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forcedfemme-me · 1 year ago
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Cindy Crawford for North Beach Leather - Fall 1988
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thejoyofviolentmovement · 2 years ago
New Video: Willy Hobal Shares Infectious Banger "Willy from the block"
New Video: Willy Hobal Shares Infectious Banger "Willy from the block" @willyhobal @heygroover @romainpalmieri @DorianPerron
Willy Hobal is a Dominican-born, Swiss-based singer/songwriter, actor and multi-disciplinary artist, who like countless artists and creatives have supported himself with a full-time job as a luxury hotel marketing specialist. As a musician and recording artist, Hobal specializes in high energy, entertaining music featuring Caribbean rhythms meant to get people moving. Last year, Hobal exploded…
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mask131 · 8 months ago
The myth of Apollo (6)
On to complete this little series I never had time to finish! As with my "The myth of Dionysos" series, I will end my loose translations with the section dedicated to Apollo in Félix Guirand's "Mythologie générale" (General mythology). As I said before, it was from the late 30s originally, so it is a bit old and some info might be outdated, but it was the dominant compendium for most of the 20th century, so it completes quite well the previous and more modern articles I shared before.
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I/ Origins, traits and attributes
The etymology of the name « Apollon » is uncertain. None of those that were submitted are satisfying, be it its link to the old Greek verb “apello”, meaning “to push away, to repel”, or a potential tie to an ancient form of “apollumi/apollymi”, “to destroy” (Apollo “the destroyer” would be how he appears in The Iliad). Some even go as far as to try to link it to the English “apple” to make Apollo a primitive god of the apple-tree…
We are just as unsure when it comes to the god’s origins. Some think he comes from Asia: either he is a Hittite god, a double of the Arabian deity Hobal ; either he is a god from Lycia. Other meanwhile use Apollo’s close relationship to the Hyperborean to show him as a Nordic god, brought by the Greeks from Northern Europe during their migration. It is hard to choose between those opposite theories because each of them brings interesting and plausible ideas, while not actually presenting solid proof.
It must be said that the legend of Apollo is so diverging that it sometimes confines the myth into pure contradiction. For example, this deity which was the Greek god by excellence and the essence of Ancient Greece, somehow sides with the Trojan (aka, Asians) in The Iliad. And if we accept that Apollo comes from Asia, then why are his retreats identified as the Tempi Valley and Hyperborea, implied to be his native land? As for his attributes, they are so multiple and complex it is often hard to link them together.
Apollo is first and foremost a god of light, and a solar god – without actually personifying the celestial body itself, as the sun was identified with the specific god that is Helios. But as a light go he was called “Phoïbos”, “The Shining One/Bright One”, Xanthos “The Blond”, “Chrysocomès”, “Of gold hair”. He was said to enjoy most of all “high places”, the highest mountaintops and the promontories overseen the waters. It makes sense that this solar god would be the son of Leto, known by the Romans as Latone ; a deity who was very likely a night-goddess, and the double of the Asian Lada. As a solar god, Apollo is the one who helps fruits grow out of the earth, and this is why the first harvest was dedicated to him in Delos and Delphi. He was also a harvest-protector by destroying the rats that infested the fields (Apollo Smintheus) and repelling locusts (Apollo Parnopion). However, since the sun is also a murderous power whose rays were said to hit like shots, Apollo was seen as an archer god who threw far, far away his arrows (Hécatébolos) that caused sudden death. But, since the sun is also a benevolent power causing purification, Apollo was also the healer god that pushed away evil (Alexicacos). In this latter function, he seems to have replaced a more primitive Greek god known as Paeon (The Healer) and whose name is linked to the character of Paeéon that Homer names “the physicists of the gods”.
