#hold bug gentle...like hamburger
beebeedibapbeediboop · 10 months
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Bug master
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lace-coffin · 8 months
It's me again! I have another request, and I think you might like this one! But a few things first.
I love your profile picture! I very much wanna do that to a Yautja, and have reason to believe it is the most effective way to calm your mate when I'm privacy 👍
I'm glad you appreciate how in depth I go when making a request! I've dealt with other people who tell me I should shorten the detail, and it has made me very sad. Mostly because the reason I go so deep into depth is because autism demands it --
I was wondering if you could write some headcannons for Asa with a more feral pet? Like, when he's with them or their with his bugs/arachnids?
Baby, sweet one, gentlest thing alive, happy animal noises, copious amounts of purring (yes, his pet can purr how lucky did he get?)
But when confronted with a violent escaped toy? Teeth are bared, growling, snarling, split flying, clawing, kicking, scratching, going for areas that hurt not even Asa knows about
Yet when Asa tries to calm them down, all he need do is just
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And bang! Pet is back to normal
Better description of what I have in mind!
Once again, and toy escaped, this time from the box. Asa. Is. FURIOUS
This is the second time this has happened! he fuming as he stalks the halls, when he suddenly hears loud screaming and cursing. Cold fear goes down his spine, his pet is out and about, and we're much to small to fend off his newest toy, why, he's bigger than Asa!
Listening intently as the pained wailing turns into gurgles, he bursts into the area where he "plays" with his new toys, and finds his pet standing above the toys dead body. Scratches litter his arms, his eyes have been clawed open and gored, and his throat? Ripped completely out.
We stand huffing over it, shoulders tense with adrenaline and hands blood stained until half up our forearm. We turn our head to the side, eyes shrunken our mouth and has doused in blood, the man's throat clutched between our teeth.
We blink, split out the throat, and fully turn to Asa. Suddenly, Asa's pet looks sheepish, ducking their head as they play with their hands and avoid eye contact. Timidly we say "i-...I caught him, Master"
having so many thoughtshhhhhhhhhh
Asa Emory x Feral! Gn! Reader
Asa Emory x gn!reader
trigger warning for graphic violence,description of gore/corpses and power dynamics
Requests are closed (for now!!)
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First of all thank you for the request! I always super enjoy writing urs!
I would also love to hold a Yautja gentle like hamburger and pet their mandibles, save me big Yautja women.
I’m sorry people have been mean to u abt how u prefer to send requests : ( I’m also autistic so u being specific in what u want also rlly helps me out!
Your relationship with Asa was strange, well it was strange from an outsiders perspective, not that you really saw them much anyway, but that’s neither here nor there. It’s just your relationship was different from his other pets. Obviously you were the favourite, sleeping in a cute padded cage whilst the others slept in a fenced off area and essentially cannibalised each-other from starvation. Meanwhile you were fed 3 balanced meals a day plus snacks. If Asa was somewhere in the hotel it’s basically assured you’re there too, probably perched on his lap, gloved hand running under your chin as you rumble and purr happily.
Despite the amount of fight you put up at first you were truly a lap dog through and through, always at your masters heels even if he wasn’t doing anything of interest, as long as you could lay under the desk and wrap an arm around his ankle you were happy. Asa never really was one for physical affection but he’s grown to love it since ‘acquiring’ you, not that he really had a choice with the way you stuck to his side like a rodent on a glue trap, he’s wasn’t complaining however. With the way you clung to him anyone would think you’re the one who’s holding him captive.
This unfortunately wasn’t the case with other inhabitants. Your special place in his heart was only 80% of the reason you got special treatment, granted it would’ve happened anyway but it may have been hurried along by the fact that he didn’t trust you to cohabitate with the toys he kept. You know the reports you get back from doggy daycare? The ones that say “doesn’t play well with others”? Yeah. That was you.
On multiple occasions even before settling in he’d caught you surround by bodies or chunks of other people in your mouth. Clearly you didn’t take well to sharing whether it be food or Asa’s affection. If you were anyone else you would’ve been slaughtered already for conveniences sake but he’d seen the way you soften when he visited. He knew there was something more to it.
Cut to current day, Asa is stressed and pissed off. A new toy has escaped, he could have sworn the box was secured properly, even double checking it. To be fair the toy in question was built like a brick shit house, taller and stronger than himself. Hopefully the term “the bigger they are the harder they fall” will apply to them, for both your and Asa’s sake.
Thats another issue, you’re currently roaming the halls too. Your master doesn’t usually have to worry about you when you’re out and about in the hotel, the minute you slip from his side it’s like all placidity and calm he’s come to love dissipates, leaving you the feral beast he had first stolen from your home. If anything it’s comforting for him to know you can hold your own out there. He keeps a watchful eye on you but not even he can anticipate what’s going to happen sometimes. Despite his opinion of himself he was only mortal.
It was now a race against time to either locate you and get you back to safety whilst he re contains the rogue or find said escapee first and detain him before you can cross paths. Your sir knows you can usually handle trouble but this guy is huge..
Asa swears under his breath and hauls himself through the twisting corridors, dipping in and out of rooms in search of either of you. Beginning to panic more as you prove hard to find he calls out for you, hands cupped around his mouth. “Pet? It’s time to come back, this is serious, I need you back right now.” He tries not to let the anxiety bleed into his voice, not wanting to scare you, and smothers it with an authoritarian tone. He waits a few moments to listen for any response. Shit. Nothing.
He moves further into the hotel and onto the other side, cupping his hands again and trying once more “cricket? I’m not playing, I need you here now” nothing again. Just as he turns his heel to try another direction he hears a noise that turns his blood to ice. Disgusting wet gurgles and muffled curses boom from down the hall. Asa isn’t easy to startle considering the vile things he does everyday to real people but the idea of you being in pain and too late to save- it makes him want to vomit.
