#hnk reader
frobby · 6 months
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welcome to venn diagram hell
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sunoorintarou · 9 months
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Catharsis: Christmas Special
Phos!Reader x Teen!Gojo Satoru and Teen!Geto Suguru
Warnings: Gojo - centric, usual angst, fluff if you squint, major character death, dead bodies, set in 2006, lots of talks of politics, death, murder, trauma, morals, etc, borderline bullying? (Satoru is a jerk), self - blaming, grief, and all it's stages, trouble processing and understanding emotions, Gojo is seriously just his own warning
Notes: Merry Christmas!!!
"You're weak. Why do you bother being a sorceror?"
Satoru's words make you freeze, eyes widening at their bluntness. He doesn't react, however, because in his mind, he's simply telling you the truth.
You're weak. He's known that from the moment you set foot in this classroom almost three months ago.
He doesn't understand why Suguru and Shoko seem so fond of you. All you do is get into trouble, injure yourself, and make it everyone's problem to save you. You can't fight, your Cursed Technique is subpar, not to mention that you're annoying.
Stepping into battle like some sort of self-righteous hero knowing full well that if a curse so much as touches you, you'll crumble. Literally. That's another thing he finds annoying about you. How easily your skin chips and cracks like porcelain revealing an ocean of Phosphophyllite underneath.
You can't lift anything heavy, you can't fight, you can't help out without injuring yourself, you're clumsy, you're annoying, and the list could go on.
What he finds the most annoying about you, however, is your soft voice going, "Gojo - san, are you alright? You look tired", "Gojo - san, you should rest, you don't need to use your technique so often", "Gojo - san, you haven't eaten yet, so I brought you this, I hope you don't mind".
Gojo - san this, Gojo - san that, God. You drive him crazy. How do you manage to see through every front he puts up? Every act? Even Shoko and Suguru can't see through it, and yet you have the audacity to call him out.
You're a liability in battle, and you're practically useless, more like the team's overglorified mascot. So, for the life of him, Satoru doesn't understand why everyone likes you so much. Even Nanami, his grouchy underclassman, doesn't seem to mind you.
What annoys Satoru the most, however, is the tug his heart feels when he looks at you. Because no matter how he tries to deny it, you're growing on him like a parasite, and a part of him wishes he was as close to you as they were.
"I am weak." You agree, seemingly taking no offence to Satoru's question. It's just you and him in the classroom. You're standing at your desk, bag still in hand, and he's sitting a desk, two desks behind yours. Shoko and Suguru are still on their way, and he's taken this opportunity to ask you what he's been dying to.
Satoru's eyes widen at your response.
"If you know you're weak, why do you try so hard? It's kind of pathetic, you know." His brows furrow, glasses sliding down his nose bridge as he tilts his head.
"I- because, I'm selfish, I guess." You say softly.
There it is again. That annoying soft tone of voice that makes his chest hurt whenever he hears it.
"I know I'm weak, but I want to keep trying. I want to fight. One day, I want to be able to repay everyone for everything they've done for me. Yaga - sensei, Shoko, Suguru, Ken, Yuu. Even you, Gojo - san. I want you to be able to rely on me. I want to be able to protect innocent people like you guys do. So I hope you can bear with me for a little more, Gojo - san. I'm sorry for being such a burden, but I promise I'll pay you back." You say earnestly, looking Gojo in the eye.
Satoru's eyes widen, and he's silent for a moment. Before he bursts out laughing.
You suddenly feel embarrassed. You were being serious and heartfelt, and all Gojo does in response is laugh.
"What's with that? Did you quote that from an anime?" He cackles, hitting the desk with one hand and holding his stomach with the other.
"I- I did not! I was being honest!" You defend, feeling the heat tinting your cheeks.
"If- if you really want to repay me, buy me something sweet from the vending machine." Satoru stutters between fits of giggles.
"OK, I'm on it." You nod, turning on your tail to leave the class. A hand grabs your shoulder, stopping you.
"Where are you going?" Satoru asks, leaning down to look you in the eye.
"The vending machine?" You reply, brows furrowed in confusion.
"You're going now?"
"Yeah? I'll be back really quickly."
Satoru scoffs, but there's a smile on his face nonetheless.
"Really? I'll time you then. You have 5 minutes." He challenges, smirking as he tilts his head at you.
"5- 5 minutes?" You stutter, eyes wide. The vending machine was on the other side of the school. There's no way you'd make it back in 5 minutes.
"Yeah. The clock is ticking. Didn't you say you'd pay me for saving your butt all those times?" He mocks.
Satoru's eyes widen as you put down your bag, determination clear on your face.
"I did. I might not be back in 5 minutes, but I'll be back in less than 10!"
"Hey, wait-"
And with that, you've rushed out the classroom, leaving Satoru absolutely bewildered. As he sticks his head out the door, watching you run and almost slip multiple times, Satoru thinks he's figured it out. He understands why Shoko and Suguru keep you around.
You're amusing. And he wants to get closer to you.
Unfortunately, things never go as planned. And if Satoru had known the outcome before, he would have tried to get to know you much sooner.
