#hmmm very tempted but we'll see
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sovamurka · 2 years ago
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Yana, my dear girl, she’s there!!!
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matan4il · 11 months ago
911 ep 704 first watch reactions
IDK if anyone else will talk about this, but Josh and Maddie were a great comedic start to this ep! XD Also. Interesting choice to give Josh, the currently only openly gay male character on the show, more lines again. Is it a reminder he's there, so he can be a part of Buck's journey later on? *eyes emoji* We'll see.
All of these pretty women (I should also mention that as a non-American, all the gasped, "It's Joey!" "It's you!" "It's me!" are missing me by a kilometer. Whoever Joey is, he's not Madonna yet, if you want me to get excited about him, 911, you're gonna have to give me a bit more than a single name), hitting on Buck and Eddie, and the ease with which both men turn them down... Sure, this is a part of the set up regarding Buck, and Eddie technically has an excuse, but also. Most straight, taken men would at least be tempted. They'd at least bite their lips with frustration. Have some reaction. But not Eddie. And when you remember that he was distinctly not taken in ep 204, but still had the same reaction to pretty young women hitting on him and Buck... I know this ep is all about celebrating the 'oh' moment of another guy, but that's not gonna stop me from rooting for Eddie to have similar realizations eventually (and get together with that certain other guy *cough*).
LMAO So, Buck is meeting up with the guy who's gonna be his sexual awakening, a man who's good looking, gave him a thrill already, is an impressive fighter pilot, and the first thing he can think of to say, is blurt out Eddie's name? LMAO Oh, this boy really is down bad...
Man, that bit where Tommy tells Buck he can have it both ways, he can get certified and continue to serve with the 118. Thanks for the beautiful foreshadowing, 911. Buck saying he's keeping his options fluid... Holy shit, the show really wasn't holding any punches back.
OMG, why is Harry old enough to be making Bathena waffles (and then turn out to be involved in an altercation)? I swear, he was still on baby formula just a second ago. How did 7 seasons just fly by!?
Buck getting jealous over Eddie and Tommy sparring. Considering the fact that Buck was the one getting all hot and bothered over semi-naked Eddie in the gym in 201, and ready to jump into a boxing match with him, this is making me wanna punch a wall myself. The symbolism in this ep is NOT very veiled. Add to that Eddie mentioning how he and Tommy met and just... clicked. In the same conversation that reminds us of Buddie' in 201's first meeting, where they clicked? (even though they were both too dumb to realize in what way) 911, just let me catch my breath for a second challenge! Also, Eddie is dating Tommy more intensely than he is Marisol? Okay. Duly noted. These firefighters are both so freaking hetero, I'm sure that's exactly what every casual viewer was telling themselves at this point. And poor Buck, getting his hopes up that Eddie is asking him when he's free, so they can go on a date themselves, only to be let down. Poor baby boy. But this feels like it's spelling out the answer to whether Buck's jealous over Tommy or Eddie. So, yay for Tommy helping him with his bi awakening. But it's clear who's really occupying Buck's heart and mind, and whose time he wants. FOR SIX FREAKING SEASONS NOW.
Oh, it's continuing, the show really is trying to kill me, having Buck complain to Maddie about how often Eddie has been seeing Tommy. The annoyance with how cool Tommy is, that's exactly Buck's reaction to Eddie in 201. So, if Buck and Tommy will then kiss, what does that say about what Buck didn't even realize he wanted to happen with Eddie back then, hmmm? I also love that Buck wants to be the cooler "dad's friend" in Christopher's eyes. That's his son, you can't take that away from him. And of course, Maddie was his first confidante about his feels for Eddie, she was the first one to call out his boy crush (in 204) and to hear Buck automatically think about Eddie, when he hears, "He's cute!" (in 206). It's so freaking right that she is now the witness to Buck's bi jealousy meltdown. I love her calling him out on it. "Is it circled with a heart around it?" Honestly, this is better than front row seats at the Bachelor mansion. I'm just disappointed in Chimney and his imaginary popcorn that he doesn't get to witness all of this firsthand and get what it means. Letting down all Bachelor fans out there, Chim. -_-
And then Buck's back in the gym, staring at Eddie, feathers ruffled. Am I going to make it to the end of this ep? Who cares? This is fantastic! XD He tries to catch Eddie's attention with the little weightlifting without a spotter stunt, and it's specifically him. Chim turned out to also be impressed by how cool Tommy is, but Buck is circling Eddie, like a clueless Jane Austen heroine, about to become a hit teen romance movie. Ravi falling for Buck's weightlifting attention trap is just getting in the way. Chim asking about Buck's weird basketball hugging session is nothing but a way to get to the ball game with Eddie. Okay, I'm at the point where I need to be chewing on imaginary popcorn.
Athena is one of the strongest characters on television, ever. Precisely because she's not just tough when she has to be, she has a heart, too. The scene where she told the woman she accidentally killed her own son was hard to just watch. IDK how she actually did that. I'm not sure if viewers who aren't moms get it, 'coz I didn't until I went with my sister through her pregnancy. Motherhood changes you forever. You feel your kid moving inside you. You bond with them in the most intimate way possible before they're even born. You go on a wild journey with them after, where every second counts, let alone every hour and every day, when they're hungry, when they're cold, when they struggle to sleep, when they finally do, when they take their first step, when they fail and fall... The love and protectiveness are something different to anything else in life. IDK how Athena, who gets all of this, managed to break the news to this mother, that she had unknowingly killed her own kid. I think to me, this has to be the most devastating scene in the entire history of the show. IDK if I'll be able to watch it again.
When basketball game scene starts, and Chimney knows something's up, I was already chuckling. But then Eddie sees them, and the first thing isn't expressing joy that his best friend is there, it's asking how did Chim talk him into this. "He always says no to me." They BOTH always talk about each other in romantic coded language, it's not just Buck, and in the same ep where we get bi Buck confirmed, that makes me froth at the mouth...
"So I'm your basketball beard. I feel so bonded." Not Chimney calling Buck out, while using the term for closeted gay guys using someone as a cover. I AM SCREAMING. Thank you, 911 gods!
That montage with Eddie and Tommy high fiving each other right in front of Buck's salad face, while their muscles glisten in the sun, and Top Gun-like music plays in the background, like the biggest nod to the volleyball scene from that gayest movie ever made, which we already had Buddie paraphrasing in 201. I am fine, this is fine. I love this burning kitchen I'm sitting in.
Buck causing Eddie's injury because of his jealousy (which again, is not about Tommy. He made an impression on Chim as well, who was screaming, "Buck, I'm open! I'm OPEN!") and not even getting to offer some help, because Tommy's already on it... I hope ABC is happy with their viewership dropping next week, because they've killed every Buddie shipper in the fandom.
"Well, I'm not a 14 year old girl..." Both Buck and Maddie together: "So stop acting like one." Love this scene, love these siblings, love that the reference with the two blonde Sarahs sounds platonic, but it's also from a past season on the Bachelor. 911 really wants you to know this is romantic, and Buck's going through a late sexual awakening in his 30's, instead of in his teens, even before he's able to see it.
So, the conclusion to Buck and Maddie's convo is that he needs to talk to Eddie, to make it better, yet the person he ends up talking to is Tommy, and that leads to the bi awakening kiss... It's a classic rom com switch, we hear a knock at the door, we expect it to be THE love interest, showing up at the right time, and it's someone else, making the protagonist's romantic journey so close, but about to get longer. It's further emphasized by a shot over Tommy's shoulder, in a way that he can easily be confused for Eddie, and which is reminiscent of moment when we saw Buck standing at Eddie's door, or both of them there toegther.
It was a nice talk, I loved Tommy saying he can't replace Buck, I def noticed how he went to talk about it in the context of Chris instead of Eddie (hmmm... I wonder why), but my fave part was how Buck glowed when he heard his son doesn't shut up about him. ^u^ He even took a second to look away from Tommy, to take it in with a huge grin. Then Buck and Tommy start warming up to each other, moving towards flirtation, and what comes out of Buck's mouth? "You don't have to tell me how great Eddie is." That's not how you flirt with a guy, Buck. I liked Tommy kissing him, and Buck not recoiling. Like he's always known on some level, but could never do anything about it. "That's better than fake mouth static." LOL The stuff that great romance is made of.
I'm SO happy Buck is getting this storyline of realization he's bi, I've thought it would be important and that the show has laid some groundwork for it since 107, and I don't mind that Tommy is the "romantic other" who helps him with it. I do believe this is important bi representation in and of itself, away from Buddie, and if nothing else ever comes of it, this is still beyond wonderful. In 2024, we still barely have any characters who start out presumed straight, and are allowed the freedom to figure out that maybe their sexual orientation is different than what they thought, despite the fact that in reality, human sexuality is complex and confusing and a mess. So this really matters to me, as a human being, and as a queer person. That said, I can't ignore the past 5 seasons, and the way this storyline played out, with Tommy kissing Buck, but the whole thing being emotionally centered around Buck's feelings for Eddie, it means that whether they go canon or not (and at this point, I find it hard to believe they'd make Buck canonically bi, taking this HUGE risk of homophobic backlash, and not go there with him and Eddie, but just in case they don't, I wanna say this), it'll always be Buddie for me.