Pushing through the nausea he bolts down the hallway and slams the doors to his ‘playroom’ open. Usually this room is reserved for experimenting on subjects.
What he sees calms him and raises his heart rate at the same time.
There you are, his perfect docile pup, hunched over what is (was) his newest pet. Shoulders raised, hackles up. The body below you is almost unrecognisable, arms littered with angry raised scratches, most likely from you struggling. Eyes completely missing from the sockets, well one was still technically attached to the coord but that’s not important. Chunks of once warm and rosey cheek flesh have been gouged from the skull, the imprints around them suggest the flesh was bitten away from the bone. Lastly and maybe most notably the throat is missing a considerable amount of matter. The hole runs deep, severed veins now lazily trickling warm blood into a puddle after the initial bite drained most of it.
Eventually you notice another presence and bristle, turning your head slowly to meet Asa’s eyes. Your eyes are essentially bulging out of your head, pupils dilated and crazed, throat and forearms doused in slowly cooling crimson. A chunk of what Asa presumes to be the missing throat lodged in your firmly set jaw.
The second you realise who it is it’s like you gain some clarity, spitting the foul meat onto the floor and wiping your mouth on your sleeve. It doesn’t help, only smearing the liquid further. Turning completely to face your master you slump onto your knees, eyes down to the floor shy and respectful like you’ve been trained. “I-…I caught him master.” It comes out croakier than you’d like.
You keep your eyes trained to the floor as the larger man approaches, heavy boots thumping on the floor towards you. You brace for the telling off, you can see yourself ending back up with the other fodder pets, you’d really pushed it this time, killing another subject. However it never comes. two warm now ungloved hands cup your bloody cheeks, gently coercing you to look at him. To your surprise Asa looks…relieved almost?
A soft smile paints his face. “You did catch him, thank you pet.” You sit there dazed and confused as he presses a soft kiss to your forehead, ignoring the hair matted to it from the gore. “You did such a good job and I’m more than relived your unharmed, I don’t know what I’d-“ Asa cuts himself off, clearing his throat,not wanting to show vulnerability right now when you’re the one who needs attention. You don’t miss the way his voice wavers with worry. Embarrassed he quickly offers you a hand up, spinning on his heel and facing away. “Let’s get you cleaned up and rewarded shall we?” You don’t see the pink tint on his face.
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onionowt · 1 year
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hold bug gentle like hamburger
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Because I think it is funny here’s a list of stupid things I experience because of anxiety:
Sometimes I feel like the floor is bouncing/swaying under me and I have to ask if we are having an earthquake (I live in the middle of the Midwest and this is impossible)
Deathly afraid of dead- not live- bugs (this is a phobia but it makes the list because NOBODY else has this issue)
I have slap yeeted my glow-in-the-dark firefly plushie across my room several times in the dead of night because I woke up with something glowing nearby and thought aliens were invading
Whenever I begin an anxiety attack my roommate has started placing a plush Kirby in my hands as if he is a cure-all (it sometimes helps) and once I just cried while holding a Kirby out like he was a hamburger
Phantom beeping/music auditory problems where I’m left trying to figure out why I can hear Lord Huron playing threateningly from somewhere nearby like boss music (it isn’t actually)
Had a panic attack in a Costco three times now, and roommate has deemed I am no longer allowed at Costco
Have to dunk my face in a bowl of water some nights so I don’t end up freaking out for no reason
Many concerns about if my plushies (inanimate objects) feel loved equally by me
If I talk too long about something I start physically trembling and spasming all over like an overstimulated chihuahua on redbull
No longer allowed coffee past 5 PM by roommate because of too many caffeine powered insomnia nights
Roommate sometimes tosses her frog plushie at me in good fun and gentle tease but on one occasion it made me cry due to incoming panic attack. Bean the frog got put in time out for this.
Sweat so hard during last therapy session that I stuck to my chair
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A Warm Cabin
Jim Hopper x Reader
Summary: Hopper comes home from work to his girls.
A/N: request by @leo-heart
- Hi, I just saw that you are taking Hopper requests and I wanted to ask for something fluffy, where reader is taking care of Jane for the day and hopper comes back home to find them asleep on the couch or something. Just really, really fluffy, please. Set during season 3.
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The dirt road leading up to the cabin was worn down from all the times Jim Hopper’s truck had driven it - back and forth, from here to there, and each time, whatever stress or annoyance that had been bugging him, faded as he got closer to home. Tonight, he was in a particularly great mood – work was effortless, Flow hadn’t bugged about his smoking, and he had a bag of take out to share with his girls. The truck came to a stop, and he turned off the truck. Seeing the lights on still, he got out of the car and tossed the cigarette he was smoking – making sure to step on it as he ascended the steps to the cabin. He unlocked the front door and walked in, expecting to see Eleven and you watching television on the couch. The television was off and when he checked his watched, he saw that The Golden Girls, a new sitcom you had enjoyed, was about to come on.
Closing the door behind him, making sure everything was locked up, he went to place the takeout on the table and turned to the couch. You were in a sitting position but slouched back – El’s head was resting on your lap and the two of you were holding hands, fast asleep. He watched for a moment, pure joy on his face, as you snored a little. Giving the room a glance, he saw about a dozen bottles of nail polish on the coffee table, along with the latest teen magazines and when he drew closer to the couch - he caught a glimpse of red hair on El’s bed. He walked over to where you sat and kneeled beside you, placing a hand on your shoulder – he gave it a few rubs before your eyes fluttered up. Your hazy smile made him grin and he stood up, leaning down to put a kiss on your forehead.
“Hey, sweetheart, sorry I’m late,” he apologized, receiving your hand when you held it out to him. His fingers tangled with yours and he gave it a gentle squeeze. “I got hamburgers and fries.”
