#hob as hope
cuubism · 2 years
Ok listen I haven't delved much into the reverse-verse (i.e. Hob as Hope, human Morpheus) but now I can't get the thought of reversed Roderick Burgess imprisonment plotline out of my head.
First of all the tragic irony of wanting to capture Death and turn back time and getting Hope instead, hope that forces you to look forward, something Burgess will never let himself do.
Second of all, unlike Dream, Hope would give Burgess what he wants, I think, because hope is generous and forgiving. The only problem is he doesn't have anything Burgess wants. He can't give him his son, he can't give him limitless wealth or something because Hope trades in spiritual power, emotional wealth. Like hell is Burgess going to accept that.
Thirdly. Just as Dream gets trapped in a place with no dreams, Hope gets trapped in a place quite literally with no hope. Except--
Four. Hope befriends Alex way easier than Dream, that's just the type of person-- entity-- he is. But Alex still lets him down in the end -- Hope's power is meager, here, and still crumbles under the weight of a father's iron control. and there's no Jessamy in this story. and Roderick Burgess doesn't die.
Five. Just as the world starts to spiral with the Dreaming in shambles, the world goes to absolute shit without Hope.
Six. Hope is not prideful like Dream. He does call to his siblings for help. But he doesn't get the aid he would have so easily given them. Destiny refuses to intervene as a matter of principle. Despair is thriving without Hope there. Desire, too, as without Hope people are turning to baser sources of relief. Delirium vacillates between the differing opinions of the other Endless.
Death is the only one willing come to Hope's aid. But in the last moment he tells her not to, fearing what might happen if Burgess got his hands on Death, as he'd wanted in the beginning. (Hope is not without fear, if anything, they go hand in hand, like dreams and nightmares).
Seven. Hope misses his 1989 meeting with Morpheus. This is not like him at all, in fact, Morpheus has directly told him to get lost more than once in the past and he always comes back anyway. Morpheus is... concerned.
Eight. Morpheus goes searching for him. Morpheus, who's spent most of his life barely clinging onto his will to live with his fingernails, goes on a quest searching for Hope.
Nine. He finds him. But what condition Hope is in at that point is debatable, because...
Ten. You know how the glass bowl can keep Dream contained because glass is made out of sand? Yeah that doesn't really do much for Hope. His is made of pure stone.
So yeah.
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ginjones · 2 years
Hob in every Dreamling fic as a history professor:
"History maps humanities journey across the wild open plains of our imaginations; whispering a sweet, permissive prayer to hope and wonder"
Me currently studying a history degree:
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trekkie-in-space · 2 years
A Sandman AU where Dream lose to Lucifer and has to stay in Hell as a slave, after finally being free from the Burgess Familly he is once again trapped, powerless, humiliated.
Matthew escape though, and goes right to Lucienne to give the new, she suggest to contact his sibling, Death being the first to who Matthew tell what happenned.
It will be complicated to intervene in Hell and rescue Dream without offending Lucifer. Dream lost by the rules and if they want him back, then they have to play by the rule, but it's risky.
Though, there may be one solution, someone that would be willing to help (maybe), someone that it wouldn't be risky to lose to Hell, in other words, not an Endless but someone that could still walk in and out of hell in more or less one piece.
So she pay a visit to Hob, who is absolutly dreading her venue, thinking she comes for him and that somehow the deal that was made is now off, why now ? but she doesn't come for him. She comes to ask for help.
Why Hob ?
Because the place he build breath Dream's name in every molecule, it is a building dedicated for him and to which Hob has pourred all his attention and thoughts, all his love and interest, all his apologies and questions, it breath of a future he hope will come and everyday he comes and pray, even if he don't says any word, for the chance to see Dream come meet him again. It's a temple that only await it's god.
Anyhow, Death believe that a man who managed to build such a place that it echoes in their own realms might be willing to extend his effort and help.
So she explain the situation to him, she doesn't spare Dream modesty and gives him enough details for him to understand the gravity of what happenned and that they need his help, if he is willing to give it. (with no repercussion if he does not)
Of course Hob goes for it. Horrified by the new and wishing to pull his friend away from this awful place and offer him respite.
