaller: a bamboo, those one don’t wither away. Aizawa is fine with whatever you get for him, big or small he appreciates it. Sweaters, scarfs and blankets would be his favorite thing to get though, he likes to stay warm while working late at night
He’s sneaky, as an underground hero he’s used to work at times when the streets look disolated and the dark crime has more freedom to do as it pleases, he wouldn’t want to wake you up unless you asked him to. He’d leave a note on is pillow with the time he wrote it at and a short loving phrase like “i love you, i’ll be back soon, good morning”, before he leaves he’d always lift the sheet up to your neck or drag it away if you seem to be kicking it off you and give you a small kiss.
You’d find him passed out in his sleeping bag with his laptop besides him at random spots of his appartment, if it wasn’t because of the unatura position he adopts to fit in his sleeping bag he’d give you a death scare ‘cause let’s be honest he doesn’t look one hundred percent alive even when he’s awake. “Shota..? Shota can you hear me?!” “I’m not dead.”
Hibrid of big-small spoon. Most of the times you cuddle he’s asleep and you go snuggle him, his hair is a mess so better prepare to get tickled all night. He pull you close the best way he can when you’re behind him, not very comfortable for his arm but it’s worth it. He’d have you like a pillow over him, his chin over your head and both arms around you.
This man doesn’t bother typing when he can use his voice, the only situations he uses regular text messages are when he’s on shift or with you sleeping next to him. Send him gifs of kittens and a ‘i love you’ it instanstly gives him a good mood! He’d send pics of cats he sees around and gifts he bought you, doesn’t use emojis.
*COLLAPSES ON THE GROUND* Big oof- requests are open.
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stardew-mermaid · 4 years
im WEAK for my faves as parents and i know lots of y'all are too so here are
bachelors as dads vibes
(bachelorettes as moms will come soon too ❤️ under cut cause it got very long lol)
a chill dad. when u were very little he'd let u sit in his lap while he codes and consequently u find heavy metal soothing cause he would be playing it while he works and u would always fall asleep against him
if he wasn't using his second computer u could play around on it while he works. 'existing in each other's company while u both do stuff' time becomes a regular thing even as u get older, u would do ur homework next to him at his desk and he'd help if u were confused
the first time u were deemed old enough to go for a ride on his motorcycle u were SO fucking hyped even if u had to be absolutely decked out in protective gear. sometimes while u were in high school he'd help you flex by picking you up/dropping you off on the bike
would bundle u up in his hoodies as a toddler and there's a few pics of u absolutely SWIMMING in them with the hood all the way over ur face pretending to be the grim reaper. he'd never been so proud
an eloquent dad, but still has goofy dadlike tendencies. he may be the picture of a dark academia dilf with his slacks and button ups sipping coffee in the morning over a manuscript, but he'll still make the jokes. calls u things like little one and taught u to play piano
he got u ur own little bookshelf for all ur baby books and he'd read to you every single night without fail. he'd make up stories too and u would help and make a collab tho it often got u more excited than relaxed for bed but it was worth it!!! when u were grown up u helped him compile the short stories u made up together and published it. he'd also share with u poems he wrote for you and about you over the years, lots of them to do with the wonder of watching a whole tiny person grow into a big person
would always take u on nature walks and play at the beach!!! u would find shells and rocks to give to him and he'd always look like u just handed him pure gold
u made a pact that u would sit still for him while he did ur hair if u could braid his hair in turn. u both looked very stylish
cool dad!!! fun dad!!!! watches anime with u when u get into it and is forever ur player 2. if u had a skateboard or a scooter he'd always show u up by pulling off sick tricks and it became a friendly rivalry. taught u to stick it to the man at a very early age. teaches u to play guitar and took u to ur first rock concert when u were like 8
there are baby photos of u wearing sunglasses that cover half ur face and when asked about it he'd say 'u were just a rly cool baby!!!!' in some of them he's wearing matching sunglasses and carrying u in one of those front baby pouches. he'd also always sing to you as a baby and still does it idly sometimes and has written songs for u!!!!