Things change quickly when you're a Jujutsu Sorceror. People come and go, live, and die. They change, they evolve. People grow apart, and people grow closer.
Regardless, it's not a pleasant feeling when you lose someone close to you. 
Gojo Satoru had never thought the day would come when he'd feel regret. He was the strongest, after all. Everything he wanted he got. The world was his oyster. Money, power, good looks, everything. So it's safe to say that loss was also a new concept to him.
A feeling he decided he'd prefer to live without.
It hurt in a way he couldn't explain. He felt as if he couldn't breathe, as if there were something heavy on his chest. Almost as if he were having an out of body experience but could feel whatever the stranger he saw when he looked in the mirror felt. Pain. Anger. Despair.
Cold and light. That's how your body felt in his arms. He couldn't bear to look at the white cloth covering it. This, this couldn't be you. This body in his arms, the broken shards of its head cutting into the cloth.
Yet it was still vivid. Amanai Riko running out and finding him, letting him know that you had died saving her. A bullet straight to the head. Pushing her into Suguru's arms and telling him to run with your last breath. Riko's tear filled face as she begged for him to help Suguru because she couldn't bear to have anyone else die because of her.
Since then, he's felt numb. It hasn't faded. The coldness in his skin, the haze of his reality, brain clouded as it was forced to process the events that had taken place.
"Suguru... should we kill them all? I probably wouldn't feel anything right now."
Did he say something? The words don't register in his mind. Was that his voice? Raw and soft.
Them. The higher-ups. If only he had known earlier that they were supportive of your death. That there was a bounty for your head somewhere.
He didn't know why. He didn't know anything. You had kept so much to yourself. Just what were you dealing with alone? All this time, smiling wide, eyes always sparkling, hiding everything behind your carefree, happy - go - lucky persona.
You didn't deserve this. You of all people. You weren't weak. You were sweet, kind, caring, and selfless to a fault.
This was not you. Lifeless in his arms. You were never this cold.
He remembered it, how warm your hands were all those time your fingers brushed his forehead to check if he was well, when your fingers brushed his whenever you handed him something, how warm they were when you held his face in your hands and scolded him for being reckless. He remembered it vividly.
What would you say if you saw him now? The exhaustion in his face, the blankness in his eyes, the way his- his hands were... trembling?
He could hear your voice, clear as day.
"Gojo - san! What happened to you!"
"You should really take care of yourself more, what were you thinking?"
"I don't care if you're one of the strongest! You're a teenager. Right now, you're just Satoru, and you're going to learn to be kinder to yourself. You- you don't deserve this."
What did Satoru deserve? Was it really kindness? Care? Gentleness? Love? He had messed up. If he had been stronger, he could have saved you. If he had been stronger, you wouldn't be dead in his arms.
What was the point of awakening his powers when they weren't there when it mattered? What was the point of being the strongest if he couldn't protect the people he cared about? The people he loved?
What made matters worse was finding out the higher-ups were happy you were gone. The people that had singlehandedly been the cause for his suffering. His. Suguru's. Shoko's. Yours. Those filthy old bags who only thought of themselves.
What would really happened if he killed them all? Would it really be such a bad thing? Weren't they supposed to be the pillars of the Jujutsu world? The elders for people to look up to and learn from. A symbol of hope, something, anything even remotely positive, beneficial to the future of the young next generation of Jujutsu Sorcerors?
All they had done was applaud the death of someone innocent. A teenager. A child. How dare these self-righteous ba-
Your hand falls from the covers of the white sheet, hanging limply.
Satoru's brain goes blank. A pale arm, an empty hand, and familiar phosphophyllite fingernails.
"No need. It's meaningless." Suguru's voice is low, as if the reality that you're gone hasn't hit him yet. His eyes linger on your hand. The palm that patted his back, the fingers that ran through his hair, the hand that was so warm in his.
Before he can stop himself, he finds his own hand grasping it. It's cold. He drops it like the contact physically hurt him.
"Without the higher-ups, the Jujutsu world will go up in flames. And even if they die, there's the possibility even worse people will come into power. Killing them won't bring her back either."
His words don't make sense, even to him, but Suguru utters them nonetheless. The look in Satoru's eye is enough to tell him that if he doesn't do anything, today will mark the beginning of a massacre. And although he feels the same anger Satoru does, Suguru's moral compass, as well as his understanding of the type of person you are... stops him.
"Meaning... huh?" Satoru repeats.
The Satoru in front of him is not the Satoru Suguru knows. The playful, snarky, overburdened boy replaced by something else. Something unfamiliar. Something... cold.
"Do we need that?"
Suguru hesitates for a split second. The girl in Satoru's arms is just as unfamiliar. A bubbly, bright, kind girl replaced by something else. Something unfamiliar. Something... almost sinful. A shell. An empty shell. The existence it harboured long gone. A disgrace to the being it had once been.
"Yeah. It's very important... for sorcerors."
Your corpse wouldn't decompose. The crystallisation forming a perfect seal to your body, and perhaps that's why they can't bring themselves to immediately bury you.