Thank you for reading! If you're looking for more, you can find my s7 reactions tag here, and more of my Buddie meta and content in my pinned post. xoxox
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year ago
Livius, my laffy-taffy, how do you wear this thing? Also, I'm stuck.
*Tangled up in Livius' outfit*
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The demonlord gulps, deliberately muffling his actual reaction to you not only practically naked but also tangled, tied in his own rubbery outfit.
He's not sure what possessed you to attempt to put on one of his spares, but to see you exhibit a similar drive to embody the few concrete parts of his identity makes Livius inwardly explode with all sorts of fireworks that ricochet off his neurons and rattle in his skull.
" Ohhh my little giggle-gum- You can't wear that! " He says, looking at the way your bare breasts are blatantly on display.
The demonlord hunches and wiggles his fingers before starting to tug and pull at the twisted ends of the outfit, righting it as much as he can on your figure.
Given the outfit itself is extremely elastic and rubbery in nature, some parts of it do fit on you, but he can tell immediately they're extremely constricting and might cut off blood flow. Not to mention the glaring, blaring fact that the flap that descends from the neck piece can't even begin to cover your gorgeous tits. It wasn't designed for someone with breasts, after all.
Livius hums as he thinks about honestly letting you out in this state, watching your nipples pebble in the air. That's something he could see Vesper allowing, honestly. But no. Too many eyes on you. Too much scrutiny- Oh, but the envy! The desire, the jealousy of the crowds he could feed on!!
Tempting. Very very very tempting...
But no.
" Hmmm- I'd say we're missing a crucial piece here, dizzy-doodle... "
Livius uses his two large hands to cover your chest, indexes over your nipples, giggling at the sight.
Then, one digit pokes your forehead, forcing you to lean back until you fall onto the bed behind you.
" We'll figure something out, won't we? "
(I liked the idea, so here's a concept of what a vaguely adapted version of his outfit could look on one specific body type.)
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castlebyersafterdark · 3 months ago
it's killing me not knowing what henry wants from will yet! i can just imagine the tense energy between them when they finally meet. it's such a long time coming
We talk so much about Byler this aspect often gets forgotten! Or, when talking about Henry it's the focus of "Vecna visions" and tormenting Will and Mike with each other - and, hmmm. Maybe we are surely getting some of that. But I don't think we're going to get as much of the now common fanon tropes as we thought over the last few years. I think we'll see divergence somehow from the Pennywise/Freddie Kruger style nightmare visions again, we've already done that. Some, but it's not going to rehash season 4 completely. It feels like most think Henry's going to be spending all his time playing Mike and Will off each other with constant visions and taunting and I just think Henry's got other shit going on other than playing sadistic Sims with the resident queers for his own amusement.
I'm really confused as to what Henry wants now that we have the Holly factor, to be honest. It's thrown me and I'm not sure what my theories are now with her in the mix, since we've seen Holly in that fancy dress as Henry appears to her in young, human form on set and with whatever happens in the scene in her bedroom.
Setting that aside because this is an admitted gap in my theories - I think it's safe to assume that Will is going to meet this version as well. What a waste if not!! It's so chilling for Will to learn it wasn't truly just some monster - that was a man. It's always been a man. I'm sure that's incredibly disturbing for someone like him, who he is, the things he's always been told/heard about himself. Wondering how far the implications will go in season 5. What a conversation will mean. Henry was after El's power as we saw in season 4, real time and flashbacks - but then Will comes into the picture in between. What did he see? Why was Will specifically targeted? What power does he hold that Henry wants? There's gotta be more. The whole theory of his victims becoming "part of him" and how in season one we saw Will kidnapped and held near death with the vine in season 1 - what is the plan, man???? Henry killed the others, but does his plans long term mean he's going to keep Will alive? It seemed Will was close to death in season one, and all the others were killed, but in season 2 through the possession it was very clear "Not me. Everyone else." Is Will to be a host, a new human form?
I still feel like Will can create things in ways that Henry or El cannot. I think Will is the Bridge, maybe?? That's an episode title, right? The link between the real world and the Upside Down, and Will is going to be what Henry uses to come into the real world and unleash what ever hell he plans - what is the plan? What physically is he going to do to the real world? He can mentally manipulate perceptions of reality and create mindscapes and control the monsters? Is Will going to be able to control the monsters as well? How would something like the shadow form of the Mindflayer work in the real world? Is this where it's going to appear like some giant dragon, or is there another creature entirely? What can that Vecna version even do on earth now? Blending the dimensions? My brain is a hurricane. I've read a lot of wild theory and cool, interesting analysis and part of my problem is that I don't necessarily agree with much I've seen, even if highly intriguing, but while having only vague ideas myself.
Anyway. On the specific. Need Henry monologuing and bothering Will. Need him haunting his visions. Need him taunting him as the attractive younger version of himself, getting into Will's head, making him promises and threats and doing so in such a way that it's agonizing, but it is tempting. I need Will to be conflicted and disgusted but he's so self-sacrificial that he does get close to caving to protect his loved ones, but he doesn't, but oooh, he might. Just. All over the place. And people constantly there to bring him back to the light, to valuing himself, learning the extent of how he's loved. All that great stuff. Mental battles between Will and Henry. He's tied up, mentally trying to break away but frozen in the real world. Need Will possessed again and the worst he feared happens - that he's a threat, he's a danger, he tried to do something to hurt - but everyone proves he's worth saving over and over, always. There's so much mileage we can get with this concept.
Do we remember all those scenes we got early on in filming I think at the radio station with the screaming and yelling run and how in the feature video we had the directors having Will go into a choking position? Forgot about all that until right now. Ready for it ready for it ready for it...
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sunfloo-wers · 6 months ago
four for the character questions?
(I'm so tempted to make this about the Colors too, and do like 5 different ones (one for Four, one for each Color, but we'll see how it goes)
favorite thing about them
I can't pick between character design and personality sooooo
I really like the tunic, I know it's a color pallet nightmare and shouldn't work, but it makes him visually stand out against the greens and blues of most of the chain, which I think is fun! (also pretty colors) (and smol)
From a personality/characteristics view point, I really like the complexities with his character! It's really difficult to see him as a 2d character, because of the Colors, which I think is really fun! Stick four different, but still somewhat flat sometimes (as is their point kinda), characters together and you get the real humanity of a fully fleshed out person unavoidable in the character!
least favorite thing about them
Hmmmmm, this is difficult because I love the little guy, but I'd have to sayyyyyyyy... drawing the bangs/headband thingey? from a purely selfish point of view, because I do like how they look, and it's a fun way to differentiate character designs, they're just so hard to drawwwww
favorite line
Not really a line, but when he just fucking cackles in Dawn pt4 when Wars says "I think you ought to practice some teamwork. It could use some improvement."
hmmmmmm, I'm very fond of Four and Dot's platonic relationship, but I'll get into that more in a later section soooooooo
In the chain at least I think Four and Wind are cool because of the underestimation bondings be it because of age, or babyface/height, or just being the small ones! Although, Four and Sky is also a really nice dynamic... AND the Four and Legend one is real fun, both because their personalities work very well together, and the whole Palace of the Four Sword angst potential >:3
Honestly I could speak towards any sort of within the chain relationship and can't pick just one :(((((
Four and Shadow, I am nothing if not predictable (more specifically Vidow because of the manga, but BlackSmith (or whatever the Four and Shadow ship name is) is fun too!). They're just adorable and horrible okie? :3
I'm just generally not a big fan of romantic Four and Dot, no disrespect to people who do like it, but I think they're better as besties! Like, I think MC!Link at least was very young (and FS(A)!Link was also fairly young I think, but more of an early-middle teen than like 8 or 9), so romance was probably the last thing on his mind, just "I gotta save my best friend!"
And! They've known each other since they were children because their parents were friends and Hyrule Town is a fairly small town, no? This could be argued towards a friends-to-lovers plot line technically, but I just automatically file "known each other as kids" under "a subsection of siblings" because of my own experiences (and the aroaceness) sooooooooooo... yeah...
random headcanon
Colors: I think Red and Blue bake stuff together a lot and give it out to the rest of the people of Hyrule Town for fun, or maybe they open a bakery! (this is all after the events of lu, or before I guess)
Four specifically: I really like the idea that he keeps a journal/diary. Writes down everything type journal. This is a fairly popular head cannon I think (maybe????) so for an out of left field one have... uhhhh...
He goes crazy for raspberries. Sure why not, that feels like it weirdly works for some reason
unpopular opinion
I don't think I really have that many unpopular opinions (unless something else here is that) buuuuuuut, maybe something about him being at least a little morally grey? Like, I get heros and all that jazz, but like... let him be at least a little morally grey hmmm?