ur #1 hypeman. praises u for everything and always makes sure u know how cool u are just for existing. he loses his mind at ur grade school talent show and at ur graduation he's there holding up his phone and crying like FUCK IT UP KENNETH!!!!! 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️
tho alongside all the fun he teaches u to be very responsible and polite and above all extremely kind!!!!
has the most potent typical dad energy. the socks with sandals, the jokes, the ac/dc, the funny hobby projects, the rivalry with other pta parents, all of it. calls u squirt and kiddo and the kind to ruffle ur hair. always gives u piggy back rides even as u get older, says it helps him stay in shape. when u were little you'd always bap ur baby hands against his stubble cause heehee funny scratchy face
u loved when he was in charge of dinner growing up cause it was often takeout pizza/burgers. 'hey im making a pot of kraft dinner should i double it for u' kind of guy, adds cut up hot dogs and after ur other parent voices a need for nutrition adds frozen veggies too. VERY good at cooking all kinds of eggs tho, would always feed u eggs from his own chickens and would accept nothing less!!!
teaches u a lot about chickens and some of ur fave memories with him are in the coop or chillin in a field in spring with him and the new chicks. some other faves include the regular tea parties with him and cousin jas, and even as u both get older u all sit down and have tea together sometimes and occasionally break out one of the old barbie movies for funsies
u learned how to say fuck from him when u were 3 and he died laughing. if called and told that u got into a fight at school would reply with 'did they win'
sweet, dorky doctor dad. would get SUPER worried whenever u got so much as a cold, made u stay home and rest and HYDRATE. taught u proper medical standard handwashing from when u first learned how to turn on the tap, also taught u a lot of basic first aid. when u were fussy he would read u his old textbooks from med school and it'd get you to sleep in minutes
refuses to let u leave the house without eating something first and would often get up early to make u a big breakfast before school (it's the most important meal of the day!!!!). yes it's ok if ur late ur english teacher can wait until you've had ur veggies. when u were a baby his standard of keeping u fed was 'if i had to change less than five diapers a day it wasn't enough'. encourages taking a snack and water everywhere
as u got older u realized how hardworking he is so u make sure he knows how much u love and appreciate him, goes all out for his bday and father's day like how he goes all out for u every day and it makes him cry. he cries at ur first birthday and ur graduation too, cried when u got him a #1 DAD mug specifically for his morning coffee, he just cries a lot and it's very endearing, dad taught u it's okay to be emotional. u also gift him funky socks to wear at work and he goes bananas for them
he taught u how to assemble model planes and u would sit with him while he tuned his old radio, u liked the bwee bwee sounds. he would play jazz and swing and dance with u standing on his feet. when u were little u liked to play with his moustache and occasionally he would fall asleep while watching u but the most u ever did was add a goatee to the stache with washable marker which he thought was pretty funny
strong dad!!! jock dad!!!!! would flex and let u hang off his bicep, play wrestle (u would always win), sit u on his shoulders and run around making airplane noises, play sportsball in the yard and would come up with fun challenges for u if u got bored of catch. pretty much the master of keeping ur baby self entertained and was always there to tuck u in for a nap when u got tired out
makes an extra protein shake for u every morning and loads of scrambled eggs, will also sneak u a cookie tho
he's always super encouraging and positive and enthusiastic about everything u do which u pick up fast. u go to his games and even if sports turns out not to be ur thing the fact that ur there rooting for him makes him put in 1000% effort, calls u his good luck charm!!!! he will also throw u over his shoulders and use u for weightlifting while u shout encouragement directly into his ear. this continues until ur grown up (and sometimes even then so he can flex even as an 'old man')
gets really really worried about you whenever ur sick or get hurt and will lose sleep over it but stays upbeat for ur sake. he will cuddle u tho. sometimes you'll ask for stories about ur grandma and he'll tell u and it's so nice to him to talk about his mother and smile instead of being sad, you help him heal because it's so wonderful to think of her as a grandmother and how proud she'd be. he plays her music box for u to help u sleep when ur little and it still makes u feel sleepy and safe when ur older
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Road trip w/ Kaminari, Shinsou and Bakugou
Request: Shinso, Kami, and Bakugou on a long trip/plane ride with their S/o? Happy holidays bb! - 🥐
I wish I could go on a trip. I need Christmas break to last longer, I’m not ready to go back to school and study for uni, I’m not emotionally capable. I hate it here.💖💖💖
masterlist II rules
warnings: fluff
Kaminari Denki
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-You have a mini fight about who gets to drive at first. 