Apollo was also a god of divination and prophecy. Outside of the numerous oracles he owned in Asia Minor, Thymbra, Claros, Gryneium and Didymos, Apollo had sanctuaries all throughout Greece where people went to seek his council, as the god spoke there through his intermediaries, the Sibyl priestesses. Some famous examples of these sanctuaries were those of Tegyra and Thebes – in the Theban sanctuary, the Sibyl was none other than the daughter of Tiresias, Manto. Still in Thebes, by Pausanias’ time, one could find the stone on which Apollo’s priestesses stood to give his oracles, called “Manto’s seat”. This stone was later sent to Asia Minor, to create the Claros oracle. But of all the sanctuaries of Apollo, the most famous was of course Delphi, located in a deep grotto from which came out “prophetic vapors”. The priestess, called a Pythia, sat on a tripod at the entrance of the cave. Soon, under the influence of the god, she entered into a state of trance and, possessed by a “prophetic delirium”, she said fragmented and obscure sentences, interpreted in turn by the male priests of Apollo and by the members of the sacred council of Delphi. To give the power of divination to a solar god can be surprising, because in Ancient Greece prophecies usually were reserved to chthonian deities. And yet, Apollo ended up eclipsing all of those earthly oracles – as such, we have to consider that Apollo must have had his oracular powers before he entered Greece. This makes him very similar to the Assyro-Babylonian god Shamash, a sun god who has the power of divination ; and it would confirm the Asian origin of Apollo.
But outside of these facets of the solar god, Apollo has many, many other domains. Apollo was a shepherd/pastor god (Nomios) in charge of protecting herds and flocks. His epithet “Lycian”, if it isn’t simply an indication that he comes from Lycia, had been linked to some to the root “lux” of the Latin word “lux”, light – confirming the solar nature of the god. However, “Lycian”, in Greek “luxeioz”, is also linked to the word “luxoz”, “wolf”. Apollo might have been originally a wolf-god, or maybe simply a wolf-killer as his nickname “Lucoctonos” confirms. This all indicates a rural deity, which is to link to the way Dorians celebrated Apollo as a pastoral god called “Apollon Carneios” (Ram-Apollo). On top of this, Apollo was also the god of singing and of the lyre – this is how Homer painted him to us, as all the gods listening the beautiful melodies Apollo creates on his cithara. Apollo, finally, is a builder god and a colonizing god, who is said to “enjoy the building of cities, of which he always establishes the foundations”.
These many attributes lead one to believe that Apollo is actually the conflicting of several different personalities, and that he started out as an Asian solar god which, when brought over to Greece, was conflicted with a rural norther Greek god, the Apollo Nomios/Ram-Apollo of the Dorians.
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II/ Depictions
Despite his multiplicity, Apollo always kept the same appearance. He was depicted as a young man of ideal beauty, with a strong body, a broad chest for narrow hips. His face was beardless and delicate, his high forehead crowned with thick and long hair, sometimes floating onto his back, sometimes tied into a knot with only a few curls falling on his shoulders. He was usually naked, or wore at most a chlamys. When depicted as a musician-god, he usually wears a long tunic with large folds. His attributes are the bow and the quiver, the shepherd’s crook and cithara. His dedicated animals were the swan, the vulture, the raven, the falcon, the cicada, the wolf and the snake. His favorite plants ere the laurel, the palm-tree, the olive-tree, and the tamaris.
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III/ Birth of Apollo
According to the most ancient traditions, Apollo’s mother, Leto daughter of Coeos and Phoebe, was a wife of Zeus whose relationship with him was anterior to his marriage with Hera. It is as a former wife of Zeus that she appears in The Iliad, where she and her son protect the Trojans (probably due to their Asiatic origins). Hesiod also depicts her as such, adding that she wears a dark-veil, which seems a fitting outfit for a night goddess. It was only later that Leto became a mistress of Zeus faced with Hera’s jealousy – and the conflict between these two goddesses forms the main part of Leto’s legend.
When Leto, pregnant with Zeus, sensed she would soon start her labor, she went looking for a place perfect to deliver her babies. However, furious and jealous, Hera hunted her down, and forced her to cross Attica, Euboea, Thrace and the islands of the Aegean Sea. Leto kept asking each region, island and land if they wanted to welcome her, but all, fearing Hera’s wrath, refused. Hopefully Leto encountered the floating island of Ortygia, which was the final form of Leto’s sister, Asteria, which had turned into this landmass to avoid the lust of Zeus. Leto promised to Ortygia that, on its rocky and sterile ground, Apollo would build a splendid temple, and this gift had the island agree to welcome Leto. But Hera had made an oath that her rival would never give birth in a land touched by the rays of the sun ; to go around this restriction, Poseidon created a dome that he used to cover the island, and maintained by four pillars at the bottom of the sea. After the birth of Apollo, Ortygia’s name was changed into Delos, “The Shining One”.
