#hmmmm sorry mobile doesn't have a read more dkdhdjd I'll fix it in the morning
goldenworldsabound · 5 years
Okay some SI ramblings (for H//x//H)
She took the Hunter exam and got her license the time Hi//soka was disqualified - that's how she met him. Things were actually going decently well until he... you know...tried to kill an examiner (or did he kill them I forget but anywau skshssj he got disqualified).
She also knows the Zoldy//cks. She's like...an assassin family friends. She does different kinds of jobs but sometimes they outsource to her. (This needs more fleshing out) So she has visited their estate (she's strong strong enough to open some of the gates) and the younger kids, in particular Kill///ua, always enjoyed her visit.
She's quite morally grey herself, mostly doing things for money. I'm not sure what her ultimate goal is yet but I'll get there.
She shows up during the Heave//ns Ar//ena arc. She fights Hiso//ka there before Kill//ua and G//on show up to the 200th floor. He actually just forfeits partway through when it's apparent they're fairly evenly matched (as expected) and he's decided he has other plans for her. Ki//llua and G//on see part of this fight and Ki//l recognizes her and explains a bit to G//on who she is!
Hi//soka forfeiting infuriates her (intentionally) so she follows him to his room angrily and things go from there since it had been some time since they saw each other.
I'd also like to inject her into Gre//ed Islan//d but still working on it. Almost done with that arc!
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