#hmm. should i tag this as my art? maybe later
fishyfishyfishtimes · 6 months
So far my merfolk haven't been particularly "cursed", but I really want to get to that territory somehow! And I have an idea how...
Most seahorse mermaids have the human-fish split be around the main torso of the seahorse (the seahorso if you will), akin to a centaur: they replace the head and neck with the upper human torso!
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However, the way I draw my merfolk, the human-fish split happens at the neck of the fish, as merfolk need the fish gills to breathe. You already know Ahti, here's two examples besides him:
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Fish head is replaced with the human torso!
If I want to follow this same formula with all fish mermaids, that would make seahorse merms look like this:
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konveeart · 11 months
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I am not gonna name names (coughs @swollenbabyfat coughs) but my brain has been picked over and over again, and I succumbed to my need of going back to my roots and drawing Eevee!
I made these during the week before the last of October. The idea was to turn them into bookmarks which would reveal a "secret puzzle" on the back if all four were collected :)
Under the cut trivia, hehe~
The images uploaded are purposefully low-res.jpeg files. The idea was to imitate the nearly-lost-media file that's been distorted from the older internet days (around 2008), as a "tribute" to baby-old me learning internet surfing and being starry eyed at pictures with eevees and anime girls.
Before I drew these there was one night I lost sleep on, trying to find a specific eevee picture I was obsessed with back in the day. It was made by a user named "Rikoula", depicting a shiny eevee crying. It was my absolute favorite picture of eevee, and my entire purpose of getting better at art back in the day and for many years later, was to reach this level. Sadly, even after ending up watching eevee-tributes on YT (while not being able to find anything on the internet Archive, pinterest and the rest) up until 2012, I did not manage to find the picture. I hope one day I will.
I had the entire timelapse of these nearly ready. Sadly, as I saved the first part to be uploaded, I deleted the second believing it was the one "without music". I even double-checked the title and said "yep, 100% sure", even though later, before shutting down my computer I thought "hmm, maybe I should check what's inside the trash before I empty it". <<<<< idiot didn't do it :'(
I played tetris on how to arrange them and still can't decide so I settled with the order of the pokédex for this post. The original order I sketched them is like the tags.
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Friends! I have made some neat sketches while I was in school and-
Wait, you wouldn't see anything, it's all blurry and unreadable cause my camera sucks
It's okie dokie, I can zoom on it for ya
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Here we see myself looking rather elegant and holding a tray with some juice-
And surprise! I have a name now! My name is Toffetarti!!! :D
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It says:
[How Toffetarti remembered his name: ]
"W-what's that on the floor? Wait..."
There is my name tag and it says under "has been on the floor of his room all this time
And "Just call me Toffey!"
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Here is me with a laddle of "Ambrosia punch" and an abysinthe spoon, which are items important to my lore :o
The arrow to the spoon says "abysinthe spoon. look it up, it's cool"
Under the laddle is my "living punch bowl" and the arrow to it says "It's name is Swellsip, for now". He is my new little assistent
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Those are kinda like tips or I guess "rules" to what my face should be drawn like
It's more for me to remember and have consistency than for other people tbh :P
Same mouth, simple eyes, no eyebrowns or teeth... Gets the seal of approval :o
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This one is self explanatory, I'm hugging ya screen and saying "I luv u"
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This one is me after just having woke up, and two nightmares, one where I'm melting on a giant frying pan, and another where I'm being attacked by humming birds :<
Also the arrow to me states "Tired flames look like candle flames" refering to my fire :]
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"What? No, my tongue is not sweet... Hmm or maybe my body numbs me to it's taste?"
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"I have a neat golden watch :]"
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The arrows to the Splayd on my head say:
*Reversed swing love songs*, *weird chanting* and *shaking*
"Oh, I- I didn't know you could sing! Hum... "Splaydee", ya... "Splaydee""
So I guess I gave even my splayd a nickname today-
Let me know what you guys thought of my name and the sketches, I luv to hear :3
Also those are going to be digital art later on, so I will make a pool later today to which one I should make first :D
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You Are My Sunshine: drabble
CW: Flirting, slight innuendo, fluff!
“Alright, love, I’ll be back soon. I have that big presentation today and then dinner with Andy and Lisa, so I’ll be back later.”
“Alright, have fun.”
Thad doesn’t look up from the puzzle spread in front of him. The Dempseys gave it to him as a birthday gift. Ten thousand pieces and all of them weird shapes, sizes, and colors. The picture on the box shows a sky full of hot air balloons, but right now it looks more like modern art. 
Robin kisses his forehead. Thad glances up because they’re wearing his cologne and they never do that. Once he looks, he can’t turn his gaze away. 
Robin wears a dark brown jacket over their cream sweater, the one with the designs that look like curling branches. They’re wearing the typical khakis, but two gold chains loop from their belt, matching their hoop earrings. A few strands of hair frame their face, falling out of the messy bun held in place by two pins, and Thad’s fingers twitch at the thought of tucking it back.
“Everything alright?” they ask, looking strangely at him.
Thad coughs, swallows hard. “Um. No. No, everything’s fine.”
“Are you feeling alright?” They frown, the skin between their eyes furrowing. “If tonight is a bad night, I can stay here and we can watch a movie instead, I don’t have to–”
“I’m fine,” Thad whispers. But he could be slowly pulling those pins from their hair as they kiss so desperately they can’t breathe and he would lower them to the bed and kiss their skin as he takes off the sweater–no. They have things to do. “You’re gonna be late, don’t worry about me.”
“Honey, I’m always going to worry about you. You’re sure today is a good day.”
“I got to see you in those clothes, so yeah, today’s going great.”
Robin rolls their eyes. Thad hunches a little, wondering if he needs to grab a pillow. If they leave soon, it won’t be a problem, but they linger. There’s a gleam in their eyes that wasn’t there before.
“You like the outfit then? Think it looks good?”
They spin and damnit, the way the pants accentuate their ass is completely unfair. Thad swallows again and shrugs, trying to remain calm. 
“You look stunning, sunshine. You always do.”
“Hmm, good. Hoping to dazzle my audience so they don’t notice when I will mess up.”
“You’re not going to mess up. Your presentation will be the best.”
“Thank you, love.” Robin pulls up the hem of their sweater; frowning, but Thad can see the corners of their lips twitching. “I don’t know, do you think this is fraying?”
He tears his gaze away from the sliver of stomach so clearly visible and manages to shake his head. “No, it-it looks fine to me.”
Robin smiles at him, still holding up the sweater hem. “Thank you, love. I was worried for a moment.”
Thad coughs, his neck burning. “Perhaps I could, um, have a closer look? Later? Just to be sure?”
“Perhaps.” Robin smiles and gives a small shrug. “I think that would be a good idea. Maybe you should check the rest of the outfit then too, just to make sure everything is in good condition.”
“Yeah. Yeah, that sounds good. I-I like that plan.”
Already he can picture how he’s going to take off the sweater and where he will place the kisses along Robin’s stomach and chest. There are a few bruises there that need renewing. And their hair is longer, perfect for running his fingers through, and maybe, just maybe, he can get them to fully relax. 
“Besides, it’ll help me relax,” Robin laughs. They turn for the door and Thad swears that they are moving their hips far more than they normally do. Whether they are or not doesn’t matter, he’s looking intently at their ass anyway. 
“You’re going to do fantastic!” Thad calls after them. “I love you!”
“I love you.”
Robin blows them a kiss before shutting the door. Thad sighs, leaning back and staring at the ceiling. It’s going to be a long wait. 
Tagging: @pigeonwhumps @blood-is-compulsory (please let me know if you want to be added/removed!)
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roosterbox · 6 months
Rules: List the First Line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Tagged by @ladyvaderpixetc ❤️ Thank you, love. I almost want to post the first lines of a few of my WIPs, both because I think that'd be more exciting, but also because maybe - MAYBE - it might inspire me to actually work on them a bit more substantially than I have been.
Another time, perhaps. But anyway, the matter at hand. First line means first sentence, I assume, but I fudged that rule for a couple of these. Just because, lol.
Fingers. Running through his hair. Letting the strands (long, too long his father might have said) twist and curl gently around them.
Of all the reactions Eames expected to get, this wasn’t it.
Honestly Arthur wasn’t at all surprised. The call, which should have taken about ten minutes of his time, had actually managed to ruin about half his day.
“I’ll run out and get you some painkillers,” Eames said. “I’ll only be ten minutes,” he said.
It had all gone to hell, and for the life of him, Eames couldn’t figure out how.
Rule # 1: No Kissing. Arthur broke that one. The morning after their first time, he’d kissed Eames by way of goodbye, and only realized what he’d done a few minutes later.
“It won’t work, you know?” Ariadne looked up from her tea. Yusuf continued to mix the murky potion in his cauldron.
On his fourth birthday, a dragonfly flew into Nash’s bedroom.
Eames eyed the two men approaching his table with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.
The gap in the curtains is just wide enough to send a laser beam of light right across Eames’ eyes. He grumbles and rolls over, not yet ready to greet the day.
And, as a nice bonus, you can have the first tiny lil bit of one of WIPs anyway (it’s the Cherik mpreg mid-quel).
It was mid afternoon, Charles reasoned. Prime time for a nap. And he was prepared to take advantage of this. Unfortunately, the roiling in his gut seemed determined to spoil it for him. Wouldn’t be the first time.
Idk if there’s any discernible pattern to these?
Tagging… hmm. How about anyone who sees this and wants to do it? Honestly I forget how many people I know who still post regularly and who are writers.
Though I think it might be amusing if there was a similar post aimed at artists instead. “Post the first line from your most recent posted artwork” and it’s just a series of images with a single (seemingly) random line drawn on them, lol. Because writing or art, it all does begin with a single line.
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galactic-pirates · 6 months
15 questions, for 15 friends
@purlturtle thanks for the tag!
ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? Technically no. As while I chose my name because I had sort of 'absorbed it into my consciousness' from a TV character, I didn't name myself after them. However, if I had named myself a few years later I probably would have haha (Sam Carter, role model). But nope, not named after anyone.
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? Teared up a bit yesterday but didn't actually cry. Tuesday. I got scared and it's like a pressure release valve I guess.
DO YOU HAVE KIDS? Nope. Never will either.
WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED? Hmm. I'm not a sporty person. I do keep meaning to take my basketball to the court and play a game of 21 against myself. A million years ago when I was at high school I played cricket. I've always liked tennis but rarely ever had the opportunity to play. The trouble with sports is they generally require other people and I don't do well with people.
DO YOU USE SARCASM? Yeah sometimes. I don't recognise it when other people use it on me though. I'm weirdly literal. I guess I can get my sarcasm as I know I'm being sarcastic.
WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE? Oooh interesting, I'm not sure. I mean there's so much to take in about a person in just a single glance. Age, gender, size etc. I suppose it probably boils down to threat assessment - do they look scary?
SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? Happy endings 110%. I'm the worlds biggest wuss, I don't do scary movies at all. Anything with a jump scare in it is a huge no-no.
ANY TALENTS? I like to sort things. I'm also good at doing things the exact same way, every single time.
WHERE WERE YOU BORN? Not my fault, I didn't choose it - Harlow, in Essex (England). Debated whether to answer this but I'm pretty sure it's not my security question anywhere haha.
WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES? Writing, art, lego, piano, reading, video games. Think that covers the broad strokes but there's a lot to unpack with some of those 'areas'.
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? Nope. I don't do well with anything that's alive to be honest, it's too unpredictable for me.
HOW TALL ARE YOU? 5ft 3" (I think). Mum has tried to tell me for years that I'm 5ft 2" because she's 3" and she's taller. But she definitely isn't anymore (I hate that actually, mum should be taller than me, she's the mum but alas shrinkage).
FAVOURITE SUBJECT? What when I was at school? I always wanted it to be English because I do love stories, but we never got to analyse them how I wanted (meta posts my beloved). Honestly it was probably History. It's kinda a story itself. The cause and the effect and the interconnected nature of developments.
These days it's definitely writing. I could talk about it for days.
DREAM JOB? Funnily enough - writer :) Well actually I suppose to be accurate - storyteller. Writing is the medium I am most practiced with but I do hope to level up my art skills enough to utilise those. Illustration, cover art etc. at a minimum but how cool would it be to draw my own graphic novel? I'm a million miles away from being good enough for that but that's why it's a dream.
I have a dozen novel series I want to share with the world. Maybe I will be able to one day.
Erm I don't think I have 15 people I'm comfortable tagging so just anyone that wants to do it.
Here's a blank version for easy copying:
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abeinginsand · 1 year
:o Darryl and Scary for the ask game!
Heya Baba! Thank you for the ask, hmm going to go into the Scary part first since I have my playlist on-- ----- Scary- what’s your favorite song? Top 3 favs at the moment: Sherlock Holmes Theme (from The Great Ace Attorney) fav character in the game and the theme fits his vibe so well, he is so silly and interesting. This is fun to whistle along too Run by OneRepublic, I've liked the band for a pretty long time so gives me a nostalgic vibe. I think the music video is pretty amusing too!
Pity Party by Melanie Martinez, always daydream of character music videos when I listen to this...lately I think of Nicky and him telling his son "this was my fav arm, you don't see me crying about it" and my inner thought in return "but maybe you should let yourself cry about that? Its okay to cry." Catchy angst songs get me every time x'D Alright, onto the second question!