I guess that's not really unpopular, I just see "hero character is good' and think, how about no, not exactly, and for him it works!
song i associate with them
Okay, I don't have one for Four, couldn't find one in the "all o' it" playlist, but I did find one for Vidow so I hope this suffices:
Little Soldiers by The Crane Wives
(I am nothing if not a puppet for the Little Soldiers Renchantyn propaganda, and it has only made me realise it kinda works for these two as well)
favorite picture of them
As you've probably assumed by now, I cannot pick just one sooooo:
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He's so little, so very smol, and the overhead pov just makes It so much more apparent hehhe (also angy little guy)
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This one is just hilarious due to the context, another iteration of little guy
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and these two because they are new and we all love them :P
(all art credit to Jojo over at @/linkeduniverse of course)
This was really fun thank you so much for sending it in! :D
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dmagedgoods · 1 year ago
sorry i really really really want to ramble because my GOD Raphael has me in a chokehold. my christian grandma would probably get an aneurysm if she ever learns the amount of affection i have for a fictional nasty devil man
Raphael always striked me as... i def don't have the needed english vocab for this, but, yk, nudging? hinting? suggesting rather than forthcoming? a cat seeing the rodent go into its hiding place and simply waiting near it rather than pushing its paw inside. a cat staring at it's human when they cook rather than trying to steal the food bits by itself. yk????
he nudges us in the right direction, he knows one way or another we'll do what he wants us to do and so he waits and plays around rather than straight up DEMANDING we do something. he only goes yeah yeah so and so its YOUUUR choice yes YOUR CHOICE..... its like that thing he said with Mol, what was it? "to choose the only option she has left"
and i think in a romance it would be very much the same, in situations. i imagine if he goes in for a kiss, he... well, he won't *go in* for it necessarily. he'll move in just enough for OUR mind to think of it, then patiently wait for US to make the first move, and goddamn it I'm pouncing onto him alright!!! it reminds me of a post i saw a longass time ago about how flirting is basically saying horny/affectionate stuff but also having enough deniability to say "oh,no, thats not what i meant at all". and he's literally the personalization of that.
"did... you flirt with me?" "take it as you will, little mouse, all i wanted to say is [explains in still a vaguely flirty manner lmfao]"
and that opens up, like... how would he be when he's not patient enough??? if his patience is JUST running thin he'll probably pull us closer yeah but make it not too obvious and more almost like how you pull in a dance partner. he can't let us know he NEEDS to kiss us, hmmm? and when his patience is gone for sure i can definitely imagine him just straight up grabbing us tbh. you didn't give the cat enough attention so get ready to be clawed at until you give it a VERY MUCH DESERVED treat you ungrateful human
(cat-coded raphael believers unite)
so so so sorry to drop all this text on you i--- 💀
Anon, you stay right where you are! Don’t you dare and run away! [Guards, close the gates!] I'm being silly omg, don't mind me. But never apologize for coming at me with Raphael thoughts, I love this so, so much! 💕 Also I wholeheartedly agree! Raphael definitely is an observer who likes to tempt action and then see it unfold, curious for the direction it will go. The comparison to a waiting cat really fits! After all, isn’t it that much more satisfying if the food is brought to you instead of taking it yourself? 😌 "To choose the only option she has left", that’s quite classical devil behavior if you ask me. - Making the deal with him appear like the last resort. Maybe moving a few things into place here and there, but ultimately just offering a solution in desperate times of need. Omg, I wondered about this so much, anon! Because yes! True! Raphael has time and I even think it will take him a while to come to terms with his own feelings (those feelings he shouldn’t have as a devil). The “tempt then wait and see” behavior plays into this perfectly and gives him the chance to declare it a mere game he enjoys. I imagined a scene where Tav or Durge teases him and he can’t resist anymore, loses his patience, and kisses them with demanding passion. But oh, I really, really like your idea too. Maybe even more, since you are right, that’s such a him thing to do. Offering, preparing “the deal” but it’s Tav/Durge who needs to sign it by claiming those tempting lips for a kiss. Or well, why not combine it: Tav/Durge teasing him, Raphael losing his patience (we all know he struggles with self-control when confronted in well-aimed manners), but stopping himself from the last step, his fierce need so very obvious and still holding himself back, because as you write: He can’t let them know he is internally shaking with desire and yearning for them. And the way I imagine him to flirt is quite similar to this, indeed. Sometimes just teasing or some flattery, sometimes lewd like the liquor in bellybutton line, but he has this suave demeanor that always creates a bit of distance and allows his prey to take a step backward if they are not willing to go there (yet). Tav/Durge needs to be quite courageous to get that next step from him. Of course, Catphael Raphael has to make it hard for them, probably because he enjoys it but maybe also because he’s not quite sure how to deal with it all himself. His usual duality of hidden insecurities and egomaniacal pride we love him for.
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aduckwithears · 1 year ago
Sharing this in its own post. See here for context - basically a scene in Job's basement "planning" what to do with the kids... like most of their plans it is lacking in details, but makes up for that with longing glances. (i guess i write fic now??)
I'm torn, because this conversation could have happened in the cellar, or it could have been a speed-run on the way back from seeing God talk to Job. Anyway, I ended up writing the first scenario. Feel free to fill in the blanks afterward with any, um, more physical activities you like, you degenerates (affectionate).
Aziraphale's First Magic Trick (or, how Crowley unwittingly starts the career of The Amazing Mister Fell, an act which will have Repercussions)
Aziraphale is very full. He's never been fuller. Although he has no reference point for his own stomach, he is starting to suspect that a human would never consume an entire ox. By oneself. In one sitting. 
He glances over at Crawley who seems to be completely enjoying himself, lounging with head lolling back, his wine cup half raised, and eyes half closed. There is a temptation to linger on this sight, but Aziraphale remembers (after several longish moments) that he, as an angel, cannot be tempted, and rapidly readjusts his gaze. It falls upon a clay bowl and 3 multicolored shape-shifted children.
"Crawley, the children!"
"The children! They can't stay newts!"
Crawley hoists himself up on one elbow and looks over at the bowl. "Nahh, not newts. They're a type of lizard - meant for the desert, them. They're fine."
Aziraphale levels a stern, if slightly greasy stare in the direction of the demon. "That's not what I meant. How are you planning to return them to their parents?"
Crawley looks surprised. He had been trying to think of the exact type of lizard the form of the transformation had taken. He thought it might be a grecian but that didn't seem quite right. Greco? Still not it... He tries to focus through the wine. "Back to their parents? Doesn't seem very demonic." He shakes his head. "I got rid of them - no more kids, poof, gone - seems like it would take a miracle to get them back." He waves a hand dismissively. 
Aziraphale huffs out a breath. "Well, they can't stay that way forever. If we could get them back to Sitis and Job after the bet is over, maybe they could be taken as new children..." He trails off, realizing what he is saying.
Crawley is now sitting all the way up, wine goblet forgotten and dangling from his fingers as he slowly raises both eyebrows and aims a golden gaze at the angel. "Ohhhh, do go on," he drawls. 
Finding it suddenly very important to look anywhere but Crawley, Aziraphale feels his shoulders hunch. The taste in his mouth is too oily and his tongue seems raw. "Ahhhh," he says eloquently, casting his eyes about the cellar and encountering bare oxen ribs in his attempt to not look at the attentive demon. He turns his gaze miserably to the floor. 
Several minutes pass and the uncomfortable silence grows, until a wiggle turns into a rustle turns into a black dressed form elegantly scooting (possible if you were once a snake and your human spine is open to suggestion) a little closer to his despondent companion. 
"What about a magic trick?" 
Aziraphale flicks his eyes over to where Crawley sits nearby, long legs folded, gazing up at him. "A... trick,” he manages over his oily tongue.
"Look," says Crawley, "between you and me, Gabriel couldn't tell these kids from Cain and Abel. I doubt he can even count to three." Aziraphale chokes a little, halfway between a laugh and gasp, but he must hand it to the demon, Gabriel has never seemed to be the brightest angel in the choir. He thinks about his recent conversations in Heaven and Gabriel’s insistence that God will provide seven new children to Job. Via Sitis (oh that poor woman).
The red hair and beard shimmer in the low light as Crawley leans forward and catches Aziraphale's eyes with his own. "So we'll do a magic trick. Sitis's births have to start sometime, why not right away?"
"Because... uh... well, you see..." Aziraphale himself is completely at sea. He reflects that perhaps humans do not eat entire oxen because it seems to diminish the power of thought. Does he have a general working knowledge of human reproduction? Yes. (He'd been on the human planning committee after all). Could he explain it to the wide-eyed being sitting in front of him? No. This is probably due to the taste of oxen stifling his brain. No other reason. Certainly not. 
Crawley sighs, points to decimated ox. "Do ya get it? Ribs!" He grins. 
Aziraphale feels his mouth drift open. He looks at the ox, ribs glinting white in the flickering light. He remembers another day, a flickering morning, and a woman taking her first breaths… and more importantly, a birth process Gabriel would believe… “Eve!”
The demon’s grin, impossibly, widens. “Exactly. Even if there are a few angels hanging around it should be easy to plant a few ribs, sneak in a few lizards” (what WERE they called? Gemini? Arghh…) “…and poof! Kids!” His hands flutter in the air. A distant, anachronistic part of Aziraphale’s brain categorizes these as Jazz Hands.
