#ho chi moon
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Ho Chi Moon, Slummijazz Tampere Finland 2022.
#sami pekkola#ho chi moon#finnish jazz#finnish free jazz#free jazz#improvised music#120 film#medium format film#fuji gs645s#delta 400#delta 400 pushed 1600#ilford delta 400
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Ieri, oltre ad aver sistemato il problema al motore del mio fuoristrada appiccicando dello scotch davanti alla spia del guasto (si chiama Metodo Vorace Bestia Bugblatta di Traal), un tamblero ungherese mi ha suggerito di fare un upgrade e coprire i gemiti del motore ascoltando la musica a tutto volume (il mio motore emetteva gemiti? Non lo so... avevo la musica a tutto volume!)
Fatto sta che in un impeto di autolesionismo estremo, su youtube scelgo un collage della durata di 60 minuti - il tempo del viaggio di ritorno a casa senza fare i tornanti in derapata, sia mai che i gemiti del motore coprissero la musica - dicevo, un collage di tutte le sigle dei cartoni animati anni '70-'80, quindi Cristina D'Avena esclusa.
Ora, può darsi che i miei gusti musicali siano pessimi (lo sono) e che io abbia la sindrome di Munchausen a Stoccolma (mi avveleno da solo con cose che mi hanno reso psicodipendente da bambino) però è stato un viaggio davvero molto... istruttivo (che fatica non aver messo la D) perché mi sono reso conto che oggi i bambini non possono avere ciò di cui è stato fatto dono a chi guardava i cartoni animati sulle tv regionali.
Il trauma psicofisico di una violenza televisiva gratuita e improvvisa senza la minima censura o il minimo controllo della società.
E non sto parlando di Goku che frugava nelle mutande di Bulma chiedendosi cosa fosse quella cosa ma robe tipo Ninja Kamui, Kyashan o Judo Boy che AMMAZZAVANO DI BRUTTO LA GENTE CON TANTO DI TORTURA E SCHIZZI DI SANGUE.
Voglio dire, l'Uomo Tigre crepava di mazzate i suoi avversari ma non modello Goku Super Sayan AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!... una roba più tipo il poliziotto preso a rasoiate in Pulp Fiction
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E cosa dire di Bem il Mostro Umano?
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Cioè, non lo so... 'umano' perché lui dava solo bastonate, mentre i cattivi cavavano occhi, evisceravano pance e torturavano bambini. Letteralmente.
Ho in mente questa scena in cui Ninja Kamui sta meditando su un albero (?!) e a poca distanza da lui un brigante cattura una donna e le taglia la gola con un coltello... uno schizzo di sangue della vittima imbratta il volto del protagonista ma il narratore afferma subito che lo stato di meditazione del ninja era così profondo che lui non poteva accorgersene.
Avevo 9 anni.
In genere, però, anche nelle serie più kid-friendly c'era questo sottile filo di sado-masochismo per cui ok che il/la protagonista trionfava ma per riuscirci dovevano SOFFRIRE VISTOSAMENTE, preferibilmente assistendo alla morte atroce di parenti o amici di infanzia e subendo torture da Guantanamo (spesso autoinflitte, per quella storia di Nietzsche temo un po' sfuggita di mano al mangaka).
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Comunque - e qua so di citare un cosa praticamente irraggiungibile conoscitivamente dalla maggior parte di voi - la cosa che ancora adesso mi mette più angoscia è il ricordo di Madame Butterfly che durante gli allenamenti fa espodere con furia le palline da tennis contro al muro.
Poi sono arrivati il MOIGE e il CODACONS, quindi ora i bambini vivono in uno stato di dissociazione mentale dovuto ai buchi di trama per i tagli censori e alle cugine assolutamente non lesbiche di Sailor Moon.
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(Storia: Sunao Yoshida // Illustrazioni: Thores Shibamoto)
Vol.1 From the Empire
Traduzione italiana di jadarnr dai volumi inglesi editi da Tokyopop.
Sentitevi liberi di condividere, ma fatelo per piacere mantenendo i credits e il link al post originale 🙏
Grazie a @trinitybloodbr per il suo prezioso contributo alla revisione sul testo originale giapponese ✨
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La luce della luna brillava attraverso le meravigliose vetrate colorate, facendo sembrare la tempestosa notte invernale ancora più scura.
“Amen! Questo pasto che ho preparato è il mio nutrimento. In questa Santa Notte io dico grazie”. La voce del vecchio, prostrato in segno di reverenza, risuonò dolcemente all’interno della cappella. Sembrava quasi piena di compassione.
Ma gli occhi della suora - le cui braccia e gambe erano legate all’altare e la cui bocca era stata imbavagliata - erano spalancati per la paura.
Forse non sarebbe stata tanto spaventata se si fosse trovata davanti un semplice assassino. Dopotutto, un assassino l’avrebbe solamente uccisa. Un assassino almeno sarebbe stato umano.
“Grazie per la tua pazienza Suor Angelina. Ora è il momento della Sacra Comunione.”
La suora sussultò.
Quando il vecchio si voltò, la luce della luna si riflettè sulla lama argentata stretta nella sua mano rugosa. Aveva usato quella lama innumerevoli volte per tagliare le ostie da dare ai devoti, quando ancora era un mortale. Era una lama sacra. Ma ora essa aveva assunto un sinistro colore marrone ed emanava uno sgradevole odore di ruggine.
“Mangiate questo pane, poiché esso é il mio corpo”
Nel silenzio risuonò il suono della veste della giovane suora che veniva strappata. I seni ancora poco sviluppati e una semplice biancheria intima rimasero esposti.
“Bevete questo vino, poichè esso è il mio sangue… Ah, Angelina! Voi diventerete una parte di me. Dentro di me vivremo insieme in una notte eterna”.
Dalle labbra scolpite in un sorriso malvagio, apparvero zanne troppo lunghe per essere semplici denti. Incapace di tenere a freno la sua sete di sangue, il vecchio puntò la lama sacra contro il petto candido di Angelina, facendo agitare il suo cuore con un unico respiro—
Dall’oscurità si udì un sussurro. “Ita missa est. La messa é finita, Padre Scott”
A lato di un crocefisso congelato che emetteva un bagliore bluastro stava una figura avvolta nell’ombra. Il suo volto, rivolto verso il basso, era nascosto nell’oscurità e non era possibile vederlo, ma era chiaro che si trattava di un uomo piuttosto alto.
“Reverendo Alxander Scott, ex Vescovo di Londinium… nel nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo la dichiaro in arresto con l’accusa di sette omicidi e furto di sangue.”
“Ma chi saresti tu in nome di Dio?!”
“Mi scusi, non mi sono presentato a dovere. Vengo da Roma—“
Fu un errore accordare al vampiro una qualche cortesia. Istantaneamente, il coltello attraversó la distanza tra i due con una velocità al limite dell’impossibile. La mira era perfetta, e la lama andò a conficcarsi esattamente nel petto dello sconosciuto.
“Ah! Non so chi tu sia ma non ti permetterò di interferire con questo sacro rito!”
Il vecchio vampiro, vestito con l’abito sacerdotale, rise sarcastico con le zanne che scintillavano nell’oscurità, proprio davanti all’altare da dove aveva prestato servizio come Vescovo fino al mese prima.
“A causa della tua ignoranza sarai punito con la morte…”
“Non le sembra terribilmente maleducato interrompere una conversazione in questo modo?”
“Ma cos…” Padre Scott non poteva credere ai suoi occhi. Il coltello si era conficcato a fondo nel cuore dell’uomo nell’ombra, eppure lui rimaneva in piedi come se niente fosse.
“Ho ascoltato uno dei suoi sermoni una volta… Predicava che gli esseri umani fossero le uniche creature capaci di credere in loro stesse. Avrei voluto poterle mostrare compassione, ma…”
“Im…impossibile!” Il vecchio prete, che aveva barattato la sua morale e la luce del sole con la forza e il potere datogli dal male immortale, ora indietreggiò, in preda al panico. “Sei un vampiro anche tu?”
“No. Io sono…”
Questa volta la voce fu interrotta dal suono del metallo in frantumi. La lama sacra che era rimasta conficcata nel petto dell’uomo, emise uno strano suono ed si andò ad affondare tra le vesti dell’ex Vescovo.
Il vampiro gemette. “Ho sentito parlare della tua specie, quando ancora ero umano. Si dice che a Roma, nel quartier generale del Vaticano, ci sia una setta di preti che custodiscono un mostro. E quando il Vaticano ha problemi che vanno oltre le capacità umane, mandano lui a risolvere la situazione. Sei tu quel mostro?”
“AX—per la precisione. Sta per Arcanum Cella ex Dono Dei. Sono del Dipartimento Segreto della Segreteria di Stato Vaticana. Vede, al mio capo non piacciono gli scandali. Non le farebbe per nulla piacere che si spargesse la voce che un prete si sia ‘trasformato’”.
Dal nulla l’uomo avvolto nell’ombra sollevò in aria una enorme falce dalla doppia lama.
Quando Padre Scott vide la falce urlò di terrore. “Maledetto! Sei il cane da guardia di Caterina, il suo boia ufficiale!”
Il suo urlo fu inghiottito da una folata di vento invernale.
#trinity blood#trinity blood novels#sunao yoshida#abel nightroad#rage against the moons#prologo#thores shibamoto#traduzione italiana#flight night
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Solo Leveling werewolf AU!
If we have AUs such as Mafia and Vampire, why not Werewolf AU?
Other ideas are greatly appreciated!<3
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> led by Sung Il-hwan, the Alpha.
> werewolves with black fur are rare, so it's no surprise that Sung Il-hwan soon became the leader of the pack.
> the name "Shadow Bloodhounds" was originated from a family of werewolves, who had dark reddish-brown fur, and the shadow term came from how the members frequently lurked in the shadows for surprise attacks. And since Sung Il-hwan became the Alpha, plus his wolf form being a black wolf, the name became stronger and prominent.
> Sung Il-hwan's son, Sung Jin-woo, is the Beta. Like his father, his wolf form also has a black fur. This became a big shock to the entire pack, especially when they saw their Alpha's son transform for the first time.