Clinging onto the false hope that perhaps you'd wake up, bounce back like always. Familiar head of teal hair poking over Suguru's shoulder, a second softer set of footsteps padding behind Satoru's, a warm hand flinching at the touch of Shoko's cold ones.
It's sickening. How quiet everything has become in your absence. How the shadows seem darker due to the absence of your light.
Perhaps you wouldn't know it, but your death was beneficial in a way. Suguru spiralled into depression but your words of the past kept him strong, and somehow, he managed to graduate with Satoru and Shoko.
They left an empty seat between them at graduation. Your certificate is still in Shoko's office to this day.
Your warnings and nagging that reminded everyone of their mother saved Haibara's life. You had always told them to never accept missions alone, and it was thanks to your words ringing in his head that Nanami became paranoid while Haibara was out on a mission. This led to him going out to check on Haibara and ended in him saving his life.
It was almost idealistic how almost everyone graduated that year. A rare thing in the Jujutsu World to have so many young people survive.
Satoru jokes its because you took on the unwanted burden and closed the gates of Heaven yourself. You always did. Eating the bitter parts of his food that he didn't like, letting everyone choose first when Yaga gave you rewards, not touching your food until everyone had started eating. You always took on the unpleasantries so that everyone else could live without knowing suffering.
Why did everyone deserve happiness except for you?
Why did everyone deserve to live except for you?
"Gojo - Sensei."
"So even Sensei sleeps, huh?"
"Of course he does. What kind of nonsense is that?"
Satoru's eyelids flutter. He pulls up his blindfold, his vision coming into focus as he sees a blurry image of his students.
For a split moment, he's in high school again. He's in his second year, and he's sleeping before class. He hears soft footsteps approach him. Feels someone lean down near him, but he's not scared. Not even annoyed.
Rather, he plays dumb and waits in anticipation. There's butterflies bursting in his chest, a smile pulling at his face that's hidden in his arms. Smirking at the familiar scent of yuzu and caramel engulfing his senses. He'd chosen it, after all.
"Gojo - san? Wake up, class is about to start."
"Gojo - sensei!"
But when his visions focuses fully, he realises it's been 12 years and his beloved students have visited his office.
"Oh, he's awake!"
There's a red rim to Satoru's eyes, but it's almost unnoticeable. He smiles before pulling his blindfold back down.
"Please don't fall asleep after summoning us all here." Megumi states.
Satoru stands up, and Yuji and Nobara are quick to fight over who gets to sit on his chair.
"What are you smiling about?"
It's today. By 4 that morning, Satoru had found himself sat in front of a familiar grave. He was always the first to visit. He brings a bouquet of white heliotrope and places it on the grave. He crouches in front of it, his blindfold tucked away in his pocket.
"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy Birthday, dear Y/n. Happy Birthday to you."
If there's one thing Satoru wishes, it's that he was able to tell you his feelings truthfully while you were still alive. It's unhealthy, but he finds himself uttering the same three words on every occasion to a stone in the ground.
If only he could have seen your pretty face while he uttered them in person.
Satoru doesn't know if he believes in the afterlife, but he hopes you're listening. And maybe, just maybe, you're screaming at the top of your lungs, repeating the words in hopes he'd somehow hear.
"It's nothing."
A lie. Because deep down, Satoru knows he's thinking about a certain place, a certain person.
Maybe in his next life, he can finally go home to you.
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cairafea · 1 year
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houseki no kuni brainrot doodles. ichikawa please release the new chapter soon the hnk countdown twitter account is gonna run out of pages to attach to each tweet
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walpu · 5 months
Aventurine seeing you try and desperately rebuild your partner with the fake gem remains and part of him feels sad for you because you've been trying for months on end with little to no results. But he's also a little jealous? He can see how hurt you are but somewhere in his selfish heart he hopes they don't come back.
Aventurine getting broken so many times and losing so many inclusions that he starts forgetting the little things you do for him like he's going insane cuz he can't remember what you did together 2 days ago but he can still remember the warm and fuzzy feeling and it scares him. What if he forgets you name next? He couldn't live with that.
What if you make a promise together on a specific day and he forgets? You're so heartbroken and basically avoid him the whole day since you think he doesn't want to hang out with you and Aventurine is just left confused and hurt too because why are you suddenly avoiding him?? What did he do????
when you shatter together and are rebuilt, some of his inclusions get in you and some of yours in him (idk if that's possible but shhh we dream big). He starts to see himself through your eyes, how much you love him and all the things you never told him. You see yourself through his eyes, all his insecurities and emotions that he's bottled up.
ALSO what if reader was like a corundum or moissanite which both have a moh hardness of around 9 ish? So significantly stronger than Aventurine. Reader always throwing themselves in danger to keep him safe....
OK one last thing I PROMiSE
Aventurine still has a pretty high hardness, so the fact that he keeps getting shattered just means he's way too reckless when it comes to his own life. Just the mental imagery of you carefully putting him back together piece by piece, telling him to be more careful...man.
reader 🤝 Cinna
broken promises
I imagine reader being very strong but the power comes with a great cost. They have two modes just like Alexandrite but unlike Alex they can control their state.
