#hmu if you have recs i wanna add more
doodlegraveyard · 4 years
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skysmadness · 2 years
wait if you’ve read a lot of soriku fics .. can u rec ur favs ?? i’ve read some but i’m always looking for more !!!
yeah !! i've bookmarked a LOT so this will probably be very long (and i won't be adding all of 'em)
if you wanna talk about soriku or about these fics hmu !! these boys make my pea brain function
look at me by KaiserinAstraia -- sweet SWEET dreameater!riku fic. this made me feel real fuzzy !! mutual pining and kairi being the best
fouetté by perihelion (mattratat) -- desperate law school student riku (who is actually a dinosaur nerd) and dancer sora ! four chapters of pure sweetness fr i love this fic. expecially because i love seeing good riku&roxas content !!
Everything Is Just Right by anonymus -- trans sora au that mostly follows canon events. tw for gender dysphoria !
(no) stories for boys in love with the hero by Fireborn -- listen. THIS !! THIS FIC. i love it. it's from riku's pov and it really does depict all his desperation and how much he loves sora (and its basically how i imagine his train of thoughts as well) -- this autor amazing i bookmarked most of their work so i won't be adding more SO DEF CHECK THEM OUT !!
Don't Drag My Love Around by Maredwill -- very well written fic. post kh3. sora learns riku loves him from overhearing a convo between the seasalt trio and has some major revelations. also, riku is just blatantly in love while sora's having a full on crisis.
homecoming by graciegrace -- DESTINY TRIO !! i love these kind of fics set post kh2 where they try to adjust to life back home.
Seven ways to say I love you by Maredwill -- valentine's day and some destiny islands's traditions <3 also jealous riku
perchance to (day)dream by emleewrites -- trinity trio content ;; i usually don't see a lot and this is top tier. sora's a sweetheart as usual
In Which, After Everything, Riku Still Feels Undeserving by AmbitiousSkychild -- not much to add here other than tell you to just,, read it. i love this
the mighty fall (in love) by jitters -- riku loving sora through the years
A Real-life Love by timetoboldlygo -- THIS ONE IS VERY COOL LISTEN. sora goes sleep-travelling through various alternate universes and in each of them he meets another version of riku!!
let your guard down by luxpacifica -- riku reflects on all of the times he wanted to kiss sora until he finally does
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toronbo · 2 years
anybody got some fun electronic/upbeat zelda remixes they enjoy and wanna rec? i have a playlist with a bunch that i shuffle through but i want to add more :v
if you listen to something/someone that isnt on there, feel free to hmu with suggestions! i have a handful of lofi ones on here but i do prefer stuff thats more like. house and dubstep i guess???? idk lmao
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blissingbjork · 5 years
burningtask001 — survey.
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hello ! this is a mess but here ya go !!
YOUR ALIAS — izaiah/izzy
AGE — 21
MBTI — ENFPHP HOUSE — hufflepuff.
WHO DID YOU APPLY FOR? TALK ABOUT THEM A BIT IF YOU WISH! —  I applied for ray ! he’s a partially trans nonbinary artist who is tryna get by after having been homeschooled his entire life. he just wants friends !
LINKS TO OTHER ACCOUNTS & SOCIAL MEDIA — here’s my pinterest !
DISCORD — izaiah#8068
WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE FICTION GENRE? — i love horrors and thrillers ‘based on true stories’
TOP FIVE FAVOURITE FILMS — damn uh, the goonies, the mighty ducks, martyrs ( the original ) and i can’t think of any other movies i really really love
A BOOK YOU FEEL “CHANGED” YOU? — howl - allen ginsberg
WHAT IS YOUR SIGN? — 100% pure aries
ARE YOU INTO ASTROLOGY? — i believe it to an extent
WHAT PLATFORMS HAVE YOU ROLEPLAYED ON? — i started.. on instagram but i now only rp on tumblr or discord
WHAT OTHER HOBBIES DO YOU HAVE? — i’m actually an artist. i have been since i was a kid. i mostly draw people/gore so if you ever wanna see some cool shit hmu lmao
HAVE ANY PETS? IF SO, TALK ABOUT THEM! — i have two kitties i love very much ! my old lady april who is 12 ( ive had her since i was in elementary school ) and my demon child zyngara who is a fat bitch but i love her so much
ANY SHOWS YOU LIKE SOME MIGHT BE SURPRISED TO HEAR THAT YOU DO? — i love one tree hill, its so cringey sometimes and very soap opera-y but i love it.
WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? WOULD YOU RECOMMEND IT? — the last thing i read was an anthology of edgar allen poe poems and i do recommend his work !
LAST FILM? REC IT? — i just watched malevolent on netflix, it was pretty good. the plot was different but definitely not like a super scary movie so if u like paranormal kinda shit but dont like being super scared, i def rec !
WHAT ALWAYS PUTS YOU IN A GOOD MOOD? — doing skincare stuff, like face masks and shit, also the new euphoria album heyo
WHO IS YOUR FAVOURITE MUSICIAN / BAND? LIST IF THERE ARE MORE THAN ONE. — BJORK. she is my mother and i love her music. its just so calming to me and unqiue.
EVER BEEN TO A CONCERT? WHO HAVE YOU SEEN? — I get super overstimulated at concerts so i no longer partake but ive been to avril lavigne, got7, dietcig and a couple outdoor concerts.
WILD NIGHT OUT OR QUIET NIGHT IN? — mostly quiet nights in or wild nights in lmao
ANY PHOBIAS? — i have an irrational fear of water i cant see the bottom of
DO YOU LIKE BUGS? — hell no
BIRDS? — depends ! big birds are scary af
ARE YOU A CAT OR DOG PERSON? — Both !! i love all animals tbh
BIGGEST PET PEEVE? — people who dwell on topics that bring people down, people who like to slam all their shit down.
FAVOURITE THING ABOUT THE RPC? — definitely the people behind the muses !
TOP TEN FAVE FCS TO USE? — jack mulhern, chella man, park jinyoung, alexandra daddario, lucas lynngaard, nicole maines, ross lynch, tarjei sandvik moe, luka sabbat.
FIVE YOU LIKE WRITING AGAINST? — aron piper, natasha liu bordizzo, bex taylor klaus, alexandra daddario, alberto rosende
FAVOURITE TYPE OF FOOD? — this is gonna sound gross but i love tuna
WORST FOOD? — cherries are the devils fruit !!!!!!
DO YOU PLAY VIDEOGAMES? IF SO, WHAT ONES AND ON WHAT PLATFORM DO YOU PREFER? — i am literally the worst to play videogames with lmao 
!ANYTHING ELSE YOU’D LIKE TO SHARE WITH THE TAG? — i didnt mention this anywhere else so i thought id add im a huge marvel nerd so if anyone wants to geek out, hmu !
LASTLY, WHAT DO YOU LOOK FORWARD TO MOST ABOUT BURNINGHQ? being able to develop my boy and plotting with the rest of the group !!
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pixeltownies · 6 years
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simself tag I was tagged by @fussysim I tag any of my followers that want to do this
take a shot every time I say “my boyfriend”
traits: goofball, foodie, clumsy aspiration: friend of the world 1. What is your full name? tristan egbert 2.What is your nickname? tris/tj 3. Birthday?‪ december 14‬ 4. What is your favorite book series?  I don’t,. really read that often 5. Do you believe in Aliens or Ghosts? Y E S 6. Who is your favorite author? once again I really don’t read 7. What is your favorite radio station? pop + alt 8. What is your favorite flavor of anything? mango, fruit punch, etc etc, I like fruity things 9. What word would you use to describe something great or wonderful? “holy shit!” 10. What is your current favorite song? I have too many favs at all times for this 11. What is your favorite word? curse words lots of curse words 12. What is the last song you listened to? self esteem - the offspring 13. What TV show would you recommend for everyone to watch? ‪jane the virgin, how I met your mother, izombie, Gotham, hmu for more recs ‬ 14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? marvel movies + childhood movies 15. Do you play video games? mostly sims, I have others but I don’t have the accessibility to play them hh 16. What is your biggest fear? being alone 17. What is your best quality in your opinion? I’m good at listening and I’m a big people pleaser 18. What is your worst quality in your opinion? how lazy I am and how quickly I get peeved/angry 19. Do you like cats or dogs better? cats! 20. What is your favorite season? autumn 21. Are you in a relationship? yes :D 22. What is something you miss from your childhood? not much if I’m being honest 23. Who is your best friend? my boyfriend 24. What is your eye color? yellow, red, forest green and royal blue 25. What is your hair color? split pink & black but naturally dirty blonde 26. Who is someone you love? my mom + dad & my boyfriend & my siblings 27. Who is someone you trust? my boyfriend 28. Who is someone you think about Often? m y b o y f r I e n d 29. Are you currently excited about/for something? starting testosterone :) + meeting my boyfriend next year 30. What is your biggest obsession? uHh. cc, sims, Netflix, marvel, my boyfriend 31. what was your favorite tv show as a child? hannah montana, icarly, victorious, sam and cat, there are so many more but I’m absolutely blanking rn 32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to? I don’t really have many friends that are girls .. oops? 33. Are you superstitious? 