-You don’t trust him because he is dumb and bisexual and he believes that you’ll fall asleep ont he wheel cuz you stayed up until like 2 am the previous day downloading music and making playlists for the journey. 
-He gets to drive the first shift and it goes relatively well.
-You get some extra sleep, he enjoys his time behind the wheel and boom you’re now at a gas station having brunch before hitting the road again.
-Karaoke driving. 
-I think that’s all I have to say about your road trip with this guy. 
-HE will ignore the playlists with the soft songs because he needs to vibe at first. 
-Kills it with the Shakira impressions like you start wondering what would happen if he suddenly decides to follow a music career like Jiro. 
-So many bathroom stops. 
-Does this man have a prostate problem because damn.
-He can’t go for more than an hour without stopping to pee. 
-The one time you ask to stop at a gas station for a bathroom break he suggests just stopping at the side of the road and you could pee there. 
- “I do it so you can too.” 
-Denki honey I don’t have a dick to wip out…...I need essentials. 
-May or may not have taken the wrong exit at some point and you took a thirty minute detour. 
-At least you got some nice photos out of it. 
-Speaking of photos. 
-Your camera roll will be filled with selfies, stupid videos of Kami hyping himself up at a red light. 
-Races with other cars at said red lights. 
-You fear for your life most of the time, grasping the door handle like your life depended on  it because in reality it kinda did. 
-You beg him to take over and drive for a little bit but he brushes you off. 
- “You seem tired baby, let me drive for a bit.” 
- “Nope I’m perfectly fine Y/N. Gonna get us to the hotel so fucking fast.” 
- “Denki no-”
-He calms down after a while, and he lets you put on your soft playlist so you could both just vibe. 
-His hand is resting on your thigh, giving it a few firm squeezes every now and then. 
-He likes drumming the beat of the song on your skin.
-You start random conversations about anything and everything and if you’re being honest you love these types of moments. 
-There are no villains to fight, no danger in the horizon *apart from his driving* and you get to enjoy the tranquility while enjoying the ride.
-Denki starts telling you about adopting a dog and you joke that he would be a horrible dog dad. 
- “Maybe cats are better for you babe.” 
-You are no longer heroes. 
-You are just a couple going on a road trip, away from all your troubles and worries just you and him. 
-You reach the hotel later than you expected though…..it was those damn bathroom breaks!!!
Shinsou Hitoshi
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-The trip is spontaneous. 
-You were both chillin in your apartment when he popped the question. 
- “Wanna go on a trip? I’m bored.” 
-You never expected him to pick a place this far away, you weren’t complaining though. 
-Road trips with him are immaculate. 
-He helps you pack your bags in no time, picking your favorite outfits out and placing them in your travel bags along with a bunch of snacks and a fluffy blanket. 
-You hit the road in less than an hour.
-It’s still dark out when you start your trip and Hitoshi insists you take a nap, get your beauty sleep while he drives. 
- “Don’t worry we won’t crash, I hope.”
-You do take a nap eventually but not for long and you wake up just in time to watch the sunrise with your boyfriend. 
-He will pull over and take pictures with the sunrise as your background. 
-He says he needs a new wallpaper on his phone and there’s an empty picture frame at his desk back at work. 
-He needs to fill them somehow. 
-Around noon he brings the fluffy blanket in the front seat, wrapping it around you so you can snuggle and possibly fall asleep again. 
-In reality he wants to take more pictures of  you with drool dripping down your chin for blackmail purposes but you will not yield !!!