Their inclusions collect energy from the sunlight and they can use this energy to buff themselves up significantly but at the cost of their hardness and emotional stability (the more energy they use, the more transparent fragile their body becomes). If they use all saved up energy, they'll end up in the comatose state for like 150 years in order to recover completely.
So I like to think they're older than Aventurine physically but not much older mentally since they were in coma when he appeared.
Also. Them using like 90% of the energy in their body during the night raid :) Aven being scared for them but also shocked and heartbroken because they use this power against him :) like oh wow they actually do hate me that much haha :) reader did this to keep up with padpa and be able to fight Aven one on one since even if they're heartbroken they want this moment with him if not as partners then at least as enemies
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a-998h · 7 months
For SAGAU, I have an interesting idea in mind. The creator is similar to that of a gem from HNK! Meaning they are made entirely of a crystal and consume light to survive. They glow in the sun like Diamond, maybe?
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If they didn't already think you were a god they would definitely think it with the way you look.
They all admire your beauty. Characters like Albedo, will have you pose for them. The alchemist characters will try to figure out what exactly you are through experiments. They all think you're beautiful. They knew you would be a God. They just didn't think you would look so... Unique.
The way you shimmer in the light makes people stare in awe. Artist from everywhere will try and capture your beauty. Charolette will ask for pictures at different times of day to see the effect of the light. Chiori will use your style and physical traits as inspiration for a new clothing line.
Your appearance is at first a bit of a shock, but they get used to it after a week or so. Your shine inspires all of Teyvat's artistic weirdos. There are lines outside of whichever shrine you're staying at, a line of creative who want to immortalize your beauty for generations to come.
When they learn you eat light, some are upset Xiangling because they think you won't be able to eat their cooking. You can it just doesn't really taste good to you. Others, Albedo and Surcrose, find it fascinating and try to figure out how it works.
When they see your offensive capabilities they are in awe but not surprised. Of course the Creator is a strong fighter, it's to be expected. What they don't expect however is how not so durable you are. You Chris and crack, and they worry you'll get permanent damage. They look for ways to make you more durable and strong.
Despite perceived flaws they all love you and your appearance just makes it even better.
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mieowkoid09 · 10 months
...finally. i have them all.
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And finally, Nonbinary.
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All doomed by the narrative <3
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They've been called out and denied it.
Doomed by the narrative indeed.
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lunarwednesday · 11 months
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Inktober Day 22-31 (Happy Halloween!)
Scratchy - Glitched Catra
Celestial(s) - Han Sooyoung and Kim Dokja
Shallow - Luguang
Dangerous - Lenore
Remove - Lapis Lazuli’s head
Beast - Beast Lord Shin Yoosung
Sparkle - Kim Dokja’s story [‘Person Who Is Loved By All’]
Massive - [Giant Fable, ‘Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint’]
Rush - Biyoo — on a sugar rush!
Fire - Calcifer
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qiribov · 6 months
Shh... Listen to the ice floes sing.
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-neee? You awake yet?
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-winter passes so quickly. I'll dry flowers for you this summer.
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Part 2..?
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vuiltone · 5 months
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then he adopted them
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nekoooooo-p · 3 months
Human!Yandere! Diamond headcanons | Houseki no Kuni | Land of the Lustrous
CW: obsession, modern au
Synopsis: Your friend gave you a ticket to an idol concert she was a fan of because she was sick. You go to a concert for autographs and new impressions.
And you can’t even imagine how all this will turn out.
• Diamond, 26 y.o. Young idol. G/n. They/them, he/his
• They look cute and friendly and are loved by their fans.
• Really not happy with their fans.
• 5'6''
• It is very difficult to get a ticket to their concert.
× Diamond is non-binary, so it would be more correct to say they/them, but it doesn't hurt to point out the fact that they're technically a guy.
× You met for the first time at his concert - although you had absolutely no expectations for this event, since you ended up here completely by accident because of a friend who could not go. The ticket shouldn't go to waste, right?
× Having promised to take more videos from the performance, take as many photos as possible and be sure to be in line for an autograph on a limited disc, you found yourself in a completely unfamiliar place alone, amidst loud music, the powerful voice of an idol, and dozens, maybe hundreds, of strangers. You liked their performance - you were satisfied, despite all the inconveniences. All that's left is to get an autograph.
× Diamond - don’t know you at all. He has no idea who you are, what you do, who you study or work for, how you spend your day and who your friends are. But they immediately notice you in line for the signature - confused and thoughtful, and, despite the crowd in front of you, anxious from not knowing what to say. They seem to see right through the anxiety. Incredible — see the excitement of another fan a hundred times a day, which they, in some places, can’t stand - disgusting!, but somehow highlight someone.