> before becoming the Beta when he reached 20, Sung Jin-woo had to fight the former Beta — as per tradition among all wolf packs. Despite being the "weakest" due to his birth, Jin-woo managed to win by sheer determination and since he became his father's second-in-command, he became stronger overtime.
> if he's not doing any werewolf duties, Sung Il-hwan runs a fire department, which he also works as a firefighter. He also holds urgent meetings in the station once everyone else is out. Sung Jin-woo, however, has chosen to be a detective rather than a firefighter like his father.
> Jin-woo is secretly the only member in the pack who has killed a human. Although, he never tells it to anyone.
> known members: Park Kyung-hye, Sung Jin-ah, Yoo Jin-ho, Yoo Soo-hyun, Lee Ju-hee, Han Song-yi, Kang Tae-shik, and Kim Sang-shik.
> led by Choi Jong-in, the Alpha.
> unlike Sung Il-hwan, Choi Jong-in came from a heritage of Alphas and Betas. His father was an Alpha and his mother was a Beta. Thus, they led the pack together, as well as running a law firm, which soon fell into Jong-in's hands when he took his rightful place in the pack.
> for his Beta, Jong-in chose Cha Hae-in, who is his close friend since childhood. But not only that, she's also the fastest wolf in the pack and has the strongest smell, so it'll make sense of why he picked her of all strong werewolves in the pack.
> even though a werewolf's eyesight is sharp, Jong-in wears his glasses to shape himself into being a human. But when he's in his wolf cycle, his eyeglasses are taken off as they might break during his transformation.
> when there's a wolf cycle, it's also hunting season for the werewolf packs. Jong-in and Hae-in plot the strategy and divide their pack into two, sometimes three if their target is a larger herd.
> known members: Song Chi-yul, Son Ki-hoon, Gina, Seo Ji-woo, Lee Bora, and Han Se-mi.
> led by Lim Tae-gyu, the Alpha.
> usually, whenever there's a large flock of ravens, all of the Raven Howlers are gathered. Ravens also serve as the Eagle Eye of the pack, alerting the Alpha if anything dire happens.
> Ma Dong-wook used to be the Alpha, but due to some unforeseen circumstances, he stepped down and switched places with Lim Tae-gyu, who was the Beta at that time.
> during the wolf cycle, the entire pack will howl under the bright full moon whilst the ravens swirl in the air. It is a tradition for summoning more luck in the pack.
> while most wolves don't like to have birds resting on them, Tae-gyu happily lets the ravens rest on his fur however as they want, especially in winter.
> Tae-gyu also relies on Eun-seok, who serves as his "back-up" since he's quick to lunge into action or if someone is going to attack the Alpha from behind.
> known members: Eun-seok, Jung Ye-rim, Lee Min-sung, and Park Jong-soo.
> led by Baek Yoon-ho, the Alpha.
> some believed that Yoon-ho came from a lineage that bore strong connection to Rakan.
> Yoon-ho is a fierce werewolf, lethal in his heavy claws. He's one of the biggest werewolves when transformed, but even in his human form, he can crush a head with his own bare hands.
> Park Hee-jin is his chosen Beta. She's a she-wolf with an impeccable sense for danger, she reads the situation quick and carefully, and her guts are as sharp as her mind. She's able to tell when a situation is not good and informs her leader firsthand before forming her own strategy.
> Min Byung-gyu, Yoon-ho's best friend, had once been offered for the rank of the Beta. However, he rejects it as he doesn't think leadership is his forte. And even then, he's one of the strongest wolves and protects his fellow members.
> Yoon-ho has a reputation of killing his own kind, making him fearsome that even some of his members are cowering on him.
> while the rest work in teams, Yoon-ho usually hunts alone as his strength is merely for taking down large animals.
> known members: Kim Chul and Ahn Sang-min.
> led by Go Gun-hee, the Alpha.
> Woo Jin-chul is his second-in-command.
> like black-furred werewolves, white-furred werewolves are also rare. And Go Gun-hee is the oldest living white-furred wolf, as well as the oldest active Alpha when most would retire before reaching his age.
> Go Gun-hee doesn't always go for action, mainly because he's looking after his strength, so he relies on his Beta for the task.
> Go Gun-hee is the most respected Alpha besides Sung Il-hwan.
> they're the only pack who has been recognized by other packs outside the country.
> Woo Jin-chul once took down an entire group of rogues, showing his formidability after they attempted to raid the pack.
> known members: ————
Other notes:
— pack wars are a thing, though not as frequent unlike decades ago.
— it is believed that Rakan, a beast entity who can turn into a human, had started the race by cursing several humans to continue his legacy and increase population.
— there are werewolves called 'Rogues' — it's when a werewolf is banished from their pack.
— there are certain outfits/fabrics that don't get ripped apart when shifting, rather they just disappear in the process.
— during the wolf cycle, all packs run to the mountains for camping — some build their own little houses deep in the woods, far from the human civilization. It is a coincidence if they stumble upon other packs.
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NPTs related to/inspired by Gold's hoard
Requested by @thecoffeecrew404
meep meep @id-pack-archive @npt-archive
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[ID/A dark red line with gold lining and a repeating star and half moon pattern./end ID]
Names; Dollie, Dolly, Goldie, Goldine, Cherry, Bean(Beanie, Benny), Cascara(Cascas, Cassie, Cascaria), Bailey, Duncan, Latte, Lottie, Frappe (Frappie, Frappine), Espresso (Espressine, Espe, Espine), Cappucino, Joker, Jenico(jen, nico), Jepson(jep)
Pronouns; sol/solar, divine/chaos, cha/divin/chaoirs/divineself, arc/chive/archivor/archiveself, archive/archives, ar/chi/chivers/archiveself, ring/master/ringmaster, jes/ter/jestir/jesterself,
Titles; prn ho is bloodied/covered in blood, the bloodied archivist, the endless archivist/the archivist of the endless, the distorted (one), prn ho has been distorted, the demon who dances, prn who dances, prn who is a dancing demon, the dancing being, the faceless demon, prn who is faceless, the one who directs the show, the ringmaster of the circus, prn who observes, the observing one, the quiet one, the divine ringmaster, the ringmaster of the chaos, the endless chaos, the keeper of the elixir, the anxious ringmaster, the sleepless archiver,
#npts#npt pack#npt ideas#npt list#npt suggestions#name suggestion#name ideas#name suggestions#neo pronoun#neo pronouns#pronoun ideas#pronoun list#pronouns#title ideas#title suggestions#title list
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Killers in The Stars
Part 1
MAJOR TW: sexual assault/themes, abuse, murder, suicide
First and foremost, before we get into all of this, I want to make it very clear that this is purely for research and interest purposes only. I have been saying this for years and will say this until my dying breath; everyone has the potential to be a killer. Everyone has darkness in them. It is all about how you process and make friends with your own darkness and how you process and deal with your own anger, shame, regret, or fear. Your emotional and intellectual environment during your most formative years are extremely crucial to your development into an adult, however, that cannot be fully to blame. True crime is very interesting to me, mainly because these people chose to become their darkness and chose to make it who they are, and that is one of the most important things to remember while studying topics like these. Once you are an adult and responsible for your own actions, it does not only fall on to your past and how it contributes to who you are now, but also falls on to you as an adult and why you chose to go in whichever direction that led you to where you are now. Everything is always a choice. Please remember that.
In this study, I have compiled a list of natal charts belonging to twelve different types of killers from around the world to be analyzed and compared for dominant similarities. There is no guarantee of the times of birth, but for the most accurate reading and determination, I have used the information that was available to me. This analysis is limited only to the natal charts listed below. I will try to keep the analyses short due to the inherently long nature of this post! :3 xoo
List of Killers, birth dates, times, + locations
Andrei Chikatilo | 10/16/1936 @ 4:25PM | Yabluchne, Ukraine
Beverley Allitt | 10/4/1968 @ 9:15AM | Grantham, United Kingdom
Cary Stayner | 8/13/1961 @ 8:37PM | Merced, California, United Sates
Charlene Gallego | 10/10/1956 @ 2:50PM | Stockton, California, United States
Charles Sobhraj | 4/6/1944 @ 10:00PM | Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Christine Malèvre | 1/10/1970 @ 4:15PM | Mantes-la-Jolie, France
Dagmar Overby | 4/23/1887 12:00PM (unknown) | Skanderborg, Denmark
Dennis Rader | 3/9/1945 @ 2:47PM | Pittsburgh, Kansas, United States
Dorángel Vargas | 4/14/1957 @ 11:43PM | Mérida, Venezuela
Ed Gein | 8/27/1906 @ 11:30PM | La Crosse, Wisconsin, United States
Fritz Haarman | 10/25/1879 @ 6:00PM | Hanover, Germany
Patrick Kearney | 9/24/1939 @ 7:05AM | Los Angeles, California, United States
*listed highest to least dominant*
Most Dominant Modalities:
Most Dominant Planets:
Sun, Venus, + Neptune
Most Dominant Signs:
Leo + Libra
Most Dominant Aspects:
Opposition + Sextile
Most Dominant Degrees:
0°, 1°, + 29°
6° + 21°
Most Dominant Houses:
7H, 8H, + 11H
4H, 6H, + 9H
Birth Charts + Analyses
In this section, I will be mentioning a few things that particularly piqued my interest in studying their birth charts and their cases. My main focus will be on their luminaries, personal planets, and how the nodes, the ascendant (AC), the imum coeli (IC), and Midheaven (MC) interact with them. I also calculated asteroids: black moon lilith/mean (h12), dark moon lilith/waldermath (h58), lucifer (1930), sado (118230), nessus (7066), chiron (2060), dejanira (157), karma (3811), nemesis (128), atropos (273), achilles (588), and pandora (55) just out of curiosity, but they will not be included in the analysis. If you’d like to know more about what each of the listed asteroids mean, each one is linked for more information for you to deduce what they represent.
These analyses will be spilt into two posts due to image count restrictions.
Andrei Chikatilo
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Born in Ukraine in the year of 1936, Andrei Chikatilo is known as the Soviet Serial Killer, having murdered 53 people (officially confirmed) and is suspected to have killed another 56 people (unproven). Chikatilo was born into a poor family of collective farmers, coming earth side during the recovery period of a severe famine in Ukraine, and had never eaten bread until the age 12. His childhood was, in his words, blighted by poverty, ridicule, hunger, and war.
