imrowanartist Β· 2 years
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Cosy after-war family times for Hoagie and Si and their kiddos, Kai and Senna <3
Hoagie belongs to @anstarwar and Kai and Senna are shared OCs! Have some ramblings about Senna under the cut:
You can read about how Hoagie and Si adopt Kai here! Senna is a later addition.
After Hoagie and Si join the Rebels, almost 8 years after O66, they stumble across an old abandoned Kaminoan outpost on a distant planet. Inside, they find a left behind experiment frozen in cryo. It turns out it's one of the earlier prototypes for Boba, but abandoned because they detected some unusual brainwaves (Senna has autism).
After rescuing the poor child, Hoagie and Si decide to name him Senna and add him to their little family <3
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