“Maxine’s sleeping over,” you yawned.
“I figured,” Hopper chuckled, nodding to his daughter. “How did you tire out two teenage girls?”
You shrugged, brushing hair away from El’s face. “I let Mike and Lucas come over – they played like ten rounds of rubber necking with the girls.”
Hopper’s eyes narrowed and he sighed. “Why do you want to give me a heart attack?”
A laugh erupted from Eleven’s room, and you laughed. “That one is a handful though.”
“I heard that,” Max hummed out, the sound of her moving around the bedroom stirred El awake. She sat up and welcomed her father home, getting up to give him a hug before disappearing into her room. Hopper took the opportunity to sit next to you, gathering you into his arms. His body felt warm and inviting, as your head rested against his shoulder.
“Long day at work?”
“Not too bad,” he answered, his fingers dancing up and down your shoulder. You gazed up at him and smirked, his face proud and at ease.
“Content looks good on you, Jim,” you noted.
He shrugged, suddenly bashful. “Yeah, I guess so.”
You laughed at his embarrassment and called for the girls. “Come get the food! Golden Girls is about to start.”
Hopper groaned when you nudged him to grab the remote, he handed it over. “Go get out of the uniform, I’ll grab us some beer.”
Doing as he was told; he gave you a false annoyed glare when you smacked him on the behind as he got up. Max groaned, catching the act as she walked into the living room, explaining that it was total gross. You laughed and got up from the couch to grab the beers from the fridge. Hopper walked into the bedroom but came back out – standing in the doorway as he took in the scene before him. El was gathering the plates for the takeout and you were allowing Max to pop open the beer bottles – which made him wonder what else you allowed the girls to do when he was gone. The two of you were terrible parents, he noted, smiling when you quickly snatched the bottles from the teen. Of course, Max had her own family, but she had become such an important fixture in this home – he liked to tease that you had given birth to the fiery girl, since the two of you were so much alike.
Then there was El, his little girl.
You had effortlessly filled the role of mother, had fallen in love with Eleven, just as he did. She was truly his and yours – both of you would and have done everything to keep her safe. You loved her and it showed, with every glance and hug. He could spend a lifetime in this small cabin, existing with the three of you – watching as you danced around with the girls or gave them important life lessons, offering up personal experiences about love and growing up. Smiling when he would get moody about the boys coming around too often and always kissing him on the cheek, reminding him that they were all just young. He knew he was lucky to have you – a wonderfully, beautiful person. Who never walked away from his baggage or grumpy days, the hardship of keeping El a secret for so long and the hardship of letting her grow into her own person.
He was thankful for you, for the love you provided that warmed this once cold cabin.
“Hey, Sheriff doofus, you coming to eat or what?”
Max gave Hopper an annoyed look as she took her place next to Eleven on the floor, who was holding back a smile as she changed the channel on the television. He glared at the red head, holding back a smile when he noticed you trying to contain a laughter in the kitchen. Rolling his eyes, he told her to be quiet.
“Just eat your damn food,” he grunted, giving you a wink as he disappeared into the bedroom to change.
You moved onto the couch and placed the beers on the table.
“Here, Mom,” El said effortlessly, eyes glued to the screen, as she handed over a plate of food to you.
“Thanks, babe,” you cooed, nudging Max with your foot. “Take it easy on Hop, his wit isn’t as fast paced as yours. “
Smiling with pride, Max shrugged as she snacked on a fry. “He’s not that bad…”
“He’s pretty cool,” Eleven agreed, her eyes widening as the show started. “– it’s on! Dad!”
Hopper, having heard the entire exchange because all the women in his life only could speak above a yelling level, emerged from the bedroom. He had changed into more comfortable clothes and when you patted the seat next to you on the couch, he smiled. He moved across the room and took his place, giving Eleven’s hair a little ruffle when she handed over his food. Smiling when Max casually passed the beer to him off the coffee table, shushing everyone when the Golden Girls theme started. He took a long sip and when the two of you exchanged a knowing smile, all he could feel was contentment in his heart.
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hollownest-whore · 3 years
Hold shoe wearing bug gentle like hamburger
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lea-andres · 2 years
I just want a GEE Jewel plush so bad.
I want to just hold the cute bug gentle like hamburger.
But I also want to squeeze her to death.
And I want to smuggle her around inside of my new giant ass blanket hoodie monstrosity.
Please, Great Eastern Entertainment, you're guaranteed my money! 😭
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baepsaesbae · 4 years
Parang Kape Ko. Bittersweet. || Just Like My Coffee. Bittersweet
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Pairing— Kim Taehyung x reader
Genre— Fluff/Romance, Enemies to Lovers au, coffee shop au
Warnings— None
Word Count— 1.8k
Summary— You work at a coffee shop with the most annoying person ever. Kim Taehyung. 
A/N— Thank you @kitsutaes​ for requesting! I hope you like it darling. You can still request drabbles up until the end of the August with this post
You couldn’t quite place it. Something about Taehyung made your skin crawl since the very first day you laid eyes on him. To make matters worse, your manager kept pairing you together for nearly every shift (she couldn’t help it, she thought you guys looked cute together).
You despised the way girls would giggle and try to subtly give him their number after ordering their drink. You rolled your eyes every time he’d wink and flirt back with them. Each shift with just the two of you was unbearable. 
Taehyung was naturally a player, anyone could see that. Women would swoon from a mere flash of a smile. They’d be putty in his hands with a simple wink. That being said, Taehyung was so taken aback when his charms didn’t work on you. He couldn’t figure out what he did to tick you off, but it seemed like you didn’t like him from the start. That was a concept he couldn’t fathom. 