50/50 34. Do you have any unusual phobias? none that I can really think of 35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? kind of both 36. What is your favorite hobby? PHOTOGRAPHYYYYY 37. What is the last book you read? i. don’t. read. 38. What is the last movie you watched? fantastic beasts with my boyfriend and his best friends 39. What musical Instruments do you play, if any? I am trying to learn guitar but I have ADHD/ADD and I have a hard time self-teaching 40. What is your favorite animal? panda, red pandas, fox, raccoon, turtle, cats. 41. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? I just started out. pls. 42. What superpower do you wish you had? I just wish I wasn’t this dumb ((I’m keeping ur answer, I’m wheezing)) 43. When and where do you feel most at peace? when I’m on the phone with my boyfriend 44. What makes you smile? my boyfriend, sims, music, photography 45. What sports do you play, if any? none 46. What is your favorite drink? monster mango loco + pacific punch 47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? recently I keep a journal of notes to my boyfriend 48: Are you afraid of heights? y e s 49: What is your biggest pet peeve? misophonia, look it up 50. Have you ever been to a concert? yeah 51. Are you vegan/ vegetarian? no, I honestly don’t have the motivation or willpower to do it but when I move in with my boyfriend that’s gonna stop HDHBD 52. When you were little, what did you wanna be when you grew up? cosmetologist/ photographer 53: What fictional world would you like to live in? I can’t think of the name but the place in guardians of the galaxy 54. What is something you worry about? being alone, dying, people not liking me, embarrassing myself. 55. Are you scared of the dark? no, and yes 56. Do you like to sing? yes but I’m not good at it 57. Have you ever skipped school? I dropped out bc of it so yes 58. What is your favorite place on the planet? anywhere my boyfriend is 59. Where would you like to live? U.K. 60. Do you have any pets? 5 cats 61: Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? night owl 62: Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? sunset 63. Do you know how to drive? yes but I don’t have driving license oops 64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? earbuds 65. Have you ever had braces? no, but I need them 66: What is your favorite genre of music? pop punk + indie + pop + basically anything but country, folk, classic dhsjsj shit like that ion like 67: Who is your hero? I don’t think I necessarily have one? 68: Do you read comic books? yes 69: What makes you most angry? misophonia, being blamed for things I didn’t do, not being listened to, being undermined, etc things of the sort 70. Do you prefer reading a book on an electronic device or on a real book? both tbh 71. What is your favorite subject in school? art 72. Do you have any siblings? 10 73. What was the last thing you bought? I can’t remember   74. How tall are you? 5 foot 4 75. Can you cook? not exactly 76. What are three things that you love? boyfriend, music, my cats 77. What are three things you hate? anxiety, fear, abandonment 78. Do you have more male or female friends? male 79. What is your sexual orientation? homosexual but panromantic 80. Where do you currently live? united states /: 81. Who was the last person you texted? my boyfriend 82. When was the last time you cried? idk!!! 83. Who is your favorite youtuber? jacksepticeye 84. Do you like to take selfies? yes I am very insecure but also very vain ((god we are the same person)) 85. What is your favorite app? twitter 86. What is your relationship to your parent(s)?  kind of don’t like necessarily like them but I don’t hate them 87. What is your favorite foreign accent? British accents but this is biased bc of my boyfriend 88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? japan 89. What is your favorite number? 14 90. Can you juggle? nope 91. Are you religious? I don’t.. know… 92. Do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? outer space, ocean scares tf out of me ((keeping this too)) 93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? impulsive but not daredevil 94. Are you allergic to anything? freshly cut grass tbh 95. Can you curl your tongue? no 96. Can you wiggle your ears? no 97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? normally when it happens if I catch on, if I didn’t realize I was wrong I admit when it’s pointed out 98. