#hmm he sounds and looks like a brown laito
❛  can i please use your phone ? i have to call someone to get me out of here.  ❜
for Gilbert if you're still taking it.
Gilbert stared at Nunnally curiously, observing her from head to toe. He watched how she bit her lip in anxiety, nervously gazing from behind her and back at him. Then his attention strayed down to her buckling knees and clenching hands.
He smirked.
What an interesting child.
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"Why should I? Care to tell me more, little girl?"
(admin summer: yes gilbert looks like a playboy I swear why is he friends with karlheinz anyways)
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mythicamagic · 7 years
Diabolik Fairy Tales - Chapter 6
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AU - The Diabolik Lovers re-imagined as fairy tale characters. Each chapter will feature a different diaboy, as their dark natures become entwined with the original macabre fairy tales of the past. Includes smut with a nameless heroine (slight reader insert)
Rated M      Trailer is here         (you can read all my fics here on fanfiction.net or Ao3)
Chapter 1 - Yuma Mukami                           Chapter 2 - Shuu Sakamaki
Chapter 3 - Kanato Sakamaki                      Chapter 4 - Ayato Sakamaki
Chapter 5 - Ruki Mukami                              Chapter 6 - Laito Sakamaki
Chapter 7 - Azusa Mukami                           Chapter 8 - Reiji Sakamaki
Chapter 9 - Kou Mukami                              Chapter 10 - Subaru Sakamaki (end)
Warnings: Smut, Laito's usual 'antics' mixed with the original Little Mermaid...yeah. Non con ahead. This is Laito we're talkin about, so if you're used to his 'quirks' then read on. I still think you should be aware just in case the lack of consent triggers you.
Carnal Malefactors ~
"It is said that mermaids are soulless beings. Birthed from sea foam and raised in the cold, bottomless depths of the ocean, they are unable to fathom or experience that which makes humans, human." The rich voice of the teacher bounced off the walls of the large room, reaching every student. One of them closed her eyes as she listened intently.
"Much like the cruel and unforgiving sea, they've gained a reputation for summoning storms with the mere cadence of their singing, drowning any sailors that try to survive."
The student blinked, leaning away from the metal grate beside her ear. Feeling a chill in the air, she adjusted her position on the rough rock beneath her, glancing up at the high windows of the school that overlooked the sea. Water splashed into the air as it hit the rocks by her tail, fanning droplets onto cool, bare skin. A memory clouded the mermaid's mind as she thought of webbed fingers locked tight in the fabric of a man's shirt as he flailed and chocked, water filling his lungs.
"Sir! How exactly do mermaids breathe underwater?" A young voice piped up.
She heard the teacher exhale. "Well, as we can see here-" the sound of something tapping against an object reached her keen hearing. She wanted so badly to sit in the classroom that lay above her. Countless times she'd leaned against that metal grate outside, inches away from the safety of the water and yet so far from the progressive minds of the humans. She'd learned so much from sitting there, absorbing their knowledge like a sponge.
"They have gills just behind their ears. This particular sample is damaged from when she was killed by the generous sailors who donated her to us. There's a puncture wound in her neck, most likely caused by a harpoon." The teacher said methodically.
Unable to hear anymore, the mermaid leaped off her favorite rock, out from the shadows and into the water that rushed up to embrace her. Time and time again, knowledge caused her pain. It opened her eyes to things she'd previously been blind to. She yearned to bridge the gap between their kinds.
"We're teaching him to swim properly!" Her younger sister had giggled merrily, dragging a helpless man deeper into the crushing currents below.
"He can't breathe! Let him be, or you'll kill him this way! Human's have a different biology to us, his lungs-" she'd tried to reason, but her sisters had laughed.
Ignored, she could only watch as the man turned blue, spasming before going still.
So absorbed in her thoughts, the mermaid didn't notice something drifting in the water beside her until it glimmered in the sunlight. Her tail stilled, and she swept a hand out, watching as it drifted easily into her palm. She knew what it was, though she'd never found one before. Checking her location, she swam up, breaking the surface of the water and hiding in the shadows of a nearby outcrop of rock. Holding it up between webbed fingers, she reached into the sunlight so that it bathed the tiny jewel in a warm glow.
It was a single, unblemished tear.
Perfect Tears were rare, beautiful treasures. They were only formed when humans cried, but from what she knew, only a specific pain and despair gave the tears solid form. Some mermaids wore the tears as jewelry, since they were so rare and precious.
The young mermaid watched as it glittered in the blazing sunlight. The tear was new, pure and dainty.
A child's tear.
Something squeezed in her chest, and she gripped it tight in her hand, glancing around her at the buildings lining the shores. Dipping under the surface once more, she followed the coastline of the seaside town, wondering which current the tear had been swept up in. Thinking of the private harbor nearby, she thrashed her tail in the water behind her. Surfacing, and carefully staying hidden from sight in the shadows of nearby rocks, she stopped when she spied a small figure sitting on the pier.
His legs were swung over the side, head bowed, reddish-brown hair hiding his expression. The mermaid watched him for a long while, and though he shed no tears, she somehow felt that the Perfect Tear belonged to him.
Wrestling with herself, she mimicked the human expression of sighing, finding that it made her feel better. Steeling her nerves, she disappeared into darker waters, drifting along the bottom of the seabed. Rising just below the shadows of the pier that was elevated slightly above her, she blinked the moister from her eyes and hesitated. Though open minded to communication between the two species, it wasn't something to take lightly. She'd never conversed with a human before.
But despite never sharing one word, she'd never been able to shake her interest in them. She wondered about their natures, how they lived, but it was their penchant for expressing complex emotions that appealed to her. Squeezing the tear, she hesitantly swept her arms through the water, inching closer. Opening her mouth, it clicked shut, trying to form the right words.
She stayed unaware of her hushed, rehearsed mutterings, until a voice called out.