Darryl - do you have a good relationship with your dad? Yes and no. So I mentioned in some tags once that I see a lot of myself and my mom in Glenn and Nick (being friends more than parent and child). For my dad, well coincidently--I see a lot of him in Darryl. Ya know that 'lets talk about this later (usually never)' quote but also 'a dad that doesn't know much about his kids interest but is trying to understand anyway. He's always been supportive of my art since I was kid and a part of me still cherishes that. As long as we don't talk about the hard stuff, its fine, peaceful, so that's my reason for the Yes. He's also not well-informed on LGBTQ+ but again is learning and supportive. (CW for verbal abuse mention) Now for the no, if Daryl is the good parts of my dad...the bad parts-- I see those in Willy. My dad has always been nicer to his coworkers/friends than to the family he came home to everyday. He was also a salesman hmm...that charisma. And when I was younger I didn't mind that much. I noticed but the difference wasn't that harsh at first. He just smiled and laughed a lot more with one group versus the other, still lavished his kids with gifts as a form of affection, tried his best to make us laugh. But as my sister and I grew up, the difference in behavior was getting more obvious. His annoyance and anger were showing more often than not. He was never physically abusive but was verbally. There were other factors involved such as work issues, health issues, and his own issues with his parents. His parents/siblings basically treated him (the youngest) like an outcast so he wasn't allowed to be close to them emotionally and had to be pretty independent. Generational trauma...looking at dndads as a podcast I adore but also "wow, I'm in this picture and I don't like it" Flashback to him being a parent and husband and well...he blamed us for all the stress he was under--be that from work stuff or body pain (from major health issues which eventually lead to him having a leg prosthetic). Unlike Willy he'd feel guilty and genuinely apologize but the pattern would just repeat so stuff felt hollow after awhile. He's been getting care for his health and behavioral issues these days (and is retired). Has been making an effort to mend his rocky relationships with us but also isn't forcing the conversations. Still frustrating days sometimes. Has said things that no apology will ever be enough for but I appreciate that he's trying. I didn't mention my sister in detail here but truly she is the Lark to my Sparrow, intense hatred of father figures included. My sister's two years younger than me but we are often mistaken as twins as well haha. Doesn't help that we both have the same first letter in our names too. We were able to trick our classmates and teachers a few times which was funny. She lives in another state for college right now but we're still pretty close! Want to say that I am 100% okay with sharing this (and feel free to reblog if you want to). Nonetheless, hope it wasn't too much of a bummer to read! :]
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trinidaddy888 · 2 years
You Wanna Smoke? (Chapter 7)
Chase runs out of weed and must go to the human world to get more. How will they manage? And who will they be smoking weed with? Find out in this self-indulgent fic about my Obey Me blunt rotation.
Characters: MC, Mammon, Lucifer, Thirteen, Diavolo, Asmodeus, Simeon, Beelzebub, Solomon
Genre: Slice of Life
Tags: Marijuana, Recreational Drug use, No romance just bros being bros, No Spoilers
A/n: I had a blunt rotation list for Obey Me characters that I’d like to smoke weed with and I decided to make it into a story. The full story is already posted to AO3 but I wanted to keep a writing tumblr for all my stories. The previous chapters had art but I got lazy from this point on and stopped drawing lol. 
Story Index
“Chase?” asked Lucifer through the small space the door was opened to, “What are you doing in Mammon’s room and… Why are your eyes red?”
Shit, shit, shit. Shit!
“I… um,” I started, searching for a plausible excuse. Stoned me could not dig deep enough to find one.
Lucifer squinted at me and then his eyes opened, incredulous at realizing what was happening.
“Are you high?!” he asked, raising his voice with anger.
I did not say a word. That was enough of an answer. He barged into the room. He saw Mammon laying back onto the couch, eyes red and nearly closed.
“MAMMON?!” he roared.
“Hmm?” Mammon responded lazily.
Thirteen’s eyes widened at the sight of Lucifer. “Shit!”
Lucifer took a step towards Mammon and I cut off his path, trying to protect Mammon.
“It wasn’t him,” I said softly.
Lucifer did not seem to hear me as he shoved past me, storming over to Mammon. He grabbed him by the shirt collar and lifted him to his feet.
“You did this!” he bellowed at Mammon, “You’re the reason Chase has been acting strange lately! I trusted you to look after them and you became a bad influence! Scum!”
“Lucifer,” I said, voice straining, “It wasn’t him.”
He turned to me, with rage and shame on his face, “You’re defending him? He is smudging your reputation at this school, and you’re taking the blame? Is this why you went to the human world without me? Is this why you’ve been distancing yourself from me?”
Mammon laughed and Lucifer dropped him.
“Chase,” Lucifer said, “Come with me. I’ll punish Mammon, later.”
“Lucifer!” I yelled, “I said it wasn’t him! I was the one who asked for weed. I was the reason we went to the human world without you. I was acting strange because I was withdrawing from being high every week! I’m the bad influence! Leave Mammon out of this! He was just trying to help!”
“Yeah,” said Thirteen, “It was all their idea. We just came along for the ride.”
Lucifer stared at me in silence, stunned. He clenched his hands into a fist and unclenched it. He sighed.
“I see.”
“Please,” I pleaded, “Don’t be mad. I didn’t want to disappoint you. You were so proud of me being a model student. I couldn’t let you down. You were one of the few people who believed in me this much in such a long time. But, I had to get weed. I’ve needed it for my anxiety. Truthfully, I’ve always smoked weed, even before I came to Devildom.”
His expression softened. “Chase. You smoking marijuana could never disappoint me. Why didn’t you just be honest with me?”
“But you got angry at Mammon when you thought he got me high.”
“Well,” he said, “I thought he was pressuring you. But I insulted you by not thinking you could make your own decisions. And for that, I apologize”
“You should apologize to Mammon, too,” I insisted.
“Mammon,” Lucifer said turning to his brother, “I’m sorr… Oh.”
Mammon was curled into a ball and snoring on the floor, fast asleep.
Damn, maybe two bong hits was too much for a baby like Mammon.
“So, does this mean that you’re okay with me consuming weed,” I asked.
“Yes,” Lucifer said with a nod, “But… keep it private. I cannot imagine what Lord D…”
“Hey guys! I’m back” said Diavolo, shutting the door. He was holding a lot of snacks in his arms and in his pockets.
“L…Lord Diavolo,” stammered Lucifer, “I can explain.”
“Oh, relax, Luci,” Thirteen said, picking up her joint from the ashtray and lighting it, “He’s with us.”
Lucifer gawked at Diavolo. “What?!” he sputtered.
Diavolo grinned as he walked over to the coffee table and dumped all the snacks on it.
Lucifer sighed with relief.
“Take a seat, Lucifer,” said Diavolo cheerfully. There was a commanding tone to his request.
“Fine,” Lucifer said, stepping over Mammon and taking his former seat.
Thirteen passed the J to me as she exhaled a puff of smoke.
“What now?” she asked.
I took a hit of the joint.
“Well,” I said as I exhaled smoke and held out the joint to Lucifer, “You wanna smoke?”
Lucifer furrowed his brows as he looked at me and then at the joint. He ran his hand through his hair and exhaled a breath with a hiss.
“Fuck it,” he said, shrugging as he took the joint to his lips.
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pathos-p · 2 years
"Weirdly Specific Artist Ask Game" but i got tagged in it so i am gonna answer all of them 'cause theyre fun
questions by @/i-like-eyes
thanks for the tag @king-chook!! ^^
1. Art programs you have but don't use
i thiiink i have a license for clip studio paint that came with my old wacom tablet but i never rly used it. also used to have krita installed for the longest time but just always felt off to me idk why. don't currently have it installed anymore tho
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
to their right is a bit easier i think. not smth i consciously notice, mostly i'm just thinking abt when im doodling on the margins of stuff they usually are looking to the left of the page
3. What ideas come from when you were little
uhhh idk tbh, i dont think much of my art draws from that
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
cityscapes !!! i love cities they r so pretty and cool looking but goddamn theyre so hard to draw
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
80-20? i post everything that i finish. basically the only stuff that doesnt get posted is sketches i give up on
6. Anything that might inspire you subconsciously (i.e. this horse wasn't supposed to look like the Last Unicorn but I see it)
hmmmm not that i can think of rn...
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
watercolour !! i've tried it a few times and Struggled but i love seeing ppl's work in it
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in
so many animatics ..................... also many comic ideas ..................... i get so many ideas that i just never start on or start and only do a little before losing the hyperfocus/fixation and just Cannot continue them. it sucks
9. What are your file name conventions
usually the character name, maybe a bit of description of what theyre doing... idk not much of a convention to it
10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw
hmm i like jackets :)
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
yes, usually music. sometimes random youtube videos like stream highlights or video essays.
12. Easiest part of body to draw
uhhh hair? maybe idk. hard question bc it varied a lot depending on what kinda style and just. sometimes smth is hard in a particular drawing then easy later idk
13. A creator who you admire but whose work isn't your thing
i cant think of anything i will edit it in if i think of anyone
14. Any favorite motifs
in my drawings i dont feel like i use any much. mostly i pull motifs from whatever im doing fanart of lol. in music, i like religious motifs (but not like. ones abt christ or bible stories, rather heaven, hell, god/divinity, angels)
15. *Where* do you draw (don't drop your ip address this just means do you doodle at a park or smth)
at home pretty much exclusively. in bed lol
16. Something you are good at but don't really have fun doing
idk i feel like the stuff im better at is the stuff i like bc i practice it more for fun lol
17. Do you eat/drink when drawing? if so, what
not usually
18. An estimate of how much art supplies you've broken
surprisingly little. mostly bc i do more digital art lol
19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.)
weapons and nature. especially ice for nature
20. Something everyone else finds hard to draw but you enjoy
i cant think of anything ill add it if i do
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways
i love rougher styles, like ones with a lot of visible brushstrokes and bold lines and shit. so cool. idk how to make it look good lol i dont have the confidence in my lines for it
22. What physical exercises do you do before drawing, if any
none... probably i should change that
23. Do you use different layer modes
yeah, often i use a multiple layer for shading then a variety to colour adjust at the end
24. Do your references include stock images
25. Something your art has been compared to that you were NOT inspired by
cant think of any
26. What's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended
there was this poem i wrote about capitalism and how shit it is and someone thought it was abt interpersonal relationships/smth along the lines of a breakup. i rly didnt mind it tho i thought it was cool bc the emotion was not far off, the sense of betrayal and abandonment. just a very very different subject
27. Do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? If so, what is it you draw to warm up with
no lol
28. Any art events you have participated in the past (like zines)
i ran a zine (digital only) for the dimension 20 zine jam! and also made art+writing for others in that :D also was part of a polygon yt fanzine a while back
29. Media you love, but doesn't inspire you artistically
spider-man (not the MCU, mostly tasm and a few of the comics)
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
i rly like the cj comic i did i am genuinely so goddamn happy with the result so . even tho it did very well by the standards for the fandom its for and my current follower base it is underrated
alternatively this one https://www.tumblr.com/pathos-p/704380503765221377/tridential-sovereignty?source=share bc it didnt get all that much attention on any social media site but i think its cool !!
(mostly only using recent ones bc i dont wanna dig back further esp onto my old twt acct, too much work lol)
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the-improbable-one · 5 years
A friend just told me that I couldn't be more emo, so I took it as a challenge and draw my bastard the emoest style I have so far by Fall Out Boy
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snejkha · 7 years
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few doodles of characters from Station Eleven
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not okay, m | jjk, myg
full title: I'm Not Okay (I Promise)
pairing(s): yoongi x reader, ft. jungkook
summary: Jeon Jungkook fucked up. He talked shit about emo girls. Min Yoongi decides he's going to make him take back what he said, make him beg and plead and cry to be touched by the sexiest woman he knows. Never mind that you were a goth in high school and not an emo.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; established relationship (Yoongi/you); definitely a scheme to seduce a clueless JK; threesome smut (fem reader, D/s dynamics, m-masturbation + daydreaming, edging / orgasm denial, inappropriate (but wanted) touching in public, a lot of begging, hair-pulling, scratching / marking, thigh-riding, handjob, choking, ball squeezing, restraints, cowgirl, nipple play, handcuff and anal vibrator usage, doggy, little bit of m-receiving oral, finger sucking); tbh Jungkook is a mess, is forced to make messes, and likes it; fluff; shifts from all three POVs; black-haired, sub!JK x noona, dom!reader x blue-haired, dom!Yoongi
yes, there are My Chemical Romance references, I'm aware MCR don't like being considered emo, we know labels =/= how someone truly is; yes, it's PTD (emo for a hot second) JK and Yoongi
"Is that what you think?"
Jeon Jungkook flicked the long black bangs over his left eye, laughing. "Yeah, these are just extensions. I thought it would be funny. I don't actually think this kind of style looks good on me."
A sharp click of the tongue. "No, the other part. About women."
Jungkook blinked, bewildered. Then he slowly remembered, recalling his words. "Oh... I just meant I wouldn't be attracted to a girl with a more emo, edgy style."
The deep voice was sharp and accusatory. "You said it was cringey."
"Ah... well... a little?"
Those pointed, cat-like eyes narrowed dangerously.
"Uh... hyung?"
Min Yoongi frowned and stood up.
"We will see about that, Jungkook."
Jungkook watched him go, even more confused than before.
"Why did that sound like a threat...?"
Because it was.
The next time they went out to eat together, Min Yoongi brought his girlfriend with him. She didn't often tag along. When his friends asked Yoongi about it, he just laughed.
"It's because you guys are too fucking loud."
The few times she did come with him, she was relatively quiet. She had an unapproachable air about her, intimidating in the way that a single eye shift and locked-on attention could cause heart palpitations. Everything about her image seemed far too sleek and refined for everyday life. Her gestures, her walk, her style. Minimalist outfits, mostly white and black. It was obvious that she had a nice body, but none of her clothes implied that she was advertising it, at least when she was hanging out with her boyfriend's friends.
There was one exception.
She always smelled delicious.
Noticeable, addictive, gourmand, always making you turn your head just to smell it again. A hint of ginger to startle, followed by the warmth of marshmallow and the earthly scent of green tea. It blended with her skin, turning warmer and muskier as the evening went on, making you wish that you could smell the bedsheets that laid against that sweet-smelling body later that night.
Very troubling for Yoongi's friends for his girlfriend to smell like pure sex and then gaze at them with such intensity when spoken to, startlingly similar to Yoongi himself.
"Hello, Jungkook. Surprising that you're the only one here."
Jeon Jungkook was so stunned that his brain seemed to cease all functions. He was completely frozen, eyes and mouth wide open, not believing the sight in front of him.
His hyung was dressed normally. Black cardigan, white shirt, black jeans. His hair was light blue now, a cool-toned, steel azure. The color made his fair skin glow and his dark brown eyes stand out.
His girlfriend?
Her hair was loose and wild, partially covering the left side of her face. Dark eye makeup and dark crimson lips. Large, loose black shirt hanging off one shoulder, with a black leather choker and silver chain that clipped to the button placket of her shirt with a clasp. Her bra strap was obvious, meant to be seen, the delicate lace pattern molding around the top of the cup that was barely visible. The shirt was long enough to cover her ass, belted at the waist with a black leather belt adorned by a silver moon-shaped buckle. Sheer black stockings with seemingly intentional rips and sleek black velvet heels.
