northern-country96 · 9 years
If you don't belive in euthanizing animals who are no longer living but surviving, unfollow me. If your beloved animal cannot get up on his or her own free will, or lift their own head for goodness sakes, it's time. I know it's hard to say goodbye to someone you love so much but they aren't enjoying their life anymore! Please if your pet cannot do things on his or her own, like they use tobe abke to, please consider talking to your vet or a vet. And if you believe in God's will, let me tell you something. You're letting your bestfriend suffer through their last minutes. With putting them to sleep, they can go peacefully and in your arms. Please do not leave your pet to suffer and leave this world alone! Especially in boarding, because our hearts hurt as much as an owners would. Please. Be there for your pets and end their suffering. It's hard, but they'll be much happier once it's done. Just, please.
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