When Hera realized she could not prevent the birth, she decided to slow it down as much as possible: while all the goddesses had come to Leto’s side to help her, Hera maintained by her side Ilithyia, the goddess of childbirth, forbidding her to go to Leto. During nine days and nine nights Leto suffered the pain of labor without being able to deliver her babies. Finally, Iris, sent to Olympos, managed to bring back Ilithyia. Finally, Leto gave birth to Apollo as all the goddesses screamed with joy, and the female Immortals washed young Phoïbos with pure water and wrapped him around in a white veil, closed by a golden belt (according to the Homeric Hymn to Apollo). At the same time, Leto also gave birth to a daughter, Artemis. (Sometimes, due to the similarity of names, Apollo’s birthplace was not identified as the Delos island, but as the Ortygia sacred wood, near Ephesus). Apollo’s birth, unfortunately, did not end Leto’s torment. Out of fear of Hera she had to flee Delos and hide in Asia Minor, in the Termite Land, later known as Lycia. One day there, as she came near a pond, she tried to drink its water – wicked shepherds prevented her to do so and soiled the water. Leto, as a punishment, turned them into frogs.
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IV/ Apollo’s childhood; the Python snake
Apollo was not nursed by his mother’s milk ; instead he was fed by Themis with ambrosia and nectar. As soon as he consumed those products, Apollo threw away the cloth that wrapped him and gained a manly strength, which he immediately used to kill the snake Python. Python was a female dragon that had been birth by the Earth (Gaia) to act as Typhon’s nurse. Hera, who wanted to destroy her rival at all costs, had sent Python to track down Leto when she was about to give birth to Apollo ; hopefully, Poseidon had hidden Leto’s resting place in the waters, meaning Python, unable to find its victim, had to return to its lair on the wooden slopes of Parnassus.
Four days after his birth, Apollo went out in the world, in search of a land where to build his sanctuary. Armed with arrows that Hephaestus had forged for him, he went down from Olympus, crossed Pieria, Euboea and Boeotia, before finally reaching the Crissa valley. The nymph who ruled over this valley, Telphusa, wanted to keep her sole power over the region and so she treacherously advised Apollo to go into the wild gorge of the Parnassus where Python dwelt. When Python saw the god, it attacked, but the young deity killed it with its arrows, in a very long, agonizing, painful death. Once the body stropped writhing and rolling around, Apollo pushed it away disdainfully with his feet, saying “Rot now where you are”. In memory of this battle, the place came to be known as “Pytho” (from the Greek “puthein/pythein”, “to rot”), later changed into the name “Delphi”. As for Telphusa, the god punished her treachery by smothering her under a rock.
In order to purify himself from the soiling that the murder of Python had caused, Apollo exiled himself in Thessaly, in the Tempi Valley. Once the time of expiation for his crime was done, he returned to Delphi crowned with sacred laurel, with an entire cohort of priests who sang triumphant hymns. These events were celebrated at Delphi by the festival of “Septeria”, or the feast of celebration, organized every nine years. A teenager chosen among nobility was playing Apollo. Helped by other young men, he set fire to a wooden cabin meant to symbolize the house of the dragon. At the end of the Septeria, the same young men had to go on a pilgrimage to the Tempe Valley, where they performed expiation rituals, before returning to Delphi bearing sacred laurel.
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lesbiansloveseokjin · 8 months ago
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day 173/548 of jimin's military service
this selca was posted on 150501 with the caption:
Thank you for your good thoughts  But our Hobal-i hyung has on a face like he doesn’t know what it (the thoughts) mean keke What’s so difficult ? (Making) the same expression keke Thank you to all the ARMYs supporting Hobi hyung @eveanee
(trans cr: Mary @ bts-trans)
BTS performances from that day:
bonus posts from that day:
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Besides what I thought whilst we were filming it, after hearing what everyone thoughts were, I watched the MV again and lots of thoughts came to me. Thank you for the nice words. You’ve been chosen keke
(Note: he's referring to the I Need U mv - trans cr: Mary @ bts-trans)
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It’s only been 2 day since we started promotions but it’s very enjoyable. Thank you, ARMY #INEEDU
(trans cr: Mary @ bts-trans)
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closetdbisexual · 1 year ago
while you guys are discussing this it reminds me someone (maybe same?) on twitter had a post i thought was really funny. it went along the lines of "fuches i talked to the prison psychiatrist and they think im on the spectrum" "alright well i dont know what that is but you need to get off it pronto" and i just think its funny. however they fucking blocked my old account because i hated n*hobal too much and was too pro barry and i think thats so funny 😭😭
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sight-decoding · 27 days ago
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"All sources and myths name EL, BEL OR BELIATAN, to whom the star SATURN was sanctified, as the first God of the Semites. The name that appears in many forms, such as Belitan, Bolathen, Baaliton, means 'The Old Eternal BEL.'" 256-257.