"Yoongi said you think emo girls are cringey," she chuckled, looking down at him, smirk on her plump, defined lips.
Jungkook sputtered, feeling his face burn. "N-No, noona, that's not what I meant, I–" He was attempting to restore brain function, but he was rapidly losing blood up top and it was gushing down below.
This had to be the hardest part of living.
"I had to remind him that I was a goth in high school, not an emo. They're slightly different."
She bent at the waist and adjusted the chair before sitting down next to him, giving Jungkook half a second to view her perky tits encased in black lace, her chest smelling so fucking good that he nearly passed out. He jerked his head away, glancing at Yoongi in sheer panic.
The older man gave him a completely blank expression.
Their previous conversation echoed in Jungkook’s head. We will see about that.
"The rest of them aren't coming today. I'm treating Jungkook," Yoongi was explaining.
His girlfriend tilted her head. "I thought you said Hoseok was coming."
"He was, but then something came up."
"Hmm..." She raised an eyebrow at Yoongi. He straightened his cardigan, noticing her discerning gaze, and raised one back.
It was only then that Jungkook realized they weren't sitting next to each other, but on either side of him, boxing him against the wall. Now Jungkook could smell Yoongi too, wearing a spicy, woodsy cologne that mixed with his skin to become warmer and more comforting, except right now it was scaring the shit out of him because he didn't understand why they weren't sitting next to each other.
He simply pointed to the empty chair in front of him, unable to finish his sentence.
Yoongi looked over to see what he was pointing at. "Hm?"
"You're right, I should move it so the server has easier access to our table."
And she dragged the chair to the side.
"Very considerate of you, Jungkook."
She smiled at him and he swore the proximity was causing his sanity to crumble to dust. He saw her tuck her black purse behind her perky, round ass. It had a small pin on it of a devil reading a book titled, Guide to Eternal Torture.
A cutesy yet ominous image.
At this point, Jungkook realized he was staring at her ass and the raised hem of the shirtdress, revealing the fact that the stockings were thigh-highs. The black garter straps were straining against her juicy thighs as she adjusted her long legs under the table.
He bolted out of his seat, mumbling and stumbling past her, the alluring scent of her perfume enticing him as he squeezed past.
"B-Bathroom, be right back!"
You watched Jungkook run off, clamping his hands below his stomach, raising your eyebrows as he and his tight black jeans sprinted to the bathroom.
You turned back to your boyfriend who was looking at the menu like it was the most intriguing piece of art he had ever laid his eyes on. You stuck your tongue in your cheek and breathed out, waiting for him to continue. Yoongi didn't look up. You didn’t really expect him to. You waited out of politeness.
"How long am I torturing him for?" you finally asked.
"Until he takes back what he said about you," your boyfriend responded dryly.
You laughed, shaking your head. "I don't think it was directed at me specifically. Does he even know that this is what I usually dress like? Or why you always tell me to dress simpler when I come with you to eat with all of them?"
Those dark brown eyes flickered up.
Yoongi's perfect lips curved into a small smirk.
You rolled your eyes. "Of course, he doesn't."
He lowered the menu, raising his chin defiantly as he spoke. "My reason is still valid. You saw how Jungkook acted. He a mess around you."
"I don't ooze sex, Yoongi. You're exaggerating."
He cocked a brow. "I beg to differ. I would wager he's jacking off in the bathroom right now."
He drummed the table with his fingertips, challenging you to bet on it. You waved a hand, dismissing the challenge. Wasn't like you could miss that tent. You circumvented back to the matter at hand.
"Did Jungkook actually say that? About emo girls being cringey?"
Yoongi shrugged. "Something like that."
You frowned. "Really? With his eyebrow piercing and tattoos? And his black hoodie and jeans?"
Your boyfriend went back to the menu. "Projecting, I think you called it?"
Yes, Jungkook washed his hands before throwing himself into a stall and touching his dick.
He wasn't gross.
Would be really great if his dick had calmed down on his own, but her perfume lingered on Jungkook's hoodie sleeve, just the faintest trace on his left arm, and he pressed it against his nose, inhaling.
Fuck, why does she smell so good?
His right hand was undoing his pants, his eyes and fingers closing in, focusing on his throbbing erection fighting his underwear. Maybe if he just touched it on the outside, it would be fine...
Her face popped into his head, complete with the little quirk of her eyebrow.
Jungkook shoved his hand into his boxer briefs and pushed them down, teeth biting his hoodie sleeve so he could smell her perfume as he stroked his cock, feeling somewhat dirty about it, but mostly violently horny. It wasn't like he could stop his brain. He couldn't go out there with a massive boner either, so he had to do what he had to do. It was only a few thoughts anyway, thinking about her thighs under the table and wondering how they would feel wrapped around him, wondering if she would let him rip those stockings off and bite those delicious legs, wondering if he could undo that belt and unwrap that body and press his nose against that sweet-smelling skin and taste it with his tongue, planting kisses over those beautiful breasts with her hand around his cock instead of his own, pumping him to her unforgiving pace, forcing him to moan into her skin, abusing his stiff length with her tight grip and expansive strokes, his hands gripping her soft thighs and his whines saturating the air, pleading, begging her to let him cum.
Would she edge me?
His hand abruptly stopped.
Jungkook used every ounce of willpower to avoid whimpering into his own sleeve.
His whole body was achingly tense, screaming at him to finish, but he refused, shoving his whole face into the thick fabric and breathing hard, clenching his jaw and his twitching cock, imagining her pretty face with a smug, sadistic smirk, those dark lips teasingly telling him he could finish inside her.
"What are you doing?"
The pale hand dance in the air, beckoning the waitress over.
You tilted your head. "Jungkook isn't back yet. You should wait for him."
Yoongi shrugged. "I know what he likes." His gaze flickered to you. "Meat."
You narrowed your eyes. Yoongi gazed back, unfazed. You knew that look. You knew how to read between the lines. To everyone else, Yoongi was a 3D puzzle with a million pieces, but to you, he might as well have been a children's picture book.
The side of his lips quirked upward, so faint you would have missed it if you weren’t looking for it.
He did have very nice pictures in his book. You'll give him that.
You ticked your right eyebrow so subtly that no one caught it but him. He, too, knew that to look for. His smirk grew, pleased at your wordless communication.
You were dating a real troublemaker.
You smirked back as the waitress arrived at your table, apologizing for keeping you waiting. One look from both Yoongi and you, and she nearly dropped her notepad, fumbling with the pen, cheeks flushing pink.
Trouble did tend to find trouble.
Jungkook had determined he hadn't done anything wrong. He didn't actually orgasm in the bathroom stall thinking about Yoongi's girlfriend while smelling her remaining perfume on his clothes as the said couple sat in the restaurant, awaiting his return.
Now that he mentally described it like that, it did sound kind of fucked.
He saw a blob of black in his peripheral vision and looked up to see Yoongi's girlfriend stride past him, fragrant-smelling hair drifting behind her, his head turning automatically to follow the sight, entranced by the movement of her hips and hair, only to find her glancing back at him, foxy smile dancing on those dark lips.
He swore she mouthed his name.
Maybe even said it?
Jungkook blinked and she was no longer looking in his direction, heading to the women’s bathroom and rolling up her sleeves, clearly going to wash her hands.
He was seeing things.
Just horny and delusional.
"I ordered the beef plate for you. If you don't like it, we can order something else."
Jungkook looked down at the streaming, sizzling platter of seared beef and vegetables, feeling his stomach growl as he sat down.
"No, hyung, this is great. Thank you."
"Hm, that's good. You can start eating, I'm going to wash my hands."
Yoongi began to stand up, brushing off his pants. Jungkook jerked his head up, seeing the older male push his chair back, light blue hair falling over his forehead.
"Um, h-hyung?"
Those dark brown orbs flickered to him.
Yoongi tilted his head.
"Erm... why is noona here? I thought you said… you were just treating me to a meal...?"
Yoongi tilted his head the other way, slowly, unreadable expression in those cat-like eyes.
"I am. I'm paying today."
He raised his head and smiled. Jungkook tore his eyes away from Yoongi to see her weaving through the crowd to make her way back to the table, silver chain hanging from her black choker glittering in the overhead restaurant lights, exposed shoulder and collarbone a stark contrast to her all-black outfit, body shape so exquisite that it wasn't only Yoongi and Jungkook watching her walk. Many pairs of eyes followed her wake, some shy, some unabashed and brazen.
"Besides, she is a treat, isn't she?" Yoongi purred.
She had made eye contact with Jungkook and her lips curved into a small, amused smile.
Any response he had to Yoongi’s words died in his throat.
"Too bad you think that style is cringey, otherwise you might have had a shot, Jungkook."
You sat back down as Yoongi waltzed off, gesturing to his hands, leaving you with the Korean equivalent of Steve Rogers from 1943 to 2011, complete with what you presumed to be a very nice ass if the rest of Jeon Jungkook was anything to go by. Ah, well, you trusted genetics. Surely nature would have blessed Jungkook with a good booty. You looked over to him. He wasn’t moving.
Wasn’t even blinking.
You snapped your fingers in front of his face and Jungkook started, jumping in his seat, his wide brown orbs shakily shifting to you. You made eye contact and he quickly looked away, swallowing hard.
Come on, surely, it's not that serious.
Jungkook ran a hand through his short black hair and snuck a glance at you. Or, more specifically, your chest. Ah. Was that it?
"Something wrong?" you asked, picking up your chopsticks.
"N... No...?"
You had to smile. Jungkook didn't even sound like he believed himself. You pointed to your collarbone.
"Too much?"
His brown orbs shot up. Silence. You locked eyes with him, keeping him in place. You witnessed his inner struggle now, trying to decide between what he thought was the right answer and what his instincts were telling him.
"Aren't you... uncomfortable, noona?"
You chuckled, picking up a piece from your pork belly dish and blowing off the steam. "Me? Of course not. People stare at me all the time. Might as well dress how I want." You dabbed the extra oil off on the side of the plate and brought it to your lips. Your eyes flickered to the younger man. He was still watching you, his own lips parted, wispy black strands over his forehead, accenting his dark brows and the silver bar piercing on the right side. Poor guy. Jungkook really picked the wrong man to project to, the one whose girlfriend never grew out of her goth phase.
You brought the meat close to your mouth.
Let your tongue snake out for a millisecond between your open lips.
His eyeballs nearly fell out of his head.
This is too easy.
You placed the hot meat into your tongue and closed your lips around it, chewing slowly, maintaining eye contact.
Not speaking.
Yoongi was surely overreacting to something Jungkook probably didn't think too much about before saying it, but that was fine with you because Yoongi told you to cause some trouble. You liked causing trouble. That's how you got Yoongi. Trouble attracted trouble. Still, he had something planned. You could tell. Maybe even guess.
You smiled at Jungkook and he gulped so loudly you could hear it over the sizzling meat.
Otherwise you might have had a shot, Jungkook.
What did that mean?
Jungkook was having a mild panic attack throughout the entire meal, even when Yoongi suggested they get beers. His girlfriend was driving, so only he and his hyung drank as they ate. They barely talked. Jungkook’s brain was too busy trying to break down the meaning of the mysterious phrase, replaying Yoongi’s words over and over.
You might have had a shot.
A shot at what?
What, exactly?!
Jungkook snuck a glance at Yoongi’s girlfriend and she was looking back, cocking an eyebrow when they made eye contact. He flinched and peeked at Yoongi's expression. His hyung was chewing his beef slowly, staring into space.
Have had a shot.
Maybe Jungkook needed to do shots to be a normal human being at this point.
"You're pretty quiet today, Jungkook."
His dick twitched in his pants.
Jungkook threw one thigh over the other and mashed his dick between them.
"Ah... sorry..." he mumbled, fixated on his beer glass.
Yoongi rapped his forearm with the end of his chopsticks. "Look at people when you talk to them."
Jungkook swallowed and looked up at her. "S-Sorry, noona."
She tipped her head and frowned slightly. "Is there something wrong? Did I say something to make you upset?" She looked apologetic. "I'm sorry if my presence is ruining your time with your hyung."
He jerked his head to said hyung. Yoongi prodded at something in between his teeth with the end of his chopstick and gave Jungkook a confused look, as if to say, what are you looking at me for?
"Um... no," Jungkook finally said, shaking his head and turning back to her. "No, noona. I'm glad you're here. It's really nice to see you."
"You're barely looking at her."
His ears burned at Yoongi's dry remark.
She perked up, pointing to her collarbones. "Is this bothering you? It's too much, isn't it?" she chuckled, jingling the chain on the choker and making his dick jolt between his clasped, jean-covered thighs. "You really don't like this style, huh?"
Jungkook darted his eyes to Yoongi, who pointedly stared back, giving him zero context clues except for reminding him of what he said before the meal.
A shot.
“Uh, that isn’t it, noona. Ah, actually…”
Jungkook chewed on his lip nervously, focusing on her instead of Yoongi. She turned her body, giving her full attention to him. He couldn’t tell if that was better or worse. The guilt ate away at him. Minutes passed by. So many, in fact, that it was getting awkward. His neck was on fire, his ears were red-hot, he was pretty sure his cheeks were flushed, and not from alcohol, yet he still he couldn’t say shit to those dark eyes and crimson lips, trapped by the gaze of the woman in black, feeling like he just booked himself a room in the Hotel Bella Muerte.
“Are you okay, Jungkook?” she asked, shadows of an amused open-mouthed smirk on those lips.
Was he?
“Er, yeah… I’m okay,” he croaked, coughing to clear his throat.
Yoongi snorted.
Jungkook shook his head quickly, letting out a small growl of frustration. “Actually, no, noona, I’m not okay.” He rubbed his forehead and exhaled hard, biting his lip as he faced her questioning expression. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said the style you’re wearing is cringey, because it’s not. It’s really not. You look amazing. You always have, but you look extra cool and sexy today and I feel really bad saying something like that because I should have thought about how other people could look and pull off that style, but I didn’t, I was only thinking about how stupid I looked when I was fifteen and I assumed–”
Her hand shot out and she pressed two fingers to his lips, silencing him.
“Shh,” she hummed, fully smirking now. “You assumed and thus you got yourself in trouble, didn’t you?”