× .puɐɥ ɹnoʎ qɐɹᵷ oʇ ʇuɐʍ ǝɹ'ʎǝɥʇ - ʇuɐsɐǝʅd ʎɹǝʌ ou sᴉ sᴉɥʇ .uoᴉʇɐɔᴉunɯɯoɔ ɹoɟ ǝɯᴉʇ ǝʅʇʇᴉʅ os sᴉ ǝɹǝɥʇ ʇɐɥʇ ǝʇɐunʇɹoɟun ǝʅʇʇᴉʅ ɐ uǝʌǝ s’ʇᴉ .ʇsǝɹǝʇuᴉ dǝǝp ʇnq ᵷuᴉɥʇou ʅǝǝɟ oʇ sᴉ ʇᴉ ʅɐnsnun ʍoɥ ×
× A couple of words, slight movements of the wrist - and behold, the disc is signed. You seem simple to them, you have no obsession or passion - you are a random guest. And it really caught on, leaving a mark....
× The entire staff noticed how distracted the Diamond were for the rest of the evening.
× That short period of time when they signed the disc alone with you was imprinted in their head, stuck firmly.
× They themselves were amazed at what was so unusual about you that managed to hook their malicious, fastidious and slightly cynical soul?
× The answer was simple and therefore seemed irrational - nothing.
× Probably, for about a month everything fell through the cracks for Dia - the notes were out of tune, his perfect handwriting was jumpy, his morning toast was burnt, things were lost, and his thoughts were in turmoil. At some point they even feared for their mental health — several concerts in a row, at each of which there was at least one inadequate person, frantic training, diets, recordings and re-recordings, of course, greatly decimated their colleagues. Until recently, they didn’t think that this would affect them too - but they had to think about it.
× Even if it wasn't true.
× Although, nevertheless, they needed rest - it was not possible to understand themselves in this media turmoil.
× Having found the reason for the burning of bread and the falling of toothpaste on the floor, they thought deeply.
× And each time, remembering, it seemed to them more and more that there was much more ideal in you than there was at first glance.
× Whether it’s true or not, the process has started, and they are already feverishly drawing in their heads the ideal picture of you and...
× ... ma̧̯̻͍̲̹͖̘͊ͥͤ̕͘͠y̗̟̼̌ͪ̀ͥ_̶̩̞̣̱͍̱̫̫̫̄͛̔̎̀b̦̟͙͋͗ͧ́̏͞_̮͔͉̟͗̃́ͅe̩̩̻͇̰̹͛̓͆̎ͩ͡_̤̻̭͇̮͘ t̶̸̸̸̷̡̹͖͇͖̟̱̂͆̊̄́́̎̑ͬͫ͑͠͞h̨͕̳̮͔͐ͪ̍̋ͩ̊͌ͦͥ͘̚͢e̸̵̶͍̔̏͊͒͐̃̕̕͠mṡ̨̤̗ͭę̴̷̱͙̝̤̙̞̣͕͚̻͔̞͎͓̼̿ͯ̀̍̃ͥͨͥ͐ͭͤ̈́̆̍͛ͬͨ͐̒̕͝l̮̪ͫv̢̡̘̦̠̭͎̦̝͔̖̘̒ͬ͌ͥ̓̔ͮͮ͗̇̒͜͝͞e̵̛͕̪̞͎̥͓͙͓̳͚̓͌̆̒̀̓̅ͯͮ͒͟ͅ_̸̫̘̯͖̾ͫ͂̆ͥͫ͒̔sͥ.̶̩͎̗͎̪͔͙̜̹̾̎ͨ̀̀ͪ̈́͊̆͊͒̏̎̾̓̅͠ͅ ×
× Every day the thoughts became more intrusive and rougher - that image was ringing in the ears and the poetic mind of the creative personality gave out a simple but clear association:
× T̷̸̸̳̮̥̞̣̬̣̼̗̑ͣͤ͑̔́̅̇́̕̕͘͢͡ẖ̴̳i̎̚_̘͎̔̓̚͟ŕ̵̵̶̸̶̴̨̨̧̝̦͚̻̙̣̫͙̂ͫͬ̽̏̏̑̋͊̋̏͞ͅs̢̖͚̣̭̞̖͍̐̽͐ͥ̾͜͠_̢͖̦͉͎̠͇͚̝͆ͤͮ͘͘t̢͍ͣ̏̀͜.̸̸̷̷̡̧̨̛͚̱̰̮̳͎̦̖͍̎͆͌̏̑͑̇ͮ̊̃͆ͦ͆ͥ̌͗̾͂̓ͪ̚͘͢͠͡ͅ. ×
× And finally the abscess burst out with lyrics on paper.
End of the first part.
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art: by me
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adalricus · 8 months
PADPA?!?!? 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤
I'm so sorry for how late probably is😭
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Padparadscha x reader hcs:
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☆ Now, baby girl you know you'd have to be patient to get in a relationship with them
☆You decided to help Rutile with finding peices for Padparadscha
☆When they suddenly woke, let me tell you, they were smitten
☆While they were awake, you two would go patrols with them, take walks in flower fields, and catch snails together.