Thankfully with the proper help, it is quite easy to enter Hell, Death brings him at the gates and he pass it without trouble since human soul have free passage into hell. His journey his troubled but Matthew cames back with him and explain in even more details the mess Dream as put himself into, the damage his absence has done to his reamls and the waking world ... Matthew is quite happy to talk since Hob is a ravenous listenner.
They reach Lucifer Palace and Hob comes to confront her. In no way should she put Dream in any bargain, but Hob manage to piss her off and offer his immortal soul if he loose, but if he win Dream is entirely free and they can leave Hell.
A soul from an immortal might not be as valuable as an Endless, but it's in the shaping that matter, over time she could make Hob whatever she wants, shape him into a powerful weapon, something that could help her gain power over so much more. free to walk in every realms, but never dying, a spy, a weapon, something to help her reign over so much more. a soul from an immortal is not something you obtain easily since immortal human not linked to other powers and creatures and thus free to grab are impossibly rare. but here one offer himself freely and after some thought she thinks it is worth it.
She brings Dream, who is in a bad shape, not even a shadow of what Hob has known. The deal is explained to him. If Hob win, he walks away, if Hob loose, she keeps both of them. Which makes Dreams terrified. he tries to talk Hob out of it and is reprimanded by the Demon that own him. But Hob smile at him, and ask him to have faith in him. Which does nothing to reassure Dream.
The match beging and Lucifer start with the same thing she started the match with Dream with. Hob who has listenned to Matthew talk, remembers Dream's answers and repeat it.
The match is close to the one between Dream and Lucifer, not quite, but they still reach the same end, where Dream hadn't found anything to counter Lucifer. and Surely Hob won't find anything either. but to everyone surprise, he gather energy throught the sensation of pure emptiness he has been inflicted with and whispers his answer.
And Lucifer has no other choice but to accept her defeat. Because even her relie on Hope and nothing can absolutly kill hope.
Hob won by the rules and so dream is free to leave but she tell hob he will have to leave hell by himself, which is pretty much impossible for a human, so at least the prize she lost will stay somewhere until he comes to her for a better deal.
Dream protest, but before he can have any weight in the argument Hob is grabed and sent somewhere else in Hell, and now he has to find his way back alone.
Dream leaves, cannon follow it's course, and tediously Hob make his way into hell, through pain and suffering, yet free to roam since his soul is still free from the place.
How he find his way out ? even him isn't sure, but he does, and weirdly resume his life as if he hadn't just went to hell and back.
Death send moping Dream to Hob and Hob is of course delighted to see Dream.
"Let me be perfectly clear, you don't owe me and I don't want you here if you think it's because you owe me, because you don't, what I said last time still hold."
"I've always heard it's impolite to keep one's friend waiting."
and Hob smile. "You're late."
The rest is history.
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doctor-rainbowfoxey · 2 years
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Dreamling Role Reversal Hope Hob AU - Pencil
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arialerendeair · 2 years
Thirty Thousand words later, it’s DONE!
Based off of @nanaboslim​‘s amazing prompt featured HERE!
(Also tagging @emotionalsupportknife as requested, <3)
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hobinute · 2 years
cute hobi clips
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In honor of the Audio Drama reaching the "wanna get married?" scene
I think this moment will forever be Xie Lian's Roman Empire
He could just be cooking or dusting or something and suddenly turns to Hua Cheng and goes
"San Lang, im not upset, i just wanna know, from the bottom of my heart, what the fuck was that?"
And Hua Cheng just knows what Xie Lian is referring to and wants to die again immediately
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densewentz · 1 year
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Unnecessarily Complex Fit Inktober Day 3 is for Hope!Hob who made the mistake of letting his ridiculous stranger pick his Hope threads rip (look its unnecessarily complex for Hob, and also me, because I am a tired worm)
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alexxuun · 2 years
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[Hope AU/ role reversal] A familiar face.