She’s touching me!
Jungkook jerked his eyes to Yoongi, who was nibbling on his last piece of steak and ignoring Jungkook’s panic. He added a bit of the sauce and popped the meat in his mouth, chewing slowly. It was like she and Jungkook weren’t talking at all or, rather, Yoongi wasn’t concerning himself with it.
Her fingers slid down, pressing into Jungkook’s lower lip.
He very nearly made a noise, quickly darting his gaze back to Yoongi’s girlfriend.
“Hey, Jungkook.”
Why was she saying his name like that? Like… like she was sexing it with her tongue or something? Oh, shit, he was going crazy. He had to be. It was all in his head. She must be saying his name normally. Had to be. Yoongi’s girlfriend? Flirting with him? No, no, absolutely not. And certainly not in front of Yoongi. Even if his hyung was pretending to be deaf, he was definitely not deaf. Yoongi was the kind of guy who would smack a stranger looking at his woman funny.
It was all in his head.
Her fingertips slid to the side of his lips, tracing the shape.
R… Right?
“You think I look extra cool and sexy today?” she mused, licking her lips.
Jungkook could smell her perfume off her wrist. Sweet, musky, seductive. His thighs were so tightly clasped together that Jungkook was pretty sure his dick was pointing straight down with how erect it was at the moment.
“Ah… w-well… a b-bit…?”
Jungkook yelped as cold water flew into his lap, immediately spreading his legs as the glass tumbled onto the tabletop. Yoongi swiftly stopped it, sighing exaggeratedly.
“Ah, my bad, that was quite clumsy of me…”
“Shit, Jungkook, are you okay?”
Her fingertips left his lip and he could finally breathe, only to squeak sharply as hands planted firmly onto his thighs and crotch, bunched-up napkins dabbing the excess water away, quickly soaking it up with the paper.
“You should be more careful Yoongi, sheesh…”
“Sorry, Jungkook, here, take these.”
Jungkook vaguely registered Yoongi saying her name apologetically as well, but at the moment he was not okay, very not okay, he promised this was the most not okay he had ever been in his entire life as Yoongi’s girlfriend mopped up water from his inner thighs and crotch, molding her hands around his dick, yes, his actual straining hard-on was being touched by her hands and it was getting harder by the fucking second, her hurriedly wiping the water off, acting like this was completely normal and not like his cock was trying to rip out of his pants.
“Ack, noona, w-wait…!”
He tried to sit up and Yoongi’s hand came down on his shoulder, holding him in place.
“Good idea, get under his ass just in case.”
Jungkook nearly blacked out as her napkin-covered hands slid under him and cupped the inside of his legs and bottom half of his ass, patting around. Her palms cupped his balls for a hot second.
He was fucked.
Utterly fucked.
Jungkook whimpered in his throat.
Her hands immediately stopped.
She looked up at him, very serious. “Am I making you uncomfortable?”
Jungkook shook his head from side to side so quickly that his vision blurred. “Yes.”
She shared a glance with Yoongi. The older man sighed and stood up, squeezing his shoulder as he leaned down to Jungkook’s ear.
“You want her to keep touching you or not?”
Jungkook’s eyes widened, jerking his head to Yoongi. Those dark brown orbs looked back at him, demanding the truth.
“I didn’t spill that water for nothing.”
It was only then that it dawned onto Jungkook.
This was a set up. He was being set up. His hyung had set him up.
This whole fucking thing was a set up.
We will see about that, Jungkook.
She was cleaning his seat off and gently tapped his thigh. “It’s dry now. I think you’re okay.”
Jungkook decided that he really did not care about being set up. He did not give a single shit that he fell for it wholly and completely like a gullible idiot. He whipped his head back to Yoongi’s girlfriend, who was sighing ruefully, giving Yoongi the side-eye, muttering under her breath so only they could hear.
“What do you think he’s gonna do, Yoongi, ask to fuck me?” she hissed, placing the wad of wet napkins onto the table.
Too bad you think that style is cringey, otherwise you might have had a shot.
Jungkook’s hand shot out and squeezed her thigh.
“Can I fuck you, noona?” he breathed, chest tight.
He dug his nails into the sheer stocking, ripping new holes.
“If hyung lets me?”
"Yoongi, what are you thinking?"
Your boyfriend smiled. Very nonchalant. Nearly innocent. You knew better. This was Min Yoongi after all. His cardigan was off now. His broad shoulders in the white t-shirt were very distracting. Actually, so were his arms, now toned and more defined. Yoongi had recently taken an interest in working out.
His smile turned into a smirk. "What?"
You narrowed your eyes at him suspiciously. You noticed movement under you and smacked Jeon Jungkook's hand down so he was no longer picking at the peach fuzz in his face. He gasped in surprise, but you ignored him, completely focused on your rather troublesome boyfriend.
"You can't be serious."
You felt fingers brushing against the hem of your shirtdress, playing with the edge of the fabric. Yoongi was kneeling behind Jungkook, who was sitting on your bed, and the younger man was now messing with your outfit as you and Yoongi continued your conversation about him.
Your boyfriend leaned down and placed his hands on Jungkook's jaw, laying down his deft fingers one by one, lifting that chiseled chin up, those wide brown eyes now looking at your face, paired with the amused, cat-like ones.
"I am serious," Yoongi murmured. "You should teach him a lesson."
You pursed your lips. "He already apologized. That's enough."
Yoongi tilted his head, clicking his tongue.
"No, it's not."
Your eyes flickered down and you raised an eyebrow at Jungkook's interruption. "What was that?"
He gulped under your stern gaze. "Um..."
Yoongi smiled pleasantly, removing his hands from Jungkook's face. "See? He wants it."
"He's your friend, Yoongi. We're going to have to see him in person later. You want him to be horny every second he's around me?"
Yoongi placed his palm on the crown of Jungkook's head, drumming his fingers slowly. Light blue strands curled around his dark brows and eyes, playful smirk on his shapely pink lips. His deep voice was a low, alluring drawl.
"He already is."
Jungkook nodded very fast to agree. He was trying to hide the keen excitement in his eyes by not speaking, but his eager expression was giving him away as Yoongi slowly chipped away at common sense. You grabbed Jungkook's chin and squeezed, holding him in place. His breathing hitched in your hand, small whimper of your name leaving his lips.
"Don't look at me like that," you scolded.
"Like what?" Jungkook asked with shaking eyes and a small pout.
You kept switching from Jungkook's to Yoongi's eyes because if you looked too long into those pleading brown orbs, you might actually crack. You spoke slowly, emphasizing each word.
"Like you're desperate for it."
A low, dangerous chuckle.
Your gaze fixated on Yoongi. He was about to do something.
His long fingers worked into that short black hair and yanked back, making Jungkook gasp and shiver as he was pulled from your hand, your name falling from his lips in a breathy moan as his eyes continued to watch you, waiting, needing, begging.
"P... Please, noona..."
Yoongi's grip tightened in those black locks, Jungkook whimpering at the roughness, his own hands clutching your shirtdress, tugging at it.
"I'm telling you to do it," Yoongi purred, smokey and dark, staring into your eyes.
Jungkook was pulling your shirt now, pulling you to him, getting you to straddle his lap, you glaring at Yoongi's smirking face the entire time, annoyed that he put you in this position, and yet you knew something of this nature was coming the second he pulled you aside earlier today and asked you to dress the way you normally did because he was going to take you out to eat with Jungkook and Hoseok. Jung Hoseok already knew about your eccentric fashion sense and, while it did spook him a little the first time, he often sent you links of clothes that reminded him of you. You didn't think much of Jungkook being there. He was the youngest and Yoongi often treated him to a nice meal, although usually without you.
"Unbutton the top more."
Yoongi had adjusted the exposed shoulder himself and handed you the leather choker.
"Wear this one."
You had given him a skeptical look. "You suiting me up for some kind of mission?"
Yoongi had smiled mysteriously.
"We're going to make Jungkookie's life a living hell and he's going to like it."
Apparently, Yoongi's mission was to tempt and torture Jungkook until he was mildly insane and then subsequently draw out the younger man’s ravenous desperation so that Jungkook was now clawing at your thighs and whimpering under you, trying to get you to fuck him, shuddering every time he attempted to raise his hands and Yoongi punished him by yanking at his hair in warning.
"She hasn't said yes yet. No higher until she says yes," Yoongi snapped, not taking his eyes off you and your body.
You slapped a hand down on Jungkook's mouth and squeezed harshly, digging your nails into his cheekbones.
"Shh. I'm thinking."
You closed your eyes.
Breathed out.
"You know the only hope for me is you, right?"
"That's a little dramatic, Yoongi."
Those dark brown, cat-like eyes glittered, full of mischief.
"You always play along with my ideas."
"They're all very good. You are a genius."
You loved the way Yoongi smiled at you, endearing and sweet with a hint of cunning cleverness. He liked to invent new ways to keep your life interesting. Being with Min Yoongi was never boring.
"I doubt you'll be able to shock me though. I've seen it all." You, too, enjoyed challenging him and being challenged. That was part of the fun.
That's why you carried on with his black parade.
Yoongi chuckled. "Mmm, famous last words."
“Don’t let him move.”
His veins were on fire, chest shuddering as his head was pulled back, back, his spine arching to an almost uncomfortable position, but he didn’t care, only feeling pleasure as she leaned down, hovering over his body, her hand on his mouth, gasps trapped on his tongue while her own extended from those dark lips, down, down, her other hand grabbing a fistful of his hoodie and yanking down the neckline.
The tip of her tongue touched the space right between his collarbones.
She removed her hand.
Jeon Jungkook moaned, hot and wanton, sinfully right in front of Min Yoongi’s face as Yoongi’s girlfriend licked up his throat, tracing his Adam’s apple and scraping her teeth against it, before sliding up to his chin, stopping right before his lips.
Exactly where the mole under his lower lip was, tip of the wet muscle unmoving.
Those sharp eyes shrouded in black eyeshadow and dark eyeliner looked down on him.
“Please, n-noona…”
He didn’t care if he was being pathetic, tearing at her stockings with his fingernails, unashamedly imploring for more.
She didn’t speak. Yoongi spoke for her.
“Please what?” his hyung murmured, massaging his scalp slowly.
His cock was so hard that it physically hurt being trapped in his jeans like this. Any sanity he had left was being obliterated into pure, unadulterated lust. Jungkook didn’t care anymore about right or wrong. Whatever they let him have, he would take. He would beg and plead and cry if he had to. Whatever it took.
He whimpered, his thighs tensing with need.
“P-Please fuck me…”
I want it.
I need it.
I crave it.
She raised her tongue and flickered it over his lips. He moaned, shaking, his hands dropping from her thighs, reaching between his own legs and rubbing his painful erection through the zipper of his jeans, nearly sobbing as Yoongi’s fingers tightened, nails raking at his scalp.
“I can’t t-take it anymore… please… whatever you want to do, just do it, please, please touch me, I can’t s-stand it, I’m so h-hard…”
She pressed her knee down onto the back of his hands and Jungkook whimpered, so aroused that even that felt good, simply knowing she was applying the pressure, his balls suffocating a little against the center seam because of how thick and stiff he had become.
“Are you a little bit of a masochist, Jungkook?” she whispered, licking his lower lip gently.
Instead of answering right away, he pulled his hands out from under her knee and pressed it down onto his aching cock, his eyes rolling back and moaning deeply, forcefully raising his hips up, slightly pulling on his own hair in the process.
“Hyung, noona, please…”
The friction was almost painful, but the leaking pre-cum had soaked into his underwear, the slickness rubbing against the head, the added pressure of her knee slightly crushing his erection being his own self-inflicted pain that only added to the pleasure.
Jungkook gazed at her with half-lidded eyes, shuddering.
“Destroy me more.”
Min Yoongi liked to watch his woman work.
She was the best, she knew she was the best, and she only got better the longer she was with him. Of course, he loved her working him most. But Yoongi also enjoyed keeping things interesting. Being an assistant to the master was just as fun. And besides, they had a much more equal power dynamic and that’s what they liked.
But Jeon Jungkook.
He pulled Jungkook’s hoodie off, taking the shirt underneath with it, bare chest exposed to sharp black nails that immediately sent Jungkook into a spiraling mess of moans, falling back as those dark lips attacked the tanned skin, leaving marks all over that muscular body. Yoongi placed a hand under that sharp chin and pressed the younger male’s head to his chest.
He liked this too, this power.
Yoongi pressed his fingertips into Jungkook’s chin and raked his nails over that quivering throat.
He didn’t expect anyone to understand how or why he operated the way he did. He only needed one person to understand and she was currently yanking off Jungkook’s jeans and black boxer briefs with vicious vigor, throwing them aside before climbing off his lap.
Yoongi placed his hand over Jungkook’s eyes and wordlessly took his sight.
He liked the sounds Jungkook made. Needy, desperate, and strikingly beautiful. He had a wonderful quality to his voice, pouring all of his emotion into it. Nice cock too. Very hard, very red, a good length and girth. Yoongi chuckled, amused at the younger man’s eagerness. He lowered his head, whispering into that ear with three quivering silver hoops.
“So cringey, isn’t it?” he taunted.
Jungkook whined in his hands, trembling tone saturated with apology. “I’m sorry, hyung, I’m so sorry, I take it back, I didn’t mean it, p-please believe me...”
Out of the corner of his eyes he saw his woman remove her panties and step out of them. Stockings and garter belt stayed on though. She had style. He smirked, humming softly to mask her movement.
“You don’t have to say sorry to me.”
He removed his hand and she dropped her bare pussy onto Jungkook’s naked thigh.
Wet, hot, and sweet.
“Oooh, fuck…”
He lifted his head, eyes hazy and unfocused, greeted by the sight of Yoongi’s girlfriend straddling his thigh and rubbing her pussy all over him, the scent of her perfume mixing with the scent of her sex, thick and delicious and intoxicating, her soaked opening flexing against his hard muscle, driving him insane, disappointed that she was still mostly dressed.
Jungkook reached for the belt at her waist, expecting Yoongi to stop him, but he didn’t, letting Jungkook unbuckle it, his hands shaking badly from the pleasure of her pussy touching his naked skin. The gentle slap of her thigh against his balls and cock not enough. He wanted to be touched, but those scrutinizing eyes indicated that she would touch him when she wanted and no sooner. It was making him lose his mind, but he loved it, moaning her name deep from his chest as he struggled to undo the small buttons, flinching and shuddering with her movements.
