#history is only fun for some people in relatively narrow intervals
lightdancer1 · 2 years
People are like 'our peasant ancestors lived better than we did with fewer working hours and adored weather'
The same people who think pressing a screen on a smart phone is true slavery, and that there was ever a point in life where simply getting food and clothing wasn't great toil with long hours for relatively simple rewards in that 90% of human existence before recorded history and the 5% that's been recorded. They would go feral if asked to live a true peasant's lifestyle without any electronic conveniences, subject to the whim of nature and of the seasons that cannot be controlled, asked to feed and clothe themselves the way most of humanity did for most of its history.
Farming isn't idyllic now, in the 21st Century, with machines and knowledge a smelly lousy peasant didn't have and didn't know how to have. In the days when the cutting edge technology was the ass end of a mule or an ox and where you had to do all that weeding stooping over in a hot sun for the entirety of the working day it was much worse. There's a reason the Bible calls farming a curse!
Our ancestors would weep with joy that their modern descendants live in lives less brutal and horrifying than what they would have taken for granted, if anything. Nostalgia is a liar, at best, and it is seldom at its best.
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