#hobie and gwen are soulmates by choice AND by chance
punkeropercyjackson 2 days
When Gwen went to visit Miles,she thought to put on Hobie's sweater first and the patches on it are implied to be Gwen's,not Hobie's(he lets her personalize his clothes)
Miles accidentally forced Gwen to get a haircut and Gwen kept the sideshave as she grew out her hair and she also choose to dye it pink,the color Hobie turns when he's happiest around the people he loves the most,and he might've been the one who convinced her to get that color/style specificially
In the comics,Hobie was a Gwen Stacy fanboy and she's that cool slightly older girl it's easy for most boys to get a crush on.And in the movies,Gwen looks up to Hobie Brown and he's that cool slightly older boy it's easy for most girls to get a crush on
Gwen said 'Oh,you would love him!' about Hobie and 'That's different' in a noticably flustered tone when Miles compared their dynamic to his and Gwen's in response and Pavitr slyly commented Miles wouldn't know about Hobie twice and Hobie himself said 'Gwendy,how much have you told him?' with no actual clearups on what he meant and 'A couple dozen' when Miles asked how many missions they'd been on together and Gwen got flustered again and tried to deny the full extent of her closeness to Hobie.Hobie knew exactly what he was implying,both him and Miles,and he was bragging,not to make Miles jealous as confirmed by the crew wasn't his intent at all in the Gwen and Miles deal,but out of love for Gwen and pride over their relathionship status
'Self-Love',the 'Gwen love ballad',has the lyrics drink too much,think too much,thoughts drownin' me(havin' a laugh at a pub with the mandem),you don't know love you just show love stop doubtin' me(VERY indictive of what Hobie's attitude towards Gwen must've been like as their friendship started forming and no doubt Hobie has his own insecurities and trauma Gwen smothers him in adoration and care and respect to help him heal considering how unashamedly and openly she loves him to other people's faces and being 'starry-eyed' at him in a concept),cuff me told the truth to him he don't trust me(literally Hobie making reverse racism real on George's ass when he forced him to give Gwen the watch he made her and even to leave her his love note with it),hate to see yeah woah money scheme yeah woah(it's a metaphor for capitalism),live and questionable(i'm not a role model),love hangin' out say you hate it now(how tight Gwen and Hobie are away from prying eyes vs Gwen's denial denial denial over it to not be teased by her cheeky ahh friends)
A pastel punk trans girl vigilante Variant of thee character that's characterized by being fridged for a male superheroes development and a normie nerd girl back when they're alive that's doomed to the same fate almost every time,except when she's a Ghost,our Gwen,and an afropunk adultified troubled but good kid with a mantle that typically belongs to a white man he did his own cooler spin on Variant of an obscure supervillain.They weren't this important to eachother,much less love interests,in any other story before and they weren't sure how things went,even with themselves,but they were just happy to be with eachother because they need eachother and always rushed to be there first and always still do
Gwen is watercolors style and Hobie is a diy zine but they're both basically human mood rings.They both had a scene of being enraged at an authority figure they know is corrupted better than anyone else as they turned a deep blue and of teaching Miles to relax his hands to better use his powers too and he's gotta look out for his drummer,who doubles as his vocalist as seen in another concept because Spider(wo)man can do both and he hates labels but he loves Gwendy so maybe 'my girlfriend' can be something he wants to label her as and she steals his chucks and leaves her toothbrush and sweaters at his place(sleepy snuggling and nonsexual intimacy levels are high)and he's more her home than Spider Society ever was
In every other universe,Gwen Stacy falls for Spiderman.And since in every other universe it dosen't end well,Gwen couldn't let herself fall for Miles.But Hobie Brown's not Spiderman,he's SpiderPUNK so Gwen never resisted falling for him because she never thought to and couldn't hold back how much she loves and wants him so she fell harder and he fell just as hardcore and at the same time as her,no holding back or fallout.How deep their connection goes is up to them,not any Canon Events.Gwen choose Hobie over canon and he saved her before anyone else did.He may not believe in consistency but he believes in her and she knows he's a good guy even though he's not 'supposed' to be
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punkeropercyjackson 2 months
