#hnnngh i need to finish my fics!!!
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voidbeau · 4 months ago
!!!🌹Thorn and Mr. Flower🌿 tiiime!!!
And boy I will never not be so so enthusiastic about these guyz <333
I touched on the dynamics of their relationship in a previous post on my last account before it was terminated. But seeing as that post is lost at sea now, I'll do a bit of recap on that.
Just to have everything neatly in one post.
And then I gotta remember to save this post in a separate document or something in case something happens to this account...
Anyway, the boyz 🌹🌿
So, as I've mentioned previously, I've always pictured Mr. Flower and Thorn's relationship to have extremely rocky beginnings.
We're talking, tons of baggage on both sides.
Trust issues from one end and desperate clinging on the other in the form of big promises and what may or may not be tons of lip service.
Not to mention all the potential secret guarding.
Thorn has some form of charm, sure.
Enough that in the beginning he was able to garner interest from Mr. Flower.
"Sure, maybe we'll see where this goes..."
But as I've said before, my take on Mr. Flower is that he's a very closed off individual.
Getting him to open up is like trying to pry open iron doors with nothing but a couple of toothpicks.
Most people aren't likely to have known anything other than an idealized version of himself. The Mr. Flower he wants you to see.
And that version of Mr. Flower can certainly seem pleasant and easy to talk to, but when exposed to it long enough, it becomes obvious how very surface level it all is, but to Mr. Flower, it's preferable to how he knows he can be.
And if you manage to speak with him with his mask off, then you might find yourself wondering if maybe you prefer the performative version of Mr. Flower.
But that was the idea of course.
Give people a better, more palatable alternative.
There have been very few people who have found the real Mr. Flower tolerable to be around and as such, there have been very few people who have found any reason to stick around.
And that's sort of the expected outcome Mr. Flower has of any potential relationship he gets involved in, whether romantic or platonic or whatever else!
He's learned over the years that it's much easier to just to keep his expectations low and others an arm's length away.
And if anyone gets too close, it's best to retreat before things are liable to become painful.
And if for whatever reason, someone tries to persist when pulling away, it's good to remind that person why they thought to keep a distance in the first place, in whatever manner seems necessary in the moment.
Even if feelings are hurt.
Even if it ends the relationship in that moment.
Better to leave than to be left behind yet again.
"It was doomed to fail anyway..."
This man is walled in on all sides.
And yet despite this, Mr. Flower is plagued by the thinnest rays of troubling thoughts and emotions.
Hopefulness and desire for genuine, lasting companionship appear as annoying cracks in the walls Mr. Flower so carefully built up over the years, and despite the constant reminders why it's best not to leave his miserable fortress of self preservation, he often finds himself with one foot out the front gates far too often.
And that was exactly where Thorn found Mr. Flower, hovering just beyond his gates. Open enough to the world that he began his journey with Mr. Flower with a mask half off.
With a glimpse of a real person behind a carefully crafted persona.
Not enough to tell the whole story, but enough to want to uncover that story. To get the full picture.
How desperately Mr. Flower has tried to slip that mask of his back on as soon as he realizes whats been done.
"You should know better sweetheart, your tricks don't work on me."
Because Thorn's already gotten a glimpse, so what on earth is this funny little act you're putting on, Mr. Flower? This isn't the you I remember meeting on that rainy evening.
And while this has ignited the tiny embers of hope in Mr. Flower into a small flame, it's also bewildered and frustrated him.
Because Thorn insists on tugging on the edges of Mr. Flower's mask and unraveling his disguise thread by nervous thread. And it would seem that no amount of pulling away or lashing out is doing anything to dissuade this baffling rose man.
Not for long, at least.
And sure, they get into fights- frustrated back and fourths over each other's characters, and despite Mr. Flower thinking,
"This is it. This time for sure, it has to be. This time he's gone for good..."
Thorn always surprises Mr. Flower when he's the one to come back with an apology. When Thorn assumes he's done something to deserve Mr. Flower's ire. When Thorn goes on to admire those things Mr. Flower tries so hard to keep buried.
