#hogh sorry for taking aaaaages replying to this one
alta1r1an · 3 months
Pythus wakes up to find a small wooden box at the foot of his bed. It is ticking softly and appears to be held closed by a simple puzzle lock. A metal plate on the box's lid reads "this is a trap"
There is no sign of whoever or whatever left this 'present', what does Pythus do?
Pythus finds the box when he swungs his paws out of his bunk at 6 in the morning sharp. Ready for a new day, but first thought on his mind is getting himself ready for morning training! He doesn't want to be late.
The box rattles as his paw collides with it, and then the ticking is clear to his ears.
"Burn me... not now"
For Meteo's sake he hoped it wasn't another one of his pranks or the guy would be doing laps until he passed out.
Pythus had half a mind to just crush it under his footpaw, but the voice of Gaius telling him that you cant just destroy puzzles rather than solve them rung in his mind. He inspected it for a bit longer, before deciding that trying to solve the puzzle was not worth the effort (they were admittedly not his strength)
"Damn Puzzles... bet some Iron dandy made this... ugh"
He inspected the box for a while, before concluding there was no safe way to disarm it. With a deep breath, he decided on his plan of action. He summoned his magic, and projected a small countering bubble around it so he could carry it.
...Surely leaving it away from the lumberyard and sawmills and informing someone else of it should be fine?
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