#hogwarts 5sos blurb night
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Little first years Luke and y/n coming to hogwarts and being best friends when they were little. They want to be in the same house but then she’s Hufflepuff and he’s not (idk what house for him you pick haha) and she’s all worried they won’t stay friends. They do stay friends at first and then drift apart. They run into each other again finally and realize they’re still best friends and totally in love even though they’re separated by houses and have all different friends and such
this is from when i did the hogwarts blurb night with @cakesunflower but i found it in my drafts and got inspired for it.
it’s also 3k so have fun with that lmao
first year
“Lu, I’m scared.” You whispered once your parents had put you on the express and said their goodbyes. So far, only the older students seemed to be milling around, a lot of them already in their uniforms.
Grabbing your hand tightly, Luke pulled you further onto the train, searching out for an empty compartment, or one which wasn’t overtaken by older students.
Luck was on his side when he happened upon an empty compartment, taking the shrunken luggage out of his pocket before putting it up on the rack, then tapping both trunks so they returned to their normal size.
Once that was done, the two of you sat next to each other, his hand never leaving yours.
“You’re my best friend n’ that ain’t gonna change.” He whispered and you tried to let yourself believe him.
A few of the older years checked in with you both, Luke’s older brothers teasing him when they stuck their heads in before seeing how distressed you were and sitting in the compartment, talking about the cool things you’d get to see whilst at Hogwarts.
The two of you had grown up together, hearing about Hogwarts from his older brothers. And you were excited, but you were scared, especially of losing Luke.
More of his brothers friends seemed to join the compartment and you noticed that they had a mixture of friends from other houses, which was a small relief for you. The older students answered your quiet questions with an amused smile but they were honest with each answer.
By the time you’d reached Hogwarts, the two of you were happily chatting with two other first years who couldn’t find a place to sit and soon the worries about Hogwarts were lost on you, especially when you sailed across the Black Lake, your own gasp echoed by the other first years.
Your name was called and with a whispered good luck and a quick squeeze of your hand from Luke, you went up and sat on the stool, the hat slipping over your eyes slightly.
‘Oh I know exactly where to put you, abundance in loyalty, you’ll do well in your house.’
“Hufflepuff!” The hat cried out and you felt the hat get taken off and you grinned to Luke before joining the cheering house of yellow and black, some of his brothers friends introducing themselves and promising they’ll look out for you as you sat with your year mates.
“Hemmings, Luke!” A few whispers ran up the tables about another Hemmings in Hogwarts as the hat went straight on and you held your breath for a second before the brim ripped open.
Your heart sank, but you clapped for him anyway, sharing excited grins as he went to sit with his brothers.
The next morning, you went down to the Great Hall, grateful it was a Saturday so it meant no lessons, and found Luke sat on the end of his table. When he spotted you, he waved you over.
You sat next to him, the relief that he was still there flooding you.
“The common room is really nice, I don’t really care much for my dorm mates though.” You admitted quietly and he grinned.
“Ours is under the lake. At least you don’t have don’t have dorm mates sucking up to you. My brother got made head boy and everyone is trying to be nice to me to stay on his good side.” He rolled his eyes, making you giggle quietly.
As more students began to filter in for breakfast, the two of you received curious looks from other houses whilst the Slytherins were being downright hostile towards you.
“Hemmings, tell your pet badger to stay at their own table.” One of the older years called down and immediately you blushed. Luke, however, stood his ground.
“It’s breakfast. It’s not like we’re going to the common room.” He snarked back and a few people muttered before falling silent.
“Lu, I don’t want you to isolate yourself because of me.” You whispered and he shook his head.
“You’re my best friend and will be forever,” he promised, “they can get stuffed.”
second year
Part of you wondered if people would ever stop giving you filthy looks as you marched up to the Slytherin table, dripping wet and a snarl on your face.
You spotted the Hemmings that you wanted to talk to.
The older ones laughed, but one of Luke’s brothers—Ben—gave you a concerned glance. You hadn’t noticed you had cuts littering your face.
“Hey little badger, where’s Luke?” His question was casual, shutting up the Slytherin’s that laughed. The Hemmings brothers knew the reputation they had and used it wisely in the snake pit.
“Your moron of a brother decided to learn agumenti but forgot that he has power behind his magic. He’s currently in the infirmary because the idiot got knocked out of the window and broke most of the bones on his right side.”
“And you’re angry because?”
“He told me he didn’t want to see me.” You admitted much more quietly and Ben understood.
“Go see your Head Girl little badger and get yourself cared for. I’ll go check in my little brother.” He got up and a few of his friends protested.
“You’re really going on the word of a blood traitor?” You felt your heart sink.
“They’re Luke’s best friend, even if he’s being an idiot right now. I’d trust them more than I’d trust your parents to tell me that the sky was fucking blue.” He snapped back, effectively ending the conversation. A few looked chagrined as he headed out of the hall and you went in search of the current Head Girl who was in your house.
“Get in a fight with the venomous tentacular again?” The tease made your anger recede as you found her and she healed the various cuts on your face before casting the drying charm.
“No, I just happen to be friends with a dumb boy who thinks he can master a powerful spell with no adult supervision.” You grouched and she laughed before ushering you into the badgers den.
“It’ll get easier. You might as well get changed and relax for the rest of the evening.” She advised and you complied, concerned about Luke.
He normally never turned you away, yet he didn’t want you in the hospital wing with him.
As the year progressed, you found yourself welcomed less and less, most of your dorm mates jeering at the fact that Luke clearly didn’t want or need you.
It hurt to be shut out so harshly and despite Ben being able to see what was happening, he was at a loss of what to do.
His only offering was the fact that you should have the summer together with Luke at one point.
But when you got off the train and watched as Luke didn’t even look your way as he rushed off to find his parents, you greeted yours sadly, a welcomed hug from your father being the only thing to stop the tears from falling in such a public place.
third year
The summer had been a disaster. You’d tried to send owls to Luke, but he refused to return them.
Despite making friends in both Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, most had other plans, holidays and obligations to attend. It was the first time summer had been so quiet for you.
You didn’t protest the dancing lessons, nor the etiquette instructor your mother insisted on every year.
That Luke wasn’t with you was neither here nor there. You knew that there would be betrothal contracts, and although you got final say on them—your father overruling your mother on this argument—you knew that eyes would be upon you and it was your duty to family to not cause a scene.
Once more you found yourself on the Express, having said goodbye to your parents and kept yourself composed when you spotted Luke. He ignored you in favour of his friends and a small part of you reminded you of last year and the promise he’d made to you.
“Promises get broken dear, head up and move on.” Is what your mother had said. But that didn’t sit right with you. A promise made is to be a promise kept. And despite your father saying that it was the innocence of children that thought this, you shook your head stubbornly.
“You kept every promise to me growing up. If you couldn’t promise it, you never did.”
He’d been surprised that you’d noticed that, but didn’t refute what you said.
“Maybe Luke should take a leaf from my book then.” He’d calmly replied with. And despite that thought upsetting you that you knew he wouldn’t, you felt better than after your mothers attempts for comforts.
You found some friends and sat with them for the duration and tried your hardest to ignore when Luke finally knocked on the compartment door.
“I need to talk to you.” Your anger reared its head and you couldn’t stop yourself.
“After nearly a year of you either barely speaking with me or outright ignoring me, I think the need to talk walked out of the door long ago. Get out Hemmings.” You snapped.
He reeled back as if you’d slapped him before closing the door and carrying on. Your friends looked at you stunned but the subject moved on as fast as the train was moving.
Now that Ben had left the school and Luke being the remaining Hemmings, it wasn’t a shock to you that you were on the receiving ends of hexes from older Slytherins.
You’d learned the shield charm in your previous years which deflected most of the hexes but some still struck and left you to retreat to the infirmary.
Luke didn’t look at you for the entire year as your treatment from the Slytherin’s left you unwilling to be amongst the student population.
By the end of the year, you’d sequestered yourself to the badgers den, only having to go a little ways to the Kitchens to get dinner from the elves. If anyone noticed or knew, they never said or brought it up. Even with Hogsmeade trips, you weren’t missed and that made your heart sink even further.
When you got off the train that year, in your fathers embrace, he apparated almost instantly to let you cry on his shoulder and tell him about the year you had.
You had to beg him not to storm over to the Hemmings’ residence, saying that it wasn’t worth it for you.
Although he disagreed, he followed your advice.
fourth year
This summer was certainly better than the last. Your friends had realised that they’d barely spent time with you and bombarded you with owls.
After short notes explaining what was happening, especially the treatment from your dorm mates, your friends were quite justly angry on your behalf. So for the entire summer, you were ferried between your various friends, enjoying the summer days and evenings.
You formed a tight friendship and with these friends, you all began to learn more curses and hexes to payback on those that had made your previous year miserable.
When you got back on the train once more, there was more laughter.
You didn’t look at Luke once.
Your friends were vicious on your dorm mates, especially now that the majority of the Slytherins that had targeted you, had graduated.
A few still tried, but realised that you fought back and had an array of vicious curses too. They soon left you alone.
It was as Christmas approached and you realised that this year would allow your year to finally attend the Yule Ball that was held each year.
It made your heart sink as your friends paired off with other students and you accepted the fact that you would be attending alone.
Until you received a surprise note on a Saturday, three weeks before the Ball.
‘A flower for my apologies, and a token of our friendship. Promises broken aren’t fair to you, so with this token and my heartfelt apology, would you accompany to the Yule Ball?’
You had your suspicions, but the flowers made it clear.
Growing up you’d both been trained on the language of the flowers. The white tulip and lavender rose, twined together made your heart race.
He hadn’t spoken to you since second year and your heart still felt the implication of the flowers. Seeking forgiveness and either enchantment or love at first sight, you weren’t too sure. But you were hesitant, scared.
So you sought him out.
You knew he was watching you as you left the great hall. You knew that he was going to be following soon after. So you waited until he could glimpse where you were going, to follow after.
Then you came to an unused classroom in the charms corridor.