Connected to this name is the myth of the Reich of Belos [Barbelo?] the first king of the Semite tribes. The myth about his castle in Babel, Phoenicia, Lybia asf. 257-261. He carries the name Belitan as primordial being, in which context he is also called Thaldos. Aldos, Aldemios (Time), Ulom (Eternity), Baal-Ulom (Lord of Eternity). 261-262.
Mythically he was known as the Old Man to the Carthaginians and the ancient Arabs, who depicted him as such and Hobal (The Old One), Abod (Father of Time). 22-263.
Bel is the Demiurge in the cosmogonies of the Phoenicians and Babylonians. He is the spiritual light and the life principle, next to the nature goddess , who is cosmogonically known as the dead matter of chaos and is personified as Tauthe. 268 ff.
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The Phoenician religion also.. lets him appear as the demiurge, soon after its inception. The first class of cosmogenies and the writings of Sanchinatho....
Bel as sustainer and ruler of the world, according to the law (Thuro, Dotho) of harmonia (Shusarthus). After his decisions, the other gods rule the different nations and peoples 286-287.
These ideas found in the depictions and symbols of the God, explain the picture of Hobal inside the Kaaba, the "symbol of the reich of Saturn" crafted by Tauut 287-289.
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The Pillars of Saturn in the ancient Phoenician cult.
The [polymorphic] appearing names Ciuun, Chon, Kaiwan, all describe a pillar which depicts the god as the sustainer of the world and heavenly order, upholding the world without carrying any weight. The Jachin-Pillar Chon or Heracles pillars of heaven. Instructions to a symbolic apparatus described by Apium, which supposedly was used in the Mosaic cult of Typhon-Saturnus. 296-299
The Notions of El-Saturnus as a holy and just being, who rejects injustice and sin, whose wrath can only be prevented by offering the most loved. The Human Sacrifices done unto him in his attribute as Moloch. 299-301.
Three different classes of them [sacrifice]: The Annual Cleansing Sacrifice, on a certain day, before huge undertakings, virgin offers before the establishment of a city, and before great misfortunes. 301-303.
The annual celebrations in remembrance of the suffering of god's only son. The myth of the wrapped bethyl, which Saturn devours.
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In Semitism, El, Bel, or more complete Belitan, the old Bel, whom the Greek call Kronos [Cronos], and the Romans called Saturnus, takes the highest rank above all other gods.
Phoenicians and Carthaginians worship Saturn the most. Wherever and whenever he is compared or mentioned, it is always he that is the first and most preferred . In the Cosmogenic myths of Sanchionatho, he is the leader of the other Elohim, whose position of power was given to them by him anyway. After he had defeated his father Uranus in a long battle and achieved kingship, he employed his combatants, the Elohim, as his sub-kings and servants in his great Reich. "The God-King Hadat, the great Astarte and Zeus Demarus ruled the land according to the decisions of pho;" Unto Baaltis he gave the holy city of Byblus."
"But what was the character of the primitive Semitic deity?" Bunsen seems to think that Plutarch, in one passage, alludes to the identity of Typhon (Seth) and Osiris. (Egypt Vol III, Bunsen p.433). This is a remarkable idea, and yet curiously enough, Sir Gardner Wilkinson says that Typhon-Seth may have been derived from the pigmy Pthah-Sokaris-Osiris, who was clearly only another form of Osiris [Dionysus] himself. "
"However this may be, the phallic origin of Seth can be shown from other data. Thus it appears that the word Set means, in Hebrew, as well as in Egyptian, pillar, and in a general sense, the erect, elevated, high. Moreover, in a passage of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, Set is called Tet, a fact which, according to Bunsen, intimates that Thoth inherited many of the attributes of Set. They were however, in reality, the same deities. Set, by change of the initial letter, becomes Tet, one of the names of Thoth, or rather the same name; as Set agrees with Seth. We have in this explanation of the statement that Tet, the Phoeneician Taaut, was the snake-god Esmun-Esculapius; the serpent being the symbol of Tet, as we have seen it to be that of Seth also. In this we have a means of identifying the Semitic deity Seth, with the Saturn and related deities of other peoples. Ewald says that "the common name for God, Eloah, among the Hebrews, as among all the Semites, goes back into the earliest times."
