#hmmm. I think the only things I would've seen him in are an episode of arrested development and one of parks and rec
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running-in-the-dark · 1 year ago
am I really gonna watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre just because John Larroquette did the opening narration? sigh... probably, yeah.
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the-zapped-part-timer · 9 months ago
Penn Zerothon Day 6
Flurgle Burgle🪐
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My Ramblings: FINALLY! PROPER SCHOOL SCREEN TIME! We saw it very briefly with the That Purple Girl.
There's symbolism in the Trio's respective lunches: Boone's a fancy and has all he needs, Penn's a a damn mess and Sashi's has something she doesn't want and has to do with her brother.
I want branded Goodbye Pony merch. I want that lunchbox and another item I'll bring up later on. Who has it? We'll see.
Hmmm, jumpy Sashi hopped up on sugar. Wonder what that would look like. Poor Terry, being a school mascot is the most dangerous job.
Penn is just realizing that Sashi's kind of goes overboard as a sidekick... all the time? He's learning, he's figuring things out.
As I've brought the whole Space World inconsistency, Penn doesn't recognize the world. Maybe the episodes were supposed to be swapped or was just a slight oversight. Like I said, doesn't really matter that much. Just observation.
World takes place years after 2715, noted.
I've only had Flurgle for a day and a half. But anything happens to him, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself - Boone, probably.
Out of context, please!:
Penn speaking to Flurgle: Get out of here, you weird little space pig. Papa's got to go to work.
Boone: I know, and don't call me space pig.
Iconic Flurgle-Penn. Kind of terrifying to look at for so long.
Boone... why is he so mean to Sashi in this episode? I get he cares for Penn and the Flurgle but jeez, chillax.
Oh my god, Rippen is making fun of Penn for shitting in the bushes! Now, they're even. God, this show can be pretty funny. What's with prehensile noses this episode? Flurgle and the Shnurkons.
Boone, look, it is cute to catch all this on your futuristic flip-phone, but help with the mission! Penn has an excuse, you don't. I get it, Sashi shouldn't have shot her laser blaster in the ship, but she didn't mean for this to happen! Also people are going to die if you don't find those fuel crystals! You're all up in Penn's business but than you just pawn him off to Sashi because now he has "too much energy?" When he's on a leash!? Also they say "how can we win the mission without our hero!" So does Penn have to be the one to win? Answer: no... I'll bring it up where that does happen. That's a whole other can of worms!
The also iconic "Front Row Seat Quarrel." Never seen Larry get so heated about a subject or towards Rippen this much, or at all at this point. It's amazing, they should be allowed to both have more quarrels like this more often. Larry doesn't always have to be a happy-go-lucky yes-man to Rippen, he can have attitude just as much as him! Love the saltiness. Boone is thriving off the drama.
Subtle Wilhelm Scream!
Good that Boone does come around in the end, yes, she did a little oopsie, but it's ok, people screw up. I think, Boone severely overreacted to the situation. Very much like this conversation between the two, haven't had that yet. And we get the big reveal! Sashi's parents don't know she's a sidekick and think she works at Fish Stick on a Stick (the place Rippen and Larry go to zap). This does bring up a question though: she claims she's been training to be a sidekick for 13 years, that's how old she is in the show... how? Her parents didn't know about any of that. Also get confirmation that Boone's parents are part-timers.
"They can't be proud of what they don't know, so I have to be proud of myself. An today I'm not" An incredibly hard hitting line. Larry's just listening in... that would've been interesting if he brought that up in Sensitivity Training, it does come before The Kobayashis... so.
RIGHT THERE! Larry's strength is shown once again with that powerful kick! Even Boone points it out!
Rippen just pulling out a laser glock on some kids will never not be funny.
"Flurgle, come!" Are very dangerous words.
Rippen, why are you belittling her as a sidekick? The one you call "the competent one!" That was pointless.
Deus Ex Flurgle. Rippen trying Penn like a dog and even calling him a "bad hero!" Gold. Get his ankles, Penn!
We finally see Sashi's place! YAY! And her parents! Double yay! I may not know Star Trek but I do know George Takei when I hear him! Speaking of Penn and Boone being as Sashi's place, interesting how she reacts the next time they come over, very different tune.
The cake... I want it.
~The Characters~
Penn Zero: He flurgled and burgled it up at the club today! He was a free spirit! He shat in the bushes!
Boone Wiseman: Why was he so snappy? Like I said above, he was a bit out of character to me. I could be wrong, just why so aggressive towards her? She made a mistake, but it didn't hurt Penn... kinda? She didn't mean to.
Sashi Kobayashi: Another Sashi episode! Really wanted it to hit harder, but Boone kind of miffed it a bit to me. But overall, is it better than Chuckle City? I don't know.