“Magicians!” Aziraphale allows himself a small smile. His shoulders relax. He crinkles his eyes towards Crawley, misses the small intake of breath from his demonic cellar-mate. “That could work!” He hesitates. “As long as no one asks directly which children these are, we should be fine!”
Crawley scoots back and resumes his comfortable position from earlier, refills the forgotten goblet, raises another toast. “Angel, the archangel Gabriel wouldn't notice if his wings were on backward. You bring the ribs and gecko-kids (that was it!! Geckos! Course it was!), I’ll do the talking. We’ll be fine." He takes a deep drink of wine.
Aziraphale's smile grows and he thinks that maybe a few of those ox bones need a little more work to be truly clean. He wiggles a little at the anticipation of the rich taste. He casts a quick glance at his companion, who seems, true to his word, not particularly lonely. His magician’s assistant. They will be fine. 
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year ago
tagged by lovely @car-bo-hydrate to try this <3333
star sign: virgo
favourite holiday: new year
last meal: a hot mug of tea and some south african buttermilk rusks (comfort food breakfast!!! ❤️☕)
current favourite musician: probably taylor swift, but as always, it's hard to choose just one. OOOH! lately, dove cameron is high up on the list too
last music listened to: confetti (acoustic version) by little mix - LISTEN. ever since ms perrie edwards put out a tease that her solo music is coming soon, i have been on a big little mix high again, listening to all my old favourites and hyping myself up sooooo much for that perrie music drop 👀👀👀😍
last movie watched: my girlfriend and i rewatched shang-chi and the legend of the ten rings again last night for movie night <3 LOVE that movie, omfg. both my gf and i firmly declared all michelle yeoh's scenes our favourites 🤭
last tv show watched: you know, it's actually been really long since i've properly watched a TV show, so the answer to this is probably something silly like reruns of FRIENDS
last book/fic finished: 2 different answers here!! last book was iron flame by rebecca yarros (yes, i caved to all the hype and read it on the plane - yes, there were bits that pissed me off, but i mostly enjoyed it) and last fic was one of AO3 user venerat's landoscar masterpieces, "i'll kiss you first" <3
last book/fic abandoned: hmm... i tried to read this rom-com called "you & me: a mlm single dads romance" while on holiday in SA, and i just... couldn't make it more than 5 chapters in. the cringe (& the VERY american focus of... everything...) was just too much for me, especially because i tried to read this right after a super delightful wlw rom-com recommended to me by darling @duquesademiel. after that, this one just... couldn't compare. at all.
currently reading: well, i'm back to work, so my time for books has unfortunately dropped exponentially... all i'm actively reading rn is a bunch of f1 rpf fics, to be perfectly honest
last thing researched for writing/art/hyperfixation: "WHAT COULD CAUSE A SCANDAL IN THE REGENCY ERA" 🤣🤭
favourite online fandom memory: storytime sundays where we tell those long DM fics with @boxboxbrioche and @welightitup <3333
favourite old fandom you wish would drag you back in/have a resurgence: HMMM! i am mostly over all my old fandoms by now, to be fair, but if i really had to choose one... probably one direction?? because a proper resurgence would mean the reunion, right? (right?) ((so maybe i'm not quite as "over it" as i pretend 🤭))
favourite thing that you enjoyed that never had an active fandom: ohhhh, i can't think of a name immediately now, but it's definitely some or other book series that, if it had a fandom at all, was so tiny that i was practically the only person in it 🥲
tempting project that you're trying to rein in/don't have time for: LISTEN. i have had the most awful writer's block for months, and now that i can finally write again, somewhat, all that i want to write are the things that i should NOT be focusing on rn, because those things don't have deadlines but other things do *charles_wtf discord react*
prime example: about 2838474829 piarles smut WIPs and a/b/o and chussyverse explorations, instead of... my PWFE fic. some belated birthday fics. some celebration fics i promised nearly half a bloody YEAR ago. oops 😭���� but, we'll get there. we will! just like this will be ferrari's year (i am delulu) xD
no idea who's done this yet and who hasn't, so i'm just going to tag some friends and hope i'm not double-tagging anyone - also, if i miss anyone, please feel free to say i tagged you anyway, because i'd love to see your answers <3 @boxboxbrioche @welightitup @hourcat @teamnick @sedicii @francophones @radiocheck, if any of you feel like giving this a go <3333
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erigold13261 · 10 months ago
(TW: unreality) Do you play games with Mahito? Or Hanami? Does Jogo even like playing games?
Hmmm, I'd say I mostly do parallel play with Mahito. At least recently since I've been into more single player games at the moment (and also only have 1 computer and not a lot of physical games).
I've been playing a lot of Stardew Valley recently, and I made a little Mahito to play as (with a Hanami cat lol). Mahito on the other hand has been playing the Sims and made a little me to torture (I am his little artist money maker in the basement while he messes with the other Sims in the game. At least I'm not in the pool like Jogo's Sim).
Jogo isn't interested in video games at all, but we have played games like chess and card games. I wish I had more physical games but I don't, so sometimes we'll play a digital version of those games (I've seen him playing Mahjong and Solitaire on my computer without me offering him my computer.
Pretty sure Mahito or Hanami gave him access because Jogo usually doesn't care about my electronics enough to know my passwords and I keep forgetting to write them down for him or the others who might want to use my stuff while I'm at work or asleep (thankfully they don't play on them as much when I'm trying to sleep as they all know I like a really dark room).
Hanami, and honestly Dagon, are more watchers than they are players. Hanami is a bit more open to trying out a game with me, but honestly her and Dagon seem to have just as much fun watching me play as they do playing themselves.
I'm sure if I had more physical games to play they all would be more happy to play those than the computer games I have. Either that or I should try to get my old Playstation 2 or Gamecube up and running to play some of those old co-op games I played a lot as a kid! I think at least Mahito would love playing those with me while Hanami and Dagon watched (and Jogo reluctantly watches but is secretly happy to be part of our little group lol, he tries to hide his happiness with annoyance but we all know he's having fun).
Little fun fact! Even though Hanami doesn't play a lot of the games, she watches me the most! (it helps she'll sometimes be in my gaming chair so I have to sit on her lap so she's kinda forced to watch me lol) So if I need to leave for a moment and don't want to pause my game for whatever reason (or it's an idle game that has some inputs needed) I can always trust Hanami to continue playing for a bit while I do whatever I need to do.
Mahito on the other hand will purposely try to mess my shit up. He's a little bitch but SO FAR he hasn't done anything too destructive in my games that I could reload my save or fix.
So yea, the curses are a mixed bag when it comes to games. For the most part they are all pretty on board with playing games, some more than others, but are also pretty chill with just sitting and watching me play games (I will say it is really fun to be playing a strategy game or even just my farming game, and having Jogo sitting by me being a little backseat driver while I play by reminding me of what I need to get done or when to plant my crops or whatever).
Kurourushi, Ko-Guy, and Dotty (Smallpox Deity nickname I gave her she doesn't seem to mind) don't seem all that interested in the games I play. I'm sure I can find a game they like at some point, but overall they aren't really that interested (very tempted in giving Kurourushi or Ko-Guy my old DS with Cooking Mama and see if they like that game at all considering those 2 really like helping me cook).
Kechizu, Eso, and Choso aren't around that often so I don't really know how they feel about games. Pretty sure they would all be find with playing some games with me and the others at some point. I have a feeling Eso and/or Choso might like the Sims just for the character customization part of the game lol!
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hard-core-super-star · 1 year ago
I can't believe it lmfao. now I see it, the narcissism talk wasn't about spider-man... it was about you...! 😬 the authors you put on that list also saved me damn. I guess that way no one could read your poker face- this is very impressive, but I'm almost sure it's on the “it's not as funny as it seems” list. you seem full of yourself 🤨
WHAT was that?? lmao, did you just let that slide? well, I won't go against your wishes then.
on my honor??? thank you 🥹🥹 and I'm sorry kahskskak it was automatic!! don't be shy and drop the link to the image of the shirt so I can get an idea of ​​how cool it is. waiting for the next day for this to happen? I won't even change my mind, so I'm fine.
I'm totally sorry for reminding you of that and I apologize to the jury too, this won't happen again! I guess... YEAH, I actually missed that part 😭 but I mean, just for the “darling star” it was worth it..... I'm very tempted to stop finishing sentences. If I told you that I have some conservative thoughts as an example now I would be lying- not always, but yeah-
I'm actually right. 🗣️
yes ma'am. I'm stopping right now. Is this a cry for help? blink twice if you need help and need a good night's sleep. now I'm lost on what I should watch, because there's batwoman, legends of tomorrow and ocean 8, not to mention the two series I'm already watching. well kahsjkakakskm since it's just the text I think it will be cool. YEAH, AND NOW WHERE'S MY THIRD STAR? I'm won't, I just want my little star 😔 once again, thank you for the vote of confidence.