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Bryant goes further, and declares that El was originally the name of the supreme deity among all the nations of the East. This idea is confirmed, so far as Chaldea is concerned, by later researchers, which show that Il or El was at the head of the Babylonian pantheon. With this deity must be identified the Il or Ilus of the Phoenicians, who was the same as Cronus, who again was none other than the primeval Saturn, whose worship appears to have been at one period almost universal among European and Asiatic peoples. Saturn and El were thus the same deity, the latter, like the Semitic Seth, being, as is well known, symbolized by the serpent.* A direct point of contact between Seth and Saturn is found in the Hebrew idol Kiyun, mentioned by Amos, the planet Saturn still being called Kivan by Eastern peoples. This idol was represented in the form of a pillar, the primeval symbol of deity, which was common undoubtedly to all the gods here mentioned. These symbolical pillars were called Betyli, or Betulia. Sometimes also the column was called Abaddir, which, strangely enough, Bryant identifies with the serpent god. There can be no doubt that both the pillar and the serpent were associated with Saturn.
"And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob as El Shaddai, but by my name Jehova was I not known to them."
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Authors citations:
Egyptian prince, who is said to have brought up Moses, is given by Josephus as Thermuthis, this being the name of the sacred asp of Egypt (see Supra). We appear, also, to have a reference to the serpent in the name Levi, one of the sons of Jacob, from whom the descent of Moses [Museus] was traced.
*Fragments, Book xxxiv. See, also, in connection with this subject, King's Gnostics, p. 91.
Op. cit., vol. iv, p. 434
Bunsen's Egypt, vol. iv., p. 208
As Tet becomes Thoth, so Mo-ses becomes in the Hebrew Mo-shesh.
The Brazen Serpent made by Moses, it will be remembered, was the symbol of this divinity; and it was worshipped until the time of King Hezekiah, by whom it was broken in pieces.
"The name of the god Kiyun, or Kivan, who was worshipped by the Hebrews, and who in Syria was said to devour children, is connected with the root kun, to erect, and therefore doubtless with the antediluvian Kain or Kevan. Kon, derived from the same root, was, according to Bunsen, a Phoenician designation of Saturn.*
~ Ancient Symbol Worship: The Influence of the Phallic Idea In The Religions of Antiquity by Hodder M. Westropp & C. Staniland Wake
#Saturn | #Demiurge | #Ialdabaoth | #Yahweh |
#YHWH | #Baal | #Jehova |
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444names · 10 months ago
Names generated from the names of USA presidents and vice-presidents
Aarfilince Abrallas Abrich Abridge Adawes Adicant Adick Adincy Adison Adlackin Adlackson Adland Affeder Affer Aganney Agard Agartic Agney Alber Aliderrey Allaint Alvinris Ancump Andon Annedy Anner Annibard Anuarallash Aphig Aphit Aphrens Aprened Aprepted Apres Aprilla Ardinton Artonry Aughounion Aught Augush Augusher Augushin...