"I like that part of you. The real you, and how unapologetically you it is." He says through a toothy grin and an airy chuckle.
And Mr. Flower's stomach twists into knots.
"I love how fiery you are when you're not holding yourself back and I admire the honesty, even if it's a little hard to hear sometimes." Says Thorn.
"And though I wish you'd be just a bit more gentle, I also understand the world hasn't exactly been the most gentle with you."
And as Thorn reaches out to gingerly grab at Mr. Flower's hands, all Mr. Flower can do is swallow back the lump in his throat and watch while Thorn plants a soft kiss on those tense hands of his.
"I wouldn't change a thing about you." He says.
He insists.
"I don't understand you..." Says Mr. Flower, quiet and deadpan as he looks up, searching those half lidded, spiral eyes.
Thorn chuckles again, finding amusement over the concern and confusion on Mr. Flower's face, yet never missing the detail of those fanned out ear petals and how they twitch so enthusiastically every so often.
"It's easier to see the details close up." Thorn says, his thumbs caressing Mr. Flower's hands now. "Let me in and I promise it'll make sense."
A simple request, barely above a whisper and it sends Mr. Flower's heart racing and his mind screaming.
He's flooded with thoughts and emotions pulling him in every which direction.
Does he just let that happen? Or does he run as far and fast as his legs can take him?
He isn't sure, and he's frozen in place while Thorn waits patiently for an answer, until he realizes he may not get one in the moment.
"But-... if you're not ready that's okay. I can wait." Says Thorn now, gently letting those hands go as he takes a step back.
And Mr. Flower has to stamp out that desire to close the gap again.
The problem here is that Thorn is all Mr. Flower has left with in the moment.
Perhaps its not so much a problem as it is a solution?
But the idea of relying so heavily on someone is terrifying to Mr. Flower, especially when he knows so little about them.
And while Thorn continues to insist things will be okay and strives to convince Mr. Flower he can be trusted with the monumental task of getting to really know Mr. Flower.
Some things come up.
Something always comes up.
Time goes on and everytime Mr. Flower is at the threshold of his decision, something new comes to light about Thorn that leaves Mr. Flower second guessing everytime.
And everytime he considers that it might be best to leave this one in the dust with all the others, Thorn tugs Mr. Flower back into the same confusing cycle.
"C'mon, babe. It's not like that!"
"I promise it'll make sense, love just give it time."
"I know it sounds crazy, but..."
"I want to tell you, but...
And Mr. Flower is getting tired.
Tired of the secrets, the excuses the half truths. Tired of being talked up and let down every. single. time.
"You keep telling me to open up when I'm not even sure I've ever known who you are!"
And indeed, how can any man be expected to trust a stranger and to love someone you've hardly met?
And yet Mr. Flower is caught in the thickest part of a thorny bramble patch, unable to leave either by his own indecisiveness or because Thorn simply won't let him.
Because despite all the turmoil and uncertainty, there have been very real moments of that genuine connection Mr. Flower craved for so long.
Or at least, he thought there had been.
It's hard to say, and while Thorn insists that yes, of course they were genuine, it's difficult to take him at his word when he's constantly sneaking off late at night, constantly preoccupied with an old flame and always going off about these grand claims he swears are true, in place of the answers Mr. Flower so consistently pleads for.
"I don't understand you..."
"I know, sweetheart I know. Please give it some more time.
I promise it will all make sense."
A few things are for certain about Thorn that Mr. Flower has come to learn.
One is that he is a very busy and singularly minded man, and two is that there are very few things in the world that will come between Thorn and his many mysterious plans.
And the third, it would seem, is that Mr. Flower is not among the exceptions, no matter how much Thorn insists how important Mr. Flower is to him.
There are things that absolutely need changing, and while there are ways in which I could see the two working things out, they are not Without their trials.
Physically, mentally, emotionally, nobody is coming out unscathed. But sometimes you need to tear things apart in order to build anew.
A lot of Thorn's secretiveness is for valid reasons, though I won't go into too much detail cause I have fics planned- even if they take me YEARS to finish.
