coralcollective · 1 year
What if Dumbledore never got the chance to tell Harry about the horcruxes?
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The Order has established Hogwarts as a sanctuary from Voldemort's reign of terror over the European Wizarding World. It's up to the next generation of The Order of the Phoenix to figure out how to destroy Voldemort with unlikely friendships and unexpected love.
Cover art by lazy_dragon_art on Instagram.
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coralcollective · 2 years
Chapter 60 | Hogwarts: A Home
Art by incendiosketches
The war, temporarily forgotten. Their past, nothing but that...in the past. There were no parents around to consider. No societal norms to adhere to. No Slytherin and Gryffindor loyalties to uphold.
For that moment, they were just two people—exploring love for the very first time. As they basked in the morning light, learning what it was like to wake up together, in a place that felt like home, with someone that felt like home, they got a small glimpse of what their future would be like. What they had to look forward to, to fight for.
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coralcollective · 2 years
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Chapter 31 of Hogwarts: A Home by coralcollective
Art by catherine7mk
The healers had been scrambling to help those in critical condition so the gash was still dripping blood down his jaw. He could have healed it himself. And she'd said as much to draw his attention. He looked up, not bothering to hide his occlusion. She had touched her wand to his cheek, stitching the skin back together for him. She could have used a wand to clear away the blood and dirt, but instead she summoned a wet cloth to wipe his face and neck herself. She had let her fingers brush again his cool skin as she wiped, savoring the small touches he allowed.
They’d been doing this for weeks now, finding small ways to touch each other. Nothing quite so mortifying as when she’d launched herself into his lap in her elation, but more subtle. Almost so subtle that she constantly questioned if it meant anything to him, the way it did to her.
He’d brush her hand when they walked side by side in the corridor, like he was contemplating grasping it, tempting her to might want the same. She’d lean on his arm as she reached over for a book across the table instead of summoning it, so he could feel the weight of her against him. He’d bend over her from behind, placing a cup of tea in front of her in silence. She’d ask him to pass her her wand so their fingertips could graze.
And that day in the hospital wing, when there’d been a grim reminder of the realities of war, he let her wash his cheek, while he stared into her eyes. Quiet and occluded, avoiding the emotions of the moment. But he let her do it, and she chose to believe that meant something.
“I was worried about you.” She had said to him, watching his eyes to see if he’d let her in at all. But he’d remained stone faced and silent. She’d finished cleaning his jaw and when she poised to rise and leave him be, he’d grabbed her wrist, keeping her hand and the cloth pressed to him.
“Thank you.” He'd whispered.
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coralcollective · 2 years
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Chapter 59 | Hogwarts: A Home
Art by @elivrayn
In three strides, he was in front of her. In two seconds, his hands were in her hair. In one breath, his lips finally learned the feel of hers. He pressed her mouth to him firmly, holding that sweet pressure for a heartbeat longer than he'd planned. When he pulled back to gauge her reaction, her usually cold dark eyes were a warm brown, a pool of molten heat. 
Merlin save me.
He paused. The pull to her was too great, the draw too enticing. He was starving—starving for affection, her affection. 
"What are you doing?" Astoria panted breathlessly. The little puffs of air from her mouth landed on his lips. The sensation was intoxicating. And Theo wanted to taste them again, wanted to taste all of her.  
“Getting my witch." He breathed. 
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coralcollective · 2 years
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Hogwarts: A Home | Chapter 5
Art by @aurithemoon
She turned to see the tall Slytherin with icy blue eyes that she had somehow forgotten about. He leaned casually in the doorway, hands in his pockets, relaxed and smiling at her like they were old friends. Like he wasn't intruding in the slightest.
All the giddiness of her new office had allowed her a temporary reprieve from the downright fury she had felt when the council insisted that she use Theo Nott as an assistant. Apparently, the headmistress feared another burnout situation comparable to her third year and required the selection of a student to join her team. The council had reviewed all of the dueling results, the flying trials, efficacy of the potions they'd brewed for evaluation and the successful execution of ten of the most complicated charms they could fathom and had decided to 'award' her the best all-around selection. Which just so happened to be the arrogant likes of Theo Nott—best friend to Draco Malfoy, son of a Death Eater and alleged man-whore of their Hogwarts class.
She hadn't noticed him much before, but with the way he stood before her now, it was rather obvious that Theo Nott was the kind of wizard that could have you eating out of the palm of his hand with a warm smile and a gentle 'please'. Hermione came to her senses and realized she'd been staring and yes, he had noticed. The result being that self-satisfied smirk planted smugly across a rather gorgeous face. She wanted to smack that stupidly handsome smirk from said gorgeous face.
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coralcollective · 2 years
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Chapter 46 | Hogwarts: A Home
Art by catherine7mk
He pulled her hand from the fabric of his shirt, and brought it to his face, leaning into her cool touch, pressing his cheek into her palm like he'd imagined too many times.
To his utter shock and delight, she didn't pull away. Instead, in her bored voice she only drawled, "what are you doing?"
Theo kept his eyes closed, too afraid that looking up at her would break the moment. He turned his head so that his lips grazed the center of her palm, her fingertips laying gently over his nose and eyes. "My head hurts. Heal me." She huffed out in annoyance, but a moment later he felt the whisper of cooling charms emanating from the pads of her fingers across his skin, seeping into his skull. He felt her shift, her body lying by his side as she worked.