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? forest 99. What is your favorite piece of advice anyone has given you? uh I haven’t really gotten any 100. Are you a good liar? unfortunately yes 101. What is your Hogwarts house? hufflepuff 102. Do you talk to yourself? when I’m pissed 103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? introvert 104. Do you keep a journal/diary? yes but they’re more like love notes to my boyfriend 105. Do you believe in second chances? yes and I give more than that bc I’m weak and too nice for existence 106: If you found a wallet full of money, what would you do? …. id be lying if I said I’d turn it in right away, I would have to contemplate that 107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? yes but only with help 108. Are you ticklish? yes 109. Have you ever been on a plane? nope, will be next year 110. Do you have any piercings? eyebrow, labret, septum, tongue, my ears are stretched, and I have more piercings planned 111. What fictional character do you wish were real? … uhhHhh I’m blanking 112. Do you have any tattoos? I have an XØ and a fiatp symbol on my left wrist 113. What is the best decision you’ve made in your life? following my boyfriend back when he followed me, to begin with 114. Do you believe in karma? yes for sure 115. Do you wear glasses or contacts? glasses 116. Do you want children? 2-3, I’m adopting though 117. Who is the smartest person you know? my boyfriend 118. What is your most embarrassing memory? I have many 119. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? all the time 120. What color are most of your clothes? black or my fav colors 121. Do you like adventure? YES 122. Have you ever been on TV? nope 123. How old are you? 19!! 124. What is your favorite quote? If nothing ever changed, there’d be no butterflies. 125. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? savory (and spicy!!!!!!)
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macgyvrs · 6 years
( the struggle when i made this days ago yet i still wonder why i haven’t gotten any i/ms yhet... *sighsz* ) what it do peeps ! i’m l. i’m a 21 yr old foodie from the est timezone who loves laughin’, watchin’ movies, sleepin’, and ofc food ! i’ve been in the rpc for a few good years now but i’ve never done 1x1 before. i’ve always seen tons of people talkin’ bout it in the tags but never really knew what it was about. since i’m currently an english major whose transferin’ to be a journalism major, i’d love any chance i can get to improve/hone my writin’ skills. if anythin’ below strikes your fancy don’t hesitate to hmu ! p.s: for the moment, i’m still kinda iffy with headcannons and such since i don’t watch like any shows that are runnin’ aside from macgyver and the flash bc coincidentally i’m behind on both... i’ve actually caught up with macgyver and i’m mad i did bc i love lucas till sm rn (but please let me know if i got anythin’ wrong in the ‘ships i’d like to play’ section.. i’ll love you a dozen)
● you can find all my muses here. their musings here here and here. click on the lil pencil to read their bio and stats. really excited to play these muses because some of them are new and some of them haven’t been played in a moment or haven’t been played to its full potential-- so you can see my excitement ! some of these muses i have used before in rps so you may have seen em... or ya have not. either or that’s get crackin ! also i have to add that since some of these muses are new they may need some adjustin’/tweakin. if you have any questions regardin’ on my muses or would just like more info on ‘em please don’t hesitate to message me !
fcs i’d like to play against (there currently aren’t any most wanteds bein’ that i’d like to play against all of these suggests fcs below at any given point):
● shelley henning
● robbie amell
● chris wood
● tessa thompson
● danielle campbell
● nate buzolic
● chris zylka
● jessica parker kennedy
● matthew daddario
● sophia bush
● virginia gardner
● sebastian stan
● alex pettyfer
● cody christian
● taron egerton
● matt barr
● max theiriot
● nico tortorella
● claire holt
● dylan o’brien
● grant gustin
● nathalie kelley
● freddie stroma
● tristin mays
● lucas till
● avan jogia
● aisha dee
● camille guaty
● bianca a. santos
● kylie bunbury
● (really need some more male fc(s) for my jenna dewan-tatum muse SO pls rec some !)
● candice patton
ships i’d like (bold is the chara i’d play):
● faye chamberlain/diana meade (the secret circle)
● veronica mars/logan echolls (veronica mars)
● katrina straford/bianca stratford (10 things i hate about you)
● marti perkins/savannah monroe (marti’s my badass kween but ava’s too much like savannah) (hellcats)
● more to come when i watch some shows/movies !
plots i’d like:
● pls give me somethin’ based on 10 things i hate about you bc classic !!1
●  gimme gimme some sixteen candles or pretty in pink pls !