☆He had to ask sensei why he felt almost "warm" about you, sensei obviously explained what love was
☆Lately he woke up less, and took much longer sleep
☆So you spent time with Phos more often
☆When Phos woke Padpa up, despite how much you missed them, you decided to let Phos and Padpa talk. Before Padpa went back to sleep
☆You and Phos had weird adventures in the meantime while you waited for Padpa to awake again
☆ Until Phos decided to take you and some other gems to the moon, you decided it would be best for Padpa
☆Now, Yan Padpa would adore every second with you
☆During Cairngorm and Aechmae's wedding when they kissed, normal Padpa would secretly want to do the same with you. But Yan Padpa would try to it so much with you until you both stopped cracking
☆Yan Padpa craves you let's be honest
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love-hol1c · 1 year
Can you write lapis head/moon phos with a human s/o headcanons please? :0 Or them having a crush on a human, anything works lolol
ask and you shall recieve! im sorry if the headcanons are a little rushed im playing a horror game as we speak!! ;sob; (also quick disclaimer every now and then ill switch up the gem pronouns from they/them to he/him and vice versa cause thats the only prns they have and i cant choose what to pick)
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[moon laphos x human!reader/so] [BEFORE RELATIONSHIP / FIRST TIME MEETING] - when he first met you he was like, shocked and confused. - how is an ancient being still alive?!?!?!?!? - he'd def be fascinated by your uniqueness, saying some stuff like you're similar to an admirabillis or so - "..so you managed to live in the moon as a human?? and you've been here longer than me, too?!" - you both probably met in the moon so he was confused as to why your outfit/suit looked 'tacky' or so - when he realized humans had to eat, breathe, all that other stuff, he was even more shocked - once you get closer, they'd def panic if you have been eating or sleeping or well, doing anything a normal human would do yet cause he doesn't want anything bad happen to you - eventually they get super paranoid to the point where they need you with them at all costs, and anytime possible - you got a scratch on some part of your body that started bleeding? immediately thinking it's the end of the world - "[NAME]!! NO YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME!!!" - probably starts crying gold alloy a lot to the point where his face cracks cause hes just a paranoid and worried gem :"( - you have tell them that you aren't dying and he's just like "o..oh.. okay..." (he'd still be worried) - confessing to you, he probably took advice from aechmea cause the lunarian prince himself already told him he was feeling no ordinary feeling and thats how he realized he was 'inlove' (raghh) [DURING RELATIONSHIP] - he'll definitely be clingy, as much as he hates to admit it - theres always an alloy shield at the ready for you, just in case anything bad happens - in your free time, phos just likes to be with you, either cuddling you or hugging you - now though for you its like hugging a statue, for phos its like hugging a really soft object and they love it - would be paranoid to bring you anywhere the includes him fighting the earth gems cause he doesn't wanna see you get hurt for no reason - he would flirt with you, but if you flirted back he'd be super flustered - just looks away or hugs you - "you're so sweet, [NAME]..." - would be incredibly sweet with you, telling you 'i love you's and all that sappy stuff in private cause well, they love you a lot - anyone who hurts you will get scolded, or worse- - overall theyre an overprotective gem and just doesnt wanna see you get hurt cause you're fragile <3
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sunoorintarou · 1 year
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Catharsis: Cantarella
Phos!reader x (Platonic) Mahito
Warnings: Mahito being Mahito and everything that entails, funnily enough, this is one of, if not, the fluffiest parts, Mahito calls reader his 'test rabbit', reader somewhat enjoys Mahito's company, Mahito licks reader's hand
Notes: Mahito haters beware 💀🙏
"I know you can see me. Hey, stop ignoring me."
Your eye twitched as you walked, attempting to ignore the rather annoying humanoid curse as he followed you around.
You had simply snuck out to the convenience store, craving ice cream that particular night. On your way out, you had noticed an odd looking man on the street, realisation kicking in when you felt a large amount of cursed energy.
Your eyes widened when you made eye contact, immediately turning away and walking slightly faster. His face fit the description of a curse your team had faced while you were in a coma months before perfectly.
You knew you were in no condition to fight, especially with how tired you were, so your only option was to pretend you couldn't see him. You hadn't expected him to start following you, though, walking a couple feet behind you as he spoke to you.
You couldn't go back to Jujutsu Tech, not with him following you, but you weren't quite sure where to go. So, instead, you found yourself walking the familiar path back to your family home.
"Hey." Your eyes widened when you felt a cold hard grab your wrist, pausing in your footsteps.
"That's strange. I can't see your soul. Are you a Jujutsu Sorceror?" The curse asked, an unsettling smile spreading across his face.
"What do you want?" You asked, not a hint of fear or worry in your body.
"I'm intrigued. You don't seem scared, and my cursed technique doesn't work on you. Let's be friends."
You narrow your eyes in disgust, grimacing as you look the curse in the eye.
"Friends?" You say, as if the word is better on your tongue, shaking your head as you weigh your options. You feel his grip on your wrist tighten, the soft 'crack' of your wrist startling you.
"Sure, whatever." You agree, hoping he'd let go of your hand. You sigh in relief when he does, turning around and pulling up your sleeve ever so slightly. You pause as you watch the crack repair itself.
"Is that your cursed technique?"
You hear a voice next to your ear, the feeling of warm breath of your neck making you jolt.
"Don't do that." You say, looking around and realising several people were looking at you. You sighed, shaking your head as you began walking away.