"Hello, miss mermaid~"
She froze, snapping her gaze up to where a pair of eyes glittered. They stared at her from in-between the planks of wood above her head. "Are you going to stay there all day, or will you come out?"
Swimming forward, until she could stare directly up into green eyes, the mermaid basked in the humans presence and attention. Though young, the child before her had a strangely reserved and watchful gaze that felt years older. A playful smile curled his mouth as he tilted his head.
"I have no idea why a creature like you has so daringly ventured here, but if you've come to drown me then-"
"No- no." She quickly assured, adopting a level voice to mask her shock. He spoke so easily to her it felt jarring. "I came in search of the owner of this tear."
Holding up the Perfect Tear in her palm, she watched with rapt attention as he leaned back on his arms, furrowing his brow. "Hmm? I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about."
The mermaid blinked, lowering her hand. "This tear is yours, I am certain of it."
She didn't know why but- though his smile seemed friendly, she could only feel a bottomless coldness. It was almost like looking at a smile on a painting, rather than a real person.
"Fufu, a bit of a stretch to say that, don't you think? There's no proof it's mine. Besides I have nothing to cry about, miss mermaid." He said flippantly, waving her off. "Perhaps you should leave now, before a sailor harpoons you."
Water lapped gently against her shoulders as the gears of her mind turned. Mermaids did not lie. They never lied. It was a concept known only to humans, that she'd picked up from the conversations she'd listened to. This boy, though so young, told lies as easily as breathing. If she didn't hold the proof of his tears in her hand, she would question it herself. But the pulsing warmth in her palm had guided her, and she knew with certainty that it belonged to him.
"Are all human children so apt at lying?" She asked.
"I don't know, perhaps I'm strange. Are all mermaids busybodies, who poke their noses into other people's business? I thought you were supposed to be vicious, wonderful, cruel temptresses, who drown sailors and devour their flesh. You're the reason my younger brother refuses to swim in the ocean." His smile widened as she flinched.
"It is true that most of my kind delight in doing those things, but..."
"Ah, are you the special oddball who dislikes such atrocities? Aww, how boring." He swung his legs up onto the pier, that same smile mocking her. Were all humans so difficult to read?
Frowning, she held up her palm again. "Please at least look at it-" with the flick of her wrist, the tear sailed into the air. The boy made a noise of surprise, quickly catching it in his hands. He looked at it in confusion, wrinkling his nose.
She bit her lip to keep from smiling. "That tear does belong to you. I may not know what caused you to cry, and perhaps you would rather forget the reason than tell it to me." Her eyes locked with his. "But Perfect Tears like that are only created from a deep, specific pain. A pain unknown to all else, except those who've felt it."
The smile tugging at his mouth cracked for a moment. He gazed down at the tear with an expression she couldn't understand. No, perhaps it was because his face was devoid of emotion that confused her. His eyes looked empty, hollow.
"No one should bear that much weight on their shoulders alone. I suggest finding someone to talk to, a...what was it?" She asked herself aloud, before smiling. "A confidant."
He cut his eyes to the sky in a gesture that confused her. "As a fellow oddball, I'd have thought you'd understand that we never have much to say about anything."
Shock thrummed through her, and she glanced away, unable to meet his gaze. True, she was being hypocritical. Her sisters would never understand her interest in humans. How could she advise him to speak his pain when she couldn't voice hers?
She murmured a reply, barely above a whisper. "There's always hope that we can change."
With nothing more to say, she turned, slipping back into the depths from whence she came.
Over several months, she returned to that pier. The desire to know what had caused him to shed a Perfect Tear brought her back.
Unseen, she observed his life in the short bursts that she could witness. He was occasionally joined by two boys, who shared similarities but were overall vastly different. The three would race on the shore, the boy from the pier always coming second to a red headed one that loudly announced himself the winner. The smaller boy following them would cry, and the mermaid felt impressed as the middle boy switched gears, going from lightly praising one boy, to consoling the other.
It made her realize that he seemed to change tactics with different people, but the smile he wore around them felt and looked genuine. It was small, accidental, and utterly wonderful. She found herself smiling whenever she saw it.
One day, he sat on the pier again, swinging his legs and looking idly out to sea.
"You know, it's considered creepy to watch someone without their consent. Are you some sort of voyeur, miss mermaid?"
She reluctantly drifted out from the shadows of the pier. At a loss to know what a voyeur was, she avoided answering and instead asked another question.
"Did you keep the tear?" She tilted her head curiously, floating in the water.
"Only on a whim, though Kanato wanted it for himself. Said it looked very pretty." He chuckled to himself, causing her to smile and ask about the boys she'd seen on the shore.
He explained that they were his brothers, all of them Princes. Though he kept the same level smile, she sensed affection in his tone as he spoke of them. Ayato, the eldest triplet, was expected to succeeded in everything at the behest of their mother. Kanato was the middle child, who's special talent lay in singing pretty melodies especially for her.
When it came to explaining himself, he hesitated.
"And what does the youngest triplet do?" She prompted gently.
"Fufu, Laito Sakamaki has a purpose and a use, but it's not for prying eyes and curious ears to know." His smile widened, placing his finger over his lips even as his expression shuttered.
"Do you know what it means, to love someone so much that you hate them?" Laito asked her once, years after they'd first met.
She replied that she didn't, resting her chin on her arms and watching as he filled in some words on a piece of paper. Since she knew some schooling, she'd been dubbed useful enough to help with his crossword puzzles.
Her tail trailed into the water beneath them as they lounged on some rocks near the shore. Over the years, they'd become more brazen in hiding their encounters, but she felt confident in her speed, ready to jump into the sea at a moments notice.
"Ne, this isn't a crossword question, foolish little mermaid." He turned a page, shifting his longer legs beneath him and regarding her with glittering eyes. As he'd grown, his expressions had begun to limit into that mischievous, flat smile that didn't touch his eyes.
"I haven't loved before, so I can't answer."
