#hoja exito porque solía ser de clase pudiente tambien mhm
the-acid-pear · 5 months
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Btw I'm sure I lost the Jane drawing sadly (it could be in my mom's house but that is not a place of honor etc) but here's the drawing w Jeff. Notice the red heels (they look like boots but they're heels) and pink dress, you can see the structure that later went on to be Shira (former self insert, the hair she got from Yonaka, my other childhood special interest). You can see the top is ripped this is bc this paper has been folded in 4 for years bc after I made it I was overwhelmed with shyness and I even wrote NO TOCAR w glittery yellow pen (had a lot of those as a kid) on one of the sides (terrible choice, barely visible). It used to be hidden in my underwear drawer now it's on my pencil case. I really like this drawing.
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