Bamlis Bandre Barler Barrepter Barton Bener Benry Bercharfier Berman Bertord Bidember Bidge Bidgeodrey Billas Billmorew Blace Bling Brece Brepter Buchan Buchanuary Burency Buret Burey Burricand Burthurry Burtord Bushen Busher Bushes Bustemon Bustevin Caliatin Calin Canks Cantonafted Chalidge Chanater Chanton Charklerter Chayes Chayler Chenjankson Chention Chertrumas Chuylord Cleralter Clerricher Clevelt Cliam Cliatincy Clicher Click Clidece Clidge Clidgerfor Cling Clises Colic Colincur Colises Coodon Coodric Coodrick Coodridge Cooses Cumbenew Cumber Cumphowes Dalling Dalvi Damliamas Danielackin Dawer Dember Democrandro Denhotobam Denridge Derantomp Dicharalvi Dicken Dickinler Dison Disonric Donaft Dorge Dortrumal Dwilla Dwillmon Eisenson Eises Eison Eistert Elarthowas Ellmon Elson Ferber Ferce Filin Filliater Fillmort Filson Filsonatin Filsonry Foreagarner Fraite Fralben Fralt Ganton Garaler Garce Gardington Garles Garoe Garris Garry Gartic Georger Gerapre Gerfill Gorenjam Gorew Gorey Graharsh Grald Grandams Grockincy Grooses Grought Grougust Grouther Hallison Haman Hanibarding Hannixon Harai Harain Hardist Harkler Haron Haroover Harrey Harridge Harridger Harson Hartin Hartograi Hayest Hendan Hentoberce Heodonaft Hermart Hobal Homas Homphoton Hoolis Hotogran Hoton Hotonalt Hotorecks Hotortomas Hought Hougush Hounan Howas Hower Howerberber Howes Howesidge Huber Hubla Humallmor Humand Humber Hurting Hurtran Huyler Huylevember Huylevent Huylever Jackent Jackin Jacks Jamandre Jamas Jamested Jamlick Jamlisonan Jandorey Janks Jefer Jeffilson Johns Johnsonaft Julynd Julyndrooln Kamard Kamin Kamlick Kefedecke Kefelt Lertist Liames Liation Lickince Lince Lyndro Lyssevend Lyssevin Madal Mandan Mandonry Manibankley Manks Mardison Marfieltedy Marley Marthout Martion Masherting Mckintick Mckson Mencembenew Mikefedy Mikeffedy Mikence Mikenry Mikentic Millmortin Minton Mocks Mocrate Monald Morew Morgert Mortobam Nalidge Nantorecks Nater Nating Nerfore Nibantogron Nielarry Novela Novelbeney Noveld Novelt Noven Obarr Obarry Oberbams Obert Ockinry Ocracan Ocrant Octogrant Painro Pairbentin Pairon Paitedy Paiter Pennion Phing Phoun Phrought Piersher Pirocrahard Polfax Polis Polisted Poren Porence Porge Prencoln Priste Quarner Quarric Quart Quaylevi Quincur Quing Quinlertis Quint Reagart Reagney Recembence Recks Rency Renjack Rentograld Reptedy Rickington Ridember Ridge Rilsonan Rison Risonatis Rocratember Roosevince Rooventises Rough Roughoton Rovel Rovemben Rumannixon Rumber Ruthooveran Schan Schanixon Schard Scharted Schency Sches Schuylever Senhowalvi Sentickincy Sentint Septer Sepublarfil Sepublider Sevelan Sever Spield Spiell Spiertion Spirban Spirbarry Sterforter Taffielt Taffilla Taffillever Tafted Tayest Tayler Taylevell Taylord Theelash Thence Theodorted Thobandonry Thoberthroe Thowas Thowerate Throe Thron Throvent Throver Thuylord Tomard Tralley Tratinton Trumallmor Trumalt Trumber Trumpking Truthrooses Tylerton Tyley Tylor Tylord Ulyndrick Ulyssenedy Ulyssesiden Ulysseveld Unald Unalhoton Unater Unibalt Unixonaller Vancolk Walard Walevelson Walla Wallarry Walling Wallint Warre Wartrut Washer Wheellinson Whenjam Whenton Whentord Wheorenry Whican Whince Whincy Whinler Wilin Wilince Wilincur Willace Willer Willmon Willmonan Woodret Woodrisened Wooseverson Woovellerce Zacartion Zacary Zackin
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dknuth · 1 year ago
Saudi Arabia - Hegra
We continue in the Al Ula area with the most famous archeological site, Hegra. Hegra was the southern end of the Nabateaen Empire and where they traded for the incense and spices coming from the south. The Nabateaen capital was Petra and before they were conquered by the Romans they were a major power in the area, even conquering Damascus at one point.
Like at Petra, the wall tombs are the most visible remnant of their presence. While Petra is in a canyon with the wall tombs in the wall surrounding the city, here they are in rock monoliths.
Another big difference is that many of the tombs here have inscriptions above the door telling the tomb owner's name, who carved it, and declarations of ownership.