He stepped in moments later to be met with a wand pointed at him. He raised his hands, showing you that he was unarmed.
“After so long of not speaking, you do this and expect me to fall to my knees for you?” You both ignored the unintentional double meaning behind your words. Luke shook his head.
“I want this, us, to start again. I got lost in the politics of my house, and it was when both Jack and Ben sat me down and gave me a verbal beating did it dawn on me what I was doing.”
“I cried for you, Hemmings. I cried because the one person I truly believed I could rely on broke his promise to me. do you know how often I got my friends to leave you alone when they got the Slytherins back for time times they hexed me into hiding?” Your words had a profound impact on him, anger showing on his normally stoic features.
“They did what?” His voice was dangerous now and you were reminded that his father was Head of the DMLE many years ago.
“I thought you knew, that you would be laughing with them over the fact that I had hidden within the dens to escape being targeted.” You whispered sadly. The look of anger was replaced with sadness.
“We may have not been talking, but I would never do that to you. I hexed enough of my housemates enough times when they badmouthed you, I thought it was enough to give you a semblance of protection.”
“That walked out of the door when Ben left.” Your tone had turned bitter and Luke felt his heart sink. Your own was trying to calm down.
“I’m so sorry.” He stepped forward, and hesitated. When you didn’t move, he closed the distance and his arms were around you.
You fought every urge to cry until the moment his arms were around you and then you couldn’t hold back a second longer.
You weren’t too sure how much time had passed before you finally calmed down and he conjured a handkerchief carefully wiping it away before vanishing it.
“Would you do me the honour of not only attending the ball with this stupid Slytherin, but maybe we can work together in the library?” His words brought a tearful smile to your lips.
“Yes to both, kind sir.” The look of hesitation had you giving him a curious one in return.
“Would the token of my affections allow me to kiss them?” And you giggled as you were hit with a memory from when you were both eight and he’d said the exact words to annoy the governess.
“Absolutely.” You murmured and his lips were on yours, soft and gentle.
You melted into him before he pulled away, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“Lets get to the library. I think I owe an apology to your friends too. First, shall we find Professor McGonagall? I’m sure if we asked nicely, she could transfigure these into a brooch of some sort.” His words were met with an enthusiastic kiss.
“Where do this leave us though?” You asked quietly as you took his offered arm. The two of you had done this so many times before, but it felt different this time.
“Would you at least consider, allowing me to court you?” And you felt your heart nearly stop.
“Luke, don’t joke with me about something that serious.” He offered you a nervous smile.
“I’m truly not. I’ve had no interest in anyone apart from you, despite what people may say. I’m not like my brothers. I’ve only ever wanted you, and when you told me off at the start of second year, I realised how badly I messed up.”
“Then why didn’t you try again?”
“Because you were angry.” And you couldn’t blame him. You knew that when you were angry, being reasoned with was out of the question.
“So you decided to wait?”
“I figured if I kept myself quiet, didn’t try to push myself into your life when I wouldn’t be welcomed, but offer a proper apology for my behaviour this year, you would be more willing to listen.” Again you knew he was right.
“If I said I don’t need to think about it because I’ve loved you since we were children, what would you say?” And he smiled.
“That you are a credit to your house, and that I may not deserve you, but I won’t let you go. Not a second time.”
“I don’t think any wards in the world would save you from my father if he discovered you hurt me a second time. It was only because I begged him to let it go that you didn’t receive a personal howler from him.” And Luke flushed, but you leaned up to kiss his cheek.
“He’s going to make this difficult isn’t he?” And you shook your head.
“Not if I tell him we intend to be betrothed before we start next year. I think he knew we would get to this point eventually and accepted it long ago. And he’ll leave well enough alone if he decides to say anything about it. If I get to marry the person I love, he’ll be happy enough for me.”
The smile on Luke’s face lasted the rest of the day.
#slytherin!luke#hufflepuff!reader#hogwarts 5sos blurb night#hogwarts!5sos#hogwarts 5sos#luke hemmings blurb#luke hemmings blurbs#5sos blurb#5sos blurbs#5 seconds of summer blurb#5 seconds of summer blurbs#nonnie#ask you shall receive
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Hi can you do a imagine where a Ravenclaw and Slytherin Calum are in the same potions class and they are learning about Amortentia and Calum’s secret crush on the Ravenclaw gets outed because he had to smell the anortentia that smells exactly like her. Also I freakin love your writing so much :)
Hii! For blurb night, can you write a thing on Slytherin!Cal being a dick to Muggle-born reader (the house is up to you) for most of their lives but recently he’s pulled back on being an asshole to her and she doesn’t get why until they’re in Potions class and they’re working on a truth or love potion and somehow it comes out that he likes her? Thank you!
so these two requests were sort of similar so i combined them! this is longer than i expected but heRE YA GO
“Miss Y/L/N and Mr. Hood.”
You wondered if Professor Slughorn had some kind of vendetta against you. Had you done something to sourly piss him off? Because you couldn’t think of any other reason as to why he would pair you up with Slytherin’s resident serpent. You suppressed the groan threatening to rip through your throat. Spending the semester sitting with Hood? You’d rather face off one of Azkaban’s Dementors. Your friends shot you sympathetic looks as you begrudgingly gathered your books, standing up from your desk and turning to face the class.
He sat in the second to last desk on the left side of the room, and you were slightly surprised that while the other few Slytherins were throwing you the disgusted looks you were so used to, the same expression couldn’t be found on Hood’s face. If anything, his features remained perfectly stoic and unaffected, and you hid the unease that brought as you made your way to the back of the room before sitting on the available stool to his right, your back rigid. He’d been like this last semester as well, before everyone had left for the holidays, and now you were back and Hood was still acting strangely.
Since the school year started, not one degrading comment or sneer was thrown your way, and it was almost unsettling. Especially when you sometimes noticed him staring at you in the Great Hall or during classes, and every time you caught him, he quickly looked away before you could even form a glare. You had no idea what that was about, why things seemed to have changed.
History would tell anyone that things between Hood and you were anything but pleasant. You were a Ravenclaw, which wasn’t the problem. The real issue was that fact that you were a Muggle-born, basically a personification of everything Hood was against. The past six years consisted of you two constantly being at each other’s throats, with words like “Narcissistic, egotistical douchebag” emitting from your mouth (your Gryffindor friends were convinced you had some of their traits in your Ravenclaw being) and the simple but effective term of “Mudblood” spat from Hood’s. Everyone at Hogwarts knew of your mutual hostility, and you wondered if Slughorn had drank too much Firewhisky to make the two of them partners for the semester.
Surprisingly, the rest of the class went by uneventfully. Hood barely even looked your way, and you were perfectly fine with that, and it mostly went that way for the next week. Sometimes you’d feel him glance at you, but every time your eyes flickered over her was staring ahead, and you frowned at him before focusing on the lesson. One day when you sat down at your new seat and class started, Professor Slughorn announced, “Your assignment today is to work on Amortentia. Work with your partners. It should have a mother-of-pearl sheen once you’ve finished. And remember—don’t inhale too much or it’ll catch you.” He chuckled. “Off you go.”
The classroom came to life as you all started gathering the needed ingredients, and soon enough you returned to your seat next to Hood once you got your cauldron and ingredients. You and Hood worked well together meticulously, which surprised you. He followed the directions carefully and within moments he proved himself to be the most capable Potions partner she’s had. “You’re not half bad at this,” you mumbled as he put in the peppermint, the words slipping before you could stop them.
He glanced at you and you caught the half smile curling at his lips, softer than the usual condescending smirks that he always threw your way. It was different. It was… Nice. And the fact that you weren’t as unsettled by that thought was that, in itself, a bit unsettling.
“That’s good to hear—especially if I wanna be a Potioneer,” he hummed back in response, leaning forward to look into the cauldron.
You shot him a mildly surprised look. “You want to be a Potioneer?” you questioned. You’d be lying if you said that path of profession was one you could picture Hood in. He nodded as you put in the appropriate amount of powdered moonstone. “Didn’t see that one coming.”
He glanced at you. “What’d you think?”
You shrugged. “Professional Asshole.” The words spilled from your mouth, once again, before you could comprehend it. And unlike the dozens of times before, this time the insult you directed at Hood had you pressing your lips together and cheeks heating up in slight mortification. You wondered since when you felt a pang of guilt for the usual kind of response you’d give to Hood, and for the first time, you cursed your Ravenclaw wit for acting without your complete consent.
Hood let out a chuckle, amusement lighting up his dark eyes, and for the first time you noticed the lack of animosity in them. Sure, you’d been sitting together for a while now, but it’s not like you made eye contact that often. You were used to seeing the hostility, used to hearing him spew derogatory comments, but he had yet to do so since the start of the school year. And you were just now realizing how much of a big deal and big change that was. “Nice one, Y/N.”
Y/N. He’d never called you that. It was always your last name or Mudblood, and as your name rolled off his tongue you realized just how nice it sounded. You wanted him to say it again, and you had no idea what to think of that.
Before you could say anything, you saw him lean forward to peer into the potion after the last of the ingredients had been added in, the liquid taking the pearly sheen Professor Slughorn had mentioned with some steam rising off of it. You were about to look in as well when you suddenly jerked back, remembering just what this potion did if you smelt too much of it, and your eyes widened as you grabbed your partner’s arm. “Hood, wait—”
“This smells… Amazing,” he mumbled, eyes closing as he relished in whatever scent he was inhaling. Amortentia had whoever smelt it smell the scents they found most attractive and yearned for, and your eyes widened slightly as you realized that the effects were probably already taking over the Slytherin.
You glanced around, noticing that everyone was busy with their own potions, Professor Slughorn talking to students on the other side of the room, before looking back at the dark haired boy next to you. “What do you…” You trailed off hesitantly, “What do you smell?”
He hummed, tilting his head back slightly as some of his curls brushed across his forehead. You felt your fingers itch to push them back. “Rosemary,” Hood began, eyes still closed and a small smile tilting at his lips as you raised your eyebrows. “And… Grapefruit. And some peppermint, as well.”