He hummed noncommittally, eyes briefly skimming over her curves. She was perpetually a woman, unchanging in all the time he'd known her. It somewhat surprised him to learn that she had no experience.
"Can you describe it for me?" She asked, shifting languidly as he shut his book.
"To me, the love spoken of in storybooks doesn't exist." A warm breeze ruffled his hair, lifting it into the breeze so that it caressed his forehead and swept into his eyes. "It's something made up by the naive and cunning, to label feelings of pleasure. Saying 'I love you,' has the same meaning as saying 'good morning.' It's just an empty phrase people say to flatter the one they most want to control, in order to obtain desire. Those thinking they're in love are hopeless fools ensnared in their own feelings. Love is just something that feels good."
They lapsed into silence. The waves crashing against rock punctuated the solemn, thoughtful atmosphere.
Webbed fingers twitched with the urge to reach out to him. "But many humans and mermaids alike have ruined or saved themselves because of love. What else could have encompassed them so much, that it cost or enriched their lives?"
"Hm~ I'll give you a hint. It's 4 across- A carnal craving." Laito smiled.
When she answered that she didn't know, he turned glittering green towards her. "Lust."
Realizing that he was making fun of her, the mermaid splashed him with a sweep of her tail.
She didn't age. Perhaps this knowledge was only painful because she watched him grow and develop. His brothers, that had gradually visited less and less, stopped coming to the shore altogether. Things felt as if they were changing around her even as she remained exactly the same, in both body and mind.
Finally, the biggest change of all happened; Laito disappeared from her life.
Hidden behind a rock face on the water, she waited at her usual spot. She only left to sate her hunger, but always returned.
When spring turned into summer, and summer into fall, the mermaid finally turned away.
The waters that had raised her now felt cold and barren. Robbed of him, a crushing ache crept into her veins. She wandered the ocean floors for several months that blurred into years. Consumed with worry and sadness that he had died, she lost herself in the tide of emotion that sometimes took immortal beings. Once living solely for knowledge, she barely had a taste for it as she continued to exist in a world that she felt alienated from, despite it's familiarity.
Wanting to rid herself of these feelings, she eventually sought her sisters out.
Since they lived by the caprice of the moment, they felt no betrayal as she appeared out of the blue and rejoined their group after so many years. Her younger sister tugged on her arm excitedly. "You're just in time for our new song!"
Feeling dread scrape harshly against her insides, the mermaid noticed her elder sisters weren't present. A harsh disturbance in the water made her fears come to life, as the sea began to churn, spinning currents faster into a chaotic spiral.
The mermaids swam to the surface and climbed onto some nearby rocks that jutted sharply out of the ocean. Sure enough, she witnessed a ship drawing closer, the violent storm lashing it's sails furiously.
Her sisters rejoiced as it shuddered, men falling to their deaths as the currents instantly pulled them under. Through their singing, and the harsh rain that pelted her face, the mermaid turned cold.
She recognized the flag.
A castle that overlooked their shore had been an imposing structure in her mind since they day she'd met him. When Laito had cheerfully explained that he lived there, she'd raised wide eyes to the flag fluttering atop it, showing that of a black sword.
She began to sing her own song, softly but firmly bidding the waters to lie still. As a smaller boat lowered from the side of the ship, filled with sailors, she implored the ocean to hear her.
Focusing on the churning current below the small boat, she managed to make the waters calm, so that it touched down with barely a ripple. Her sisters gave a cry of outrage, their hair mingling with the waves as lighting struck the ship. A great force of water swept up from their combined rage, hitting the small boat and sending one man over the side.
She knew him instantly.
"Laito! LAITO!" A wild scream, wrenched from the depths of her stomach, escaped her. The waves yielded, currents parting before her as the mermaid crashed into the water. Sweeping her arms in wide arches and furiously thrashing her tail, she searched the dark waters. Sensing a slight disturbance, she reached out blindly around her, webbed fingers spread wide-
Something soft and light brushed her hand, like hair. Her arms snapped out and locked around him, feeling the storm yank their bodies deeper into the sea.
N-no! He needs air! Panicking, she looked down at Laito. His lashes were lowered, unconscious and barely holding on.
Her lips pressed against his without a second thought. Prying his mouth open with her tongue, she forced air into his lungs, cradling him close. The fabric of his clothes danced in the motions of the water, and his hair tickled her cheek.
She could've stayed like that forever. Suspended in a barely lit space, free of words, fears and thoughts.
The ugly desire to keep him rose unbidden within the recesses of her mind.
Laito stirred slightly, and a flash of memory clouded her mind- of a sailor convulsing and turning pale blue.
They broke the surface of the water a moment later, his head lolling onto her shoulder.
"I-I'm sorry-" She murmured, over and over again into his wet hair, clutching his lithe form. She navigated them through the harsh waves, away from the onslaught of turbulence.
Eventually the ebb and flow of the tide beckoned them to a familiar beach. The mermaid dragged him ashore, quickly checking him over, hands fluttering over his still body.
A harsh noise filled her ears. Laito's eyes snapped open as he chocked, sitting up quickly. She placed her hand on his back as he retched, coughing up violently and sagging onto his forearms, trembling.
"Laito- are you alright?"
Green eyes cracked open weakly, lean muscle shifting. "Mn, little mermaid. Did you..." forcing himself to sit upright, Laito smiled at her. "I see, heh waking up to your face is certainly a good sight."
Surprise stole her voice for a few moments, as he rubbed his throat and gradually gained lucidity. His body had grown, the lanky build had given way to that of maturity.
The boy was no where to be seen. As she sat before him, the outer similarity of their ages began to weigh upon her.
But something more important came to the forefront of her mind. "Why?" Her breath shuddered. "Why did you not return?" She asked softly, her question almost lost as the waves crashed against the rocks nosily.