Rippen: Got a little too cocky with Penn out of the way and look what happened, you still lost!
Larry: The Front Row Seat Quarrel™️ will be one of my favorite Larry scenes.
Dimension(s): Never watched Star Trek, so... space! It's out there!
Forms: Fine, I guess. Nothing really for me. Alien designs are good, Boone's murder mittens hand were interesting, and the Shnurkons overall are fun to look at.
Temple of the Porcelain God🚽
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My Ramblings: Very unique episode, it's a sort of flashback-ish type with some flavor. I'm sure there's a term for it, I just can't think of it. Is it reverse chronology or inverted narrative? love how it's through the movie screen, because hey, this is a movie theater after all!
Lives in peril and a giant toilet monster trying to get them... unique to say the least. Showing a completed mission to teach a lesson, what lesson? We'll learn along the way!
Boone loves magazines! This time his mom made onto the cover of "Beef World Mag" for the third time in a row, good for her. We also see Boone's address, time to dox him (it's not real I tried looking):
278 North Street, Middleburg 110406. My guess? Either Florida or Virginia (because there are towns called Middleburg in each).
I'd enjoy watching a 7-hour Director's Cut of... whatever! Show me!
What an oddly specific black market, bathroom themed... anyways obviously inspired by Indiana Jones, which makes this so much funnier with the whip scene. If some of you don't know, Alfred Molina (Rippen's VA) was Satipo in the first film, the guy who also literally said: "Throw me the idol, I'll throw you the whip!" Iconic. Sam, Jared, I see you guys, good meta humor! Too bad the film didn't follow this scene, I know it wouldn't fit, but it's funny to think about. Someone should make this an animatic or redo that scene with this scene... if you get what I mean.
Also very interesting that Penn and co are returning the idol not STEALING IT. Hmmm.... very interesting choice. An upgrade to me over the film (I wasn't to fond of it, sorry).
Penn slight voice crack when he delivers: "Their whip doesn't even reach 16 feet." Is great, love it.
Such a gentlemen indeed, what a pussy Rippen is. Probably acted surprised because, it's Larry, nothing bad rarely happens to him, Rippen calls that out in this episode.
Get the iconic "Flip-flops are my thang" and see that's on the back of his shirt! Just for this episode, I think.
Penn has got some strong legs for him to catch and carry Boone while swing through the air. Look at his legs! They would snap like twigs! Glad that we're bring back man purses, yay!
How and when did Sashi get under the truck thing? Don't question it, she just is under it and as soon as Rippen sees her drop out from underneath with a screw, he knew it was all over.
Great little railway ride for all involved until Rippen just picks up Larry and chucks him Penn... with one hand! "How is it that you never get hurt?" Great question, Rip.
WILHELM SCREAM RIP EDITION! I'm assuming it's him.
Of course, the best exchange ever:
Larry: Don't worry, I'm okay! Rippen's soft body broke my fall.
Rippen: Can't some things be private?
Penn doesn't give to cents as to where Boone is, just the idol. Savage.
How does the Ominous Voice how warns Boone not to flush, know to call him Boone and not his zapped body's name? Maybe he heard Penn not caring about Boone?
Penn is still not over the fact that is indeed Boone's scream, did he just think it was a bit or something?
Penn is brave about just diving into an ancient toilet, everyone clap for him. No one else would. He's disgusting now.
Classic Indiana Jones hat grab but flip-flop addition.
I'm on Boone's side, paper comes over the top not out the bottom for your bottom... Penn, I'm sorry, buy your just wrong. Who ever sides with Penn, why!? Change your wicked ways (and have a nice day)! I'm just as passionate as Boone. I'm glad that Penn listened like a sane person.
My favorite part of that movie is the credits, everyone, clap for Phyllis! She worked her ass off!
So what did they do wrong? Nothing... yep! Best mission ever! Lesson is: help toilet.
Clap again for Phyllis for giving them real golden crowns! I'd sadly also probably melt it down for cash like Sashi. Love her reaction.
WENDY WISEMAN AND MR. WISEMAN CAMEO! Seriously, what's his name? Maybe I'll call him... Wesley. Also, take back the clapping, Phyllis committed the most heinous crime of eating Boone's meatloaf. How dare you!? Down with Phyllis!
~The Characters~
Penn Zero: He's disgusting now. Never touch him, him stink of toilet water for the rest of his days!
Boone Wiseman: He will never forgive Phyllis for her abhorrent crime against humanity.
Sashi Kobayashi: Almost murdered two men, good for her! Hope she gets that cash from that melted crown.
Rippen: He and Larry were just along for the ride, really.
Larry: Do you think they've ever explored each other's bodies?