"Hey, where are you going?"
"Don't talk to me. People will think I'm insane."
You ignored him until you got to your house, attempting to close the door only for him to invite himself in.
You kept the lights off, putting the plastic bag on the table before sitting on the couch.
"Is this your house? Do you live alone?"
"Stop asking such creepy questions." You said, grabbing your ice cream out of your bag. It was peach flavoured and covered in white chocolate, your favourite.
You lifted the ice cream to your lips, about to take a bite when you noticed him staring at you intently. You beckoned him closer, not even looking at him as you shoved it into his mouth.
You then turned to him expectantly, hand still holding the stick. "It's good, right?"
The curse smiled, nodding. He was beginning to figure you out, little by little. Your unpredictability was your best quality to him, though.
You took the ice cream out of his mouth, shrugging as you took a bite.
"That was an indirect kiss." The curse's exclaimed loudly.
"What?" Your brows furrowed.
"I read about it in a book! You just indirectly kissed me." He giggled like a school girl. You were seriously considering punching him.
"My first indirect kiss." He sighed almost wistfully, looking at you to take in your reaction. You rolled your eyes, staring at the ceiling as you ate the ice cream, ignoring his incessant talking once again.
He grabbed your hand, now sitting on the couch next to you as he leaned toward you.
"Don't ignore me." Although his tone was playful, his eyes were sharp, you sighed, finally looking at him.
"You're kind of, what is the words human use? Pretty, you know." He began, staring at you intently. He let go of your hand, brushing your hair out of your face. He didn't know why, but he was willing to do anything to get a rise out of you.
Mahito leaned closer to your, smirking as you flinched back, eyes widening ever so slightly. He couldn't help but laugh.
"Humans are so intriguing. I've decided. You'll be my little guinea pig-"
"I don't like guinea pigs."
"My test rabbit then. You looked just like one just now. You're gonna teach me everything there is to know about humans."
You paused, looking at him in confusion. It was then that something in you clicked.
You couldn't remember the last time you were so off guard, so calm, you weren't even this relaxed around Gojo - Sensei. Yet here you were, with a dangerous curse in the house your parents were killed in. And weirdly enough, you didn't mind his company.
"Yeah, sure."
"Really?" Mahito smiled, eyes lighting up as he grabbed your hand once again.
"Yeah, yeah." You said nonchalantly. You were confused, however, when Mahito didn't let go of your hand, instead raising it. You expected him to take another bite, turning back to stare at the ceiling.
Your froze, heart dropping when you felt something wet and warm against your hand, eyes going wide as you turned rigidly to look at Mahito.
You watched, completely shocked as he licked a trail of melted ice cream off your hand.
"That tastes good." He grinned, waiting for your reaction.
You raised your hand, disgust evident on your face as you karate chopped the top of his head.
"Don't do that, that's so gross!"
You ended up spending the next few hours with Mahito, talking about everything and nothing until it grew to the early morning, and you both had to leave. Unbeknownst to you, however, Mahito watched you, a wide grin on his face.
"She'd be a perfect fit." He commented, turning to the dark-haired man that had appeared beside him.
"It shouldn't take much convincing for her to join us. Next time, we'll visit her together."
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fishfishiee · 1 year
over and over.
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content: Angst(?), noctilucous jade!adeptus!reader, amnesia, mentions of broken body part(s), gender-neutral reader. Zhongli x reader.
a/n: Noctilucous Jade!reader is here again. They're so easy to write angst for, lol. I might do another part with different characters later, but no promise.
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Their memories (and presumably their personalities) are stored within the gemstone that makes up their bodies. As such, losing any part of their body will result in some memory loss. Their lost body parts can be replaced with other materials as long as they are compatible.
"I'm sorry, do I know you?"
Zhongli was stunned by your response. Briefly, he wonders if this was one of your jokes, since you seems to be fond of playing pranks and jokes lately.
"Well, I didn't think you would forget about me in a span of a week, lustrous one." Zhongli said, searching for a hint of laughter you usually can't quite hide from him. You were rather an expressive person for a living gem, after all.
This time though, instead of smiling cheekily like he expected you to do, a look of frustration crossed your face instead. Your eyebrows were drawing closer to each other, as if trying so hard to think about something.
"Oh… You're one of those people that I forgot, huh?"
Zhongli could feel his heart drops to his stomach as you said those words. You must've got into a terrible fight sometime after meeting him last week. A fight where you lost so much of your pieces that you even forgot about him. That would explain Shitou's frantic nature when he passed by his stall a few days ago.
While this wasn't the first time it happened, it saddens him that these bouts of forgetfulness would occur more and more. Between losing parts of yourself in battle and battling the Erosion, Zhongli feared the day that you wouldn't even remember yourself anymore.
'Well, no matter.' Zhongli thought as he smiled and reintroduced himself.
Zhongli can just accompany you a bit more often this time. To make sure you wouldn't encounter any more fights that made you lose yourself even more.
And even if you forget about himself again, he can reintroduce himself to you, over and over.