I will say, he is genuinely in love with Mr. Flower, and while he's not in the greatest place for him to be able to express it like he wants to, I've always imagined that Mr. Flower has a way of grounding Thorn when he gets all caught up in all his mystery work.
And boy howdy is it work.
But it's all worth it if it means securing a future where he can live in peace with his beloved Mr. Flower.
So long as they can weather the current storm.
The way I've seen it is that Thorn showed up around the time Mr. Flower and Mr. Plant began drifting, and since Mr. Flower doesn't have a lot of actual friends, losing the only one he felt he had was surprisingly hard for Mr. Flower to navigate.
He's been alone so long he thought he'd be fine. But thats the issue, Mr. Flower has been alone so long that he's not equipped with the proper tools for maintaining and fixing proper relationships.
Thorn has been a real conundrum for Mr. Flower on top of it all.
He's been as much of a learning experience in the department of communication as he has been a source of stress.
He's been an unlikely steadying hand and also another reason for Mr. Flower to be cautious.
He's heard and learned more about Thorn from others than he's ever learned from Thorn himself, except that Thorn is one large, walking, frustrating mystery to Mr. Flower.
There is definitely more to Thorn than meets the eye and as things progress and Mr. Flower is faced with terrifying revelations about Mr. Plant, Mr. Flower becomes more and more terrified about the things Thorn could actively be hiding.
They are just two performers on separate stages.
And they need to start learning how to get their act together because there's a lot more uncertainty and terrors on the horizon for these two.
And also @thatgirlwithasquid since you said you'd be interested in the read. ; v;
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keeperofthebox · 2 years ago
I'm visiting your inbox to peek at ANY number of your favorite fics you've written, to be answered at any time in any format. Feel free to ramble about them as much as you like 😈
sunny ur so sweetums <3
i have a few i can talk about..!
bon voyage - rated g, miraculous, incomplete, ~40kish as of right now
i mean honestly this is the proudest i've been of a chapter fic (not that i have many - i've only gotten more than 15k deep into, like, three in my life). but i've gotten halfway through writing bon voyage, it's coherent (i hope), i know exactly what i'm trying to tell the reader and i like that message, it has all sorts of my favorite things, it appeals to me aesthetically... the list goes on. i'm not always so good at finishing what i start but i'd like to think i'll finish this one just because i genuinely like it so much, but i don't take it so seriously that it isn't fun to write anymore.
too-loo-ry-aye - rated t, infinity train, complete, 11k
this is one of my favorite longer oneshots i've ever written. i knew what i wanted to convey to the reader, i had a VISION, and i feel proud of how i conveyed it. i came at it so carefully because i wanted to respect the heaviness of what i was talking about and the fact that i was going outside my own experience to write it (i'm gay but i'm white so i can only relate to half of what's discussed in the fic), and of course i'll always want feedback but so far i've heard from others that i did an okay job and it resonated which is everything i could have asked for. i love you pickleboy <3
follow across - rated t, final fantasy vii (the og), complete, ~3k
hnnngh clerith (end of blurb) (jk) honestly they are just so ridiculously important to me and i see their relationship in such a specific melancholic hesitant light that i don't really see explored that often? i love the art i did for this fic i think it's probably one of my favorite illustrations i've ever made. and i'm really proud of how i captured the mood between scenes. basically i think i just nailed what i was going for. this fic takes a canon scene in the game and essentially adds onto it!
and finally we go under the cut for the fandom quarantine
i used to be really active in the DSMP fandom and i still treasure some of the characters but for obvious reasons i have no interest anymore lol
nails on a chalkboard - rated g, dream smp, complete, ~2k
i wrote this before i had really learned all of the lore for c!karlnapity but i had so many big feelings about them i needed to put it somewhere and the motif of c!quackity catching himself hurting others again in his desperation but realizing it and stopping and choosing to be kinder just really meant a lot to me. even though i'd write it differently now, i needed to write this fic when i did, and i captured what i was trying to. so i'm proud of it, more than anything else i wrote for that fandom
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bluebird990 · 2 years ago
Hello, I'm back and hope you're doing well!!! (This is late but schools been swamping me with more work than i need hnnngh) The fact that if Stephen was okay after his accident would have hurt Gray's character and growth is honestly so true! He'd just have a bunch of built up anger inside of him and would probably be going off on ppl left and right (okay not that much but yk) and yes I can totally see donald being the cold, tormented character that eventually falls into the pit of despair 😭 this is getting long lol I wanted to ask your take on who in wh would have siblings cause I know lots of people have made voiced their opinions so I was wondering what you think! Lots of love and have a good day or night! (And I realised that I use wayy too many exclamation points haha )
Hello again anon!! I'm doing great, I hope you are well too!! (You're not alone on the "using too many exclaimation marks' front lol)
As for who I think would have siblings in WH??