Dimension(s): Very fun take on an ancient temple but bathroom themed! Lot's of fun uses and designs. Like the plunger bridge, the bathtub railway and all the architecture! The humor is a little on the nose, literal toilet humor, but it works here... and only here.
Forms: Again, all good. Weird to see Sashi as a blonde with short hair but it's really cute. Rippen and Larry's designs of course I really like, Larry looks so huggable with that outfit and beard!
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after-nine-at-the-oasis · 3 months ago
Hi Owen :D I'm fine thanks for asking
Oop okay
Wonder what her method for deciding phone calls is
Hmmm yes it will I thinks :)
Ooh bougieee
And of Austin too like. Big place. Important place xD
Yeah the whole thing :) segue xD
He looks annoying
Maybe nice
Maybe annoying
xd gosh I hope this works but it probably won't
Hm. Nice of you but that "oh." sounded. weird
Yeeahhh but. he won'tttt 😐😬
Uaaaghhh xdd
Yeah exactly 😬 I mean it shouldn't be that way but
Exactly o.o 😐😐😐
Ugh yeah
Welllll find it :)
Haha. Idc. Find it :D
It never is
Yuagh >:(
Health insurance bro
Morticia was so right in the Addams family musical
Aww :((
Wait was this the guy- I didn't think it was but is it that undercover guy?
Oh no :(((
Confirmation- UA that's not good 😬
Yeah Carlos 😬 xd
He looks and sounds so tired :((
The saddest thing is this is probably how they know him basically
Ahhh oh no 😬😬😬
So yeah not the guy like I thought but a witness o.o 😬😬
I was thinking he was living out there on purpose
Or at least not house sitting yk
Ohhh noo :(((
Yeah xD
Why do only they get to talk lol
Main characters xD
Gosh :(
I doubt he told anyone though
I don't think they will
What's the bad part?
Oh okay "again" that's it o.o
Oop o.o
Why is it like a whole 👀😬 thing about Carlos knowing though
Is it connected to his dad or something?
Well a little longer than the timeline of his death
Ahhh he worked on it 😬
Because they knew you'd spin out or go after it- xdd
Ahh okay
Hmm suspicious
Idk I haven't seen anything confirmed but I feel like somewhere I got the vibe that Campbell's sus this episode xdd
I remember vaguely thinking it kinda joking at the beginning and seeing people joke about it but hmmm
Okay anyway xdd forgetting that
Hmm Carlos is locked in
Lol trusts him, fair though
Ohhhh noo Carlos is not happy about that O.O he would've wanted to know to investigate that 😬😬😬
YEP 😬😬😬😬😬😳
They thought about it just didn't follow it too far through I think
Still though that's wild and specific xddd
But also
That's not good 😬😬😬
Fair point Carlos, but maybe not just throwing it out like that- yeeeah but still
Carlossss 😬😬😬
Honey :(((
the cracks are showing
Yeeeppp xdd
Oop yep bringing that up o.o wild to mention it especially since idk if we knew for sure you knew-
OPE YEP LOL "You didn't hear that" XDDD
Right as he said that I was like "Campbell's like "ayo what o.o" XDD" XD
Wild lol XDD
Trueee though 😬
I don't like Carlos's faaace
Be carefullll
You don't look good Carlossss
Be careful honey :( 😬
Oop o.o fair point what's his face
Okay good xdd yeeah no point in trying lol
Hmm gonna like keep him here or smth under supervision idk-
Ahh yep Campbell 😬 could be worse lol
Is he gonna bring TK in too lol and that's why he's here-
Ahh someone who's gonna try and get the case taken away from him
Nah I'm kidding xD kinda
Ahhh okay APD :O
Soo are they gonna be bitterrr xdd
LOL or is it What's Her Face xD
Or what's his face-
Ahh he :/
Ew what 😑?
Who is he though
Someone we know lol?
Fair lol you guys are here on your day off xD
Fair lol xD
You can get it from the operator XDD
We know him lol
Poor Wyatt with that definition too :(((
Idk if he knows it's him necessarily but xD
Well suspects
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kosi-annec · 8 months ago
[HAIKYUU!!] Season 3 episode 10
Ok I've already seen all this first couple of minutes, SHOW ME IF THEY GOT THE POINT OR NOT
AAAA FUCK nooo we were so close!! Oh SHIT- hinata you good??? Fuck they don't have noya on field
"ey you ok dude?" DOES HE LOOK OK, TANAKA?? My guy hasn't immediately bounced back, something is wrong
Omg ushi is going super saiyan. OH 3 MAN BLOCK, CUZ THEY DON'T HAVE NOYA
Oh wow they were playing the long game with this holy shit. Now it better FUCKIN STOP HIM- HUH?? A CROSS SHOT!? Fuck this really shows why he's the ace
Wtf, the hell is this intimidating aura suppression going on?? I know that like meant to represent how suppressed they feel, but ngl it off-putting... BUT DADCHI HERE TO SAVE THE DAY!
