#hobbit's dincember 2022
Dincember 2022 - Day 3 Gloves
I was perusing my favourite Mandalorian blogs when I came upon this event (I've already missed a couple of days D:) so... here's an entry for day 3 :3 let's see if I can keep it up!
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CW: y/n is used, I usually don't do this so it might come off slightly awkward? I hope not. y/n is gender neutral. Din x Reader. I also haven't written anything for Din in ages so pardon if something feels a little off!
The Mandalorian had fallen from the sky. Literally. A mission had gone wrong, and he had crash-landed near your remote little farm. As you had patched him, the little green fellow watching intensely, almost protectively, the Mandalorian had awoken with a gasp, grasped your wrist to stop you from touching him – and then loosened his grip when he came to his senses.
You had not taken his helmet off. You were just patching him up the best you could through his armour.
“Relax…” You had whispered at him with a smile that showed no indication the Mandalorian’s grip had been harsh just seconds ago – dangerous even. “You’re hurt. Let me help you.”
It had been like a fever dream. Someone so beautiful looking down at him, helping him… Each time he awoke from dreamless darkness, you were there. If you weren’t checking up on him, then you were sitting by the warm fire with Grogu.
The kid had taken a liking to you.
The Mandalorian quickly did too.
The more he healed despite the lack of Banta spray you owned, the more he moved. Eventually, he joined you and Grogu by the fire too. Eventually, he even started helping out around the house to show his gratitude – to repay his debt.
It was a nice occurrence during the harsh winter months… which then turned even harsher which made sure that the Mandalorian went nowhere. You had little technical knowledge, and the ship had remained some distance away, crash-landed and still in the same derelict state it had been all those weeks ago when the Mandalorian had appeared.
Din couldn’t go out there in that awful, cold weather. He especially couldn’t go trapsing through a tall layer of snow with his bad leg and still bruised ribs.
So, he stayed. Not that he complained, nor did you.
He had, however, complained for the first time when the snow got too heavy for the roof of the kitchen. It bent, creaked and started leaking water when the hot air of inside started melting the snow slowly falling through the cracks.
It was bad, really.
But you knew what to do. This wasn’t your first winter.
“It won’t take long.”
“It’s freezing out there,” the Mandalorian complained, voice masked by his helmet. His secret identity had not been a hinderance in your developing relationship, which had skipped the friendship state and turned straight into the awkward but endearing ‘I am 99% sure I am in love with you but I am too shy to admit it’ stage.
“It won’t take long,” you repeated with a smile. You put on your thickest coat, boots, hat and scarf. Winter lasted a long time on this planet, hence why the farming was done inside in the adjacent cave connected to the house, not outside. Food was not the issue. The water leaking into the kitchen was.
“We can fix it from inside.”
You eyed him with a confused look. “I can handle this.”
It was unlike the Mandalorian to be this outspoken… actually, it was unlike him to say more than two sentences in a row at all. All you did was smile when he remained silent, defeated. You went to put a reassuring hand on his arm, aware he didn’t like being in control of his own safety, and aware that he, the gentleman, wanted to do the heavy lifting.
But he couldn’t. And he needed to accept that.
Grogu cooed from the side. You imagined he had voiced his agreement with you, and went to make a joke about that – when the kitchen’s ceiling gave off a loud roar in offense at being forgotten.
Hurrying toward the door, you realised you had little time to get the snow off and fix this mess before it all came caving in – but the Mandalorian stopped you before you reached the doorknob.
“Here.” He took off his gloves, showing the first bit of skin you had seen since his arrival there.
Truly, patching him up had been awful. You wondered what a mess you had made being so blind as to work through his armour.
He handed the gloves to you.
At your confusion, he said: “It’s cold.”
That was when you realised you hadn’t put on any gloves, and forgotten where they were at all, really… So you also couldn’t deny his sweet gesture, despite your shyness and geedy butterflies in stomach made you feel.
“Okay…” you only said, forgetting your manners. But it was alright, because the blush you presented to him was enough of a reward.