● ok but someone give me that cute bartender storyline though? like this guy tends bar at a restaurant or a pub or something and always sees this cute girl hanging out there, but she’s always either with friends or with some guy so he never really gets the time to talk to her BUT ONE DAY she walks into the place alone and orders so many drinks until she’s so bloody drunk, screaming about how her boyfriend cheated on her, that the bartender had to bring her home himself. she wakes up with a horrible hangover, stumbles out the room to find the bartender cooking breakfast and rolling his eyes, laughing. “first of all, you’re an idiot. second, we didn’t have sex if that’s what you’re wondering. third, breakfast will be ready soon. sit.” and fluff commences HELP PLZ ( x )
● i’ll take that platonic ship where muse a and muse b come from different worlds and hang out a lot bc both of them fit comfort in the other. muse b’s pretty much comfortable with spillin’ their guts on a silver platter while muse a just quietly sits back and listens-- offerin’ advice in the process bc it’s the nonjudgmental breakfast club. however, one day, out of the blue, muse a has declined all of muse b’s calls, sendin’ them to voicemail. in a panic, muse b rushes over to muse a’s apartment (w/ food in hand bc they know how much of a foodie muse a is). “you weren’t answerin’ my calls, so i just wanted to see if you were ohkay.” and muse a’s eyes are hella puffy w/ makeup smeared all over and all she can do is smile. pLS stop ME !
● i just wanna play this plot again (dear lordty) i need this f/m plot in my life one more time. muse a was brought up in a religious house hold. all her life, she’s had to abide by her strict parents rules, and the regulations of the bible. bein’ that she grew up in a very judgmental and secure environment, she never had a social life because everything that didn’t involve god was considered worldly, which her parents (mainly her mother) never approved of. seven days a week, 2-4 hours a night, church was her life. after high school she did the whole college thing; attendin’ a religious based alta mater to please her parents. yet, she wasn’t satisfied with her life as it was. one day, she had an epiphany, to live her life for herself instead of livin’ it for others. eger to want to complete that change, muse a moves to a smol lil town in hopes of resettin’ the last year of her life. to make endsmeat, she gets a job as a waitress at the towns local cafe. muse b is a campaign manager (or does something in politics) and always orders food from the cafe where muse a works. whenever muse a delivers muse b’s order, they have an interestingly awkward conversation (seein’ as how they’re two people who’d never in a million years interact with each other) until they meet again. everything is peachy keen until muse a jokingly agrees to volunteer in this event muse b’s office is organizing. a few hours into the event (think of like nature or somethin’ involvin’ outdoor/physical activities) something happens to muse b that causes muse a to kiss muse b out of an abrupt fear for their life. and bam ! everything’s awko taco now because it’s like ‘we kissed. but you still annoy the shit out of me with your cocky, egotistic attitude yet at the same time i love how easily it is to talk to you and how you can make me laugh” and someone pls come and take my computer away from me ! ( x )
● any set plots for any of the muses could be great as well !
● pls hit me with a macgyver-esq plot. i’ve been hella obsessed with my mans lucas till lately that i need a plot that doesn’t just occur in my head. muse a is a secret agent workin’ at a foundation that’s cover is a think tank. muse b is muse a’s significant other (possibly workin’ at said job as a secretary or somefing). due to the capacity of muse a’s job, muse b rarely sees them since they’re always gone for days at a time. just gimme me the ‘i just miss havin’ you around.’ ‘i love you so much’. gimme me da fluff !
● i wanted to say something else but i forgot so i’m outie !