“I’m sorry, noona…” he gasped, staring into those sultry dark eyes.
She reached up and touched his lips, tracing the shape with her nail, sending shivers all over his body.
“You gonna watch your mouth from now on, Jungkook?” she murmured, trapping him with her gaze, turning the shivers into brimming electricity.
“Y-Yes, noona…”
He undid the last button and she swiftly removed her hand from his mouth and smacked his away, shrugging out of the shirtdress and tossing it to the floor before reaching down to her ass. She opened her mouth and her tongue snaked out, shiny with saliva, using her hands to spread her ass and pussy, squelching down on his hard, tense muscle.
“A-Ah, so good…”
And now he could feel more, the inner lips of her pussy now rubbing on his skin with her clit, slick and slippery, muscles of her opening constricting and relaxing on his thigh, an indescribable feeling, sensual and dirty and raw, the control so precise that her smug expression and upper body remained relaxed, hips still moving at the same rough pace.
Yoongi’s fingers tangled in his hair again, husky voice at his ear.
“Put the fingers of your right hand in her mouth.”
Jungkook obeyed as if spellbound, raising his hand and dipping his fingers into that waiting mouth, her warm tongue wrapping around them and coating them with her saliva, pink muscle gliding between his joints and dancing around his tattoos, spit dribbling down his palm and dropping in fat plops onto his crotch, his body flinching at the contact, unashamedly whimpering his want, Yoongi’s dark chuckle filling his ear.
It must have looked so dirty.
So wrong.
“Take them out.”
Jungkook removed his fingers with a sniffle, the coil in his core so tight he thought he was going to explode.
“Touch yourself.”
His cheeks burned at the thought of his own hand wrapping around his cock in front of two people, adrenaline and thrill burning his veins.
“B… But, hyung…”
“You touched yourself in the bathroom at the restaurant earlier, didn’t you?” that deep purr accused, pulling at his hair, prickling pain shocking his scalp.
“I…” His hand lowered. “I h-had to… noona is just so…” Staring into those heavily shadowed eyes, tongue licking those dark-stained lips, his saliva-coated fingers wrapping around his aching, taut cock, so close to sobbing at the relief of being touched that his voice cracked a little. “So sexy… and she smells s-so goooooood…”
Eyelids fluttering, Yoongi rapping his shoulder, telling him to look at her, telling him to appreciate that hair cascading over her left eye, those breasts cupped perfectly in that black lace bra, that garter and stockings barely encasing those juicy legs and her pussy sliding up and down his thigh, her hands spreading her ass wide so he could feel it as he punishingly and roughly pumped his cock, trembling all over, struggling to get his words out, cheeks burning with embarrassment as he explained but, for some reason, he wanted to explain and became even more aroused by it, relishing in knowing that she was listening intently to his confession.
“You always smell so, so good, noona… I t-touched myself w-while smelling your perfume on my clothes… T-Thinking about you and my hands all over your perfect body and your hands t-touching me…”
Fucking his hand harder, tighter, faster, slipping down, down, knowing what he was going to say next, driving himself to that point, the coil inside causing every muscle to tense, staring right into her eyes, knowing his pupils were blown-out and unfocused.
“T-Touching me like I am right now, abusing my c-cock and… s-stopping right before I c-cum…”
So close, so close, so close, please, please, please…
Her hand shot out and gripped his wrist painfully, forcing him to let go of his cock.
Jungkook cried out in vain, jerking his head forward and bringing tears to his eyes from the pain of Yoongi’s unmoving grip, tugging at his own hair, the sudden denial causing his cock to twitch and slap against her thigh, smearing pre-cum and saliva onto her soft skin, knowing that he wanted it, sinfully satisfied in how perfectly frustrated she made him, reading his signals and torturing him just right.
A merciful, skilled devil in disguise.
The hand left his hair.
Her hips slowed, sitting onto his thigh, an almost unbearable weight that he welcomed.
His head lolled, scalp stinging, staring into her eyes and loving the way she said his name, like her tongue was wrapping around it and caressing it, each syllable drenched with curated possessiveness that was meant just for him.
Yoongi’s fingers snaked around his neck, four fingers fitting under his left ear, thumb pressing onto the pulse just under his right ear.
“You want to finish inside me?” she exhaled, hot and heavy and addictive.
The grip on his neck tightened, pressing on the blood vessels leading to his head.
One of her hands was still on his wrist. The other reached in between his thighs, past his stiff, purple-red cock. Fingers wrapped elegantly around his balls, joints locking, keeping him in a vise-like grip of pure power without adding any unnecessary pressure.
“Y… Yes, please…” he gasped weakly.
The grip of his wrist vanished. He was getting lightheaded, fighting to keep his eyes on her, and her free hand was now finally encircling his cock, finger by finger, making him wait, squeezing his balls a little harder, fuck, her touch, a distinctly different hand and different power, gently stroking his throbbing length as Yoongi choked him and she pulsed her grip around his balls, his breath leaving in shallow gasps and not only from the thinning circulation, but the flashes of pain and the constant pleasure of her hands and her wet pussy flush against his thigh.
“What if I make you cum like this?” she murmured, leaning in, Yoongi pressing in between his shoulder blades and pushing him to her beautiful face, dark and sultry and captivating, her lips now close to his.
“O… Okay…”
It took all of his willpower to hold himself up with his hands.
“You can do whatever you want to me, noona,” Jungkook whispered thinly. “I mean it.”
Yoongi pet his sweaty hair, pushing it away from his forehead, squeezing his neck tighter.
Jungkook choked out her name, desire so potent that he saw something in her eyes flicker. She liked it. She liked him and what she was doing to him and his reaction to it. It gave Jungkook a special kind of high, the kind of arousal that transcended past the sex.
Jungkook couldn’t get out anymore.
He knew he would crave this feeling, the feeling of power in powerlessness.
She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his.
Jungkook’s first kiss with Yoongi’s girlfriend was her forcefully jacking him off as she squeezed his balls and Yoongi choked him, his tongue sloppy and lips quivering, her sucking on it and making him moan with his tongue trapped in her dark lips, his hips twitching and shooting thick strings of cum all over her thigh, his thigh, and the sheets, suddenly slingshot into oxygen when Yoongi let go, adding to the high, his eyes rolling back, shivers racking his body, pleasure so intense that he felt nothing else, absolutely nothing but her touch, her hand leaving his balls and wrapping around his waist, pulling him to her body, her kiss stealing his breath, her cum-covered hand sliding up and down his abused cock.
Jungkook inhaled.
Her perfume invaded his nose, marshmallow sweetness, warmth of green tea, spark of ginger, and he was drunk, drunk on submission, sex, and their power over him.
Yoongi loved everything she did.
The way she looked at him.
The way her body moved.
The way she leaned over and kissed him as he pinned Jungkook’s wrists over his head while she was riding the younger man’s cock with a bruising, intense pace, her tongue curling around his, moaning softly into his mouth, lover to lover. With every moment, Yoongi fell more and more in love, addicted to orchestrating the perfect scenarios for his woman to completely ruin someone else.
She broke the kiss.
What a brilliant, satisfied, killer smile.
“O-oh, fuck, so good, fuck, your pussy is s-so good…”
Yoongi sat back and watched her hands slide over Jungkook’s chest, gripping his shoulders and fucking him hard, watching her pretty pussy clench around that cock that was begging for that tightness and that torture, the younger man rolling his hips up with every descent, destroying himself further.
The squelch and slap of skin to skin was audible, loud, and so, so sexy.
Her fingertip flicked the bottom of Jungkook’s chin, smirk on those plush lips now smeared with dark lipstick. There was something erotic about the mess though, her wild hair bouncing with every thrust, faint dark smudges now on his lips and Jungkook’s panting mouth.
“Aren’t you the perfect little fucktoy?” she teased.
There was a tension in her jaw, indicating that she was clenching around the younger man’s cock.
“A-Ah, just f-for you, noona…”
She frowned playfully, cocking a disbelieving eyebrow. “Hmm, I don’t know, sweet boys always have sweet tongues and you’ve already proven yours sometimes says misleading things…”
Jungkook whimpered. “P-Please, I s-said I was sorry… I m-mean it…”
Yoongi liked this begging, this desperate tremble vibrating from that silvery voice.
“I would n-never do something l-like this…”
Jungkook had such a handsome face, even with his cheeks flushed red and his composure falling apart.
“Unless it was y-you… and Yoongi-hyung, oooh, God…”
He raised his eyebrows, making eye contact with her.
She smirked back, dangerous and perfect.
“I-I can’t...”
“Yes, you can, Jungkook,” you murmured, arms around his neck, his arms shaking as he held himself up, moaning as you stroked his back, Yoongi behind you, still fully dressed, kneading your breasts, your nipples poking out between his long fingers and giving Jungkook the visual of your cleavage and the hard nubs poking straight out at him.
He groaned, hazy brown orbs returning to your face.
“Please, wanna make you cum with my cock so b-bad…”
You began to rock your hips again, the brief intermission stalling his orgasm over, and now he was moaning again, squirming at the oversensitivity and strained by the denial, your pulsing pussy keeping him hard until you built the pace up again, pushing him to the edge once more.
“Look at you,” you murmured, caressing his neck and back, fingers splayed over his hot skin. “You dream about this, Jungkook? Dream about hyung letting you be noona’s fuck slave?”
His teeth sunk into his lower lip, whining in his chest.
“I-I’m sorry…”
Your fingers slid up into his hair, cradling his head, smacking your ass down onto his thighs, tightening around his cock. Jungkook moaned into your face helplessly, shuddering at your sensual gesture contrasted by your fierce thrusts.
“I wanted you too,” you whispered hotly, breathing in his clean scent. “You always looked so innocent. Made me want to mess you up every time I saw that handsome, nervous face of yours.”
Your grip tensed around his head, lower half really giving it to him now, bouncing on his cock, letting his thickness and his hardness fill you up over and over again, Yoongi pinching your nipples and rolling them between his fingers, following your rhythm.
“It’s not going to be enough for him, you know,” Yoongi chuckled darkly behind you. “He’s going to come crawling back, begging for more.”
Jungkook bit his lip again, looking from you to Yoongi, already guilty.
You leaned forehead, placing a light kiss on that mole below his lower lip.
“I love it when you beg for me, Jungkook,” you purred.
You could feel it, arousal flaring at your own words, already close and getting closer, pussy pulsating around that satisfying girth.
“Are you going to be patient?” you teased, tugging at his hair, savoring the strained moans from Jungkook’s throat. “Are you going to wait on your knees and watch Yoongi fuck me until he’s satisfied and then come to take his place and show me that you can be good for me too?”
You felt Jungkook’s cock twitch inside you, already enthralled with the idea.
“Y-Yes, noona, p-please…”
You dug your nails into his scalp and moaned deeply, staring into those glazed-over brown orbs, drugged on his lust for you.
“You’re so obedient, fuck, makes me want to cum on this pretty cock of yours and reward you.”
Yoongi pinched your nipples and tugged on them.
The spark collided through you, gasping as your orgasm seized your senses and took over, your eyes rolling back as the powerful jolts made your walls spasm, tension so high that it felt as if your nerves were vibrating, Jungkook’s name tumbling from your lips with a hiss that turned into a groan in unison with his, his overstimulated cock jerking and twitching from the brutal massage of your orgasm, the condom swelling inside you from spurts of his own.
The scent of sex was so strong that even Yoongi moaned, squeezing your breasts roughly.
You inhaled sharply, feeling Yoongi’s arms wrap around you, nuzzling your neck.
“Don’t I have such good ideas?”
You grinned, seeing Jungkook’s euphoric expression before he pitched forward and leaned his forehead against your other shoulder, panting for breath. His exhale was warm, drifting over your racing heart and heating your heated skin.
“Yes, Yoongi,” you chuckled, stroking his soft blue hair and Jungkook’s sweaty black hair. “You’re a genius.”
"Sorry, Jimin-ssi, I can't–" He clenched his jaw, stifling the noise threatening to escape from his throat. "I can't hang out today. I have a deadline for work."
"Aw, that's okay Jungkookie. Do you want hyung to bring you some dinner? I can stop by!"
"I already ate, ah, just now. Thanks anyway."
"Okay, okay, I'll leave you alone. Don't forget your hyungs! You work too much."
Jeon Jungkook made an affirmative grumble. "Talk to you later."
An elegant finger reached over and hung up the call. The same hand lifted his phone from his ear and placed it back on the nightstand. Jungkook wasn't able to hold the phone himself.
He was handcuffed to the headboard.
"A-Ah, noona, fuck!"
Now that he was off the phone, she turned the toy back on, making him yelp and squirm. He whimpered, thighs shaking as his prostrate was assaulted with harsh vibrations, the connected silicone ring choking his cock and balls, flush against the base of both.
He moaned her name helplessly, looking down to see her laying between his legs, jerking forward with every smack of Min Yoongi's hips. His hard, dark red cock was sticking straight up right in front of her face. She heated it with her calm exhale, smiling at his shuddering whine.
"P-Please, touch me, o-o-oh, fuuuuuuuck..."
Yoongi smacked her ass with his open palm, making Jungkook moan at the sight of her ass bouncing from his hyung's dick.
"F-Fuck, please, noona, hyung, please, I wanna c-cum so b-bad..."
She increased the vibration setting and patted his thigh, returning to casually fucking Yoongi as he lost his mind from the jarring, rough pleasure, flexing his core and ass to make his cock jerk and swing in the air, unable to touch himself because of the handcuffs.
He loved it.
Jungkook loved every second of the torture crafted just for him.
"What a good boy for his noona."
Jungkook could only moan and whimper in response.
"Mm? Are you a good boy for her? Lying to Jimin so you can spend more time with my lovely woman?"
The younger man whimpered, biting his lip.
Yoongi smirked as Jungkook’s eyes rolled back, mouth open, gasping wail falling from his mouth as her tongue circled the head of his cock, lapping gently at the sensitive skin. The handcuffs rattled, Jungkook’s hands gripping the chain, tattoos standing out on his arm from his tense muscles. Yoongi watched her hands side up those toned thighs, up shaking hips, up to that slim waist, then drag back down, nails pricking at that skin, creating indents and red lines, visible, wet, glistening tongue toying with the throbbing cock in front of her.