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walpu · 5 months
HNK FAN SPOTTED 🫵🫵 (i feel like i sent you this before?? lmao)
spill ur thoughts i need hear em 🤲
Okay so!! Hnk au with Aven and reader!! based on my oc but that's not the focus
It turned out to be long af??
Aventurine who is the same age as Dia and Cinna
Aventurine who has lost several teammates already and feels extreme guilt about it
Aventurine who has a very reckless fighting style, heading into the battle without any concerns about his own safety, constantly getting shattered but never actually taken by the lunarians since his partners are considered to be more appealing gems
Aventurine who's actually scared to be taken away but who still sees himself as someone disposable so he keeps rushing into the battle
Aventurine who was there when reader's teammate was taken to the moon
Aventurine who thinks that reader hates him for failing to protect their partner
Aventurine who ends up being partnered up with reader, them rarely working as a team and acting independently most of the time
Aventurine who doesn't understand why reader keeps saving him, why reader sometimes insists on repairing him themselves, why they seem so upset when he's shattered again and again and again
Aventurine who mistakes their anger, pain and frustration with his recklessness as them not wanting to deal with him
Aventurine who takes reader's apathy and melancholy personally, even though they're just so so tired of the endless war and it has nothing to do with him
Aventurine who doesn't see how much reader actually likes being partnered up with him
Aventurine who takes a risk and joins the moon gems in order to make at least some progress and to find a way to stop the war. And to take the burden of seeing him away from reader
Aventurine who knew reader would be very upset with him and consider him a traitor
Aventurine who's still shocked and so so so confused when he sees how deeply hurt they are and how this pain transforms into anger and sorrow that leads them to be self-destructive which they never were before
Aventurine who has to fight reader during the night raid. He can see hatred in their eyes in this very moment and it hurts so much
Aventurine who is so so so lost when you, despite everything, still protect him from Cinnabar's mercury attack
Aventurine who becomes a gambler during the 220 years timeskip
Aventurine who comes on Earth with Phos during the invasion arc, only to betray him and to try to convince reader to run away somewhere
Aventurine who gets shattered alongside reader :)
Aventurine who expects reader to avoid him like a plague now that they're lunarians. Reader's previous teammate is there any surely that's all they need
Aventurine who feels so overwhelmed with emotions after he hears reader apologizing to their previous partner, telling them that, despite everything, they want to spend the remaining 10k years by Aventurine's side
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thegoofy · 1 year
Okay so hear me out, moon phos with a lunarian reader, like them meeting on the moon or some shit and they surprisingly get along well and wow boom fall in love
OMG TYSM FOR THE REQUEST I love moon phos <//33
Moon Phos x lunarian reader ♡
Warning : manga spoilers <3 (+ mentions of that man....)
You've been dreadfully going through your day to day life, doing the same thing, feeling so incredibly apathetic and numb, but despite that, a cheerful expression was always plastered across your face, since well, emotions are like diseases, if one person is upset, it gets passed around.
That is until one day, you catch a glimpse of the catch your fellow comrades carried to the moon, a whole gem! Most unusual.
As you look at the unfolding scene from a distance, strings of gold slash through each and one of them, you take a few steps back in shock and quickly hide behind a wall, before observing a conversation between the Prince and this new gem. Just a moment after the gem turned their attention fully on Enma, they caught a glimpse of your figure staring at them from behind a wall, which made you flead behind it completely, almost immediately.
It took not too long until you both saw eachother again, as you were assisting them with their new outfit, their head was turned to the other side in hopes of hiding their flustered state, the gentle softness of your hands was something Phos hasn't experienced in centuries, given the fact that you were nothing but kind to them, made them even more nervous.
After a while, you both had a pretty good relationship, you'd share information with eachother, as you helped Phos get accustomed to the life on the Moon, they shared stories of what they could remember on Earth.
Soon after, you could notice visible changes in Phos' behaviour, they weren't as .... themselves as usual, which lead your worry to request a private meeting with the gem. (They probably came 3 hours earlier than the set time hehehhe)
The gem tensed up from their seat as they noticed you approaching them. They greet you politely as usual with a close eyed smile. Before they have a chance to react, you had wrapped your arms Phos' head, gently pushing it closer to your chest and resting your cheek on top of their head, with one free arm, you gently stroked their hair. Phos just stood there, it took them a moment to observe, then feel, then react. They let out a shaky breath before looking up at you.
"- (N-name)-"
"- It's extremely sudden, yes... But it's just that .. I worry about you, okay?.. I know things haven't been particularly great with the rest of your gems, but ... I'll always be here for you, because you're... Very important to me."
You gently tighten your hold on the gem as you finish speaking, you felt their golden arms wrapping around you and pulling you equally closer, they buried their face in your neck while continuing to share a very loving embrace with you. You knew that someone getting this close to Phos wasn't a part of his plan, but you couldn't care less, you truly cared them and couldn't bare to see them suffer from all the things that have been thrown to them. You were there for them, and they were there for you, such a beautiful bond, perhaps could change the rest of the story completely.
(AN: omgom that was like the first fanfic I've EVER written, so apologies if it seems rushed ''^^ , thank you for reading through and I wish you a great rest of your day ❤️)
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