-The trip is mainly filled with music and low humming coming from the both of you. 
-Though when a love song that reminds him of you comes on he will lean over and grip your thigh, giving it a soft squeeze, a blush blooming on his cheeks. 
-Makes many stops in spots that look great for photos or having an amazing view. 
-Definitely has prepared a picnic basket and before you know it you are munching down on some sandwiches he made while your feet are dangling over a small cliff you happened to come across. 
-Shares random facts about nature and animals with you. 
-Shinsou strikes me as a guy who watches a lot of documentaries and animal planet shows, so he has obtained random information and now he is explaining the mating cycle of penguins. 
-Would definitely prefer to sleep in the car and not rent a room. 
-He wants to stay outside looking at the stars for as long as possible and then snuggle up with you in the driver's seat, your head against his chest and his hand buried in your hair. 
-If you want to go to a hotel because you feel more comfortable, he won’t complain. 
-As long as he gets to cuddle you anything is fine in his book. 
-He puts on YOUR song while you are looking at the sky and invites you to dance with him. 
-Wraps his arms around your waist and slowly sways you back and forth, following the rhythm of the song as he looks into your eyes. 
-He loves capturing the moment so expect many photos to be taken and a bunch of videos of you two dancing. 
-He has his crackhead moments though so you can expect to be shoved into the water if you’re near a lake or at the beach. 
-He might draw a mustache on you while you sleep but don’t worry you get payback when he is asleep. 
Bakugou Katsuki 
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-Whines while you back everything. 
-And when I say whines I mean he grumbles under his breath about this stupid shirt that he can’t seem to fold correctly.
-Anyways once you hit the road he is more relaxed than usual. 
-He keeps this tight, aggressive persona out in public you sometimes forget that this man, this amazing partner is also a pro hero who is known for his rough edges. 
-Sure, his explosive behavior doesn’t disappear when he is with you but he is a lot tamer and calm around you.
-During the car ride he makes small talk with you, sharing random events from his patrols and stupid shit his “squad” have done while out in public. 
-When he comes home every night he is just so tired that many details slip his mind as he recounts his day to you, seeing him right now a genuine smile gracing his lips as his only focus is the road in front of him really warms your heart. 
-He becomes more affectionate. 
-Hand gripping yours while he drives or his palm on your thigh, rubbing your soft skin as he hums along with the music. 
-Even if he needs to switch gears he won’t let go.
-Surprisingly he is the type to put on an audio book after a while. 
-Usually it's after your wedding song is over or soon after that. 
-Your song is like a trigger and suddenly sophisticated Bakugou emerges asking you to pick an audiobook from his collection and put it on. 
-Gets really invested in the story and pauses it every five minutes so you can discuss it. 
- “She could have escaped through the window why the fuck did she let herself get caught?” 
- “No Katsu!!! She needs to make sure the prince is alive!!” 
- “That’s fucking dumb!” 
-Let’s you take candid pictures of him and won’t complain when you coo over how pretty he looks with the sun behind him. 
-Don’t worry he is plotting to fill his gallery of pics of you sleeping. 
-When you actually fall asleep he will turn the radio down and hum softly under his breath. 
-If it starts raining heavily he will pull over and wait for it to calm down a bit. 
-My personal headcanon is that Katsuki has a car with a skylight *if that’s what its called* so he brings the seats down and you lay there admiring the rain falling onto the glass. 
-He likes talking about more serious matters when you are like this. 
-From your future to what pet your future kids could have. 
-If you get cold while waiting for the rain to calm down, he has a blanket on the ready. 
-He places you on his chest and drapes the blanket over you, enjoying your warmth and the filling of your pulse under his fingertips. 
-Might get a little emotional if a slow song is playing. 
-He is just too overwhelmed by his emotions at times like these, when he can hold you and feel the pure love and adoration flow between the two of you like water. 
-I love you’s are exchanged and many kisses. 
-When he starts driving again he is so refreshed, it’s like a completely different person. 
-Gas station stops and bathroom breaks are a nightmare cuz he keeps hyping himself up in order to go into Bakugou public mode. 