Laito's gaze shifted to her, and her limbs locked instinctively. The only time she'd frozen in such a way before, was when a shark or predator had drifted dangerously close.
"Were you waiting for me? That makes me happy, little mermaid~" He grinned, the smile stretching wide upon his face. "As for the reason, I was detained in a dungeon for awhile by Father Dearest, because I committed something seen as a crime. A dreadful, sickening sin."
He said the words easily, a playful lift to his voice. The usual emptiness in his gaze was replaced with a curling amusement that had her shifting away. The intoxicating atmosphere stifled her.
His eyes pinned her in place. "The sin befitted someone like me. In fact I felt right at home there, hidden away like a dark secret. Mother even visited me, with Uncle Richter." The playful edge sharpened into a knife, his voice dropping as if dipped in poison.
She'd never seen such an expression on his face before. "Laito." Her voice tried to soothe, to smooth out those horrid, ugly shadows flitting behind his eyes.
He blinked, as though broken from a spell. The vulnerability passed, and quick as lightning, his hand locked around her wrist. "Ne, we've never really touched before, why is that?" A redness crept into his cheeks, words escaping him quicker and quicker. "You know it's what you want. Lets forget ourselves for a few moments~"
He leaned over her, grip painfully tight.
"W-what? Laito, what are you talking about? Th-this isn't you." She squeaked, alarm racing through her heart.
Wet strands of red hair brushed her forehead as he leaned in close, warm breath dancing across her skin. "On the contrary, this is who I've always been. The boy you knew on the pier just has a little more blood on his hands now."
Green eyes narrowed, sickly enamored and glittering. "But you still love him, right? I can see it. Perhaps you only hesitate because of our species. Fufu, doesn't matter, so long as it feels good."
She could barely feel it as his hands ran down her sides. Perhaps it was the way her body had been made, but she could remember her elder sisters speaking of the pleasure barred to a mermaid. Their flesh could not ignite like a humans could.
A low, guttural sound escaped him. "Ahh, the thought of having you has always given me the shivers." His form caged her to the ground, hands gliding over her body as he bent to kiss her cheek, tongue darting out to drag across her skin. She tasted like saltwater.
"Stop!" The mermaid felt the flow of the tide stir life back into frozen limbs. She pushed against his chest, feeling his heart quicken at her touch.
He made a noise of surprise as his hand snagged one of the scales from her tail, and brought his hand up to stare at the wound.
Laito leaned away from her and sat back on his knees, considering her quietly. A strange look flitted over his face as he glanced away and smiled."Seems a mermaid truly is a maiden of the sea."
The mermaid leaned up, watching him with wide eyes as she clutched her hands close to her chest. Laito languidly licked the blood from his hand, gazing at her with a sultry grin. "There are still plenty of ways I could give you pleasure, but if you're determined to fight me off, then it's not too fun."
He stood up, straightening his clothes. His expression was unreadable as his voice flattened out. "It would feel amazing to you if you were human, I guarantee it. Though, gaining a soul only to corrupt it with sin would be unthinkable for someone like you, wouldn't it?"
A glimpse of the boy who'd existed before, flashed quietly in the wake of his smile. There was no malice or love in his eyes, just the same hollow look that had almost become intimate in her heart.
"Good bye, little mermaid." He said, before turning on his heel and walking away.
She stared after him, shoulders shaking, until her entire body trembled. Her head bowed, and the depths of her being cried out for him.
The events leading up to her decision solidified her choice before she'd even made it. She didn't confide in her sisters, knowing what they would say.
The fear that had made her motionless on the beach was still there, lingering heavily in her bones, and yet-
Bowing her head politely, she remained silent in the presence of the Sea Witch.
She knew it was foolish of her, to follow after a little boy. But she'd seen him there, just for a moment in Laito's eyes. She didn't know what had happened over the years she hadn't seen him, or inside that dungeon, but the thought of never seeing him again made an ache pulse in her chest.
The Sea Witch regarded her solemnly, the graceful arch of her hand reaching for a bottle on one of her many shelves. She was less of an entity and more of an extension of the very ocean herself. Feared for her power, only the desperate sought her out.
"This potion will turn you human, just as you wish." She said in clear tones, holding a lachrymose void within her wise eyes. "However, as with all things, there are conditions to be met."
"That human man you desire... in order to make this spell permanent, he must fall in love with you. But be warned, child. If he breaks your heart, then within the space of one night, your body will turn to sea-foam, and you will die."
I would...die. The mermaid's lashes lowered. A part of her had expected this, as consequences were what had made the Sea Witch infamous in the first place. She pictured the younger Laito in her mind, and wondered at the thought of placing her very life in his hands. When she'd thought he'd died, a numbness had engorged itself in her heart. She'd barely existed in the cold waters of the ocean, not living, and yet not dying either.
Now she knew he was alive- changed, but alive. Those changes were frightening, and strange to her, but she'd traveled to the darkest depths of the ocean floor, and glimpsed twisted, nightmarish forms that lingered even now in her mind. If she could withstand that, then she felt that she could weather the storm of Laito's hollow eyes.
"What do you want as payment?" The mermaid asked in clear tones.
"Your voice would be acceptable. However, even if the spell becomes permanent, you will not gain it back. This is a fair exchange."
She tensed, her hand automatically rising to the base of her throat. Her voice for a pair of legs. Her gaze lifted to where sunlight filtered through the water. No, it wasn't just legs, it was the whole human world. She would have what she'd always wanted; the chance to learn their ways, how they lived. More than that, she could walk by Laito's side.
The Sea Witch handed her a bottle, and instructed her to drink from it when she reached the beach. Once done, she would reseal the bottle, and send it back into the ocean, taking her voice with it.
That was how she found herself sat on a familiar pier, gingerly touching her long tail. She hummed a melody her elder sister had taught her for the last time, and mourned her losses for a moment. A loud squawk from a seagull made her eyes lift to the sea. She would be losing the home she'd known all her life.