He felt his own twitch inside her. Her muscles clenched around him tightly in response.
She lifted her head, gripping Jungkook’s hips and forcing him down on the bed, him whining and pleading for her to do more, but all three of them knew the way this was going to go and the one in the handcuffs wasn’t calling the shots.
“You keep coming back, Jungkook, and it’s gonna ruin sex for you.”
Her hand slid up his abused cock and balls, playing with them and rubbing the overstimulated skin as Yoongi increased his pace in power and speed, fingers spread out on her hips and sinking in, mirrored by the way she removed her hand from Jungkook’s length and grabbed his hips again, cocking her head, looking down at Jungkook.
“You keep flying high and you’re not going to want to come down.”
Jungkook’s black hair was all over his forehead, messy and sweaty, shudders leaving his swollen lips. The light caught the glint of the silver metal piercing on his trembling eyebrow.
She leaned down, hands crawling up his body, digging her nails in, scratching him up, and Yoongi hissed at the shifted angle, deeper now and more intense, her hair cascading down her shoulders, the sweet scent wafting up, sweet, warm, spicy, his favorite scents in the world melding together.
And his woman, a curator of the little, beautiful death.
She chuckled, taunting and playful, placing her forearms on Jungkook’s chest, pushing back against Yoongi and using the other male’s body as leverage, poised in front of Jungkook’s fallen composure, one hand lifting and tracing his lips, enticing that pink tongue to sneak out, begging for a taste.
She shoved her fingers into his mouth, humming approvingly as Jungkook began to suck on them noisily, moaning around her fingers as the rhythm escalated, louder and louder, squeezing his length tighter so Yoongi had to thrust harder, growling in his chest, firmly gripping her ass, faster, rougher, her fingers sliding in further, the wet sounds of tongue and lips adding to the symphony.
Her words the crescendo.
“The jetset life is gonna kill you, Jungkook.”
The fire flared to an unbearable tension and Yoongi hissed her name, clenching his jaw and scratching her back hard, causing her to let out a long, drawn-out moan, clenching around his entire length and he came, cock jerking against her punishing walls, shooting his orgasm into the condom, his fingers sliding down her back, groaning satisfyingly when she matched him, her cum gushing out and sticking to his crotch and thighs, sweet purr of his name drifting out of her lips, her fingers slipping from Jungkook’s mouth, shiny with saliva and wiping it all over his chin.
“O-o-oh, fuuuuuuuck, please…”
And she didn’t forget, not even in her ecstasy, her hand wrapping around Jungkook’s neck, choking him strongly, driving him to the edge.
It took seconds.
Your lips curved into a smirk, Jungkook’s shaking, half-lidded brown orbs saturated with lust, vibrations and visuals and now the loss of blood leaving him breathless, lightheaded, and at your mercy.
Open mouth, gasping out your name.
Then he threw his head back, airlessly screaming, handcuffs rattling, muscles standing out all over his body from the searing tension, tattoos glistening with sweat, eyes rolling back, hips jolting up and shooting cum all over your stomach and his, orgasm so intense that he arched his back and jammed his cock between your bodies, your hand releasing him, Jungkook sobbing at the relief of his aching length still flinching and twitching, the hot head of his cock throbbing against your skin, still dribbling out hot cum in between your bodies, thick and slick.
You slithered on top of him, smearing it everywhere.
“Oh, God, n… noona…”
“Asleep already?”
You petted Jungkook’s head, smoothing his hair. “He had an eventful night.”
Yoongi chuckled. “He asked for it.”
Jungkook scooted closer to your heat, burying his nose in your chest, inhaling deeply.
Yoongi kissed the top of your head affectionately and you reached for his hand, running your fingertips over his knuckles. He placed it on your bare hip, tracing his marks on you.
“So, next time…”
“You’re already planning next time, huh?” You turned your head to look at those mischievous, cat-like eyes shrouded by strands of wispy light blue.
Yoongi ticked a brow. “Do you think he’s going to stop? I made him wait a whole month from the first time to this time and he gave me puppy eyes every chance he got.”
You shook your head with a smile, turning back to run your fingers through Jungkook’s black hair. “I wonder how you survived.”
“I looked away.”
You snickered and lifted Yoongi’s hand, pressing his fingertips to your lips.
“I would make him look away from me,” you murmured, low and dangerous.
“Hmm, then I’ll let you decide when next time will be.”
“Not counting tomorrow morning, right?”
“Of course.”
You felt Jungkook’s lips press onto your skin, a soft kiss inviting you and Yoongi to destroy him more.
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local-ground-apple · 4 years
Can i get a oneshot where Azul finds out about reader's secret "pics of Azul Ashengrotto when he's not looking" magicame account lol
oh yes, the only magicam account that got more followers than Vil and Cater
wait for “Oh Azul, your radiant beauty is an art” discourse under the cut.
alternative title: Koebi-chan turns into sneaky snake to immortalise the beauty of local octopus who for once doesn’t know how to turn this situation into a contract feat.  neighbourhood-friendly eels dying from laughter
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“Azul, I think you should see this”
Jade passed his phone to Azul who was engrossed in his paperwork. With a heavy sigh, he shifted his attention from recent golden contract and looked at the screen. His eyes widen at the sight of pictures.
Pictures of him.
Lot of photos on one blog titled: “Pictures of Azul Ashengrotto taken when he’s not looking”
,,It’s surprisingly quite popular account”
Jade remarked not sparing a single glance at Azul who was going through an existential crisis. He was anxiously scrolling through countless picture taken, as the description of magicam account stated, when he was not looking.
Him doing some homework, him preparing a special golden contract, him burning his fingers on boiling hot tea or even him looking at the star-studded sky.
When someone could have taken those pictures? Why? Does he have a stalker? Wasn’t he the one who occasionally stalked people?
Multiple questions run through Azul’s head as his hand run through his hair. He let out a heavy sigh, not even bothering to listen to Floyd who was having a time of his life. Eel sat comfortably in his chair and was dying from laughter.
Azul’s secret admirer and stalker? That octopus having a secret fan-blog? How amusing~~ What unfortunate soul could be so engrossed in that fishy businessman?
“Who runs it? Names, Jade, I need names.”
Oh, so octopus entered the “feral disposure mode”, remarked Floyd who licked his lips in anticipation. Oh how he couldn’t wait to squeeze some poor, unfortunate souls.
“Ohhh, yess, we could squeeze that little admirer of yours”
,,I doubt Azul will let you after I reveal who it is”
Jade cut in, making everyone confused. Floyd’s wide grin slightly faltered and Azul raised an eyebrow.
“Ne, ne Jade, don’t keep us in suspension~~”
“It’s Y/N.”
The sound of your name entailed various reactions. Jade only chuckled seeing Azul going through another crisis, as his eyes widen and he was left utterly speechless, while Floyd was (once again) dying from laughter.
“Koebi-chan? THAT Koebi-chan??! It couldn’t get funnier!”
Exclaimed Floyd while Azul was still engrossed in his thoughts.
It suddenly made sense.
The way you would observe him, constantly on your phone when he was taking care of contracts or paperwork. Stealing secret glances and giggling and always dismissing his questions when he asked what made you laugh.
Given that you were dating Azul and he was a busy businessman, you were a rather special guest at Mostro Lounge and recently you’ve been spending there more time than in your own dorm.
“I mean it’s kind of fair. I send you to spy on her and she spies on me in return”
Remarked Azul with a heavy sigh, quickly pushing up his glasses and standing up. He was determined to leave his cabinet before Leech twins tease him or make fun of that blog any further. He caught a glimpse of Floyd opening his lips to throw some nasty and vicious remarks at him and Jade’s eyes were glowing with mischief.
It was high time to evacuate and excuse himself of the room.
Azul had a bigger fish to take care of than Leech twins.
It seemed that his angelfish gone a little bit too far.
,,Y/N dear, could you perhaps explain this?”
,,Right, Shrimpyy~~!! Why would you take so many pictures of Azul when you could just admire me!”
Azul’s deadly calm and cold voice as well as two pairs of arms wrapping up around you, successfully pulled you out from redoing mock papers for alchemy. You let out a loud shriek and jumped at the sudden contact.
Ignoring Floyd and his tightening with each passing second grip, you focused on the screen which Azul was practically showing in your face.
“Oh, you found that?”
You were stunned. You knew the day of your doom will come sooner or later, so you were prepared for every possible scenario. Yet, that didn’t stop you from screaming internally as multiple thoughts run through your brain.
Oh shit. I knew that was a bad idea. What were I thinking? That guppy brain of mine! Please sir, don’t let those eels squeeze me. If that’s how I shall go down, at least I’ve left a worthy legacy.
Azul quickly remarked your flushed face as you fiddled with your thumbs nervously. You tried to wriggle out of the twins’ grip, but your attempts were quickly proved to be futile. Much to Floyd’s dismay you soon stopped struggling and instead you decided to fake your confidence.
Baffle them with your bullshit, usually seemed to be a good strategy.
The other choice would be to seduce Azul, but you weren’t sure if you were able to put on the show right in front of twins.
“I took excellent pictures, didn’t I? I even made sure the light was perfect on each of them. Oh, look at this one! You looked suuuuuper handsome that day, didn’t you? You’re rarely that cheerful and your smile causes flowers to bloom in a 50 meter radius. So it’s only natural that I felt the need to make that look last forever~”
You ignored Floyd’s laughter, subtle chuckles from Jade and Azul who was not only confused and wasn’t sure whether he should scold you or ask you to continue rabbiting on. His face flushed and he tried his best to still appear “collected and calm”, but you could see through his façade.
Azul was actually flattered that you found him worthy of not even a single picture but a whole blog dedicated to his beauty, as you phrased it.
“Y’know, you’re a walking art and I couldn’t help myself but to immortalise it!”
You exclaimed with a bright smile and you lower your head slightly, so hair could do you a favour and hide your embarrassment which was written all over your hair.
“Awwww, Jade, aren’t they such cuties~~~”
,,I think we should leave them alone Floyd”
And with that Jade excused them, leaving you with frustrated Azul who kind of wanted to scold you for taking pictures without his permission and kind of wanted you to shower him with even more praises.
He was greedy, insatiable and desired more.
You giggled seeing his flushed face. You hesitantly came closer, standing right before him. You quickly cut the remaining distance and your forehead touched his, resting in that place. Azul sighed deeply and his gloved hand reached to run through your hair.
“What should I do with you, angelfish, hmm?”
,,Well, you could perhaps kiss me?”
You suggested with a sly smile, making Azul let out a barely audible chuckle. He slightly shook his head and you felt the tension leaving his body.
“You know there’s price for that.”
“Dang, you want me to delete that blog, don’t you?”
,,Y/N you should delete that blog, so my image could appear more professional”
You pouted dramatically, pulling away from him. Before Azul could clarify himself, you cut him.
“Well, that’s a shame depriving all those people from your radiating beauty!”
Well, maybe you were going a bit overboard with the amount of praises and dramatic power it entailed.
Either way, Azul lost it.
Instead of collected and meticulous octopus you saw a determined and frustrated man who was more than eager to protest.
,,No, no, Y/N. I should be THE ONE who should be complementing you and worshipping you, but about that price”
He exclaimed and you only giggled in response as Azul took you in his arms. He began leaving delicate, butterfly kisses on your neck in breaks incoherently mumbling praises.
Your lips soon got captured by chapped lips which tasted like water and salt into a delicate, gentle kiss. It almost made you forget about the slight sadness you had felt when Azul asked you to delete your blog. Instead his next words between nibbling on your skin, made you stunned and worried.
“Instead I should make a blog full of pictures of you, my angelfish, to return the favour”
“But could you perhaps continue with your whole “Oh Azul, your radiant beauty is an art” discourse. I would love to hear more”
“How did I not find out about this earlier? I’m literally tagged in every picture”
“I blocked you”
“YoU wHaT”
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queen-ofsunflowers · 3 years
My favorite moments I've written for Shujin Assassins so far:
Kayano: How do you say ‘unkillable’ in Japanese? (Ren pauses and thinks about it.)
Ren: Korosenai. (The entire class whips around at the sound of Ren speaking.) Korosenai… Koro… sen...nai… Koro...sen...sei? ...Korosensei? Huh? 
Nagisa: Korosensei? (Ren pauses. Oh crap, he said all that out loud.)
Korosensei: A pleasure to finally hear more of that voice of yours, Amamiya. Five whole words!
Korosensei: Shoot and stab all you want, class! Even with this handicap, I am too fast for you! (Ren looks up and takes the gun from Nagisa.)
Nagisa: Hey, what—
Korosensei: Only in your dreams do you have any hope of getting the deed done— (Ren fires, not aiming for Korosensei but the rope tied to the tree. The rope breaks and Korosensei, stunned, falls. They watch as the rest of the class takes the initiative to attack him, forcing a panicked Korosensei to roll around on the ground.)
Ann: Wow. I didn’t know a BB could break a rope like that!
Ren: It was starting to break anyway.
Ren: You’d really help me?
Ryuji: ‘course. We’re friends, aren’t we? (Ren blinks. But they’ve only known each other for like… a week and half. He still smiles all the same.) Ain’t that right, Ren-Ren? (A shiver goes up Ren’s spine at the sound of that nickname. Of all things to call him…) So call me Ryuji, got it?
Ren: Thanks. I think I’ll stick with Sakamoto.
Ryuji: Oh man, that's cold.
Kataoka: Does anyone else think it's weird that she’s all over Korosensei?
Ryuji: I dunno. Maybe she’s into tentacles. (Someone swiftly kicks his seat.) OW! Hey! What was that for?!
Ann: But we bought those for ourselves! *groan* I was so looking forward to that for later…!
Shiho: I’m starting to think that he just used this lab to feed his junk food habit until payday.
Ren: Why does an octopus need to get paid a teacher’s salary…?
Shiho: Huh. Eleven words now.
Ren: What?
(And the door opens before Ren can run away.) Oh.  
Ren: Uh… H-Hello. Sir.
Principal: (more warmly that Ren expected) I look forward to your midterm results. Let your mother know that I said hello, would you? (Ren swallows and nods. When he leaves, that warmth disappears and is replaced by ice cold.)
Ann grabs Ren’s wrist to pull him back to her.)
Ren: Huh? What’s up?