You wouldn’t have thought anything of it if there wasn’t anything to think of it. But you knew those scents well—intimately well. They were all scents that made up your body wash, a special combination created just for you by one of your genius friends back in fourth year, and it’s a toiletry you’ve been using ever since. So you gaped at the Slytherin’s profile, wondering if he was mistaking the scent of you next to him for whatever the Amortentia was making him smell. Surely that had to be it, right? He couldn’t possibly be smelling you in a love potion that had the receiver smelling what they desired most?
Your heart was threatening to jump out of your chest as you stared at him in disbelief and shock, unsure what to do with this information. You were surprised that you weren’t at all angry or disgusted at the fact that the boy next to you, who had been nothing but a blood prejudiced jerk for as long as you’ve known each other, was potentially smelling you in a love potion.
You were… Flattered.
You were, Merlin help you, happy.
Fortunately, there wasn’t much class time left and Professor Slughorn had made his way over to your table soon enough. He appraised you for a successful potion before dismissing you, and you couldn’t have gotten out of there fast enough.
You were only halfway down the hall when you felt a hand on your arm, pulling you into a secluded corner in the hallway. Back pressed against the wall, you looked up at the familiar pair of dark eyes, your breath hitching in your throat as your own eyes widened. “You don’t have to follow me because of the potion,” you began rambling, suddenly feeling like a houseless first year rather than a sixth year Ravenclaw. “The Amortentia will wear off soon enough and we’ll forget what you said and—”
“Slughorn gave me an antidote,” Hood breezily cut in, his large frame and robes shielding you from the busy hall a few feet away from you. “He’s got an eye for these sort of things.” His dark eyes flickered down your figure, sending your heart into an unexpected frenzy before your gazes locked once more. “‘M feelin’ kind of pathetic to need a potion to help me sort out my… Feelings.”
He struggled to get that last bit out, clearly unused to attempting to talk freely about his emotions that didn’t revolve matters of the heart. But you stared at him, stunned, because was he saying what you thought he was saying? Had he actually smelled your scent in that love potion? Finding your tongue, you said, “I thought I was a Mud—”
“You’re not,” he cut you off, jaw twitching at the term. You saw the anger flash across his eyes, and you were stunned that you could tell his anger wasn’t towards you but towards that term. Who was this boy and what had he done to blood prejudiced Calum Hood of Slytherin? “And I’m sorry.” His gaze dropped with his head, curls once again brushing across his forehead. “I’m a right tosser for everything I’ve ever said to you. I’m not—I don’t think like that anymore.” His gaze met yours once more and your heart stopped at the genuine and obvious regret in his dark eyes. “I know this is a few years too late but—I’m sorry, Y/N. Truly.” With an almost sad, very un-Slytherin smile, he asked, “Can you find it in that accepting Ravenclaw heart of yours to forgive me?”
Your breath was gone. Your heart was thundering. Your mind was spinning. Merlin couldn’t save you now, and you weren’t sure you even wanted him to as a small, accepting smile crept across your lips. “Buy me a Butterbeer and we’ll see.”
His grin was instantaneous, infectious. That was good enough for him.
hogwarts!5sos blurb weekend with @irwinkitten
#anonymous#hogwarts 5sos blurb night#calum hood#slytherin!calum#calum hood blurb#calum hood blurbs#5sos#5 seconds of summer#5sos blurb#5sos blurbs
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VooDoo Doll: George Weasley x Reader blurb
A/N: This is actual garbage. Like it’s just bad. I’m so sorry.
Summary: Based on VooDoo Doll by 5SOS. George doesn’t really like Y/N, but suddenly he has feelings he can’t explain... until he can.
Fred and George played pranks on everyone, almost no exceptions. They tried to stay away from those much younger than themselves, but sometimes a know-it-all Slytherin first year would get on their nerves, so slipping puking pastilles into the morning pumpkin juice of that specific student would be deemed appropriate by them. Hey, they were getting him out of class at least.
Most of their pranks were directed at their fellow classmates or their siblings and their friends, and there was one in particular George liked to prank. Not because he disliked her, she was just an easy target being only a year younger than them and Ginny's best friend. She usually took it well, but George could tell by her frustrated sighs after a raincloud had followed her all day or her robes were suddenly made of feathers that the pranks were getting a bit more annoying throughout the years. Fred and George decided to give Y/N a break in their last year at Hogwarts especially with Dumbridge spoiling their fun. During the DA meetings, George found himself not able to stop himself from looking at Y/N. She performed the spells so well. He felt a feeling swell in his very soul and he couldn’t fight the urge to do one last prank on her before their time was up at Hogwarts.
“It’s brilliant,” Fred said with a grin when George proposed the idea. “Who’s the target?”
“The usual. She’s just a good sport about it,” George said and smiled devilishly. Fred raised a brow and shook his head and they made arrangements.
The following day, the Weasleys staked out the hallway Y/N always walks down to charms class. Her head was in a book and she didn’t even notice the trip wire that they had set up. Her ankles were caught in the wire and she nearly fell over as the wire tugged. George watched her look around on the floor, but then their fake dementor swooped in from the roof. The sound effect triggered and Y/N jumped, then screamed at the appearance of the shadowy figure. It swooped down and then the twins revealed themselves to Y/N as the perpetrators behind the childish prank. Y/N looked terrified, then annoyed when she saw them sniggering in the end of the hallway.
“Very funny,” she said sarcastically and walked away quickly. Fred and George high-fived and made their way to their class. George noticed that he hadn't seen Y/N as much throughout the day today as he usually does and bu the time lunch rolled around, he was concerned. He looked to where Ginny and Y/N usually sat and chatted during the lunch hour and saw that both of them were gone.
“Hey, where's our sister?” Fred asked Ron as if he were thinking the same as George. Ron shrugged.
“Maybe she's comforting Y/N. I heard that Y/N was really upset and crying in the girl's bathroom,” Hermione informed them without looking up from her papers. A wash of guilt fell over George and he looked at Fred, who appeared to also be feeling slightly guilty. After lunch, George went to find his sister, but had no luck and wished that he could apologize to Y/N.
When Fred and George returned to the Burrow early, Molly wasn't surprised, but was slightly disappointed that her prankster sons weren't going to graduate Hogwarts. Luckily their misbehavior was swept under the rug at the ministry and the pair were able to keep their wands and continue practicing magic.
“Would you two like to meet them at the train?” Molly offered on the morning the Hogwarts Express was to return students to their homes. Fred and George smiled and nodded having missed their two younger siblings.
“Oh, Harry and Y/N will be staying with us this summer, just to let you know,” Molly said as the train pulled into the station.
“What?” George said in surprise. Y/N was a name he hadn't heard in a few months, but she wasn't very far from his thoughts. He still felt bad about their last interaction and how it may have effected Y/N. He never plucked up the courage to talk to her about it, and she kept her distance after that.
“Hi mum!” Ron greeted Molly with a hug.
“Hello there boys,” Ginny greeted her brothers with a warm smile and hugs all around.
“Oh, it's so good to see you, Y/N dear! And Harry, welcome back, my boy,” Molly said with a smile and hugged them.
George wanted to say something to Y/N, but their greeting was cut short as they were all ushered out of King's Cross and hurried back to Diagon Alley to use the Floo system. It wasn't until they were all back at the Burrow that George was able to have a moment to talk to Y/N.
“So how was the rest of the year?” he asked her. She raised a brow at him.
“It was horrible up until the very end when Umbridge finally just went missing,” Y/N said. “But... well, poor Harry.”
George nodded as he had heard about Harry's godfather and order member. “I'm sorry I left.”
“I'm not. Umbridge deserved it, and it looks like you two have been doing better than you were at school, so... it worked out,” Y/N said with a smile.
After a few weeks had passed and the summer assignments were complete, they had all taken to playing quidditch on the large property. Hermione and Y/N sat off to the side while the rest of the Weasleys plus Harry played. The match was well underway and Fred and George reprised their beater roles to help their sister and brother become better keepers and chasers. After the quaffle had been passed around a few times and a few bludgers had zipped around, George felt himself gazing in Y/N and Hermione's direction. His eyes lingered for a bit too long on the way the sun hit Y/N's hair and made her eyes shine when she smiled. Behind her, he saw a bludger heading straight towards her head.
“Watch out!” George said to them, which caused Y/N and Hermione to look around in confusion. Acting quickly, he zoomed his broom behind her and beat the ball into submission.
“Finite incantatem,” George said with a wave of his wand and the balls dropped to the ground with a loud thud.
“Well that's it for today I think,” Ron said as they all flew to the ground and dismounted.
“Are you alright?” George asked Y/N, who looked at him in shock.
“Um, yeah... Thank you,” she said and smiled politely at him.
George felt his cheeks get hot and he nodded.
“What's gotten into you, mate?” Fred asked once they retired to their rooms that night.
“What do you mean?” George responded.
“You just seem... distracted. Like you kept looking over at Y/N the whole match and last week you nearly dropped a stack of dishes when she walked by you. She slip you a love potion?” Fred teased.
“What? No,” George scoffed. He remembered that incident well, though. Y/N had just woken up and George was so distracted by how attractive she looked in an oversized shirt and shorts that he felt his whole body go numb and he nearly shattered the plates he was carrying to put away.
Well into the night, George found himself thinking about the light brushes that Y/N and he had shared throughout their time at Hogwarts and he could still feel how soft and warm her skin was in the places they had connected. He felt embarrassed as if she were watching him obsess over such a small gesture like a prank to get her attention even though she was in the other room. He kept imagining her in his mind, and he remembered several times now that he had done this exact routine at night. He couldn't help but think of nothing but her.
He rolled over and saw that Fred had fallen asleep. He didn't know what time it was, but the house was silent so he assumed late. His stomach made an ungodly sound that signaled for him to feed it and he happily complied. He glanced at the clock and was astonished to find it was nearly two in the morning. Had he really been so involved in his thoughts about Y/N that he hadn't noticed several hours passing? He opened the refrigerator and found a small sandwich up for grabs. As he closed the door, he saw a small figure outlined in the darkness and nearly screamed his soul out of his body.