She raised the bottle to eye-level, hesitating. Yet, within the glass, she could only see Laito's mischievous grin as she admitted her secret about the school.
"Most kids want to escape from school. You can't possibly enjoy it, miss mermaid." He'd laughed in gentle tones.
Her lips lifted in a smile, and she pulled off the top of the bottle.
"Goodbye Mother. Thank you for raising and caring for me up until now." She murmured to the gently lapping waves.
The mermaid was not stupid, she knew being human would put her at risk, in more ways than one. But the darkness in Laito on the beach...she felt determined to wade through it in order to walk by his side. If she could draw out the boy she'd known before, she would put her safety, even her integrity on the line for him.
Thinking of this, she drank the cold purple liquid inside the glass.
Bile rose in her throat, but she forced it down, coughing and retching. Her last noises were mournful, terrified cries. Her bones shifted, scales falling off her tail and dropping into the ocean. She squeezed her eyes tightly shut as flesh shivered and reshaped, changing with grotesque, fleshy sounds. Muscle weaved back together, and she panted, nearly passing out. The pain only became more intense as the protection of the ocean fell away to reveal bare, sensitive skin.
When the agony finally passed, she panted loudly, shakily drawing herself up. Legs instantly caught her eye.
She raised her hand to touch them, freezing when the sight of long, bare fingers came into view.
Not forgetting her exchange, and needing something else to focus on, she grabbed the bottle. Breathing into it with one long exhale, fogging up the glass, she put the top back on. After gently plopping the bottle back into the ocean, she wet her lips.
Moving her mouth, no sound escaped.
"-heard something." A distant voice caught her ear.
"Are you accusing me of lying, brother?" Replied another in silken tones.
"Wouldn't be the first time. I'm going back, there's nothin down here."
"Hmm~ spoil sport." The voice drew closer, and the former mermaid turned shakily on her hands and knees.
He walked casually down the hill from the massive structure of the castle. Dipping his hat to shield his eyes from the sun, Laito squinted when he noticed a figure on the pier.
At first, he thought he were seeing things, but after walking closer, he suddenly stopped.
He knew it was her the moment he caught sight of that familiar shade of hair.
Struggling to get to her feet, she wobbling violently. A look of pain shocked her features, and he was running before he even realized it.
She collapsed into his arms, trembling.
"Miss mermaid, w-why did you..." He muttered, voice thin.
Her lips turned up into a smile, head resting on his shoulder, before going still.
"Ayato!" Laito shouted, loud enough for his voice to echo off the rocks. He called until his brother came into view, and told him to find Reiji.
She'd awoken wrapped in something incredibly soft. Upon realizing it was Laito's jacket, the events of the past days had come back to her in a rush. Disorientated but happy, she'd started when servants entered the room.
She was treated to a bath, new clothes and a hot meal. Ingesting new information as it was offered to her, the mermaid loved everything inside the castle. It fascinated her to see the inner-workings of the human household, and the differences of servants, nobles and royals.
The only drawback was her feet, which crippled her steps with blinding shoots of pain.
Nightfall came far too quickly for her tastes, as she'd wanted to explore more. Yet Laito's absence had weighed heavily on her mind, and she sat down on her 'bed,' alone for the first time that day.
Despite enjoying herself with their servants who didn't mind her muteness, she'd wondered where he was. Has he been avoiding me?
"Seems you did something particularly wild in order to gain a human body. Isn't that right, miss mermaid?"
She jumped, turning with wide eyes.
Laito leaned against a far window, observing her with the usual beatific smile. "Ne, will you tell me about it?" He tilted his head.
She opened her mouth to answer, but then clicked it shut, her fingers tightening in the sheets as she glanced away.
"Hmm, it's as Reiji thought then." Her gaze turned back to him just as Laito pushed off the wall, sauntering over. "He checked you over, but when he said that your vocal chords appeared to be damaged, I didn't quite believe him."
She rose onto her feet but wobbled, the sensation of needles piercing her feet. Laito's arms locked around her waist as she swayed, losing her footing.
"Swooning for me? Fufu, I'm flattered." Green eyes danced as he knelt to the floor, shifting her in his arms.
A blush stained her cheeks, heart beating rapidly in her chest. That was before the shiver of danger played down her back once more, and she witnessed the change in his eyes.
Remembering the fear from before, she tensed when his lips playfully pressed against her cheek. "I'm so glad you joined me here on the shore."
He kissed the corner of her mouth next, slowly, grip tightening insidiously. When she felt something hard press between her legs, she tried to yank herself free.
Laito rose a brow as she shook her head. "Oh? Are you trying to say you didn't come here just for that? The lady doth protest too much, methinks."
Her eyes widened. It didn't matter how hard she shoved against his chest, he slid past her hands like water.
A lapse in judgement had him pushing her onto her back and claiming her mouth again. She struggled to resist, a warmth within her flaring alight in the wake of his touch. It felt nothing like before. Her body betrayed her, and he seemed to know it.
She felt swept up in to the tide that was Laito as he drowned her in kisses. His hand slipped between them, where their hips met, and found her soaking beneath her dress, brushing his fingers over her until they slipped inside her sex. She gasped into his mouth.
Human biology was unnerving in it's strangeness. The digits curling inside her felt foreign, invasive, and frightening to one who'd never felt anything of the kind before.
The cold floor that he pressed her down against dug hard into her back as she arched and writhed into his hand. Despite herself, her hips bucked, trying to ease the ache between her legs. Laito chuckled, cheeks tinged red as he reached down and freed his length.
He thrust inside her hard and quick. The mermaid stilled, white hot pain flaring inside her. Tears stung her lashes.
His smile was dark and cruel as he moaned. "You're- ahh, so tight. Heh, is it as you imagined, little mermaid? A woman's body is full of hidden treasures. I'll show you all of them."