Discovering his impotence as an adolescent, Chikatilo turned inward, directing his anger, awkwardness, and despair toward himself. He was not very successful with women, due to his insecurity, and had committed his first sexual assault by the age of 17. His adolescence was filled with failed romantic relationships. He succeeded in vocational school, after being rejected from university, then began working in construction in Urals, Nizhny Tagil. After being drafted into the Soviet War from 1957 to 1960, he settled back into his native village upon return from the war, but was unable to stay due to his failed relationships and word of his impotence spreading.
Chikatilo committed his first recorded crime in Shakhty, Ukraine on an innocent 9 year old girl named Yelena Zakotnova. His killings were very heavily linked to his insecurity and rage surrounding his impotence. He normally would strangle his victims and stab them repeatedly after attempting and failing to rape them. His only way to achieve sexual arousal, he discovered, was through stabbing and slashing women and children to death. He recalled the urge to be overwhelming and struggled to resist the temptation for many years.
The murders he committed were truly horrific and inflicted unspeakable pain upon his victims. Many were found with multiple suffocation or strangle wounds and stabbing and slashing wounds to the head, neck, chest, and pelvic regions along with evisceration. He was sentenced to death and shot execution style on 2/14/1994 in Russia for his crimes.
Modality: Mutable / Water / Pisces
Planets: Jupiter (25%), Saturn (14%), + Mars (12%)
Signs: Pisces, Virgo, Libra, + Scorpio
Chart Ruler: 7H Virgo Neptune (17°)
🔪4H Gemini Chiron R (23°) conjunct Gemini IC (22°): This indicates emotional fragility and instability in the home, during his childhood, and within his own personal wounds. Chikatilo’s IC conjunct the asteroid of wounds is quite powerful as he clearly felt very fragile and weak throughout his entire life. The Capricorn degree of 22° on his IC is so profound here as there is a theory that it is the degree of “kill or be killed” and he certainly was both; rather a “kill and be killed” in his case. His greatest wound was his impotence and he let it destroy him. His Chiron is also opposing his Jupiter and TN which not only made this journey his purpose but also his fate.
🔪8H Scorpio Moon (5°) square 5H Cancer Pluto (28°): Indicates powerful and transformational emotions that can become overwhelmingly dangerous if not contained. His desire for control over his sexual ability and women/children became all-consuming, leading to his violent actions. He seems to have been a deeply vengeful, paranoid, and self-pitying individual that kept all of this darkness inside until he unleashed it when facing sexual or romantic rejection. His emotions were not only extremely intense but extremely volatile. 5° is the first degree of Leo, indicating there is still much to be learned and worked on with his Moon, and also can indicate childishness; which makes sense with his immature reactions.
🔪7H Virgo Mars (12°) square 9H Sagittarius Jupiter (20°): This aspect indicates the potential to become an aggressive and impulsive individual. Jupiter expands the qualities of Mars in the worst way possible in this case, as he was certainly known to be violent, unpredictable, and highly aggressive. His kills speak for themselves quite clearly. He had difficulty forming intellectual and romantic relationships which fueled his insecurity and anger. He was most likely everyone’s frenemy and rarely kept people close, especially with his Scorpio Moon. There was also a great deal of friction with his sexual energy, personal and sexual relationships, and experience in higher education.
Beverley Allitt
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Born in the United Kingdom in the year of 1968, Beverley Allitt is known for being The Angel of Death, wreaking horror upon new parents and their sick infants during her career as a hospital nurse.
There is not much information on Allitt’s early life. She grew up in a village called Corby Glen with a brother and two sisters. Her father was a liquor store employee and her mother was a school custodian. She was known to baby-sit quite frequently, and at the age of 16, Allitt dropped out of school and started nursing courses at Grantham College.
Allitt allegedly appeared to be quite charming, nurturing, and kind; or at least that’s what she wanted people to see. No one suspected of any wrongdoing from her until a pattern started to reveal itself. While working as a nurse at Grantham and Kesteven Hospital, she took four precious lives, attempted to take three more, and severely injured another six infants. Her methods of murder were either by administering insulin or large air bubbles into their intravenous system. No one knows her motive behind her senseless treatment of these poor infants.
She reportedly said to her close friend that she would never go to prison and there is a theory that she showed symptoms of Munchausen Syndrome by proxy. She refused to eat after her first week in prison, leading to a psych evaluation, and she remained in prison due to the initial court ruling that she was not mentally ill. However, she reportedly admitted to all of the murders in a failed application, in order to stay at a mental institution and avoid prison. None of the victims’ families were notified of this confession. She is currently serving her time at Rampton Secure Hospital in Nottinghamshire and will potentially be eligible for parole very soon; if she isn’t already.
Modality: Mutable / Water / Pisces
Planets: Pluto (22%), Neptune (17%), + Mercury (14%)
Signs: Pisces, Libra, Virgo, + Scorpio
Chart Ruler: 11H Virgo Pluto (23°) + 10H Virgo Mars (7°)
🔪Scorpio AC (1°) conjunct 1H Scorpio Mercury R (1°) + 1H Scorpio Venus (9°): This aspect indicates the potential to be a very charming and inviting individual. Allitt was most likely highly intelligent, talkative, and visually appealing to some. People often recalled as finding her pleasant and charming. She probably used her words to her utmost advantage, especially while committing her crimes, in order to fool the staff into thinking these deaths were accidental. She surely only let people see and hear from her what she knew was acceptable, especially as a Scorpio ascendant, mercury, + venus. She was quite skilled in keeping aspects of her personality and mind hidden from those around her; and I’m sure some people felt like they really knew her (but sadly they truly had no clue).
🔪11H Virgo Pluto (23°) opposition 5H Aries Chiron (0°): This indicates a transformation of personal wounds; but with an opposition aspect, there can be some friction. With her chiron at 0°, her inner wounds were most likely quite profound and difficult to ignore (as the degree and aspect forces her to focus on healing/improving). This aspect can also indicate becoming a healer, and whether you are healed or not yourself is another thing, as many people continue to work in healing professions and are broken themselves. In this case, she most certainly used her gift as a curse upon her patients. As we do not know her reasoning for her crimes, it can be difficult to ascertain exactly what she was thinking and feeling leading up to the murders and what demons were possibly tempting her. But with this aspect it certainly means the regeneration of her inner wounds were always meant to either uplift or destroy her.
🔪11H Virgo Pluto (23°) conjunct 11H Virgo Jupiter (21°): Indicates large and powerful goals/ideals in an individual. There is a hunger for power and influence here as well as a potentially large hubris. It was clear fairly early on what she wanted to do with her life and she intended on getting there; which she certainly did thanks to her unwavering determination. People that she let in closely probably found her to be quite an intense and controlling individual. In this case, the severity of her actions did not discourage her, even when she was facing serious prison time. It is clear that she did not properly handle the energy of this aspect nor use it to her advantage; letting it consume her instead. This is a perfect example for this aspect of how quickly one’s luck and power can be lost if it is used for ill will.
Cary Stayner
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Born in the United States in the year of 1961, Cary Stayner is known for being the Yosemite Park Killer and the brother of a kidnapping victim (Steven Stayner), later being revealed at the age of 37 as a violent and sadistic murderer of women.
Stayner was the first of five children, becoming a big brother to three sisters and a baby brother, Steven. When Steven was 7 years old, he was abducted by a child molester named Kenneth Parnell, and held captive for 7 years. When Steven was 14, he managed to escape his captor and reach safety, reuniting with his family. Stayner recalled feeling quite neglected while Steven was missing and then felt overshadowed by the attention after Steven’s rescue and return. Steven unfortunately passed away in a motorcycle accident in 1989 and is survived by two children.
Stayner claims that what happened to Steven did not contribute to the reason that he is a killer, though others would disagree. He apparently began fantasizing about murdering and abducting women since he was 7 years old, before his brother was abducted. At age 3, Stayner was diagnosed with trichotillomania and medicated for it, although it did not help and his condition worsened as he aged. He was bullied heavily for the bald spots that resulted from his disorder.
Between February and July of 1999, Stayner took the lives of at least two women and two teenage girls. 42 year old Carol Sund and 16 year old exchange student, Silvina Pelosso, were found burnt beyond recognition in the trunk of Carol’s rental car. Carol was strangled and shot while Silvina was raped and shot before being burned. While Carol’s 15 year old daughter, Juliana (Juli) Sund, was also raped and later found with her throat slit. The police made their discovery via two maps that was hand drawn by Stayner himself, directing them to the bodies on the map. Stayner disgustingly wrote beside Juli’s marker on the map: “We had fun with this one.”
Modalitiy: Fixed / Earth / Taurus
Planets: Saturn (16%), Sun (15%), + Neptune (15%)
Signs: Leo, Virgo, Capricorn, + Cancer
Chart Ruler: 8H Scorpio Neptune (8°) + 11H Capricorn Jupiter (29°) R
🔪6H Leo Sun (21°) conjunct 6H Leo Mercury (20°) + 6H Leo Uranus (25°): This aspect indicates potential for a highly intelligent, undefinable, and rebellious individual. Sun conjunct Mercury is the most common conjunction that can appear, however it still indicates intelligence and a sense of similitude between the core self and the mind. Stayner was known to be an avid learner and skilled student while in school and work. With The Sun in a separating conjunction with Uranus, it adds an aspect to his ego and self where people do not know what to expect from him; and it is up to him on whether that result is good or bad. In extreme cases like this one, it is possible for the individual to have and experience streaks of violence, unpredictability, and infectious thoughts.
🔪11H Capricorn Jupiter (29°) square 8H Scorpio Neptune (8°): This indicates the potential for extreme ideals, fantasies, and optimism, and if used inappropriately can manifest into something quite dangerous. It can create a sense of feeling untouchable due to living in their own fantasy and their own perception of reality. This energy shows itself quite clearly in his brashness of sending a hand drawn map to the police guiding them to the crimes he committed and especially making light of what he did to his victims. This also shows an unrealistic expectation of receiving some level of fame and recognition for what he’s done; when in reality it is truly horrific and never reached a level of recognition that he truly desired.