It was like a never ending game of tag that you didn’t want to play, and you couldn’t risk Taehyung finally catching up to you. The more you showed your disdain for Taehyung, the more intrigued he’d be by you, thus spurring him to pester you even more. 
“Hey grumpy grump! How was your weekend?” Taehyung greeted you as you clocked in.
“It was fine. Yours?” you replied with indifference.
“It was chill, kinda lowkey. I actually found a cool hole in the wall restaurant that I thought maybe we could--”
“I’m busy,” you interrupted without looking at him.
“But I didn’t even say when--”
“You don’t need to. I’m very busy all the time,” you walked away to prep the machines before Taehyung could even reply. 
“C’mon, just give me a chance! It doesn’t even have to be a date. I genuinely want to get to know you. Why do you hate me so much?” Taehyung pouted as he followed you around like a lost puppy. 
“Prep the tables and chairs, please,” you commanded without acknowledging his whining.
“Yes ma’am. See? I’m such a good boy, I always listen to you,” he called out from across the cafe as he unstacked chairs. 
You ignored him. This was your normal routine every time you worked with Taehyung. He seemed to get a thrill every time he riled you up, so you’ve learned not to give him the satisfaction. Straight up ignoring him was the best way to go. 
Taehyung became preoccupied with taking orders once the customers started piling in. You absentmindedly made the drinks, a task that you could now do with your eyes closed. You thought about what Taehyung said. Sure, he’s an annoying prick who knows he’s too handsome for his own good, but does that really justify your hatred for him?
You hated to admit it, but Taehyung is the most handsome man you’ve ever seen in your life. Your heart fluttered every time he teased you, and though you gave off the impression that you wouldn’t care if he disappeared off the face of the Earth, you were secretly pleased with the attention he gave you. On occasion, you’ve caught glimpses of random girls glaring at you while Taehyung was messing around with you. 
You shook your head as you powered up the blender to make a double mocha frappe with 2 extra shots of espresso. What the hell were you thinking? This is exactly why you don’t like Taehyung. He lives in your mind rent free. 
“I think that frappe is blended enough,” Taehyung observed. He appeared out of nowhere, startling you.
“You good?” he asked with a hint of concern.
“I’m fine,” you answered curtly as you handed him the drink. 
“Frappe for Tiffany!” Taehyung called out before returning his attention to you, “I was serious earlier by the way. This little game of ours is fun, but I honestly want to get to know you. Plus, you never actually talk to me so I don’t know what I did to make you hate my guts or whatever. Unless you’re like a massive introvert or something. I’d respect that of course, but like I said I literally wouldn’t know that because you never talk to me so--”
“Okay! Fine! I’ll go with you to that stupid restaurant. Will you finally shut up now?” you snapped. 
“Aw, so you do listen when I talk to you. It’s a date! Or not, that’s up to you. You free after this shift?” he lifted his eyebrows with excitement. 
“Yeah,” you begrudgingly nodded. 
The rest of the shift flew by with the nonstop stream of customers. The morning rush is always tough, but Taehyung handled the flow perfectly every time. His demeanor calms even the most irate caffeine addicted customers.
“I’m starving,” Taehyung announced as he clocked out. 
“What kind of food does the restaurant serve?” you asked as your stomach rumbled.
“Hamburgers!” Taehyung beamed. 
“Cool. Text me the address and I’ll meet you there,” you say as you head towards your car.
“Wait! It’s actually not too far from here. There’s no need to take two vehicles,” Taehyung rubbed the back of his neck.
“Do you wanna ride in my car?” you asked quizzically. 
“Actually I wanted to take you for a ride. On my bike,” he quickly added.
“Sure I guess. You got a little basket for me to ride in or something?” you attempted to be friendly. 
“Not quite. I don’t have a spare helmet, but I can assure you that I’m a safe driver,” he says as he leads you to his parking spot.
“You have a moped?” you asked in shock. You couldn’t help but smile at the cute little lavender moped that Taehyung probably zips around on every day.
“Yeah, I love this little sucker. It used to be my sister’s, that’s why it’s purple. But it’s badass on the streets,” Taehyung patted the seat.
“So where am I sitting?” you asked even though you already knew the answer. 
“You’d be safest sitting behind me. You can hold onto me if you’d like. For safety reasons, of course,” he smiled. 
You climbed onto the moped after him. You didn’t want to hold onto him, but you whimpered and quickly wrapped your arms around him as soon as he took off. The tiny moped was surprisingly fast, and since it was so small, you could practically feel every bump on the road. 
Taehyung smirked as you hung onto him tightly. “Cute,” he thought. 
Taehyung’s scent enveloped you as you leaned into his back. You’ve grown accustomed to his smell since you were always together at work, but being up close and personal with him was a different story. He had a comforting smell that made you want to snuggle up to him even more. You wondered which cologne he was wearing, just in case you wanted to pick it up for yourself. 
You felt how solid his torso was as you clung to him. Your thoughts lingered to his earlier question yet again. Why did you hate him so much? He really didn’t seem like a bad guy. In fact, the opposite is true. Sure he could be a bit flirty, but he was also always kind and gentle. You realized that he never flirted with the customers first, he simply returned their energy. 
“We’re here!” Taehyung happily announced.
He led you into a small restaurant that appeared to be family owned. The owners greeted Taehyung by his first name, indicating that he’s probably a regular customer. 
“Welcome in! And who’s this lovely lady you brought with you?” the man greeted. 
“Taehyung! Is this this coffee shop girl? She’s just as gorgeous as you said she wa--” his wife began to ramble until Taehyung cut her off.
“I’ll have two of the usuals please. Oh, and two sodas. Thanks guys,” Taehyung ordered quickly before bringing you over to a small table in the corner. 
“How much do I owe you?” you inquired as you took out your wallet.