He pointed his lit wand at the figure to find Y/N in her sleepwear standing next to the counter with the glasses cabinet open.
“Jesus fucking christ, don't scare me like that,” George exhaled.
“Sorry, I was really thirsty..” Y/N chuckled. George watched as she moved about the kitchen, his hunger forgotten for the moment. His eyes trailed along her body many times as he took in every bit of her he could.
“Can I help you?” she asked after taking a drink from the cup.
Without thinking and fatigue beginning to cloud his judgment, George responded, “Tell me where you're hiding your voodoo doll.”
“Pardon?” Y/N said in an almost offended tone.
“I can't sleep, there's pins in my head in my heart in my chest and I can't breathe around you. What have you done to me?” George asked as he walked closer to her. By the end of his sentence, Y/N's back was against the wall and George's eyes connected with hers through the dim light of his wand that rested on the counter.
“Is this another cruel prank?” Y/N asked.
George's heart clenched. Cruel prank? Did he really hurt her? He hadn't meant to, he wanted her to laugh with them like she used to. George shook his head.
“If you think for even one second that your face doesn't haunt my dreams and that you're the reason for my heart beating at all or that you're not the motivation for me to breathe... you're dead wrong,” George said with his heart in his throat. George's eyes searched hers as he leaned closer, but he found no resistance. He acted purely on instinct and kissed her mouth with a conviction that he could only muster through inhibition of his doubts and fears.
She kissed him back and for a moment, time stopped for George. It was as if the world had been completed when their lips collided and moved together. George felt Y/N pull away from him and he opened his eyes to find hers tearful.
“You're ruthless, George Weasley,” she said with a small sob. George's heart shattered as she walked away from him and up the stairs.
Y/N couldn't believe the audacity of that red-headed heartthrob. The last interaction they had was a terrifying dementor prank, then he abandons the school and now suddenly he's a proper gentleman asking how her day has gone and saving her from a trip to the emergency room during a quidditch practice and then kissing her in the kitchen? Y/N's heart was racing, but she couldn't wake Ginny up to tell her. Ginny could never find out about Y/N's massive crush on George in spite of her heart being broken. She felt bad for calling him ruthless, but there was no better way to describe such a horrible joke. He had to be joking, there's no way he could feel so strongly for Y/N, not after all the years of torment he put her through. Y/N curled up under the covers and only let a few tears of frustration escape. She longed for his lips on hers again, but wouldn't dare let that show. Maybe she'd wake up and this entire night would be a dream.
That was not the case. Y/N woke up and remembered the feeling of George's lips against hers vividly. The sun shone through the window and Y/N could hear Ginny start to stir. Sighing to herself, Y/N got up from her bed and got dressed. Throughout the day, she and George would make eye contact briefly, and Y/N's heart ached to talk to him, but she couldn't find it in herself to play into his game. She was convinced he was playing a prank on her, not that he had feelings for her the way she did for him. By the end of the day, she could tell George's irritation growing.
“I need to talk to you,” he said after dinner in a low voice. Y/N was hesitant but didn't dare deny alone time with George.
They went to the back yard and sat down on the patio. Y/N had noticed Ginny's sly smirk and raised eyebrow at the two of them when Y/N had exited the room with George, but Y/N ignored the glances.
“What is it?” Y/N asked once the door had shut.
“I meant what I said. My feelings haven't changed once. You've become my entire world, I need you to know that,” George said.
Y/N looked into his eyes and found remorse and a warmth that she wanted to envelop herself in. She nodded in response and urged him to continue with raised brows.
“I want to be yours... if you'll have me,” he finished after a moment.
Y/N was taken off guard and her nerves seemed to get the better of her because she felt sick to her stomach and her mouth went dry. Her mind screamed with glee, and she was sure the smile she formed was involuntary as she nodded. George grinned and pulled her into a close embrace.
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Requests are: Open ONLY for JATP characters!
This is my official request list I will edit whenever I open requests, so if you request something and it’s not on this list, I didn’t get it or I won’t be doing it!
Requests I’m working on:
Luke Patterson:
jatp prompt - modern au reader is fake dating alex so his parents get off his back, but secretly dating Luke but then reader and Alex get invited to a fancy party at Alex’s parents company or whatever and they start to panic cue luke and Reggie ALSO fake dating, managing to con their way into the fancy party so that luke can support his secret gf (Y/N) and his best friend.
Luke x reader!? Luke writes Perfect Harmony about Julie’s best friend after getting close to her/stars writing songs with her. Which she ends up finding and gets a little jealous/sad because she thinks it’s about Julie but the guys/Julie try to convince her the song is about her (right before they play it at an upcoming gig).
I hope you're still taking JATP requests. Cus I thought of something after you requested for me haha. SO can I request a 1995 Luke x reader where the reader is BFF's with the boys and basically their roadie. The reader finds out Luke ran away from home and so his parents contact her, hoping she knows his whereabouts. She knew Luke left on bad terms, so she kept the promise she made and told them no before leaving w/ Sunset Curve on their road to fame.
Mini series Idea: What if reader was Lukes girlfriend and had died the same night as him then when he comes back she does too but he doesn’t recognise her or have any memories of her and she fights to remind him? Julie even finds an entire book of songs he had written all about her and when he plays them he remembers her?
James Potter:
could u maybe work on a lil james potter fic (cus ur reqs for him are open)? one where he’s trying so hard to get a girl in the quidditch team (but she’s bolder than he is so she tells him she’ll only join if he goes on a date w her) i thought it’d be pretty cool… thank u
I don’t know if you are taking one shot requests but if you are, I would like to request a James Potter x reader (different houses, not specified) where they enter a Hogwarts Couples Baking Challenge and they’re just having fun. Thanks!
I was wondering if you could do a James Potter blurb where the reader and him were in love in there Hogwarts years but the reader was forced to become a Death Eater he found out and realized she was telling the truth but the reader was like “Go live your life with Lily.” And he did but the reader and James have a child then in The Order everyone finds out everything(even the child). Sorry if it’s a lot. I’ve had this idea for ages but I seriously can’t write it. Sadly. Thank you dear!
Remus Lupin:
Hey! Can I request a oneshot with Remus where he likes reader who is Lily’s best friend and us smarter than her too and is also a prefect? He asks for her help to study and accidentally confesses his feelings at the same time/or confesses during one of their prefect rounds? Thankyou!
Bellamy Blake:
Hi!! I love your work! I was wondering if you could write a Bellamy x reader based on the song Hot Girl Bummer by blackbear! Thank you ❤️ have a nice day!
John Murphy:
John Murphy with a reader that got her arm or leg or both taken on earth and it’s about her recovering and John helping her. If you can’t do John then sorry for bothering!!
Bucky Barnes:
I wasn’t going to ask this because I already requested something (believe me when I say I read the moment I knew lots of times already), but just trying it won’t hurt me, right? (right? 😭) I need something based on lover of mine by 5sos it can be bellamy, sirius, james, remus or bucky, whoever you think would fit better. thank you for putting up with my shit 🤧 love you tons - 🍑 (I’m choosing Bucky because I haven’t written him in forever 😂)
#todo list#requests#requests closed#bellamy Blake x reader#John murphy x reader#Remus Lupin x reader#Sirius black x reader#james potter x reader#Bucky Barnes x reader
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Loki Laufeyson:
Enough: 3k, Loki x OC (Hale Njordottir): Loki has finally been thwarted by the Avengers, but what happens when his wife, Odin’s right hand (wo)man, finds out?
Tony Stark:
He Loves Me Not: 4k, Tony Stark x Reader: When one single drunken night brings out the worst in Y/N, how will Tony react when 20 years of pent-up feelings are released on him within 20 minutes?
Peter Parker:
Sinking: 5.5k, Peter Parker x OC (Tessa Kennedy): Things take a turn for the worse when TK receives earth-shattering news that could affect the rest of her life. How will things work out when everything is sinking around her?
Bucky Barnes:
The One Where Bucky’s Not Ready (Headcannon): 1670, Bucky Barnes x neutral!teen!Reader: You’re Bucky’s kid and one of the most mature kids ever, but when you don’t come home after Winter Formal, Bucky flips out. (Based on season 1, episode 9 of Gilmore Girls)
Steve Rogers:
Not Your Fault: 980, Steve Rogers x fem!Reader: After a mission gone wrong, Steve feels guilty about your current state.
Terrible Comes in Twos: 990, Steve Rogers x fem!Reader: You and Steve have finally began a family, but what trouble will they bring to your daily life?

Not Defined:
Midnight: Random Blurb based on Midnight by 5SOS
Luke Hemmings:
The Only Aussie I’d Fuck: 3k, Luke Hemmings x Actress!Reader: Luke’s girlfriend, Y/n, is a famous actress she’s been begging him to watch her show and he’s finally caving, watching with his band mates, but how will Luke feel at her and her co-star’s on-screen relationship?
Ashton Irwin
Love Is A Slap In The Face: 2k, Ashton Irwin x Reader: Through th eups, downs, and all inbetween, those you love will be there to keep you on your feet and make sure you smile through the tears. (WARNING: has mentions of PTSD and panic attacks)

Ginny Weasley:
Fluff 93 & 94: Ginny Weasley x Reader: (93) “you’re an idiot, but you’re cute” & (94) “I’m asking you on a date, idiot.”
Hermione Granger:
The Saddest Part of All: 956, Hermione x Platonic!Slytherin!Pureblood!Reader: It’s 6th Year at Hogwarts, and everyone is a bit worse for wear, but some have it a bit worse than others
Fluff 1 & 13: 815, Hermione x Ravenclaw!Reader: (1) “Go with me?” “As long as you hold my hand” & (13) “are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?”
Harry Potter:
Safe With You: 3k, Harry Potter x Ravenclaw!Werewolf!Reader: You and Harry met in your first year and when he invites you home for the summer, what will his family say about your blooming relationship?