🔪6H Leo Uranus (25°) opposition 12H Pisces Chiron (4°): This aspect indicates a separation between the subconscious soul and daily life, work, and health. The way he felt personally was met with opposition with the way in which he cultivated his life. This also can indicate that he most likely was not aware of this energy as the 12H is a very private and personal house. This aspect can cause unpredictable changes to soul wounds and bodily heath as well. Also with his Chiron (early/young degree of 4°) so close to the ascendant and 1H (which includes Aries) and opposing his 6H Uranus (25° of Aries), it would make sense that he developed a sudden and subconscious mental condition relating to the head as a child. This aspect along with the first one (imo) really proves to me that his brother’s kidnapping had a much larger effect on him than he was aware of.
Charlene Gallego
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Born in the United States in the year of 1956, Charlene Williams (Gallego is her married name) is known as one half of the Sex Slave Killers of Sacramento, who worked with her husband, Gerald, to hold their victims captive as sex slaves before killing them from 1978 to 1989.
Charlene was a bright and intelligent young child, born into a busy and well-known family, with her father as VP to a chain of supermarkets. Her mother and father would travel frequently for business, but when her mother was severely injured in a car accident, Charlene took her place and her mother’s responsibilities for the business. As a young adult, Charlene took a turn for the worse, starting to drink and use drugs. She was despised at work due to her overtly flirtatious nature and was deemed a nyphomaniac by her peers; she is also rumored to have fantasized frequently about lesbian sex and often pushed her romantic prospects into threesomes with strangers or their own wives.
Charlene had been married twice before meeting Gerald Gallego on September 10, 1977 in Sacramento, California. Within the first week of knowing one another, Charlene moved in with Gerald, and happily acted as the submissive partner in their sadomasochistic relationship. Charlene apparently enjoyed Gerald’s sodomization of her and his preference of rough intercourse. Not soon after this, Gerald brought home their first victim, a 16 year old exotic dancer, who is not named. They proceeded to have a threesome, but the women were only allowed to touch Gerald, and not each other. When Gerald returned home from work later, he discovered that Charlene and the 16 year old has been sexually active without him, and Gerald threw the girl out of the window in a rage and beat Charlene. This incident caused Gerald to completely shut Charlene off from him sexually and he was no longer interested in her as a sexual partner.
Due to this, he told Charlene he would require two sex slaves to satisfy him, and without question Charlene followed his orders. Gerald and Charlene would abduct in pairs with Charlene being the brains and charm while Gerald was the brawn. They held these victims hostage, letting Gerald rape them for countless hours and when he was satisfied, he would shoot them dead after bludgeoning them with either a shovel, hammer, or tire iron. One of their victims was even buried alive after her abduction and assault. Charlene escaped the death penalty due to accepting a plea deal to testify against Gerald and allegedly later told a cell mate how ecstatic these killings made her feel. This contradicts her statements given much later, as she remains constant in her claims the she was also a victim, and attempted to save some of the lives of the young girls. She was released from prison in July of 1997 while Gerald died of cancer on death row in 2002.
Modality: Mutable / Earth / Virgo
Planets: Mercury (17%), Saturn (17%), Mars (13%)
Signs: Virgo, Libra, Pisces, Leo (also Scorpio)
Chart Ruler: 6H Leo Uranus (6°) + 9H Sagittarius Saturn (0°)
🔪9H Sagittarius Saturn (0°) square 7H Leo Pluto (29°): This aspect indicates the potential for difficulty in accepting transformation of the mind and of relationships/partnerships. With Saturn at 0° (the purest expression of whatever sign it is placed in) in Leo, there was possibly a strong urge to resist expression and higher knowledge. This aspect can create a great deal of resistance if not handled appropriately; resistance between behavior in romantic/platonic relationships, open enemies, and business partnerships and belief in higher education, philosophy, and higher powers (gods/deities/etc.). She also most definitely had some tumultuous relationships and interactions with others.
🔪8H Libra Sun (17°) square 11H Capricorn Moon (8°): Indicates friction between the needs of the self/ego and the needs of the heart and emotions. It can feel for these individuals as though they are torn between what/who they want to be/what direction to take and how they want to feel/what they should feel. Especially with this energy being yin (Capricorn) and yang (Libra); there was certainly tension here for Gallego. She most likely felt quite perplexed in who she really wanted to be and unfortunately she took the wrong turn; one most would never take. This aspect is the only thing that could slightly make me believe she could be telling the truth in her trying to save some of the girls from their deaths.
🔪11H Capricorn Moon (8°) trine 7H Virgo Venus (5°): This aspect indicates the potential for a very kind, caring, and appealing individual. This energy is even more profound with the aspect being involved with the angular houses. Not only was it smart for Charlene to be the “brains” because she is a woman, but she has the ability to tap into this aspect of herself; where people feel that they can fully trust her. This a wonderful aspect to have, but everything has its cons, and she certainly used it to her advantage in the absolute worst way. This aspect can create a calming influence on others, specifically her relationships and her community, which can make her appear as though she wouldn’t hurt a fly. Having her moon in a scorpio degree added a mysterious effect to her that I’m sure people were drawn to as well.
Charles Sobhraj
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Born in Vietnam in the year of 1944, Charles Sobhraj is known as the Bikini Killer, preying upon western tourists visiting his country and brutally taking their lives. His killing spree went on from 1963 to 1976 and spanned across several countries.
Born Hotchand Bhawnani Gurmukh Sobhraj, Sobhraj was born to an Indian Sindhi father and Vietnamese mother. Coming earth side into a region under the power of French colonial territory, he was immediately eligible for French citizenship at birth. His parents were never married and his father denied paternity, so Sobhraj was raised by his mother and French step-father. He felt neglected by his family due to the biological children they eventually had together and began to act out by committing petty crimes as a teenager. He served his first prison sentence in 1963, and it became evident that he had a great way of persuading and manipulating others to get what he wanted, as he was allowed to have books in his cell.
After his release from prison, he became a scam artist and burglar in order to maximize his riches, during which time he met his future wife and mother of his child, Chantal Compagnon. They were frequently on the run from arrest, moving countries to evade the law, while still robbing and scamming citizens of their current residence. All of the profits from their crimes were used to feed Sobhraj’s growing gambling addiction. He lived his life constantly on the run, which explains why his victims span over so much distance from each other. Eventually, Sobhraj left Chantal, due to her growing tired of their criminal ways, and Sobhraj continued his life without her and their daughter, Usha.
Sobhraj would pose as a drug dealer or gem salesmen to attract tourists his way. He actually converted quite a lot of people as accomplices in his deceitful and devious crimes. Many were intentionally poisoned and he would nurse them back to health to gain their loyalty. His method of murder varied and wasn’t quite specific but included drowning, burning, poisoning, and strangulation. His victims were normally found wearing bikinis, hence his title given by authorities, and Sobhraj served many years in prison in India and Nepal for his crimes. Sobhraj enjoyed the infamy his case brought to him and sold the rights to a film based on his life for US$15 million. He was given compassionate release from Nepalese prison on December 23rd, 2022 and is presumed to still be alive.
Modality: 4 Cardinal / 4 Fixed / Ambiguous
Planets: Uranus (17%), Sun (12%), + Pluto (11%)
Signs: Leo, Virgo, Cancer, + Gemini
Chart Ruler: 9H Leo Pluto (6°) R + 8H Cancer Mars (4°)
🔪5H Aries Sun (16°) trine 9H Leo Jupiter (17°): This aspect indicates the potential of good fortune and luck for an individual. However it can also indicate a person of a large ego and identity to the point of feeling as though they are invincible as well as only seeing the bigger picture and not noticing the small things. The hubris can be quite great here as Jupiter expands the ego/needs/wants of The Sun. This can also create an individual that can reach a status of wealth at a certain point in their lives and do very well in higher education and long journeys if they pursue them. It is quite clear in Sobhraj’s case that he used this energy to his advantage and was able to capitalize quite largely off of his life story and evade police over several years and countries.
🔪6H Taurus Mercury (4°) square 9H Leo Pluto (6°): This one screams Sobhraj from a mile away. This aspect can create intensity and passion in a persons words and their mind. In his case, it specifically affects his 6H and 9H, opening potential for difficulty in daily life, health, work, higher knowledge, and long journeys. His interactions with others was most likely intensely and intellectually challenging. He has strong thoughts with strong opinions of his own and it is clear that he didn’t let others get in the way of him turning his thoughts into a reality. He also drew up a large amount of criticism from the public due to the way he chose to live his life and make a living. Harsh criticism can be a theme here when one has such strong opinions and ideals.
🔪10H Virgo Moon (22°) square 7H Gemini Saturn (21°): Indicates the potential for friction and restriction with emotions and the ability to form relationships. It seems that Sobhraj was good at making surface level/initial connections with people but certainly not deep ones. This aspect can make someone a loner, one whom keeps their heart close to their chest, and is not keen to easily open up. It can also indicate emotional suffering as a child and a large restriction of emotions as an adult if not properly addressed early on. It is clear that he did not do as such and could be one of the reasons why he felt no empathy toward others and their suffering. He felt neglected during his childhood and seems to have completely cut himself off from his family once he became an adult which definitely hindered his emotional growth.
Christine Malèvre
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Born in France in the year of 1970, Christine Malèvre is known for taking at least 30 lives while working as a hospital nurse, having confessed to some murders then recanting; causing speculation of her true intentions.
There is no information on Malèvre’s early life and only on her trial, sentencing, and controversy surrounding her recanted confession. Malèvre faced life in prison for the murder of seven patients from 1997 to 1998, despite being suspected of taking much more than that amount. In France, their laws do not allow euthanasia, even if the patient is terminally ill. Malèvre’s reasoning for the murders were that the patients wanted to die and she was helping them cross over; which she stood by firmly and even wrote a novel about. She received an outpour of sympathy from the public during the initial phase of her trial and she was hailed as the “champion of euthanasia”. Over 5,000 letters were sent to her in support and she was even being supported by the Principal French Association Supporting the Right to Die.