AAAA COME ON CROWS!! Ey? Omg he's hinata's slowing down, he's making it harder for them to guess who's gonna spike! ALSO this is just symbolic to the whole concept of karasuno: they are stronger together
God DAMN that 360° camera shot?? I applaud the animators for keeping track of everyone. Now, HIT IT HINATA! yes yES COME ON!
Aww the 3rd years just hugging each other omg. LMAO and the rest of karasuno just tackling the poor 1st years
Damn, they should've made tendo and tsuki shake hands during the line up, that would've been hilarious HSKSHK
Lol oikawa's mad that he doesn't get to see ushi crying over his loss
Ohhh that's why kage yeeted hinata and switched w him, he was ready to receive if ushi did a cross shot
Awww i remember how'd there was only a small audience watching karasuno play, and now they have rows and rows of seats filled with people that believe in them, MY HEART
Yknow, shiratorizawa might be the first team that karasuno went up against that i fully wished would lose. Like, I felt bad for the other teams that lost against the crows, but shiratorizawa? I'm quite happy they lost, i think they needed that reminder; that they're not invincible, and that's not a bad thing
I agree with coach, tsuki was 100% the mvp here, like my guy didn't just stop one of ushi's spikes but also continued playing while injured
Ok i understand that ushi and tendo are currently like stretching or something, but that pose is just so fucking funny HSKHSKS
Aww ok i really like tendo and ushi's friendship, i see why ppl ship em
HUH? Is tsuki having a self depressive episode rn?? TADASHI SNAP SOME SENSE INTO YOUR BF! Pft- omg tadashi was so animated it was kinda funny. But yeah listen to ur childhood friend, tsuki
Karasuno's going to spring nationals hell yeah!!
Ok tbf coach, they are EXHAUSTED, let this slide
EY hinata's famous now, PFT- "i hope you're not a hostage hinata" lmao
Ayo nekoma? FUKURODANI?? Wait only one of them will be able to go to nationals to represent tokyo.. ok idk who i want to win, they're both good. I would love to see dumpster battle 2.0, but I wanna see more of bokuto and his team HMMM
Ooh, Post outro scene! Wait, OH i know this. I heard they had to reanimate the vertical leap measuring scene for season 4 due to the animation style being so different now
Sheesh! Kage can jump, now if only he had hinata's jumping power. LMAO of course kagehina would make this a competition too
National youth intensive... Is this the thing hinata tried to sneak into?? Wait no, it was tsuki's camp that he snuck into if i remember the spoilers
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sayakxmi · 1 year ago
[Magi rewatch] Episode 6: Warrior Tribe Fanalis [Part 1]
I feel like part of the reason I'm just UGH about having to do this, besides the obvious stuff I've mentioned 300x times, is the fact that I really want to get to the later arcs, which includes the upcoming Balbadd Arc. So I'm just sitting here. Impatiently. Bc I want to be there already, y'know? Oh well.
Also, I'm considering something a little different, partially bc reading the entire arc, and then watching the entire arc is kind of... Hmmm. It is a bit tedious, I won't lie. Plus it feels kinda weird to just do it twice one after another. The idea is, then, to so it more or less at the same time: x number of chapters, then the episode that covers them. It's both because I think it'd be a better experience for me, AND because the upcoming arcs can get pretty long. Like, we're talking 45 chapters/11 episodes for the Balbadd Arc, it just makes sense not to go through it twice. No matter how much I like these arcs, it's just too fucking long to do it that way.
Anyway, PSA over, time for the actual episode.
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Hello there, character who's never appeared in this anime.
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I usually don't comment on this stuff, but damn, I wish more characters were allowed to have dark skin in this series. Like, it'd make more sense, like, for geography-biology reasons. But lemme tell you, Ohtaka and geography... Let's just say it's not her strong suit. Have you ever seen how she draws the world maps and the Dark Continent specifically? It makes no fucking sense. The best explanation I can provide is that it's just people imagining how the DC looks, since no one was there, as in, beyond the Rift. They're just guessing.
Anyway. Geography rant over.
In the manga their clothes look more SIndria-like bc of the lack of colors, but here you're kinda wondering. But still, my money's on Sindria bc they specifically mention that their country has no slaves, and the two notable no-slavery countries are Balbadd and Sindria. And their clothes don't look very Balbadd. Seriously, sans the colors, it looks very Sindria, actually. Then again, do all Sindria people have to wear white? So it still makes sense, I guess.
Also, seeing Leila again makes me miss Thousand Miles a bit. But that story frustrated me too much at some point. Mostly bc I've lost motivation for it, but, like, aggressively, and just kept on getting notifications for it, even though I've had some stories I was actually proud of, but nope, only that one got the attention. It became annoying over time & I ended up deleting the story completely. In case somebody recalls that story & always wondered wtf happened to it.