Ann: Did you really mean all that? (Ren raises a brow.) What you said to those guys back there. About us. Did you really mean it?
Ren: ...Every word. Why?
Ann: ...Like I told Kayano, I always thought I was an outcast because of my looks or the fact that I didn’t grow up here. So hearing all that… Thank you. I really appreciated it.
Ren: No problem. It’s like Ryuji told me. We outcasts have to stick together, don’t we?
Ann: *giggle* Right! ...um, hey. If you want to, you can call me Ann, alright?
Ren: Okay.
Ann: Okay! And… thanks again. ...Ren-Ren. (Ren bristles, turning bright red. Ann laughs out loud, patting his back.) I’m just messing with you!
Ren: Please don’t do that… (Nearly killed him…) Can you maybe… not call me that?
Ann: Okay, okay! (She’s still laughing.) I promise!
Nagisa: What did you even do to them?
Ren: I have no idea. I got this really bad headache… and I think I heard a voice in my head? There was this thing… I’m not sure what it was.
Nagisa: Whatever it is, I could help with it. We’ll figure out what it is.
Ren: You don’t have to.
Nagisa: I’m already figuring out Korosensei’s weaknesses. Who knows? Maybe whatever that was 
Ren: You’re not… freaked out?
Nagisa: Amamiya, our teacher is a giant yellow octopus. Whatever happened to you is the least strange thing that I’ve seen this year. We can figure out what it is. And hopefully it’ll help us with our assassination.
Ren: *nods* Right! Let’s do this! (He holds out his hand. Nagisa stares at it for a moment before shaking it.)
Ryuji: Wow, she’s seriously cute.
Ren: She doesn’t really look like an assassin.
Shiho: Neither do we. But still… I’m curious about what this new girl’s all about. Amamiya turned out to be quite the joker.
Ren: Joker?
Shiho: A wild card! I mean, you didn’t hesitate to jump out a window or off of a cliff.
Ann: Uh, no offense but I don’t think your usual tactics will fool Mr. Karasuma. He knows your M.O.
Irina: Don’t you think I don’t know that!? (She sighs.) It’s like a paid escort trying to put the moves on her old man. (Ren shivers at the image.) If I don’t get this done, I’ll have to leave.
Ann: What?!
Irina: C’mere, I wanna try something. (She drags Ann off.)
Kayano: Here’s the thing, if they really are related… I mean, don’t you think that Korosensei would’ve known about it?
Fuwa: Hmm… not necessarily.
Ren: Right. They could’ve been separated at some point.
Kayano: Um, that still doesn’t explain why Itona’s human.
Fuwa: Easy. He’s a mutation.
Kayano: You’ve totally glossed over the core issue here!
Ann: Uh, no offense, but the whole separation thing is really kinda cliche.
Fuwa: Hey, no one asked for your criticism.
Ann: If you didn’t notice already, we’re sorta dealing with real life!
Sugino pitches and Shindo swings again. The ball hits the bat, and Ren leaps back just in time, flipping backwards and actually sticking the landing.)
Karma: (jumping up to catch the ball.) Oh, now you’re just showing off. Heads up, Nagisa! (He tosses the ball to their catcher, who tags the home plate.
Ren: Maybe.
(The whole time Ren had been taunting Takaoka and keeping everyone’s eyes on him, Nagisa had come around to sneak up behind him. The cat and the snake both strike, Ren flipping over Takaoka’s shoulders as Nagisa brings him down to the ground, knife at his neck and a hand covering his eyes.)
Nagisa: Looks like we win.
Ren: Nagisa, you’re using the back of the knife.
Nagisa: Huh?
 (She jumps onto his back.)
Terasaka: What the hell?!
Shiho: What the heck did you mean when you called me a rabbit?! If I’m a rabbit, does that mean you don’t think I can kick your ass?! Because I can! (Her weight eventually toppled them both over and they landed in the water. Ann laughs as she goes to help them up. Ren moves over to get his glasses from Karma.)
Ren: And finally, the grand overachiever himself holding the top spot: student council president Gakushu Asano. He got the top spot in the National Mock Exams, and tends to get perfect scores in just about every subject. He’s the principal’s only son, so I think that might have something to do with it. if we could somehow catch him off guard, surprise him somehow, it could get him to mess up and make a mistake. He’s always been like that as far as I can remember. For example, despite being adept at martial arts, he didn’t remember how to catch himself when he fell after I… might’ve shoved him.
Shiho: You know a lot about Asano. It’s kind of creepy. (Ren only hums in reply. It’s not that creepy when you think about it.)
(Ren’s eyes widened. He… He actually did it?)
Ryuji: Way to stick it to that know-it-all, man! (Ren softly smiles.)
Ren: I guess.
Ryuji: You guess? The guy’s ranked nationally! Even Nakamura only beat him by the skin of her teeth!
Nakamura: What was that, Sakamoto?
Ryuji: Uh, nothing! Just sayin’! Ren challenging the King of the Hill is definitely awesome!
Ann: Yup! (as she and Shiho take the drinks from the waiter passing them out. Ann takes a sip from hers) C’mon, guys! Drink up! These things are like… super good. So sweet!
Ren: (holding up the water bottle he thought to bring with him) I’m fine.
Ryuji: Don’t mind if I do! (He takes Ann’s, which is still at least a three-fours of the way full. He drinks right from the glass)
Ann: Hey! Get your own!
Ryuji: Too late! My backwash is in it! It’s mine now. I LICKED the glass! (He does so to drive his point home. Ann huffs as Shiho chuckles, downing the rest of her glass.)
Karma: Oh, sorry ‘bout that. Let’s see if there’s a way to help you out there. (He gestures over to another classmate, who brings him a sea slug. Karma plops it on the sphere.) This do anything?
Ren: (as Korosensei screams) Karma, knock it off.
Karma: Why should I? Not like he can do anything about it. (Ren pulls himself out of the water and the sea slug off of Korosensei.) Now, I wonder if we could find a creepy old beach hum anywhere. I want to shove Korosensei down his pants. (Ren groans. What the hell…? In hindsight, taking this form probably wasn’t the best idea. Especially around Karma. That is why Ren snatches up Koro Sensei and runs over to Mr. Karasuma.) Hey!
Ren: ‘Eliminate the impossible and whatever remains is the truth’. 
Fuwa: Hey, yeah! I didn’t know you read Shonen Jump, too!
Ren: I uh... 
Karma: He doesn't. I saw him reading a little something else on the way over. Sherlock Holmes, wasn’t it?
Ren: Maybe… ...okay, no. ...It was Arsène Lupin. ...I finished the Sherlock Holmes books a while ago. A friend recommended Arsène Lupin to me and I haven’t been able to put it down.
Ryuji: Nerd.
Ren: You were reading over my shoulder.
Ann: Hey, are you okay?
Ren: Yeah… just a little bit of a headache. I’ll be fine.
Ann: How long have you had it? (Ren looks down at the ground.) Ren, how long have you had it?
Ren: ...Since the mastermind called, saying he poisoned everyone. It’s just a small one, Ann. I’ll be fine.
Ann: Liar. You know what happens when you get those headaches, though. Don’t act like none of us noticed. I saw your phantom try to come out when that guy had Karma. Ren, I know it’s hard, but you need to keep calm.
Ren: Ryuji, you’re-- (Ryuji puts a hand over Ren’s mouth, shushing him.)
Ryuji: I’m fine. It’s just a fever. Ann and I split the drink, so if she’s fine, then I’m fine, too. (Ren takes Ryuji’s hand off of his mouth.)
Ren: Ann barely drank any of it at all. You drank most of it. The virus is deadly, Ryuji. 
Ryuji: I don’t care! It’s like everyone said earlier. I’m the fastest in the class. I can’t just sit and wait for help while this creep gets away with it. I don’t care if I’m sick, I’m not gonna let everyone down!
Ren: Ryuji--
Ryuji: Please. Don’t tell anyone. Especially Ann… I think she already blames herself for what happened to Shiho, I don’t want her to blame herself for not stopping me earlier, too. (Ren bites his lip but nods either way. Once Ryuji decides to do something, it’s hard to stop him. But still… He really hopes that they can get that antidote.)
Ren thrashes against whoever’s holding him and loudly screams, dropping to his knees and letting it all go. He doubles over, catching himself on forearms as wind whips around him.)
“Nagisa, back away from him! NOW.” (There’s a blue light streaming around him, travelling up his body as the voice in his head now echoes in his ears.)
“I am thou, thou art I. Thou who would accept blasphemy for the sake of thine own justice, call upon my name and release thy rage!” (Ren shakily pushes himself up, his knees feeling like they’re about to give way as he stands. The light shifts and morphs into a figure behind him.) “Show the strength of thy will to ascertain all on thine own, though thou shall be chained down to Hell itself!”
(A single name appears in Ren’s mind.)
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
I couldn't help myself with this and I'm sure as shit not sorry. Enjoy the Batbrother fic! -Thorne
The entire mission in Costa Rica would’ve taken two days to complete with the final night being the perfect time to eliminate the militia and their leader. He gazed at the rural camp through the scope of his rifle, surveying the small but well-guarded church building and courtyard. Five camps were set up around the church itself in a star set, the main headquarters in the middle, and a barbed wire fence surrounded the entire operation.
Getting in wasn’t going to be any trouble, at least not for Walker and Gutierrez; shifting the rifle, he could see them creeping up the side of the hill, staying in the tall brush. They were about thirty meters from the side of the fence that would let them in undetected; he’d provide sniper fire for anyone nearing them that they couldn’t get to in time.
All at once, Walker stilled in the brush, grasping at Gutierrez’s wrist. When Walker didn’t start reporting, he frowned and hit the button on his gun, murmuring, “Talk to me, Walker.”
The former MI6 operative grunted. “Somethings fuckin’ with my radar.” He glanced back towards where he was camped in the sniper nest. “Tell Asghar to figure it out.”
A new voice came over the line, rather agitated. “I don’t work for you and telling me to figure it out, isn’t going to make me. Maybe you could ask nicely.”
“Well, you ain’t called the fuckin’ ‘Eye in The Sky’ for no reason. Use the IFF and figure it out.”
“Arse,” she retorted, then she hummed. “Captain, Walker’s right, there’s something entering the premises. But I can’t tell what—it’s cloaked.”
He hummed quietly. “Where is it, Asghar?”
“East-side. It’s pinging the radar, but I don’t have a visual on it. Lemme circle around again.”
Glancing into the scope once more, he watched the east side carefully, when one of the militia members suddenly grasped their throat, blood spilling between their fingers. There was a split-second flash of a white tactical cloak shimmering, and his eyes went wide. “Everyone pull back. Now.”
All of his squad reacted with shock, but he wasn’t going to hear it. “All of you. Get out. Now. I know what’s inside the perimeter. Asghar land the Hawkeye. Everyone get to it.”
“Captain, what is it?”
“Nothing good, Mikhailovna.” He replied to the assassin with an annoyed frown. “Goddamn motherfucking asshole.” He scowled and watched another militia member fall, then another, and another. All within seconds. “Fucker took our job out from underneath us.”
“Who did, Captain?” Walker asked.
“A Ghost I don’t feel like engaging right now.” He said. “I gave you all an order. Back to the plane. Double time.”
“What about mission?” Mikhailovna questioned and he could tell she was already pissed.
“Our little guest’s already claimed it as theirs. I’ll explain later. Just get back.”
A round of disgruntled replies came in but he paid them no mind, simply watching the shimmer of the tactical cloak every few seconds go out as the soldiers dropped, throats slit.
He hefted the duffel bag onto his shoulder, watching his squad boarding the plane. His pilot stood beside him. “You coming with us or staying?” she questioned, and he hummed.
“Planning on staying for a while.” His eyes drifted to the hotel in the distance. “Costa Rica’s got some nice sights and I’ll need to find us another job since this one busted halfway through.”
She nodded as if suddenly remembering. “Yeah, about that…I haven’t seen you that spooked in a while. Who was that?”
“I wasn’t spooked.” he griped. “But it’s a vigilante who’s not exactly good.”
Nadeen crossed her arms over her chest. “So, they’re like us?”
“No. He’s not even like me or Jason. When he fights, he views it as an art, not a duty. He’ll kill anyone he deems necessary.”
“Psychopath much?”
“Congratulations,” he quipped dryly. “You hit the nail on the head.”
“Oh my god, seriously? He’s a psychopath?”
“Full-fledged, no remorse or sympathy.” He glanced at the servicers finishing the fueling. “You should go start up the plane. I’m sure everyone’s ready to be back home for a while.”
Nadeen looked at him. “What are you going to do the entire time?”
“Hopefully find a job he won’t bud in on. Tell everyone they’ve got a month leave.” He held out his arm, elbow bent, and fist curled.
Nadeen placed the outside of her arm, held just like his, against the outside of his. “Happy hunting, Captain. Stay safe.”
“You too,” he smiled, pulling away to walk off the flight line.
He stepped out of the shower and wrapped the fluffy white towel around his waist. His eyes caught his reflection in the mirror and for a moment he simply stared at himself. All the scars that lined his chest, the bullet wounds, the stabs, the slashes, the burns. Each told a story of a time he escaped death’s clutches. Barely. But still alive.
He shifted the dog tags that at his sternum and looked at the cicatrix on his skin; he didn’t like the memory that surrounded it and he shook his head, letting the tags fall back into place before he walked out of the bathroom and into the master bedroom. He’d left a pair of fresh underwear on the bed, and he removed the towel, slipping them on.
Figuring since no one was going to bother him, he tossed the towel onto the sofa beside the window and walked through the living room into the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator and pursed his lips, wondering if he should cook or order room service; the Casa Del Mar Residence had fairly decent service.
Suddenly his muscles tensed and the hair on the back of his neck stood; he calmly grabbed an apple out of the refrigerator, then spun, throwing it with deadly aim and speed.
Unsurprisingly, the half-masked man leaning against the laundry room doorway caught it, smiling at him. “Well done, (Y/N). You knew I was here.”
He felt anger flush through him, and he pointed at him. “I knew it was you. Only you’d stick your nose in a SPECTRE Op and stick around afterwards to gloat about it.”
Chuckling, the man took a bite of the apple, chewing before murmuring, “Why so upset, (Y/N)? I took out the target for you.”