However, when details of her trial were made public, society turned on her. Prosecutors never bought Malèvre’s reasoning and neither did the families of her victims. The families vehemently denied that their relatives ever wanted to die nor would they ever ask her to help them to do so. This caused the public to shift in favor of the victims’ families. Malèvre was also named the “Black Widow” by her colleagues, which prosecution used to their advantage, and told the court that she has a morbid fascination with death and illness; which by killing, satisfies this fascination.
Despite her pleas of innocence and stating that she was under duress when confessing, there was too much evidence against her word. Prosecution used a report provided to them that confirmed her fascination with death and disease- as the report stated that patients were three to four times more likely to die during her shifts as a hospital nurse. Shortly after Malèvre was released on bail, she attempted suicide by taking drugs to avoid prison, but was unsuccessful. She was sentenced to 10 years in prison for the murder of six of the seven patients under her care and was permanently banned from working as a nurse. She is currently living out her days at François Quesnay Hospital in her hometown of Mantes-la-Jolie, France.
Modality: Cardinal / Earth / Capricorn
Planets: Sun (12%), Neptune (12%), Venus (11%)
Signs: Capricorn, Pisces, Virgo, + Scorpio (also Aquarius)
Chart Ruler: 9H Aquarius Moon (29°)
🔪 9H Aquarius Moon (29°) square 6H Sagittarius Neptune (0°): This aspect can create the potential for personal bias and living in one’s own fantasy due to confusion of what is real and what isn’t. Neptune can cloud The Moon with expectations that are not realistic. This could be an indicator for Malèvre, as still to this day, she claims that she is innocent and did not mean any harm to her patients or their families. Although, when this energy is not properly handled, these fantasies/emotional needs can become a veil over what is truly reasonable and expected of a person. This can cause friction in her relationships with her co-workers and in her work environment. It is clear she was not willing to pull the wool from her eyes and see the error in her ways.
🔪 7H Capricorn Sun (19°) conjunct 7H Capricorn Venus (16°): This aspect indicates the potential for harmony within the self/ego needs and sex, romantic/platonic relationships, and beauty. The Sun is blessed with the qualities of Venus and can create a very pleasant, charming, and refined individual that seeks comfortable environments. People are often drawn to these natives and their affectionate personality. With this aspect occurring in the 7H of relationships and open enemies, and also an angular house, this energy is certainly amplified. It’s likely that Malèvre was well liked throughout her life and found an ease in forming relationships with others. Malèvre was initially very well liked and believed by others during the first phase of her trial and I’m sure this aspect played a part in it.
🔪 8H Capricorn Mercury (26°) trine 4H Virgo Pluto (27°): Indicates the potential of an intellectual interest in the taboo, macabre, and dark aspects of life. Individuals with this aspect tend to be very skilled and determined in what they choose to do. This aspect can create a very psychological mind that is drawn to subjects and skills that are intellectually challenging. With this aspect interacting with private houses, it makes sense that this energy might not have been immediately felt or noticed by others. Malèvre is rumored to have had a dark fascination with death/disease and this aspect is a clear indicator of that being true. Manifestation of this energy can either reach an extreme level when Pluto is not well contained or can be used to benefit one in deeper communication and intellect.
☥ content warning header by @cafekitsune ☥
#killers in the stars#astrology#zodiac#thevirgoperspective#true crime astrology#chiron conjunct ic natal#moon square pluto natal#mars square jupiter natal#mercury conjunct ascendant natal#venus conjunct ascendant natal#pluto opposition chiron natal#pluto conjunct jupiter natal#sun conjunct mercury natal#jupiter square neptune natal#uranus opposition chiron natal#saturn square pluto natal#sun square moon natal#moon trine venus natal#sun trine jupiter natal#mercury square pluto natal#moon square saturn natal#moon square neptune natal#sun conjunct venus natal#mercury trine pluto natal#true crime
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Sempre amei o céu, tanto de dia, quanto a noite...Aprecio sua beleza e inspiração que ela nos dá...As vezes me sinto como a lua, solitária, porém, fazendo companhia a todos ao meu redor...Já amei tanto uma pessoa que para mim era como se ela fosse o meu universo...Sentia o amor tão grande, que a alegria transbordava a todos ao meu redor...Quando amar alguém, seja o melhor até o último dia...E sempre valorize o amor de cada um por você...Não deixe de demonstrar, e não ignore uma pessoa que te ama...Uma pessoa que prepara para você, textos lindos e fofos, e poesias...Que da o melhor de si todos os dias...Uma pessoa que se preocupa e tem saudades de você...Que te ama incondicionalmente...Neste fim as palavras não são minhas, mas são verdades, nunca ignore, porque talvez um dia você poderá acordar e perceber que perdeu a lua enquanto contava as estrelas...
Siempre me ha encantado el cielo, tanto de día como de noche... Aprecio su belleza y la inspiración que nos da... A veces me siento como la luna, sola, pero haciendo compañía a todos los que me rodean... Ahora amé un persona tanto que para mí era como si fuera mi universo... Sentí el amor tan grande, que la alegría desbordaba a todos los que me rodeaban... Cuando ames a alguien, sé el mejor hasta el último día... Y valora siempre el amor de cada persona por ti... No dejes de demostrarlo, y no ignores a una persona que te ama... Una persona que prepara para ti, bellos y lindos textos, y poemas... Que te da lo mejor de ti cada día... Una persona que te importe y te extrañe... Que te ame incondicionalmente... Al final las palabras no son mías, pero son verdades, nunca las ignores, porque tal vez algún día tú despertarás y te darás cuenta de que perdiste la luna mientras contabas las estrellas...
I have always loved the sky, both day and night...I appreciate its beauty and the inspiration it gives us...Sometimes I feel like the moon, lonely, but keeping company with everyone around me...Now I loved a person so much that for me it was as if they were my universe... I felt the love so great, that joy overflowed to everyone around me... When you love someone, be the best until the last day... And always value each person's love for you... Don't fail to show it, and don't ignore a person who loves you... A person who prepares for you, beautiful and cute texts, and poems... Who gives the best of you every day... A person who cares and misses you... Who loves you unconditionally... In the end, the words are not mine, but they are truths, never ignore them, because maybe one day you will wake up and realize that you lost the moon while counting the stars...
Ho sempre amato il cielo, sia di giorno che di notte...apprezzo la sua bellezza e l'ispirazione che ci dà...A volte mi sento come sulla luna, solitario, ma in compagnia di tutti quelli che mi circondano...Ora ho amato un persona così tanto che per me era come se fosse il mio universo... sentivo l'amore così grande, che la gioia traboccava in tutti quelli intorno a me... Quando ami qualcuno, sii il migliore fino all'ultimo giorno... E valorizza sempre l'amore di ogni persona per te... Non mancare di dimostrarlo, e non ignorare una persona che ti ama... Una persona che prepara per te testi e poesie belli e carini... Chi ti regala il meglio di te ogni giorno... Una persona che si prende cura di te e che ti manca... Che ti ama incondizionatamente... Alla fine le parole non sono mie, ma sono verità, non ignorarle mai, perché forse un giorno tu ti sveglierai e realizzerai che hai perso la luna mentre contavi le stelle...
Fonte: 1Vidapoeticando 🌺 🍃
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Fonte: 1Vidapoeticando 🌺 🍃
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Fonte: 1Vidapoeticando 🌺 🍃
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Tão linda essa música 🎶 🥰 💕
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Film: "Past Lives" \\ 18 febbraio 2024
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Recensioni ufficiali / personali
Recensione liberamente tratta e adattata dal sito MyMovies.
" Che dici? Lo vado a vedere Past Lives?” mi scrive un amico su Whatsapp.
“Sì, vallo a vedere”.
“Dici? Perché?”.
E così mi passa davanti agli occhi, il film che ho appena visto anch’io. E gli rispondo:
- " Perché ti fa percepire quante storie si possano nascondere dietro le facce delle persone qualunque. Come quei tre che vedi, proprio all’inizio del film, da lontano, come spiandoli un po’, guardandoli appena.
Una donna orientale, un uomo probabilmente dello stesso paese. E un bianco. Un ragazzo americano.
Dietro ogni faccia qualunque, c’è una storia. Ma che storia, quella che racconta questo film qui.
Una grande storia d’amore, una grande storia di rimpianti, una grande storia di destino.
E una piccola storia di silenzi, di occasioni mancate, di vite che scorrono, "sliding doors" che passano, che se ne vanno. E alla fine tu dai a quel percorso, a ciò che è stato e a ciò che non è stato, il nome di destino.
È un film su tre destini, Past Lives.
Ed è un film sull’identità.
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Lei, per esempio. Guarda lei.
Quella ragazza coreana, con le sopracciglia grandi e il sorriso come una sciabolata. Lei rappresenta una persona diversa, per il ragazzo coreano alla sua destra, e per l’uomo americano alla sua sinistra. Per uno, è una donna che se ne va: che se ne va dalla Corea, da un paese piccolo per le sue ambizioni. Per l’altro, è una donna che è arrivata, è approdata. Che ha posato le ali a New York. Forse per rimanere, chissà. Ma quello che è straordinario, è che il film disegna la stessa donna. Eppure sono due. Siamo tutti, forse, così. Diversi, secondo chi ci guarda. Immensamente diversi. Non per caso lei ha due nomi: Na Young in Corea, ma Nora Moon appena l’aereo atterrerà sul continente americano.
Non gli ho detto tutto questo, al mio amico su WhatsApp. Il resto, l’ho pensato soltanto. E ho continuato a pensare. Mentre il film continuava a scorrermi in testa. Perché in questi giorni tante persone stanno andando a guardarlo? Non ci sono attori famosi, non ci sono effetti speciali, anche la pubblicità non è stata martellante. Non è Barbie, non è Oppenheimer.
Ma è un film illuminato da una grazia speciale.
È bello, Past Lives, per come costruisce l’amore, il sentimento dell’amore, la sensazione di un legame forte che stringe i due protagonisti coreani. Da quando erano bambini, in quelle strade minuscole di una Corea che sembra tanto l’Italia del dopoguerra, o il mondo di Parasite (guarda la video recensione). I parchi pubblici, strane sculture di pietra. Due bambini che giocano. L’immagine semplice, wendersiana, della felicità.