And He Loved You Back: 6k, Harry Potter x Gryffindor!Muggleborn!Reader: You and Harry have been friends since first year, so how will you tell him you have deeper feelings for him than just friendship?
Part II: 4k: You and Harry are officially together (ish) but war can get in the way, though it can’t stop your happy ending
Fluff 49, 66, 91: 686, Harry Potter x Reader: (49) “You are my love” (66) “Our relationship is the most important thing to me” & (91) “I love you so much it physically hurts”)
Tom Riddle:
The Drooping Red Silvias on the Dining Room Table: 4.5k, Tom Riddle x Hufflepuff!Reader: “Love could be remembered forever and it could be dwelled on for decades, but it didn’t last forever. Nothing did. Not a truly happy smile. Not the Red Silvias on the dining room table. Not even love.”
Neville Longbottom:
Neville Got the Girl: 1.6k, Neville Longbottom x fem!Reader: Neville feels insecure compared to his longterm crush, Y/n.
George Weasley:
Love is Blooming: 2k, George Weasley x fem!Slytherin!Reader: After your initial meeting, you and George become fast friends, but what if there’s more under the surface?
Pretty Pink Hair: 1.5k, George Weasley x gender-neutral!metamorphagus!Reader: Being friends with the twins results in the best time of your life, but when George begins to distance himself, what’s going to happen?
Draco Malfoy:
Merry Malfoy: 568, Draco Malfoy x gender-neutral!Reader: Draco feels like being festive, and who are you to refuse?

Billy Hargrove:
Highway to Hell: 4k, Billy Hargrove x Reader: After being stuck in the Upside Down for a month, you return, only to have to fight off the same monster that had been haunting you there, but what sort of friendships can form out of a bit of shared trauma and good taste in music?
Steve Harrington:
Holiday Headcannon: Steve Harrington x Bob Newby!daughter!reader: You come to Steve on your first christmas after your dad died and feelings are revealed
Not ‘X reader’:
Steve and Will Headcannon: Will has a nightmare.
all of my harringrove stuff is under #harringrove and #mediocre—writing
#masterlist#5sos x reader#marvel x reader#avengers x reader#harry potter x reader#gilmore girls x reader#x reader#x oc#5sos#marvel#avengers#stranger things#stranger things x reader
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My Ultimate Reading List v2.0 Blurbs Part 2
A/N: As some of you have heard or seen, My Ultimate Reading List (in it’s original version) has crashed on desktop because of (as I realised trying to restore it) too big number of links, so I’m basically recreating the whole thing in a new format. This post goes for 2nd part of Blurbs. Here’s the 1st. There’s one more post for One Shots and Serieses. I’m really sorry for the tag notifs for the people who has been tagged already in a previous version. Hope it’s not much of an inconvenience. I’m also not going to delete the first version of the list, as it’s been liked and reposted a lot of times, it’s still working on mobile, so some might still use it. But all the updates are going to happen only on these two posts, which I’m going to put in my bio instead of an old one.
So, this list was created because of my crazy urge to reread favourite fics and blurbs from time to time. It was made purely for me, but if it helps you to find a fic or a writer you’d love, I’d be only happy. I tried to make navigation easy. For blurbs links go to my reblogs, for oneshots and full lengths links go to the original posts. I try to check links from time to time, but if you see that some of them don’t work, please, hmu.
* stands for the implied smut
*** stands for the pure smut
This list is far from finished, that’s just the first things that came to mind and/or were reblogged. Still have a ton to add. So will update it every now and then.
NOTE, pls: There’s no Michael content here! And that’s not because I don’t like him or don’t appreciate him enough. I guess, it’s quite the opposite tbh. There’s no Michael content here because I appreciate him too much. I love this cute little kitten, he’s the most precious soul and, most of the time I think, there would be no 5sos without Michael Gordon Clifford. I just don’t have any fantasies or images of him in me, don’t see him in any way romantically. That’s why I don’t read (or write for that matter) about him as main character. I understand, that I miss a whole lotta great authors and fics because of that. Maybe it’ll change in the future. But for now, it is what it is.
Cockwarming with Ash by @calpops
Teasing competition with Ash* by @i-calumhood
Being Luke’s friend and getting close with Ash by @babe-babylon
Cherry lollipop* by @i-calumhood
Dad Ash and his lil girl by @irwinkitten and @rosecolouredash
Power out*** by @cal-puddies
Ash coming home late at night*** by @talkfastromance4
Dad Ash and a sick baby by @ukulelecal
Taking baby boy Hood to Disney by @singt0mecalum
Hogwarts AU Slyth competitors to lovers by @burncrashbromance
Making love to Calum*** by @i-calumhood
Cal keeping you to himself by @i-calumhood
Ice skating first date by @calpops
Clingy baby Hood by @calpops
Cal’s daughter being bullied by @calpops and @rosecolouredash
Fratboy Cal helps you to get off*** by @i-calumhood
Telling Cal he’s going to be a dad on fathers day by @i-calumhood
Facetiming kids from tour by @babe-babylon
Meeting Cal from tour with kids by @i-calumhood
On to the second baby by @babe-babylon
Cal spending time with his baby boy by @calpops
Meeting Cal in the bar*** by @flannelpunkcalum
Toxic hate sex with Cal*** by @flannelpunkcalum
Taking care of Cal after tour*** by @i-calumhood
Parking lot by @calpops
Soulmates with firefighter!Cal by @angelbabylu
Cal giving you hickeys by @singt0mecalum
Cal’s son’s first gf by @babe-babylon
Bff Cal calling you his good girl*** by @singt0mecalum
Cal coming home with new tattoo*** by @flannelpunkcalum
Cal talking to your newborn by @babe-babylon
Bath routine with baby girl Hood by @babe-babylon
Cal singing to your baby bump by @babe-babylon
Soft and cuddly Calum by @vipclifford
Long distance with Cal*** by @i-calumhood
Cal finding out he’s going to be a dad* by @babe-babylon
Duke and baby Hood by @i-calumhood
Dancing with Cal by @calpops
Goodnight selfies by @babe-babylon
Rainy weekend in with dad Cal by @calpops
Mutual pining with bff Cal by @mutualmv
Grocery shopping by @calpops
Masturbating Cal*** and Masturbating for Cal*** by @cal-puddies
Watching porn with Cal*** by @cal-puddies
Friends in love by @flannelpunkcalum
Waking up with Cal by @calpops
Guys hear you with Cal*** by @cal-puddies
Walking in on roommate Calum fucking this girl*** by @ukulelecal
Having sex with roommate Calum*** by @ukulelecal
Morning blowjob*** by @ukulelecal
Calum confirms his love to you by @cal-puddies
Outing dating Calum by @cal-puddies
Dad Cal talking to his newborn baby by @calpops
Aesthetical opposites with Cal by @calpops
Sharing headphones by @currentlyupcalsass
Dad Cal and dating perspectives by @myloverboyash
First time staying at Calum’s* by @calpops
Chosing a school with dad Cal by @calpops
Cal proposing by a tattoo by @calpops
Dad Cal and future drummer daughter by @ukulelecal
First kiss (enemies to lovers) by @calpops
Lazy day with Cal by @vipclifford
Dad Luke and teenage daughter by @babe-babylon
Sending nudes to fratboy Luke*** by @hereforlukescruff
Dad Luke coming from tour by @babe-babylon
Car sex by @flannelpunkcalum
Dad Luke and a newborn baby by @ukulelecal
#5sos#5sos blurbs#ashton irwin#calum hood#luke hemmings#5 seconds of summer#5 seconds of summer imagine#5 seconds of summer blurb#5sos smut#5sos fluff#5 seconds of summer smut#5 seconds of summer fluff#ashton5sos#calum5sos#luke5sos#ashton smut#ashton fluff#dad!ashton#calum smut#calum fluff#dad!calum#luke smut#luke fluff#dad!luke#ashton irwin imagine#ashton irwin blurb#calum hood imagine#calum hood blurb#luke hemmings imagine#luke hemmings blurb
503 notes
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Calum Hood Masterlist
First tat : Tattooist!Cal oneshot 🍭
Reader Insert, soft, 1.5k
Reader gets her first tattoo from Tattooist Cal
Coverup : Soulmate!Cal oneshot 🍭
Reader Insert, soft, 3k
Cal doesn’t believe in his soulmate until he meets her
Oreo : Cal oneshot 🍭
Reader Insert, smut, 1k
Reader finds out Cal likes eating more than just Oreos
Breathing : Cal oneshot 🍭
Reader Insert, soft, 500 words
Reader thinks Cal is hot when he smokes
Delicious : Demon!Cal oneshot 🍭
Reader Insert, smut, soft, 15.5k
Demon Cal is appointed to take care of the reader
Noise : Neighbour!Cal oneshot 🍭
OC, smut, soft, slow burn, 13.7k
Annabelle’s new neighbour is a panty dropper and Annabelle has to hear it every night
Gang Au masterlist of oneshots 🍭
126.8k of all the guys finding love. ft Cashton
Floral : Tattooist!Cal oneshot 🍭
OC, smut, 13.3k
Calum takes on an adorable new apprentice who specializes in floral tattoos
Bro Code : Prince!Cal oneshot 🍭
OC, smut, 11k
Prince Calum toys with breaking the Bro Code all for his best friend’s little sister
Cromulent : Cal oneshot 🍭
OC, smut, 18.5k
Calum is not a fan of PR relationships, or his new ‘girlfriend’
Opaque : Grung!Cal oneshot 🍭
OC, 8k, Love Triangle
Model Luke and Grunge Cal like the same girl
Drifting : Gang!Calum oneshot 🍭
Reader Insert, 3.2k, pure smut
Gang Cal takes you for a ride on his Harley, fucks you on his car, then takes you drifting and fucks you again, you know, as one does.