She arched her back, gritting her teeth as he began to move, pounding into her. Clothes were torn, loosened, pulled away to reveal bare flesh. He spread her legs apart with his hands so that he could watch his length sink in and out of her smooth, silky softness. Relentless and merciless.
Her slick folds twitched around him, squeezing, making his thrusts that much more lethal.
She didn't think she could take it anymore- the sounds of their bodies moving- Laito's loud, shameless moans- the heady smell of sex. The former mermaid shuddered, her eyes seeking his as he picked up the pace.
Laito wore on expression of perverse depravity. His eyes were alight with pleasure and joy, reveling in every sensation. "Aha, that look, right there. That moment where you resist, until you absolutely can't hold back anymore, giving into the pleasure. Your tears blur until you can't tell if they're from hate or encompassing need..."
An aroused smile cut wide across his lips. "Ahh, I can't stand it."
He thrust harder, pulling out- only to slam inside her to the hilt. Her lips opened wide in a silent scream. The ache in her core paralyzed her body with shock as it spread through her insides, lighting every nerve on fire. She shuddered and then went still, taking silent, heaving breaths as she felt herself grow embarrassingly wet.
It didn't stop there though, Laito laughed darkly, his eyes narrowing. "La petite mort. It's an intoxicating drug, isn't it? Don't worry, I'll give you more~ Until you lose consciousness."
Hard fingers suddenly dug into her hips as he flipped her over onto her hands and knees. The motion sent her mind spinning, disorientated as Laito entered her once more, continuing his maddening pace. She grit her teeth, knees bruising and tears blurring her vision as he took her like an animal. She felt the humiliation keenly as he pushed her head down, until it rested on the cool marble floor.
The pleasure continued, her mind falling away into a black abyss where there was no sense of self. She was merely a thing experiencing sensation.
Feigning exhaustion, she collapsed onto her hands, hoping she looked convincing as her eyes fell shut.
Something hot fanned against her neck, before lips pressed against the warm flesh where her gills used to be. Her eyes snapped open as teeth scraped harshly behind her ear, breaking the skin and sinking down. She cried out inside her mind, feeling as if he were biting into her very skull.
When she struggled, Laito removed his teeth. "There's no escape." He murmured in dark, terrifyingly cold tones. "I refuse to be left inside the second circle of hell alone."
Her body was twisted and turned, propped upright, then splayed chaotically over the bed. It didn't matter. The endless pleasure blurred into one. She dazedly sought his eyes once more as he circled his tongue around her clit.
It's too much, her eyes begged. Laito worked his mouth that much harder.
The drawback of having no voice was the sacrifice of communication, something she desperately wished she had. But under no circumstances would Laito let her fall into the haze of pleasure and simply lay there; he made sure she participated. Whether eager or not, he wrenched every expression, every silent scream from her, until she dragged blunt nails across his back and he gave a shuddering, breathy laugh than ran into a groan.
Every inch of his length buried within her as he filled her up to the brim with his seed. He exhaled loudly, panting ragged, exhilarated breaths.
The mermaid merely lay frozen with horror. Even after all that, his green eyes were flat, empty. It was as if all the pleasures in the world couldn't satisfy or reach him.
One wish had set her free from the ocean.
Two bodies had lain together, almost every night for several months. She felt as if her heart was steeled to hurt, impervious to damage now that she'd endured the brunt of Laito's 'adult play'.
But there are some things that slip past defences, and he'd always had a very good knack of targeting a person's weak spot.
It was an oversight on both their parts.
In the end, for all her effort, it took just three, soft, quiet words to break her.
"I love you."
Her breath hitched.
The former mermaid couldn't even allow herself one moment of happiness, because those words triggered a memory. "Love doesn't exist. It's just an empty phrase people say to flatter the one they most want to control, in order to obtain desire."
She refused to believe that he didn't remember those words. As she raised horrified eyes up to his, she found glittering green like always.
He knew. Maybe he thought it a joke to lie, but her logic couldn't hold back the wave of hurt, despair and misery. She felt her chest blaze, until it felt as if the fabric of her being was being pulled at the seams, splintering apart stitch by agonizing stitch.
Somehow, she felt the call of the Sea Witch on the distant waters of the ocean. A swansong rose and fell with every motion of the waves.
In that moment, the mermaid distantly knew her fate.
Numb to his touch, she barely noticed as he cradled her in his arms. She wanted so badly to resent him when he pulled away and smiled at her like always.
I have no idea what he's thinking beneath that smile of his. I've probably never once come close to truly understanding how he really feels.
Thinking back, maybe all his smiles were unnatural. Even the ones he'd shared with her as a child.
And yet she couldn't bring herself to hate him. A part of herself had wanted those days on the beach to never end, for them to always stay the same. That boy he'd once been was something she'd wanted to keep, to own. She'd not seen him as he truly was, only what she wanted him to be, and only now did she recognize that as an act of foolishness.
Laito guided her back to the bed, more of his honeyed words spilling from his lips into deaf ears.
She was going to die, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. The panic began to rise with the brightening of the horizon.
The sun's ascent into the sky was intimately felt. A gentle light illuminated dust particles in the air, creating slanted bars of light on their joined forms. She observed everything about the man locked inside her. Twisted, horrible wants that chocked the air in her lungs rose to the surface. Why had she broken so easily from three simple words?
Laito leaned over her, resting on his forearms as they finished, breaths mingling. He smiled down at her and cupped her face, the gesture romantic and empty as always. The mermaid's fingers suddenly rested over his, her eyes full of something like alarm.
"Ne, what's wrong, miss mermaid?"
Tears gathered in her eyes, lips pressing into a thin line, before she squeezed tired lids shut. Ah, I know now why my heart broke. It's because I love him. I wanted him to mean it when he said those words to me.
Throwing her arms around him, she buried her face in his neck, her tears wetting his skin. I thought I was stronger, that I could guard against his lies, but, it's funny, isn't it Laito? I think I loved you more than I really meant to. It does exist after all.
