#hob every second of every day: i gotta feed that Being
cuubism · 4 months
Last line tag game
Tagged by @five-and-dimes and @teejaystumbles :)
On vacation I've been slowly working and pondering on Deja vu Deja connu and In Waking Dreams, I really need to update both of these long fics.
From In Waking Dreams:
"My dreamer," his husband murmured as they swayed together, his voice again that low rumble Hob knew so well.
Hob kissed his cheek, then pulled away to study him, bracing him by the arms. Dream looked much the same as he'd done when they'd collapsed into Hob's bed, except that he'd robed himself in his own colors again, his long black cloak and draping fabrics. He looked wan and tired still, though some vitality seemed to have come back to him from simply being in the dream world. Hob would have to find him some food. Dream-food, or whatever.
Before he could say so, Dream leaned in to kiss him. It was a deep kiss of passion and impulse, and Hob staggered under the weight of it before catching himself and keeping them both upright. He laughed against Dream's lips, full of so much relief he couldn't breathe.
It was just so much easier in their dreams. It didn't feel uncertain or new here, like it did when they were awake. This was just coming home again to the one he knew and loved so deeply.
This fic is so hard to wrap up, so many emotional threads I wove 😂
Tagging @beatnikfreakiswriting @hardly-an-escape @valeriianz :)
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