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firstdating · 6 years
do you have any good book recs?? dark, comedy, adv, drama etc. ...
ooohhhhh yes ill add more to this later but uhh ok here’s some for now
I love raymond carver’s short stories a lot 
i looove hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy 
the awakening by kate chopin is rlly good
kinda cliche but the perks of being a wallflower is very dear to me and very comforting 
sarah kay’s poetry is like honey to hear and to read i love it like i love my own family 
my favorite shakespeare play is a midsummer night’s dream 
i love les mis (if ur ok with a long read and a lot of crying) 
i read a lot abt true crime stories so if you wanna hmu i got some true crime novels that’ll knock ur socks off
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ofmcna-blog · 7 years
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( baby !! angel !! my belOVED ! )
HEY BABES !! i’m kat, i’m 19 ( and i never fucking learned how to read !! ) and i’m so excited for this rp to open ! the concept is.. wow i love ?? especially with this messy, sad bitch i’ll introduce in a sec fajdslk. but i’m a k*rd supremacist, i haven’t gotten pcy’s verse in going crazy outta my head in days, i’ll always love parks and rec, and i’ve had three instances of deja vu so far today and it’s got me rly fucked up. i’m also from the ( weirdest fucking tz.. get it together nl ) gmt-2:30 tz if you’re wondering, which i doubt but still lmao. anyways, onto the opposite of my precious meme queen !! also, if you would rather plot over d*scord bc it’s easiest for me if i’m being honest, mine is FUCK ME UP S*WOO#2030 ( take out the asterisk and replace with an o, don’t want random fans adding me fjadsl ) ok ok now onto mona !!
i was gonna add my app for her here but i’m too lazy to make it all lowercase so fuck that jfkadls
ok mona jiyu choi, born and raised in toronto, ontario, aged 21 ( haven’t figured out her birthday yet so i’ll let you know what her signs are later lmao ), certified mess™
labelled the despondent which you’ll understand shortly ofc
born into a more affluent family, her dad was an ada and her mom a rising executive in a marketing firm, she was an only child and spent most of her days with her nanny and her neighbours’ kid — who was a rl fucking brat btw, atrocious, a mess, god
she was a fairly timid but happy-go-lucky kid, always a little nervous meeting new people but would immediately open up once you got ast that initial barrier
was fairly smart as well, her mom saw a lot of potential in her from a young age to make something of herself and was super encouraging, so was her dad
and it’s worth mentioning that while her parents didn’t have a lot of free time, they always tried to make it for her, they aren’t your basic neglectful rich parents but they are.. a bit much as of recently
anyways, so she grew up quite content all things considered, was well-mannered, enjoyed knowing that she was able to have whatever she wanted but never rly exercised that until she was older, just an overall p chill girl
also her parents divorced when she was sixteen and thankfully it was amicable and they're still good friends so !! that trope didn't fuck her over so moving on
but upon entering uni, pressured into joining her parents’ alma mater, she came to realize that they were, for a lack of better words, grooming her to become just like her mother — who had worked her way to being ceo of her company abt four years prior
and while becoming a high ranking employee for a business that she would be passionate abt was something she was here for, that’s not the direction she seemed to be heading in
her mom is.. quite hard-headed, dictatorial in some ways, and mona’s major, residence and co-op programs were all decisions that she had talked her into, bc it would make mona’s life easier and so she could hand over the reins to an heir
and bc of that, mona slowly became more closed-off, she felt rly unhappy but knew that fighting her mom on these things would be useless, so her complaints always went ignored
it’s all kinda hard to explain tbh, but she’ll tell you straight up that the second worst moment in her life was being accepted into marketing, and that the worst was the day that she let her mother dictate her future in every aspect
which was also the day that she gave her mom’s business partner’s son a chance just to appease her and keep her quiet
she does care for the boy, he has his life together and is very kind and driven, but she isn’t in love with him and that's perhaps the last thing to make her feel completely lost and displeased with herself
now they’ve been together for almost four years and she knows he’s going to propose soon; and while she doesn’t want this to happen, she’s all but accepted that this would be her life once she was no longer that happy, carefree child: appeasing others, feeling restricted, wishing she were someone else, somewhere else
entering the virtual world at complete random had her mortified, she didn’t know where the hell she was or what she was doing, but sooner or later she realized that here, she had the liberties she felt that she lacked and that had her intrigued
soon enough, she was dyeing her hair purple ( bc pls, purple!jisoo is a gift ), frequenting somewhat immoral places for the adventure and sleeping in past noon, something she hadn’t done in years
so now, coming to grips with the fact that here, she doesn’t have that looming engagement or her mother’s overbearing nature weighing her down, she can rediscover the girl that she once was in peace
a rly sad bean ok ??