“Yeah, and you cost me and my squad a few million dollars of payment.” (Y/N) scowled. “The fuck do you want Ghost-Maker?”
Ghost-Maker smirked at him. “I’d pay you back but I’m sure you’d tell me to shove my money where the sun doesn’t shine.”
“Again, what do you want?” he gestured around. “It sure as shit isn’t to mess up my vacation for a month.”
“I’m leaving in a few hours,” he shrugged. “New missions in Asia.”
(Y/N) looked him over a moment. “You know he told me the first letters of your name. ‘Kh’.” He hummed, leaning against the island. “There’s so many names it could be. Khalid. Khal. Khadim. Khai.” Eyeing the vigilante, he quipped, “I feel like I’ve already said it.”
“I’d tell you if you did.” He walked around the island and stood beside (Y/N).
“Really? You’d tell me?” he cocked a brow. “Can I call you ‘K’?”
“Hmm…sensitive.” (Y/N) grinned. “C’mon K, lighten up a little you psycho.”
He rolled his eyes. “Anyone ever told you you’re hilarious?”
“Just a few people. One of those being my dad.” (Y/N) met his gaze. “So…why are you here if you’re leaving in a few hours.”
A smirk ghosted over the man’s face, and he took a closer step, now in (Y/N)’s personal space, in fact, standing just before him. “I haven’t meditated yet.”
He peered at him. “Something tells me you’re not talking about yoga.”
“No. I’m thinking something more carnal.” He murmured. “Seems like you could use some meditation too.”
(Y/N)’s eyes merely narrowed, and he glared at the man in front of him for a long while before sighing and grunting, “Fine. But if you tell anyone we fucked, I’ll kill you in your sleep.” He started towards the bedroom, listening to Ghost-Maker follow, chuckling behind him.
“I already told you, (Y/N). We’re going to meditate.”
“Meditate my ass,” he griped in return.
“Relax. We’re going to have some fun.”
“I’m topping.”
“We’ll see,” Ghost-Maker cooed, shutting the door behind them.
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phoenixblack89 · 3 years
Blank Canvas
Travis is definitely one of my favourite characters the gorgeously talented Mr. Reedus has portrayed. 
TAGS: @fandomsaremykryponite @autocon23 @lilythemadqueen @darylsgirl @writingdeadangel
WARNING: Just pure filthy smut 
The incessant beeping of your alarm clock woke you as you tried in vain to stay under the covers of your bed. Your head throbbed in pain, a lecture about hangovers and the dangers of drinking by your mother echoing in your memory.
It was all Derek's fault.
You would have been quite happy to have the loft to yourself last night while your three roommates went drinking but no. He insisted that you come along to make sure Travis didn't have another 'discussion with gravity' as he liked to call them. Needless to say all of you ended up slightly more than drunk, hell Travis was literally dragged into his room out cold last night.
The only thing making you feel better was the fact he too would be horridly hungover as you at the lecture.
"Y/N? You awake?"
"Just..." You croakily replied, throwing your pillow over your shoulder.
The door creaked loudly as Travis opened it and slowly, holding his head, made his way to you and climbed under the covers.
"Can we skip today?"
"Travis sweetums, you know we can't." You groan, turning and putting your head on his chest lightly. The crush you harbored on the quieter, shyer roommate was nothing secret. Both Jones and Derek knew, Travis seemed oblivious to it however. If he knew he wouldn't do his usual hangover routine which involved him climbing into your bed to snuggle and complain about his head until the afternoon. As it was you weren't complaining. You loved feeling the heat through your body from the innocent act by him.
"Fuck it. Let's skip. We can always catch up. We'll just say we ate dodgy food again. Blame Derek's cooking." You laughed and wrapped an arm around his waist and sighed.
"Shhh my head hurts. Let's go back to sleep" He wrapped his arms around you and closed his eyes.
The slam of the door jolted you awake. Fucking noisy bastards you thought, glancing at the clock and groaning. Travis rubbed his eyes and sat up slowly. Derek kicked the door open and bounced on the bed, crushing you and Travis back into the mattress.
"See you two finally fucked!" He laughed.
You and Travis both turned bright red and you shoved Derek hard to get out from under him. You stood and pointed at the door.
"Get out!"
"Hey I'm joking! Nice shorts by the way." He laughed, leaning on one elbow to look you over lustifully. You huffed and slammed the door as you entered the bathroom.
Derek was such an ass. If he didn't mind you being late on the rent occasionally you would of moved out but you knew you'd never find somewhere as awesome as the loft. Especially when it came to your art supplies. The space for your canvases was your priority. Hours and weeks and months were spent on your art and they needed special storage to ensure they didn't get ruined. Derek, thankfully, had the perfect conditions for this. Oil, acrylic, watercolour, whatever your classical and fine arts class called for you had on hand within reach. The last place you lived meant you had to rent out a storage unit and numerous pieces of art had been lost because of the shit climate and vermin. You shuddered as you showered, remembering Travis helping you clear the storage unit to move in and discovering one of your favourite pieces had been converted into a comfortable two up two down by a collection of rats. That hadn't been a pleasant sight.
Wrapping a towel around you, you exited the bathroom to a thankfully empty bedroom. The laughs of your roommates reached your ears and you smiled lightly, dressing quickly in your usual baggy clothes before throwing up your hair and sitting at your desk. You sent an email to your professor for the weeks assignment and leaned back, your head ending upside down as you looked at the large blank canvas behind you. You'd bought the thing on a complete whim. You didn't know what to do with it now you had it. And honestly, you'd forgotten you'd even bought it in the first place until the delivery men hauled it into your living room. Maybe you should just give it to Travis. He'd know what to do with it.
"Hey you."
"Hello Miss Jones. What can I do for you today?"
You knew what she was going to say as soon as she closed the door. When you gonna tell him how you feel... Blah. Blah. Blah.
"Before you say it. No. Things are good the way they are. I ain't gonna rock the boat."
"Nope... Not a chance Jonesy. Ain't telling my cute, sweet, sexy as fuck, roommate I share a vast majority of art classes with I like him. Not happening."
"You should. He's a sweetie."
"I know. That's why I can't. I ain't his type anyway. He prefers thin blonds."
"Oh hunny, you have no idea what he likes." Jones smiled and patted your shoulder lightly. "Maybe you should ask for his help on that huge monster of a canvas." She smirked as she left.
Frowning, you bit your lip and considered her suggestion. Jones smirked as she passed Travis and winked back at you.
Shit. Had he heard?
"You... Erm... Need help with the... Assignment?" He stuttered, his head ducked lowly as you blushed.
"Er yea... Later... I... I... I need to look it over some more.."
He nodded and smirked as he tapped against your doorframe before spinning on his heel and leaving. As soon as you were sure he was out of sight and earshot yoh banged your head forward on the desk with a groan.
"Fuck my life."
"Lift! Careful! Careful" You huffed as you directed Travis and Derek, who were lifting the canvas into Travis's room for the project that you'd come up with. You laughed as Derek bashed his arm against the door.
"Remind me to not let you get another one this big!" Travis huffed, setting the monster down against his wall and flexing his thick fingers.
"Its not that bad! It's gonna look awesome!" You laughed quietly, tying your Y/H/C into a high ponytail and smiling as Derek left grumbling. "Come on Travis. Let's get this baby started."
"What exactly are we doing again?"
You shook your head and tugged the canvas into a more pleasant angle, last thing you wanted or needed was to injure yourself by overstretching yourself. Travis glanced over his shoulder as he picked up his paintbrush, twirling it between his fingers with a cigarette hanging from his sinful mouth. Your eyes gazed over his wide shoulders and down his back. The black vest clung to the muscles in his back and tucked into the overalls he was wearing, the sleeves tied tight around his narrow hips. His boots banged against the wood floor loudly as he tapped his foot expectantly.
"Huh?!" You startled out of your thoughts of how he'd feel under your hands as your nails dragged scarlet lines down that delicious looking back. "Oh erm... Well I was thinking maybe... Erm... A sex scene but not straight up porn. Like two lovers in an embrace kinda thing out in nature... Does that make sense?"
"Hmm... So... Summit like this?" He asked, quickly sketching a rough plan of two lovers on a scrap of paper. The lines were sharp with his haste, the angles a bit off but it was perfect. The woman's head thrown back as the man's lips kissed her neck, the hands gripping onto the males broad shoulders, her leg thrown over his hip.
You smiled widely and began sketching it on to the canvas roughly. Travis smiled, flicked his cigarette and joined you. Each of you taking one of the figures to draw. Travis's eyes lingering on your rapidly shifting hands. He loved watching you loose yourself to your creativity. It was as beautiful as the sun rise to him. The look of pure joy and concentration on your face, highlighted your beauty. The dimples in the corner of your mouth as you placed your pencil between your teeth drove him wild. He couldn't help but wonder what they'd look like as you sucked his cock. He ducked his head to the side as he felt his cock getting harder at the mere thought.
You backed away from the canvas and tilted your head to the side. Something was off with the sketch and it was bugging you no end. You just couldn't put your finger on what it was. Was it the angle? The pose? Was it something small and seemingly insignificant? Was it because you'd taken the male figure where Travis the female?
"Something is off about it... I just can't see what it is though..." Travis agreed, another cigarette dangling from his fingertips.
"Yea... I see it but I don't. Ya know. Maybe we should... Nah... That's stupid." You blushed and ran your hands over your face. Your eyes were a tad itchy and tired from the low light in the room plus the smoke. Travis chewed his lip and walked to you slowly.
"Well... Maybe we should try the pose out. See if its because we didn't have a proper reference for it." Your eyes stayed on the floor, running over the numerous splatters of multicoloured paint that had been dipping onto it. Travis felt a lump in his throat as he shifted his weight nervously. He nodded his head upwards and slowly stalked towards you, licking his lip nervously. You shifted closer and with a glance at the canvas lifted your leg to his hip, pushing yourself closer to him. His fingers hesitated for a moment before wrapping around your thigh tightly. His lips slightly red from being chewed dropped to your neck before pulling away sharply.
"Hold up. Camera. Can't hold pose and look at it at the same time."
He rushed and grabbed his camera, setting it up on a tripod and grabbed the clicker to be able to take the photo. He smiled as he reached for you and you flushed, feeling the heat from his crotch against your core as he lifted your leg back into place across his hip. His mouth once more just brushing your neck as you ran your hand through his short dark tresses. The camera flashed suddenly and you backed away as Travis quickly hooked the memory card into his computer and gave a laugh at the blurry image on the screen.
"Still looks wrong. Maybe we should lose the overalls?" He suggested quietly, swallowing audibly as the image became more focused. You nodded and blushed, slipping the boots off your feet and shrugging the dark paint splattered overalls off your hips to pool on the floor beside his bed. Your throat went dry as his gaze ran along your legs, over your plain black panties and up your stomach to the thin white cotton vest you had on. Your nipples were clearly visible through the fabric, a dusty rose colour and hard from the tingle of arousal running rampant through you.
Travis's eyes darken as he removed his own clothes down to his boxers before returning to your side once more. You shuddered as his fingertips ran up your leg to grip you up around his hip once more. His eyes drilled into yours as he lowered his head to your neck. Your eyes closed, feeling his breath ghosting over your pulse point. You felt his cock harden against your core as your nails lightly scrapped his scalp and sucked in a gasp. His lips brushed against your neck as the camera flashed. His hand tightened in the back of your neck as he trailed kisses up your neck before pulling back to look into your eyes. You bit your lip and nudged your nose against his lightly.
"You... God... Y/N I like you. I've thought about you and me so much. I wanna..."
"Shut up and kiss me idiot."
You smiled at the smirk gracing his face as he did as he was told, pushing his hips into yours tighter. He grabbed your other leg and pulled you up into his arms, walking forward to his bed before dipping down onto his knees. His lips felt heavenly after so long of a wait. You nipped his lip lightly and pushed your tongue into his mouth as he gasped.
He growled and thrust against you as his hands ripped your vest from your chest and licked at your nipple. You grabbed his hair and tugged him back to your mouth as you pushed his boxers down his hips and felt the heavy, thick weight of his raging hard cock.
His lips left a trial along your neck, sucking and nipping gently as he ground his hips against yours slowly. A thrill of desire flared in your core, making your clit twitch against the cotton covering them. His fingers lightly tapped along the edge of your panties before gripping them tightly and dragging them harshly down your hips. Your hand ran up and down his length as he leaned his forehead against yours, his breaths coming out as soft groans.
"Fuck... I ain't gonna last if ya keep that up!" He moaned, feeling his orgasm rapidly approaching. With a slight growl, he grabbed your hand and pulled it off himself, slamming it down above your head and panted against your neck. "Fuck..."
"Travis... Please..." You moaned, wiggling under his weight. He smirked against your collarbone as he began kissing down your chest. He shifted his hips and aligned himself with your dripping core. In one swift thrust he buried himself inside your aching pussy as you gave a very loud moaning shriek. Your nails raked down his back as he set a hard, fast pace. His fingers digging harshly into your hips, sure to leave bruises for days.
You gave a loud moan as you felt your core tingling and fluttering around his hard cock, your pleasure sky rocketing towards the orgasmic bliss it craved.
Your release crashed over you as his fingers dug crescents into your hips as his thrusts became harder and rougher. His head leaned back as he enjoyed the sensation of your walls spasming around him, your mouth held open in a silent scream as pleasure rushed through your entire nervous system.
You pulled him towards you and crashed your lips against his as his hips began loosing their rhythm, his own release rapidly approaching. He gave a groan and pulled out, gripping himself tightly and splashing your stomach with his cum. He fell down beside you panting then chuckled.
"Yea." You replied with a breath laugh, your hand pushing your sweat soaked hair off your face and grimacing slightly at the stickiness coating you. "We should probably clean up.
"Don't be. It was worth it."
"Yea... Definitely. We should of done that ages ago." He said smiling, leaning up onto one elbow to look into your blissed out face, his other hand using his shirt to clean his mess from your skin. You pushed your hand through his hair and drew his lips to yours before pulling away and biting your lip with a smirk.
"Maybe we should get some more inspiration for that canvas huh?" You said flirty, wiggling an eyebrow up and down. He glanced behind him towards the canvas before laughing and diving on top of you again attacking your neck with his teeth. You gave a loud laugh.
The canvas certainly wouldn't be blank for much longer that was for sure.
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