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E poi il tempo, stacchi di tempo di dodici anni, aerei che portano via. “Quando lasci qualcosa, guadagni anche qualcosa”, dice la madre della ragazzina coreana, che sta per andare via, nel continente americano. Lasciare, trovare. L’impossibilità di tenere tutto insieme. Il tema del film. I destini. Come quella parola che il film accarezza, dissemina, lascia colare lungo le scene del film: quella parola coreana che vuol dire “provvidenza”, ma anche destino: “In-yun”. Destino d’amore. Un destino che ci porta a incontrarci, dopo innumerevoli vite precedenti. E senza bisogno di credere alla reincarnazione, è semplicemente una possibilità infinitesimale che, dopo un numero enorme di incroci del Dna, due persone si trovino nello stesso luogo, nello stesso momento, e si accorgano l’una dell’altra.
Destini che si consumano, dolorosi, ferite interiori brucianti, impercettibili agli altri. Mentre guardi il film, hai la netta sensazione che se incrociassi uno qualunque dei tre protagonisti, per strada o in metropolitana, non ti accorgeresti di niente.
È bello, il film, perché mette in scena una New York inedita, non alleniana e non scorsesiana, non struggente e malinconica, niente foglie su Central Park, e neanche notti buie, luride e feroci. È una New York piovosa, bigia, malinconica come la Bretagna d’inverno, o come Stoccolma nei film tratti da Stieg Larsson.
È bello perché parla della caduta delle illusioni. Lei vuole vincere il Nobel, poi – dodici anni dopo – vuole vincere il Pulitzer. Poi il Tony Award. Capisce che, probabilmente, non lo vincerà. Ma non è quello che conta. Vincere un proprio posto nel mondo è già qualcosa di importante, e lei lo ha capito.
bello, Past Lives, per come costruisce l’amore, il sentimento dell’amore, la sensazione di un legame forte che stringe i due protagonisti coreani. Da quando erano bambini, in quelle strade minuscole di una Corea che sembra tanto l’Italia del dopoguerra, o il mondo di Parasite (guarda la video recensione). I parchi pubblici, strane sculture di pietra. Due bambini che giocano. L’immagine semplice, wendersiana, della felicità.
E poi il tempo, stacchi di tempo di dodici anni, aerei che portano via. “Quando lasci qualcosa, guadagni anche qualcosa”, dice la madre della ragazzina coreana, che sta per andare via, nel continente americano. Lasciare, trovare. L’impossibilità di tenere tutto insieme. Il tema del film. I destini. Come quella parola che il film accarezza, dissemina, lascia colare lungo le scene del film: quella parola coreana che vuol dire “provvidenza”, ma anche destino: “In-yun”. Destino d’amore. Un destino che ci porta a incontrarci, dopo innumerevoli vite precedenti. E senza bisogno di credere alla reincarnazione, è semplicemente una possibilità infinitesimale che, dopo un numero enorme di incroci del Dna, due persone si trovino nello stesso luogo, nello stesso momento, e si accorgano l’una dell’altra.
Destini che si consumano, dolorosi, ferite interiori brucianti, impercettibili agli altri. Mentre guardi il film, hai la netta sensazione che se incrociassi uno qualunque dei tre protagonisti, per strada o in metropolitana, non ti accorgeresti di niente.
È bello, il film, perché mette in scena una New York inedita, non alleniana e non scorsesiana, non struggente e malinconica, niente foglie su Central Park, e neanche notti buie, luride e feroci. È una New York piovosa, bigia, malinconica come la Bretagna d’inverno, o come Stoccolma nei film tratti da Stieg Larsson.
È bello perché parla della caduta delle illusioni. Lei vuole vincere il Nobel, poi – dodici anni dopo – vuole vincere il Pulitzer. Poi il Tony Award. Capisce che, probabilmente, non lo vincerà. Ma non è quello che conta. Vincere un proprio posto nel mondo è già qualcosa di importante, e lei lo ha capito.
È bello perché riesce a raccontare così bene, nel segmento ambientato negli anni dieci del nostro secolo, la difficoltà e l’emozione delle relazioni a distanza, via Skype. L’improvvisa vicinanza fra continenti che le videochiamate hanno regalato. E, insieme, la concreta, tangibile distanza che ancora rimane. La nevrosi, la schizofrenia che domina anche i nostri anni: essere vicini, così facilissimamente vicini, ed essere ancora lontani, così impenetrabilmente lontani.
È bello perché mostra uomini che soffrono. L’amico coreano che piange, nel gruppo di ragazzi a Seoul, perché è stato lasciato dalla sua ragazza: piange senza ritegno, come un bambino. E non è che un primo segnale della sofferenza vera dei personaggi maschili: quella dei due protagonisti, che si trovano ad amare la stessa donna. E per rispetto, per senso dell’onore, per gentlemen’s attitude, o forse per la vergogna di fare qualcosa di meschino di fronte alla donna che amano, non impediscono all’altro di fare le sue mosse. Il ragazzo coreano frenato da un senso del pudore quasi sacro, e l’ebreo americano liberal, che non può andare contro ai suoi princìpi. Entrambi possono solo attendere che sia lei a scegliere.
È un film bello perché non ha fretta, non ha fretta di fare accadere le cose. Perché si prende il tempo necessario, il tempo necessario a camminare sotto Manhattan Bridge, il tempo necessario a scivolare dal volto di lui al volto di lei, senza tagliare, senza ricorrere al campo/controcampo. Il tempo necessario a percorrere quei metri, quelli che vanno da una casa a un angolo di strada, dove un Uber sta per arrivare. È un film fatto di piani sequenza, un film che respira il respiro dei suoi attori.
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Perché questo film sommesso, di una regista al suo esordio, staavendo un successo inatteso, di passaparola? Perché piace sentir parlare della nostra vita, delle nostre paure, del nostro modo di sentire e di amare, anche se nessuno parla in romanesco.
È bello, infine, perché l’amore lo racconta mostrando due persone che stanno nel letto insieme, rannicchiati, con le gambe intrecciate, e non mostrando una scena di sesso, corpi che si avvinghiano, sudore, bagliori e buio.
L’amore può essere anche rifugio, nido, tepore, parole.
“Non ho il diritto di essere arrabbiato”, dice lui, il ragazzo americano, anche se sa che quel ragazzo venuto da un altro mondo, venuto da un altro tempo, ha aperto una voragine enorme nell’anima della sua compagna.
“Tu rendi la mia vita tanto più grande, e mi chiedo se io faccio lo stesso con te”, le dice, mentre sono insieme nel letto. Non c’è forse miglior modo per dire ti amo.
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Il film di Celine Song è sottile, sofisticato, e allo stesso tempo semplice, diretto.
Scorre fluido e denso di trasalimenti, di rimpianti, di sguardi al passato e di afflati di futuro come Before Sunset di Richard Linklater – anche lì due mondi, due persone che si ritrovano, e una grande città da attraversare, nella quale perdersi fino a un taxi da prendere – e ricorda, in qualche modo, lo smarrimento e l’oceano di non detti di Lost in Translation di Sofia Coppola: anche quel film perduto nella invalicabile distanza che separa due anime che si riconoscono, e si desiderano.
È anche un film sugli amori adolescenti, sulle vite non vissute, sul sapore amaro del rimpianto.
È un film sull’esperienza, di sconvolgimento e di rinascita, del migrare da un paese all’altro, da una lingua all’altra, da una sé da abbandonare, come una crisalide e una sé adulta, nella quale abitare.
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Ed è un film che senti estremamente sincero
Splendide le performance dei tre attori, Greta Lee – non dimenticheremo il suo volto – Teo Yoo e John Magaro.
Lei, che ci fa correre fra i suoi doppi, quando passa dal parlare coreano al parlare inglese, dall’identità coreana a quella “americana”. Lui, Teo Yoo, che da una parte è l’impacciato
Poi leggi che Celine Song è al suo esordio. E ti si rovescia addosso, come una pioggia, la speranza.
Nel cinema, e forse anche nelle sorprese che la vita ti può riservare.
Sì, vallo a vedere il film, amico mio! "
Aggiornamento del 21 febbraio :
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EXCLUSIVE: Dior Names Thai Stars Apo and Mile as New Ambassadors
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PARIS — With K-pop stars securing several high profile ambassadorships recently, Dior is looking farther afield in Asia for new faces to represent the brand’s menswear.
The luxury house has tapped Thai actors Nattawin Wattanagitiphat, better known as Apo, and Phakphum Romsaithong, nicknamed Mile, as its newest men’s ambassadors for the country.
“Apo and Mile are very cool guys. I really love their attitude and I think they are the perfect ambassadors to represent Dior,” menswear creative director Kim Jones told WWD.
“The duo has established a special friendship with the house, where both embody the Dior style and spirit locally and worldwide,” the company added.
“I am over the moon to join the Dior family as a house ambassador. Dior is such an iconic brand with rich history and timeless style, so I am excited to be a part of the family,” Mile said.
“Dior is a brand that I have always admired. I am honored to be a part of the Dior family,” added Apo.
The two costar in the mafia-set romantic drama “KinnPorsche.” The series has secured a global fan base for the young actors, and sparked a five-city Asia tour to Singapore; Seoul; Manila, Philippines; Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, and Taipei, Taiwan, based on its popularity.
Each has more than 3.5 million followers on Instagram.
Thailand is a key emerging market for luxury brands, projected to be worth $4.6 billion in 2023. It is forecast to grow 5.6 percent annually through 2028.
Jones will show his latest collection for Dior on Friday.