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"This is the tomb built by Kamkam daughter of Wa'llat daughter of Haramü and Kulaybat, her daughter, for themselves and their descendants. In the month of Tebet year nine of Aretas, king of the Nabataeans, who loves his people. May Dushara and his motab and Allät of 'Amnad and Manawat and their qaysha curse whoever sells this tomb or pledges it or gives it or removes from it " a body or any limb, or whoever buries in it another besides Kamkam and her daughter and their descendants. And whoever does not do as is written above will owe to Dushara and Hobal and to Manawat 5 shamad and to the priest a fine of thousand drachmas of Aretas, except for the one who produces in his hand a document written in the hand of Kamkam or Kulaybat her daughter, concerning this tomb, then this written document will be valid. Wahb'allähi son of 'Abd'obodat has done this.
There are a variety of tombs in various sizes and complexities.
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The most famous and dramatic is this one.
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But it was never finished. The bottom few feet and the tomb are incomplete. No one knows why it was not finished.
After visiting Hegra we stopped for lunch in a date grove.
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They grilled meat for the lunch
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Then back to our fancy resort hotel.
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With some camels crossing the road along the way.
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radioeuroextasis · 2 years ago
On The Dance Floor, artista latino LGBTQ lanza un nuevo éxito!
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Willy Hobal, una estrella en ascenso en la industria de la música, se complace en anunciar el próximo lanzamiento de su muy esperado EP debut, "VIRGO". El sencillo, "ON THE DANCE FLOOR", es una pista electrizante que captura la esencia de celebrar el amor gay en la pista de baile. Con sus ritmos contagiosos y letras sinceras, "ON THE DANCE FLOOR" muestra el inmenso talento de Willy Hobal como cantante, productor y compositor. "ON THE DANCE FLOOR" ocupa un lugar especial en el corazón de Willy Hobal, ya que representa su primer amor y su incursión inaugural en la producción musical. Esta canción es una manifestación del viaje de Willy, grabada y lanzada como parte integral de su EP debut. La canción recuerda un momento crucial en su vida cuando encontró consuelo en la pista de baile después de una ruptura desgarradora. Aprovechando la fuerza de su signo zodiacal de Virgo, Willy vertió su energía en bailar lejos de su dolor. Poco sabía que en esa misma pista de baile, el destino le traería un encuentro notable. Este himno optimista y eufórico, "ON THE DANCE FLOOR", captura la euforia de conectarse inesperadamente con alguien en un lugar al azar. Simboliza la segunda oportunidad de amor que la vida puede presentar, incluso durante los momentos más oscuros. Cuando todo parece perdido, hay una persona que te sonríe, reavivando la esperanza y recordándote que la vida mejorará. Las letras sinceras y la voz cautivadora de Willy expresan bellamente esta experiencia transformadora, llevando a los oyentes a un viaje de alegría, liberación y amor. "ON THE DANCE FLOOR" lanzado el 15 de junio llegó justo a tiempo para alinearse con las vibrantes celebraciones del Mes del Orgullo, y ahora está listo para apoderarse de clubes y radios. El contagioso single de Willy Hobal rinde homenaje al espíritu de orgullo y libertad, enfatizando la naturaleza ilimitada del amor. Con su mensaje universal de aceptación y unidad, "ON THE DANCE FLOOR" está listo para resonar profundamente con el público de todo el mundo, alentándolos a abrazar el amor sin limitaciones. El EP "VIRGO", con el electrizante single "ON THE DANCE FLOOR", está listo para tener un impacto rotundo en la escena musical. El talento excepcional de Willy Hobal, combinado con su narración personal y sincera, promete un viaje musical que trasciende las fronteras y toca el alma. Tras el lanzamiento, el artista está organizando un sorteo con un juego personalizado de Space Invader, que pronto se revelará. Siga a Willy Hobal en sus canales de redes sociales para mantenerse actualizado sobre el lanzamiento de "ON THE DANCE FLOOR" y el tan esperado EP "VIRGO". Sea testigo del nacimiento de una estrella en ascenso y embárquese en una experiencia musical que celebra el amor, la liberación y el poder de abrazar el verdadero yo. Más sobre Willy Hobal: Willy Hobal, un actor carismático y un cantante apasionado. Dominicano nacido en Suiza, se ha consolidado como una figura destacada en diversas disciplinas artísticas. Aunque tiene una importante experiencia empresarial en marketing de hoteles de lujo, su verdadera pasión radica en las artes. Actualmente está lanzando su carrera artística como showman, con un enfoque en la creación de música que no solo entretenga, sino que también empodere e inspire a las personas, particularmente a la comunidad lgbtq +. Willy tiene la misión de presentar a Europa su estilo tropical único, que tiene sus raíces en su herencia caribeña. Su objetivo es presentarse como un arte urbano latino que ofrece un enfoque fresco y de mente abierta, uno que promueve la neutralidad de género sin objetivar a las mujeres, Al hacerlo, espera ofrecer al público un tipo diferente de música que celebre la diversidad y la inclusión. Read the full article
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incorrecthobalquotes · 3 years ago
Robert: Can I meet my Granddaughter?