“Nothing. This is my treat. I’m surprised you finally agreed to hangout with me,” Taehyung smiled as he shifted his weight in his chair.
“What was that lady saying before you ordered?” you tilted your head.
“She uh, was telling me about the daily special,” Taehyung lied.
“No she wasn’t. I was right next to you, Taehyung. Am I the coffee shop girl?” you teased, delighted that the tables have turned. 
“I mean you are a girl and you do work in a coffee shop. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re THE coffee shop girl…” Taehyung was flustered. 
“Is this a date or are we just hanging out?” you pressed further. 
“Which would you like it to be?” Taehyung retorted.
“I asked first,” you countered.
“I guess I can’t argue with that. I would prefer this to be a date. But since you hate me I’d happily settle for us just hanging out,” he admitted. 
“I wouldn’t say that I hate you…” you trailed off.
“Oh really? Then why do you always ignore me and only talk to me to boss me around. I find that hot by the way, but we don’t have to get into that right now,” he smirked. 
“I...I don’t know. Your face always bothered me I suppose,” you answered thoughtfully. 
“My face?” Taehyung burst out into a fit of laughter, “___, am I so ugly that you just can’t stand being around me?”
“The opposite actually. Oh what the hell, we’re here anyway. You’re so goddamn handsome it’s aggravating. You’re so nice it’s unnerving. And when you talk to me it’s like you’ve known me forever. If I didn’t act so cold towards you I would’ve fallen for you so easily,” you finally got everything off of your chest.  
An awkward silence filled the room and you began to regret coming clean. The owner came by with the burgers and you noticed the ketchup was done in the shape of a heart.
“Damn,” was all that Taehyung replied after a while.
You silently nodded as you bit into your burger. 
“I’m glad I kept bugging you then. I thought you were a cutie during orientation. I knew you weren’t actually a bitch because I’ve seen the way you interact with people who aren’t me. You’re such a sweetheart. Also please don’t think I’m a creep for watching you at work sometimes,” he chuckled. 
“I’m sorry for being so cold towards you. I’m not really good with processing emotions and all that,” you blushed, “But now that everything's out in the open, I’d be willing to let my walls down I guess.” 
“Sure. We can take it one date at a time. And maybe you could actually talk to me at work?” Taehyung gave you big puppy eyes.
“Maybe. I’ll see what I can do,” you failed to suppress a smile.
Kim Taehyung might not be too shabby after all.
Published August 9th, 2020. No editing, copying, translating, or reposting allowed. All Rights Reserved © 2020 Baepsaesbae.
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godsought · 4 years
@abyssel​ confessed.
how do you feel about the tuner memory? does anything about the land of storms stick out to you in relation to your portrayal of Godseeker? how do you think the Old Gods ruled / are they the same entities as the gods of thunder + gods of rain? (sorry for so many questions, you can split them between multiple answers if it suits you ^^;)
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;; 1 ) how do you feel about the tuner memory?
the tuner memory thoroughly FUCKS ME UP my dude! I believe that moment in particular took place at a time that the godseeker was especially forlorn, a moment of prayer for better times as she attempted to figure out where to go from there. she had just taken in all of the tribe into their singular mind, & have since made progress from the land of storms - but aren’t out of the woods at all yet. she found herself in a rut, stored away in a wall for safety or otherwise found herself trapped in there -- where a time of crisis & fear of the unknown takes over & leaves her paralyzed. that vulnerability terrifies her, & just took place in a very dark point in their existence that they’d rather not dwell on. ( this was also perhaps an area where she experimented with creating the eventual godtuner, given that it’s old form was found in the same memory )
;; after ghost / the knight should unearth & invade that memory, she takes no hesitance to rid them out of it & repress it away & out of their reach permanently. it angers her that ANYONE should have had access to witness that side in her, that horrible moment in time she doesn’t wish to relive.
;; 2 ) does anything about the land of storms stick out to you in relation to your portrayal of the Godseeker? 
well, the godseeker can’t handle heavy storms, for one. THERE’S A LOT I’VE BUILT SO FAR INVOLVING THE LAND OF STORMS LEMME TELL YOU, HOO. the land of storms was a very lively land once, ruled by the Gods of Thunder & Rain - who could / were thought to be able to control the weather that took place there. given it’s title, I imagine it was stormy & active - but not unbearable. however, a freak storm eventually occurred & left the land in ruins - as well as having killed many seekers in the process, including the Gods they worshipped. the weather had flown out of their control, unlike what had been thought of by the seekers. they turned against them in death, believing betrayal or thinking of them as nothing more than pretender gods. with the tribe that had remained, they had manifested into one Godseeker before hurrying out of their homeland to seek new gods, & a land livable. the land of storms continued without the seekers or the gods, & collapsed entirely - leaving what we see in the cutscene in-game. the masks left behind are those of the tribe who had become one godseeker, or the corpses of those who had died in the massive storm.
;; since this time, the Godseeker has taken great care into whom her & her tribe worships - having perfected her tuner to seek power & might -- & ONLY that - so that she can’t be fooled again. just as well, she looks down heavily upon the late Gods of Thunder & Rain, hence why she regards them as pretenders. ( I remember her doing SOMETHING like that during the game, but I can’t for the life of me remember where ) & also some trust issues? perhaps !
;; 3 ) how do you think the Old Gods ruled / are they the same entities as the gods of thunder + gods of rain? 
AS I’M SURE YOU’VE GUESSED BY NOW, I do consider the Gods of Thunder & Rain & the ‘ Old Gods ‘ one in the same! & as for how they ruled.. I believe that the Gods of Thunder & Rain were very benevolent & loving gods, their subjects & seekers were dearly cared for & their rule was a peaceful - if not a touch overly carefree, one. they were no pretenders, controlling the weather & keeping things manageable for their subjects, very humble & deeply involved with their worshippers. --- which is what hurt them especially upon their demise. they cared a LOT & their power - they assumed, could stop / prevent such a tragedy from occurring upon their homeland. but they didn’t, & they died like feeble, mortal bugs. this is what would lead to the Godseekers turning their backs on them with broken hearts & leaving them behind.