Fuck Your Ex : Coachella!Calum oneshot 🍭
Reader Insert, 2.3k, smut
You’re a co headliner with 5sos at a festival and when you run into your ex, it spurs Calum to finally tell you how he feels
Band Baby : Dad!Cal oneshot 🍭
13.7k, oc, smut
When Luke’s roommate gets out of an abusive relationship and is newly pregnant, all the guys, especially Calum are there for her and as Calum takes her to ultrasounds and hangs out with her and grabs 2am junk food cravings, he falls more and more in love with her.
+ video on how i made the entire fic 🍭
Something Like Love : Ceo!Cal oneshot 🍭
OC, 23.5k, some love triangle
Calum likes his new assistant more than he should, but there are... obstacles (slow burn)
Monte Carlo : Racecar Driver ! Cal oneshot🍭
OC, 14k, slow burn
They’d been going to the same bar for a while, too shy to talk to each other. Then they meet across the globe. He’s there for an F1 race and she’s there as an Instagram promoter. Angst and slow burn ensues.
Familiar : Cal oneshot oneshot (P)🍭
Reader Insert, 3.6k, smut
It’s new, but when you know, you know.
Contract : Dom!Cal oneshot (P) 🍭
Reader insert, 4.2k, smut
Dom!Cal sleeps with his new sub for the first time
Be Nice: Bodyguard!Cal oneshot (P) 🍭
Reader insert, 2.6k, smut
You see a hot bodyguard at an event and think might as well invite him over
Unfinished Fics + planning hc
Elusive : Grunge!Cal (from the Opaque universe) (P) 🍭
2k fic + 1.7k hc style fic planning for unfinished sections
Grunge Cal falls in love with a popular DJ who is everything he hasn’t been looking for.
Slytherin!Cal x Hufflepuff Reader HC 🍫
Slytherin!Cal x Ravenclaw reader HC 🍫
Slytherin!Cal x Gryffindor reader HC 🍫
Slytherin!Cal x Slytherin reader HC (P) 🍫
Calum x opener!reader HC 🍫
Cal on tour with Reader HC 🍫
Being Cal’s celebrity crush HC 🍫
Roommate!AU Cal x Reader HC 🍫
Dating Tattooist!Cal HC 🍫
Tattooist!Cal x reader sex HC 🍫
Dad!Calum HC 🍫
Being Cal’s flatmate Moodboard/HC 🍫
Twin-Dad Calum HC (P) 🍫
Cal x interviewer!reader HC (P) 🍫
Cal x 5th 5sos member HC (P) 🍫
Smoking Buddy Cal HC (P) 🍫
Cal x rock/grunge singer HC (P) 🍫
Stay Still : Tattooist/Piercer!Cake 🍭
Reader Insert, 3k, pure smut
Reader just wants their tits pierced and runs into a hot tattooist and their fuck buddy
Opaque : Cake 🍭
OC, 8k, Love Triangle
Model Luke and Grunge Cal like the same girl
Movie Snack : Cake 🍭
Reader insert, smut, 3.2k, poly
Luke gets bored during movies and Cal is over
Road Trip : Cake 🍭
Reader insert, soft, smut, 3.5k, poly
A Road Trip with the boys leads to smutty Cake
Road Trip pt 2 🍭
Reader insert, soft, smut, 3.3k, poly
The Road Trip continues
Poly Cake on tour with Reader HC 🍫
Poly Cake (Slytherin Cal, Hufflepuff Luke, Gryffindor Reader) HC 🍫
Poly Cake x reader, your first tattoo blurb 🍬
Poly Cake clubbing with reader blurb 🍬
Dirty talk with protective!Cake blurb 🍬
Putting on a show for Cake after their show blurb 🍬
2 snakes and a badger : Cashton 🍭
Reader Insert, smut, 4k, poly
Slytherin!Cal and Hufflepuff!Ash have a thing for Slytherin reader
Nascar and Nuero : Cashton 🍭
Reader Insert, Smut, 3.5k, poly
Neuro!Cal has a thing for his patient, Nascar!Ash’s girlfriend
Both : Cashton 🍭
Hemmings!Reader, smut, soft, 11.2k, poly
Reader is Luke’s sister and Cashton like her too much
Luxury : Gang!Cashton 🍭
OC, smut, soft, 12.6k, poly
Bartender Puppy catches the eye of 2 gang members
Patience: Gang AU Bonus Chapter 🍭
OC, Smut, 5.3k
Cashtonxpuppy smut and girl friend bonding
A Whole Lot of Love : Dom!Cashton (patreon exclusive) 🍭
reader insert, 3k, smut, poly
reader is a brat at a party and Cashton is not pleased
Camping, cockwarming and Cashton (patreon exclusive)🍭
Reader insert, 3.2k, smut
Cockwarming while camping gets even more interesting when a game of truth or dare reveals you think Ashton is hot
Poly Cashton on tour with reader HC 🍫
Poly Cashton (Slytherin Ash x Hufflepuff Cal x Slytherin reader) HC 🍫
Poly Cashton (Hufflepuff Ashton, Slytherin Cal, Hufflepuff Reader) HC 🍫
Poly Cashton sugar daddies x reader HC 🍫
Poly Cashton lazy day with reader HC 🍫
Poly Cashton (Gryffindor Ash/reader x Hufflepuff Cal) HC 🍫
Breaking Dom!Cashton’s rules blurb 🍬
Ash walking in on you and Cal blurb 🍬
Slytherin!Cashton x gryf!reader vibrating panties blurb 🍬
Dom!Cashton punishment and panties blurb 🍬
Cashton compete for reader’s orgasms blurb 🍬
Cashton birthday spanks blurb 🍬
Sex with doctor!Cashton in an on call room blurb 🍬
Cashton treating you on mothers day (P)🍬
Poly Malum (Toys) HC 🍫
Poly Malum on tour with reader HC 🍫
Poly hogwarts Malum (slytherin cal/michael x hufflepuff reader) HC 🍫
unnamed : fashion designer!Malum x reader oneshot (P) 🍭
reader insert, 3.8k, smut
why not fuck two of the biggest fashion designers in the game
Feeling Down : 4/4 🍭
reader insert, 1.5k, soft/fluff, poly
Depressed/Sad!Reader is feeling down while they vacation in a winter wonderland lodge, 4/4 help her feel better
4/4 x reader + all poly here
Kink masterlist Here
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warning: all of this was written 2013/2014-2016 so some aren’t that great. also i don't write for them anymore if you couldn't tell.
(this is in chronological order so the top of each section is the oldest and the bottom is the newest)
one shots:
countdown: he’ll finally be able to hold you in his arms (spy!luke) (submitted to 5sos-writing-things)
all about you: calum shows you just how much he loves you on your birthday (for maggie)
all i ask: you and luke spend one last night together
what breaks my heart: ashton finally realizes something 7 months later
all too well: the only things calum has left are the memories and your scarf
sunrise: until the very last sunrise (summer!5sos)
the only exception: ashton comes back for you
make you proud: ashton’s late-night songwriting leads to late-night confessions
late night talks with ashton
white flag (calum’s in love with you) (submitted to 5sos-writing-things)
an unexpected promise (zombie apocalypse au with michael) (submitted to 5sos-writing-things)
secrets and lies (vigilante!ashton) (submitted to 5sos-writing-things)
now (your first kiss with luke) (submitted to 5sos-writing-things)
in the library with college student!michael
michael doesn’t know what you see in him
later, princess (working at disney world with calum) (submitted to 5sos-writing-things)
part of your world (merman!michael) (submitted to 5sos-writing-things)
all of eternity (vampire!ashton)
luke helps you feel better after a long day
reincarnation soulmate au with ashton
ashton really likes holding your hand
fallen angel!luke
you beat michael at mario kart
you’re a boxer and michael can’t help but worry
a quiet night with luke
calum makes you feel good*
central park in the fall with ashton
#93: i tried but i just can’t stay away from you w/ michael
#60: before you decide to murder me, let me explain w/ calum
#71: kiss me, quick! w/ michael
#87: you were never just my friend w/ calum
#97: i want you and i know you want me too w/ ashton
#87: you were never just my friend w/ luke
everything that calum didn’t say
you and michael have too much history together
a night in with ashton
#88: don’t panic, but i think we might’ve accidentally gotten married w/ ashton
#64: are you ticklish? w/ calum
#71: kiss me, quick! w/ luke
#80: how can you think i’m anything but hopelessly in love with you? w/ michael
#74: don’t let go w/ luke
#69: why the hell are you bleeding?! w/ calum
christmas with ceo!luke
#72: i will knock you on your ass if you even think about it w/ luke
#65: i wish you could see yourself the way i see you w/ luke
dancing with roommate!michael
#71: kiss me, quick! w/ ashton
#76: i need you to pretend we’re dating w/ ashton
michael can’t help but get his hopes up
#94: i bet i can make you scream my name w/ ashton
#81: i need you to leave w/ luke
#53: who crawls through someone’s window at 4am to go for ice cream?! w/ michael
#62: it’s only one night, we’ll just share the bed w/ michael
calum and model!reader are seen leaving a nightclub together
model!reader meets calum backstage at the victoria’s secret fashion show
college student!calum has a lot on his plate
luke has a long night ahead of him: long night (part 1) // ghost of you (part 2)
soccer player!luke
doing nothing with ashton
attending a wedding with ashton
#31: i can’t keep kissing strangers and pretending that they’re you w/ ashton
#13: i thought you were dead + #29: i’m not going anywhere w/ ashton
late night skype sessions with michael
basketball player!ashton
michael asks you to prom
hockey player!luke
hockey player!calum
son of hypnos!michael
son of apollo!calum
son of zeus!luke
son of hecate!ashton
grocery store worker!ashton
department store worker!calum
boyfriend!luke with flowers
boyfriend!calum at a family bbq
boyfriend!michael helps you wash your car
boyfriend!ashton cheers you up
boyfriend!luke takes you ice skating
bath time with cal
you invite your high school friend michael to your wedding
ashton finally sees color when he meets his soulmate
late night tour bus talks with michael
calum kills a bug for you
daddy!calum says bye to his kid at the airport
michael just wants cuddles
your first concert with ash
first valentine’s day with calum
“calum looked at you like…”
laying in bed with ashton
you walk out after a fight with michael
luke falls off the bed
michael loves when you touch his hair
camping with ashton and the boys
michael’s first “i love you” to you
tattoo artist!luke
badboy!ashton let’s you drive his car
badboy!calum admires last night’s marks
michael can’t choose who he wants to be his best man
you accidentally send luke a picture of your wedding dress
calum is protective of you during your pregnancy
badboy!ashton leaves his jacket at your house
badboy!calum shares his headphones with you
calum likes using your coconut body wash
you and roommate!calum get sick at the same time
roommate!luke likes using your perfume
fratboy!michael claims you’re his good luck charm
you love michael’s tummy
pool party with michael
playful boyfriend calum part 1 // part 2 // part 3
waking up next to calum
celebrity!reader is rumored to be dating luke
neighbor!calum shows off while doing yard work
neighbor!ashton’s dog seems to really like you
you bring the colors into tattoo artist!luke’s life
ceo!michael brings his daughter to work
ceo!calum is nervous before a big meeting