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Sai, quando senti il silenzio
solo il silenzio
in realtà tu non sai
cosa succeda
di solito il silenzio si accompagna al niente
non succede niente
e c'è silenzio
ma, ad esempio
non sentiamo il rumore della luna
da dove abito io
non si sente nemmeno
il rumore del mare
o quello di una festa
di compleanno a Tulsa
o a Breonio
il silenzio fa parte del tempo
hai mai sentito il tempo
fare rumore?
a volte è difficile capire
a cosa ci serva il tempo
abbiamo questa nozione
sul fatto che non è infinito
e per questo vorremmo il meglio
alcuni si comportano bene
proprio perché lo ritengono
un buon investimento
per l'anima l'indole il cuore
se non lo facessero
starebbero male
quindi stanno male
comportandosi bene
proprio per non stare male
io non so come mi comporto
non starebbe nemmeno a me dirlo
ma di sicuro non cerco di essere simpatico
e spesso questo mette a disagio le persone
oppure fa pensare loro
che io non sia una brava persona
lo pensano inevitabilmente
lo pensano soprattutto
quelli che dicono di non giudicare gli altri
loro non ti giudicano
ma smettono di frequentarti
se non ti hanno giudicato
per quale ragione dovrebbero smettere?
se una persona sta bene con te
è perché ti giudica
se una persona ti allontana
è perché ti giudica
io non sto con tutti
sto molto bene quando posso dire tutto
anche le cose più scellerate
è importante dire qualsiasi cosa
passi per la testa
dirla anche se non la pensi veramente
se la dici capisci molte cose di te
e di chi ti ascolta
in base a
come reagisce
quando le persone si allontanano
o spariscono
hanno le loro ottime ragioni
ma è inevitabile che io le giudichi
e che mi senta staccato da loro
è come se di colpo
non avessi nulla da dire
e non avere nulla da dire
non è una cosa che puoi dire sia così e basta
dipende dal giudizio
così capita il silenzio
e ho visto persone rimanerci
per sempre
mentre il tempo scorre senza dire nulla
mentre sicuramente
nel silenzio
accadono un sacco di cose
ma questo silenzio
questo nulla
questa sensazione di essere giudicato
di far passare la voglia di frequentarmi
è assordante
e di una cosa sono sicuro
perché l'ho fatto e lo faccio sempre
quando ho scritto
quando leggo
quando scrivo ora con le stilografiche
quando disegno o faccio foto
quando lavoro
per quanto io sia concentrato
io tengo il volume altissimo
non c'è mai silenzio nella mia mente
la pace urla
la rabbia urla
il sesso urla
il sonno urla
tutto quanto emette un suono molto forte
ed è come io fossi così
una trasmittente
che manda onde nel vuoto
e tutto intorno rimane
in silenzio perfetto
e tutto intorno rimane
che accadono un sacco di cose
e io sono
un astronauta
che si aggira in uno spazio silente
adoro i miei sogni
e ho sempre nuove idee
nascono spesso dalla disperazione
e bisogna essere veramente imbecilli
per non essere profondamente
essere disperati
ammettere tutto questo dolore
esserne coscienti
fa male e non fa male
fa bene e non fa bene
è questa la condizione
di questo silenzio
è questa la condizione
della libertà
e della fine del
You know, when you hear silence
only silence
you don't really know
what happens
usually silence comes with nothing
nothing happens
and there is silence
but, for example
we don't hear the sound of the moon
from where I live
we don't even hear
the sound of the sea
or that of a
birthday party in Tulsa
or in Breonio
silence is part of the time
have you ever heard time
make noise?
sometimes it's hard to understand
what we need time for
we have this notion
that it is not infinite
and that's why we want the best
some people behave well
precisely because they consider it
a good investment
for the soul the character the heart
if they did not do it
they would be sick
so they are sick
behaving well
precisely in order not to be sick
I do not know how I behave
it wouldn't be for me to say
but I certainly don't try to be nice
and often this makes people uncomfortable
or makes them think
that I am not a good person
they inevitably think so
they think so especially
those who say they do not judge others
they do not judge you
but they stop seeing you
if they have not judged you
for what reason should they stop?
if a person is fine with you
it is because they judge you
if a person drives you away
it's because they judge you
I don't get along with everyone
I am very well when I can say everything
even the most wicked things
it is important to say whatever
that crosses your mind
To say it even if you don't mean it
if you say it you understand a lot about yourself
and those who listen to you
based on
how they react
when people move away
or disappear
they have their good reasons
but it is inevitable that I judge them
and that I feel detached from them
it is as if suddenly
I have nothing to say
and having nothing to say
it's not something you can just say it is
it depends on the judgement
so silence happens
and I have seen people remain silent
while time passes without saying anything
while surely
in the silence
a lot of things happen
but this silence
this nothingness
this feeling of being judged
of being passed over
is deafening
And of one thing I am sure
because I did and always do
when I wrote
when I read
when I write now with fountain pens
when I draw or take pictures
when I work
no matter how concentrated I am
I keep the volume very loud
there is never silence in my mind
peace screams
anger screams
sex screams
sleep screams
everything makes a very loud sound
and it is as if I were
a transmitter
sending waves into the void
and everything around remains
in perfect silence
and all around remains
a lot of things happen
and I am
an astronaut
wandering in silent space
I love my dreams
and I always have new ideas
they are often born out of desperation
and you have to be a real imbecile
not to be deeply
be desperate
to admit all this pain
being aware of it
hurts and does not hurt
it is good and not good
this is the condition
of this silence
this is the condition
of freedom
and the end of
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Due donne ho trovato dentro di me, scavando nel profondo;
una è forte, decisa, lucida: lei sa cosa è giusto, sa cosa deve fare.
La muove la passione, la spinge l’emozione. Non si accontenta di ciò che ha e sa quanto vale.
Segue la sua strada, risoluta, lascia indietro ciò che non le è utile.
Non ama: vive. E non chiede nulla.
L’altra è come il mosto: profuma di primavera, di giornate di sole
. Piange nella pioggia per non farsi vedere.
È fatta di mancanze e di malinconia.
Il suo cuore è malato: non è a pezzi, ma gonfio da esplodere.
… mi sgomenta, questa duplice me stessa;
e forse è per questo che,
chi mi cammina accanto,
resta in attesa di scorgere un sorriso sul volto di entrambe,
e riconoscermi di nuovo intera.
Word Shelter
Immaginie:Waiting on a Bright Moon
~Neon Yang~🌹
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(Storia: Sunao Yoshida // Illustrazioni: Thores Shibamoto)
Vol.1 From the Empire
FLIGHT NIGHT - Capitolo 4
Traduzione italiana di jadarnr dai volumi inglesi editi da Tokyopop.
Sentitevi liberi di condividere, ma fatelo per piacere mantenendo i credits e il link al post originale 🙏
Grazie a @trinitybloodbr per il suo prezioso contributo alla revisione sul testo originale giapponese ✨
Il pavimento crollò.
Non c’era nulla che avrebbero potuto fare. Cercarono invano di aggrapparsi a qualcosa, ma furono risucchiati tra i condotti di aerazione della nave che stavano attraversando, cadendo da un’altezza di quasi due metri.
Si rialzarono traballanti, cercando di riprendere l’equilibrio.
“Aaaah. Padre, é tutto ok?” Chiese Jessica. Non riusciva a vedere nulla in quella stanza piccola e buia. Allungò il collo cercando di scrutare attraverso l’oscurità. “Padre?… dove… ah!”
Qualcosa si mosse sotto la sua gonna. Jessica saltò in piedi e urlò a squarciagola.
Abel, con gli occhi rivoltati verso l’alto come un morto, giaceva sotto di lei.
Sembrava ferito… eppure in qualche modo aveva un’espressione soddisfatta. Lei era finita esattamente a sedere sulla sua faccia quando erano atterrati.
“Padre? Sta bene? La prego non sia morto.”
“Fa male ma sto bene.” Mugugnò. “Ma dove mi trovo? Chi è lei?”
Jessica, felice che il prete respirasse ancora, ma temendo una commozione cerebrale, cercò di riscuoterlo prendendolo per il bavero del suo colletto: “Siamo sul ponte inferiore. I pannelli del pavimento erano arrugginiti e hanno ceduto. Si sente bene?”
“Ho fatto un sogno. C’erano degli angeli, ma erano vestiti di rosa anziché di bianco. E avevano un profumo così dolce…”
Jessica fissò il prete con uno sguardo glaciale, e mollò la presa, lasciandolo cadere nuovamente sul pavimento. Poi si sistemò il vestito con cura.
“Dovrebbe esserci un interruttore elettrico da qualche parte.” Disse, guardando ovunque tranne che verso Abel. “Ah, eccolo qui.”
“Dunque qui si trovano tutti i sistemi di comunicazione, giusto?”
Jessica ignorò il prete, che in qualche modo era riuscito ad alzarsi in piedi, si diresse verso il quadro di comando del computer ed iniziò a premere gli interruttori del pannello di controllo. Alcuni caratteri apparvero sullo schermo, ma—
“E’ come pensavo. Il computer principale è completamente tagliato fuori. Ogni comando viene rifiutato.”
“Ah è così? Mi faccia vedere.” Disse il prete.
“E’ inutile, solo un programmatore potrebbe—“ Jessica si interruppe a metà frase.
Il prete stava scrivendo freneticamente sulla tastiera della console.
“Padre! Non ha senso che digiti cose a caso…”
“Lasci fare a me.”
Lo schermo del computer si illuminò di strani caratteri - lettere e numeri verdi che scorrevano velocemente sul monitor, riflessi sulle lenti degli occhiali del prete. Abel continuò a battere sui tasti ad una velocità impressionante.
“Ecco fatto.” Disse il prete. Premette un grosso pulsante ed alzò entrambi i pugni in segno di trionfo.
La console emise un suono ed iniziò a ronzare. Un momento dopo, le luci del pannello di controllo passarono da verdi a blu. Jessica sapeva che quello voleva dire che erano passati dal pilota automatico al volo manuale.
“Ma chi siete veramente, Padre?”
“Ora è tutto a posto, vero?” Rispose sorridendo Abel, ignorando la domanda. “Adesso tocca a lei, Jessica. Deve impedire a tutti i costi che questa nave si schianti. Lei rimanga qui. Io vado a cercare il nostro amico della cabina di pilotaggio.”
“Ma non è pericoloso?” Chiese Jessica.
“E’ il mio lavoro. Lei faccia il suo dovere, io farò il mio.”
“Sì, Jessica?”
Jessica non aveva idea di cosa avrebbe voluto dire. Non riusciva a dare un ordine al groviglio delle sue emozioni. Alla fine disse semplicemente: “Stia attento.”
Gli occhi azzurri del prete sorrisero guardando verso di lei. “Allora io vado. Lei si occupi della navigazione.”
“Non ce n’è bisogno, maledetti ficcanaso!” Il ghigno sottile del Duca di Meinz apparve dall’oscurità di una finestra. “Da qui in avanti me ne occuperò io.”