-You just want your Katsuki, the cuddly Katsuki. 
@the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​ @dnarez​ @storage11037​ @ezoyscorner​ @letscheereachotheron​ @wolfkid22​ @dark-thoughts-and-red-roses​ @threeamwriting​ @ysatrap​ @yashinosakura
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Yay your requests are open! Could I get headcanons on how the Galar gym leaders celebrate Christmas with their s/o?
I didn’t do everyone because oh boy this post was getting long 
Milo disappears early Christmas morning to do some farm work, when he returns he finds his little brother excitedly talking to Milo’s s/o about what he thinks he got for Christmas, while his parents are in the background making breakfast. So it’s a pretty chill day with his family, but he has a surprise for both his s/o and his little brother in the form of a Christmas tree made of hay bails, that he shows them later in the evening as it shines brightly, feeling rather proud when they both look at it in awe. But then a Wooloo runs off with some of the Christmas lights and now everyone is trying to get them back before they disappear into the pits of the Wooloo’s stomach. 
Nessa sees the pic Raihan put up about the Christmas lights on Christmas Eve, and despite her and her s/o already having a few lights up she’s decided that on Christmas they are going to pimp the front of their house, with the help of Sonia who was just going to come along to have some Christmas Lunch but knew that there was no way Nessa was going to sit back due to her competitiveness kicking in to full gear. So Nessa, s/o and Sonia are working away just so they can dunk on Raihan, it’s still a fun day especially when s/o decides putting up Christmas lights would be more fun when slightly buzzed and busts out the booze. Some of the Christmas lights end up just thrown over things but Nessa still makes a post with s/o and Sonia in the background telling Raihan to get wrecked. 
Kabu and his s/o spend the day at home together, just enjoying Christmas at their own pace. But for the new year they plan on travelling over to Hoenn for a little while. During the evening they go for a stroll together to look at all the Christmas lights and decorations scattered all throughout town. 
Gordie and his s/o are greeted by Melony and his younger siblings, who was plenty of presents in hand for both of them. Melony spends breakfast dropping hints about how nice it would be if next Christmas she could have some grandchildren. Much to Gordie’s embarrassment, it also doesn’t help that his siblings are also joining in on the teasing. 
Melony and her s/o go drop in to visit Gordie first thing in the morning, with all of his younger sibling in tow, Melony who has been preparing presents for him all year and cannot wait to see him open them. (She also has lots of presents waiting at home for her s/o that she plans to hand to them later but they don’t find that out until they exchange their own presents later). They have breakfast, exchange some presents and later when everyone is tired out and ready for bed, Melony and her s/o open up a bottle of wine and exchange their presents. 
Piers, his s/o and Marnie all celebrate Christmas together starting off the day at home, exchanging presents and just chilling. Piers isn’t the most Christmassy of people, but seeing Marnie and his s/o smiling and enjoying themselves makes all the effort he put into decorating the house in colours way outside his aesthetic. Their Christmas ends with a big party thrown by Team Yell that has all of Spikemuth lit up like a Christmas tree. 
Raihan and his s/o have spent most of the holiday season setting up Christmas lights all over their front yard, while Raihan posts the pics on his socials to flex on everyone with his sick decorating but they have already planned that the night of Christmas they’re going go and look at Christmas lights and see if anyone has decorated their houses better. But during the day they do their own thing, with him taking pics to commemorate the day they spent together, only picking one to post later that evening, so him and his s/o can keep the day to themselves. 
Leon invites his s/o to spend Christmas with his family, when s/o does show up Christmas morning Hop, tells Leon and s/o: “I swear if I catch you guys snogging I’ll vomit.” He is promptly told by his mother not be rude as she ushers s/o to sit down next to Leon, who is now acting weird because of Hop’s comment. “Do you think he’d be weirded out if we held hands?” “Leon I doubt us holding hands will scandalize him.” After hanging out at home for most of the day, Leon, his s/o and Hop probably plan on meeting with Raihan so they can go look at Christmas lights together. 
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