like she’s discontent on so many levels and doesn’t rly know who she is anymore
that being said, she was a pessimist back in the real world, worn down by commitments and super indifferent abt many things
like she didn’t care if she got hit by a car, mugged, anything — it just felt like another bearable inconvenience to an already exhausting life
blunt, a bit jaded and vexing, just a v odd, negative girl ??
lost a lot of respect for her mom even if she still loves her, this whole thing made her bitter towards the older woman and even others ?? so she feels a bit guilty abt not wanting to go back even after all of that madness just after high school
here, she’s emerging from the cold hard exterior she’d seen slowly build itself up and desensitize her, she’s more fun-loving and becoming increasingly outgoing as time drags on
i had more to work with i swear
but i hadn’t expected this to open for intros and shit tonight so i’m just ???
i’ll make a follow-up tomorrow evening when i set up a proper plots page bc it’S LATE AND I HAVE TO BLOWDRY MY HAIR STILL !!
also just.. someone show her love, happiness, passion, creativity, all that good stuff again bc she misses it so much
so that’s mo in super simple terms, just hmu here or on d*scord if you wanna plot angels !!
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ramskulls-archive · 7 years
hey why do you like leocasey so much? :0 not trying to be rude btw, i think its rly cute and i was just wondering what you like about it ! (sorry if this has been asked before ;;)
You kinda answered your own question there! They’re cute! 
but anyway (a read more bc it’s dumb)
Separating different trains of thought because I want to get it out there and I’m not very good at organizing them!! I hope some of this makes sense at least!! 
I don’t really know why I’m so attached to them but I really like the idea of developing feelings and friendship (see greenthumbs). I suppose you can say the fact that they’ve barely interacted in canon drives me to make my own content for them so I’m free to interpret their relationship however I want?
They seem like they’d be such a chill team when together!! Casey can be kind of unpredictable and I can imagine him disrupting a lot of Leo’s routines, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing! Leo can be self-destructive sometimes and having someone that is a wild card might startle him out of it idk ;; 
And Casey, well!! He benefits greatly from someone who’ll watch out for him!! (see koalagriton’s nightfall!!) Imagine Casey learning to be a ninja from Leo because he wants to keep up with a family of ninjas!! Literally everyone is a ninja and he feels left out (lkjsaks i have a story for that i can’t write bc i suck)
Honestly though all the previous paragraphs are just meaningless fluff I really dont know what I’m saying lmao
( I’m not very good at articulating how I feel! )
I ship it because it makes me happy, sometimes life can get overwhelming and I’ll look at my phone lockscreen (shUT) and it’s those two dweebs!! HECK!! ID BE HAPPY IF THEY JUST TALKED AND WERE FRIENDS AND THE BEST PALS IM GETTING EXCITED JUST THINKING ABOUT IT 
ANYWAY FIC RECS (there’s really not a lot so it’s short)
NIGHTFALL by koalagriton (which is what pulled me into rarepair hell)
THE MADMEN by marine amber (NOT ROMANCE this is just pure friendship but it’s here anyway bc i love it so much)
CORRUPTION by profmeteor (I have no words to describe please just read)
THINGS AS THEY ARE by fren (OLDIE BUT A GOODIE and it’s not even romance it’s just aches all over because for a short while I was just lost in this alternate universe thinking about it what might’ve happened)
LMAO like maybe two or three of those are actual romance but I hope that gives you a good idea of what I mean!! AHAHA IM SORRY I DIDNT GIVE SUMMARIES I AM THE WORLDS WORST
I don’t know how to explain how their interactions feel so comfortable, like this is how it should be and I have all these great writers to thank, so varied and so complex! They just bounce off each other well no matter what flavor of Leo and Casey. Leo can be oblivious or surly or a huge anxious worrywart and Casey can be crude and obnoxious or sharp and astute, he can be silly or impulsive, etc.
Anyway!! if you read it this far congratulations that’s pretty dang cool I’m sorry you have to go through all of my incoherent rambles but HEY! If you ever decide that leocasey is cool, come hit me up! welcome to the leocasey club! We’re a tiny tiny ship of maybe like 5 people haha but IM SURE THERE’S MORE
message me here or on twitter or discord or skype (hmu in chat if you wanna add me!!) 
I’d love to talk w you about aus and headcanons and all that other good stuff because im very chatty lmaoo 
anyway a little something I made while I was talking with rose about leocase, since you made it this far! https://youtu.be/rGygAkctFso
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