Il vampiro fracassò il vetro, scaraventando il corpo di Abel dall’altro lato della stanza.
#abel nightroad#sunao yoshida#trinity blood#rage against the moons#trinity blood novels#jessica lang#flight night#thores shibamoto#traduzione italiana
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Com’è andata al lavoro? Bentornata a casa e sogni d’oro. ❤️
Qua la mano, possiamo farcela! Ti capisco molto bene, perché da sempre preferisco le stagioni meno calde e aspetto che questo forno asfissiante si spenga ahah. Vogliamo parlare di chi, come se abitasse su Marte, dice “Non vai al mare? Non ti abbronzi? Davvero non ti piace l’estate? Sei bianchissimo” e così via.
Ti svelo due cose: gli horror mi fanno spaventare come Leone il cane fifone, più o meno, inoltre non ho mai festeggiato Halloween. *fugge* 👀
Brava, così si fa! Rilassati per bene e stacca la spina. 🫂
Ahahah che bravo, Vira invece ha paura. Tigro potrebbe infondere un po’ di coraggio a Vira! “Tigro-san il sensei di catcoraggio.”
Buonanotte fanciulla. ❤️
P.S. Ti piace? A me affascina. https://eu.pelacase.com/products/black-the-moon-eco-friendly-iphone-13-mini-case?_pos=2&_sid=d27d73eb8&_ss=r&_fid=1b0ad323e
Buongiorno ☀️🫶🏻 ieri al lavoro tutto bene e anche adesso sono qua. Devo dire che accuso un po’ di stanchezza. Fare il turno di sera e poi la mattina successiva è un po’ pesante, ma penso che tra qualche ora sarò a casa e avrò il pomeriggio libero così potrò riposare.
Esatto!! Concordo con quello che dici e quando poi le persone fanno battute su quanto sei bianca perché non vai al mare, diventano un po’ invadenti. Io in pratica faccio solo casa e lavoro, non ho tempo e voglia di andare al mare, quando ho del tempo libero preferisco riposare o fare una passeggiata con un’amica, stare a casa dipingere ecc.. e poi perora le spiagge sono piene, è difficile anche trovare un posticino per mettersi con la tovaglia e odio stare in mezzo al casino
No vabbè neanche io ho mai festeggiato Halloween però mi piace tutta quell’atmosfera Spooky che si crea ad ottobre, mi mette una pace immensa. Io invece amo gli horror ahahah 🤣 certo, dipende di che tipo … 
Uff non mi fa aprire il link☹️ potresti mettere lo screen?🫂
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È proprio vero il detto che dice che non c'è osservatore più attento del tuo nemico. Il mio cellulare è sempre una cazzo di centrale nucleare.h24 Io so sempre dove si trova , con chi , perché, quando. Tutto. Senza chiedere praticamente mai. Io sono totalmente scomparsa. Riesco a non beccarlo neanche se è nello stesso edificio, basta stare attenta alle telecamere di sorveglianza per scansarlo. Poi non so , grazie a Dio sono circondata da molte persone che mi vogliono bene io penso che Dio me le abbia mandate per essere i miei occhi e le mie orecchie. Dai loro discorsi involontari io ricostruisco movimenti ed eventi" L ho visto la con tizia, ora è la a fare questo " praticamente è una telecronaca per capire che pezzo di merda è e io zitta. Muta. Attenta. Che se lui è furbo io di più. Casualmente lo beccano sempre con la solita tizia che mi guarda le storie. Questo perché non era vero niente. No no. Mezza Crotone vede cose immaginarie e io sono Sailor Moon.
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![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/6df080fbacae93d626b75393901a30a6/f1ab996bc3042f69-a1/s540x810/02624d75e13a40864f7dc2484a4c1c4ce8e4e7fa.jpg)
Willy: Ciao Luna. Luna: Ciao Willy. Willy: Sai, oggi ho camminato a lungo, tutta la mattina, fino alla valle dei salici. Luna: Davvero? Willy: Sì, lo so che è molto lontana, ma avevo voglia di camminare. Luna: È una bella cosa camminare. Willy: Poi, raggiunta la valle, mi sono addormentato sotto un grande albero. Ero proprio stanco. Luna: E hai dormito molto? Willy: Oh sì, moltissimo, tutto il pomeriggio. Quando poi mi sono svegliato, mi è sembrato di sentire una voce. Luna: E chi era? Willy: Luna, so che tu mi puoi credere, quindi te lo dirò; era il Grande Salice che parlava! Luna: E cosa ti ha detto? Willy: Mi ha salutato, mi ha detto che era molto contento di avermi potuto fare ombra e che potevo tornare a dormire lì sul prato quando volevo. Luna: Che gentili che sono gli alberi. Willy: Abbiamo iniziato a chiacchierare di tante cose. Sai Luna, non avevo mai parlato con un albero, quindi ne ho approfittato. Luna: Hai fatto benissimo, Willy. Parlare con la Natura è importante. Willy: Perché dici che è importante? Luna: Perché in essa ci sono le opportunità per intuire le risposte. Willy: E se domani facessi una domanda a un fiore, dici che mi risponderebbe? Luna: Certamente! Willy: Non saprei proprio che chiedere a un fiore. Luna: Per prima cosa potresti chiedergli come si chiama, e poi tutto ciò che ti viene in mente. Sappi però che i fiori sono specialisti nel parlare della bellezza. Willy: Allora gli chiederò se sono bello. Luna: Saranno felicissimi di rispondere alle tue domande, anche a questa. Inoltre, dato che è primavera e loro sono tanti, vedrai che ti risponderanno in coro. E c'è una cosa fondamentale da fare quando si parla con i fiori, con gli alberi, con i boschi e i suoi abitanti, e con la Natura in tutte le sue forme. Bisogna saper ascoltare. Altrimenti risulta impossibile intuire le risposte.
E Willy, salutando la Luna, si avviò verso la sua cuccia, curioso di sapere come avrebbero risposto i fiori alla sua domanda. tratto da Willy e la luna WEB *********** Willy: Hi Luna. Moon: Hi Willy. Willy: You know, today I walked a long way, all morning, to the valley of the willows. Moon: Really? Willy: Yes, I know it's a long way away, but I wanted to walk. Luna: It's a good thing to walk. Willy: Then, having reached the valley, I fell asleep under a big tree. I was really tired. Luna: And did you sleep a lot? Willy: Oh yeah, very much, all afternoon. Then when I woke up, I thought I heard a voice. Moon: And who was it? Willy: Luna, I know you can believe me, so I'll tell you; it was the Great Willow speaking! Luna: And what did he tell you? Willy: he greeted me, he told me that he was very happy to have been able to shade me and that I could go back to sleep there on the lawn whenever I wanted. Luna: How kind the trees are. Willy: We started talking about many things. You know Luna, I've never talked to a tree before, so I took advantage. Luna: You did very well, Willy. Talking to Nature is important. Willy: Why do you say it's important? Luna: Because in it are the opportunities to intuit the answers. Willy: And if I asked a flower a question tomorrow, do you think it would answer me? Moon: Of course! Willy: I really don't know what to ask of a flower. Luna: First you could ask him what his name is, and then anything that comes to mind. But know that flowers are specialists in talking about beauty. Willy: Then I'll ask him if I'm handsome. Luna: They will be delighted to answer your questions, even this one. Also, since it's spring and there are many of them, you'll see that they will answer you in chorus. And there is one fundamental thing to do when talking to flowers, trees, woods and their inhabitants, and to nature in all its forms. You have to know how to listen. Otherwise it is impossible to guess the answers.
And Willy, greeting the Moon, went towards his dog's bed, curious to know how the flowers would answer his question. taken from Willy and the moon WEB
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I know you’re disappointed
in the way I handled things
You’re thinking I misread the times
and acted cowardly
And since what I do affects us both
and you feel that I let you down
You’re paying a price when there’s no price to pay
lovers trust, no money down
You’re paying a price when there’s no price to pay
it’s a lover’s trust, no money down
(Hey, lovers)
They say there’s someone for everyone
and for everyone a someone
And some tattoo roses across their chests
with a heart that says Rollo
And some work without a public relations man
and do their best work, babe, out of sight
You’re paying a price when there’s no price to pay
it’s a lover’s trust, no money down
You’re paying a price when there’s no price to pay
lovers trust, no money down
(Hey, lovers)
Now I have known a hero or two
and they all learn to swim through mud
And they all got boots caked with dirty soles
that they get from squashing bugs
So when push comes to shove get the Harley revved up
the moon can eclipse even the sun
You’re paying a price when there’s no price to pay
lovers trust, no money down
You’re paying a price when there’s no price to pay
it’s a lover’s trust, no money down
So che sei delusa
da come gestisco le cose
pensi che io non abbia saputo leggere bene i tempi
e che abbia agito da codardo
e siccome quello che faccio si ripercuote su entrambi
e pensi che io ti abbia tradita
Stai pagando un prezzo quando non c’è alcun prezzo da pagare
chi si ama crede nell’altro, nessun anticipo
stai pagando un prezzo quando non c’è alcun prezzo da pagare
è un accordo tra amanti, nessun anticipo
(Ehi, amanti)
Dicono che c’è qualcuno per ognuno
e per ognuno c’è qualcuno
e alcuni si fanno tatuare rose sul petto
con un cuore e la scritta “Rollo”
e alcuni lavorano senza un tizio che gli faccia da PR
e fanno del loro meglio, tesoro, dietro le quinte
Stai pagando un prezzo quando non c’è alcun prezzo da pagare
chi si ama crede nell’altro, nessun anticipo
stai pagando un prezzo quando non c’è alcun prezzo da pagare
è un accordo tra amanti, nessun anticipo
(Ehi, amanti)
Ora, io ho conosciuto uno o due eroi,
e tutti quanti hanno imparato a nuotare nella melma
e tutti si erano sporcati le scarpe
a forza di schiacciare scarafaggi
così quando la situazione si fa calda fai correre la Harley
la luna può eclissare perfino il sole.
Stai pagando un prezzo quando non c’è alcun prezzo da pagare
chi si ama crede nell’altro, nessun anticipo
stai pagando un prezzo quando non c’è alcun prezzo da pagare
è un accordo tra amanti, nessun anticipo
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