He also proceeded not to hand the gloves after all, but instead gently grasp your wrists once more and guide your fingers into the fabric. They were slightly too big, but that was alright…
Because you had felt the feeling of his fingers touch your bare skin, and now felt the warm embrace of his body heat around your hands.
You hurried outside, but couldn’t help but wonder whether the snow would melt away just by the sheer warmth this man put into your heart…
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Dincember 2022 - Day 6 Hot Chocolate
I did miss a couple days since the last entry for this :( but I said I was gonna try every day and I have :3 AND today I managed to write this! :3
uh it turned a little more sultry than I expected lmao
it's not reader insert this time, I couldn't get used to doing it for today so I ended up doing it this way with a female OC (not named as this is just a drabble). Next time I write an entry, I'll try with a male OC :3
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please excuse this being a first draft, there might be some grammatical errors and weird language stuff 👉👈
The campfire sparked, one solitary yellow orb shooting up toward the sky for just a millisecond before disappearing. Nights were cold on this planet, but fires still helped enough to make it through the night without an extra layer on.
Grogu was fast asleep in a little makeshift bed. Din had done nothing more but place a small blanket on a piece of rope he’d fidgeted around with enough until it became a little bed for the kid. The only ones still awake was Din and her.
She was Din and Grogu’s elected guide through the forest and one of the inhabitants of this planet. She was clad in leather armour that looked like it might not protect her in the slightest. She wore a belt that accentuated her hips.
And he had been watching her hips the entire day as she guided them through shrubbery.
Now, he actively attempted to focus his gaze on his rifle, taking it apart to clean it (although it wasn’t necessary in the slightest).
But when she approached him again, kneeled before him in the orange, flickering light from the fire… accentuating the curves of her face and body alike, showing off the beauty she held… well… Din forgot all about his rifle.
In her hands, she presented a cup to him. Whatever liquid was in it was dark, steaming… and looked inviting not just because her beautiful fingers held onto it.
“What is it?”
She didn’t reply. Actually, she didn’t talk at all. Whether she couldn’t speak any language he could, or whether she was mute, was unclear.
But the darkening of her cheeks as his gloved hands reached to cup hers holding the drink up to him was enough to stir emotions within him that wouldn’t have been there if she’d only spoken the truth.
She was just as attracted to him as he was to her.
And she hadn’t even seen his face…
Had she too took note of his hips and waist?
“I can’t. I can’t remove my helmet.” With his hands over hers, he gently guided the cup away from him. He gestured to his helmet and shook his head to try and communicate his words to her.
Her face fell.
He immediately regretted taking any Mandalorian vows ever, even if he tried not to think so dramatically – he’d only known her for a day.
“Hot chocolate.” The words left her lips so beautifully… He thought words wouldn’t stir any emotions in him, but her voice did. Her gaze flickered around uncomfortably, holding the cup still.
Instead, she took a sip herself.
What was chocolate? – Din couldn’t ask this question, he wasn’t quite sure why. Maybe he wanted to show he was intelligent, well versed in cultures (or more specifically, her culture) so she would like him more.
Maybe he was just stubborn…
Or maybe he was completely entranced with the sight of her lips pursing to take a drink, touching the liquid she had offered and wanted to share – a liquid he now definitely wanted to try, even if he didn’t know what chocolate was.
“Okay.” Din half-said it to her, half-said it to himself as he convinced himself to take a sip after all. “Turn.” He made a notion with his finger, and she caught on.
Exchanging the cup to him, she turned and gave him privacy. Lifting his helmet enough so he could take a sip, he tasted the sweetness mixed in with a familiar taste of milk. It burst into a million tastes within his mouth, causing him to take a moment to calm down his taste buds before trying it again.
He wasn’t a fan of chocolate.
But he was a fan of drinking from the same spot as her.
When she turned back around again, he made sure to present the cup so she knew… that they had shared a little kiss.
And she blushed, smiled and stared at him for a long while before forcing herself to shift back to her own spot to continue drinking in silence…
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all entries will be compiled into a Dincember post on this blog's Ao3 eventually <3
reblog, leave a comment, buy me a coffee, send in an ask, or follow me to support future writing <3
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