"Oof- haha, my, someones shameless. Do you want more already?"
He felt her shake her head against him, and when her body trembled violently, as if bracing for something, Laito frowned in confusion. He was about to ask more, when desperate lips pressed against his. He inhaled sharply through his nose, taken aback as wide green stared uncomprehendingly at her. Cold, shaking hands cupped his face reverently.
She poured every ounce of herself into the kiss, wishing she could express everything in that single moment as tears escaped. T-this feeling of dread. Is this even close to what you felt that first day on the pier, Laito? I-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Laito's lashes fell shut. As he opened them again however, he noticed her form becoming paler. His eyes widened when he realized she was fading.
He made a noise of surprise, following after her with his hands-which slipped through her without touch.
Goodbye, Laito. She smiled.
Bubbles dissipating, and the scent of salt brushed his frayed, shattered senses, before he found himself leaning over formless water. It began to soak into the bedding, and his hands blindly sought it, clawing at the sheets like a mad man.
"M-miss...mermaid." He let out a soft utterance, wide eyes staring unseeingly before him.
Nothing of her remained, save for a small, sparkling jewel. He picked it up numbly, closing his palm around the Perfect Tear.
Laito slowly sat back on his heels. Not a thought stirred his mind. All action was severed from it like strings cut on a marionette. Because thinking meant feeling, and emotions led to remembering, he simply ceased to be. Without company, his body and expression were left as barren as the room she'd left him in.
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newchica · 7 years
Can you do a scene where kaya was on TEMPORARY coma and her ghost is roaming around the mansion?
 @kurotaiyouhime12 Sorry for the wait but one way or another I managed to write something :)
Everything felt normal for the brown hair girl who stood in the middle of her room. No. It would be more correct to say that it seemed like everything was the same for her, while on the other hand, the girl’s body felt like a paper. Light and easy.
“Reiji-san, this time you over did it~” out of nowhere Laito’s voice broke the silence
“Is it over? Is she gone?” Kanato asked.
Kaya turned her head and saw Yui and the rest of the Sakamakis standing in a circle around her bed. From curiosity she walked closer.
“Hey, if this is another weird vampires ritual-orgy or whatever you are calling it, I have to say a couple of things: I’m not in and not in my roo-……” the girl lost her gift to speak the moment when she saw a figure laying on her bed. She instantly gasped for air. How else she should react when the unconscious person laying on her bed was herself.
“What the fffffffffffff?”
Her eyes were wide open, teeth biting her lower lip, letting a long ‘ffffff’ sound.
“Nice job, you finally got rid off this running insanity” the albino vampire folded his arms and looked over Reiji. In his voice there was a hint of surprise and approval to all of this.
"Will we get a replacement or what?” Ayato turned his eyes towards Reiji as well.
"Replacement?! Got rid off?! Wha- Am I- ….Oh dear GOd” Kaya fell on her knees “I’m a ghost trapped in this this mansion! Oh holy Cheesitz!….hELp me, fAther!” she pressed her both hands together and tossed her head back.
"Unfortunately, she’s not dead” Reiji sighed
” I’m still waiting for the new Deadpool’s second movie….wait whaaaa?” the girl cried but stopped when she heard Reiji’s words.
“My medication put her in a temporary coma….unfortunately” he really likes to use the word ‘unfortunately in this situation.
"How long will it take till this thing wakes up?” Shu asked.
"And whatever the answer is, can you make it longer?” Subaru added a question.
"It’s only for a couple of days. And as much as I would like to have a longer rest from her shenanigans, I don’t want to be the one responsible for taking care of this girl’s body while she is unconscious”
"I volunteer” Laito interrupted.
"Oh HELL on Earth no!” Kaya yelled.
“That won’t be necessary” Reiji pushed his glasses up.
In a minute everyone left the room leaving the girl’s ghost standing in front of her sleeping body. It was surreal and unbelievable how could this happen how come she can’t remeber a thing. But the Reiji’s words hit her. It was all temporary. 
“So this will last for a couple of days, huh?” The girl looked at her palms squeezing and releasing “So i’m a ghost?……this should be interesting” she smirked with a devilish smile.
The girl wondered around the mansion with no purposes….(yet), till she reached one certain brother’s room.
“heheheiiiiinteresting” she rubbed her chin and knocked on the door. And in a second the tall, black-hair vampire opened it.
“Yes-…hmm?” he looked around in the empty hallway “Honestly, those bastards think this is funny” he pushed his glasses up and walked back in his work-room and Kaya’s spirit followed the man inside.
“Hehehe while I’m in this stage, I could have some vengeance time”
The vampire stood next to his table where the all potiont’s, herbs, notebooks were. Flipping the yellow pages of the chemistry book, the vampire began preparing powders for what it seem another experiment. All the girl could think of was ‘ Is that a drug mixture which he will use on me again?’ 
Kaya came closer to the boy almost touching his forearm with hers. She was examining the calm vampire’s face and with her finger tip she slightly pushed one of the notepads, looking at Reiji’s reaction. But the boy was so concentrated that he didn’t even noticed what was happening.
Kaya bit her lower lip trying to think of something else. She leaned towards and slowly took one of the test tubes. At that point, with the corner of his eye, Reiji saw the supernatural act. The tube with a purple liquid inside was floating in the mid-air right in front of his eyes.
“What is this?” the vampire took a step back.
“This is for drugging me” with those words, the girl poured the liquid in the other test tube with a green liquid. The mixture of these to immediately created white smokes which filled the room whole little by little.
“What else I could do around here?” Kaya went to the living-room where she saw one of the triplets. Kanato was kneeling in front of the coffee table with all kinds of sweets layed in front of him. 
Kaya came closer and sat on the floor on the other side of the table and leaned her head against her palm. 
“It so weird to see you so peaceful” she took the teddy bear and lift it up to the boy’s eye level.