First of all I agree with everyone on the "Wolf has a little sister" headcanon. I can't express how IN LOVE I am with that concept. I've spent an insane amount of time on imagining different dynamics for that!!
Some of my hcs for big bro wolf:
Wolf would definitely be the MOST overprotective big brother ever
Hwangmo is the ONLY guy allowed near his sister
If some guy tries to approach his sis in front of him, he'd definitely scare them away lol.
He'd also worry a LOT
"It's 7 PM already, why aren't you home yet? Should I come pick you up??" "Jeez hyung I'm THIRTEEN I can get get home by myself" " Yes you CAN but you don't HAVE to" *sister hangs up* "brat" *He goes to pick her up anyway just to annoy her lol*
He is the fussy mom kind of big bro but he also LOVES annoying his sister
His sister knows that he's a delinquent but he tries his best to never show his crazy side in front of her
Big Ben definitely has little twin sisters you can't convince me otherwise!!
Leaving Ben incharge of his sisters almost always ends up in him calling Alex over for help
For some reason his sisters won't listen to anything he says but always do whatever Alex asks them to without little to no complaints
"This ISN'T FAIR, why do they listen to you and not me??" "Maybe cuz you act like you're five" "NO I DON'T" *proceeds to sulk in a corner like a five year old*
The twins have a competition going on to see who's gonna marry Alex when they grow up (Ben: Alex is MINE, Twins: No he isn't! Alex: Shut up and finish your food all three of you. Park siblings *pouting*: Yes sir)
Sometimes Alex feels like he's babysitting triplets
They also LOVE getting swung around on Ben's shoulders
There's this fanfiction I read where Jimmy had a little sister and their dynamic in that fic was so fun!! I'm totally on board with that idea.
Oh and Gerard definitely has a little brother!!
He loves to embarrass his brother in front of his friends.
He'd be like the most annoying big brother ever lol.
You know those sibling dynamics where the big bro is this really popular, hot and talented guy who loves putting up the cool guy act when in reality he's just an embarrassing & annoying idiot. Yup. That's what I imagine Gerard to be.
I also think that Forrest would make a really good big bro. Oh and hwangmo. This perfect man. Anyone would be blessed to have a sibling like him honestly.
And that's about it. I hope you like it and have a good day/night dear anon <3
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herbivorousviolin · 7 years ago
I just , as in at this very moment, fucking finished all three seasons of Hannibal. What. The. Fuck.
I need more, damn it.
I have so much feelings. So I need to let it o u t.
1. Fucking MURDER HUSBANDS. They're so complex and perfect and i want m o r e.
(I cannot articulate everything, all i know is that this show is basically all about their romance shieeet.)
(Also, at the end!!! Bedelia is shown at the dinner table, with her leg cooked in Hannibal's recipe, and THERE WERE TWO EMPTY CHAIRS DOES THAT MEAN THAT MURDER HUSBANDS LIVE ON?!!!?!?! I CA NN OT AHSSFFSKAAL)
(The fight at the end, ghe song at the end and the hug and the way Will cut Dragon like how Hannibal cut him at season 2 ender and and AHHH I WANNA SCREAM AT THE MOON THESE TWO ARE IN LOVE FUUUUUUUUUCK EVERYTHING FEELS SO SEN S U AL)
Ok, i have to cut my murder husbands rant and continue with other topics.