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Also, really, Mor, bc when Aladdin says it, it's Moru-san, but if you go with Morg it's some sort of Morugi-san. Pretty different.
Also, man, Leila's voice just dosen't fit her in my head.
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Now I kinda realize that Alibaba's probably the only one who never met these two. Gdi, he seriously always misses out on everything.
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Honestly, I really love the lightning in this anime. They make choices I disapprove of, and the animation can get damn sloppy (and art, too), but the colors are always awesome.
Also, wonder how things would've gone if Morgiana stayed with these two.
"I have to come back to my homeland. I promised that to my benefactor." NOW, MY DREAMS ARE WITHIN MY REACH-
Good moment to put the op with these words.
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Honestly, I like the scenery in the anime, too.
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Gdi, I seriously miss Leila. Also, in the anime she is the one to bump into Fatima.
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Tbh, it does look pretty.
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Any time Jamil appears I'm thinking abt Ohtaka writing in these extra papers stuff like "I should've talked with Master more" or that she should've tried to talk with him in general, like, god fucking dammit Ohtaka and her dumb Forgive Everything agenda.
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No Goltas? -throws down the phone-
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Ok, but we have Leila looking out for her, that's actually sweet.
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She's offering her some herbs for nightmares, and even calls her a friend. Gdi.
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Like, I get that they're probably making up for the characterization they don't have in the anime, but I'm sending it percisely bc she talks about being saved by Sahsa and a mysterious boy. Which never happened in the anime, lmao.
Still, overall, it was a very sweet moment.
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But also. What is wrong with you, why are you (always) blue.
Also, cool music.
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I swear, whenever I see a male character with painted lips, who happens to be a despicable person (I'd have two nickles- finish the line), I'm just like... is it lowkey transphobic or am I overthinking it... But also, I wouldn't put it past Ohtaka. I mean, with the joke about the best courtesans looking so manly etc.
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He's about to be surprised.
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And he was.
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Mob vs one Fanalis is a very unfair fight. They're about to be murdered.
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Also, I'm starting to think that maybe Ohtaka just really likes the moon aesthetic.
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Listen, it's pretty damn close to the manga, I have nothing new to say, so I'm offering you some low quality Morgiana.
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Ohtaka let Morgiana wreck shit she loves it 2k23. Nearly 2k24, Jesus.
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Understandable reaction.
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Evil birb.
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He. He has the high ground.
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liopleurodean · 1 year ago
Season 11, Episode 20: Don't Call Me Shurley
Airplane!, right? I've seen that joke one too many times
Aw, have a heart for the pupper
I still hate him
Beach Boys. Nice
Hey, Chuck!
Stop. Talking.
I do! You kinda suck
Ouch. I like it
Both were pretty good
Yeah, that was horrible
Sounds trippy
Dramatic. I like it
I want to smash that mug
Yeah, sure
Heh. Just call me Chuck. But don't call me Shurley (shhh, let me have this)
That's fair actually
That's possible
Iron your own shirts, then!
Yeah, I don't think so either
Hey. Titling is hard
I guess
I guess he can turn it off
Whoa. Shiny
Yeah, no kidding
Hah! He admits it!
Oh, yeah. That's pretty awesome
Music is amazing. Beyond words
A new manuscript
The Bible 2: Electric Boogaloo
The best call
I'm sure
Definitely the Darkness
I hate editing on paper
What does that mean?
He wants to write her out of the story
It's about to be
Why is it different?
Oh boy
Always Vonnegut.
But that's like... a footnote
So God can be bisexual, but Dean can't? We were truly robbed
Oh yeah, we know. Louden Swain is great
...he's not wrong
Absent dad
At least pay attention to your kids!
Hmmm... where have we heard that before?
He's misunderstood
Uh huh...
I have no idea what that means
Doesn't sound like much
There's so much to unpack
I can't believe I agree with Metatron. Never let me say that again
66 books full
Complete rewrite
There it is
That's horrifying
That'll do it
Oh boy. I don't want to read that
I doubt it
That's the big one, isn't it?
Complete opposites.
I think it might still work
That's the crux of the problem. He tried to change her
Nature is beautiful
There it is
He's not gonna try to save it? The one thing he ever cared about?
The fog is bad. It's not hard to understand
They won't help
Oh boy
She as in Amara?
Poor girl
The stuff we keep inside
That's not good
She's talking about Chuck
She likes him too much
And Dean is the only one who will survive
We can't help it if explosions look cool!
That's not helpful
I kind of doubt that. He would've wreaked havoc before too long
Great question
What does that even mean???
Uh huh...