For Kanato it was something holy and magnificent. Even some pieces of candies fell from his mouth.
The girl didn’t do anything just kept the toy steady in her hand.
“How…how are you doing this?” Kanato stood up keeping wide opened eyes on his beloved possesion.
Kaya started walking backwards slightly moving Teddy in circles. She took the toy’s plushy hand and with it gestured the boy to follow the toy. Kanato stood up from the floor and with mesmerize big purple eyes he took a step after a step towards the toy. 
“Where are you taking me, Teddy?”
Kaya just opened and closed her mouth “If I myself would know that, it would be cool” instead of thinking too much the girl decided just to walk around the mansion until some new ideas will pop in her head. 
On the way to nowhere, Kanato the floating toy and the force holding it encountered the other two triplets for who it took time to notice that something is wrong with the view in front of them. 
“Yo! What the hell is wrong with that thing?” Ayato pointed at Teddy.
“*whistle* Kanato-kun, you learned a new trick” Laito tipped his fedora.
“You idiots, it’s not me!!!” Kanato yelled at his brothers which made the girl flinch. The boy turned his eyes, shining with believe and joy, to the toy “It’s Teddy” he whispered.
“All hail to Teddy the mightiest, huh?” Kaya looked at the vampires waiting for the respond but unfortunately she forgot that no one can hear her or see her. The girl pouted her face and stepped closer towards Laito. She pushed the toy into the boy’s hands and took fedora from his head and putted on Teddy.
“Let’s see what happens” she took a step aside and observed the upcoming situation.
Laito and Ayato both looked confused from what just happened. The doll just flew through the air into Laito’s arms and something put the fedora on that thing. It took them a few seconds before confusion was replaced by horror.
“What does it mean?! What I’m supposed to do?!” Laito panicking looked at Ayato, trying to hand him the toy.
“Keep that possessed thing away from me! Whatever it is there, it wants you, not me” Ayato stepped back.
“Laito….” a low angry voice called for the boy “…how dare you?” Kanato was glaring at his brother. The back aura surrounded the boy. Spreading around like tentacles, leaving the disturbance in the force.
“Kanato-kun~ I-” before he could finnish talking he was attack by his brother.
“AGHHHHH” Kanato roared while jumping on Laito and throwing him on the ground “DON”T YOU DARE TO TOUCH TEDDY WITH THOSE NASTY HANDS OF YOURS”
“That boy is going to be the death of all of us” Kaya mumbled under her breath.
“Wonder where the rest of the gang is?” Kaya was just a few steps away from her room’s door until she saw how the youngest Sakamaki brother entered his own room. It always was a mistery what he was doing in there. He rarely is around in the mansion’s other places besides garden So Kaya took a chance and sneaked in the dark room.
Subaru threw his jacket on the armchair and made some arm stretching while walking closer to the window.
“And he’s doing the cat thing. Looking through the window at nothing”
That was exactly what was happening in front of the girl. The male leaned against the wall with his stretched arm and looked at the clear night-sky’s moonlight.
Kaya sat down on the top of the coffin accidentally making a creak sound. Subaru immediately reacted to the sound and looked at the same place where the girl’s ghost was sitting.
She held her breath and froze like a statue. The eyes that he was giving was so sharp and terrifying, like he was able to see her. That was scaring her the most. But after a second, the vampire turned away and continued looking through the window.
The time was passing by and nothing has changed. Literally. The whole goddamn time he was just standing there.
“Maybe it’s a peacefully night. Nothing special will happened” she stood up from the coffin and fixed her t-shirt “It’s not worth it”
And with those word, like on purpose the vampire made his first move. He walked up the full-length mirror and stared examining himself.
“What the fuaa-?” Kaya tilled her head.
Subaru rolled his shoulders like he was preparing for a sport’s event.
“I do have wide shoulder” he whispered to himself.
“What am I witnessing?” Kaya asked
“I can be better then those dumb-asses”
“You’re….less straight forward” Kaya commented.
“Tch…Reiji with his scolding ‘I’m not neat enough?’. I can be a neat guy” it sounded more like an announcement.
“Is this…Is  this happening for real?” She looked around herself hoping to find someone confirm her own words. And then the vampire did something that could be least expected from a guy like him. He lifted his arms, bending the elbows and flexing his muscles.
“……..I……honesly have no comments on that” 
When it comes tot he oldest child of the Sakamaki household it is always like he’s sleeping everywhere. For example, this time, he can be found sitting on the floor and leaning against the wall, With closed eyes and hanging down head the boy was listening to some of his favorite classical tracks which helped him to fall asleep faster.
But suddenly something happend to his mp3 player. Without any reason the music just started to switching from one to another. Four seconds into the song and it’s been changed to the other track. At first he thought that he might be doing this without realizing it, but no. Shu tried pressing buttons on mp3 player thinking maybe something was stuck but that didn’t worked out as well.
“Uh…troublesome” he grunted and took of the mp3 player form his neck and threw the device on the floor along with the ear-buds.
As he tried to fall asleep, the vampire suddenly felt something being putting in in his ear. When he opened his eyes, he saw on his lap placed mp3player and in his ear the ear-bud.
“How?…Tch it doesn’t matter” he sighed and once again threw the device away.
But in a second the same thing happened which made Shu to sit up and look around the hallway if there’s maybe someone around the corner, but that would not be logical.
“Annoying” he furrowed his eyebrows and threw device once again, away from him.
But this time, in the boys surprised, he felt how something was thrown at his face which of course was his mp3 player. He took the item in his hand, bringing it closer to his face. 
“….this is not a dream…?” the vampire blinked. Still disbelieving what is happening the vampire putted the ear-buds in his ears and pressed to play music. Unfortunately for him, with one fast move the ear-buds were ripped out from his ear leaving that stinging mild pain.
Shu sat in the same spot for a couple minutes before standing up.
“That just proves I need more sleep”
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