surfer!luke is slowly finding a different #1
hogwarts student!calum makes your life magical
ravenclaw!luke was a curious boy
hogsmeade weekends with hogwarts student!ashton
hogwarts student!michael teaches you the patronus charm
you have a crush on camp counselor!luke
camp counselor!michael has a crush on you
you confront werewolf!ashton about who he is
you confront supernatural hunter!calum part 1 // part 2
demon!michael shows fallen angel!reader what it means to truly live
werewolf!reader and werewolf!luke try to find a new pack
art student!ashton gets caught
seeing med student!luke at a party
aerospace engineering major!luke has stars in his eyes
fratboy!michael has been trying really hard to impress you
ashton and your daughter like to spend their time outside
skater!calum has an accident
michael really loves disney movies
merman!luke spots a glass-bottom boat
you and calum are balloon vendors at disney world
you’re dating merman!ashton
calum’s world has ended (zombie apocalypse au)
michael is determined to protect you during the purge
ashton regrets asking for directions (zombie apocalypse au)
you and luke meet other survivors (zombie apocalypse au)
your last moments with ashton (zombie apocalypse au)
luke comes back to broken windows (zombie apocalypse au)
your last moments with michael (zombie apocalypse au)
luke proposes during the middle of a fight (zombie apocalypse au)
left 4 dead/zombie apocalypse au
calum’s grey state champs shirt
road tripping with ashton
fratboy!calum only shows up on time for you
being best friends with college student!michael
demon!calum and demon!luke interrogate angel!reader part 1 // part 2 // part 3 // part 4 // part 5 // part 6
baseball player!ashton finds out you’re pregnant
you and luke are the “nerd couple”
luke helps you during your time of the month
sleeping at luke’s for the first time
waking up next to fratboy!michael
driving around with fratboy!luke
fratboy!calum wants to celebrate
barista!calum finally makes his move
barista!michael tries to cheer you up
amity!luke comforts you during the dauntless initiation (divergent au)
amity!ashton is the sunshine that you need (divergent au)
son of apollo!luke takes you out on a date
son of vulcan!michael is the luckiest demigod in the world
child of hades!reader finds a home in son of hestia!michael
son of demeter!ashton likes to leave a flower for you every morning
son of iris!michael accepts himself for who he is
son of hephaestus!calum is only good with machines
autumn with calum
ceo!ashton has a surprise for you
soccer player!calum tries to show off for you
ashton loves to snapchat you
calum really doesn’t like the cold
warped tour with ashton
calum loves jazz music
mini series:
pirate!5sos ashton // calum // luke // michael
nyc!5sos ashton // calum // luke // michael
every part of you (a.i) part 1 // discontinued lmao rip
click here for requests!
click here for writing recs!
#sorry for the super long post lmao ignore this as i try to fix my masterlist that apparently isn't working#i put a read more on this lmfao sorry if it doesn't work
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21 Question Tag
I was tagged by @heartbreak-5sos
Nicknames: Ali
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Height: 5'0
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Last Thing I Googled: Disney internship GPA requirement
Fave Musicians: 5sos, Hozier, Queen, Paramore
Song Stuck In My Head: Friends Will Be Friends by Queen (I blame 5sos for naming their charity Friends of Friends this song has been stuck in my head for almost a week)
Following: 270
Followers: 715
Do You Get Asks: sometimes, i love getting blurbs
Amount Of Sleep: I usually sleep for 5-8 hours
Lucky Number: 13
What Are You Wearing: black and yellow billabong flowy pants and a black tanktop
Dream Job: Manager of a Hotel
Dream Trip: Australia or Italy, would love to travel the world
Instruments: little bit of piano, played oboe in middle school, vocals if that counts
Languages: English
Favorite Song: In a Week by Hozier or The Night We Met by Lord Huron
Random Fact: If you play Queen while boating in the gulf, you will see tons of dolphins (no manatees tho)
Aesthetic: good book on a rainy day, basking in the sun until your skin is warm, leather journals, smudged ink, being outside late at night and staring at the stars.
I tag @flannelpunkcalum @irwinkitten @calumsmermaid @calteahood @dukehoods
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I honestly still can't get over your imagine Riddikulus tbh. It's such a cute concept and I love it. Have you ever thought about making a part 2?
i never really thought of a part two since it was for a blurb night but omg hogwarts!5sos is one of my fav concepts i'm always open for some good conversations and asks about it! if you ever wanna elaborate or request something my hufflepuff heart would gladly write some more! (also thank you sosososososo much for liking that one shot)
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blurb nights!!
so as y’all know, you voted on blurbs you wanted and I’ve finally worked out the days that I’m going to do them.
Plus sized!reader - 12th of May Dad!sos - Poly!sos - Hogwarts!sos - Roommate!sos -
These will possibly change depending on what the hell is going on with lockdown but I’ll make a post as and when it happens. Keep your eyes open and send in those requests 👀
EDIT: i have since taken out the dates thanks to breakdown hours and it’s all a little bit skewed now.
#5sos blurbs#luke hemmings blurbs#calum hood blurbs#ashton irwin blurbs#michael clifford blurbs#blurb night#hogwarts 5sos#dad 5sos#poly!sos#plus sized 5sos#roommate 5sos#5sos blurb#ashton irwin blurb#michael clifford blurb#calum hood blurb#luke hemmings blurb
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Please give me headcanons about slytherin!calum and a hufflepuff. I want to torture myself with feels.
i know you asked for headcanons but this lil prompt popped up in my head and i couldn’t help but write this whoopsies
“This is wrong–we’re going to get into so much trouble if we get caught,” you breathed, your voice slightly shaky from nerves, your hand squeezing the one of the Slytherin holding it.
Calum threw a smirk at you over his shoulder, looking every bit of the Slytherin that had swept you off your feet. “Don’t be such a Hufflepuff,” he teased, snickering at the narrow eyed pout on your features. He was joking, of course, which is why you still let him drag you along. If anyone else told you those exact words, you knew they were doing it condescendingly, but not Calum. “We’re not going to get caught, not with this around us.”
You pursed your lips as you kept walking, your free hand holding the cloak around your body as the twigs crunched under your shoes. “I can’t believe you stole from the Room of Requirement,” you muttered in mild disbelief, unable to help yourself as you glanced around warily. The Invisibility Cloak, a rare item that belonged in Hogwarts rather than around your shoulders, kept you hidden from everyone, but you still felt a small ball of unease in the pit of your stomach. Calum’s hand holding yours and his presence was the only thing that kept you walking further from the castle and towards wherever Calum was pulling you.
It was just a little bit before dawn when Calum had called for you, sending in an enchanted paper airplane into your bedroom. You had no idea how he got it to get past the walls and all the way to your room, and made it a point to ask him for the spell later, but you were currently too busy worrying over the ramifications of your current actions. Being out of the castle outside of permitted hours was grounds for some kind of punishment, and you weren’t too keen on finding out what those were.
But you always had trouble saying no to Calum. At the end of the day, your heart always gave into your favorite mischievous Slytherin.
When you passed Hagrid’s hut, your frown deepened, realizing you were going further than you already would’ve liked. “Calum,” you worried, tightening your grip on his hand as you forced him to come to a stop. The cloak remained around you as he faced you, his eyebrows raising in question. “Where are you taking me? We’re already far enough–”
“Just a little bit more,” Calum cut you off, confident in the cloak staying around you as his other hand came up to cup your cheek. He only ever wore his Slytherin ring when he went to sleep, his fingers bare from the others, and the cool metal of it sent a shiver down your spine as your eyes connected with his dark ones. Gone was the mischief, replaced by sincerity. “I promise you we’ll be fine.”
You pulled your lower lip into your mouth, glancing over your shoulder at the sight of the castle in the distance. You felt Calum’s thumb on your chin as you turned to face him again, feeling him release your bottom lip from your own grip before he dipped his head and pressed a sweet kiss no one would except a Slytherin to be capable of. Except you, of course.
You sighed into him, dazed in how easily he could relax you, before he pulled away and murmured, “You’re not gonna regret this, pretty girl.”
So you let him pull you along just a little bit more, the cloak keeping you hidden as your eyes remained on his back leading the way. It was still a bit dark out, the early morning keeping everything in a quiet lull, but you could see Calum perfectly. Tall, confident, and every bit of the boy you’ve heard other students say he was incapable of being. But you knew him, and you knew behind the Slytherin mischievousness and cunning was a boy who had the softest heart you knew.
“Here we are.” Calum stopped, glancing down at you with an expectant smile as you forced yourself to look away and at what he brought you to. And your breath stopped.
You were towards the edge of the elevated mountain Hogwarts resided on, the water below glimmering under the early morning light as the wide sky above began transforming into hues of oranges and blues as it turned to dawn. It was a breathtaking sight as the water sparkled and the sky began coming to life with the sun slowly rising, the mountains on the other side being lit up by it and you felt your grip on Calum’s hand tighten.
“What are we–” you cut yourself off, a breathy laugh escaping you as you looked up at Calum. “Why’d you bring me here?”
