hyunnie · 4 years
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(lyrics from grow up)
to my guy, my buddy jinnie...
happy birthday! this year has been a tough one for you...and as much as i want to think you’re this perfect angel, i know that you’re not and i don’t expect you to be. i don’t know you personally, but i think it’s safe to say you’re a genuine person who learns from their mistakes and cares about the feelings of others. so i’m certain you’ll grow and heal from the hardships you’re going through. i hope you’re doing ok during your break. i’ll be here cheering you on and when it’s time for you to come back, i’ll be there and i’ll probably be cheering louder. so have a nice break, and i’ll see you soon buddy ♡
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hyunnie · 4 years
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body lines: look at how elegant he is!! god his frame is so pretty and the way he extends his arms is so graceful. he makes such nice abstract shapes with his body i’m so jealous
waves: SIR i’m p sure wendy didn’t go that hard with her wave calm down please. god that wave is deep and that snap afterwards? my god i love how textured his movements are
isolations: look how sharp each movement is jesus. when i was learning psycho from his vlive video i took for-fucking-ever to be able to kind of isolate as well as he does. he’s a machine i swear to god
hips: there’s something about the way he moves that’s so classy? it’s not sexy or sexual but it’s like...refined? classy? elegant? like this move could has potential to be sexual but no hyunjin’s a classy kid and it’d be insulting to just sum up his dancing as sexy
facials: do y’all see that subtle smile into the hard gaze? he be goin a little psycho y’all 👀 but damn the devil is in the details this really enhances his performance in my opinion
duality: literally went from cute peace sign to a snap and spin my god. and do y’all see the pop of his chest before he spins?? wowow how does he fucking do it
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hyunnie · 4 years
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the shoulder: holy fuck look at how he literally freezes and then moves ONLY his shoulder and it goes so fucking high i’m screaming. he looks like a machine how are one’s isolations so good???? and the way it rolls over??? my god
classic wave: i personally think this is a classic technique/style of waving that a lot of dancers do and i’m a sucker for the basics (근본!!!) i love his flow and the shapes he draws with this wave
effortless coolness: is coolness even a word. anyways we fucking get it hwang hyunjin you’re cool this is easy for you. GOD he’s literally just swaying side to side how is there so much swag in just that
unnecessary wave: hwang hyunjin no one is doing this move as a wave except you hnngghh unnecessary!!! everyone else just hits and pops but this kid has to add a wave to it??? i guess i shouldn’t expect anything else from him lol
this sequence: this isn’t about hyunjin specifically but this sequence is my favorite part of the choreo (second is jisung’s part in the beginning). i love the tightness of the move but at the same time it goes super hard. i love the footwork and the change of levels at the end. 
the tease: do i even have to say anything. hwang hyunjin you fucking tease you.
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hyunnie · 4 years
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flinging spin: this kid is like a tornado when he does spins. he literally whips and throws his body across the stage and its so controlled but still chaotic?? absolutely amazing.
knee spin: wowowow the control, the smooth gliding, just wow. he’s so slick and graceful how does he do it.
wiggles: nothing technical to talk about here he just look cute af lol
reaching: i love the constant subtle movement in this reach. he’s not just hitting a position it looks like he’s reaching for something he can’t get or reaching for something he’s longing for. i love the emotion and details he puts in his dancing
using his head: again how does he not have whiplash
joker-esque vibe: this reminds me of the facial expressions a lot of sm artists use (kai, taeyong) and i really dig it. idk why he’s doing it for levanter but i love it lol. it’s like a beautiful crazy and it’s mesmerizing.