"Mhhhmmm." He moaned quietly, a genuine response to her healing touch. He felt her stiffen slightly at the noise. She traced her fingers to one side of his temple, up and over his forehead and then to the other side. Just when he thought she'd finally pull away, she let her fingers drift down over the bridge of his nose, tracing the bow of his upper lip, thumbing the swell of his lower. He had no control of the way his cock swelled in his trousers, nor did he make any move to hide it from her. When she let her thumb rest just a moment longer on his lip, he risked it all once more, nipping at it lightly.
"Careful, I bite." He purred, turning his head to the side and slowly lifting his lashes to meet her eyes. In those dark brown pools—he'd seen ice, he'd seen coolness, the occasional hint of warmth. But for the first time, there was heat.
"Hmmm," She purred back at him, holding his gaze as she rose to her feet to tower above. And before turning sharply on her heel, she smirked at him. "I suspect you'll beg too."
Theo spluttered in surprise, sitting upright too fast and making himself dizzy again.
Did she just...
Did she just flirt with me?!
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coralcollective · 2 years
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Chapter 21 of Hogwarts: A Home by coralcollective
Art by @xflattery
Draco let his gaze linger over each of her curls. Soft brown swirls, with golden strands interwoven. Light and dark mixing together. Coexisting.
They were long and tamed today, perfectly framing her soft tanned cheeks before spilling over her delicate shoulders. She was smiling at whatever Lovegood was chattering about. The Weasley was on her left, Potter on her right—just like in school. If he occluded hard enough, he could even pretend they were all back in school, that this was just another year at Hogwarts. Watching the three of them and their perfect lives, their perfect friendship, while he had a mark burned into his arm and a monster waiting to torture him at the first sign of failure. A monster poised and ready to strike at his family should he fail.
He watched a strong grin stretch across her face, displaying her perfect white teeth. Her light laugh carried over the tables to him, the sweetest sound that resonated in his chest. He fought the instinct to scoop her up and swallow that sound for himself and selfishly hoard her for all time. The Weaselette seemed to have taken over the story now, waving her hands animatedly. Hermione’s amber eyes, the color of firewhiskey, were dancing between the two girls as they seemed to catch up for the first time in a while. The gleam in her eye told him this reunion was needed; that it was restoring a part of her that she'd neglected.
Draco had spent the last few weeks avoiding Hermione Granger. In fact, he’d intended to keep his distance indefinitely.
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coralcollective · 2 years
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Chapter 14 of Hogwarts: A Home by coralcollective
art by @aurithemoon
“My name is Kingsley Shacklebolt,” said the auror with a gruff voice. He appeared to be in charge here. “What is your name?”
Pansy had intended to spit at him. She knew it was a harmless question but she couldn’t get past the feeling of being a caged animal. But before she could pool enough saliva on her tongue to do so, she felt the compulsion rush through her blood. It filled every limb, every extremity until it worked its way up the back of her throat to her lips. “Pansy Parkinson,” she hissed through her teeth.
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coralcollective · 2 years
I haven’t been updating here as often but I’m going to upload all the new fan art I’ve gotten for Hogwarts: A Home since I last posted in July (😟). Also Chapter 58 is going up on December 21st!
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coralcollective · 2 years
Chapter 38 of Hogwarts: A Home by coralcollective
Theo & Astoria art by catherine7mk
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He smiled at her in a way that usually had witches in a puddle before him, daring her to come close.
"You are relentless." She stated matter-of-factly.
"And here I was, wondering if you'd even noticed my pursuit." He smirked at her nearness.
"Are you casting doubt on my intelligence, Theodore?" She drawled, stepping a bit closer.
"I would never...Astoria." He whispered her name, letting it fall from his lips in seduction as he leaned closer.
"You think yourself so charming, don't you?"
"I'm more interested in what you think of me."
They were close now, almost sharing breath. She was tall, just a few centimeters shorter than himself. He studied her dark lashes, as they fanned out around her deep eyes. They batted in light flutters that made his stomach dip.
She put a hand on his waist, delicate fingers pressing a gentle pressure to his side. He could feel each finger tip, could focus in on the point of contact for every one. It was the first time she'd touched him since he'd been healed. And though he'd never admit it to her, he'd considered a few accidental injuries that he might be able to endure in order to get her hands back on him. But this...this willing touch. This was so much better.
"I don't think about you at all." She cooed as she put more force into that touch, pushing him to the side so she could move past him. She swept swiftly down the corridor, her robes whisking up behind her.
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coralcollective · 2 years
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I’ll never stop pushing this fan cast 😆🖤👀
Henry Cavill as Auror John Dawlish by @bis-art
From Ch. 41 of Hogwarts: A Home
As she reached for the door, she heard him from across the room. "You never were going to let me in. Were you?" His voice nearly broke and that pain etched along his words nearly broke her resolve.
She turned the handle, taking a
deep breath and steeled herself.
"You deserve better than these shattered pieces I have to offer. I am nothing but sharp edges and deadly points, poised to cut and ruin. If I let you in, you'll mangle yourself trying to reach my undeserving heart. So no, John, do not ask me to take you down with me, for I do not have the strength to resist you twice."
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