– 🌟
asdghjdskhglds stop- you're not wrong lmao and i'm a little ashamed about it 😔 i have such a strong appreciation for all those authors so i'm glad they're getting the love they deserve. not that they need me for that but you know what i mean. honestly, my poker face is awful 'cause i have a tendency to smile a lot when i'm not supposed to be smiling lmao. i would agree but i fear that list might already be too long so we can't add another thing to it. what??? not at all. it's not like i've gained some confidence because you keep encouraging me or anything 😶
what was what? a very important question that you ignored? yeah, i did. you're not the only one getting soft around here.
yeah, it felt fitting since you kept encouraging me to talk about the 19 stuff. i accept your apology and i'll drop the link right here, just for you. and i thought i was stubborn 👀
hmmm, i can't tell how genuine this apology is so i guess it's up to the jury to decide. aw, understandable then, but try not to miss important parts like that because then i feel bad. as long as it was worth it, i guess i'll just have to keep using it...unless it's going to make you stop finishing sentences in which case i take it back. lmao, we'll have to keep that conversation on the back burner for another time then.
i might have to agree with you this time...maybe...
you- i- i have a lot of thoughts, i'll just leave it at thank you...little star sdghjldas you can't ask that about every other message i send lmao. i certainly need a good night's sleep though so i'll blink once 😐😑😐 i would help you decide but i can't decide between all of those. maybe ocean's 8 'cause it's a relatively easy-to-swallow movie. batwoman is on the heavier side and legends of tomorrow is just...a lot lmao. i'm holding onto it until you prove you're worthy of it. and hey, you're the little star here, not the stars i give you. don't go changing the nicknames on me now.
0 notes
drpg-global-archive · 2 years ago
DRPG - EVENT - Magic Cutie Piua~Piuas! / Magic Cutie Purity Party! / Magic Cutie Pure Heart! ☆ Make/Let the Sakura Bloom!
3/5 - Salvation of Love
The group chases after Darktina with Pure Sicily in the lead. All the while, Pure Sicily keeps practicing her Magic Cutie Techniques.
Don't Think. Just Feel It.
Pure Sicily: Hey, do you really want me to just choose a random direction?
Love Oracle: No problem. Magic Cuties always attract each other. We ran into each other right?
Pure Sicily: But I didn't feel anything?
Love Oracle: That's because you hadn't mastered your Magic Cutie powers back then. You should be able to sense her now!
Pure Sicily: Hmmm, somehow I think I can feel Miss Artina's presence from over there!
Pure Flonne: Yeah! My Love Power is also telling me that there is something suspicious over there! Darktina must be up ahead!
Pure Sicily: ...Aren't you jumping the gun a little?
Pure Flonne: No, I'm not!
Love Oracle: Then, Magic Cutie Technique No.4! Let's go while practicing "Always Smile, Always Love"!
Stage 1 - Searching for Darktina 1 Stage 2 - Searching for Darktina 2
The Effect of Dark Power
Pure Sicily: Found you! Miss Artina!
Darktina: Hmhmhm, not enough, more! More money for me~!
Pure Flonne: She's relentless. She should be called the Angel of Avarice.
Pure Sicily: But Miss Artina doesn't collect more money than she has to. There must be a reason why she collected that much money from the demons!
Love Oracle: That black outfit. No doubt. The power given by Pure Flonne acts on the negative emotions of Artina, and transformed her into that state!
Pure Sicily: Negative emotions of Miss Artina... How do you know that?
Love Oracle: When a Magic Cutie goes to the dark side, her costume turns black... It happens all the time in Magic Cutie Anime!
Pure Sicily: Anime again!?
Pure Flonne: Umm... Why are demons trying to collect money?
Love Oracle: Getting robbed of all their money by Darktina's power... Such despair must have corrupted those demons' minds.
Pure Sicily: So, if Miss Artina continues to collect, more and more demons will be affected!
Pure Flonne: No way! Demons! Please! Stop collecting money!
Demon Busy: Collect... I need to collect fast... Delivery date... gonna miss the date…
Demon Hunger: Got to cut the cost... Budget... budget...AHHHH…
Pure Sicily: They are not listening!
Love Oracle: Calm down, Pure Sicily! Only hope saves hearts in despair... Which mean, only we, the Magic Cuties, can save them! Magic Cutie Technique No.5, "Love is the best weapon"! We'll restore their sanity with our love!
Pure Sicily: We need to help those in need! Alright, Let's do it!
Stage 3 - Operation: Dark Power Purification 1 Stage 4 - Operation: Dark Power Purification 2
For You
Pure Sicily: No... There's no end to them!
Love Oracle: We have to deal with the source.
Pure Flonne: Which means Darktina!
Darktina: What's wrong with me?
Pure Sicily: Miss Artina!?
Darktina: Pure Sicily! Did I tell you to call me Darktina~!
Pure Sicily: This is not the time for that! Miss Artina, please stop!
Darktina: That not gonna happen.
Pure Sicily: Why is that? Miss Artina... Please join us to make sakura bloom and let's look at the sakura together!
Darktina: That's a very tempting offer, but I'm on a mission.
Love Oracle: ...To collect money from demons all over the Netherworld?
Darktina: Yes. My job is done once I've collected all the money in the Netherworld.
Pure Sicily: ---job?
Darktina: Besides, I am only collecting the ill-gotten gains and money that demons have been embezzling. And now you are trying to stop me?
Love Oracle: Don't you see? All those demons you robbed became penniless and desperate. As long as you continue taking their money, the demons will not stop running amok!
Darktina: They are running amok because of me? ... No, you're lying. You are trying to trick me!
Pure Flonne: No I'm not! Darktina, please come to your senses!
Darktina: Lady Flonne... Ugh, delivery date... Budget… If you try to interfere, you will sleep until my work is done!
Love Oracle: This isn't working. Pure Sicily, there's only one way to make Darktina come to her senses. Magic Cutie Technique No.6, "Trust in your friends, hand in hand"!
Pure Flonne: We'll purge the dark powers with our Magic Cutie love, the Love Power!
Pure Sicily: Usalia is bait... I see, plip. Miss Artina... No, Dark Artina. We'll definitely get you back to normal!
Stage 5 - Vs. Dark Artina Boss - Darktina: You will sleep until my work is done!
An Echoing Voice
Darktina: Grh, I didn't know you've mastered the power of Magic Cutie this well. That's great, Pure Sicily.......
Pure Sicily: Please, Miss Artina! Stop it!
Darktina: No... I have to collect money from all over the Netherworld. Otherwise, it won't end... Job...My job... There's no end to it no matter how hard I work...
Pure Sicily: Uh, Miss Flonne. Does the job Miss Artina is talking about have something to do with Miss Flonne?
Pure Flonne: Huh!? But how? I don't recall anything…
Pure Sicily: No way…
Darktina: It can be ended with the power of Magic Cutie. So... Get out of my way!
Pure Sicily: Wha--!?
Love Oracle: Watch out! Pure Sicily!! Whooooaaaa...!?
Pure Sicily: L-Love Oracle!!
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idk-ilike5sos · 3 years ago
I've been wanting to change my profile for a while now and I'm kind of considering adding in a Christmas-esk themeeee.....
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pporapipam · 3 years ago
hmmm <3
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reanimationstation · 2 years ago
Teslacoils&hubris here, you absolutely should get into tf2 the comics are honestly just hilarious and the game is really fun! Even if I'm Very Bad at it lol
hmmm very tempting offer... i might actually, we'll see if my computer even runs it. ive never actually played a first person shooter (or.... any shooter lmao) so i know im about to the absolute worst at it
at the very least i will poke at the comics when i have time
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croatian-nt · 4 years ago
Sejan podcast
I know this isn’t in order but I also know everyone is waiting for this one so, here you go. Translation under the cut
Tumblr media
Host, speaking to the camera: Good day dear viewers, and today-a treat. Dejan Lovren and Šime Vrsaljko. I was tempted to start this off with Šime's famos phase: Good day working people, tonight is a live" but it seemed a bit too much
Host, turning to them: should we expect something like that from the two of you during Euro as well?
Dejan: it's spontaneous for us. For Šime and me. We never know what will happen
Host: oh I see. Is it also partly the fact that you are a bit older now-
Šime: *giggling *
Host: -so you have this mindset of "oh we are older now, we'll leave it for younger players"?
Šime: *giggling louder * well no-we only improve with years that go by
Dejan: we get even worse
Šime: *openly laughing * yes, even worse!
Host: but the two of you continued that tradition even after WC. You call one another, you go live, you guve yourself into the ether, so to say
Šime: I mean, it's not...it's not showing people as much as they think-
Dejan: we show them maybe 1%!
*everyone laughs *
Šime: yeah we show them maybe 1% of the way we-I mean, we show everything through positivity and that's it. I guess people like that
 Host: I know the two of you have been active during quarantine. You were both probably bored and had quite a bit of interesting conversations. Maybe we should touch a bit upon that. Is it something you guys plan or does one call another and then you just talk?