;; I also ponder over the concept that perhaps they WERE pretender gods, relishing in the attention that the seekers provided - but offering their ability ( however minor ) in return, staging their controlling the skies until offended higher beings struck them down. but I don’t know man..... they’re very god sized man !!!!!
;; THIS IS ALL VERY LOOSE SPECULATION & I’m still piecing together a lot out, but these are my thoughts for now !!!!
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chinchillasinunison · 5 years
William Anthonio Zeppeli Headcanons Ranging From Serious to Silly
(because the fandom doesn't care about him so It's Free Real Estate)
He's actually only half Italian. His mother was English, which is why he has the very not-Italian first name "William."
Because he grew up with English and Italian spoken so interchangeably sometimes he'll go into a English-Italian slurry when caught in a high-tension situation.
Because his parents encouraged studying so much and had the resources for it he ended up a polymath, knowing a lot about math, art, history, science, foreign languages, etc.
When he was younger he went outside a lot too and observe frogs and bugs and other little creatures because he thought they were neat. Sometimes he'd come inside and be like "here" and give his mom a handful of worms. He grew out of it but it was the start of his noticable excentricity.
Loved his wife. Whenever he had the chance during training in Tibet he wrote letters to her. Often very shmaltzy, sometimes very saucy letters. Caesar got it from somewhere, by golly, and it sure as hell wasn't Mario.
I feel like he wouldn't keep it all a secret like Jonathan tried with Erina, that he'd just flat out say "yeah I'm learning magic sunshine karate to kill vampires" and she knew exactly what she was getting into when she married him so she's cool with it.
On that topic, she definitely met him on his travels to find a way to stop the stone mask, and was completely smitten by his courage and resolve when he told her of his quest.
He was never really ready emotionally to have kids and didn't even try to prepare himself when Mrs. Zeppeli told him she was pregnant because he already knew at that point he was going to die, so I don't know how he would have faired with Mario if he survived PB.
Branching off that, I feel like he's terrible with kids. Not like, all the time, he can talk to them fine enough, but if you left him to watch some kids it'd be a disaster. He just doesn't wanna deal with the little anklebiters so he ignores them and they get into all sorts of trouble. That or he gives them wine charged with the same hypnotic hamon Caesar used once to try to get them drowsy enough to take a nap which is.... morally dubious at best.
Sometimes he just... holds Speedwagon gentle like hamburger. No reason why, he just does.
Keeps snacks in his hat, also a small pepper grinder. It has little loops sewn in the lining for storage.
He doesn't groom his moustache it's just like that naturally
When he's sober he acts drunk, like Bender from Futurama
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quartetnightsshopau · 5 years
Chapter 5
The day was almost upon them. After three delayed weeks of renovation, anticipation, and decoration, the shop would be opening tomorrow night.
After putting a selection of lingerie on the mannequins, Reiji looked wistfully out the window. He stared up at their new unlit sign as an unnamed feeling squeezed in his chest.
“Hey, are you done yet?” yelled Ranmaru, shaking Reiji from his daze.
“Sorry Ran-Ran, I was just thinking; What if nobody comes? I mean, was this really a good idea?”
“It’s too late to be asking those kinds of questions,” Ai says as he stacks vibrators on the topshelf.
“Yeah,” Ran says, lining up the leather goods. “We’ve invested too much time and money into this. Hell, Ai quit his job to do this. It’s definitely gonna take awhile to turn a profit from this, but, isn’t it better to do something you have some passion for then to have your soul sucked by a job you hate?”
“Wow, Ran-Ran. That was… really insightful.”
“Shut up,” he says throwing a wadded up blindfold in his direction.
”If you’re done with the lingerie, can you break down all the cardboard boxes to recycle?”
“Sure thing, Ai-Ai,” he says, finally peeling himself away from the window.
Later, when Reiji is locking up the shop, he asks, ”So, did Camus say if he would be here tomorrow?”
“Haven’t heard from him since yesterday,” Ran says, blowing smoke as he leans against Reiji’s green bug. “Said something about a french business.”
“He’s likely lining up his next job,” Ai says, leaning on the other side of the car.
As the sun began casting its first light, Reiji finished locking the shop.
They loaded in the car and drove back in stiff silence. Even though Ai had put blackout blinds in their apartment, Reiji barely slept a wink.
At six pm the next day, the three guys drove out to the shop, an unnamed unease sitting with all of them.
Once inside, Reiji stood by the window as Ran flipped the switches, illuminating the store and the new pink neon logo. Seeing that sign, he let out a small contented sigh and walked into the office.
He turned on the store speakers and started playing a selection of songs he chose one day when he couldn’t sleep. Reiji took the seat behind the register, just as Ai emerged from the break room with a cup of fresh coffee for him.
Ranmaru pulls his phone out of his pocket, dials a number, and walks into the office.  A few moments pass and Ran returns, saying, ”Still no word from the quote unquote ‘manager’. Fucker could at least tell us if he’s showing up.”
Reiji stares into his cup as the clock chimes seven. He furrows his brow, downs the coffee, and focuses a gentle gaze on the window.
“It’s our first day. Someone is going to show up.”
Ai glances at Ran, who gives a shrug and disappears into the breakroom. Ai looks at the back of Reiji’s head, remembering the eagerness he had two days prior when they posted flyers all over town. He had wondered how an adult could have that much drive, but now he wondered where all that energy has gone.
“I’ll be in the office. Yell if you need anything.”