The only place that Amara can't touch
Pfft. He totally was a coward
The Wrath of God
Of course not
Then what is it?
It's more than just the town
Not the kid!
They have to seal everything
How are they gonna breathe?
I don't think so
Oh no
That's not good
He got a full mouthful of it
It won't affect Dean
They're different skills
As always
Everyone wants it
Everyone in Heaven was there too
I don't think so.
Okay then
There's no point, Dean
Sam, no!
It's the negative thoughts
Dean is the only one in town that's not affected
Oh no
They are wasting so much paper
Of course.
Please don't
Oh. That explains why this song is everywhere
It's... Almost good. Almost.
The Samulet!
What happened???
Did they go back to Earth?
She's not even wounded
He fixed it.
You think?????
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norgestan · 4 years ago
SPOILERS!!!!! // i actually despise the route they've taken, i really do. if they really wanted dani and amira, and if they were endgame, i actually wouldn't have minded - i would've sighed a little bit sure, but i'd be ok.... but what they're doing with kassim... i'm just ... wow. disappointed and frustrated is a huge understatement. if they wanted representation it would've been great, but making that representation someone who could've been a really amazing love interest for amira? smfh.
uhhh i tried to put a ���read more” but it’s not working???
yeah like i really like how the show has handled the first steps on the damira relationship, where there’s a lot of communication and you can see that they’re both negotiating. my biggest complaint is still that dani is a white man taking the spot on what originally was the place of a muslim man of color. and in that sense, i won’t give eskam a pass. while skamit pretended that they “ethnic-looking” white non-muslim female actress was a hijabi teenager of color, and that’s something i don’t think eskam would do, eskam is the second remake that has taken away one of the spots of that couple with two people of color, so they go to a white actor/actress.
but i agree with you: the worst this has got to be the kasim subplot. i DESPITE it with all my being for the following reasons:
perpetuates the notion that all muslim people are homophobic, something that they show has fought before in cris’ season and in the video lucas filmed with amira.
actually, let me go back to that video. because i feel like the eskam writers didn’t look at that video when they were writing this bullshit. both amira and lucas make points about how homophobia is not inherent to islam, that one can be gay and muslim because it depends on how people interpret their religion and how they feel their faith, etc etc. but then kasim spews out the same bullshit amira was fighting in the first place: that lucas, who lives in a christian environment, will have the support of his friends and people around him, but because kasim is muslim he’s deeply scared and doesn’t want to come out. it’s not because lucas is white while kasim is a brown man, it’s not because kasim has had particular experiences with his sexuality outside his religion. no. it’s because lucas is christian and kasim is muslim. and of course christian people are waaay more open minded than muslim people, right? that’s how LITTLE NUANCE was put in the whole thing. the entire story is written like any youtube comment under a clip of las labass, saying that they will punch cris for being bisexual and other islamophobic bullshit.
this kinda shits on the entire religious subplot of og s3. in og, isak’s mother insistence with showering his son with the word of God(tm) was what held him back from coming out to her and part of his internalized homophobia. the season also made points how what isak believed in, aka the evolution, could also lead into homophobic rationalizations of the presence of gay people in the story of humanity, while sana made sure to tell isak (and the audience) that hatred came from fear, not from religion. isak suffered because he was in a white and christian environment, where people were either disgusted by him (his parents at first), completely okay with outing him because “it’s 2016, get out of the closet” (emma, vilde at some extent, bunch of other people who spread the rumors in school), casually calling him slurs (magnus), fetishizing him and even (the dance girls, the skam fandom), and then people who were supportive of him (admittedly, not all of these things were called out in the show, but people got the point with the first two groups). the only muslim character in the show had absolutely no problem with isak being gay, and supported isak and even’s relationship: sana even got mad when she thought the balloon squad hit isak bc he was gay, when they actually hit him because he fought them first out of jealousy - and back then it was the white girls who insulted sana in the bathroom and who theorized that the balloon squad were homophobic. so, like, absolutely all of that is gone here. and in the last dani/amira clip, dani says how his parents aren’t actually “good christians” (hmmm the christian cult survivor in me absolutely loathes that term) because they’re intolerant and homophobic, but the fact that it’s kasim, the muslim gay guy, who says he’s in a bad environment, means that the show wants us to believe and empathize with him, right? UGH. very progressive of you eskam. i’ve never seen this before.
let me expand real quick on that last point. so far it’s only been amira, a straight muslim girl, who has told us that homophobia is not inherent in muslim spaces. HOWEVER, we have an actual muslim gay character say to out faces that he feels oppressed and that his circles will never understand him the way lucas’ christian circles understand and accept him. and because he’s the gay muslim guy, we’re supposed to believe he’s right over amira, who has never experienced being lgbtq+ and muslim. WOW. I ABSOLUTELY HATE IT.