Dejan: Oh, it's as I said before. Šime knows that when I call him, I'll call him three times. He has to answer
Šime: yeah, we really don't plan that. I often have some things I am doing but then he is calling me to comment on something and I-I don't have the heart not to answer
 Host: so Dejan, you were also quite bored in quarantine, and you tries quite a lot of activities. I believe cooking was also one and that one steak ended up burned
Dejan: the house almost burned down
Host: *laughs *
Dejan: no, seriously
Host: so it ended up completely black huh?
Dejan: yeah. But I did learn how to cook better after that
Host: and you Šime? I believe you said you didn't cook the eggs but the eggs cooked you. That there was oil everywhere
Šime: I mean, they closed us in the house. And I had some friends over and we were all really hungry so I made some eggs. They asked for fried eggs but they ended up getting scrambled ones
 *about getting haircuts in Russia*
Šime: so I came downstairs, after the lady was finished with Kova already. And we share a glance and Kova is like 'brate...this really isn't good' but I take a seat anyway, hoping it will turn out alright. And then she started cutting it and I felt she was taking out too much hair so I stopped her. Still had patches of hair missing. It was awful
Dejan: the rest of us surely didn't let him forget about it
Host: so how did all of this start? I know the two of you were roommate and that Dejan pressure you into opening instagram account, which you didn't want to do. But you did in the end
Šime: yeah, he was pesting me about it for days. 'Šime please. Com'on just open an account please' and what could I do? I relented. And then...I think we made that Marica video first?
Dejan: yes, that's how it all started
Šime: yeah. I didn't know how anything on Instagram worked, so I played with filters and that's how Marica happened. Interesting, what can I say
Host: what's interesting is that none of that was planned. There was no plan, no censure, nothing. You just showed us things as they were
Dejan: well I think that's the best, really. Plans rarely work out as you want them
Šime: yeah. We didn't do it to, I don't know, pretend we are funny or for views or something like that. Just...what happens, happens
Host: do you miss it now? The fact that you aren't roommates?
Dejan and Šime overlapping: we didn't-weren't
Dejan: everyone has their own rooms. But it's practically like we are. Not much of a difference
 Host: how did you think of your famous "aj lajk" idea?
Šime: well I don't it'-
Dejan: something got messed up in his brain
Šime: -something clicked in or out of place
Dejan: he just said something like "aj lajk a lot" and that was the end of it
Šime: no, I remember there was something-there was that moment well-erm
Dejan: laughs *
Šime: *sighs, shakes his head * I was watching this comedy from Jim Carrie and then he-and then he- *loses a train of thought *
Dejan: *laughs louder *
Šime: *smiles * there was something he did and-I thought of-
Dejan, whispering: aj lajk
Šime: no, it was-
Dejan, louder: ajjj laaajk
Šime: it was something different
*continous laughing from both Dejan and the host *
Šime: ...anway it was also spontaneous
 -Card break-
 Host: let's make first card break. You take the cards and ask the questions one to another
*Šime and Dejan take each one card *
Host: you can take all of-or you can take them one by one. Nevermind
Dejan: so what, I am asking him then?
Host: yes
Šime: don't give me any hard questions
Dejan: a yacht or a sailing boat?
Šime: a yacht
Host: a big one?
*voices overlaping *
Dejan: as long as everything fits in-
Šime: it doesn't really matter-
*pause. Šime shrugs. Dejan starts laughing *
Šime: I don't wanna sound too posh here. I don't spend much time on yachts and I was never on a sailing boat. And I am not very patient-
Dejan, overlaping: he doesn't have patience for that-
Šime, still overlaping: yeah, exactly-
Dejan, speaking over him: I think he is more likely to push the sailing boat himself-
Šime: I really don't think I'd like that- not one bit. Anyway, SUV or Cabriolet?
Dejan, looking pained: Cabrio.
Dejan: VAR or not VAR?
Šime: *sighs * no VAR
Šime: Jennifer Lopez or Shakira?
Dejan: *thinking*
Šime: Can he choose both?
Host: he can, but if he can choose one that would be better
Šime: I am just giving him an option
Dejan: JLo
Šime: ah, fine I guess
Dejan: rock or hip hop?
Šime: I listen all kinds of music so it depends
Šime: iPhone or Android?
Dejan: iPhone
  Host: Šime you didn't play a lot of games because of your injury. We are all happy you are back now but I am curious. How did you feel at home, watching them play and suffer on the pitch while you are at home?
Dejan: what about how I suffered?
Šime: If someone told me I will not play for the nt for so long after WC during WC I eould have called them crazy. But I kept postponing the injury during WC and I paid the price after. So yes, it was hard, watching my boys that I spent so much time with, play without me and struggle while I wasn't there. But I am here now and we have a big chance once again to cheer up people who love Croatia
Host: Deki, there have been some new player joining the nt recetly. How do you think they are settling in?
Dejan: I think, good. I mean when I remember my start, of course you are a bit more shy but I am sure they'll be more outgoing with time. But they seem like nice guys
Host: do you think there is a potential in some of them to continue this entertainment thing you and Šime do? Or are they more closed of?
Šime, cutting in: I think there is always a way to joke around a bit. But-
* Dejan, shaking his head and mouthing no*
Host: no huh?
Šime: but-
*voices overlaping *
Dejan: it just doesn't exist-
Host: how would you encourage them to-
Dejan: you can't. You are either born that way or you aren't
Šime: I mean the two of us have been in the nt for awhile now and it's always the same. Every morning if I wake up even at 4 am I'd start laughing
*Dejan laughing *
Šime: it's just the way it is and you can't really describe it
 Host: I wanted to ask, I don't know if this will ever happen but I would like to see you two as hosts one day. If you could choose someone to ask questions as host from the nt, who would it be?
* Šime and Dejan share a look and burst out laughing *
Šime, still laughing: no the thing-the thing is, the two of us commented on probably every famous person ever. Connected to sports or not. But if I had to choose-if I had to choose someone I think I'd laugh to tears with while interviewing it would be Goran Bare
*Dejan giggling in the background *
Šime: it would really be a show
Host: if he could hold a concentration during the whole interview
Šime: I mean it would be something casual, like this. And for the questions we would have...I reallly don't know
Šime, looking at Dejan: who would you choose?
Dejan: I don't know
*silence *
Šime: com'on brate, say someone
Dejan: hmmm. I don't know. No one is coming to mind right now
Host: and from the nt? If you had to choose one teammate?
Dejan: Brozović
Šime: well yes but-
Dejan: he is maybe number one for me right now. I just remembered
Host: and would he agree? To come to a show hosted by you?
Dejan: not only would he agree. He would have to agree
Šime, unconvincinly: mmm. Yeah
Host: Deki, did you get used to life in Russia?
Dejan: well yeah, yeah I did-
*Šime giggling *
Dejan: it's not how I expected. I expected to be able to survive the winter but it's really cold
*Šime bursting out laughing and coughing *
Dejan: I went out on the balcony one day and thought "my freezer is warmer than this "
Šime: so meat can be kept outside with drying clothes. If it's that cold. How cold it is?
Dejan: -30 C
Šime: wow. There we go then
Host: you didn't visit him yet?
Šime: no
Host: and you won't huh?
Šime: oh no *laughs * I said I didn't not that I won't
Host: Šime how did you face Luka after snatching the trophy from him?
Šime: normally. But I remember thinking-since he scored last minute to Villarreal and we won our game. If we ended with a draw and he scored a goal in last minute and won the championship-uff. I wouldn't be able to look at him
Dejan: he doesn't even have space for any more trophies anyway
Šime: him?
Dejan: yeah. Like com'on
Šime: but. Um- *looks at Dejan and forgets his sentence *
Dejan: dragi
Šime: hmm?
*Dejan laughs *
Šime: don't talk too much
 Host: We had Budimir here yesterday and we talked about how he got into argument with Savic. He didn't want to tell us any details, but he said you'll surely tell us everything
Šime: he really pushed it all on me huh?
Someone off camera: that's not exactly how he said it!
Šime: I mean I don't want to judge because I am on good terms with both of them. I didn't get involved and I actually found someone else to argue with-
*Dejan laughs *
Šime: but I am really close with Ante while we are with the nt but Stefan is also my friend I talk to every day so. I wouldn't want to pick sides
Šime: I am glad Ante scored thought and that the club bought him so I congratulate him on it this way-oh he just entered
Host: Ante you came a little late. We just talked about you and Savic. Šime told us everything
Dejan: he insulted you to the fullest
Host: he told us everything, we heard a completely different story from you, just so you know
Budimir: will I need to give some sort of reply?
Host: it's too late for that, you had you lr chance and you didn't say anything
Šime: I wanted to say, there was tension during the whole game and it escalated jn the tunnel-
Host: oh Luka, you are a bit late too. We talked about you as well
Luka: I was here already before-
Host: I think he waited until you left to say something-
Budimir: I just wanted to say, he sent Grbic after me. The biggest one
*all laugh *
Šime: I didn't even see Grbic. I was too busy with some other things. Some my exhibitions
  -Cards break-
Dejan: who has the best image?