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hyunnie · 4 years
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big opening move: love the setup with the waves and then he just unleashes the next move. i think he captured kai’s energy p fucking well. damn that first hit with the arms is wild look how sharp he is WOW
contrast: hyunjin manages to add in contrast to his isolations wtf? his arm isolations are big and sharp, and then his neck isolation is small and sharp how???? also im not sure if it cause of the way i giffed it but look at how sharp he brings his head back it looks like a glitch but im p sure that’s just hyunjin being the machine he is
isolations: wowow that big snap into place and then the small isolations!! he’s giving off such kai energy he’s so cool
waves: ofc he’s gonna look good doing waves come on it’s hyunjin. comparing him to kai though i think kai tones it down more and concentrates the wave in his chest instead of bring his hips around like hyunjin. 
slickness: god the kick ball change is so slick and perfectly syncopated. and the way he sinks into that last little step WOW what a good detail to add in it perfectly reflects the music. i can hear the lyrics with each step he takes and wow hyunjin wowowow
concentration: i love seeing him do practice videos cause you can see him concentrate and think about what moves he’s doing. you can see how he’s concentrating on keeping his waves small and concentrated in the chest. this is so fucking hard to do how does kai make this move so small but so impactful. there’s 3 version of hyunjin doing mmmh and i think this run is his best one cause this last move i think he almost nails it
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hyunnie · 4 years
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the grace: god just look at the position of his fingers, the angle of his head, the stretch in his neck WOW. also the way he twists his hand while looking up and then releasing all the tension. he’s so beautiful wtf
using all of the music: if you listen to the song he’s using all of the beat and really dancing along to lyrics. you can hear the lyrics being sung in his moves. also damn that sweep around is so controlled and then the spin?? wow gravity has nothing on hwang hyunjin
the drama: he also uses the music really well in this move. it’s just the right amount of explosiveness with the head being thrown back. when you hear the music and see this move together it’s an automatic wow reaction thank u choreographer-nim lol
control: hwang hyunjin is a machine. look at the lines of his arms they are so straight and each move clicks into place like a robot. also he does this thing where he drags the movement out and then clicks into place, but you can’t really see it in my gif lol i think it’s something with the frame rate. but damn hwang hyunjin is too good at this stuff
fluidity: first of all i love that spin it’s so random and playful lol. god how he kinda breaks frame after the jump is so cool?? like he just lets go of his body and lets it go willy nilly for a hot second. and then the way he whips his head to catch up with his body?? masterful
the release: god GOD do you see the way he exhales with this movement? he builds up energy with that twist move and then exhales and lets it go, and even suspends his arms until they gracefully fall into the last pose. hwang hyunjin why are you so pretty and graceful wtf
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hyunnie · 4 years
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head bobbles: no technical analysis here he just looks cute af lol. it’s also nice to see him have fun on stage compared to the past songs where he had to be serious.
the sass: boi this is the era where the dramatic sassy jinnie we know and love came out to play. do y’all see that smirk? he knows exactly what he’s doing and i love the confidence.
the extraness: in hellevator and d9 era, although jinnie danced very well, he looked like he was holding back compared to this my pace stage. i think it’s cause in my pace he can let go and have fun. and boi he really let go during my pace do you see how deep he goes in that move??? he’s literally using every body part lol
the duality: this era is a moment in history my friends. this era was the birth of hyunjin’s stage duality that has become a symbol of his style of dance. jk jk im being dramatic, but the way he can switch between emotions and the amount of stage presence he has is so impressive. his ability to do that really sets him apart from other dancers and makes him so mesmerizing to watch.
teeth clenches: i just think this habit is cute. he’s going so hard he has to clench everything and it’s so endearing!!
throwing the head: so jisung said in 2020 we gonna go all in, but jinnie has been going all in since 2018 my friend. hyunjin literally puts his all in performances and it’s so crazy impressive (and a lil concerning sometimes lol). like if you look at changbin in the bg he’s going p hard already, so hyunjin just looks feral lol we love a guy who gives his all!
