#hobie and gwen are soulmates by choice AND by chance
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punkeropercyjackson 22 days ago
Within the writing themes of Spiderverse and on a meta level(which counts as one),Ghostpunk makes more sense than than Ghost.Flower.Important note:I'm not anti G/M,this is simple my meta on why Hobie and Gwen work so well
Gwen went to visit Miles but she thought to put on Hobie's sweater first and he lets her add her own customization to it as seen by the patches on it that were confirmed to be hers and not his.Gwen steals Hobie's clothes as a way to make herself feel safe and even took his chucks too to emulate his style.She did steal Miles' jacket but only way after she did that with Hobie's clothes at multiple points
Miles accidentally forced Gwen to get a haircut and Gwen chose to dye it part pink,the color Hobie turns when he's happiest,notably only after she met Hobie and it brings to mind she wanted to always have something on her that reminds her of Hobie
In the comics,Hobie was a Gwen Stacy fanboy and Gwen was that cool slightly older girl it'd easy for most boys to get a crush on.In the movies,Gwen looks up to Hobie and he's that cool slightly older boy it's easy for most girls to get a crush on.And also in the comics,Gwen owns a The Ramones shirt and Hobie is a The Ramones fan too as seen by his playlist.They're the same......in the important ways
We see Gwen yapping about Hobie first thing as his drop in the movie,to Miles and when he inquires if he's her friend like he is,she replies 'That's different!' and i say oh i'm sure!!!There's hint drops that indicate Gwen might've talked to Spider Society about Miles often but we don't get to actually see it happen like we did Ghostpunk's part so it's hard to believe the former is romantic and completely textual but the latter isn't
Following up that point,Pavitr states in a teasing tone Miles wouldn't know about Hobie from Gwen twice and the implication is obviously that Ghostpunk is romantic in some way and if it's not Gwobie evidence,then 'He must be in love with you!' isn't Gw.iles evidence either as Gwen denied both anyway
Hobie was never trying to make Miles jealous with his way of flirting with Gwen and was made so he could be taken as genuienly crushing on her confirmed by his VA.Hobie also already saved Gwen before Miles did,by letting her crash in his dimension when she was homeless and convincing her to join his band so she could feel like when she was back then before Peter died and giving her the emotional support and fun she needed as she did him by helping him like a real kid post-adultification and even crafted a Watch for her when she needed to save Miles but not before destroying her cop dad's ass and not without forcing him to leave her his love note.The specific 'In case it don't work out' wording used inline with the attempt at a Ghostpunk + Ghost.Flower love triangle reads as a double meaning and in-universe subliminal messaging that's absolutely in-character for Hobie to pull(he pulled Gwen already too)
Self-Love suits Ghostpunk directly rather than mostly just metaphors.Drink too much,think too much,thoughts drownin' me(havin' a laugh at a pub with the mandem),you don't know love you just show love stop doubtin' me(fitting to both Gwen and Hobie's canonical traumas and their coping mechanisms,including them not becoming official purely because their insecurities had them thinking the other could would never love them romantically,at least at first),cuff me told the truth to him he don't trust me(George and Hobie's interaction),hate to see yeah woah money scheme yeah woah(it's a metaphor for capitalism),live and questionable(i'm not a role model + him encouraging her to punk out to her full self with George no longer holding her back),love hanging out say you hate it now(Gwen's Hobie love denials she only used so Pavitr would shut up and never holding back when it's just her and him)
Gwen is pastel watercolors and Hobie is an old school zine but they're both basically human mood rings.They both had scenes of teaching Miles how to use his hands to better Spiderman and standing up against an authority figure as they turned a blue as deep as how much their rage towards the system for screwing them over runs
In every other universe,Hobie Brown is a bad guy or not that important.But in this universe,Hobie Brown isn't actually evil,he's just a good kid who's really troubled because all the adults in his life are either gone or failed him on purpose and despite everything,he rose to be the personification of afropunk and Earth 138's Spiderhero.In his universe,Gwen Stacy is still a ghost and she dosen't haunt him since she wasn't his Gwen.His Gwen wasn't a canon event for him and that plays up his not believing in consitency
And Gwen feeling so comfortable around Hobie she's not afraid to fall for him is proof they should be together,not proof she dosen't love him.How deep their connection goes is up them(direct quote by Daniel Kaluuya,Hobie's va)not canon and that's what Gwen wants.She chose Hobie this whole time