Absolutely how in Atsv Gwen and Hobie are so intimately romantic with eachother but completely nonsexually.Gwen leaving her sweater and toothbrush at Hobie's place?No tongue in the cheek hints to them sleeping together and it along with stealing his chucks and jumpers is potrayed as a show of trust and how safe he makes her feel.Hobie being a cocky ahh asshole(yet somehow not mean)in his Gwen's flirtatiouns?It's all teammate-y and familiar teasing and he compliments her genuinely and she gets flustered at his display for her but flirts back no hesitation and is only holding back because she's embarrassed Miles is watching and Hobie is clearly doing it to rub it in how much he loves his lil girlfriend and she feels just as strongly as seen by her literally swooning over him in his namedrop in the film proper.Gwen living with Hobie part time and Hobie looking after her and inviting her to be his drummer?We're giving hints to typical punk teenage bonding all over the place,in the text,in the interviews,in the supplementary material and you can feel it happened through their interactions that're so soft and tender and they never treat eachother as a burden or someone they want something out of or as replacements for anyone else or as anything except Gwen's best friend and total crush Hobie and Hobie's best friend and total crush Gwen.They deadass act like a married couple and none of their entire relathionship is sexual.Because teenagers lives don't revolve around fucking and being sex appeal and they shouldn't and the sexification of underaged characters is absolutely a major part of pedophillia culture,which Hobie and Gwen themselves would be/are against as punks i.e nonconformists who refuse to live up to normies expectations.Gwen's not a prize or a goal for Hobie and Hobie's not an object or a Miles decoy for Gwen.They're genuinely and so sweetly and weirdly(affectionate)in love and it's so beautiful to see an actual well-written 'pastel sunshine sweet girl x hardcore self-confident alt dude' ship that gives both of individually and their relathionships,by giving Gwen an edge and bite and making Hobie as much as sunny sweetheart as Gwen and it just makes so much sense with all that combined they're boyfriend and girlfriend.Not some jailbait bullshit,not cishet nonsense,not antiblack propaganda,but two traumatized trans audhd punk teenagers who fully respect,take care of,appreciate,understand and reach out to connect to eachother
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Ship of all time.........
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punkeropercyjackson 3 months
I NEED to say what i just did the tags the post under this and it's that Hobie dosen't even 'not have a baby face',he does,he's literally a fucking baby but he's also black as fuck so that's what makes him a grown ass man to y'all.Don't lie to me Webcrackheads,i SAW you infantalizing the shit out of all three live action Peters even though they're all played by grown ass man.It's a dead ringer for how i'm a black biracial woman with only half siblings and one's my brother on my mom's side and how he's a huge weirdo and a rebel just like i was and even does previously underaged drinking and dangerous stunts and is freakishly tall and deepvoiced just like Hobie but never got adultifying and mocking comments for acting like a real kid like me and even though he's an adult now,he's still treated as a lil boy in a way i never got to have.You only think Hobie's grown 'cause you think he's a threat to Gwen for being a black boy her age she's dating even though he's literally her Punk Prince Charming,you only think Hobie's 'basically Miles' brother' because they're BOTH black,you only think Hobie would rather hang with Noir to fight fascists than with Margo to be happy black teenagers for once because you hate seeing black children safe because you think they should be child soldiers if they wanna earn their existense,you only think Hobie is the manly man to Pavitr's 'f*mboy'(a tma slur bee tee dubs,not a transmasc term)even though he's as femme a lot of punk female characters are because he's black(and because Pavitr is asian!!!and you infantalize Gwen and deromance her Hobie dynamic because you think trans girls are unappealing as best friends to romantic partners instead of idealized concepts!),you only think Hobie isn't a precious lil boy doing his best because he's black so you can't think of as an innocent with the right morals and actions instead of an attention seeking wolf in sheep's clothing.I'd say 'You should be friends with teenagers for once instead cyberbullying them and crying ageism when they don't take your shit' but you'd probably end up showing them graphic porn and grooming them with white ass 'fandom culture'