“Okay. Thanks Ai.”
And for the next few hours he sat there, listening to the soft upbeat music and watching the cars that pass the store drive into the dark night.
Midway through the night Ran went out and got hamburgers for everyone, but Reiji didn’t even eat a bite.
Finally, the clock rang in five and Reiji stood from his long sat position.
“Ai, I’m gonna go to the bathroom. Can you watch the store?”
“Sure,” he replied watching as the brunette slowly made his way to the toilet.
Once the lock clicked, a soft sob echoed in the tile room. Upon hearing Reiji’s sobs, Ai was concerned, but still wasn’t sure how to comfort Reiji, even after 9 years.
Then, the bell on front door chimed and the crying stopped.
A russell of paper towels could be heard, followed by a puffy-eyed Reiji emerging from the bathroom.
“Welcome,” he says in shaky voice in the direction of a man dressed in all black, with sunglasses and a scarf covering his face. The man says nothing, but in his hands he holds a fairly large plain white box.
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Rolls of film
Horrible title I know. First thing I wrote on this blog took me forever hope you like it feed back appreciated. Warnings: a lil but hardly any but still putting it blood, very minor character deaths. That's it I think. Summery: Hailey, a teenage girl looses her parents. She sees death all the time because hello being a hunter isn't glamours but like anybody she is crushed, bug hides it well. She starts out on her parents case when two FBI agents catch her. When she finds out that the FBI are hunters too she might gank the thing that killed her parents. Horrible summery too again I know. Fandom: SPN This tree was uncomfortable. If you moved to far right you would fall and if you moved to far left you had a branch poking in your butt. You leaned a little bit over so you could get the blood splatters all over the dry leaves and the poor mans crumpled body in frame. This guy had two kids and was an only parent Dave was his name. As your feet hit the ground you snapped a couple more pictures and when you turned to walk back to town, two men stood and had there guns aimed at you. Dead center in your chest. You squeaked in surprise and jumped back a bit. Almost landing on some leaves with blood. Dean:"who are you." You shook your head. This isn't good. The freaking cops. Mom and dad always told you not to tell the cops the truth they just think you were crazy. The tall one took a step towards you and you dashed. Turning on your toes and ran for the highway. You ducked behind trees and hopped over logs you saw the break in trees and headed strait for it. That's when the shorter one grabbed you by the waist and held your wrists so you couldn't punch him. You were kicking and got a good shot in the shins with your heel. He held you tighter only making you more scared and nervous. You:"let go of me!!" Your voice sounded weak and struggled. It kind of was you didn't want to be charged with this you just wanted to find the thing who killed the man and your parents. You twisted your torso but it didn't do much. The taller one stood in front of you and nodded and to the one holding you. They are going to put you in an asylum. They will think you are crazy and it's no use. Sam:"what were you doing?! Did you do that?!" You shook your head. The men exchange glances then the tall one looked back at you. Sam:"we are only telling you this because you were taking pictures of a dead body. We are hunters not like bears and deer but like ghosts and werewolves and vampires." You nodded this was the speech that your parents gave you 7 years ago. You were 9 and your parents started helping you study soon you went on your first hunt with them a simple salt and burn. By the end of it you had to get a couple stitches you all lied and said you ran into the corner of the wall. After that you were hooked on hunting. For about 2 weeks you had been on your own and this is your first solo hunt. You were going to kill the monster that did this. You:" I'm thinking it's a local myth we have one about a half wolf half human." They looked at each other very obviously confused. Dean:"so no 'who are you' no screaming no 'you guys are crazy'. How do you know about this stuff." You shrugged. You:"I don't want to talk about it. Where is your car?" The tall one pointed over his shoulder and you began to walk. About 20min later you walked out of the woods with the men they had told you their names. Dean and Sam you told them yours. Hailey. Hailey:"I really love the car. My mom was into them." Dean smiles like a proud parent. You take a quick picture of Dean looking at the car and Sam was standing behind you when you did it. He just looked sort of confused you just showed him the picture and he saw his older brothers face how happy he looked. He smiled at the picture and you all got into the car. It took about 15min to get back into town and when you saw the park coming up you asked Dean to pull over. When he did you got out and shut your door said thanks and begin to walk away. Dean:"hey where are you goin we can give you a ride home." Your heart pounded a little bit. Hailey:"my home is wherever I want it too be right now. I'll see you guys later." You raised your camera and took a picture of them in the car. You turned and walked to the park. This park was the park that you went to as a child with your parents. you settled down on a cold cement bench. You knew this was going to be another sleepless night. Settling down and covered up with your jacket hugging your camera to your stomach. You watched it get dark and it got colder. You shivered throughout the night and cried some too. Once you saw the sun coming up you closed your eyes and finally got some sleep. -Time skip- ----------------- You didn't any sleep but three hours at least. You woke up too someone poking you. You popped up and saw huge boots standing in front of your bench. Looking up squinting your eyes and saw Dean. Hailey:"what I was sleeping?" Dean:"well good morning to you too sleeping beauty. We need some help come on." He nodded to the impala. You got up and put on your jacket. It was going to be a breezy day which means a even colder night. The benches were uncomfortable and not good beds. You walked to the impala and sat in the front. Hailey:"Sam?" You asked. Dean:"At the motel. That's what we need help with." You nodded. The gentle movement of the car and the engine sounds put you to sleep again. Resting your head against the back of the bench seat and once the car stopped you didn't wake. Dean didn't have the heart to either so he went around and opened the door picked you up bridal style and closed the door with his knee. When he knocked with his foot still holding you Sam opened it and had a questioning look on his face. Deans shook his head as if to say 'don't say anything'. Sam:"where did you find her?" Dean:"asleep. On a park bench. She is freezing." Sam pulled back the blankets on the bed and Dean set you in