Calum took the cloak off of you both, letting it drop to the ground behind you as he looked out at the coloring horizon. “It’s my favorite place,” he answered, lips twitching into a soft smile he reserved for you rather than the signature smirk he sported almost always. “Seemed only fair to bring my favorite witch to it.”
His words had a warmth spreading across your cheeks, the smile spreading on your lips as you couldn’t help but loyally tease, “For a Slytherin, that line was pretty cheesy.”
Calum snorted, his arm going around your shoulders to pull you close, pressing a tender kiss to the crown of your head as he sighed dramatically. “You’ve ruined me, Hufflepuff.”
Your smile widened, arms winding around his waist under his robes as you inhaled his familiar scent that reminded you of firewood. “But you’re okay with that, aren’t you?”
hogwarts!5sos blurb weekend with @irwinkitten
#hogwarts 5sos blurb night#calum hood#calum hood blurb#calum hood blurbs#slytherin!calum#5sos#5 seconds of summer#5sos blurb#5sos blurbs
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(hogwarts!5sos) you and Luke are in the same potions class and you both drink hot chocolate but yours is peppermint and as a joke the boys put your amortentia in his drink and he drinks it and then realizes it smells like peppermint and then the amortentia kicks in (also can you make y/n a hufflepuff and they both have a crush on eachother) take this wherever you want sorry if it doesn’t make sense lmao💛
huge thank you to my gal Laura for her help on this!
Luke wanted to be mad at his friends, but the second his eyes refocused on you, every nasty thought he harboured towards his friends disappeared.
You noticed him being doe eyed towards you, and for a brief second you were concerned for the Gryffindor before you noticed the glazed over look in his eyes and you groaned before turning to scowl at Michael who sat on the next table over, smirking as he continued with his potion.
Slughorn was still busy and Luke finally spoke.
“I’ve always thought you had pretty eyes, Y/N.” The blush was creeping up your cheeks as you glanced over to Slughorn and nearly groaned. He was still on the first student he began helping five minutes ago.
“Luke, you’ve been slipped the potion, this isn’t you talking.”
“Are you sure, considering my potion smelt of peppermint and chocolate?” That brought you up short as you looked at him properly and the dopey look crossed his features again and you knew this couldn’t wait, so you stuck your hand up in the air, catching Slughorn’s attention immediately.
“I think someone’s put some in his drink as a prank, sir.” You kept your line of sight away from Michael. You may have been annoyed with the smirking Gryffindor, but you knew better than to just drop him into boiling water.
“Not to worry Miss Y/L/N. Mr Hemmings will be perfectly fine. As for the potion, judging from the pearly sheen and Mr Hemmings reactions, I’d say you’ve earned an O for the day. Get your stuff cleared up and help him to the hospital wing, there’s a wonderful lass.” You sighed before vanishing the contents of the potion, a quick wave and suddenly the station was clean and your stuff packed away.
Picking up Luke’s stuff as well as yours, you flipped Michael the middle finger before looping an arm through Luke’s, earning you a wide smile.
“C’mon handsome, lets get you to Madam Pomfrey.” He didn’t fight you as the pair of you made your way up to the hospital wing.
“I wasn’t joking when I said you have pretty eyes, Y/N.” Luke’s voice was almost dreamy like and you laughed.
“That’s definitely the potion talking, if you still think that, I’ll give you a chance when you’ve had the antidote.”
Luke fell quiet as they reached the hospital wing and you waited patiently whilst Madam Pomfrey administered the antidote to Luke, your giggle floating over her stern reminder that he shouldn’t be messing with such dangerous potions.
Once she allowed him to leave, Luke gratefully took his bag from you before throwing his arm across your shoulder, causing your cheeks to burn.
“So, you’ve got really pretty eyes.” Instead of a cocky smirk on his lips, there was a sincere smile and you could feel your heart skip a beat.
“You—wait, you weren’t kidding?” Luke laughed before tucking you properly into his side as the two of you made your way down to the Great Hall.
“Nope. I think Mike did it, not only because he’s an asshole housemate of mine, but I’m almost positive he’s sick of hearing me complain how you won’t even look in my direction some days.” You could see on his face the hesitance to admit this out loud, so you cut him some slack.
“Sorry. It’s just you’re handsome and some days I get flustered.” You finally admitted and he stopped in his tracks, causing you to stop with him.
A wide grin was stretched across his face.“Really?”
“Yeah…” You trailed off and he let out a shaky laugh before pulling you into one of the small alcoves, hidden from the view of the empty halls.
“Can I kiss you?” The question was rushed and you could stopped yourself from teasing him about his Gryffindor courage, only able to nod. And then his lips were on yours and you allowed the realisation to settle that he was being serious.
When he pulled away both of you were wearing matching grins, foreheads resting against the others as he pushed some hair out of your face.
“Who knew it’d take a Gryffindor to get dosed with amortentia before he could get the courage to kiss the girl?” You finally teased, the smile still on your lips.
Luke groaned.“I’m never going to live this down.”
hogwarts!5sos blurb weekend with @irwinkitten
#anonymous#hogwarts 5sos blurb night#gryffindor!luke#luke hemmings#5sos#5 seconds of summer#luke hemmings blurb#luke hemmings blurbs#5sos blurb#5sos blurbs
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what do u think the 5os boys houses would be? and what kind of wands would they have? ohhhh and what would be their patronus's? (sry that was a lot of questions i just nEeD tO kNoW)
so Laura already answered the patronus question here and i completely agree with her answers. as for houses, i think it was decided that Calum could be either Hufflepuff or Slytherin ((i love him for Slytherin oof)), Ashton would be Slytherin or maybe Ravenclaw, Luke as Gryffindor, and i think Michael could also go as Slytherin or Ravenclaw imo.
as for wands, ((i’m just doing what wood they’d be made out of)) i think Ashton’s would be made of Beech bc it’s described as belonging to someone who is wise beyond their years. Michael’s would be of Dogwood, which is known to be mischievous and playful natures but can still perform outstanding spells. Luke’s would be Ebony bc it says its best for those who have the courage to be themselves & esp in this era i think that best fits Luke. and for Calum, i think he’d have a wand made of Fir, esp bc it’s described as “favoring owners of focused, strong-minded and, occasionally, intimidating demeanor” and that just screams Calum to me omg
hogwarts!5sos blurb weekend with @irwinkitten
#rip-lukes-balsamic#hogwarts 5sos blurb night#luke hemmings#ashton irwin#michael clifford#calum hood#5sos#5 seconds of summer#calum hood blurb#calum hood blurbs#ashton irwin blurb#ashton irwin blurbs#michael clifford blurb#michael clifford blurbs#luke hemmings blurb#luke hemmings blurbs#5sos blurb#5sos blurbs
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ok I know yall already established the boys’ houses (and as much as my lil hufflepuff heart would like to believe that cal is a slytherin - cause the two houses are v good friends) i have to believe cal is a hufflepuff and ash is a slytherin and imma tell you why: Ashton has been the defacto leader of 5sos, they admitted that he pushed them to advance their career and fully pursue music he has the ambition and he has the cunning, hes always thinking ahead to whats next for them (1/?)
Ash is also stubborn and hard-headed, he is opinionated and he will not hesitate to share them even if theyre not fully formed, as has been established, slytherins are not intrinsically evil and thats why hufflepuffs are good friends for them, hufflepuffs know better than to believe that and so for Ashtons domineering, clever, ambitious, determined personality I say he is a slytherin through and through. As for Cal, mans is a whole hufflepuff. He is loyal to his loved ones to no end (2/?)
the same can be said for Ashton with regard to loyalty, but I think the real defining thing for cal is that hes humble AS FUCK (not to say that ash isnt, but ash is loud about it) Cal just loves his friends and family, he is careful about who he trusts but he isnt particularly judgmental. Cal is happy to be in the background just being supportive and definitely dedicated and passionate about what he does but hes not about the spotlight hes just here for a good time with his friends (3/?)
I just think maybe as a collective we got the houses a lil backwards for cal and ash (and ashton definitely walks the line between the two houses but in my heart of hearts hes a whole slytherin). To sum up, Cal is hufflepuff and Ash is slytherin for the aforementioned reasons - based on my perceptions of them as people. (side note your mobile theme is giving me huff vibes and i fux with it). The end. 😘
honestly,,,, i really like this omg. i can totally see Ashton as a Slytherin with how he is in the band, almost like the driving force to always pushing the band forward, and Calum def has Hufflepuff traits. i fuck with it.
hogwarts!5sos blurb weekend with @irwinkitten
#slimthicccal#hogwarts 5sos blurb night#slytherin!ashton#hufflepuff!calum#calum hood blurb#calum hood blurbs#ashton irwin blurb#ashton irwin blurbs#ashton irwin#calum hood#5sos#5sos blurb#5sos blurbs
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also just to add to the hogwarts!5sos world, all of the boys on their respective house quidditch team? Cal being one of Slytherin’s Chasers, Ash being one of Hufflepuff’s Beater, Mike as a seeker and Luke as a keeper.
listen,,, oh my god. they would all take their sport so seriously, never going easy on the other if their houses had a match against one another, while the remaining two ((if they were in diff houses)) would cheer them both from the stands. and the games would always be so intense because they’d all be so good at their positions. Calum always manages to throw the quaffle through the hoops but if Luke was on the team opposing his, then it’d always be intense bc Luke’s good at his post. Mike’s a whiz on the broom he makes catching the golden snitch look easy, while Ashton is brutal as a beater. quidditch is already a sport enjoyed by everyone, but when the four of them are playing, it makes things all the more interesting
hogwarts!5sos blurb weekend with @irwinkitten
#irwnsrcses#hogwarts 5sos blurb night#calum hood#ashton irwin#michael clifford#luke hemmings#calum hood blurb#calum hood blurbs#luke hemmings blurb#luke hemmings blurbs#ashton irwin blurb#ashton irwin blurbs#michael clifford blurb#michael clifford blurbs#5sos
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