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punkeropercyjackson 4 months
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What Hobie should've said to Miles
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punkeropercyjackson 2 months
Black Gwen would make this literally the perfect ship
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punkeropercyjackson 4 months
Hobie is NOT mean,Hobie is NOT gross,Hobie is NOT perverted,Hobie is NOT misogynistic,Hobie is NOT all edge,Hobie is NOT fucking 'scary-looking'.Hobie is an incredibly sweet and gentle boy who did nothing but be kind to everyone around him except authority figures and that's not being cruel,it's having social awareness and a drive to fights for what's right and killing fascists isn't cruel either,it's activism,direct action and not being a fence sitter!Hobie isn't punk to be hot,Hobie is punk because he's black so it's HIS culture,it's OUR culture and y'all are telling on yourselves by reducing it down to sex appeal and down to edge too because he's canonically soft too seeing how nice and goofy he is,PLUS the pink motif,that concept art of him with a cat charm on his Watch,his care for Mayday and being transmasc4transfem best friends to lovers with Gwen,who's a trans girl and PASTEL punk.'Siblings-coded' my ass,they act like a married couple and y'all are so darksided for never popularizing black Gwen even a year later when yt Gwen is quite literally the ONLY problem with Ghostpunk and i know damn well admitting they're a thing would force y'all to also admit your Hobie interpretations of him being a bad boyfriend who only treats Gwen good because he sees her platonically are purely from antiblackness.Just say it:You think Hobie is a bad person because he's afropunk but think it's a compliment due finding him attractive and never consider maybe black people just have standards for ourselves and when we do you think we're being 'bullies' and 'puritans'.SAY IT WITH YOUR CHEST COLONISADORES,YOU DID EVERYTHING ELSE!!!! Be like Hobie since you love him so much,don't play possum!!!!
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punkeropercyjackson 2 months
Ghostpunk is Hobie va approved(Daniel Kaluuya talked positively about the romance between Hobie and Gwen in an interview and said how deep their friendship goes is up to them/us)and Punkflower is Hobie design model approved(Cai Lullaby tagged his Spiderpunk cosplay as Hobie x Miles)and as a Ghostpunkflower stan i fucking love to see it and my crops(my vegetable garden i started because of being afrosolarpunk)are thriving
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punkeropercyjackson 2 months
Percy and Annabeth vs Hobie and Gwen is thee example of what people think good m/f ships are written like vs actual queer and autistic4autistic-coded m/f ships.Percabeth had five books of fake slowburn with cisheteronormavity and amatonormativity injected directly into every bit of it's dynamic and Annabeth being highkey toxic and a pick me who didn't like any other girls except her sister(Thalia)and Percy was forced to just accept it because literal nepotism baby knows best and he talks about and lowkey treats her like the 'ol ball and chain meanwhile Ghostpunk is canonically t4t hardcore softie edgy punk bf x soft with an edge pastel punk gf and tism4tism almost textually and they're so comfortable,touchy,cheesy and dramatic with and about eachother and Gwen gets shy when Hobie flirts with her but flirts back nonetheless in a way that's obvious these are their regular interactions and their classic m/f tropes like her stealing his clothes feel genuine due to it and he towers over her and you KNOW their tboy and tgirl asses love it and he also convinced her to dye her hair and she sings him praises and takes care of him back as he does her and they LIVE together because he took her in when she was homeless aftee he abusive dad kicked her out for vigilanteism.So of course everybody kisses Percabecky's ass and calls Gwobie canonically platonic and gross because the heteropatriachy is real BUT IDGAF馃棧馃棧馃棧PERCABETH IS LOSER SHIT AND GHOSTPUNK IS SOULMATES BY CHOICE AND CHANCE SHIT
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punkeropercyjackson 3 months
The contrast between my relathionship hcs for Ghostpunk vs Flowerbyte:
Gwen is a biracial lightskin afrolatina because Hobie obvs should be black4black and GWEN should be black and they actually ended up having pretty good chemistry so it all comes together!!They met Bubbline style at one of his concert's where Gwen's autistic ass found him hot as fuck and made an absolute fool of herself but HOBIE'S autistic ass found THAT hot as fuck so he invited her upstage to sing as a ref to that one concept art and they reunited the next day at Spider Society when Gwen ran up to him and introduced herself as the girl from last night since she recognized him as that other kid Jessica also mentors and he was stunned at his Spider Sense not having gone at her but she reached out to unmask him and he smirked as he went to do the same to her,saying 'Eager to see your pretty face again too,Gwendita' and then they get a good look at eachother,link arms and walk along together as they yap and yap on until they're best friends from that day on
