regatoni1 · 2 years
~Chapter One~
chapter one of twenty-eight
When you arrived at Dolle Harbor, you knew that the bus was not the way to the exam site.
Really, how stupid are these people?
You watched with pity as many people get on the bus.
You looked around, taking in the sights of what could be your competition. You wore a baggy sweatshirt and sweatpants, and always kept your hood up. You weren't stupid, you knew that as a woman attempting to become a Hunter, you'd already have the odds pinned up against you, and as sad as it was, you knew you needed to keep your gender a secret to stay under the radar and to just be another candidate for the exam, and not some girl just trying to run with "the big boys".
As you looked around, you noticed a young trio arguing about which way to go. One was a young boy who couldn't have been older than 13, who was wearing a green sweater with green shorts and matching green boots and wanting to go towards a big cedar tree, and a slightly older blonde boy wearing white undergarments and a blue shawl who decided to follow him, while the oldest of the three was wearing a blue suit with a cyan tie that wanted to take the bus.
You sighed. That's cute.  I think that boy has a lot of potential. Ah well, better make my way to the exam site before nightfall.
You made your way there on your own.
As you walked into the first phase of the exam, a small green bean approached you and handed you a number. 406? Damn, I thought I would at least be in the first 100 to arrive here. As you waited for an examiner to make an appearance, the boy you saw in the harbour walked up to you.
"Hi! My name's Gon. What's yours?"
He seems so sweet! I guess there's no danger in having at least one friend.
"My name's (y/n)," and with that simple statement, Gon's eyes lit up like you just told him the best news in the world, and you couldn't help but smile at his innocence. You could tell that you were going to get along with him just fine.
"Do you want to come meet my friends, (y/n)?" Gon asked with excitement in his eyes.
"Uh... M-maybe later. I think I'm going to walk around and scope out the area," you responded nervously. Having one friend was nice, but you really didn't want too many people knowing that you were a female.
"Ok. See you later (y/n)!" Gon said excitedly as he ran back towards his friends. You chuckled and waved at him.
You started to walk around the place, and saw a commotion happening to your right, so you walked over to see what was happening.
You couldn't believe your eyes. You saw a man kneeling on the ground, screaming out in agony as his arms turned into flower petals that calmly drifted to the ground. You watched, only intrigued by what was happening in front of you.
"My how unusual," you heard a voice say. You wanted to look up, and see who caused this mans arms to disappear, but the sight was too interesting for you to peel your eyes off of. "Seems this poor man's arms have turned into flower petals," the voice said almost playfully. "Now you see them, now you don't." You finally looked up from the crumpled mess on the ground, and what you saw was far more interesting.
You don't really know what you were expecting to see, but a tall man who dressed himself like a magician was definitely not it. He had a mix of deep pink and a nice shade of purple hair, and he was wearing a white crop top with puffy shoulders on top of a pink undershirt. You mentally applauded him for his questionable, but refreshing style.
"You should be more careful," the mysterious stranger continued. "And do apologize if you bump into someone." he finished.
You knew you shouldn't have been so intrigued by him, but you couldn't help it. The danger he showed was enticing to you, and made you highly curious, but also highly cautious. You looked back up to his face and noticed he was staring straight at you with a smirk. You silently cursed yourself for staring, and walked towards a wall so you could rest. As you walked, you felt a strong presence behind you.
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