Šime: ufff. Hmmm *thinks for about 30 seconds * Based on my taste? I guess Mateo? He knows how to dress well
Dejan: *laughs quietly *
*everyone from the background start laughing *
Host: you are not of the same opinion
Šime: well I said it's based on my taste
Dejan: next question
 Šime: who has the best car?
Dejan: what should I say?
Šime: just say it's you, brate
Dejan: I mean Barišić has a good car
Host: Barisic huh?
Dejan: I wanted to say Luka but Luka is *makes dismissing gesture with his hand *
Luka: soon!
Šime: Luka will have it soon but tastes shouldn't be discussed. Besides whoever has the fastest doesn't mean he is the fastest
*everyone laughs *
Host: so who is the fastest?
Šime: well that I don't know. We should have some sort of competition
 Dejan: who gets ready the fastest?
Šime: ufff. I don't know. I really don't know. I can tell you who gets there last but-
Host: who gets there last?
Dejan: captain
Host: Luka huh?
Dejan: well you know it's when you pass 30-31, you immediately pay a fine. So he comes exactly at 30
Šime: but at yesterday's lunch, you should have seen that show. It was 29 minutes and 45 second when suddely the door opens and everyone rushes in. There was pushing and running...chaos. but that's because we have some new regulations like no being late, no phones...but I think that's great
Host: who paid the most fines?
Dejan: ufff I can't quite remember. But I think Reba and Perisic
Host: now I'd like you both to tell me about your childhood, but perhaps something not football related
*Šime and Dejan burst out laughing *
Šime: there is still more of these dragi *giggles *
Dejan: are you fucking with me
Host: alright sorry guys, my bad. Continue
Šime: are you asking me or am I asking you?
Dejan: you ask me
Šime: no, I asked you last. You ask me
Dejan: alright. Who eats the healthiest?
Šime: I think Deki does
Dejan: Me??
Šime: yes. The way he makes and mixes those salad he eats...I am sick from only going to that part and looking at all the stuff you are supposed to put in them. But he does it so carefully and he clearly enjoys it. I mean we all eat healthy but he is like...yeah
Dejan: I mean I really do like salads. And I have this whole pressure-captain sits next to me and he says "make a double salad"
Šime, overlapping: well yeah, he uses him a little, so what-
Dejan: and it has to be perfect, salted to a gram, otherwise it's "what did you put in this?!" *sighs * it's fine
Šime: who cooks the best?
Dejan: cooks???
Both of them: no one
 Host: alright so, your childhood. Šime, you can go first
Šime: my childhood? I don't know what to say, really. It was good, I grew up loved, surrounded by fun and playing games with my friends outside. I also thankfully have a younger brother and...I don't know. Most of my fondest memories are the ones spent playing outside, usually with the ball of course
Host: which neighborhood?
Šime: well we moved once so there were two addresses in Zadar, until I finished middle school. And then I went to Zagreb at 14
Host: what about you Dejan? I know you had a harder childhood, but I'd like to touch upon happy moments and not so much on bad ones
Dejan: what should I say? I don't know where to start. I mean I had a really nice childhood in Germany. My parents introduced me nicely to the real world pretty early on. I remember at that time I thought we had everything we needed but...in the background everything was burning. I think I only realize how bad the situation was when we got back to Croatia. But that's alright-it happened for a reason. And I think we can all be proud that we survive it. I am actually sad my brother didn't went through that with us. He was too small
Host: you spoiled him a bit huh?
Dejan: well no. He is 10 years younger. By the time I went to Lyon he was just starting to grow up. Maybe that's why I-because of what happened I developed quite a character. So I can proudly say we all went through that together and today that's something that doesn't have a price
Host: you went to Zagreb when you were only 14 right? Although I believe you said in one interview you really wanted to go
Šime: I wanted to go because it was a call I couldn't refuse. It was football and football is my biggest love. And it's something you just feel you need to do. And when you are that young you are just pulled by your goal, by the love for football. But when I came and when the process of growing up was suddenly sped up...only then did I realize the consequences of my decision. But at that time that was a challenge to which I would never admit defeat. So there was only victory left. And I did win that game of my life. Those kind of moments left a mark on you. As Deki said those things make you stronger and make some things later in life easier
Šime: but don't get me wrong! I am not saying it wasn't nice as well. I am talking her like it's something awful-
Host: was it too much of a change to you at first?
Šime: well no, it was great for me actually. I was supposed to go to Hajduk at that time and I went to two tournaments with them in Zagreb, we won that tournament, I won the best player award and they were demanding for me to come to Hajduk but they couldn't make a deal with Zadar and then the offer from Dinamo came and...there wasn't much thought on my part. It was really great. I was at dorm for the first 6 months. And...I don't have time now but one time when we have time I'll talk about the details and my experience with boys from both on and off the pitch. It was a time of self descovery for me so to say
Host: Deki, I have to ask you something. I have a friend that played with you in Inter and he said that you spend the whole night with them celebrating, but you only drank Cola and similar drinks. Never alcohol
Šime: impossible. I don't believe it
Host: that's what he told me
Šime, turning to Dejan: is it true? How old were you?
Dejan: 16 or 17 I think?
Šime: oh okay, then I believe it
Dejan: I mean I had this sort of mentality of looking at things ahead. It's not that I never got drunk. I got absolutely plastered and I walked on my knees-
*everyone laughs *
Dejan: -but I definitely had days I didn't drink despite hanging out with teammates because i didn't feel like it
Šime: *still laughing *
Host: He is dying of laughter. I don't understand why
Dejan: that's because he saw the time I was on my knees and ge remember that now-
Šime: *laughing louder *
Dejan: so now for him that's-
Šime: no it's *laughing do hard he is incomprehensible * it must have been some time before the game so you didn't drink *proceeds laughing *
Dejan: well yes, that's what I am telling you. The rest of them were getting wasted anyway
Šime: *laughs even louder * this was good, my god
Host: he has good tricks huh?
Šime: no I mean, I am not saying what he is saying is untrue I just *laughs *
Dejan, overlapping: he just saw the worst version-
Šime: I know how he gets when he-*laughing harder *
Dejan: -saw the full transformation-
*both laughing very hard *
Šime, wiping his eyes: oh my god.
Dejan: anyway, next question
 Host: Šime that jump of yours after a ball during the game against Belgum...what happened?
Dejan: blackout
Šime: I mean yeah-I was so mad
Host: but jumping with both legs-
*Dejan laughing *
Šime: he is laughing but I am still mad. There were so many situations with Lukaku, he kept pushing the players with the whole "oh I am strong, oh I am fast" I mean he is but. Still. So when I saw him leading the ball I wanted to-I want to shorten his....
*everyone except Šime laughs *
Dejan: his legs
Šime: his way to towards the goal. And I failed and when i saw that in a duel I lost the ball-
* Dejan laughing again*
Šime: and I was tired and under stress so I had to get it all out somehow so i don't do something worse later
Dejan: I remember watching TV and I saw that, I looked at my brother and then back the TV and I said "he had some sort of blackout there"
Šime: I just did what I had to do. If it was concrete there, I would have threw myself at concrete at that moment
*Dejan absolutely losing it *
Šime: I am serious. I would have honestly threw myself at the concrete at that moment
Dejan: *slaps his arm, still laughing *
Šime: I realize it was a bit unexpected from the outside but I just had to do it so I don't endanger anyone else's health later
 -Cards break-
Dejan: only two cards?
Host: no there are supposed to be three
Dejan: *looks around, no sign of third card *
Host: lost it on the way huh? It's fine, there can be two
Dejan: alright. Favorite book?
Šime: pfffff
Dejan: *laughs *
Šime: there is no favorite book
Dejan: *laughs harder *
Host: nothing huh?
Šime: no. I know there might be a phase in my life when I will read books, but for now...I just don't have a patience
Dejan: *continous laughter that increases everytime word 'book' is mentioned *
Šime: favorite song?
Dejan: uh. I can't really choose, it depends on a mood *thinks for a moment * but now...let's say from Oliver "Bez tebe"(without you)
Dejan: favorite city?
Šime: Zadar
Šime: now another question that won't be hard to answer. Favorite number?
Dejan: *shurgs * 6
Šime: you didn't really choose some hard questions
 Host: if you had a choose one player from the nt who is really special? Personality wise as well-
Dejan: Broz
Šime, nodding: Definitely Brozović
Host: I keep hearing about him. Maybe people from the outside have the wrong idea about him-
Dejan: wrong idea? No, they have the right idea. Exactly the right idea. The guy is hilarious, but also an amazing player. I cannot believe someone can eat 2 kg of pate, 2 croissant and coca cola before a WC match and just. Run for 15 km. I just don't understand that. And then when you ask him how he says: "pateee" and makes hand gesture to the sky. I really don't understand him. I would need 4 days to recover from eating all that
Šime: yeah his mental state...I don't think there is much of a difference for him when he wakes up in the morning on a normal day or when he about to enter a pitch. But I think when you meet him you are surprised actually. He is actually quite quiet and nice and really smart, with a big heart
Host: and he is honest right?