Danny: Not unless you get really cool about a bunch of shit really quickly.
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rockatanskette · 6 years ago
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julia linwood-wolfe | austin | houses of bone and lamplight
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i-am-the-punk-mermaid · 7 years ago
Ten Facts about Daisy Meadowes
1. As you can probably guess by her name, Daisy’s parents are hippies. Her dad’s real surname isn’t Meadowes. Her mom and dad picked it out when they got married. 
2. Daisy was always a very athletically gifted child. It surprised her parents, who were an herbalist and a college professor without an athletic gene between them.
3. Daisy has always been able to “do magic”. From the moment she was born, her parents catered to her every whim, reacting to her cries immediately, and knowing exactly what she needed every single time. It wasn’t until they discovered she was a Silvertongue that they realized what had happened. 
4. Despite being incredibly mundane, Daisy’s parents knew almost every aspect of her magical life, despite not understanding most of it. They were proud of their child, and insisted that they always knew she was special (they didn’t but who cares)
5. Daisy always knew that she would die young. When she was seven years old, she heard the Lao Tzu quote “The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long” and she knew without a doubt that she was one of those bright flames.
6. Daisy was one of the most vibrant people anyone had ever seen. She had everyone wrapped around her little finger, and could charm anyone into doing whatever she wanted. Despite that, she never “used her powers for evil”, and when she died, everyone that knew her missed the brightness she could bring to them. 
7. When Daisy died, her parents were weirdly the least devastated by it. A glance would tell you that they didn’t care for their daughter. A closer look and you would discover that Daisy had been preparing them for this reality from the moment she discovered others like her. She knew that her life had gotten infinitely more dangerous, and wanted to make sure her parents were prepared. In a final letter she wrote for them, Daisy urged her parents to have or adopt another child and give it a life as full as hers had been.
8. Despite looking every bit the preppy soccer player that she was, Daisy would not have passed a drug test once had she ever been so inclined as to take one. She had an uncanny ability to be mysteriously missing every time there was a surprise drug test. No one ever questioned this. 
9. If you knew Daisy well enough, you knew her house was a safe place for anyone. Her mom always had the best tea to calm you down, her dad always had a weird joke to cheer you up, and Daisy always had the best weed. They had couches and beds all through the house for the teenagers that could always count on them for a warm place to stay.
10. When Daisy comes back (if you’re not familiar with the setting, and you’re curious as to how this is possible, just send an ask), the first thing she plans to do is tackle hug everyone she can get her hands on. 
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lesbiansloveseokjin · 1 year ago
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day 236/548 of hobi's military service
this selca was posted on 150501 with the caption:
@/disshook002 Indeed my nose bridge!!!! #HobiU #INEEDU #INEEDU
(trans cr: Mary @ bts-trans)
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Thank you so much for today, really. You guys who are mine. #INEEDU Chu
(trans cr: Mary @ bts-trans)
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Thank you for your good thoughts  But our Hobal-i hyung has on a face like he doesn’t know what it (the thoughts) mean keke What’s so difficult ? (Making) the same expression keke Thank you to all the ARMYs supporting Hobi hyung @/eveanee
(trans cr: Mary @ bts-trans)
I Need U & Boyz with Fun performances from that day:
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closetdbisexual · 1 year ago
n*hobal fans cannot be normal sorry . you got more invested in the side romance and then completely misunderstood the guys its actually about and then got mad a [straight] guy killed the [gay] characters in the tv show that kills people
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incorrecthobalquotes · 3 years ago
Takima: Promise me you won’t do anything stupid?
Cece: I do stupid things all the time without realizing it.
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3faeinatrenchcoat · 6 years ago
@i-am-the-punk-mermaid @man-of-many-faces-rp @rockatanskette ITS BAYLOR
That’s it. That’s his whole character.
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