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I be writing heartfelt academic papers and and then this is the ship
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punkeropercyjackson 2 months ago
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My take on Ghostpunk/Gwobie(i had to zoom in to read the text too,please just do that and don't try to be funny about it)
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punkeropercyjackson 5 months ago
When Gwen went to visit Miles,she thought to put on Hobie's sweater first and the patches on it are implied to be Gwen's,not Hobie's(he lets her personalize his clothes)
Miles accidentally forced Gwen to get a haircut and Gwen kept the sideshave as she grew out her hair and she also choose to dye it pink,the color Hobie turns when he's happiest around the people he loves the most,and he might've been the one who convinced her to get that color/style specificially
In the comics,Hobie was a Gwen Stacy fanboy and she's that cool slightly older girl it's easy for most boys to get a crush on.And in the movies,Gwen looks up to Hobie Brown and he's that cool slightly older boy it's easy for most girls to get a crush on
Gwen said 'Oh,you would love him!' about Hobie and 'That's different' in a noticably flustered tone when Miles compared their dynamic to his and Gwen's in response and Pavitr slyly commented Miles wouldn't know about Hobie twice and Hobie himself said 'Gwendy,how much have you told him?' with no actual clearups on what he meant and 'A couple dozen' when Miles asked how many missions they'd been on together and Gwen got flustered again and tried to deny the full extent of her closeness to Hobie.Hobie knew exactly what he was implying,both him and Miles,and he was bragging,not to make Miles jealous as confirmed by the crew wasn't his intent at all in the Gwen and Miles deal,but out of love for Gwen and pride over their relathionship status
'Self-Love',the 'Gwen love ballad',has the lyrics drink too much,think too much,thoughts drownin' me(havin' a laugh at a pub with the mandem),you don't know love you just show love stop doubtin' me(VERY indictive of what Hobie's attitude towards Gwen must've been like as their friendship started forming and no doubt Hobie has his own insecurities and trauma Gwen smothers him in adoration and care and respect to help him heal considering how unashamedly and openly she loves him to other people's faces and being 'starry-eyed' at him in a concept),cuff me told the truth to him he don't trust me(literally Hobie making reverse racism real on George's ass when he forced him to give Gwen the watch he made her and even to leave her his love note with it),hate to see yeah woah money scheme yeah woah(it's a metaphor for capitalism),live and questionable(i'm not a role model),love hangin' out say you hate it now(how tight Gwen and Hobie are away from prying eyes vs Gwen's denial denial denial over it to not be teased by her cheeky ahh friends)
A pastel punk trans girl vigilante Variant of thee character that's characterized by being fridged for a male superheroes development and a normie nerd girl back when they're alive that's doomed to the same fate almost every time,except when she's a Ghost,our Gwen,and an afropunk adultified troubled but good kid with a mantle that typically belongs to a white man he did his own cooler spin on Variant of an obscure supervillain.They weren't this important to eachother,much less love interests,in any other story before and they weren't sure how things went,even with themselves,but they were just happy to be with eachother because they need eachother and always rushed to be there first and always still do
Gwen is watercolors style and Hobie is a diy zine but they're both basically human mood rings.They both had a scene of being enraged at an authority figure they know is corrupted better than anyone else as they turned a deep blue and of teaching Miles to relax his hands to better use his powers too and he's gotta look out for his drummer,who doubles as his vocalist as seen in another concept because Spider(wo)man can do both and he hates labels but he loves Gwendy so maybe 'my girlfriend' can be something he wants to label her as and she steals his chucks and leaves her toothbrush and sweaters at his place(sleepy snuggling and nonsexual intimacy levels are high)and he's more her home than Spider Society ever was
In every other universe,Gwen Stacy falls for Spiderman.And since in every other universe it dosen't end well,Gwen couldn't let herself fall for Miles.But Hobie Brown's not Spiderman,he's SpiderPUNK so Gwen never resisted falling for him because she never thought to and couldn't hold back how much she loves and wants him so she fell harder and he fell just as hardcore and at the same time as her,no holding back or fallout.How deep their connection goes is up to them,not any Canon Events.Gwen choose Hobie over canon and he saved her before anyone else did.He may not believe in consistency but he believes in her and she knows he's a good guy even though he's not 'supposed' to be
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