Hope is such a silly man. He’s just trying to do his job and accidentally created a religion instead. He was hoping Morpheus wouldn’t find out…
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cuubism · 2 years
Hi! Just letting you know that I started following you because of the Math AU <333 I was never any good at them but I've always loved them as the language the universe is written in, and the way you put that in the fic had me silently yelling at 4 am. ("You're not difficult to love" dsklfjs ow my heart.) Your idea for the the Reverse/Hope of the Endless AU with Burgess slapped me right on the face too, so. I'll be delighted if you do write the fic |DDD
i'm so glad you liked it 🥰 math isn't my strong suit either but i too enjoy the 'poetry' of it from afar
i'm writing more of that damn au now despite telling myself i wouldn't XD
AND i'm writing the burgess hope au because i live for angst and it's just 90% angst!! 😃
The basement is empty.
Dread plummets into Morpheus’s stomach. Has he gotten it wrong? Is he too late, somehow, and Hope has been moved elsewhere? How will he find him then?
The room is silent, save the distant dripping of water from a leak somewhere. It echoes against the vaulted ceilings. Morpheus steps forward cautiously, following the trail of the moonlight that falls through the high windows.
In the center of the room is a ring of painted runes, swooping, lyrical symbols in silver and gold. A binding circle meant to keep Hope, Morpheus assumes, but then where is he?
He steps into the circle, and a zing of power washes through him as he crosses the ring. Harmless to him, as he’s not an Endless to trap, but a shiver runs up his spine nevertheless. The inside of the ring feels dangerous. The air is leaden and cold, the world distant and warped and very out of reach.
It’s a feeling Morpheus is intimately familiar with. But not one he would have ever associated with Hope.
He walks slowly in a circle, looking at the ring of runes. He must have been here once. There must be a clue.
One of the stones shifts as he steps on it.
Morpheus freezes.
Absolutely not.
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ginjones · 2 years
Full Hope AU fan fic coming soon to an AO3 near you. Here's a wee excerpt to keep the fires of motivation burning
He regards his hands which do, in fact, have a luminescence to them, but it is a calming, quiet hue now; a church service lit be candlelight. He lets Dream take him into his arms, leans into him, and his golden pulse finds its silvern twin and melded together, they craft a newly born shade of copper. Two endless energies expanding in an expression of colours, patterns, and feelings. An old magic; Dream and Hope. An echo of each other held in the infinite space between sky and soil.
For a few moments they are silent, listening to the sounds of life outside. It is late now but London, in her insomnolence, is a creature of the night. The lilt of young voices echoes across the street. Taxi cabs are being called and hopeful propositions to share the ride home extended.  It’s an odd thing to know this, Hob thinks. To sense hope and feel the pull of those golden strands as the taxi drives off and the chorus of voices disappear. He wants so badly to follow it. To be coaxed from the warmness of cotton sheets and be led, like a ghost untethered, across cobblestones and side streets. To visit them, not in human form, but as the bright star of an idea. A joyous nudge in the right direction. A frisson of unerring certainty. He smiles at that, and gently shakes the rising power away. For now, with his body held closely in the comfort of his husbands’ arms, he can wait.
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nynevefromthelake · 7 months
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So the medieval au that is also Hope!Hob au. Morpheus is a medieval king who suffers under the burden of his responsibilities, crumbling marriage and the loss of his only child. And when he is very close to give up he meets a mysterious stranger who brings a glimpse of hope to his life
And in the end Morpheus becomes immortal, they fake his death and travel together forever helping and inspiring people. And maybe Morpheus’s new personality is a bard named Dream
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appleleef · 1 year
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this is what happened right
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doctor-rainbowfoxey · 2 years
Another Version of Hob as Hope with bee eater birds.
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arialerendeair · 2 years
Aria Has No Chill
Me, earlier today: Imma write a sequel to the Hope!Hob fic that’ll be an epilogue so I can write more in the future!
Me, middle of the day: Okay, almost done last chapter, and I wanna make sure I do a family dinner, because I have IDEAS!
Me, end of the day: Okay so.  I finished and posted the last chapter, and also wrote 9k of the family dinner chapter that I’m going to post. 
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dogrom · 2 years
Hope Hob! But in present day!
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