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hyunnie · 4 years
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textures: look at how he waves and then snaps into sharp pops wowowow. the way hyunjin dances with so much texture and dynamic...how does he do it man. and like it’s a pretty drastic contrast of moves too and he does it so powerfully wow jinnie wow!!
fluidity: i love the way he emphasizes the rhythm of the lyrics here. i also love how he connects the sharp movements in his arms by flowing his body and his legs. and wow that release with the wave at the end, it’s so simple but so powerful thank you choreographer-nim lol
body lines: first of all the way his head circles around and then joins the diagonal his body is making yes jinnie yes. also love how his shoulders circle into the line as well. each angle his body makes as he isolates and snaps into that diagonal line is so beautiful.
subtlety: somehow he manages to make small delicate waves look so...dramatic? it looks like he’s barely moving, but you can feel the energy coming off of him. and he does this after doing an intense flinging motion too. it’s really interesting how he can give off the same amounts of energy with his big and small movements.
drama: facials, yes. that small wave, yes. he snapped off people my god!! i like how he builds up the energy with an intense stare and then during the climax of the song he does this move. and then he even gives us time to process what just happened by releasing the tension with a wave. wow thanks jinnie for giving us time to breathe lol
suspension: i love the control he has when he falls to the floor, and also how he suspends for a hot second when he gets back up. gravity has nothing on hwang hyunin he will defy you gravity.
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hyunnie · 4 years
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the emotion: most of jinnie’s facial expressions are angry grr faces during this stage, but i especially love how he uses it in the beginning. he captures the angst of hellevator really well with his frantic hands and ferocious expression. this is an early example of him being the dramatic performer he is today.
angsty jin: the way his neck is angled reminds me of like 2000s angsty bands lol. usually simple moves like these get glossed over or are a welcome break from intense choreo, but hyunjin really uses this moment to express the emotions of the song. and he just looks so angsty it makes me chuckle.
teeth clenches: hyunjin clenches his teeth so much during hellevator it’s so cute! every time he has to execute a powerful move he clenches his teeth as if his teeth trigger the muscles in his arms or something it’s so cuteeeee.
controlled power: i love how he attacks this move with power in the beginning and then takes his time to roll through his muscles and the music. it shows how much control he has over his body and how he really understands the timing of the song.
face pops: this is super small but i think it’s adorable how he uses his face to pop along with his chest. it’s so quirky and cute!!
waves: i love how hyunjin executes waves. he’s able to isolate each muscle as he moves through the wave and he takes up so much space while doing it which makes the move look powerful and grand.
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hyunnie · 4 years
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bounce backs: i love how he detailed he is with his movements to the point where he remembers to emphasize the head bounces to add the illusion. it’s just subtle enough too that it doesn’t look on purpose.
fluidity to the floor: hyunjin is so swift when he travels down to the floor. everything is pulled in and controlled so he’s not just flopping down to the floor in hopes of making it on time in the music. i love how he keeps his upper body straight on the way down showing how he has control over this move.
angry boi: this move he just looks downright cute. almost like he’s trying to be a tough and angry boy but he can’t help but be cute.
deep lunges: hyunjin really commits to these lunges man. he’s not half assing it to make things easier he’s fully sinking into the lunge which takes a lot of muscle.
pull and rebound: i love this move because he takes his time stretching his chest out before snapping it back like a rubber band. the illusion is very clear and i love how he times the stretch and pull to fit every second of the music.
ferocity: the way he slowly pulls the punch back and launches forward with so much force is amazing. the contrast between the pull back and punch gives me whiplash and i for sure do not want to the be the receiving end of that punch.
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hyunnie · 4 years
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sass: i love how carefree he is with this move. i like how he lets his head go loose and then that lil smirk !! hwang hyunjin how dare you !! everyone else focuses on making their arms loose, but hyunjin as always immerses his whole body into each move. 
the shimmy: the classiest shimmy i’ve ever seen lol. nothing technical i wanna say about it it’s just cute hehehe
arch and angles: wowowowow look at how he arches his back during that double stag leap. and the angle of his head and the direction he’s looking in is such a ballet thing to do it’s so beautiful. the way his head is angled really emphasizes the arch of his torso and that line he makes is so beautiful. (random but i think jeongin does this move the best god the amount of air he gets doing this jump is crazy lol)
the snap: i talked about this move in my analysis of minho and hyunjin’s dancing, but i really love how he snaps with so much finality. i think it matches the music really well and is an interesting contrast to the bouncy loose feeling of the move before. 
hardcore charleston: i’ve never seen someone go so hard while doing a charleston (i didn’t even know you could even go hard with a charleston lol). he goes much much harder in the weekly idol vid, but damn look at how high he raises his legs. he almost goes into a full lunge when he steps back too this kid is crazy. and the power in his arms? wowowow
subtlety: omg i had to look up if this was a real word lol. but i love how he whips around with so much power only to kinda like...tease us with those subtle bounces. i think in other stages he kept the energy up during this sequence, but adding this contrast shows us he knows what the fuck he’s doing lol. 