2. Dr. Alana Friggin Bloom, at first, I was oh she's cute, she's ok. Then, season 2 Alana, I was like oh dear oh no bae.
Season 3 arrives and all of a sudden, BAM! I'm like who is this fucking gorgeous lady that i would totally sleep with?! She's evolved and she's so wonderful. I love her and her wife!!!! Margot is also fab as fuck. The way Alana dresses in Season 3 is just The Best.
3. Bedelia is also so gorgeous and hnnngh so so soooo cunning, i kinda pity her at the end.
4. Freddie Lounds and Jack, I think they'll be killed and eaten too by murder husbands.
5. I felt sorry for the Dragon. He's a brilliant character but it felt like for me that in the end, he was used by Hannibal and Will so that those two can evolve and their relationship will progress.
6. Dr. Chilton didn't get to chill. So fucking unfortunate life he has, gets disemboweled by Abel, lives, gets framed but Hannibal, gets shot in the face but lives, gets kidnapped by Dragon (thanks very much Will!), gets lips bitten off and set on fire, lives. He is so fuckinf unfortunate.
7. I loved Abel though, so charming.
8. What happened to Chiyoh? I loved that lady! Maybe she'll be the Abigail of Murder Husbands? Hahahaha!!
9. I seriously need more. And i'm cutting my rant cause it's too long now and i have the urge to drown myself in fics k bye
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puckish-saint · 8 years ago
hiya~ just passing by and thinking about reaper76 (no reader insert) and their pretended marriage au 😏 whatcha' thinking 'bout that love? p.s. just wanted to tell you that your writing always bring smile on my face, the way you have with words captivated me from your first posts and i don't think i will ever forget your style (just really love your humour the jokes in it work every time) (although i find your blog only when you started writing overwatch fics i wish i found you sooner)
(my jokes work, thank god. You have no idea how long I’ve been chewing on that one, waiting for someone to tell me if my attempts at humour land. This really made my day Also Fake Marriage, yes pleas.Because just, hnnngh. Gabe more or less reluctantly teaming up with Overwatch after it turns out he’s been set up/lots of misunderstandings/shenanigans. But he and Jack have been drifting apart for so long and even though both technically know they’ve been played out against each other, knowing it and acting accordingly are two very different things. They fight, they argue, they can’t stand being in the same room and it’s worse because both remember they used to be inseparable.So, shit happens and they have to pretend to love each other. They have to dig deep under all the baggage to find that affection they used to hold for each other, and what’s scary is that it’s easy.The first morning Gabriel shovels six spoon fulls of sugar into his coffee cup, hesitates, then just upends the whole damn sugar bowl into his coffee, Jack doesn’t have a problem hugging him from behind and kissing him good morning.And when Jack loses horribly at some video game because he’s too busy admiring the scenery (”look at those trees, Gabe, they’re all handcrafted. Every one of them. Look at the trees.” “Will you please look at the giant venomous spider instead?”) Gabriel laughs like he hasn’t in ages.
I will go down with that trope tbh, and because I have no restraint, I wrote just under 2k words which may or may not be the beginning of a multichapter fic I’ll be putting on AO3.
Gibraltar base in low energy mode creeps out everyone. The lights are low, turning longhallways into twilight suffused tunnels with no end in sight, entireportions of the base void of life and activity. Only the dormitoriesand kitchens still have full power, a warm haven surrounded bymonsters in the dead of night. Everyone deals with the creepiness intheir own way. Lena drives her accelerator to its limits, skipping inand out the darkness as fast as she can. Mei asks a friend toaccompany her, whereas Hanzo plain refuses to go.
Lúcio talks.
“I’m here one time and theymake me go to the damn locker rooms to get some trivial shit nobodycares about,” he mutters under his breath, chasing away theoppressive silence. “First time in months we see each other and Ibrought them all souvenirs, but they’re all like, oh Lu-lu can youdo us a huge favour and get this random shit from our demon cellar,and if you get eaten do we get your skates?”
He turns a corner and comes face toface with a demon. Black holes where the eyes should be, a being ofpure darkness melds from the shadows to take his soul. Lúcio’scomplaints stick in his throat, hiding just like he wants to be. Theshadow seems to stare right through him. Then it moves.