The reasons their Spider Senses didn't go off is that they weren't supposed to meet as a romantic reflection to Siblings!Ghost Flower,Hobie and Gwen are soulmates by choice AND by chance and Hobie got Gwen into the political sides of punk so she could really be pastel punk and that was when all her emotional ties to George were cut and Gwen helped Hobie heal his inner child by introducing him to her hobbies and treating him like a real kid because she knows he's earned it after all that adultification trauma and wants to be the one who gives it to him the most.She calls him 'Hubbie' for the obvious pun and 'Gwendita' is spanish for Gwendy but cheesier and they're so on the same tune 24/7 they might as well have been married for infinite lifetimes.They're that 'You had a crush on me?' 'Of course i did.Who wouldn't?' quote mutually and their animal variants are Hobie the land shark and Gwen Catcy
And Flowerbyte is like.Well first of Margo is haitian and transmasc genderfluid but an any pronouns in her bio femme who dosen't want t or surgeries for extra gender fuckery,JOT that down,this is canon鈩笍 and Miles has genders the Spiderverse ain't even invented yet and he's a dreadhead,SO JOT THAT DOWN!!!!!Okay so Spider Sense.Flowerbyte IS a fated love story!!But a fated BLACK love story!In every universe,Miles Morales falls for a black girl but not every black girl gets her Miles Morales.It's a metaphor/commentary on the disposable black girlfriend trope and it's all about uplifting Margo,MILES uplifting Margo but don't get it twisted,she loves and protects him just as much back and she's a fully fleshed out character,not just a martyr.They fit eachother for similar reasons yet opposite Ghostpunk do-They have so much in common but those little differences is what makes them bug out over eachother.They want to UNDERSTAND eachother and they do without even trying because they're already on the same typa beat
Which sounds super poetic and beautiful and ofc it is but also they are so.Fucking goofy ahh about it馃槶Margo got that no filter followed by instant shame 'tism but he pulls Miles with it every time and they act like those fuckin' lovesick toons around eachother one second but then partners in crime the next no blinking denial denial denial the next and Kessles + Gwobie are the Spidey Core Four as the Atsv mcs so Miles tried to go to Hobie for advice only to freak out the second he got close to asking Margo out and Margo tried to flirt with her by speaking the Animal Crossing villager language not once not thrice but TWICE and Jeffrio shipped them embarrasingly hard because Margo is PERFECT for their girasolito-WHAT THE FUCK??????IT'S MILES G COMING IN WITH THE SHOULDER TOUCH
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punkeropercyjackson 5 months
I'm so fucking pissed over the lack of Flowerghost Brothers(Miles and Jason)and Bluepunk Siblings(Hobie and Percy)content rn.Objectively both duos would get along on first meeting if written in-character and like eachother as people and they have a lot of potential for straight up being platonic soulmates by choice thanks to the TONS of things in common between them that also have a few contrasts going on to keep things interesting and there's big ass overlap between the Spiderverse,DC and Pjo fandoms(not necessarily all three at once though)so what gives exactly?Especially seeing as y'all niggas will pair up Jason with every male character in existense but MILES is the only one who's actually a perfect PLATONIC fit for him no change needed and Hobie is deadass the intentionally black Percy Jackson y'all supposedly 'fought' for down to every last detail only he's english and not the protag.Is there a problem?Why do y'all not think Jason and Percy would be best friends with Miles and Hobie over all their actual personalities and stories but jump at the chance to compare them to white boys just BECAUSE they're white boys and straight up say it as the reason often even when it always don't fit?Why can't Miles and Hobie be like Jason and Percy?D'y'all got any evidence against it or even the Percy and GWEN similarities i can pull out of the top of my head that dosen't revolve around not reading comics and not wanting realistic representation in favor of jokes?Do you?
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