it. Snuggling in and holding onto the pillow with your camera still around your neck. Dean and Sam sat down at the little table. Sam:"how do we ask her?" Dean:" I have no idea." He said taking a swig of his beer. Sam and Dean spoke quietly about the case and Dean even went out on a food run before you woke up. You heard them before you saw them. Sitting up your stomach growled. You turned towards them and rubbed your eyes with the heel of your hands. Hailey:" What time is it?" Sam:"2:30. You slept for 5 hours." Hailey:"why didn't you wake me up? The case I need to get started." Dean stuck his arm out in front of his chest. Dean:"we need help and since you live here you can helps us." Considering this you still want to gank whatever it is. Hailey:" What do you guys need." Your stomach growled and Sam reached into the bag of food. He pulled out a burrito and handed it too you. Reaching into your jacket pocket you pulled out $5 and try and hand it to Sam. He shook his head. Sam:"it's ok really." You set the bill down in the middle of the table. Hailey:"I pay my way. No freebies." Sam nodded but still didn't take the bill but you didn't pick it up or touch it again. Dean was too busy stuffing his face white a hamburger and Sam was eating a salad. You were so hungry that you finished before both of them. As you wiped your mouth both men were staring at you. Hailey:"What?" They just went back to eating and a couple minutes later after they were done you started to look at the book they had on legends. It was from the library in town and you knew every word of it. When you were learning this book helped a ton. You learned how to speak Spanish to be able to read it. Sam:"can you read it?" You nodded. Hailey:"can't you?" Sam just smirked and tilted his head. Dean:"Looks like Sam met his match." He then loudly whispered to you. "He thinks he knows everything." You smiled. Hailey:" well basically all this book is talking about is different things and where they came from." Both men nodding. "The local myth I was telling you about half man half werewolf came from this book. It says that he will appear human everyday and night except for every other year. Then he will be a werewolf at night. This year is the year he is supposed The be a werewolf." Dean:"How do you know Spanish?" You laughed. Hailey:"That's your question. 'How do I know Spanish.' Not about why I know every word of this book." He shrugged. "I learned from my parents." Sam:"About your parents where are they." Part 2 coming soon
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marilynngmesalo · 6 years
Ted Bundy ate burgers while watching news about murders: Ex-girlfriend
Ted Bundy ate burgers while watching news about murders: Ex-girlfriend Ted Bundy ate burgers while watching news about murders: Ex-girlfriend https://ift.tt/eA8V8J
Ted Bundy’s double life as a vicious serial killer and devoted lover baffles his ex-girlfriend until this day.
In a chilling new interview with DailyMailTV, the woman tells all on her brief relationship with Bundy: how gentle and pleasant he was with her, how he boasted about his pristine knife collection, and how once, she saw the true him.
The now-71-year-old met Bundy back in 1974, when he was a law student in Salt Lake City, Utah. The two dated for several months and even slept in the same bed together, as they lived in the same apartment building.
At the time, the serial killer was a handsome and personable law student. Nothing about him seemed frightening, and even after he was thrown in jail for kidnapping of Utah teenager Carol DaRonch in 1975, his girlfriend — who does not want to be named — kept in touch with him.
Speaking to the publication, the woman says Bundy would cook them dinner and together they would watch the news — many of which featured stories about the women he brutally murdered.
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“We didn’t go out because we didn’t have a lot of money, but he would make a nice hamburger and we would sit in his kitchen with a little TV on the table and he would like to make hamburgers and we would listen to the news about all of the girls that were being murdered and disappeared,” she recalls.
She says he never showed any emotion when watching the news about his killings. He didn’t react at all.
“I guess you can never know somebody for sure because who knows what’s in somebody’s head?” says Bundy’s ex-girlfriend. “He could hide in plain sight in any room. And these little innocent girls have no chance, no chance at all.”
The woman says she once made a comment about how scared she was that a man could grab her on the street and kill her, but all Bundy said to her was “you don’t have to worry about that.”
Now, years after finding out Bundy’s true identity, the killer’s former lover still cannot get over the fact that she escaped death — and missed all the signs.
“There’s no difference between right and wrong,” he once told her. Of course, the bizarre remark holds much more meaning to her now that his horrific crimes have been exposed.
The woman also recalls sitting in the killer’s VW bug. She says that when he drove, the broken seat would rock back and forth, but she never thought anything of it.
RadarOnline.com readers know Bundy removed that seat to conceal the bodies of his victims.
His ex says she also “never saw any blood” around his house or in his car, and in reality, she considered him a total “neat freak.”
The woman says one of the most horrific realizations she had after Bundy was arrested was that he came home to visit her on Halloween night after he had just killed one of his victims.
“I didn’t notice a thing,” she admits.
Another horrific memory she has is of a night when they were sleeping in bed together and she woke up to find him missing.
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“I’ll never forget one night I stayed overnight and I woke up in the middle of the night and I said: ‘Ted, where are you? What are you doing?’ And he was through in the kitchen and he said, ‘Oh just looking at my knives,’” she recalls.
She explains that Bundy had a strange affinity to his knives and no one understood why — until they did.
Looking back at Bundy’s life now, the woman thinks her ex-boyfriend likely got a sexual “thrill” out of killing. She said: “It must have turned him on.”
And while she’s moved on from that period of her life, her relationship with the murderer will never fully leave her mind.
“One night… I knocked on the door and he answered, and he was holding a drink in one hand and a cigarette in the other. And he had this grin that was plastered, I would say, across his face. He wasn’t drunk. It was forced convivial. And I just wanted to get out of there,” recalls the woman. “Later I wondered if that was how he looked when he worked himself into a murderous rage.”
Ted Bundy was put to death via electric chair on January 24, 1989. A documentary about his life and murders is currently streaming on Netflix.
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