“Gabe! Puta merda, you scaredthe crap out of me.”
Gabriel chuckles deeply and the grimreaper hunting for his innocent soul becomes the latest addition totheir ragtag bunch of misfits. They fall in step together, Lúciomuch more at ease now that he has someone tall and strong to protecthim from Overwatch’s version of a haunted house.
“Wimp,” he says good-natured.“We’re needed in the conference room. Something came up.”
“What, now?”
“No, the next Saint Patrick’s day.”
In the beginning Gabriel’s sarcasmput him off, but by now Lúcio has learned to appreciate it. Theyspend more time together than most anyone on base, seeing as hismusic is what’s slowly but surely healing Gabriel of his specialproblem.
“Your skin hurt again?” he asks,gesturing to the mask he wears again. Lately he can go mostly gowithout, but every now and then the degeneration flares up again andforces him to protect himself. Gabriel shrugs.
“It’s nothing compared to what itused to be like.” he says.
“Still. I can write you something tohelp, okay?”Gabriel argues only a little and by the time theyenter the conference room he has convinced him. Half the team hasgathered, including Fareeha through video conference from Cairo.
“... spotted them twice coming in,but they have an alternate route for leaving. I’m on it right now.”
“Good work, Amari.” Winston turnsto face the team. “We have eyes on Vishkar’s top suppliers. Idon’t need to tell you this op could make or break our effortsagainst them. Yes, Lúcio, you’ll be on the team to take them in.”
Lúcio has barely opened his mouth andnow grins, leaning back as they watch the low-res pictures Fareehamanaged to take of the couple they’ve been after for months.Vishkar’s increasingly unsavoury activities rely almost completelyon these two people, elusive as they are efficient, supplying Vishkarwith everything from stolen technology to weapons. Whatever thecorporation needs, they can get it. And now Overwatch knows wherethey are.
“We need to send in a strike-team,”Jack says once they’ve gone over the bullet points. “And quick. Idon’t suppose we can get Miss Song on such short notice, but withmyself, Lena and Fareeha we can move quickly enough to evade a drawnout fight. Lúcio should stay back until we’re well into it. Ifthey spot him before-”“Hey,” Gabriel barks. “Who died andmade you boss?”
“I don’t see you contributinganything of value.” Jack shoots back with just as much venom.
“You wouldn’t let anyone get a wordin edgewise, golden boy.”“You act like I’ve beenmonologuing for hours, it figures you have to make up something to beupset about-”“You don’t even hear yourself speak, doyou?”“Guys? Stop fighting.”
Both Jack and Gabriel fall silent underLena’s soft but firm rebuke. They won’t look at each other, sitwith crossed arms through the rest of the briefing. Two teams will goin, one lead by Fareeha closing in on their targets, the other leadby Reinhardt blocking off their escape. Winston reminds them to atleast try and bring them in alive for interrogation.
A few hours later the team sets out.
A few hours after that, a furious duetof Amaris relays the mission to Winston.They’re speaking over eachother, curse the sky green and look one wrong word away from becomingphysically violent.
“-completely disregarded theplan-”“-charged in there like madmen, fighting each other,like they didn’t even see all those damn turrets-”“-Reinhardtkept shouting at them to listen but they were too busy with theirpissing contest-”“-had to double back and bail them out, TeamB got pinned down by drones-”“-targets almost got away, if ithadn’t been for my daughter, we’d be back to zero-”
“-can’t work with those two, theycompromised the mission, the team, themselves-”“-likechildren in a playground, no professionalism-”“Alright,alright!” Winston interrupts holding up his hands to protecthimself from the Amari wrath. He doesn’t want to know what Jack andGabriel had to hear before they called. “I’ll talk to them. Inthe meantime, what about our targets?”
The targets are secure and brought tothe base and surprisingly accommodating. They have no loyalty forVishkar and eagerly share everything they know in return for a deal.Jack and Gabriel are taken off the mission roster for the time being,although both had to be persuaded to stay at all, ready to walk outafter this latest fiasco that proved to them trying to work togetherafter everything that happened is a moot exercise.