Šime: yes. There is no doubting for him. He will tell you everything to your face and what you think about that-that's your problem. I think that's great
 *about their lives and interviews from Russia*
Šime: one thing that I specifically remember from videos of our interviews are people trying to read our lips
Dejan: oh god *laughs *
Šime: I remember whispering to Dejan "look that guy is the same Strina
Dejan: the guy really looked identical
Šime: and someone wrote that I said "look at that woman with big boobs"
Dejan: *laughs harder *
Šime: I mean, how do you even read it so badly??
 -Last card break-
Šime: which teammate would you let choose an outfit for your night out?
Dejan: Šime Vrsaljko
Dejan: which teammate would you choose...as a business partner
*they share a look and start laughing, the entire audience joining them
Šime: Well Dejan Lovren, of course
Šime, calming down: alright, alright next question. Which teammate would you choose to-*starts laughing * to-to babysit your child for a few hours?
*everyone burst out laughing *
Dejan: Šime Vrsaljko
Dejan: now, listen to this
Šime, already half laughing: yes?
Dejan: which teammafe would you choose to...change your tire
*both burst out laughing again *
Šime: *catching his breath but still laughing * what-I mean what should I say *laughing again, shrugging * oh fu-
Šime: which teammate would you choose for a gaming partner?
Dejan: *thinking * but you are always playing those video games. Call of duty and stuff. I have to pick Šime again
Šime: well I really sometimes do-
Dejan: sometimes?
Šime: often-and then I tried to get him to start playing-
Dejan: and I did, during lockdown. And he got me into Call of duty. And after 5 hours I say "I am going to bed" and my wife wakes me and she is like "dragi you are shaking "
Šime, laughing: he was shooting!
Dejan: it completely scrambled my brain. So I quit. Stupid video games
Dejan: alright now tell me...who would you choose as a partner in a fight?
Šime: ufff. Well him. I'd choose him for everything. It's a matter of trust. If we were to get into a fight together-
Host: you'd take a punch for him?
Šime: we'd-we'd make it a good fight. Guaranteed
  Host: well guys, that's it. I hope you enjoyed-viewers certainly will. This will be viewed a lot I bet
Šime: it was good. Fun. Although I saw that in some podcasts they drink while answering-
Dejan: where did you see that?
Šime: in podcast. When Goran Bare was a guest they also gave him the-the-
Dejan: so I end up on my knees here? Don't be ridiculous-
Šime: -and we'd open the topics much easier that way
Host: I don't know what your coach would say to that-
Šime: -it's classic art. I am not saying we have to drink here just that I think it's cool
Dejan: *laughing *
Šime: maybe some people are a bit stiff so this would help them relax
Dejan: how do you think we'd be like? How relaxed?
Šime: from 1 to 100? 200
Host: well you gave us a good idea for maybe some future podcasts-
Šime: but I think that would need to happen when there are no football activities involved-
Dejan: I think the chair would be sitting on me and not me on a chair
*both laugh *
Šime: just prepare us two beds here so we can lie down after
Host, turning to the camera: Anyway, dear viewers, we'll stop here for today. I hope you all had fun today, and watch us tomorrow as well
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aduckwithears · 1 year ago
I WROTE THE THING (holy shit this is my first fic longer than like 3 lines so please be kind)
Also, I'm torn, because this conversation could have happened in the cellar, or it could have been a speed-run on the way back from seeing God talk to Job. Anyway, I ended up writing the first scenario. Feel free to fill in the blanks afterward with any, um, more physical activities you like, you degenerates (affectionate).
Aziraphale's First Magic Trick (or, how Crowley unwittingly starts the career of The Amazing Mister Fell, an act which will have Repercussions)
Aziraphale is very full. He's never been fuller. Although he has no reference point for his own stomach, he is starting to suspect that a human would never consume an entire ox. By oneself. In one sitting. 
He glances over at Crawley who seems to be completely enjoying himself, lounging with head lolling back, his wine cup half raised, and eyes half closed. There is a temptation to linger on this sight, but Aziraphale remembers (after several longish moments) that he, as an angel, cannot be tempted, and rapidly readjusts his gaze. It falls upon a clay bowl and 3 multicolored shape-shifted children.
"Crawley, the children!"
"The children! They can't stay newts!"
Crawley hoists himself up on one elbow and looks over at the bowl. "Nahh, not newts. They're a type of lizard - meant for the desert, them. They're fine."
Aziraphale levels a stern, if slightly greasy stare in the direction of the demon. "That's not what I meant. How are you planning to return them to their parents?"
Crawley looks surprised. He had been trying to think of the exact type of lizard the form of the transformation had taken. He thought it might be a grecian but that didn't seem quite right. Greco? Still not it... He tries to focus through the wine. "Back to their parents? Doesn't seem very demonic." He shakes his head. "I got rid of them - no more kids, poof, gone - seems like it would take a miracle to get them back." He waves a hand dismissively. 
Aziraphale huffs out a breath. "Well, they can't stay that way forever. If we could get them back to Sitis and Job after the bet is over, maybe they could be taken as new children..." He trails off, realizing what he is saying.
Crawley is now sitting all the way up, wine goblet forgotten and dangling from his fingers as he slowly raises both eyebrows and aims a golden gaze at the angel. "Ohhhh, do go on," he drawls. 
Finding it suddenly very important to look anywhere but Crawley, Aziraphale feels his shoulders hunch. The taste in his mouth is too oily and his tongue seems raw. "Ahhhh," he says eloquently, casting his eyes about the cellar and encountering bare oxen ribs in his attempt to not look at the attentive demon. He turns his gaze miserably to the floor. 
Several minutes pass and the uncomfortable silence grows, until a wiggle turns into a rustle turns into a black dressed form elegantly scooting (possible if you were once a snake and your human spine is open to suggestion) a little closer to his despondent companion. 
"What about a magic trick?" 
Aziraphale flicks his eyes over to where Crawley sits nearby, long legs folded, gazing up at him. "A... trick,” he manages over his oily tongue.
"Look," says Crawley, "between you and me, Gabriel couldn't tell these kids from Cain and Abel. I doubt he can even count to three." Aziraphale chokes a little, halfway between a laugh and gasp, but he must hand it to the demon, Gabriel has never seemed to be the brightest angel in the choir. He thinks about his recent conversations in Heaven and Gabriel’s insistence that God will provide seven new children to Job. Via Sitis (oh that poor woman).
The red hair and beard shimmer in the low light as Crawley leans forward and catches Aziraphale's eyes with his own. "So we'll do a magic trick. Sitis's births have to start sometime, why not right away?"
"Because... uh... well, you see..." Aziraphale himself is completely at sea. He reflects that perhaps humans do not eat entire oxen because it seems to diminish the power of thought. Does he have a general working knowledge of human reproduction? Yes. (He'd been on the human planning committee after all). Could he explain it to the wide-eyed being sitting in front of him? No. This is probably due to the taste of oxen stifling his brain. No other reason. Certainly not. 
Crawley sighs, points to decimated ox. "Do ya get it? Ribs!" He grins. 
Aziraphale feels his mouth drift open. He looks at the ox, ribs glinting white in the flickering light. He remembers another day, a flickering morning, and a woman taking her first breaths… and more importantly, a birth process Gabriel would believe… “Eve!”
The demon’s grin, impossibly, widens. “Exactly. Even if there are a few angels hanging around it should be easy to plant a few ribs, sneak in a few lizards” (what WERE they called? Gemini? Arghh…) “…and poof! Kids!” His hands flutter in the air. A distant, anachronistic part of Aziraphale’s brain categorizes these as Jazz Hands.
“Magicians!” Aziraphale allows himself a small smile. His shoulders relax. He crinkles his eyes towards Crawley, misses the small intake of breath from his demonic cellar-mate. “That could work!” He hesitates. “As long as no one asks directly which children these are, we should be fine!”
Crawley scoots back and resumes his comfortable position from earlier, refills the forgotten goblet, raises another toast. “Angel, the archangel Gabriel wouldn't notice if his wings were on backward. You bring the ribs and gecko-kids (that was it!! Geckos! Course it was!), I’ll do the talking. We’ll be fine." He takes a deep drink of wine.
Aziraphale's smile widens and he thinks that maybe a few of those ox bones need a little more work to be truly clean. He wiggles a little at the anticipation of the rich taste. He casts a quick glance at his companion, who seems, true to his word, not particularly lonely. His magician’s assistant. They will be fine. 
Can we talk about a missing scene? It’s during the Job job. It definitely happened, and we definitely didn’t get to see it. It's the scene where they figured out the magic trick with the ox ribs.
Here's the thing. We see bits and pieces of the night in the basement (Crowley and his wine, Aziraphale and his ox ribs... and whole ox... and etc.), but what we don't see? The planning! The discussion of the trick.
Because for the bamboozlement of the angels to work, they need props. Aziraphale has to have the ox ribs and the kids in lizard form on him at the time of the transformation. This means they needed to have a conversation about the plan beforehand. And I don't know about you, but this goes far beyond a spur of the moment Bildad shenanigan and takes it to a forerunner of the Arrangement.
I want to know how that conversation went. (maybe i should write it?)
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