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hyunnie · 4 years
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cuteness: look at hiiiimmmmmmm do you see him fully launch himself into that move??? he’s so fucking cute ommmgggg
more cuteness!!: literally no one else is opening their mouth i- why is he so cute help
eye contact: i love how he keeps eye contact with those lucky fans who go to witness this stage in person. it’d be so easy to just look at the ground esp cause the camera isn’t on you but no he’s engaging with the audience what a pro performer!!
silliness: boi pls your knees are not that old they don’t hurt lol (and lol at minho popping in at the last frame)
felix influence: sir pls calm down i’ve never seen anyone hit that move harder than like felix lol
more silliness: god that’s a fucking huge smile my god can he even see anything lol
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hyunnie · 4 years
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isolations: if you watch the other guys they shoot out and then and kind of do a rebound, while hyunjin shoots out and sticks his pose. im not sure what the correct movements is supposed to be but this is something that is totally jinnie’s style
following through: i love how he involves his head in these types of movements because it adds so much more intensity. how does this kid not have whiplash
whipping spin: poor guy has to do a spin to the ground in 2 counts and is the first to start off the roll off lol. i always feel bad for the first people in roll offs because if they don’t do the moves in time it might make the cascade effect look weird. i also find it interesting how he spins on his heel while most people would spin on their toes since it’s easier to balance that way. but dang the way he whips into that spin is amazing!!
duality: i should’ve used the clip of him doing this in the relay dance cause that is like the epitome of duality lol. he’s so crazy though because in one flick of his head his expression has completely changed ugh i’m so impressed.
attitude: i love his facial expressions here it’s like intense and joker-ish. i love how he totally immerses himself into the performance. it’s almost the end too so i love how he keeps his energy up instead of plateauing.
sass: the pout the POUT!!!! it’s so endearing and also a lil random for a song like miroh, but it’s so in character for him i love these little details he adds in to each dance.
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hyunnie · 4 years
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the drama: the way he whips his head around and then stares the camera down wowowow i hate to use this word but he’s so...sessy !! hyunjin really knows his angles and really knows how to pipe up the drama.
power center: when hyunjin is center he turns up it up to 200% my god. he really goes off and dances with such a ferocity i get concerned a lil bit esp in double knot haha. but later when he’s not center he tones it down a lil bit so it’s all good lol.
exaggeration: look at how wide he opens up his chest and arms and how he throws his head back. like i’ve been saying this whole time he really takes up all the space when he dances and it’s beautiful.
power power power: i dont even need to say anything just look at him. look at how hard he’s going. but it’s still controlled and not just a flurry of movement. how does he do it.
the arch: there’s this position form thing in ballet called attitude (lol). it’s when you raise your leg behind you with your leg bent a little and hyunjin has a pretty good attitude. im p sure he could’ve touched his foot to his head lol.
waves: everyone else uses their shoulders and upper body to do this wave but NO hyunjin decides to use his hips wth dude. but damn it looks good and i love how he does a hit and then waves through
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hyunnie · 4 years
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D-21 : Hellevator
D-20 : District 9
D-19 : Mirror
D-18 : My Pace
D-17 : SKZ-Player
D-16 : I Am You
D-15 : Get Cool
D-14 : Attention
D-13 : Miroh
D-12 : Side Effects
D-11 : Double Knot
D-10 : Levanter
D-09 : When the Party’s Over
D-08 : TOP
D-07 : God’s Menu
D-06 : Easy
D-05 : Psycho
D-04 : Back Door
D-03 : Circle
D-02 : MMMH
D-01 : Criminal
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