professorpski · 1 year
A woman who travels by rail should not wear many and delicately coloured ostrich feathers or flowers in her hat. A railway train is not the place either in which to display white or pale tinted gloves, a long trained gown garnished in lace, etc, or flowing or sumptuous wraps.
We tend to romanticize the past, but we should not romanticize train travel in 1915 because its effect was to cover passengers in dust and dirt. If the coal burning out of the engine did not dirty you, the dust from the surrounding area could. And then when you got somewhere, you would have to cross streets with horse manure ground into them. All and all, not the place for pale or fragile garments, or something you need to clutch to you to keep safe
Instead, dark clothing and plain accessories were recommended in this 1915 Encyclopedia of Etiquette by Emily Holt.  And although traveling by car or plane is much easier now, I still think she is right. The jostling of a coffee cup, a bang into dirty luggage, etc. can still ruin a pale outfit, so opting for dark colors and something simple still seems the best bet. 
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