yet again other western stereotype of a gay guy nonchalantly asking amira to play as his beard. WOW. WOWOWOWOW. WHAT THE ABSOLUTE FUCK. but what i hate the most about this is that amira is clearly SO disgusted by this, the narrative wants us to be on her side and demonize the closeted muslim guy of color for this. all while we were supposed to take dani’s al qaeda joke as a funny thing that amira adds to the list of why dani is the funniest guy she knows and why she likes him. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
moreover, i hate this entire conversation: because amira has had two people come out to her. cris and kasim. and when cris, white christian cris, told her she liked a girl, amira was immediately okay with all of that. but when kasim tells amira that he likes a dude, amira’s reaction it’s just SO baffling: she accuses him of FOOLING and LYING to his family and the people around him. but she never once questioned why cris hadn’t told anybody this yet, much less call her a liar for not coming out to everybody. what the fuck is this!!!!!!! not only this is yet another way that the show demonizes kasim, but it’s purposefully writing amira ooc to do so. wow. i absolutely hate it. i don’t think i have said that yet?
and to close this huuuuge rant off lmao, i just really dislike that everything about kasim’s sexuality is misery porn: begging for the white guy he likes (loves?) to understand him and be with him, the pressure of being the only man on his family, the pressure of his sister trying to find him a good muslim girlfriend, how oh so homophobic muslim people around him are... even if at the end the show ends up saying (again) that coming out as a muslim is Not That Bad, all of this is just, immediately gonna make white/non-muslim people look at this and think: “yep yep yep, muslim people are sooooo intolerant, not like Me, raised in a good Christian environment, where we’re Open Minded not like those arabs”. and i already hate all of that, no matter what the resolution is. this is SO catering of western audiences only. terrible writing choice and i won’t let eskam get out of this one. even if they found a way to say the right stuff at the end, what they’ve done for now it’s enough for me to step away from the remake. but i’ll be here to criticize it when the entire episode is out, you bet.
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moonraccoon-exe · 7 years ago
Ignis Scientia, originally from Tenebrae, raised alongside Ravus and Luna as brother and friend, the future advisor to Prince Ravus, forever loyal and loving. How would their relationship have changed Ravus from what we know of today? How would it have changed history? Noctis never having Ignis in his life, along with Gladio and Prompto never knowing Ignis Scientia? Like, how would have things been different? Hell, maybe the story would've gone on the way it did. Hmmm...I wonder, though.
((It’s not exactly that, but your entry reminded me a bit of The Princes of Lucis, this fic where no journey or Empire invasion happened and everyone’s happy and there’s Ravnis vs. Gladnis ahahaha.))
Dude, YES!!!
Tenebraean Ignis has something hnnfg. I really like what you’re suggesting here. Can you imagine?
I think that, to start off, Ravus would have been a tad bit happier. Sure, they still take Lunafreya from him, he has to watch her wither with every Astrals she awakens, and etc. But at least he’s not entirely, completely alone; he has his loyal adviser, his loyal friend, his loyal brother next to him.
The Ravus + Ignis relationship would be very, very strong. They would understand each other greatly, they would be each other’s complement. They’re both wise each otheir own way; Ignis could be the sense when Ravus lacks of it,and Ravus can be the confidence when Ignis lacks of it. 
But it’s also about the Niflheim invasion on Tenebrae.
This scenario has Ignis in it, on the Tenebraean side. There where Queen Sylva is murdered in front of not only Ravus, but also Ignis, who could have, as young, stood in the way between the queen and the prince. Where Regis ran away with Noctis in arms, and where Lunafreya stays behind when she turns and sees the queen dead and Ravus and Ignis curled up together, and she chooses to stay with them.
This would mean that Niflheim would take Ignis as part of them like they did to Ravus!
I guess Lunafreya was more or less ‘free’ after Niflheim took over Tenebrae because she’s the Oracle and etc., but I’ve always understood and seen it as Ravus being taken from throne rights to become a Nif soldier; no queen, Ravus should be king, but instead of that he focuses on working as Niflheim’s Commander, so I do think he was taken from throne rights. 
...which means so was Ignis. Not from throne rights, but he turns from the prince’s adviser to another soldier. Who knows, maybe Niflheim takes him as strategist as well. 
In any case, Ignis and Ravus would still stick together. And that’s part of why their bond would be so, so big and unbreakable; not only they grow up together as brothers, they also stay together after they’re taken from everyone else. So, in a way, each is the only thing the other has. Of course all the love (in whatever way) focuses in each other, and with the rough, very awful, terrible times they must have gone through, it would only grow stronger, as they go through them together.
High Commander Ravus and Imperial Strategist Ignis.