“We used to joke they could read eachother’s minds,” Reinhardt says while they wait for Winston andAna to finish up with the intel they gathered from their targets.“You have never seen closer friends.”
Lúcio looks up from his tablet to giveReinhardt a look of pure doubt.
“Hard to imagine, I know” Jessesays, smoking despite everyone’s subtle and not so subtle-nods tothe no-smoking rule. “But it’s true. Took the UN almost twodecades to push them apart, and that’s sayin’ somethin’...”
Lena makes to answer but is interruptedby the arrival of Winston, followed by Ana and, surprisingly, Jackand Gabriel.
“Thought we were benched.” Jackvoices everyone’s thoughts.
“Something came up,” Ana repliescurtly and loads their info up on the main screen. “We got ourtargets just in time. They were ready to retire and Vishkar promisedthem new identities and a safe home.”
“If Vishkar made them disappear, we’dnever have found them,” Lúcio says and then whistles when Anabrings up a picture. “That what I think it is?”
“Jannat, Vishkar’s top-secret gatedcommunity. It’s their magnum opus, located an hour’s drive fromUtopaea. The families of their top executives and scientists all livethere. It’s also where they keep all their records.”
“So what?” Jesse says. “We’regonna wire them and let them go?”
“Better,” Ana shows a grin that’sall teeth and even though she hasn’t so much as glanced at Jack andGabriel, they both swallow, knowing whatever she has planned, they’llbe the butt of the joke. “Our targets were extremely careful. Noteven Vishkar knows who they are. They have a vague description of twomales in their fifties or sixties, one of which is black or latino,which puts us in the prime position of being able to send two of ouragents in their stead.”“Fuck that.” Gabriel says, wellaware of who’s going to end up playing the part. Jack at leasttries to be a bit more subtle about it.
“Reyes and I aren’t exactlynobodies. They’ll recognise us.”
“They’ll recognise your faces, butit won’t matter. We can fool their DNA sensors.”
“Still, they might getsuspicious.”“It’s a risk we’re going to have to take.This is our only chance to get into Jannat and we don’t have thetime to hold castings.”
Jack knows when he lost a fight, butGabriel keeps arguing. He damn near flips the tables when Winstonwon’t be persuaded to use someone else, gets into a shouting matchwith Ana that lasts for hours. Mission prep lasts a little under aday and when it’s done and their identities forged, they have todrag him kicking and screaming onto the plane, less metaphoricallythan anyone would prefer.
“He’ll get us killed,” Gabrielspits while Lúcio walks him through the last few points. “He didit before.”
Jack tenses but says nothing, sittingat the opposite end of the aircraft and pretending to read the news.
“It’s going to go fine,” Lúciosays cheerfully. “Mister Jack’s got you. Now listen, because asfar as we know there’s a sort of quarantine and we won’t be ableto talk for at least a month. I’ve built you a miniature version ofmy sonic tech and packed every song I ever wrote on that. Nothingwill go wrong with our treatment plan, but if it does something onthere will help you, okay?”“Yeah, yeah, fine.” Gabrielswats at him, cheeks hot with embarrassment at being mothered bysomeone half a foot shorter and almost three decades younger thanhim.
And then it’s just them and Lena inthe cockpit, flying them to their destination. In less than an hourthey’ll be Sam and Steve Carter, married for thirty two years,criminals for slightly longer. They’ll have to kiss and hug and saystupid corny shit and for all that Gabriel wants to forcefully ejecthimself from the plane, he knows they can’t blow this one. The endof Vishkar for good lies just within their reach. If he fucks this upbecause he couldn’t play nice he’ll never be able to look Lúcioin the eye again. The kid was the only one who accepted him with openarms after the whole mess with Mercy and the UN was over. When evenReinhardt and Ana kept their distance, it was Lúcio who sat with himfor breakfast, who included him, who went up to him in all his 5’3’’glory and asked to spar because even Jesse wouldn’t. He can’tfuck this up.
They step into the sweltering Indianheat arm in arm and gritting their teeth.
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