I think that while Ignis could have gone serious and cold like Ravus did, it would no be as intense, and Ravus wouldn’t be so cruel either. It would be like they both become colder, but not as much as they’d do had they been alone. 
I think Ravus wouldn’t be as dead inside as he is. He’d have had company, a wise and loyal friend always by his side, to keep his human side alive, his goodness reigning over the bad, the light to win against the dark. Maybe none is necessarily happy, but at least they don’t go full evil mode. 
The change in Ravus’ personality and feelings sounds good!
...but I want you to think about Imperial Strategist Ignis Scientia.
Lucis is fucked.
Who knows, maybe it’s Ignis who gets them a much earlier victory. Maybe they don’t even need to do the fake treaty thing, Ignis would find ways to do that more subtly and win with a less cruel but more crude way.
And that’s the end? Commander Ravus + Imperial strategist Ignis = Lucis loses fast, clean and quick. That’s...even more frightening than the huge attack on the capital. Brr.
Ravus, not too blinded by the dark and a better person, would probably never put the ring on, either! Maybe he tries, but as he’s always in company of Ignis, Ignis stops him. 
Noct never having Ignis in his life sounds like troubles, hahaha. But seriously, it does. Ignis basically dedicates his life to Noctis’, he’s the reason the prince is alive and functioning. I think Noct would have much more struggles,way, far, amazingly huge more struggles with no Iggy. I think Noct has some certain degree of medical depression, so not having Ignis as an emotional support but also as the support who helps him clean his place and do his homework and cook for him, Noct’s depression could probably would be much worse.
Not because it would make him sadder to be alone or to have someone else, but because the little things that Ignis does are great help for someone with depression; keeping a house clean, motivating (even if its via insisting stubbornly) the person to do their homework and papers, and making sure they eat, it sounds logical and tiny and unimportant but honestly they can do wonders to someone’s depression,if not by making them happier, it’s so they won’t become sadder and so they stay healthy. I betcha Noct can cook something for himself, but it’s different to have the skill than the motivation or intention. Noct would probably have many troubles, you feel me?
Wow, now that was unnecessarily too deep into the psychology of the characters ahahahaha. Sorry.
Going back to the empire’s invasion and how it’d have been much easier with Ignis serving on their side, let’s assume things go the same. Maybe, as neither Ravus or Ignis lose their human/good side to Niflheim as they kept each other’s human/good side alive, they don’t agree with it, and Ignis pretends he doesn’t have an idea of how to invade Insomnia. But the Empire figures it out. 
So if they can’t stop the invasion, they’ll cause the less harm possible.
Maybe they even dare save the ring! Imagine they are present during the invasion, but they switch to the Lucian side. Hndhgnfdngjnfdg.
Or imagine maybe Niflheim does manage to take the bad side of them out and they do have all the intention of destroying Insomnia. How could would it be in that first encounter with Ravus to have been approached by two figures?
“Who were those?” Prompto asks after the Chancellor made the men that attacked Gladio go away.
“Imperial Strategist Ignis Scientia” Cor, the fourth party member, explains. “The man that planned Insomnia’s invasion. And Ravus Nox Fleuret, commander of the Imperial army, and brother of Lady Lunafreya.”
Okay, but if companion-to-Ravus Ignis happens, you know what would have probably been canon?
That Daemon!Ravus kills him.
It’s not even on screen because for some reason Squeenix would make it that way (though we may see it in an optional verse 2 of chapter 13 lol). There’s Ravus, trying to hand the sword to Noctis, who slashes his arm off, and walks away (we know this is Ardyn, though). And then Ignis chimes in; he had been aiding Noctis through Zegnautus, made it possible for the prince to make it through it alive, but now he finds Ravus dead and thrown there.
So last we see is Ignis mourning him, before a black-goo arm suddenly grabs him by the throat.
And that’s how the Boss Battle starts; the main party is reunited, and suddenly there’s this loud scream that could give anyone a heart attack out of mere fear, a second of silence, Ravus Aeterna starts playing, and BAM! Daemon!Ravus comes in, with Ignis’ corpse in a hand.
Maybe he can even whisper “Ignis...” among his agony during the fight, like he calls for Lunafreya (I think?). Hnfgnndfgf. Mustn’t have been eays, murdering who was basically his brother, having killed it without having meant it.
can everyone live, pls.
Maybe Episode Ignis is the moment when they finally switch sides as in properly, and that’s why they go around Altissia together; they already knew each other, they just got separated for a tiny moment, but they’ve always been together throughout the entire story.
I don’t know, man. This is FULL of possibilities. So, so, so full of possibilities, MY BRAIN IS FULL! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!
This scenario would be ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL! What do you think would happen?
If anyone wants to share any ideas, you bring them on! I LOVE this scenario and would happily  hear more of it haosdojsdfkjfsgsdj
Thanks for the idea! :O
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